Schweflelbrenaer Letter. rrom Mnarh Chunk Democrat., 1a. Miktkk Dbookeb: De Bevvy finn'd liftamhla fault mil jiu r well lohtru sawga tux 08 1 visited P. C. HarUutnfa over Sun viislit loogy breef Bhreib tor in di j twining m publisna, Dwmwpt evv! 01 tie lvit os eier tzcitnng laisa gevva mix drum we 'a ols liar gait on.- KitseWartere odder uf 'm Haw mltai . iok uu on der Schmti Creek. , S- ni for vtiahl so kortay shttck ur for de leit ols plcsa, kitla UD ul tuua u lit shposs, 1,1 ! . icIi kiIi air nit I s aino t.ii pro wee ra providing Be aelver r. ,, ,. ;.irt.. MIllcKcr iniui'l S't iner I.- klaiuu Bhtones un wanu so shtuit uet abbordieh goot nemm'd, ei don is 's net my shuld. Doh i s now der Bevvy era slituft, wardt lor wardt, ous cram aigna moil! roils: "Now denk yusht, wanu h weit ooom'd os weibsleit atnohl awyera .ld i' ui dc iury dun gook ou. for plenty klaina bubbalin mi rutsnawsa itn cotut house. "Wc inainer kiuuer es hut in der Ikoiih we beaser ussegaraised waera. 'N kluck os feel j uuga hut is im nier nini attentif tzu ena os ainy mil yiisht t ne odder dn. "I'rcddicha is 'n gooty bisness providing 's batzawlt goot. Awer wan ' net bully gool Imtzawll don it ' ' i -ur" sign os 's preddicha aw dernoch i nel feel g'sheis. "'M Johnny Houuaberger si bu, der kla. Sammy.sawgt dewidweiver teel trowera un traiua lergessa du'n for common ols bol wil i er . lura. Sell i aw bo. De traina niaucliauos, tin uus wetter is del beshi tzeit tor vvidder plousu. '( ooint now, hoova, es isteit lor in 'r- bet," hut de mommy g'sawt, "deyuuga hiukalin sin shun long in I era betlder." "Yaw, uu dcolt kluck! aw," hut der kltu Johnny g'sawt. " n ivveruiis shinartskhe inaidle war doh fergouga wohl 1m show, unl wc hame coon. a i- hut sc tier, mommy tr'sawt .-c Iinl tiwder elefont i t I suj, '.in o ar n grose un dick bai uich i;rudoorisos hiunersich lawft un pick'd si essa uf initseiiushwoiM. Well, .Joe, wti vvobnsht ollaweil? 1 ufdara sidetum rever naigsht oml lo..i house ufder liuka sidefunder . , . ill slitrose about n tartu ill.' 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ni 1 bishly un ui tiara . , , , . !',e in ; '.iiuiv Kit.:Vm 'Vcr i hl''KsiiUlldl shop un .. . .1 ;,.!.. .. Iuum i.. l.-:.. ..i k I.!.... i nun f mi on oi- , i'miimi.o 'mi' (in i shtro.- wo tier oil Pit Bixler wohnt h "i r oil ding os lc shubutaer niauelit fun wcUhkorn boshl tor n bo; hi r uaw u i i i if.c llll ' i aw u ultel om liolwa geld. i In Bevw lint nit r itix ii mtu fun era shpossicha sliticker gevva wel la, awer ich hob se excused for 'n on- nefs uiolll. I n se IS aw uow ur sat iafied. Pit Sciiw Kri-'ELunEXXEit. MIDDLE' iREEK M F. Gos is nursing a sore I Alvin l lsii took in the horse at Lewistown. sale MissJenuic Bateman is the guest oi ileury Herbetcr. Miss Sadie Witiuer ofSeline ive i- the gue-t nl ' Mcar Shulte's. Dr. ii. M. Ulsh ol Lewistown was seen on our streets last week. J, II. Km op was transacting bus- incss in MiKlin unti ast wee (Showers A Co. were putting a coat of mint on Herwti r and I Ish e bouse. II. I. Swart z and i f were vis itiiig Ambrose Peter near Maitland a few daVfl last week. Itev. Zimmerman and wife from Adamsburg were the guest vin I 'Ish 'a on Thursday. ol Al- Mrs. Lincoln Zeilier, who was visiting her mother at Freeburg, returned home last week. Tom Craydon and wife of Yea gertown were the guests of Charles Kerbster's our day last wick. A valuable horse died for Daniel Swanger on Friday, This is the second thai he lost since last spring, Our farmers have begun haying and harvesting. Hay is a fair crop . , , . ,. ; , ,i ' h.t v heat won . axeragc more ian ( h:lU a croP ( ur fanners have begun having VVhi. Herbster und wife of lici vertwwn and Howard Haines and wife from K-i tia kv wen-circulating on our streets on Thursday. Dr. FeDlier'S Golden Relief. 