The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 29, 1899, Image 1

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Interesting Items.
. . t . j D..,.f Prarrranhs for
News. IOW ln U1,C1 ' " r
' Our Readers.
rwaMMi rttmmm tm '
... ,.i OMMwmw ,rr
or i.o Prmle"t
No paper next week.
The state Orange will meet at
Sunbury next December.
Juniata county's Republican pri
mary will be held July 22d.
Clayton Wetzel has gone t.. Lew
iitburg to seii(l several week.
Attorney W. E. Hoiweworth of
Selinsgrove was at the county neat
last Friday,
Misses Meme Beaver ami Claire
( Iraybill are visiting friends at Ma
hontougu thjs week,
f... n R V.d iin -:cut the
early pan of this week visiting er
parenU a1 Selinsgrove.
Miss Nora Deitriek spent several
weeks at the h-une of her grandpa
rents, Henry Deitriek'.
.). II. Long of Pemi townshii was
a caller at this office last week. He
made the trip on his bicycle.
W. W. Witteumyer has pnrcliaa
sd a fine team of driving horses.
They wereseenred at Freeburg.
'Henry F. Mohn, the suceessfnl
lawyer ot Peon's Creek was at the
uountv seat u:i Monday afternoon.
MfidH lilu Beaver and Hestoi
Dagle ofNorthumbtfland are visit
. iog Gabriel .Beaver's family in this
PaulDingea ot WUlhtinsport, an
insurance agent of the Lumlier cit,
was sit the county capital Friday of
last week.
The Christian Endeavor Society
of liassinger's church will hold a
festival at the chU'ch Saturday ev
ening, July 8th.
Misses Jennie, Julia and Annie
Bibighaus of Mifflinburg were Mid-
,n..i..,.,r visitors mi Moiidav and
WIWU.K .....
Tuesday of this week.
G. E. Qrayblll, the liveryman, last
week had the misfortune of breaking
a finger while unloading some trunks
at the railroad station.
BerteRowe and wife of Millers
burg last week were the guests of
the litter's parents, Azariah Krcc
ger and wife in Franklin.
Many men imagine that the world
couldn't get along without them,
but when theydie the town in which
they lived experiences a boom.
The Christian Endeavor Rally
of this section of the state will he
held at Island Park on July 4, 1899.
About ten thousand people are e--
The new school building when
completed, will make an Imposing
appearance, and will lie one of the
finest of the kind In this section of
the state.
A ......... !. . h.iate- tor the
ww. "H - i
democratic nomination lor Associate
Judge are Charles W. Dreese, John
M. Uine, John Fields and John S.
John Mover of Freeburg is in
town this week. He has enlisted at
the recruiting station here for the reg
ular army. He formerly resided
at Freeburg.
Why is it that nine out of ten
persons, as soon as they run up a
bill at a store and cannot pay it,
will always send their ready Ottth
somewhere else?
James Avers and wife last week
visited their daughter, Mrs. H. H.
Leitzel, at Mifflinburg, and Mrs.
F. T. Ranch of Williamsport, who
sjientthe day at Mifflinburg. On
their return they were accompanied
by their grandson, Guy Leitzel.
Miss Mattel Grimm spent a few
days during the pout week visiting
at Freeburg.
Bryant Bower of Lewisburg was
the guest of his grandmother in
Franklin last week.
Mrs. AnuieEllenbergerand family
of Harrishurg are visiting her par
ents. A. W. Bowersoj and wife.
A. It. Gilbert last week visited
the family of F. F. Mower at Lewis
burg and took in the BucknellCom-
Paul Johnston of Harrishurg, (i.
W. Drurv of York ami Mr. Pick of
Millersburg were visitors ill this
place last Friday night.
Thomas Hums and family of
Homestead, Pa., were the guests of
.Mrs. Burns' parents, John Stetler
and wife over Sunday.
