The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 13, 1899, Image 10

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    Schweflelbrenner Letter.
.From MKUch rase Democrat.
MlbTF.R Dbookxk:
De Bevvy hut 'n olt hoooh os w
grikt hot ota ' arbaholt fun mm
grueedawtly, un 'a is de Bhtory ram
a nixnntzi'elicr ding !"- nawma
Rip Van Winkle, un de Bipay
(mw. Der Rip hut nee 'n chance
iermist torn guoter whiskey jigger
i.. . ..... ..,lit.wL-l:i mi
tinner i laoiiw ,
. . . i . . i i . . i .
. ..i rnlnmkv irMimca !
I Illll Clr OIB Halt . yiMUu- w - !
i 1 ... Dtnou Itiih IS HOW II 1
Illll UCI "M1," -
alitick. wardt for
ous m
Ih li :
liVSV. Doh coonwht widder
name, du uixnuteicker lodh un I
Li i I...J.t t'll
now, wo waiMu, un woo
aawga, du fesuffuy dreckaow?
lip. Fi !'" evvanoussheesa
. i ...i ,i S nrahtmnir I
gonga inn v"""ui o , jmrv noeuing.
osich jrnana hob den tuorya warn Mieaea Mary Noetling and
haws, un ar war ont graws fressa j M0C V1 linn t. k a trip to Berry s
Rjpgy. 'N Itaws, well sell i was L tl(.;,. wheels.
,ohgictcn, .. nawaiw
l l I.I,.,, n owl:ii
Awer wo is uei im " are visitiDB he uncle anu aunt, ur. ... ... . . , . .
... w . i unahi hob ira- 1 .,, 8 .! i t Miss Grace Weidensaul is spend-
Rip. Ward now yusni, noo ga waBelMe .,, wife. . . . v ,
j i. i -II i ..m-,r.i We nugBuooi J several weeks in New Columbia,
dult, wh will dere s sawga. neii, . y-jj- Esq., and w teotl , ,
.8Warevva'nha?droun un lelu, X8gSs at thehome . Knu.t nnniernmn spent lues
un hut graws g'lresoa. Un8enringi. day and Wednesday in s I nagmv .
f i pJspokenotasa candidate forjudge Mrs. C. O. Greenhoe fell on Sat
Kip. 1 n ich d'no nl mil der f g . Court unlay and seriously injured herself.
Ripsy. Yaw, mi
hort eataeelt
. , I
Kip. l-'n i' li liol
.... .1,. rl inrav 11:1 1 zc in M llll-
" '.-Si' ' B cr .i
Rinsv. Hi d'no. ot eonrse isier
haws gauropl
Rio Well, nil exactly tie flint
lose a ra. awer der
liaws aw.
teller haws hctshl awer sana sel
i cnurcn, .i une ni. ne nno nu cp
l'n liuslit gor nix sinisht led the call and will be in our midst
I kit V. i , I I . t III V I
H sliiis;i ;
Hip, Netdesmolil nwer 's naig-
-lit mold ich hob my flint g'lawda
un uf g'fixd, un nul on's klae demly i
dor! im (eld, un wass denkshf now
us ich dort a sanu non
Kinav I'i Wlldv ellda. beSUIC.
Rip. Yaw, niainer os fooftsich,
-( grose waurn se os we gens, un,
well, ich nl mil der Hint, un bang
Ripsy. Un we feel sin gabortzl-
ed ?
Rip. Aiuv.
Ripsy, Yushl ainy ousfooftsich.
Rip, Well, yaw,' ordlich feel
mainer os ea end 's war ordlioh
grosses game 's war evva 'n gross
er schwortzer bull os ich g'shussa
hob. Domt si, sell is wohr. tin
4-tt hctshl sana sulla. Un duhetsht
seller bull hara solla brooma un
shnorricksa un der shwonsshlenkera.
Un der bull is d'no so a wennich
for mich gatraveled un icli hob my
oiler liesht's gadu os ar 'n ordlich
limits si.tick hinner mer bleibt, I 'no
bin ich on der fens augaland, awer
eb ich landa hob kenna uf der safe
. . i ii i : .!....
airli. i in HI - o II 111 iniii.ui
cooma mit 'm sitz fun mina hu
i! J
so fun hinna bei, un du waishtevva
we 's is wann mer seller waig in
contact coomd mit 'm shpitzich end
turn a shwarta bull si horn
Ripgy, In d'no bishtei g'shlofaV ;
Rip. Sell is so, by chucks, awerj
du consllf about gOOt gessa glawb
beim licttle du consht aw hexa.
