The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 29, 1899, Image 4

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Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
scrm bam mo SOWOt
The Middleburgh Post.
publifthed everv Thursday.
Geo W Vagenseller,
kditor and Proprietor
Subscription $1.50 per year
Ul-:Uinutbpal11n8lTance wnen sent out-
Hon ina w f "
mr Dm tfi nn'uvf puMijkfd ; ofsmary potny,
.Republican Standinc Committse.
W H. Herman. .1. 0. Mlddlcswarth
V. Muoi'T. Iiavid Coleman
Cha A. Waanter, John l. Howell
II B. Wagner, II A. Howerox
' i. s. Troutman, I". A. Troup
M I.. Walter, H. & Bolender
j s. Yeartek. H. H. Smith
Bmvw w.,
' 'hapman,
IVrry W..
Al. Cjelatli .lames r.rmcy
I) Kreaincr. S. I. "dor
A. K. Young. D. Pi Hitter
Prank Miller, Howard Bow
Dr. M. Rothrock, Irwin Boyer
Geo Hmwieff i John noil
k b. Keek, ' ' I)l,,k
tleo.S. UpH'v. ;, !'
O, c. Rice, II. J. Btroh
K. W. Toole, .n. arrjoaan
Kt.rriiMt an TH'Kirr.
For Associate Juuei
p. r. RUBQEk
For Sheriff,
tiKO. W. ROW.
For Treasurer,
For Commissioners,
For Auditors,
U. ffoltMAN API',
DeleMUtO KPput.Uc-Hu BUM Convention,
Tbnreday, June 29, 1899.
The Pennsylvania Dutch.
During the last six years Bet.
Dr. Handier was the principal of
the Keystone State Normal School
at Kntztown, Herks county. The
annual election of the institution
took place a few days ago, and by a
vote of 12 to 3 the Directors decim
al to re-elect htm, for the reason
that he is an alleged hater of the
Pennsylvania Dutch and endeavor
ed even to prohibit the use of the
language in conversation among
students on the premises.
stated that he is a native of
It is
Tennessee, ami a
(1 a minister 01 me
Lutheran it-rsuasioB.
11 so, lie is
evidently in the wrong ohurcl
as there is
we venture to say, a
stronger ir.
infusion ol tne Biraigm
Dutch among the Lu-
theranstnan nnyuurei 7
Evidently lr. Hancher imagined
when he 'came all the way up from
Tennessee that his mission would
be, not merely as a teacher under
the prescribed rules of the school,
but also to civilize, refineand dignify
thestupid, illiterate, chuckle-headed
bush-knipple elements coniniony
known as the Pennsylvania Dutch,
forgetting or ignoring the fact that
many, if not most of the brightest
pages of Pennsylvania history were
made by such Pennsylvania Dutch
men as Governors Snyder, Wolf,
Ritner, Bhunk, Bigler and Hart
nuift. And it is also truth self ev
ident that but few exceptions the
counties or districts in which the
Pennsylvania Dutch element pre
dominates arc in all respects the
most productive and prosperous,
and as to intelligence and morals
n 1.1.. ..... anv
they compare iavonuny v
and evcrv other class of people of
this or any other country. In one
respect only their record is a failure
oompared with other elements of
the human family. We refcrto the
criminal record. Only now and
then, here or there, it happens that
a Pennsylvania Dutch name gets on
trie Hat ,'if Dcnitentiary or jail in-
t- .,,,,1 i,,r this kind of short
unlive, on..
coming t!;ey are fairly excusable
Mourn Chunk Democrat
The New Hloomfield, (Perry Co.),
lima Bays: "A few evenings ago
Constable Light of Miller township
nicked no an armful ot hay, put 11
in the euttins box and commenced
cutting, pushing the hay in with his
hand, " hen the basket was aooui
half full he noticed somethingjump
ing around in the basket in which he
was catching the liay, and on exam
ination, found he had cut a copper
head snake in two, the other piece
being found in the cutting box.