150! u"'uu" "v"u"r SI A Tlll'K SI'KCiriO IN AM. INFLAMMATIONS Old Hon, Wnonrln, Ith.umttlimi. Nun.1irl O 0 u t L. t'oUls." A SURE CURE Urlp. 'cf anv PAIN Inside or out 'Ur drairrm. VU-..IM liy Uimil Mc.rradonta.MY CENTREVILLE. W. Khanistine ot llcuvertown was in town on Saturday afternoon. II. F. Muhn and J. E. Shinkel were to Middleburg on Saturday. Miss Lillie Spaid of Middleburg J. tt. Lloyd of Lewistown was the gueat of S. F. Sheury's over Sum la v. W t Kknn and C. M. Showera lothe coal regions on made n um. Monday. Prof Amnion Bteese and James Mitchei of New Berlin were in town on Sunday. M. A. Baten ) himilv ol tiuests of friends Sclin- : i- ive wen lilt here over Sunday. (j. . Sheary, who is working at carpentering at Lewis town, was at home over Sunday. Harry Mohn and Jersey Shore Juncti their gran Iparents. -ister Annie, ol n. arc visiting i ...:r.. 4 Dr. D. M. Sampsul am 1 H 111 o if . i i .1 ... v ' ----- - . i , , , w luneiu were uib ituw w - Kuhu's on Thursday. Thos. Kleckner, who is working on the lieadinu li. It. near -Milton, .our was at home over Sunday. We had a hail storm on Saturday in whieh hail tell that measured from 1 to I 1 inches in diameter. Mrs. ! Ir. J. . Mohn and chil dren oi lictonia, Tioga county, are visiting her parents and relatives at this writing. Mrs, Dan Dn ese and daughter, Jessie and Miss Annie Johnson ol P iill.uiii in v i 1 1 1 V al. a il. Wallers i i . ' : several days last week. ( )n Tuesday of last week H Sunders passed trom - world to iimlltpr. I Ir had been SICK lor I ie time and for the (la-t few weeks en dured great pain. He was interred on Thursday nllernoon in the L. A H. cemetery, Itev. W . H. Schoch officiating. His age was 76 years, 10 months an I 29 days. !; KLINSGROVE. Win. iatigler atwt ton. Texas, arc a-tiesl amilyolHous of ins father. J. W. Gatigler. lit v. F. 8. S (hultz of Johnstown on eachd in Trinity Lutheran church iv morning. on 'iin Mrs. Dr. li F. Emerlck ami sons of Carlish are welcome guests at he r mother's, Mrs. P. K. Wagenael- ler. Chat Fish i and wife and ("has. : I x Q 1. ...... Keen r an spent Sun wife. i ne, an oi ouiMiiii , i with Levi Fisher and Will tjcliiinre is uoine for Bevera weeks from starting into Statt Uoll oWcgc before ictical summer pr; won Mrs. Wilson, nee Gundrum, and Mrs. Gudykunsl ol Philadelphia arc being entertain and wife. II. H. Se Cashier North win gave a honor of M iddicbitriih in pp. Miss McAU-er of Alexandria, fa. A two horse wagon and a carriage carrietl the pariy. Children's Hav exercises oi Inn if v Lutheran church were held on I Sunday evening. The church was crowded, the children did well and the decorations wen the handsomest I they i ver had. The hailstorm thatpassed overthe itown on Friday evening was the mo.-t destructive ever known here. The most of the gardens arc utterly ruined and over one thousand panes of glass wei r broken. In several p!aee the hail was over two feet deep, varying from skx inches to the above depth. One hailstone was weighed and found to be two ana .... 1 . 