Persons going iuto the shoe fac
tory are requested not to molest any
of tli' packages Their curiosity
thou id stay on the outside ot the
f we could only say as brilliant
things in company as we think ol
just before we go to sleep how easily
we would obtain a reputation tor
Prof. Edwin Charles, the silt 88-
tul pedagogue ot this place, on Sun
day was granted his second degree,
Master of Arts, from the University
of Life. It is a little girl.
Bruce H. Crouse, who had been
to Liverpool, England, returned to
iffHBTlfeburg last ween, tie is very
hiffhlv nleused with his trio abroad
and expects to cross the ocean again.
V. C. Posaperoy and wife of
Port Royal, Juniata county, one of
the directors oi the rirst National
Bank at this place, attended a meet
ing of the Directors here Thursday
of last week.
Rev. Lit of Baltimore is spend-
ioirthe Btunmer In this place and is
... ..... ..
making his home with m. u onan
nun. The parson has many friend
in this vicinity who are alway
glad to see him.
A Clearfield count v exchangi
chums that a man lives in that
COUntV who didn't take lime to at
tend his mothers funeral, nor even
to stop his team in the field as tin
funeral cortege passed ly.
Sergeant S. V. Ulsh of the 10th
Penna. Regiment, Penna. Volun
teers, last week was commissioned
lieutenant of his company. He is
a native of MeClure, this county,
and we are proud ol the young
man's military advancement.
Thirty-eight years ago IsaaJ Wal
ter left Middleburg to make his home
in the west. For the first limesince
bis departure he is visiting in this,
the home of his youth. He is a
pleasant old gentleman and says that
the familiar faces that greet him are
Prof. J. O. Herman, Principal of
the public schools of Kdwardsville,
Luzerne county, spent a portion of
last week as the guest of hits brother,
Dr. A. J. Herman, at the Washing
ton House in this place. James has
lieen re-elected for a term of three
The material has alxmt till Itecn
received for the construction of the
telephone line from Middleburg to
Lewistown, and work was com
menced at a number of different
places along the route last week.
The line will le Speedily pushed to
We are in receipt of a letter from
Frank Bowersox of Rock Springs,
Pa., who, through the death of his
old friend, John Reitz, vividly re
calls, that in 1863 when both were
voung men, they were elected su
jicrvisors ot Franklin township.
Other men in their prime then he
recalls John and Jacob Hassinger,
Joseph Walter and others.
W. I). BiliKr of Kant, was a call
er at this office Saturday to leave
orders tor the sale of his mother's
real estate in Jackson township. The
advertisement appears in this issue.
J. K. Krecgcr ami H. 15. Rowt
went out to Switt Run last Friday
and liroiight in 58 nice large trout.
They are very well pleased with
their catch and seem to think they
have secured the banner catch oi the
In accordance
torn of observing
the holidays and
week, there will
with the usual eus
a holiday week, at
the -ltii of July
he no uuiier issued
from this office next week. I he of
fice will be open lor the reception of
subscriptions and for orders for job
Howard Fuller
las enlisted in the I
' New Berlin
S. A rmv as a
recruit for the ftmippines. lie
itarted on Monday lor San Fran
cisco, where he win emnara wun
others tor Manila. He will go hack
to the 21st Infantry w here he had
In ell
urine the war with Spam.
A smooth, easv shave, genteel hair
cut, or other tonsorial work, is al-
wavs obtained :'.t Soles Barbershop,
uilding, next door to the
Post office. In to 8oles to buy
new razors or exchange tor old ones.
Razor hon"d and guaranteed to give
tatisfaction. A E. Sow.
A charter was issued Monday to
the Susquehanna telephone and tele-
rsranh eomitanv to turni-li a tele-
o i : . .
graphic service in Uauphin, Of
thumberland. Perry, sciiuylimi.ja
niatu and Snyder counties, the main
office at Millershurg, Dauphin
Capital, 6,UUU.