Ripsy (grab'd 'n om ohr) Now
hame,dU meaner iowier loaiei-mi. ;
Rip, Awer,now-,mygooty,leevy
Ripsy. Maine gaisht mer now
i ill M.' ..
Rip, Nay, now, nay
Awer de Ripsy hut dertu
g'shticked bis ar ordlich goot uf
g'liscd war. Awer 's is noch ord
lich (eel mainer in sellam same oil
booch fun weaga 'm Rip un iler
Ritioy, -i fraw. Un ich bin n
glicklicher moti we'd ich de goot oil
Bevvy hob (or 'n (raw, un kie so 'n
tuffas credoor os sellara Rip Biolty
Pit Bchweffelbbenner.
Ia, 1 m a
Howard ochnee and Jv.8 Auck-
.. . l I. ,.w.rm:'.,r for
LI Millini 'in iuuuuHi ...v..
afuldlebiim tu attend normal school
MU, mine anu u..e
nf Ohio are visttins among friends
ft If! I
('has. Sehrev i the happiest fath
er in existence.
At this wiiting Daniel Bholly,
who wan confined to his bed for the
last two weeks, is recovering.
Children's day evercises were ob
served at the Witmer'iiUnitedEvan.
church ofi Sunday night with a
splendid program and n bigaildieuce.
The cruelty to aninnl laws now
existing are violated every day,
many a fellow walking around pub
licly smoking a cigarette. Why
gal enforce them? ,
Misa Marie Snyder spent a week
at Carlisle.
Mrs. Morris of Waynesboro is the
guest of Mrs. Xoetling.
B. M. Wagenseller is at home
spending his su miner vacation.
Mrs. Hower Went to Lewisburg
to visit a sister who is quite ii..
Geo. Mark is visiting liis sister,
Mrs. B. ti. Shields, in Philadelphia.
Communion was held Suuday
i. ....... i l... r Ynt.v. I). 1).
('Olltllll'lt'il I FJ i n-. . u . , - -
i. i' v.... !:...'. 1 i In imc Id
11(11. .MH'lllllf; ta ... -
spend the summer vacation
Willi InS
fhe Misses Shuman of Bhamokin
gDent tt week with their aunt, Mrs.
Miss Mary
McCollum of Ply-
mollt, js being entertained by
- .i
.i I
Mrs. BenedM ami son .m mcago
Major E. P. Rohbacli spent Fri-
j ; i . .. i. ..( i;nimi,iir,r Hp
day of lost week at Aliminourg. ne
returned with his daughter, Annie, 1
i. i i r 1 1, i.v-I
...I . 1.
umI nf iar nlnniM fnr iwveral weeks.
' . . r
Rev. J. 15. Pocht, 1. !., ol U-
favette Hill, I'a., was unanimously
elected pastor oi l runty LiUineran
i i -. i mi. i
Fourth of July was quietly oele-
brated by the most of our citizens,
Young America, however, was busy
exploding lire crackers and Bhooting
on small cannon, a large number ol
young people picnicked on one ol
the islands in the opposite the town.
K KKAMJfiji.
Fisher Waller is visiting friends
in Selinsgrove this week.
Miss Annie Covert of Selinsgrove
waa the jiuest of Miss Erma Magee
last week.
A. ('. Fields of Shamokin was the
guest of Thomas Dietrich's Sunday1
of last week.
Jerry Crouse of Middleburg was
in town several davs last week sell-
lD8 n,,-
Samuel Winkleman of Steelton
visited at Perry Au rand's several
days last week.
James Magee was ofl'trout fishing
last week. 1 have not heard with
what success he met.
Lewis Magee and wife of Mazep-
ai I.
pa visiiea meir son anu uaugiuer,
James and Erma, recently,
Mrs. (ieo. Fagley of Shamokin
accompanied by a lady friend of the
same place were the guests of A. W.
Kecler over Sunday,
The celebration of the Fourth at
this place was a grand success. The
sneakers of the day were Prof. F.