'Pi... one-lialf ouuees in weight The streets were covered with leaves and limbs broken from the trees. Many birds were also killed. &1CKEES HALF FALLS. (L S. lline is improving his bain. The fanners are busy making their hay. There were Children'a Day exer- , . ( ;h.oman on Sunday 1 1 napman m Herman, who was on the t, i;., alnurln ,,vi,. e "'in .iiiii. ,i ..... i-,,..,,. " ' Saturday afternoon It dul consider - able dauia-j , . I'll ) If Misses Claire draybill aud Maine Iver of Mi.ldleburg are visiting . . Miss Marcia Apj Holman Wciser relorned home i from Buckncll University to send I his summer vacation. UNION TWP. Master Chas. Kantz rides a niw wheel. D. W. Stahl got a new threshing machine. There was quite a lomims at Bat- . c a j tletown a few Sundays ago, A. W. Auoker ol Sunbury "pent Sunday with his family here. On account ofinclement weather Sunday the Children's Hay exer- I cists at Witmer's church were post- i puiied until the evening of July OertieWenrich, daughter of Una. Wenrieh, tell from a tree last week, broke her arm above elbow and dis- located it at the shoulder joint. She' i is doing titir under the care of Dr. I Wagenseller. A number of our public bufldinsa I seem to have strings at the door so'ed at this place in the old fauhioiied that about fifty per cent. ot the num-l style. We will raise the largest j ber of persons who enter are caught i flag in the evening that will be raised by the nose, thus they are always in the county. There will be a band turned with the nose toward tne here to funiah the music. Every door hv those oomina in late. It v ... ,, .., in to remove I nuuiu ii m i i cnese stnnKSBO ' iuuiom whm i inf.' tiie tiii 1 1 1 1 tuu'iiiir nreacliiutr ori . . i . . I o any otner service. i n mv way of thinking 1 always thought "growler" meant a bigglass of beer, hut it also has another meaning which 1 happened to find out during my stay at one of the j stores one evening last week. hue . . . i.i. i ..e moking my p.p.;, win. a .n, ..oc, with B number of others, a fellow about 35 or 40 years of age came in and asked to see son nlico. The dealer put a num ber of pieces on the counter before him. After examining every piece, he said it was not nearly as goot the calioi fifty years ago, neither as had it 1 in. same snota. anil tliou it it could not be nearly as wide, and ii-iii'sseil lie did not want any. Aflei a number of cxamilUltlolH ol the same style, he made a fifteen-cent purchase, payable next week, and wound up by accusing the merchant of jamming two quarts of syrup into i ,,11,11 inr a lew tlavs previous. After be had gone we asked the i - j . . mer out 'Iiaul point who he was anil ne saw "Mr. Growler. . i.i in. , Observer. WF.ST BEAVER. .lames Treastcr spentSundav with his parents. L A. Jenkins expects one hun dred bushels of peanuts from his crop this year. Geo. Wagner moved his stave mill from the Heeter tract to Mo- ( 'lure last week. i Corn and notatoea are doing well . ' rrL s c the recent rams. 1 he tanners are pxiiecting n big yield. Some of our tanners began cut ting grain last week. There is still lots of grass to cut at this end. Jacob F.rh purchased a new buggy I last week. He expCCta to take the 1 balance of his walking in a different ; style. ('. W.Fisher has been nursing one of Job's comforts for the past week. He says he will sell it tor half it is worth. Persons in need of a reliable snake trap will lo well to rail on 8. H. Phillips, as he can furnish the same at a very low cost. Thomas Herbster was Been on our streets last week trading apples on matches. Tom, call often, there is always a good bargain in you. ( )ur up to date supervisors, have put 1600 loads of flint on the roads this year besides other material used, and they find plenty of room for more. Our neighborhood was well rep resented in Lewistown last week delivering cnernea. n it reported that about 10,000 quarts were taken there. The Christian Endeavor Society that was organized at Baker's church a few weeks ago is in a flourishing condition. It is well attended every Sunday evening. Bad management keeps more peo ple iu poor circumstances than any Tn Ui cnn.'