Prof. Chas. H. Albert of the
faculty of the BloOmsburg Normal
school, was at our county seat last
Friday. Prof. Albert is a native of
Snvder County, a son of Peter S. Al
bert of Selinsgrove. He stands very
high in the educational world and
his many friends iii this county are
very proud of his record.
Dr. Nathan C. Shaffer, state su
perintendent of public instruction, is
a member oi a remarkable family.
His parents who reside near Kutz
fown. Berks ootintv. celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding
no Soml.'iv hist, and a t much thov
have five children and eighteen
grandchildren, there has never been
a deatii in the family.
Chas. P. Ulrich, Ks.p, attended
the Democratic State .Convention tit
Harrishurg, last week. 'Squire d
rieh is always interested in every
thing that concerns the welfare and
interests of his party. A number of
of Mr. I 'Inch's democratic friends
are using his name in connection
with the nomination for President
Judge of our Judicial District.
It is announced that the govern
ment has adopted a postal wagon for
COUUtrv service ill some section.-.
The postal wagons are manned by a
driver and a postal clerk. The lat
ter registers letters, issues money
orders and transacts a general postal
business. Mail is delivered to the
houses along the route or is deposit
ed in B free delivery DOS near each
residence. Thesystem will do away
with thousands of fourth class offices.
A hack party from Selinsgrove,
chaperoned by H. H. Schoch and
wife, took supper tit the Central
hotel Friday cveninc. Those who
composed the party were : Dorothea
McAteer, Alexandria, I'a., Misses
Mary Houseworth, Sallie Boyer, El
la Kessler, Florence Wagonaeller,
Bessie D. Ulrich, Delia Pawling,
Edith Potter, Lizzie Miller, Mollie
Burns, Mary S. Schnure, Agnes Se
lin Schoch, Marion S. Schoch, Mrs.
Emma C. Schoch, Messrs. H. Har
vey Schoch, Harry P. Bolig, W. M.
Schnure. John A. S. Schoch, Geo.
iS. Schoch and Silas C. Schoch.
Red Cross Hospital Service.
( liiba and Philippines.
To the Pkopj no? toe United
Statkh: In compliance with the
wishes ol the Preaideut oi the Unit
ed State-, the War Department and
Hie Military Uovernor, and in n
Iponsc to the multitude o! appeals
from the island, the Ked t ross has
returned to Cubn to assist in eom-
bleting the work ol rcliel begun so
nng ago. i I" wtvh'c w auxiliary
o oilier rebel work by the Govern
ment, and i- pint-lv ol a hospital
nature to shelter th
home!' an.:
ii- Irom i he
mi invwtiga
ihe sullerers
irv to state
care tor II ick.
In the lair of tin
reports thai wane t
press, f rum visitors, f
lors, and mosl ol all
themselves, i- it ikk-i
llmt. in -nil, ,.1 :i ! ha- in
... i.. i.
done for the initigatii u oi the woes
of these w t h reed h i ks oi
Bumanity, tin re vol ri-mains a work
.....el- .-I. ii ..I Wi
may not approving! close our eyes,
nor fold our hands, hill not, we
trust, ol infinite continuance? e
believe that, once well rein ved, Ihc
proper provisions made, the suitable
methods inaugurated and their own
people interested in I he work, the
inhahilanl- ol the island will he
found equal to their own needs as
in former years. Thcv have not been
mendicants in the p:ust, and we trust
will not become bo.
In uurrvimr out successfully our
,n,IulprtjP mission to Cuba, the Red
' " '. i ..AM ,ln,,nnil ..iiti.olv noon the
i i" ion . i-. j p. ... .....
active co-operation ol our many
friends and the generout support oi
the American people that support
and co-operation which in the eigh
teen years ol the existence and
labors oi the Red !ross in this coun
try has never for moment failed
nor faltered. Tin tnisl ol thepeoplc
of the United States in the good
'aithand work ol their Red Cross is
equaled only by its trust in them.