.... 1 , - nr
c. Ilowersox and 1 r. IV V. Tool,
wno h their oratorical eloquence
thrilled the people with patriotism.
"pj,e preeburg band furnished ex-
cellent music
The Fourth passed off with us,
without a murmur.
Huckleberries are reported scarce
on Jack's mountain.
Our town was well represented at
Lewistown on the rourtn.
On the Fourth the old veterans
'pressed the button, and Uncle Sam
did the rest.
The late rains we bad were thank
fully received. Thev did a vast
amount of good.
. . , ,. ...
L. A. .JellUlUS lllld Wife Slieilt a
... . i 1 . ...
j day ... Lewistown last week visiting
the hitter's sister.
Henry Snook and family
art of .,st week visitinghis daugh-
, , ,.,.' . T ....,,,
ter, .Mrs. 1 1, r . llerDster, at ixiweii
The weather prevented a big
turn-out at the f'esfival held at
Kaulpetzer's school ground on Sat
uaday evening.
'Squife Steely is trying to save
the county all the cost lie fj can, by
having his criminal cases settled
right there at his plaoe
W. H. KnejH) has t're bender
of the chef-d'euver manufacture,
with two buckets of water, can bend
a tire 1 J in. thick by 1 ia wide iu
2 minutes.
The farmers are about through
cutting and storing away what little
wheat they had. They are expect'
iu? a big yield of oats, and will j
soon be ready to cut.
.- . " 1
Miller George ot Lowell, with his
new wheel, and the new horae, is
kept busy delivering flour and tned
to thair many customers at this end.
ml I . .L .. L .U!
1 lie noi w earner is uie oniy uiiug
that has anv etleet on Geonre.
... ..i
J. r. r. IoiiihI out it was neiinei
. . T a , i i..i,
liiiul vim. lint n tiu' i liin ot h: II
- , , , . . , . I i
hsli hi- i:ui stnriK awav in i s I II)
poeket while setting hooks tor eels,
cause short of memory. John, QOU I
.1 I .1 . .. .1...
' .
I Ml I U M .i.wfc ..... vi.iv.i.T v.. 1 1
Miss Jennie Keller is visiting in
l VM A Itiuiii'i ilia
i.VS.1, 1 Wl Hill I iUWHI
recent visitor at this place.
Miss Bessie Klose spent a week
with friends in Selinsgrove
....... ... ... 1 I
Mrs. William Klose visited her
brothep , llavj.n m,.ntlv
Miss Gertrude An rand of Mer-
wick mine guest oi Isaac Auranus.
H. t. Romig, wife and son, Bea
vei Rivnt several da vs in Middle-
Kitter of MeClure
spent several days in town last
Messrs. Crouse and Moat of
davs in town
Middleburg were
on Sunday.
visitors in town
Miss Gertrude Rnepp, who spent
several weeks in Lewistown, h:is
returned home.
Peter and Manuel Yodcr oi Globe
Mills were the guests of 1 1. 10. Eb
ci lty's recently.
Samuel Warner, wife and chil
dren, spent several days in Thoinp-
Bontown last week.
Amnion Smith and Wife of Mid- F. P. Wagenseller, Mr. Sehoch, Miss
dlecraek were the guests of H. (). Houseworth and Miss visit
Smith's on Sunday. ed at Prof.D. S. Boycr and P. B.
Mrs. Aaron Manlieck and son,
Parke, of Cleveland, Ohio, arc the j
guests of Ira Kline.
D.K. Haas and family of Mid-
jdleburg, were entertained by Win.
j Drocsc's on Sunday.
Mis K..lln M. ..miir has re-
turned from a five weeks' visit to
Sunbury, Dalmatia and Selinsgrove.
Carl Berger of Phila., David
Emswiler and Robert Ramsay ol
I York are engaged in freaooeing the
Lutheran church at present.
Senl in lust week.)
m e i .1
1 ne farmers are busy reapingtheir
golden grain.
Mrs. F. E. Specht was to Sun
bury last week.
Cloyd Herbster was to Lewis
town over the Fourth.
Charles Binganian laughs; he
sports a brand new bicycle.
The Evangelical church held their
third mission anniversary July 2nd.
.Miislcr l acker llottenstein was
... ... .
the welcomi
guest of Bcnaeffei
ra J. Keller made a flying trip
to Lewistown on his bicycle over the
I Fourth.
I Winev Bros, have shipped several
carloads of grain and expect to ship
0 few more in the mar future.
a. ..i.... I.. Uo . ..... 1 .1 i... 1.
. iiio ii ' H i oi 1 1 . i I.
relics ol the Spanish-American war;" II 'Ukjl HhrrK
from his cousin, Lieut. Uise of tin
battleship Texas.
On returning home Ironi LiK'k
Haven to Wagner, Miss Zola Oldt
stopped of! at liea vertown to visit
her friend, Cloyd Herbster.
Ira Van Horn, who was working
atSteelton. was home una visit over
the Fourth. Ira likes to ro away
for trout a day or two, but he likes fer that paper to every sub
to return. -3 aoriber who pays for the Post
Clay Hdmbacfa of this place and
A . . . . .
Miss Carrie Kauch of Adumsburg
were married on Sunday. We hojie
their lrark m iy Boat Wthi the sea 4
ot matrimony' witlA-efry; liappj; JPeLjl
Fepntr'sGoldeh belief. 150
" A"tau sretino esrssA." -Ug
Philip T-Mover on Front Street
put a iwfW" root oa hw reeideoee. i .'
. ,
e expec-t a large a ten W at
the horse sale next t nday, the 14
(',,,, W I ? I .! 51 1 Illll- fe SllllS UTH
fi , r ,
PMttlM a new roof on the h reeburg
swvet ourn and sarden nradoota in
sveet ooru aud garden prod
6 1
treat aliundanee.
A. W, Potter, Ksip, and Geo. J.
'T"lll n iruuMinni umira w
i I l - I I 1.' I i I. . 1., ..
nee oi v. ioyer, rp, iasi rnuny. ( pn, ooiu 01 lUonroo twp.
W. L. Bassler has completed the -mm
additions to his residence. He has1 .?e.r8?n" troubled with dlarrhoai
, ... , i ..i i i w"l 1)6 interested in the experiecce
a beautiful home with modern un- of Mr w M ju.tii rli.ik dotel
provements. Dorranee, Proviilern-e, It. I. H
t iiu v Rnvr i.niii ietor of the i 8?y8: '!For 8everal years I have been
. fr ."T 11 . . I almost a constant sufiVer from di
hmpire Hotel, has wainscoted, grain- anrhoea, th frpqueni nttneks corn
ed uud papered the dining .oom and pletelj prmt rating niM nnd render
made other improvements to his ! !J . duties nt this
Mrs. Dill will come to Freeburg
.1 i- I '111.'
on the 10 inst. accompanied hy
Usaneui tv. LU anil two iemaie
teachers of Patterson to spend a six
weeks vacation.
PrOf. H. B. Mover, proprietor ot
.e musical college, reports excellent
a r
prospecw tor tnesuuimerienn wnwn
uouiuieuces on the l Inst to con
tinue till tall.
Miss Jennie Arbugast, a teacher
at Womelsdorf Orphans' School, is
at home. She has made rapid
provement in piano music under the
instruction of Prof. r. ('. Mover.
Mrs. Blanche Gosser nee Pussier
.uui M. t ehildren returned to
their home at Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs.
Jennie Bassler and Charles W. Bas-
sler remain at Freeburg at the home
ol W. .. Bassler.
Prof. Wm. Mover, President of
the Snyder County Choir Conven
tion, is making Bpecial efforts for
next convention to he held on the
appointed time, third Saturday in
August. No Sunday school picnic
should be held on that day ill Snyder
Mrs. Benedict and her son Allen
of Chicago accompanied by Mis. Dr.
Mover. Mrs. Benedict is a daugh
ter of Henry J. Buyer. Allen is a
bright boy, a recent graduate of
Hyde Park High School, Chicago.
Two Tours to Canada via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
For uu smniutT ol ivju iiiu Pennsylvania
Railroad Company baa arratijfQd to run two
iwifoiinlly-i'iinductca tours w Canada and Nor
ibern Now York.
Tbeflrattour, leaving July tl. Inoludea niu-
rara Kails. Toronto. Tliousand Islands KnindM
nt Um si. Lawrenot. Qwbao, LakoSt. Jonn. 'rne
Baguenay. Mootreal, au sann- cbaam. Lakea
i li.tiiiiilalii and Ueow, Saratoga, and HlKli-
lands nt tin1 lldilsnii, oi.'cup.vlnij.'it'ivnltrn days.