.'.fi'l other one canae. To be successful one moBtlook ahead and plon ahead Bo that when a fovorable oprwrtauity presents itself he is ready to take ! atlvautage of it. A little forethought will also save mneli expense anu val uable time. A prudent and careful i . l . uu f ,ii..mi, ' )aiu-B cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keraedy in tne nouse, tne snntiess fellow will wait until necessity com- I tW' " 111 WS V mill uvwuua -J a- rele it and theD rein his best horse , going for a doctor -and have a big, ilnnlnr hill to iwi hoRidaB! nnf n iva doctor bill to pay besides: one pays out 25 cents, the other is out a hun dred dollars and then wonders why his neighbor is getting richer while he is getting poorer. For sale by all Druggist h. UK A ME it. Uoo. Gordon waa home recently. Amnion Heintzelnran and family of Lewistown visited their parents here several days last week. lifted Walter of Millheim, Cen the truest of J F .tretoimtx. as me guest OI U. Walter's several tlavs last week. Last Wednesday Thomas Saner land wife became the happy parenta a bouncing I uhy ky. Carol Mitchell of Renova is vis iting relatives at this place a photographer took quite u num- I uer oi pictures at uua ptw mBl j Week before leaving Mrs. John Laudls is on the sick list at present. Ralph (Jin oi Paxtoiiville was in itown on Momlav. rhe -Itli of Julv will Ik- oelebrat - I body is most cordially invited. Siiio it ikt ii'v imin iro ' " . . ..... w i.i 1 J r " Ml 'till E.llll. n I it'll, Ml llivt oi Lrll I cost for them, but if we can not they must ITU tor less. Coin, at once while there is a better chance for siaes. Special bargains in buggy whip- and soap. Barber Simoxtox. M nrrnnTTnN.c Foremen and suoerintendenta of eleo- trioal machine shops get iromtiou to 200 per month, and &-. foreman are hurd to lind. Armature Winders Buch men were I oi men witn wnisicers. formerly wi !1 paid, but th- adoption of vieyard on the Moselle which cou naehine colls and slotted armatures tained only one acre of ground recent hub reduced the wages to un uveruge Jy sold for $C0,000, which is the hi;.rh- of about S2.50 per day. Good foremen ' of armature winding departments get Uiree to lour dollars peraay. , , ' . i.riuiirinsiii.'Ji iuu ti.ciau hwi; ubout f2.28perday. The best draughts men are tlmse who combine a knowl edge of shoD Draetice. methods ot eon- struotion and principles of design with ibillty to draw rapidly and accurately. Such A niun nniv Ihcoiih a chief draughtsman, and his occupation pays us high as live dollars per day. Electrical Mechanics Electrical working i Buffering from the lack of the old-fashioned apprentice System. Good electrical mechanics are hard to find and the demand is steady. In spe ciul lincR, such as telephone branches, tfuod electrical mechanics make froin five to six dollars per day. These are men with an all-round experience who have level heads and well trained hands. Designers The information received does not agree upon this occupation. Some say it is overcrowded, and there fore ability In this line is underpaid, while u oertaln manufacturer says he cannot find enough ipialified designers. Dynamo designers us a rule get from '5 to 1100 per month, although there I are one or two eases in Chicago where a . ...... j ... Wlremen If a man Is a fairly good Journeyman wlreman and belongs to the union in Chicago, he will get the regulation $3.73 per day, but lie will be exceedingly fortunate if he Is not out of work over four months of the year. It will cost him $45 to join the union and one dollar a month dues. Outside