Besides fund -, the need ol which
v v trriMii i wiv wi 1 lie reoiiircfl
medicines, delicnte, wholesome ond
Bustaiuine tHsl foi iM'rsoiisUHifecbh
to work, and who w aid be subject
for hospital life, il the hospitals an
provided; suitable clothing for tin
same class of unfortunate people,
nun women mid el ildreu.esnccinlh
for children; bedding without stint,
anil all that got to make up the
comfort, so h:i :i possible, of hos
pital life and orphan homes.
The homeless children of 'uba
will 1h' the special w ard- ol the Ked
Cross. Ma'nv thousand." ol these
little ones arc in the mosl pitiable
condition, without food, clothing or
care; sick, helpless and destitute.
We are urgently t ailed upon fin
large quantities ol clothing, ma-
tenals for clothing, and
imds for
the hos-
the support of the nurst
Ultals and the home .
( )n account of the act iv
beine carried on by the
O i a
Army, and the approach of the rainy
season, it has also become necessary
to expand the Red Voss w ork in
the Philippine-, and to -end repre
sentatives from headquarters t co
operate with the -tall already in the
field. Additional funds ate needed
to carry on this service successfully.
With thanks and blessings for all,
and we happily believe, from all,
we have begun this closing Cuban
Sincerely yours,
(Signed) Clara Barton,
Pres. American National Red Cross.
Emergency Headquarters, 1601
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Next Tuesday is Independence
Day. Young America will again
celebrate the signing of the Declara
tion of Independence.
JUNE 29, 1899.
Henry K. Sanders Dead.
Henry K. SandersofPenns Creek,
was born Julv 20, 1 S2- and died
at bis late residence in Centre town
ship, Tuesday, June "id, 1899, hence
aged almost 77 years.
He was the son of Henry San
ders, Jr., born lT'.'o in Lancaster
county and Catherine Kauffmau, a
native of Hartley township. Union
county. Among his brothers, we
can name, Jurab oi New Berlin; Jo
seph of MiiHinhurg, whodied March
I. 1 890 ; Jonathan, who resides at
the old homestead near Penns Creek
in Union county. His sisters con
sist of the widows of Daniel Rcber
and Col. Ivlward Smith, both of
New Berlin.
The grandfather ol the deceased
was Henry Sander.-, Sr., a native ol
Cocalico township, Lniniistcr Co.,
Pa., wh Sept. 2(1, 17'."'' pur
chased the old homestead, which has
lieen in the name of Sanders continu
ally up to this linn
Deceased was a well known citi
zen of the county, who carried wiih
lltlll the I'e-Iieet lllll l'ooi Will Ol 111
I.;... il
''nod will ot th
;,' ,i,:..i, i. ,
iiiii ii i i i i i ' i lit it mi h m
inutility it.
Isiilml I Vii ! he to hi- nsbes.
Christian Endeavor Rally.
The Second Annual I 'hristian En
deavor Pally oi Columbia, Montour,
Northumberland, Snvder and Union
'ounties w ill
Sunbury, J uly I, 1899. Aiicxcollenl
program has been arranged, afford
ing pleasure, profit, inspiration and
instruction. Prominent speakers
will be present, among them one of
me officers 81 the Stale L nion. line
of the feature- of the afternoon will
a Junior Rally to be held by the
Juniors of Northumberland county.
At this meeting the Junior Orches
tra of Sunbury will furnish the mu
sic. The Evangelical church ol Sun
bury will serve good meals Oil tin
ground at '" cent-.
S. S., President.
Marrying Filipino Girls.
According to n
letter received
PittKburtr. the American soldu
hovs are likely to surprise a lew oi
the girls they left liehiiid. They
write, a soldier, ay-; :
"There arc quite a number ol om
soldiers lure (at Uuvite) that an
marrying native women. It seeim
peculiar to me that there should I"
any attraction between people win
arc so different. Everv few days
c '
we are called out to serenade a wed-
rll.K. i.-o-lv tt here one of nlir soldiel
friends is the groom. I he marry
ing of the Filipino women seems to
le contagious, and is spreading
Swarm of Bees in a Ohurn.