BOUttd-Ulp ran-.
Tlie MOOnd lour, leaving AukuM It, covers
me aame 'errltory wim the exoeptlon ol Lake
St. John and Tue Baguenay and occupies four
teen days, ltonnd-lrli rate, $100.
Kucli tour will be In charge of one of the. com
nam's tourist atresia. aaauUd Of bf an BXPerl-
eiici'd adv ius eliaperou, wuose especial charge
; wm be unescorted mdies.
The raU. coders railway and boat farv for the
entire round trip, parlor-car seats, muals en
route, hotel entertainment, transfer charges,
and carriage hire,
POT detailed Itinerary, t ickets, or any nddl
tloual information, uddress Tourist Auent,
Pennsylvania Rnllrrad rompany. line Uroad
way, New York: mill Fullon Street, Brooklyn;
TM Broad Street, Newark, N. j.; or Geo. w.
Boyd. Asslstaut Ueneral Passenger Agent,
Broad Street station. PllladeluUla. 1 i-U.
Reduced Rates to Indianapolis via
Ttnilrnarl. Acnoiint
Enworth League International
un niriilllli in 111 lu i.'.il. .' inn inn
uonai t iinvi'niiim, tu be in'ie at ladbuiapolls,
Inn.. Jul) Ml tu IBS I'i nns ISSIlla HallrOBd
Uompsaj ia son exmrsloa IteketS irom points
! r ii l, Illll. In llii1liiii:iln,llH nl ruti of hlm'lo lATfl
or um round trip.
Tickets Will be Kohl on .lulv 18 unit 19, uric!
rill Uu Komi iu return until .1 ui. ii. Ineluslse,
i-xrepi Unit liv ili'Liosllliii: Uckel wall the Joint
Asent st IrHUsnapolia heior) Julyst, nnii tne
pajrnienl i tiny oents, the return Hum nay be j
pxtendeil to tears ladtsuspolls not later than j
A,UHH Ml, l".i.
FaranealBf! rules and sOBdIUoaS npp'y to
'lvi-nt ahh ' ' "
I SL. L. Ja
1 n
. 0. H .
n UtlUfl I VI I e-lll
'' Farm, dourrial From, How to De
V, cem.ber, 1903 Nearly
Five Years.
By fperial arrangement made
A with the publishers ot the r arm
i JoDItXAL we are euabled toof-
N one year ahead, for -g jj
I J lw,th nniicrs fort he once ot ours
bith papers for the price of ours
only ; our paper one year and
the" Fa km JoyrtsrAL from now
t6 December, 1903, nearly five
vearg. T IicFarm Joernal is 1
an old establisheihwper, enjot
ing great.jropularity, one of the r
befit ami puwt useful farm pa-
perBnithfelied. . I
ffSrThix offer should Is.: ac- !f
1 oepted without delay. k
)fi jf. "T'-T,,T"-T,-T-'r,"r"f
July 9. bv lie v. V A i. km.
; Henry I. Kliue mid Mu.ic i er,
Imtli of Kratierville. ,
June 20, at MidtlloWitnr, nv ll,-v.
' J. Shaniltuch, Jolin V, Gru tod
Miss Sadie V. Biiupuiittii, imii of
July 2, by Rev. I. P. Ziffitorer-
vertown t Uame M. llut'-n of
Beaver Springs.
June 19, by Simon Hummel, J.
i ., aim oieiier huh uouwua lky-
I 1 X
uiitci. .1UIIIM two vmiich HIJO n I rHV"
eliiiL' sitlesinaii kindlv uav inn a
JflJfH bottle o! UhamtMrlain's Cone,
: u nuu iini i iiupii i.niumiY.
Much to my surprise and delight its
en "ets wr umiiedtata, wiienever
1 f'J! , niptoms of the dispnse I
I would fortify myself iiKninst the
I fttick with a fw doaaa of this vain.
able remedy. The result 1ms been
ipiete relief from m.. :iliiio:ion ' For
aide by nil Dtmfr;ists. Wilt.
LBB, ' !..ugrM- .
is the presidem
I '!..-
New Yon
FOR ! N.
ikuLa: bicycle
in olfeied ly ilieir advertise
in another column. lion.
Amos J. Cummtngs, M. C, Col.
Asa Bird Gardner, District Attorney
of New York, ex-Oovurnor Hogg of
Texas, and Col. Fred. Feigl of New
York, are among the well known
nam in their Board of Directors.
mmt I
"Where is jour papa, Nellie?" aaked
a mother of her little daughter, "lie's
out on the buck porch," was the reply.
"What's lie doinjj there?" queried the
mother. "Hie bicycle's ull out of
breath, nnd he's putting Home more in
it," answered the email observer.
One day Tommy accompanied his
mother on a shopping expedition and,
seeing a large candy man standing in a
foufectioner's window, he paused in
front of it with a wistful look, then,
turning away regretfully, he said:
"Mamma, I could lick that fellow with
both hands tied behind me."
Lulu, aged four, was taking her first
ride on the steam ears, and as they
whined by the farms she saw some
large pumpkins among the corn shocks
and, remembering her five brothers and
sisters at home, she said: "Oh, mam
ma, look what big oranges! Let's Stop
and buy one, and it'll go all around."
Little three-year-old Mabel hud been
told that when it was daylight on this
side of the earth it was, dark on the
othor. As a proof that this astronom
ical fai't had taken deep root ir. her
rabid, upon rising the next morning she
exclaimed: "Now they is Justgoln' to
lied In China, u.nd the skeeters Is begin
cin' to bite 'em."
A $40.00 Bicycle Given
Away Daily.
The pabllehere of TBI Nkw YruiK
Stak, t lie handsomely illustrated
Booday newspaper, are giving a Hum
OltADK BlCUIiK encii liny for the
largest li-t of words iniide by using
tile letters contained in
T-II-E X-K-W Y-O-ll-K N T-A lt ' '
I no more times In any one word than
it is foend in The New York Mur.
Webster's Dictionary to be comidererl
!? aut ,or,I - ' wo uoou w atchkb
llS.Clas iiuu; Keepers; win oe given
daily for second anil third best lists,
and many Other valuable rewards, in
cludifii; Dinner Sets, Ten Sets. China,
(Merlin- Silverware, etc., etc., in or-1 seeiiolil nml Ullioin s. Sholtv, con
der of merit. This educHtional cou- i' 't;r"wiri.wiiii im,
test is beintr Kiven ta advertise and
inlroducc this successful weeklv into are erected 11 TWo-sl'oitv l.oii DWE
new homes, and all prizes will be
awarded promptly and without parti
ality. Twelve 2-ceut stitinps must be
inclosed for thirteen weeks trial sub
scription with full particulars and
list of over 300 valuable rewards. Con
test opens and awards commence,
Monday, June 20th, and closes Mon
day, Auirust 21, ld99. Your list can
y reaun us uny uay neiween ineseoaies
i. j i a i i .
and will receive the award to which
it may be entitled for that day, and
your name will oe prlnteil 111 t lie lol- j or lea, about one hundred ( ion) acre, of
Iowinir issue of TllK NKW YORK (STAR, i U clear, and the balance timber land, on
Only one list can be entered by the
same person. Prizes are on exhibition
at 1 UK Star's business offices. Per
sons securing bicycles may have choice
of Iiadies', Uentleuien's or Juveniles'
1890 model, oolor or size desired. Call
or address Dept. "E," Thk Nkw York
Star. 237 W. 89th Street, New York
City. 7-18 6'.
Geo. W. Thornton's Greatest Song Hits
llnriTT t mun utrnini nnnn .1
0 .be Hang by MOO Cltlidreo ato, A. R. Eoct
fnent la Philadelphia.
uet them from your .dealer or all Uiree sent
postpaid on receipt of aee. by addressing; -
lets Montgomery Arenas, PnllsdelpriH
for you, said four different phJ
dans, but I still had sufficient ieftl
try Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, as
was highly recommended to me.
had suffered for years with htl
trouble; so bad was my case 1
riven up to die several times, hi
severe palpitation, short breath i
much pain about the heart, flutter
and smotherins: spells, but Dr. Mi
Heart Cure gave me prompt re;
and finally a permanent cure.
Mr. J. L. Taylor, Owonaboro, Ki
is sold by all druggists m Ruarantc;
first bottle benefits or money bad.
Book on heart er.d ncrcs r.cnt free
Dr. Miles Modicai Company, Elkhart.
fahii roi;.-.w.j. a faiiiieoMia
tng 55 acres situate in Middleerl
township mile north ol (i
Mills, Snyder COtlllty, is ofi! red
sale at a Iwrgain. The build
i '
are cooti as new. i ive acres art
irood woodland. Farm will be
tor first good olhr. ('all on or
dresSfJ.M. Muurer, Krearnor,Pu
t .. .. 1. L I i
vur oaov nan oeen enntinul
troubled with colic uud cholera
fantum since bia birth, and all
wo could do for him di noi Reei
give more thai! temporinv i
until wo tried t b unbei lain s 'Cj
i .1. .1 I I.' . r.
uuoiere uuu iviarrnoea nouni
biuce giving Hint remedy he hn
been tumbled. We want to gi(
this testumouitil us an evirjvue
our gratitude, not that you uet
to udve.rtise your lueiitoiious
pily. O. M. Law, Keokuk, Id
r or saie ovaii Druggists.
If yon pay your subscription
year in advance you can get tiiel
for 'only one dollar. It you an
arrears you can pay up your anu
ages aud one dollar extra fi
year in advance. Then vm
get the Farm Journal five
Comrade, iVmienl ion.
I servml in in 'H to 'M and ws a uu I
10, ISM, Is i hf Batil" ii lUh Wllilen
sronlci i!Kn to bave my donirade know
Celery King lias done for 'the, in iwo i
eoiDDlatiil, elii'oule (!lurr' iwh. imum? i,hi
doeiors could not atop Ii, imi Oeler.v kn:
i nri'ii i, 'i' . :m i am iiiii'i- imn'i; ei'luvim
If BARK Bsinl Kit OSTOSiH), Midi. (fi K
V. V I.). Celery Klnniiir Hie Ni-i'vi'", I.
mm Kiflneyi is soli in s'. sndtse, paekas
nr. it. nerman, vmciMTiei Minn es
i'ih. UcClure; tl, A. Blirllu, Alius,
Valuable Real Estati
T lie iinilrrslKneil lljticiitor of tin' lt
anil I MMMUI of AUTSlIa Bilnr, llltu of
n T p., Snyiler ooanty, I n , depsassd
ilernml by virtue of the power of attorney
tainnil in tin- -iml I nil will ami lealsinsill
asposs to pnniio vendue or ont-crv at ti'uo. oei.r wnjvtrn .-H'lio l ilolim
JnckHOli towimhip, in n;uil county, on
Sett., Jvxly SO. 189
The following dcicrilnil Kenl i
TRAIT NO. I All tliatcertuin iikhhiiiii:
Inwt of land ttu.iti' In .inckson Tp,S
county. I'a.. Iioumlcil norlli bit lainli of
H Sh illcy and Charles Krv, on the h
of Cberlss Fry. Kclieei'a Ucnfcrainl DSvii
tier on the Hoittli hy IjiinN of lliivh! Snyil
on the went hy lanuH of narvey Bitirer," M
uncc. flhout flixtyflle (fi) acres of
anil clear, and I he halnllcc Ih limlier ! .... I . ...
llOt'SK, HANK other oulhiiil
the iloor, u rcat eui ..r holcc fro t of nil
on the preuisoa SOd close to the cliurci
TKAOT NO. 1 Bsinc S certain me
fario teueuient aud true: of land muiiiIh n.
on Twp., Snydert'o , la., ahout a mile
Tract No. 1, on the iiiuiu road to Kratr
hounded north by landa of Inaae Kinc
llenfer, et. al., on the cast hy land of
llenfer, Noah BroiiHC, Mm. Jtchecca Ilt
I'.nianuel llenfer, on the north hv hi'
Henry Saiier and on the west hy In rutM of 1BJ
sauer, Thomaa waner nml i Snyih
iiuuina one iiunureo aim thirty ll.lli) acre-
are erected n TWO-STOHY I llll InVKI
M Kit HOUSE and other outbuilding', oon
auie iruuan i a good HprliiK of waier n
door. SeJc to commence at 10 o'clock A
oald day when and where due attendan
bo aiveii and terms of anlc made known
W. I). HIi.OKR. Exec
; a. m m .ii a a s m sfl
Lowest Gasb Prices.
Call Before Ton Order EM