o: the union a wlreman gets from $1.1 to $2.30 per day. A good foreman can be secured for from three dollars to four dollars per day. Erecting electri cians are generally gruduaU's from the factory whose product they install. They get from $73 to $100 per mouth. Electricians There are electricians and electricians. Tho man who puts in a door bell seems to lmve the right to cull himself nn electrician, and when un OOCUpation can be entered so easily it is hard to say how many there arc In a city like Chicago, or what their bv eruge income may be. Nearly every iso lated plant of any size needs one or more electricians to care for the electrical machinery and lights and to make chunges and extensions about the plant. This work pays from $12 to JlS per week. Electricians In special cases, such a 'telephone work, get us high as $30 per week. j A GREAT nCKR ' 7 Farm. Journal Prom, How to De 4 cem,ber, 1903 Nearly - Five Years. "U Byapecialarrangemenl made F 1 with the publishers of the Fa i:m K i JorBVAii we are enabled to of- r j -i fer that paier to every sub- I '. 1 1 J . J, . the Post k- 1 8lT1,)er 0 l"ys ,or f N one yestraheail, for only 81.00, f jj M,th papers for the price ofo.irs k. j . ... ,. V(lft F j only : our paper one year and t '1 il.. 1 .1 . ...... . i I the Karm Journal from now to Decern ber, 11103, nearly five years. The Fa rm Jokkn a l is an old established paK-r, enjoy- - K S ' K f iug great popularity, one of the - j beat and moat useful farm pa- . . - "5 liers published. Jj .JBrThis oiler should beac 4 cepted without delay. ifr )(. tfi sjl iw eji . jf. , jf, jf MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Canaries, la th ma tint; season, sosas to vtt with each other la the produc tion of brilliant melody; and it li ad mitted that the female birds always se lect the beat lingers for their mates. The bee of Mexico does not "improve i "ch hinln" how" u there ntle cold weather there no necessity exists for laying in winter stores of honey, and the bee la therefore as lazy as a cockroach. The oldest tree on earth with on au thenticated history is the great lihoo tree of Burma. For 20 centuries It has been held sacred to the Buddha, and no person is allowed to touch the trunk. When the leaves full they are curried away as relics by pilgrims. The healthiest and rosiest girls of Europe are those representing the mid dle and poorer classes of Holland. They ure the tidiest housekeepers in the I world, and are rarely ill. Their (rood health is mainly due to the exercise thev iret in attendinir to their house- 1 hold duties. A thief had for weeks been stealing incandescent lamps in one of the Parisian theaters. The electrician euught him by arranging the wires so that when u lnmp waa removed an eltx txic signal Informed a man on the Watch. When ciuight the rogue had two burneri In his pockets. jne most oeaJiiinu turn costly iisnes . in tne worm come rrojn t nina. ana tne . . ii LaTi. nit ruin l r 1 rarest and most exnenBlvff of air is the i .... ..... . i . ,.. . m . " . VZZ, X m gold-fish. Spi i these lmve nold for iih high OH C 140 eneh, and in Europe the prices rnnire from and in Europe the price range from 50 to 100. The brush-tail gold-fish is ho small that a five-shilling piece will cover It, and probably there is no liv ing thing of it slse und weight that i9 1 worth so much money. IN REMOTE PLACES rootnuts on tne sni tr werx- nrst : used in Italy. Garriok waa the Brs1 to use them on the Bnirllsh staife in 170.", The Ainu women in Japan tattoo their faces to give them the appearanoe est price ever paid for viae land In the Moselle territory or probably In the