The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 22, 1899, Image 8

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    Sohweflelbrenner Letter.
Fr cm Mhut u cnuuk Democrat,
Mistb Dboqkkb:
Now is 's nimmy long, yusbf a
pewr wcarSt, bis oW awfong tun der
mmpmeettDg lesson.
K. la nsw !m tram vohr siddcr
ich ' letsht mohl 'n cam.) me
gat nd !h!i, 1111 s war so ivvcr OU
aii resting 09 ion a so goot remem
ber os maun'e de letsht wooh gwest
wser. A.nyhow, ich hob now my
mind ui gamaucht 'a naigsht mohl
Uu tends un wann ieh aw fin! odder
ki mile travela musderfore,
Ich con on nix denka os so ivvcr
ous interesting is os 'n levviche
irishtliche campmeeting. Leit fun
oiler awrt cooma bei grosse, klaine,
diaino un weeshte : ealarntr un un-
ilarnty, snmirty,
dobhiche un
rlnmniv : dc maid in - irrandshta
fasbio'js mil sunna-bloomich un
i - fetldericha lioonets ui era kep
nn hoomernwlishu hussels ui ni
hiuner dale. Un de Iwova iun ol
lerai sorta, awer ntarshtens dedooda
mit tighly hussa, gtiily shoe un kit
benshing aw un dreata i- maid tan
n feel srundniss os se iressa kenna.
Uu deuk yiisht, we ivver ous shai
uu iilitc se ile shaina maid om dow
ua rum fcera.
A werde preddic
war yushl
aiimriucn micresiiuir. -i
II I I i a!
hut,j iutfcerlich explained wc der
,,. .!':. i, ,i,,,. Yooney g'sl
nil we ar 'n dri dawg n
noked hut
!i der houd
runs -fs 1 nn ka loud gakuts d hut
weil tr Yoonev refused hut tzu
digest i ; unar but aw explained we
der M i-e-i de sblonga g longa hul
in der wilderness. Awer 's besht
ii , i itt .i .i
late tun tt r pn-'Mi.-u war urn wa ga
de olia Yudda o- -him I'm! dousseild
yoiir dude -in. Der waig wc seller
porra deuita Yudtln Hail Columby
gevva Im:1 iergessich net so lohgich
laib. So'n praddich con mer aw
etijova. Es niaueht ame sltorrick
im goota 'rishtlielin glawva ; es du t
ame de I ruin m ich keit frish uf tuna.
A I) V how, es hoi nix Wlin's aw iu
bot, we der olt bauer gsawt hut we
or si kronky sow gakrotz'd hut mit
ma welshkorn krootaa. sym w av.. m ;m.:. mVLlva buM-
Demo hut 'n bruder gabain. F.!lt, ' l( Montgomery Ferry,
war about '.--ame regulation galmit p.,..-.. rn p.. He is now a lonesome
ii- ol garuund ben tor de leti
I' i ifl dch yuhr. We de meeting
, it . i i ' i i j i
tM'i war noli ic i am- inn ue nean;i
breder aw gatrutla mi hob a wenmcli
. . i 1
num o wmi un uuuumiui miim
i :..!. ..i.i i:..i. :
in favor tun sellam gabait, un
vii r goota bruder hut
"On ! golly, Pit,
fsawt :
a hetsht mieh
la iiaida we i-ii yung war.
1 1, minerawi
i.i kenna, awer siuuer ion
i ,.i," i
jaiiioK o om uu rumiii i i-
. i itimnH
ihow, we
ruunt gat.
sawt, de nai j hi
iiuii meeting os 's gebt inside inn
lecl ieh
" M
tzu tin
iw mit li
os ieh
i ,'i nawu
tor se
o- I 'll
,VU')SieiI noe, i .-ii.:'-iii
gai tiir '.- rale, true
s Wl
ciii Hon.: i. iinn tzu
Pit s, ii-.v;
Beitmeerl Ratea to EKIchinonft, Vi.. 'ln
aennvlva,nla Ralleoal. eeeitt in
Xrn 'i iniiKmventton liailiatYttiij
aepl ' l'nloii.