CO. , atw
11,..., I. Kntrrt.fl tor Record.
. ... Pi 1
Peter Bftley and Wile IO JUnteTI
Kruinbine, house and two lots
the Isle of tine, Sclinsgrove,
Samuel McAl tester and wife
Robert AcAllester, 4(H) acres and B2
perches in Beaver township, Union
(now Snyder) county, tor
Dated D'
CC. i. ICntl.
H.rrlsirs Ipenaril.
arttagt adVoaaiBB.
f J. A. I ommeli Beaver Springs,
.' . r ' ' i, ,V
I Nettie C . Knitzer, DeOIer.
( Jollll D Renn. hlinburv, j five hundred pounds In weight each, and some-
.' . , , at! times as Inrge as a man's bodpi until, at the
I IolllSJlfi. MUSeleman.EMltnBgrOVelfJlnal of the dlaooyerr, Il was estimated that
f Asahel V. Walker, Selinsgrove,
Stisitnna T. (iable, "
CoirniiNalfHiers)" tttllre
( hrders granted during the month
of May.
Calvin Forry, lumber, etc.,
V. II. Riegel, scalp certi-
ti catcs,
I saac Sjiotts, salary on acc't,
W. II. Paries, transcribing
Win. Dreese, salary on acc't,
M.S.Scliroyer,G.C. Walk
er burial,
John D. Hare, lime, etc,
Paul P.illliardt, jury com.
S 5 22
50 W
1 05
1 50
Eli Portzline, jury com.
1 50
II. H. Tobias, et al, haul
4 65
ing, etc.,
J. W, Swartz, salary on
P. S. Hitter, lxarding, etc., 100
P. S. Kilter, services, 100
ttobert Hassingcr, filling,
Val. Bolfg, registration,
Win. M. lkiyer, road view,
Total, $464 42
The number of mills levied for
all the taxes of each township, coun
ty, school, road, poor special and
building, except state tax is as fol
lows :
Adams, Ilf mills
Beaver, 10 "
Beaver West, 14 "
Centre, 8J "
Chapman, 11 "
Franklin, 9J
Jackson, 8 "
Middleburg, 14 "
Middleoreek, 12) "
MoiiriK', 8 "
Pen.., 8) "
Perry, 14 "
Perry West, 10 "
Selinsgrove, 21 "
Spring, 10J
Union, 15 J
Washington, 14J "
Lakxt and Mod Complete Exhibit
of a Stcrlizing Apparatus.
Philadelphia, June 28, 1899.
The Agricultural Ibiilding at the
National Export Exposition, to be
held in Philadelphia next fall, will
have many novelties in the way of
exhibits. Not only will the latest
inventions in the way ot agricultural
machinery and implements beshown,
but there will be a comprehensive
display of carriages, wagons and ev
ery kind of vehicles. Among the
working exhibits in this building
will be a complete motlel dairy, with
apparatus for the ste'rlizing of milk,
the refrigeration of milk, butter and
other dairy pnxlucts, so they can be
lipped to any distance, lvoad en
gines, traction iiuichines, threshers,
harrows, nlows anil the smallest ot
handy helps for farmers' housewives
will be shown and every farmer will
be benefited, not alone from the
knowledge he will gain, but alsobe
eause he will see how tar the Am
erican manufacturer excels his for
eign competitor.
Dora Co flee Agree With Ton T
If not. drink Grain-O made from
pure grains. A lady writes : "The
first time I make Grain-0 I did not
like it but after using it for one week
nothing would induce me to go back
to coffee." It nourishes and feeds
the system. The children can drink
it freely with great benefit. It is the
strengthening substance of pure
grains. Get a package today from
your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a delici
ous ana healthful table beverage for
old and young. 15c and 26c
a n nn a m nnnQBiD m T To r r .
A tfnaa 1 wrm.n r iouu.