Bert Butler, one of the practicing
veterinaries of Centre county, has a
wife who has considerable pluok.
Mr. Butler's profession demands bis
absence from home quite frequently
... i i i i ..i ...
ami lam ween wiiue no wun uom iu
the bees swarmed. Not having
made any preparations for the same,
Mrs. Butler secured an old CUuru in
w hich she placed the bees after hav
ing captured theni.BfomV Gil
lette. The salary of theSellnagrove post
master has licen increased from
$1800 to 1400 Htr year. This
speaks well tor our postmaster, ueo.
C. Wagenseller, who is an efficient
public servant. Selinsgrove never
bad a more competent and obliging
official in the capacity of postmaster.
It is a pleasure to enter this office
where everything is neat ami clean,
where the mails are rapidly and
correctly distributed, ami wherethey
are served to the patrons in an oblig
ing manner. Gemyrovt Time.
VOL. NO. 2ft
News of Interest Gathered From Various
Repairs are being made to the
railroad tressliagal PawlingStation.
Mt. Pleusant Mills is now con
nected by 'phone with the outside
A Christian Kndeavor
was organized al Baker's
Si ii ict v
m ar 'rossgruve recent I v.
The building ol u new school
house at Aline an ! the gnidinj; ol
the school, was defeated hv i vote
oi t. i.
The prospects are liecoming
brighter lor the resuuiplioii "i work
in lion. Dr. A. M. Smith'- iron ore
mines near Adamsburg.
F. M. Monteliusol Richfield was
' Philadelphia to have an operation
I icrlorinei I in his eves, I ml the
ine doctor- of Philadclnhia
thai he is totally blind.
Republican Convention.
Rer.ublicuu State 'huirman Elkiu
has decided upon Thursday, Aug.
21th, as the date tor the Republican
state convention, and il u majority
of the members of the state e- mmit
Ice agree w it h him, which they uir
iloilhteilH' W III, Hie OUIIVCIII lull Will
be held on thai dale. ( liairnian El
kiu will not call a meeting oi thestate
... . .i .
committee to decide llie oiie-lion.
He has written all of' the members
of the committee asking them it
Aneust 'Jlth will suit. Asseoa as
a majority respond in the affirmative
which it is expected they will in a
few davs, lie will send out flic for
mal call for the convention.
His Real Friends.
The country uewspaper man - real
friend- are those who cay everv
year. His Iiesl friends art? those who
payal the beginning of eaehsubscrip
toii year; or, if that is inconvenient,
when the lime of receiving it is half
out; or, if tinv are unfortunate and
have not the money then, before the
vear close.-. The citv newsiMiiier's
friends are all real, for the publisher
t hereof w ill scud no paper- unless
he gets his pay in advance. That's
the difference between friend- who
will ask for trusl and those who will
trust you j and confidence should not
be abused. Pre mid Printer.
Unfair Criticism.
Somebody very aptly rises to
mark what u howl would go u
the new-paper were to criticise
, if
individual a freely as many people
criticise the newspaper. Everv is
sue of a live and a reputable news
paper is a mantle of charity, and the
matter left out truth, UOl gossip
of dames would often lliort than
equal in volume the matter
published. If any editor could e. i
out a cold fact edition some day,
and get up a tall tret and watch the
result whew! What a panic there
would In'.
Superintendent o! School- Ham
mere, of Indiana County, has retired
from that office after nine years' ser
vice, and his final report discloses
Retires that .arc not to the credit of
the local school authorities. Mr.
Hammers says that the State appro
priation to his county was changed
from $13,904.70 to$47,345.66, an
increase of t83.440.96 8 vear. Ill
striking contrast to the outside aid
has been the decrease in the wages
of teachers. Ir. 1W the average
pay was $3:! a month, and for the
year ending June 1S9S, it was but
181.68, a decrease of $1.87 per