whole Rhine district. The better class of Russians keep their houses at almost fever heat dur ing the winter. The result Isthut many of the occupants ure susceptible to i chills, and even in summer have to wear heavy garments. Africa is the inos-t elevated of all the continents, It is the continent of "pint cans." The grent tableland fh the bouth has a mean altitude of over 3,500 feet; the wide tableland on the north has un average SleVStion of BDOUt 1300 feet. A peculiar way of eomiiltttng sui- i , . .i.., ... k ji ill. is uueiii-.Mi in i.iw iiiiiii unro who dwell near Lake N'vassa. When a despondent tribesman tires of life he wades Into the lake and patiently waits until an ulligator approaches him with open mouth and swallows him. The czur is not less careful of his life than his predecessors, but he adopts i different methods for safeguarding , himself. Instead of having three trains rendv when he Is irointr on a iourner. and leatafl the anarchists to rUCSS which train is conveying him, oh his fa ther did, he simply ullows no one to know his plans. The route is published, but he never keeps to It. IN THE SCHOOLS. IYof. Hiram Corson, professor of Eng lish ut Cornell, began life as a reporter in the United States senate. Senator N. Ii. Scott, of West Virginia, has offered to the .West Virginia uuiver- slty a cash prto each year for the young woman excelling in oratory There are 219 Indian duy sc1kh1s in Canada, in-sides 39 boarding schools and i!9 industrial schools, with 9,886 pupils on the roll, und an average dully uttend unce of 5,533. Mrs. Emily A. l-'ltiiu a member of the. liostou school board, presided at a recent session of that body In the ub- ..,n.. nt roldnt It is the first time In the history of the hub that a . : ... .... woman has been so honored. Prof. I'aul Ilaupt, of Johns Hopkins university, one of the world's deverert scholars of the Semitic languages, at a meeting of savants in Stockholm con- tributed to the amusement of his col- I leagues bjrwrtting a menu in cuneiform for a bumpuet given in their honor. The tablets Ix-arlng this menu were ku posed to have been recently discovered and translated Into French. A writer In the Medicul News d ! clures that America Is fnlllDg iM'hind : in the matter of professors' salaries. I'he class of teachers who here get 00 to $4,000 receive in England $4,000 to Stl.OOO. Scotch universities have chairs worth from S7,0M to $20,000 per annum, and even In Herlln there are professors who earn from JluXiO to tlS.OOO a year. FASHION NOTES An Inkstand of bronze Is mod.; tn the shape of a lobster. The well Is revealed by tilting the back. A pretty lorgnette chain of gold and silver has rubies set at intervals of from two to four inches. A handsome collar buckle of gold fn ) the shape of two mussels Is set with Imltfl.lnn npnrlci. imitation pearls A brooch in tho shape of a star has , l ,. r. .... i... ..I wi.!, n nriri, nin mnTKi. ... , . wni.t. i 1 1 1- 1 1" i. ii. miui t nin.".'. ...'.. mules uuu 1'i in m. The latest novelty In ladles' card- onaca nn of imld. havtnir the antveorance ot being cast; the corners are em bossed and relieved by bright cutting. A lady's purse with s stiver cover and tracings of gold around the edges haa a small wreath of leaves tn gold, intended to bU a Musv Jtwelenr Weekly. My Ufa. Mr. P. V. Hebcbrand, Pres. Ohio - r .w., I-U14UU, viliU rinec xwermv i o ( hid xiys: "i am saustitu ur. Miles' Ner . 