! Thousands of Acres of Rich Deposits -The
Property of the Boston and
Texas Copper Company Its
Romantic History and
In 1863, during the I'll" OWII war hctwten the
KtnN', when utmost every HUM. in the ntnte
of Tex, between the airen of fifteen and fifty
yenri. who wnn phynk'nlly hle to Berre hH
country, wan in the (Confederate Army, and the
Comeiicee, KloWS and Apache IndiaUii made
freiiuent forays into what I now the mot proa-
Krousand jNipuloiiM nection of Texan, Col. '. B.
irry. In cotiimaiul of a battalion of Textw
raagati. uaieintl theee utetlaterjr eatragei itrtq
wbMU now Archer eon nty; then a baaotlfel
pl toreiie tcrre Inrotftm:. "fentie inuuinunK
hill anil dull
covereo witii wihi uowem ana
nutritious grasses, upon which were fattened
thousands nf wild deer, nhtelope ond buffalo,
making It a favorite hi.titiujr. irrouud of the
nomandic, primeval red man.
A severe battle was fought, after closing
in with the Indians. In which through greater
prowess and equipment the Texan, were, as
usual victorious. Whi n about to break came,
copper ore of the richest quality found
scniteris, a'i over an arc., in mrutj
thirty square mi ies. on the surface of tho ground
i snu iiniH-iioeo iniuesuriacu cisy, ami wn-u--
ling several feet below, ranging in sixe
! from a iea to a goose egg Also in solM veins
running from the sides of the hills ami where
; the eali alluvial soil had been washed away by
I ndns. the ore veins, por'roding from the hill-
Iridewjthotrttnipport, would break fl and roll
to the foot of the hill in chunks 'rom two to
I . I ,1...
two thoiiaaint tons
,f AAfuiMi it w-ns nlso fniiml ill the blue day.
which beginning at of wttlllo few Inches of
the surface, would extend in depth from eight
Inches to eight feet This latter was apparently
almost xhauatleai in quantity for whatevcrei
cavat ions were made a few inches deep, this
upper bearitUJI clav was always found. A wag
on I.. a. I of the ore Was hastily gathered, and
hauled t Austin . the capital of the state, some
three hundred miles distant, and assayed by
Prof. Be Kvee, who wasthen and for many
war. after the State Urologist and Chemist o'
Texas. Ids assay ol the ore yielded from 43X
to 7s1! per cent. Copper, and the copper bear
ing clay an avenge of about IS per cent with
an Indefinite quantity of silver gold, nickel,
cobalt amrile and malachite. A large percu-
sioo gun cap fftewrr WfSB VHM .t..t i
Austin, and onern'ed successfully by Prof. Or I
Kvee. and from that time to the cloee of the
Civil W ar. In May BU, nearly all the pereusrlon
cans anil fulminating material used in tne i mi
fed, rate Army were supplied from these iwpper
State Geologist Win. He Ryce was sent In In
vestigate the source and volume of these cop
perdeiosits. and he reported that proper de
velopment would demonstrate the existence of
of IhegrealcstdcposllKof copper, the cheapest
mlnhd. the easiest smelted, and that would
Pay the largest net profit of anv In the I'nited
fttates, At tee I hell I -ad r.r mine, which had
been opened, he made a cross cut about 15 feet,
and In ten hours work, with four men, raised
ft.ono pounds of ore, averaging ' per cent.,
leaving more than than as much again In small
broken chunks, and nodules, aggregating some
7 or H tons, or about I MO pounds to the foot
lie also found extensive deroslts of similar
ore and clavs at various other Iplncea on the
propertv notahlv at the Douglas, Ball, and
Wicln leads, showing (he great diversity of the
dc-ii... its. these four main leads being miles
Prof. Wan, F. Cummins, who was.during four
consecutive administrations of the State s 1 ov
eminent, In charge of the geological bureau ot
the state of Texas, and who subsequently ex
amined the property, confirmed Prof. De
Ryee's report, and said : ''The copper ore Is
practically nn the surface. Nn great shafts to
sink at enormous casta, no flooding of the
mines by water to contend with- the ore. In
stead of passing through 7 different mekfdorgie
al processes, passes through only two inex
pensive ones, and instead of yielding only two
to Ave per cent of copper aa In some of the
great paying mines, It yield f rem 60 te- 70 per
cent, while the clay alone, running from eight
Inches to eight feet thick) yields 2 to aer cent,
an average of perhaps quite 1.1 per cept. and
Instead of requiring million of dollars for a
plant to extract the metal, II will be llaivlated
and precipitated by chemical mean al Insigni
ficant expense."
'After the must careful and thorough exam
ination of this propertv at different time for
years part, my conviction I firm that no ration
al reason exists why a very great mine may not
be developed on the property, that would very
soon return most gratifying results to the
The Federal Government at Washington,
having learned of the existence of this copper
ore. the Mrcretary of the Interior sent an explor
ing commission under charge of Prof. Rosslrr,
a moat OOmpeteat, experienced ofllcer. who
made a complete an Investigation as the hostile
Indians would then permit. RM report was
exceedingly tnterclttng. and fully sustained the
positions taken by Prof Ie Ityee ana t urn
mnls. It can he found lu extenso In the geo
logical reports of the 1. S. (lovernmenl
Major . Nelson Smith, late pevmaeter gen
eral In the U. S. Armv. and for a number of
years a Senator from Philadelphia, In the leg
islature of Pennsylvania, visited the property
several times, hauled hundreds of ton of cop
per ore from the surface of the ground a dls.
tuner ,.f several hundred mile by wagon to
the then nearest railroad and then shipped It by
rail about Z,MX) miles to the copper smelters at
Baltimore and I'hoeiilxvllle. where it was an
nounced the finest copprr In existence, and
sold for from 123(1 to SIM! pat ton.
Prof. T. A. t letith, tne consulting and analy
Heal chemist of the I mversitv of Pennsyl
vanla, und afterwards its president, assayed
about 31,0i0 pounds of ore out of different shlp
pmenta made by Senator Smith, which lie certi
fied averaged aliout 62 per cent, pure copper.
Th land Is also valuable for farming and
lock raising. The soil consist of a dark,
chocolate-colored loam, remarkably fertile and
producing vast crops of corn, cotton, sorghum,
wheat, oats and other Cereals, potatoes, fruits
of evcro varletv, and grapes equal to the best In
California or Italy. The climate la almost per
fection, being a happy medium between the
long, bleak winters of the north, and the al
most perpetual summer of the extreme south.
The elevation above the sea Isabout 1.200 feet,
assuring perfect comfort and health the year
rou ud, su, h a thing as a sunstroke or prostration
never having been heard of.
The prnierty was profitably worked for sev
eral years for the diacovury of copper, ami
large amounts of the metal marketed In liulti
more and Philadelphia, at a time when the ore
hail to be hauled by wagons from 190 to 300
mile to a railroad and only discontinued when
the surface ore had been marketed ; mining and
a plant to work the ore on the ground beyond,
became necessary. A In the early day of Cal
ifornia gold mining, the time came that expense
was necessary and It was not all profit work
tupped. These ame California ml nee, taken
up subsequently by men of capital and enter
prise, are now the most profitable of all and pay
millions of dollar per yeat In dividend.
This great property for the control of which a
million of dollar wae once refused, has been
held by the owners for a favorable market and
awsitingthe development of a proper method
for treating the mineral content economically
on a large Male. The Boston and Texas Copper
Oomneny has secured the properry and a sys
tem tor treating the ores and clays successfully
employed at Mansfield, Germany, for hundreds
of years on similar
eposits, and will operate it
lor all mere Is In it.
The deeds for the property call for 13.274 acres
as patented icy tne .state, but It believer! II win
survey nearly AO.onu acres. It is some ay, miles
wide and Into 12 mile long, and the equivalent
of nearly 1,000 ordinary mine or mining claims.
The highest expert and engineering authorities
pronounce it one ol the greatest copper proper
lie in the world, and it I believed it will prove
equal to the Calumet and Hecla, wbieb has paid
over fm.OOO.OAu In dividend, and returned ,$5u0
for every dollar paid In on the stock.
Copper mining I so uniformly auceeeaful and
Srofltahle that few know anything of the In
ustry except the fortunate holders of aecuritlea.
Over tWsl,IJ0U,000 pound of copper I now pi re
duced in America, worth $fl0,OW),000. or within
10 per cent, of our total gold product, and this
enormous production, netting 126,000,000 to tbe
owner annually, la hy about twenty properties
located in small territories In Texaa, Utah, Mon
tana, Michigan, California and Arixona. Tbe
latter produces 110,000.000 lbs., and tbe Boston
and Texas Company' great property la on the
same gcogiaphlcal line.
No Industry equal copper mining In stabll
y. prompt and nuiformly successful results. It
It the safest and best American Investment.
Th beat companies pay from U to 400 per cent,
per annum dividends, and the future I more
promising even than the peat by reason of the
constantly Increasing use of copper. '
A portion of the full aad tin ble itoek
ol the Boston and Texas Copper Company
which control thl;raat property may be se
cured at 15.00 per "hare (par 110) to provide ad
ditional money for plant aad development ;
any will soonbf I
-r " ih .lock hw
offered at Se.uO per share will be worth WMP
i more. The share, of the Calumet end Hecla
rv.m.n v ki..i, AhM H..ll in Roton at one dot
lar per aliare are now worth eiKht hundred dol
lar, per share.
It ts announced that the price will be advanc
ed as soon as the amount 1. .Id that is set aaide
for this purpose and it is believed the stock
will have a larRv value.
Hon. Kinery M. Lowe. Vnyor of Brockton,
Mass . Is president of the roiiipnBy, lieorire W.
Kussell, ssMk, paier manufacturer, Boston, vice
president. Major F. V. SpauMlntr. nct'ond vii-e
B resident and rtniinci il aajerit, ''"I- lidward B.
obins, treasurer, rM, .lauin, M Wlieaton. Bos
ton, secret iry, atul iti dire, tors are composed of
stronr men.
The companv'i ofili-ers are In the Lowell
Building;, '1 Ben -on St., Hotton, Mas.
Remit bv Clieclc, P. 0. 'nl r or lteglstored
Letter for st' ck delred to the Trcasu'er. Pros
pectus, reports aad fall lafunnajrion on applica
tion. HOW'S THIS ?
We offer One Hundred D illnrs Heward for nnv
case of Catarrh unit cannot be cured thy Hull's
CiiLirrh ( tire.
P. J. CUBM ETA CO., Props.. ToleTlo.:o.
We, the iiii'iersltrued. have known P. J. Cheney
tor the lat U years, .and believe him rs-rtis-tly
tMDOrahlrlD ail business tranaaMkMu, and rtnan
daily able to carry out any obligation made by
their firm.
Wt Tiii AX. Wholesale DragYtate, Toledo, o.
WALMSQ, Kinxan SIabvin. wholesale Druggist-,
Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh CUT Is taken Ihternnlly. aetlng
dlrectlv upon the blood and mucous suriaeesof
thesvstrm. Prfce " v. per bottle. Sold by all
Drtigvlsts. Testamonlals free.
ll.i II Family Pills are the best.
Rrdnrrfl Kates 1st .tit. QrettsN via Fenn.
N, Ivaitln Hnllronft.
For the Pennsvlvania Cliautauiua. to beheld
at Mt. Orrtna, 1'a . duly 4 to August in, IBM
the Pennsylvania Hailroad ommny will sail
siiecial excursion tickets to Mt. Uretna from
New York- Washington, Baltimore, Frederick,
Md . 'anau'lalgun. and Intermediate points,
fnc'uiliug all stations on its line in the State of
Ticket will be soil on June is to August 1".
Inclusive, and will be good to return until Aug.
13, Inclusive. 21..
Drink t.ntlii-t
after you have concluded that you
. - , . . . . -
OUgut Dot to driUK COUee. It IS Dot
a medicine but doctors order it be
cause it is healthful, invigorating
and nppetizing. It is made from pure
grains mid has that rich seal brown
color and tastes like the finest grade
of coffee and conts about $ as much.
Children like it and thrive on it be
cause it is tbe genuine food drink
containing nothing butnourishment.
Ask your grocer for Grain-0, the
new food drink. 15 and -'5c.
PerNcanally.t'ondnrteft Tonga tin Penn
sylvania Rn tiro Aft.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company an
nounce the following Personally-Conducted
Tours for the Summer end early Autumn of
To the North, including Niagara Fall, Toron
to, Thousand Island, the St. I jiwrenee. Mon
treal, (Quebec, Roberval (lake St. .lohn), the
Sagnenay, Au Sable I 'basin, Lake Champlatn
and George, Saratoga, and a day Unlit ride
through the Highlands of the Hudson, July 21
to Auguat 7. Hate, HM ; August II to St, visit
ing same points as first tour except Roberval
and the Hagoenay. Rate, 1100 for the round
trip, from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and Washington.-.Proportionate rates from
other pelnta,
To Niagara falls, excursion tickets good to
return within ten day will be sold on July 27.
August 10 end ft, September 7 and 21, 'ctober .1
to rale of 110 from Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Washington. These ticket Include trans
portation only, and will pet mil stop over with
in limit al Buffalo, Rochester, Cauandalgua and
Watkinaon the return trip.
Five-day tour to Gettysburg and Wanhtngton
September 16. Hale f2ft from New York, .122
from Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from
other points.
An eleven day excursion to Gettysburg, I.uray
Caverns- Natural Bridge, Virginia Hut Springs
Richmond and Washington, October 1(1. Rate,
tot from New York fit from Philadelphia, and,
proportionate rates trom other points
For itinerarlesaed further Information apply
to ticket agents, or address Geo W Boyd As
sistant Genera! Passenger Agent, Phlhwlelpha.
Tin: HI ST OK A I.I,.
For over fifty year Ma-. insi.ov'k Sootii
inii SvKt'f has been used by mother for their
children while teething. Are you disturbed at
night and hioken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with palnof cuttl ug teeth?
Jf so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win
slow' Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething.
Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon It,
mothers, there Is no mistake about It. It cures
dlarrluea, regulates the Stomach and Bowel,
cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces
Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the
whole system. "Mrs. Winslnw's Soothing Sy
rup" for children teething is pleasant to the
taste and is the prescription of one of tbe old
est and best female physicians and nurses In the
United States and la for (ale by all druggist
throughout the World. Price, twenty live cent
a bottle. Be sure and get "Mio. Wiasixiw's
SooTHiaa Strit." 1-S-ly.
Corrected weekly by our merchant.
Butter 13
Egg 14
Onions 00
Lard 6
Tallow 4
Chickens per lb 7
Turkeys 10
Bide 6
Shoulder 8
Ham 12
Wheat 70
Rye 45
Potatoes (50
OldCorn 85
Oats 30
Bran per 100 lbs 75
. . , . .,1
Flour tier hhL
SB ennsntl or fsimmimlc
consult or communicate with the Editor
ot this paper, who will give all needed lnfor-matloP
mI it I kJkaii Hat Iho cumutny w
The Best Vaho in
lUoidne Literature
18 THE
Frank Leslie's
For a tfaartrr t Vnlurv
'M rim., per Yeor .
NOW 10 CTS $1.00 A YEAR
nrs. Frark Leslie, Editor.
and other noted and popular writers.
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly is In
all respects one of the brightest and lies't illus
trateil la-cent magazines In the world none
better rM beat knows authors and artists
contribute to the page-, and the highest stand
ard of printing Isapiiarant.
SPKfIAI..-Beantlfnl Military Calendar.slx
sections each in twelve colors, iuvW. Inches,
March lW.i to February UHsJ, together with this
manaxtne March to December I-m ill for Ml
rrank Leslie Publishing House, N. Y.
Copies sold and subscriptions taken by news
dealers, n-'tt-M.
Is a model wheel, tind
one that will ont-wear
any wheel on the mar
of all kinds neatly done
I have spent a number
of years at the, .b, nsjncsH
under an expenenced
instructor. Call and
, see before buying a
GHobe Mills, Pa.
Made a
Well Man
of Me.
ixrwdaoee the above reaoit In SO days. II acta
powerfully aad quickly. Oars when ell other (1L
toungraso wlU regain tootr lost manhood, and old I
nan will recover their youthful vigor by axing j
BKVIVO. II qnickly and surely restore Nervous
Deaa, Lost Vitality, 1m potency, Nightly EmUdona.
Lost Power, railing Memory. Wasting Pieimae.apd
all effecta ot aaif-aboae or exeaeiand lndlacratloo. ,
which units oris for study, boslnea or marriage. It
aol only curM by starting st the et of dlaeaae, but
Uagrsat nerve toolo and blood balMer, bring
M beak th peak (low to node cheekaandfe
taring the Are of yooth. It ward off Insanity
and Consumption. Ioetut on having REVIVO, ao
other. II can be carried In vest pocket. By mall. 1
lKJperpacksre.or six ur tO-OO wtth a poet
are wrxraao guarantee to core or rerana
the xaeney. Advice and circular free. Address
Royal Medicine Co., SSW'
For sale by Middleburg Drug Co.
For Sale. I offer for sale fifteen
aeres of farm land, twenty acres
ot'jttirtly cleared land and twenty
four acres of timber land, all situat
ed at New Berlin in Limestone town
ship, Union Co. If so desired, it
will be sold in lots. For particulars
inquire of A. T. Taylor, Kishaeo
quillas, Pa. 3-23-3mo.
SCHOCH k uira
Offer to the public a full
line of Corrugated Roofing
Plain Tin and Galvanized
Iron Roofing and Spouting
Pence Wire.Tinware,Gran
iteware. Etc. A full line of
for Summer cooking. Gall
and see our stock and learn
our prices.
Suubury St Lewis town Division.
In effect May 22, 1899.
wfrAti. - r vtioss. , t.-ri5
I :i
1 - I')
n c7
n ;
n it
r impure i;ci v
Selinsgrove . I.. uetlon H V
fvliiiagrovc , '.) IH 5 i
Pawling i 9 13 503 1
3 31
2 M
3 :t
B .2
3 t .l
.1 4.'.
3 47
iv reamer ' 9 e 8 01
Metier 'nit i .
Middleburg KM i sj
Benfer r- 2 t 1 '
!u '.'7
in M
lu M
i i:
11 irt
ii ia
11 ill
II 21
II .17
I .12
1! :)7
Hcavertov. ii I S 41 I ,; I
Ailamsburg .TO I t
llauhs Mills Baa 4 2
Mct'lnre 8 is t u
Wagner j 8 H 4 09
Shiudle 8 1.1 4 uj
I'aintervillti 1 a 09 4 V
laitland Si 8 n
l'wistoivn 7 .VI 3 ill
l'vl.t,iwn ( aiu Slrc t ) 7 it 3 l.i
lx-wistown Junction 7 SO a r
Train Ip.ivi-v. Siiuliary 5 25 d in, ar
rive ut R liitsjrrovf- 5 45 p m
renins leave Lewiatowo Junction :
4 SJ a m,ln 13 a m, 1 10 ti in. ISO p m S : p m, 7 c
It Hp at, for Altueaa, Pittsburg and the Wt.
ror M.i'itnore snu Washington I .5 a m 1 ri I
188 (M I'Uiim Pur PhlladVlidda n,l I
Vork ri:ia Kb in. 1 01 1 n 4 Aland 1110 pm I'm I
ll.lll.-c'IIIK ,1 f , ., Ill ;., n g p U ,
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
xoi:tii :u kntiiai. kailway
TMlns leave gunbary dallv except Sunday :
1 'ii n m lor Krlc and 'anndalgua
1 10 m for Relletuale Rrleaad tiaundigua
U II I in 'or Icci von. Tyrone an'ttbe Wex'
1 HI p ni lot Hull, Inntc Kane Tyrone and fanar,
qglea 5 45i ni lor kennvnand Klmlra
nil i in 'or Willi imsti.irt
Sunday I 10 n fur Krle and Canandalgna
il Ida tn fur Iick Haven and ) p m for V"i,.
Ham. port
I Ham, V. :i in 2 00 and s 48 p tutor Wlike'-I
lie ecu, ,,i.r.ccci,,i i
7 '0 in Id jlu iii. i nn p uj. 54.1 p uj ior shamu-l
bin ,....1 V..,i,.t I ' ....... I I
Sun hi v .is s m lor Wllke.barre
I'rn i ' I I,- vi, C,lll,.,,n.,. -----
...... ub,.CHlu,D,UKUIICI 1
lOim ill, week .h.ys srrlvlna ut Phil delphhl
100pm New Vork ,1.18 p m Baltimore 8 I p ml
584 p tn daily arriving at Philadelphia
.0 2" l in New York 8 .18 a m, Haltlmore 9 tSti
Wiii'lll. 't 'Ol HI 56 ii m.
H 4:2 pin, week davr arrlvinir at nhlladalnhl. I
t 30ii in. Near Vork 721 a m, Baltimore 2 80 n in I
iv asnini;ion , on a m
Tn,-ii.i. 1.... j..i
.... ........ , . . , , I
2 ;7 a ra MJv nrrirlnK at HhlUdehthln 6 &7 a ml
rw-uiiioreti ji it in winirton Tm am RM
Vnrlf U'llt ii BK T , . - lr , I .. tn on ,
a n m ""' " s Jmimj , IV ilf) B rU H'l tkV, I
TM am week dav. arriving at Philadelphia!
uw.aBS.fsnw inn .in p in, ItRltlmtte lllll
a m, Wellington 1 00 p m. I
158 pm, week itays arriving at Phlludelphltl
"23 pm. ftw Yuikvsopm, Haiti mora ou n al
Washltivton 7 IX ,. m I
Trains also leave Sunhtiry at 9.10am and sal
. n ., S ,. n. I... ccj - - ... , . .... I
j" e '" "at riarnsourK, rnuaaeipnia an I
Haltlmore I
. .. ,,,evw....L"'.W''yl n ' J'- Agent
1. u, in. 11 ni.t.'H.t 1 1 00 i .naDaflr.
Low! Cask Prices.
Call Before Too Order Elsewhere-
mm- ni. rm-w mmw avavor a
It about as near perfection a 50 yean
of Lamp-Maklnj can attain to. It
bums kerosene, and gives a powerful,
clear, white light, and will neither blow
nor jar out. When out driving with
It the darkness easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be had, ask your
dealer for the " Ditto."
We issue a special Catalogue of this
Lamp, and, if you aver prowl around
after night-faH. it will interest you.
Tut mailed free.
60 lealght 8t.,yew York.
aWatirlefcai la 1840, '
n 1 v I Foot 10c viicVER or lie stami'i
Oil I I will send a handsome For N T.w
PEN. Solid gold. Nothing beats It. Tremerrf
oai seller. Aunts wanted. Address a t om
Bcxl85. fciuyundoldt, W. Va a-ie- :i