a am: of the International
Convention of the Baptist Young
i i e - i nion ot America to ih-i
held il Ktehinond, V a , duly 13 to
10, the Peiinsvlvauia liailroadCom
uati' has luru Hired to sell excursion
tickets from points on its nne, to
Itieliiiiund, ;'., at rate ui' single
tare tor the round tnii (tickets vial
Baltimore and steamboat fifty cents
mor than -ingle tare
Tiekets will he sold July 11 to
I:'., ii I will lie good to return until
July 31, inclusive, except that on
deposit with the Joint aeent at Bich-
monil iwfiirn Julv 2S. anil tlie mv-
me i ..I fifty cents, the return limit
. . . . . ... i
niav IM' (V. mli'i to leave I lei inom ,
n iH CM. i-ieo oi ..nimono " "J V. V Peonsylvania College in the seienti-
t later then A,.,. 15, 1899. Bid town Mtt.rday and Sunday fic
Stopoveral Wasldngton on r,.::!, !,-..tber, Lewis fisher, of , R s cllildren
rn trip for ten days not l ,,:c(l i" - ""' ..'"Idav services pasned off nieelv last
al limit of ticket. lll,1.v ivHwl t,K,k u tnP to WlllHS,m,v, Vtu. MMArL M.
not later then Aug. 15, lS'.l!
(ill!! I 1 illlil I it' I ! '
I'm specific rate- and conditions I
1 . , !
I I i nrm T m-
Musical College.
I with her sister, Mrs. Gelnett, last
The summer term of the Musical , week I. S. Bine ba.s made quite
College, at Freeburg, Pa., will be- an improvement on the town by re
Kin on Mondav, July 17, a term of painting some of bis bouses. . . .Mr.
six weeks for $33, including !oard I
and tuition. Parents desiring n pro
irressive and home like school for
their sous and daughters should in
vestigate the merits ot the College.
Ft r catalogue address
-l5-2L Henry B. Moyeb.
John Huutz manufactured 100,
000 cignrs during the month of May.
His business is on the" increase. . . .
J. Howard Arbogust ami Calvin
Miller painted Postmaster Jerry
Charles' new store bouse with ,
Uautifullv contrasted colors. It is ,
i; ... i it I. ...I
a COIIIIIIOIIIOUS lllltl wtit hhum
(loss & Middles warth
of Troxelville came to r reetmrg
..i , it.'in ! Kri:iv iiiorinnu.
Theirdaughters whoatte'nded music-
al college accompanied them to their
homes P l' Moyer had the best
clover lot in this locality. He
mowed the grass last Friday and
took in the bay on Monday .. Miss
Jennie Arbogast, a teacher at
1 omelsd. -i t t h phans-1, arrived
1 . . . .1. .
home tor a vacation oi two moumn
...Our school board organized with
liolandus Seip, Presidentj C. . .
' Dreese,Secretary; II.S.Stahl.Treas.
w...;ii !..,,. Inrvo Htteudauoe
. We will have a la g aweuuauw
at the horse sale on the inst
Mr- Cobb and children oi Harris-
ii' I .... I
... .
ourgnreboaruersai wenvera
Mr. ( ui ili
I, nr.. dnrin.r SllU'IaV
. . Mrs. Ann Malick i' Harrisburg
is the guest oi her sister, Miss Ma-
linda Itoush Ceo. W. Holsapple
and iii- son- V. E. and Frank are
, . i
are painting
premises o
ii' large oarn on me
John Hummel near
Frceburg. . . .Mrs. ( arter ami nine
daughter of VVilliamsport are the
gui sts oi h r aunt, Mr-. 1. S. Hov
er ' 'buries Bolender of Middle
burg und Will. CroUSe were the
quests of i'. S. liiegleuud family on
Saturday... Judge ilrown an! Proi,
I . S. Ikiyer accompanied by their
wives attendad a i ting ot the
Iliuiune!'.- W barf Sunday sehoo
ami Institute last Suuday, and were
' rovallv entertained at the hospitabl
home of ('. M. Teat-, K
Boyer reports that he had a very
attentive audience . . .The new ad
ditions and improvements to the
beautiful ii of W. L. Basslerare
nearly completed. . . .The telephone
line Irom Freeburg to Eremont is
nearly euiupleted I Ii'
( lollege at the close oi a
term had interesting closing exer-
I,, : Tl.ntMiliiv i.v'iniiiw...Prof.
ni;'ii, .i rs. Moyer went t
Milton 1 1 1 visit hei
daughter, Mrs.
i: in,.
vriiu I ... nor iniiiis-
, , :.. .,-,,, Mr.
. i, is also there to assie
; during harvc.-t ami
I'uw , i'nn;r- liurvcsl ami nav
makinu time.
ANT Mil,!,
Miss Fioy
at the nun i
six'iil Sunday
jk who is working
college, Freeburg,
home. . . .( lurtain
Markle l
coke, ret
to stav...
who was cinpioycii in .auii
urtieil home last week to
Jerome tteitz's of near
'. were visiting at T. L.
over Sunday .beoloua
i I I V . I
Scluiec - were the guests oi i limp
were the guests of
Moyer's near Freeburg over Sunday
V, F. Sclinee, wife and daugh-
ter I .era
ni Sunday at Isaac
. . Mr.-. Ellen Spotts is
woi'Kinji ri lieorgetown a' present
.too. E. Iletmer hid his rnrht
.lislnented last Thursdav bv
(ailing from a bicycle On Sat
urday Peter Markle wife and little
-on Ray went to near Bichfield.
While passing down the hill near. I.
L. Stetleu's home in Buckwheat
N'aliey, one of the back straps came
loose, and the horse began to hick
and back and became unmanageable
and little llay had his right leg
broketi below the knee. The dash
hoard was bent, ami the bneirv was
ii.-ed up pretty
did not receive
is getting alonj
be expected.
bauiy. l ne oiners
any injuries. Ray
as well as can
Rev. I'l
h nfSelinsgrove preach
in teresting sermon tit
ed a vi rv
Grubb's church on Sunday. . . ..Mrs
if ca i ..; . i ..i ; m.. i i ;r
t . CT. . :;.t-i .ni'i innuni iii .on
I .h...... .... DatnsJat. .ti'i.iimi.
! e l t i
Quite a nuiniier ot our iK'ople took
I in the Children's Day exercises at
i Port Trevertofl on Sunday evening.
I . . . . Mrs. Fred Weaver nient a dav
ami Missis Gemberliiig aud Mr. and
Mi s St ravers were the iruests of Mr.
Seller over bumlaj . . . .Suie lne , of coffee and costs about ias much. Chamterlain s Pain Balm was the
is home on a vacation. She is going Children like it and thrive on it be- only remedy that gave him any re
back tor the fall term .... Quite a I cause it is the genuine food drink i lief." Many others have testified to
number of our folks attended the
entertainment at Port.
The contractors are about through
digging holes tor the telplione poles
here Calvin Kuhpp cut about
tour acres of wheat, cockle and rye
last week Peter Riegle, Sr.,
and wife were seen
last week., Ike uiehers are and tobe
selected for our dirterpiit schiKils
bere, so then no foreigners ueed p-
l t i. ir ii l a tfM
PJ nowen oi nwwinre
"an seven swurms oi oees in one (
day last week. He did not get Ids fmaiiv vou ure overpowered bv
armor plate off long enough to eat gome chronic disorder which takes
dinner Win. Gross and wife of I v,, t() an iintimelv grave.
Mddlenreek spent Sunday with ' w, shonld ,ut th(J puu
Henry Bumgardner. .Rev. unti, h .
and fanny ...ok in the ice cream , feB ((f )r
parivh.-id at Mr. Aaron Movers Nerriw would fix you up aU right?
last Saturday Samuel agoer It u tllL, nmH.-uw ana
..I Mi lli ,,,! la .,,.,,,1im,, kial. . .
. . I
vacation with Daniel EL
.lis Amanda Snook of Mifflin
county is spending the summer with
her sister, .Mrs. 1'ullv Merbster, at
nowen . . air. uranuen ana nwuiy
of Lewistown spent a few days last
i r.;.. . I i 4i i
i., . , r wit ii u I'll ii. ' ir
, ,.- ,- r" i
IMIKlllllel 1 lieni) . . .Jollll iiaiiurieK
of Lewistown was a LTiicst of L. A.
I i l m .
Jenkins over Sunday Warrie
,. , . . ...
Me' ilau.'lin ncuie a liusmess trip to j
, . i . m i ,
Ivewistown last Tuesday Frank
Baker and family spent Sunday atl, . . T'
i... i i.-.i. 5nL.fl. l-i IWttle 1
uueuij ran- ineiivis uointr ,
.. .. i . i i ?
great aamageio some ni oar wneai
lields. The farmers are not expect
ing half a crop.
Mrs. I.'. Schneider and daughter
of Fremont, Nebraska, arc being en
tertained by her brother, I r. A. C '.
Spangler Miss Mary House-
werth, who ha- been attending Wil
son ( ollege, returned home to spend
vacation Mrs. Noetling is spend
ing several week- at Bloomsburg
with the Proi Miss Alice 8ny-
der ofSunbury is visiting her uncle,
Newton Fisher The M. E Sun
day school had their Children'sDay
exercises on Sunday evening. The
children did wed and the decorations
were in keeping with the exercises
wnicn wen
ot a patriotic order
Miss I'.ihel ochoch is beina enter
tained by friends in Lewisburg
Miss Maggie Schooh took in the
commencement exercises at Lovs-
ville Oryliau School Mrs. W.
II. Miller of Boston is visitiifg her
inotlier-iu-law. Mrs, .1. 1'. tUehter.
j The shoe factory will olose
: down lor a tew days in order to put
in some new and improved machin
ery, when they will hegin on tall
lordersol which they have an abund-
, ance ( '. E. Lutz (Barber)
j I
I wife spent several days in Philadel
; last week and report uaviug hail a
plea-ant time I. W. Covert and
w ill' and ( lias. -overt and witc are
being entertained by Miss Marinda
x. ... uiiiii. iuwi .dc imit tr.- .
pie iu poor cu'cumstaneos tbau any
other one cause. To he BUOoessf ul I
one must look ahead and ploft ahead
so that wbeu a fovorable opportauity
I! .1 . , ..1 .....v
preHeuts itself he is ready to take
n I van tfK8 of 't. A tittle toretbOUgnt I
wi uisoBavemuchexpanseaodval;
man ill keen a bottle of Chamber
a pi nut in nun cure i ui
l?in'8 Cholic, Obolera and Dtarrhcot
ivemeay in tue uouse, tue suutlensl
I. lion' will wait until nece-i-ity com-j
pile it aud then reio Ins bent horse'
going for ii doctor and Lave a hit;
doctor bill to pay besides; one pays,
out 2.1 cents, the other is out a bun- !
dred dollars and then wonders why
liw ni'i .rli I ii ii- ,s rtf'tlimv i !,!,,, vi-lnli. .
he is getting poorer. For sulo b all
The C. E. Society will bold a i
lawn festival here next Saturday I
evening, June 24th.. Mrs. Estella
Stunk ol Port Treverton Tiaitedl I
friends here the beginning of this
week.... Miss Annie (lift visited I
her parent! tiverSundav Mercy ,
Brunner, Laura Harner and li. G.
ii .,m
otoA . . - ..... ..u
V tit I'.i-m- , i . .--) . I i "i 1 1 . 1 it ( ',,n1 ml !
Sunday evening. The children did
. it': i iL:
nobly in performing their part
, . . rx
Huckleberries arebeginningtoripen;
the rumor is thev will be pretty
plenty this seasou!
mm wmm I
(Mali t.min-o
after you have concluded that you
ought not to drink coffee. It is not
a medicine but doctors order it be-
cause it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure
grains and has that rich seal brown ;
..u. j ii,. fatast M-A.i,, i
containing nOthmo-butnouriBbment.
Ask yonr trrocer for Grain-O, the
new food drink. 15 and 256. ' "I
How Is Your Ortp ?
Not pelting along as well as you
exjectei '.' Thai is the way grip
acts when it is not taken in hand
anil driven out of the system at once.
The uoisont left hv the orin verma
keep right no destroying the
an, undermining the health. You1
l. - r.i 1 1
nn ui uppcuic ior tooti aim
what little von eat seems to d
Your nerves are unstrung,
.. ..h-oihh u.-.-.L- hik m uhnIh
health restorer ever known and
thousands oi
irrin's victims are find-
,ni osl stn , ., vjtaIitVi
,r , , ,,. . ,
I found mvself with, a very wea
ing in it a sate and sure means ot re-
Stoniroh, and every time I tried to
eat I would become nauseated, somo-
tim,-s lieiehin.r wind and fr tenth
- , ,. ,. , 1
finding relief onlv alter vomiting,
hit nil i n ueunuie imn uuu j
, , ,. , , , ,
was almost blind tor several months.
.,. ,, , , ,, ,
l-mallv I beirau using Or. Miles
m i it........i .... i i
n i
i lie; and wlen 1 had used one
greatly improved. After
, .
t wo more bottles my stomach
trouble was entirely gone and I have
had no return of the symptoms
over three years."
MltS. L. L. WlNTBRS,
Gwynneville, tnd
1,1 1
A trial nnekfiire of 1 (r. Mi!
vonte treatment tor t ie urin. eon-
. .
.Un,..r ,.c in- M5W Kami i ir
Miles' Vrve and Liver Pills' will
besenl ubsolutely tree to any person
sending name ami
d address on a uostal
cam. retiuesting the samp
' the samples and
iiieiitiomii''' nn- name oi nie I est
... .1 ... i ,
Address, Dr. Mile-Medical Co.,
Elkhart, Indiana.
DMda Entered ir Bacainl.
Solomon Ebright toW'm. W. Rice
150 aerosol bun! in Chapman twp.,
for $3000.
Valentine Varnes to Mary A.
Lndwig, house and li I '.a Isle oi
Que, Selinsgrove, lor Slot).
Benjamin Shelh nberger and wile
to Ceo. W. Amey, L2aeresand 101
perches in Perry twp. (now West
I 'crry two.) fi n- 1 25. I ated 1 S "7.
John M.
Amey, I ' a
lor $300.
'lover to (Ieorge W.
es in West Perry twp.
Shi lleuberger ami wife
to Geo. W. Amey, 33 acres in West
Pi i ry t .'. p. lor 1 ..".
Mr-, iiannah ilaldema
to ieo. . Amey, 1 i aen
pcri'hcs in West Perry
et. al
mil 1 n
two. for
M-ii- I
:ia uiihiis toueo. . Amev.
2n (!,..
in West Perry twp., for
letter Orantatl.
Letters oi administration iu tin
oatni-o nt !..- .1- w.,ii.... i..o. ..
w. in , ' .
'"" ' euaeii, neie grunieu
toU II. Walter and Calvin Stctler
last Kritlav.
MnrrliHra LleetMe.
f Samuel K Kl.nglcr, Penn fwp.,
( erdie Benfer, Middleereek twp.
John E. Grubb, Union Co.,
Sadie V. Btngaman, Centre twp.
niiiiiilaalniis i ' otner
The following is a list of the 15i-
cyclea as reported by the various
assessors of the count v in their te-
Bpeetive districts, in accordance w
the late Act for taxing bicycles :
A .1
I .iiams...
Qegyef West
.w. ,
- s neiit tlLVn
Monpoe 61
I Vrrv
p Woai
, ! ' f
,4 " "
1 1
u' wiiimrion
' - '"'
Trstal 70
T,,e W),,rt exposes for June
Term, 1899, were as follows :
(irandJury 3 115.47
IVtit Jur' 430 56
nr. ... . ' " "" .r01'w
Total orders issued... ... 1681.76
.Mr. J. Ketcham of Pike City, t al.,
nays : "During my brother's late
;..i....r. w . : i u
the prompt relief from nain which
this liniment affords. For sale by
all Druggists.
l onUnaH tram Inslrls Pagea.
Nov. 22, Nathan Arlxurast to
I'hrene Stepp of Perry twp.
r.. or i j
v . tl . 1 ,
-J, Isaac Hovis ot ash-
mgton twp. to Esther Krissinger of
Penn twp.
Dec. 1 !), Abraham Sobellvoi Kich-
JW to Catharine Barge of Juniata
, '""ty-
Deo. 22, Luther Kantz to Caro-
line Boyer, ltl. of Washington tp,
J:m. 28, AlwlShurrick of Juniata
Co. to Catharine Auoker ot Perry
! twp.
Feb. 21, John Nasrle of Liver
pool, Perry Co., to .Mrs. Susan Mil-
tr of Frcebor
Feb. 21. Qeonre Shaeffer and E-
lizabeth Haas, both of Perry twp.
Fell. 21, Michael Fisher to Sarah
Hoot, Initll of Isle ot tine.
Feb. 28, John W. Spade to Sarah
CiVster oi rratiKiin tun.
i3i , i , ii.
r... q t i. u t . i
June y, Johns, otraub to Catna-
. , , , , , . ,.
rine A. ! outius. both ot Washing-
ton twp.
June 10 Martin Fi
her to
Eyster of Selinsgrove.
,illhl, i o f,.un i unnj.ii.a ..j
.... '
to Fannie Hovis of Washington twp. j
June 14, John Ziegler to Catha-
rine Lanig ot VYashingtou two
, . ii , ,
.inly oi, Johnllou3Sto hlizabenl
humeri oi .1 uniaia i. o.
unmet i oi i iiiikiui v o.
July 31, Samuel Musselmau und
SaraM Jane Woodliug of Mouros tp.
,StTl- 5, Samuel Gilbert of 1'hila-
delphia to Rosanna Smith Abseoon
01 wew Jersey.
.e ni. .., .miiiucI
Sept. 22, Samuel Heckman and
Margaret Freed of Washington twp.
Nov. -Jo, ieorge Sclinee to Elian-
beth Minium of Perry two.
De.'. 11. Francis Bover to W,,l-
thy Erdley of Penn twp.
Dec. 15, David Hover to Mary
Diemer of Washington twp.
Dec. -21, John Thomas to A
anda Musser of Franklin twp.
Dec 25, Jnooh Snyder of Penn
twp. to Clara A.mig of Selinsgrove.
Personal) jr.CoaitaetMl Tanra via Pcnn
ylvnnla RmIImhmI,
Tin1 Pennaylvania Rallroiut Pomnanv nn-
iiouncu tin- f ,.i. , iv i tf eenxiitalLv-l onductei
1'i ilrs f
the Suiuiuer dud aarly
To tli.- forth InoludhiR Niagara Fall, Tiroii
ii, Tliuuwnd lilandt, tli si lAwrsnve, Uon
traal, (tuebee, ItoUerVal (Ui'k- st. ...mi, Iba
savnanay, An Sabla Obaa . LakM Ohampta n
unit Ueorira, HaraioKa, ami u day hula rldv
throuah toe HiithlaniU ol tl"' Hudaon, luly2t
t'i Autul 7 Hate, rl .:. . Augual to Sfi, v,-it-
I ami mi' iMiituanay. Uate, f 100 Uu- round
imp, irom mew iirx. rDiiaaeipnia, Ualtlmnre,
una Waablngton rroportlonata rates froiu
j iitlit-r pdntB,
To Niagara ralln. ascurslon tlokata good to
j rcliirn within ten dayn will Imj iold mi July 37,
i August 10 anil W, September 7 and 21, October S
in r.'.ai rati' ui ;iu iniiti rniia-leliilila, 11 iltiiniri'
ami Waahlngioii, i bene tleketa Include trail
portatbtn ouly ami wtllpeinilt Mop over with
in limit at Munalo, Rocheitar, Canaudaigu i ami
Watklni n thy return trip.
Piveday tour to Gettysburg and Wnnhtngton
S,'iitin'l.r ii llatu '-' fr.tin Niv ',,rk. '-'!
I other points,
from Pbiladelpbla. t'roportlunata ratm iron
An eleven day excursion to Oattynburg, l.uray
Plw from New Yor SM from Philadelphia, ami
; i : i , i:- run-, irom inner i.ilnls.
.-,,r Itineraries aed tortbsr information apply
rut. in- ail.lri'.-n W. Il.o.l. Ac
rnil I'anM'hi.-r Afient, l'liilaiU'lpliu
Total Ec ipse cf the Moon.
On June 22, there will be a total
eclipse ol the moon, but we will lie
excluded from the spectators. The
berimiillr is to be seen the eastern I
, . I.. ii i ,
poruous oi Asia ami inroiigiioui me
1 1'ieilie Ocean und ihe nrmtorn nor -
ii .ii inc. vuiii .inn tin. wi.-itiu pin-
1 tions of North America, and the end,
if . - . ' . '
tin Asia, the eastern portions oi'
I . , , .... r
't .!f C:i llllll till. Mill I i' Mill U-IX i.l'll
i mt !' uu. iiilUMn, oil1 . HCOIGIU
Pacific Ocean. At this time the!
i, ,,,ii tiii id,, 4nl .,.,,.,.,.... I,....
". ...... .. tp
pening on the 8tii, tirst tiuarteriui
..i, li,., I It-I, ,,l I..-I ..nyahniB. ....
'I II II- . VHI, ...l' I I l 1 1,1 I II. I I OL! Ol J
the 29th. There are seven planetary
: . i i i -v .a
, comuncinms witJi tiic ukmuj. k)i Uw
. . . . y
I the 7tl one with Mercury; on the
8th with Neptune, which is the
closest tor the mohth. On the 14,
the growing crescent comes up with
Mar-; on the 19tu with Jupiter; on
the 2 1st with Uranus, closing on
the 23d for the month with a meet
ing in which Saturn is the star er
former. The moon at the full is so low
down in .southern declination that
on rising it will seem very near aud
large, ami throughout the warm
summer evenings will lie a beautiful
sight in the sky.
Hid i ls bo r e, pa.
All business en trusted to his ears
will receive prompt attention:
Farm. OoUrrwa! Frorri Now to Da
cember, 1903-Nearlv
4 Five Yeirs.
Jiysje'ialarrangemet.t made "I
w ith the Diihlishi
. JoUItXAI, we are enabled to of-
I. ...x. ....! m
iei him paptr to every sul-
Bcriber woo pays for the Pan
j one year ahead, for only 1.00,
lj both papers forthe price of ours
a only ; our paper one vear and
to December, 1003, nearly five
years. The Fa i:m JoRBXAL is
an old established paper, enjoy
ing great popularity, one ot the
best and most useful farm pa
pers published.
i-rdTliis otler should hcuc-
Jj ceptcd without delay,
M AliiilK'i.
T 4 1 .
Mine 14, at the home of tl.
bride - parents, in Steelton, Pa.,
Rev. 8. E. ( Ksiiaetiford, William
Sieg and Annie K. Wetzel, both
I line I .'i hv ian Y 1 I...
Aim,,.! C trt: tJ ..e'o .,'
' uii.iin 01 ouieill Ml:
Yen lie Iienfer of K reamer.
Biiieu natmtu Diraii rm Kcmasyi
llrMl, Avconm Cbrlatlm
Eudoikvor t'onvnmion.
. . .i.
",,.,,,,.,, n:e v onvcnieai
the Young P lie's Society of C
tian Endeavor, to Ikj held at Detroit
-i,l!.v to 10, the Pennsylvania Kail-I
H"08 Company will sell excursii
uckcw ironi jxnnts on its Hue, to
i 1M''"- :lt raw of single fare for the
j wund triP'
- Tickets will be sold mi July I
and 5, and will ! good to return
' , -y uvwpi ma
by depositing ticket w ith the Joint
Agent at Detroit before July 12,
and the payment of fittv cents, tin.
return limit mey be extended to
leave Detroit nut laterthan Aug. 15,
For specific rates and conditions!
apply to Ticket Agi nts,
lirs loBee
Wiia Von
If tel. drink Oinin ()-ihh,Jh froni
pure ktrisiiis, A mi wrilas: "ili
nrsr tuue I'iuhks (iram 0 I did u
like it tint after Ubinc it, lor o'n t
iiotuinu would huloec i to io o-
to eotte." It nouriKtiPS teeiU
i eiiutii uu ki ii iiiibk
M! I ei ef'. it is li.
...t ,,11,.-
ii todn.V fro: ;
' - doi'ctioiif)
ii ;r. i iv wi:u ui
-t iHi.ct benii t(
i.'1-iins. Get it
l nur i"; ( v-r, r
nn. i; 1 1
n ih !i ie i il.-li. ;
young, iv and
ronSAi.E A !
trm intain-
inc 55 acre,-- situate in .
towimliip, mile north
Mills, Snyder county, is
sate nt a liurgaiii. Tin
ot GIoIk
lifered tl,,-
:i- new. 1' i ve acre- are m i
good w ilaad. Farm w ill be sob!
for first good offer, ('all on or ad
dress,J.M, Maurer,Kreamer,Pa. ti.
sasaHsl .
If you pay your subscription one
ycir in advance you can get tiiePofiT
for only one dollar, if you are i:i
arrears you cau pay up yur arrear
ages and one dollar extra fin- one
year in advance. Then von will
g"t the Farm Journal live vcar
tree. it.
' cot.irn'le. antlMtlon.
, ,,,...-...,, , ,.i,-.i v.,.,
- 1" l8Mt ln "" '''''' oi Un WUiierceaa. 1
VI.. !)k. , , .,,.,, h .,. W11 ,
' I' p1."" "J0.'' " i io my nid
i "inplnini. . iiniiiic llama, asm, i-uine luck. Ti.
docujra oouid not s'opi hui rlen King n.
i cured tne.a'.'j am ooc uiom si.Joyit.i; TUe.-
Kt-iu- '.iii:'.-,, Mv., .., M ..I, ic 1.- "1,1. V
I awl as m in
ami K 'tin.
Oelurj Klnjr ror tue Norrns, Uverand
I W H. Uertnsn, TroxfillTlei MIMlMtrarUi A
i v)"i in w. ai.,i ;.,i'. pKi-kii
, i. MOOIUrei II..',. B1WI I: .Almr.
.. ., i i i ...
"No," Bald bur father, "you
are utit
I sm m . ... .
mam want ior u sun-nwuw.
,, bet you never earned n ,imlar la
your life by your own efforts.'
"Ah!" exclaimed the young man,
brirrhteninir up, "there's where you
I hVS underestimated me. She bet me
; B ,lo,lar tlmt 1 WOUWa t daro to come
licre and ask you for her, nnd, ay you
know, I liavo won out." Chicago Daily
Tba Paid und the Unpaid.
"I have come to pay ray court!" ex
claimed the prince, bowing low.
"Dave you paid your washerwoman?"
asked the princess, courteously but
Manifestly, If all girls were as sen
sible as she, there would be fewer un
happy marriages or fewer marriages,
which is much the same thing. Detroit
I.ettlim nimaetf hits Easy.
"I think my old overcoat will 4 till
Christmas." i
"Yes; and after Christmas you won't 1 1
get one because it will be" so nsarjj
spring. "Chicago Eeoord.
I.-.L.S- -