1 I r m mi lUf'i mir lira r , . -i wreck and unable to attend to rnv 1ujim.M. lyutujis i.tiicu tu Dcneni ' mc ana I decided tO tl'V L)r Miles' cfvinj i irun ma M,,t . .r .. I arA .:...,ii.. ,(v....j .. . iTi. l . j . : .v. . miw oil. in ) i ii uu i 'HI i li Ir r r P health now and have ! SAme" 'vtral pounds in iitsh." Dr. Miiem'Nenrln r is sold by all drupgists cn guarantee, first buttle benefits or money back, book on heart and nerve bent frte. Or. Mile. Medical Comoan;', Elkhart 1 Mav :i, by ev. Hi G. Snal Emanuel B. Klingler and Rri,i J, Snyder both of Jacksoi twp June 15, at the home of the offlcia ing clergyman, Woodland Aveni Punxsutawney, Pa., I Hew 8. r. I .1 r - -NII.UI, ucv. isaae i Ac',;. M. II naator of the St. Marti IPU . H.inniM Ileal Lutheran church. KnoxrlnM Jefferson comity, Pa., and .iiss.i na L. Swartxell ofSiglerville, Mi fiin county, I'a. D1KIJ June 21, Bertie Stven at Selinsgrove, Mi , youngest diiucrhtsr j H. P. App, aged 28 years Mr. P. Ketcbatu of PikeCitv. C '" ' . 'u i , ut: 111 .1 III 111 I1HI M ,, . , ...... , .. I 1 1 ...... I . ..1 I ll viuitui'.etmiu s i all) jiaiei i only remedy that aw him VUs l an v proiUDt ri -In f fioni i ri, iuu.T oiners nav tu ill'. i ibis limiuent anordu t, I'. Ill all Druggists. Uit cakm foroaIiE a tariiioontatl ing .").") acres situate ii: Middlecrel 11. f. ... tOWIIsllID, J mile north of G .Mills snvdei mtv. is tiffrn .... I.. I " rm i .. ,. i saie ;u H nargaill. I 11- iililKilllji arc good as new Five acres nn i ,, . .i ... goou woouiano. farm win lies i a l i ... i ior ursi got k i oner, t all on or si dress,J.M. Maurer, K reamer, Pa. If you pay your subscription year m advance you Can tret thePoi for only one dollar. II you art arrears you c;in pay up your UITH ages and one dollar extra for year in advance. Then von gei tne rami dournsi live s-c;ii free. ..mrn.ii's. Aauenti i serrea rrom M to 64, umi m nri ooiied ui i ISW. Ill the Balll- nl Hi,' '.Vnileiiii ! woDld like to have my oom rattan know rl I Celery Kins has dans mr im . in ikwi m , i nniplaliit. illiin ulio. a, euine beeK. 1 I il.ifliirs 1'inllil ,T u.iin i' Inn .,..i..r.. I..,.. I ciiredBie.aiil am ones more njojrlSK Tea K -ffeo gt lane; Kidneys IssoM In we. and i-. . i.u knges ; . in, ; , , , iWwur EXECUT0R S SALE CF Valuable Real Estatl The aanMlMld ElUUiui ol tli IuhI A unti M'icin:"iu pi i-ii,i i i i , ' ( . man Twp., 1 1 ydor county, 1'it , dlCiHld, tier and by virtue of the powi-r of attorney taint! in the Mid last will and junta m-tlit MtDOM t public vcu I n or out-ci v at the HSfi ne" tyltfl Mwq Bom Tne following dcuci-ilied Kenl Ktnt ' tkact no- I All thatssrWn iimmnn .TIKI (11 IllllUBllUIIK' III 1.1'UMIIl HJI , rMll i uuiiiv. I'm., iiouniien nortii iv :i u i Ol i liurli'i. riy. MDeca lii-HTi-r an. I liivi,t ,l..r .... II'.. Hi, II. I, I.V I. .11, In ... Il.i.'i.t V.....I... on the w.'flt liy landf of Unrvoy DUger, Will IlllflllJ ' HL l-BIIIWirUI IC1 IV llll .111 ri.'I'lll Ulwiiit IvtvfH.iuM ... .1.,.. L'lCiir, anu Uie balance m rmin'i limit, on - .....I...I li TWll-MMDV in,, i ie i . IIOI'MK, HANK HA UN al. ,1 oilier outtiUilili IWO BrKir.OS Or f.ACl-l. I.K.N T A I hi! onthp iiremisesand close to the church MCDOOl. son Two.. SnyderCo., Pa .nliout a mile i 11,1 ,11 NIIVUlGII, -IIU .' ' ' II ' I I I . . 1 ., ,' 111 Ixiuniled north by lands of Una.- Kltiv imiiivi, -. ., .'i, .nv , m. laiitii, o. Henfcr, et. al., on the coat by iantla of .. . , n ,, ,, , , . - - . . . saner. Thomas Walter and (ieoreo Hnvilc tainlnsonc hunureu acres 'i,.,,J nrl the hataneetimbar land, on ... ... (.Inn,, un. 111111(1 red III i.i'i'..- i.i iivuii.ui u Ttt'fuHTniiV itn: ivvi-i uni-wi: ii ivtr ninv WAiriV uuvn door. Sale to ooramenoa l 10 o'clock i M rlaw shn anH srhsM sine eitiin be given nd tvrnM of ade made kno W. D. DILOBH, I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers