! Rev. Ghas. G. Er lenmeyer's Mar riage Record. 1S.W. Nov. 2, John Hallruan to Mrs. Lydia Holtzmau, both oi Perry Co. Nov. 9, James Aucliiniitv to Lucy Ann Steffen. Nov. 19, Elias Minuig to Sophia Ciarman. Nov. 21, Simon Kister to t'atlia riue IJolig of Centre twp. Nov. 30, Henry S. Mover to Sa rah G!af of Freeborg. f to Catharine Titapl nf Middlecreek ' twp. Jan. 12. Jacob Potter aud Mrs. j Catharine Grubb ot Liverpool, Perry Co. Jan. 12, John Heirabanh to Polly Ann Bolig of Washington twp. Jan. 14, Abraham Dietrich to Sa rah Fetter ofPenn twp. Jan. 18, Mus' s Mining to Mary Sept. 15, Joseph Lnuwrto Mary Mover of Richfield. O A T. ' .L ? : . c...;n., B'T,''!FSft N 30 Dl. rlwrlcs BMt)tmm Craig of Chapman twp. """"",u , btofa to Catharine A. Arbogast, J:l. 8, C.eorge Daubert to Marv XSftJcSJtl Dec. 26, Robert Kern to Bu ; Kt t lwJ lizabcth Showers, both of Centre- Mover ot Penn twp. March II, George Naceol Norlh- B I IXo. 14 IJenjamin Kerstetter and I umberlaud Co. to Catharine Hcinlcr. mmm k i ifviun1 iii nil tain j ri Ll .,e iwa twn Bwbata Mtrx of Chapman. March 13, Henry Wagner and Dec. 21, John Shotzbergor to Sa- Amelia Mover of Beaver twp. j rah Holtzapple. March 20, John Craig to Mrs. E- Dec. 21, David Witmer to Sarah uabeth Arnold. Miller of Penn twp. March 20, Joseph Krebs to Join Dec. 24, George Kuliu to Barbara Ann Riegel. Kantz of Penn twp. April 15, Joseph Steflen to Sarah r oo T.L Af......l. ,.f V.,.., 4I i , .f 1 u i- r. ) ..' I 'lio itinn ii f trii Deo. 1, Jeremiah Peitnek to Ba- Jr . ,, D i . , . , i 2 " , Berlin to Mrs Amelia Bender. April 'J ..Jonathan Row toCatha- Dec 28, Franklin Bilgerto Anna rine BoyerofPenn twp, Maria Schnman of Centre twp. April saao height to Catlia i ... ov 1,1.,. w it i.. .; a..,, v: .,1 .,( n, ........... , ..i.i. I it le'l . ''. eJI'illl 11CUIUIVAO lu ime .vim 'ii .11. .i imi ii,; ini.iii I ii Deo. 25, Philip Greiner to Mrs. . ... !, , ,,-M, , , , , ... b.,: , ,, v ',.,. ,. to Esther Herman of Mn.dUvieek . M:;v S, Jhn ( i:m rum to Catha- Enzabetn VVentol l errj twp. , . . . ... - twp. rine Rotishoi Washington two. Dee. 27, Jackson licachel ot Bui- f . , r falo Valley to Hettie Kanta ofPennl M"-v f,'; JacobFredericktoMary i Iii irnu nf Putin iui Jan. ii, i'.iu Wooitiingana .Mary t'ontiu s both oi Penn twp. Jan. 11, .Samuel Boyer i Sarah Ulmi .. .1 ' i nf Pfinw fiwn rl ..- n...:'i u . phitttoEinmoLBoyerofFreeburg lilt!. I, i '.IV ! U . V i LiUKaOl I ' ' V .111..- liue lloltzapplu t.i Washington twp. Feb. 1, ICdward Miller to Surah Botdorf ot Freebure. Feb. 5, Andrew I voider to Sarah Hain, lioth of Penn's twp Nov. 15, Jacob Frederick aud Emilie Braun of Washington twp. Nov. 24, John Strayer to Eliza both Arbogast of Berry twp. Nov. 27, Jonathan Minich and Leah Gilbert of Washington twp. Dec. 1, Jeremiah Dei trie rah Kcssinuer oi rviinsrrove. O Dec. 8, David Boyerto Catharine Frederick, both ofFreeborg. twp, Dec. 29, Henry Herrold to Mar tha Fisiier oi Chapman twp. 1854. Jan. 10, Henry Gingrich to Eliza beth Garman oi Washington twp. Jan. 1"), Frederick Hair to Mrs. Hdttie Terns. Feb. 2, Henry Herrold to Susan Seliaeiler, lx;ih of Chapman. Feb, "J, George Long oi Miffliu liurg to Susan Boyer of Freeburg. Fel). 7, Lenhuri Kllue to Mary Sechrist of Perry Co. Feb. 23. Da Hary Fisher, both ofRiohfield. Daniel Sell lef. Su fi line .", Franklin Osterman and Catharine Hain- oi Freeburg. July 8,Johu Weist oi Philadel phia t Aug, 10, J ienry Kantz to Strawser ol Washington twp Aug. ! 1, Henry Smith to Lytlia Row ol Peun twp. Aug. 31, Philip Arbogasl to So phia Spade of Perry tw. MEN Kidney trouble pray. upon me mina, am- Hime rf Chapman twi. Feb. 23, John Rine Arbogast ol Perry twp. Feb. '.V, Samuel ) hinkellwruci fane Roush of Freeburg Maroli 7, Josiaa Ulsl Arbogust oi Perry twp. Ban Lanig of Washington twp. March 1. George Thomas to Mary Magdelena Renuiuger. Feb. 7, William P. Fisher to Mai gnret Herrold of Chapman twp. April Fretleriok Row to Rachel Hummel oi Penu twp. May "jo, William Foreman to 10 lizitbeth Bretz, both ofNorthumber- i.. i ; land Co. to Sarah i Muv -7. John iveuler to lOliza- i:.. 0, Get Snvi irge W. l'i'.i a to Sit' r, bothotClmpmau twp 1 1, George Ott to Fisher to Barbara Matilda March 21, Simon Kohlerto Eliza- mw wnaer 01 1 tlT' lwP' betii So'.iuee, both ol Perry twp. , May27, Wilson Rnthfuu to Catha- m I .); .. i . ,. , iv ... rine Meiser, both ofPerrv twp. jVlurcli zo, Ueorge ckiKer t .wis.: i Mary Catharine Hime, both oi Se- Je 10, Davit! Schwartz to Caro linscrove. line Hovis, both of Chapman twp. March 28. Heurv hlreiderto Ma- l111"' Abraham O. Bryan oi tildu Jarrett, butri of Penu twp. March 30. Simon P. Kern oi San dusky, Oiiio, to Maria Gtitjiberliug I J""4-' 14, Jacob Arbogastto Mary of Peun twp. A"" !-'!" April (i, Henry Spade to Barbara Juue 24, William Gundrum and Staubei' of Perry twp. Elisabeth Roush ol Freeburg. April 9, George Bears oi Centre July 1, John Rathfon and Mary Co. to Sushi Weilcr oi Washingtonj Auu Hovis. twp. July 1, Tillman Hoffman toMpry Anvil 16. John F. Kremei of Ann Heighes. Clearfield Co. to Catharine Gricch Mifflinburg to Mary Harter of ii i : i erry yo. July ii, John Thamer to Elizabeth Kratzer of Penn twp. July 12, Christopher Hains and baum of Perry twp. April 27, Henry Fisher to Har riette Harrison, both of Penn twp. May 11, Jonathan Snyder md July 29, Samuel Gilbert to Ar- Hannah Gelnett of Perry twp. I amiuda Busier, both of Washington May 11, John Stiver to Salome twp. Steffen of Perry twp. Aug. 23, Henry Boyer to Sarah June 8, Henry Boyer to Amelia Look oi Penn twp. dlass, both of Freeburg. Sept. 4, John Franklin Sprigel to I a V 1.1!., T ....I, (,. Af.-ll.. SiiKfitmn StivuvHor. U II UC ... 1' 1 ilill nil UWII l'f .Hum .. .. ..v.. . ,, . . t- . i i . t i o a. a n i i it , l oi i v j h i iic oi rerry iwp. Kerstetter, both ol Chapman. Sept. I, Frederick Arbogast and 1 June 18, Samuel Hcpner of Nor- Sarah Mitterliog, bothofPerry twp. : L. -f' J,,lm Kreaust ,u Lm ,i i i irf-. , . I f i . ..i .... i , uit'i mi nn in i, thumberlundCo.to Angelrae Kepler. Oct. 4, Samuel Adam toElizabeth , i o- T Ol I ..r..l.- T1....IJ I V I .1 1 1 'CI .nine -i, isiae ruuiuun tuvtuMU uuwwi n nuiuiuiuuuiauu -anna Sept Eisenhower. Sept, II, Andrew Laudenslager io Rosanna Bellman. Sept, 14, Henry Snyder to Man Meiser oi Perry twp Sept. -". , F. Loyd and Susan Straub oi Peun twp Oot 12, William Bertch oi Free burg to Mary Saner ol Middlecreek t ). (Jet. 30, John Shadlu lo Margaret Miser ol Perry twp. Nov. (J, Samuel Roush toMulindu Fryman of Middlecreek twp Nov.!', Henry Garman to Eliza beth Freed of Perry twp. Nov. 1(5, Henry Auckef to Anna Shotzlerger of Chapman twp. Nov. 1 ij, Jonas Griechbaum and Elizabeth Smith oi Perry twp. Nov. 20, Michael 8hellenberger to Barbara Reitz oi Richfield. Nov. 20 Philip Boyer to Sarah Roush, both of Freeburg, Nov. 23, Christian Stciningtr to Susanna V eager of Franklin twp. Nov. 25, Benjamin LJlrich to An geline Pawling oi Penn twp. Nov. 27, Jacob Shelleuberger to Caroline Brown of Juniata Co. Dec. 7, Frederick Gilbert to Su san Riegel of W ashington twp. Dec. 18, Joseph Sieber to Mrs. Sarah Motz of W ashington twp. Dec. 21, Andrew Bowersox and Daniel Kow to Anna riuc Miller. July 2, Francis Hlggins oi Selins grove to Julie Ann Bertch of Free burg. July 9, William Walboru to E lizalmtb Fisher of Penn twp. Aug. 1, William Kremi rol Char July ( reorse ., . . liitter of Penn ,vii, Itoiish tii Miss ... , , Bertch oi Freeburg. Oct. 25, Henry Kinney to Eliza beth Saner ot Middlecreek twp. Oct 25, James Botteicher and Polly Arbogast of Perry twp. Nov. I, Benjamin Minium and Held Co. to Polly Mengcl oi 1 erry f Mary Ann Uelwig ol Perry twp. twp' N'tv. 8, Jacob Martin to Catlia- Aug. 6, Henry Woodling to Su- rine Martin of Perry twp. sauna Snyder of Penn twp. j Nov 13 Michael Lawer to Anna Aug. 21, John Miller of Berrys- Wayne of Perry twp. burg'Dauphin Co., and Elizabeth I jjov. 13, Hiram Cla.e to Elvira Bohooh of Penn twp. . jfoygj, ol Wasbioirton twp. Aug. 31, John Dietrich to Caro-j Nov. 18, Conrad Kantz to Ma-1 inic Herman, Dow ot Beiinsgrove. p )VV vi Washington twp. Sept. 28, George Herman and E- Nov. 20, Christian (iravbill and lizabcth Fisher, both ol Peun twp. j yan Wayne of Perry twp. Oct 5, Amo? ScheUenberger and "JTov. 22, Reuben Lawer and E- viarv uanreoi Juniata i.o. Cet. Id, Joseph Arbogast to E lizalx'tii Stemmling of Perry twp. Oct. 26, Peter Gray bill of Perry twp. to Polly Bine of Washington twp. Oct. 20, Joseph'Rine to Elizabeth Btraub, Ixjth of Chapman. Oct. 20, Henry Schwh and Mar garet Pawling, both of Peun twp. Oct. 29, Charles Roush of Free- R,,nin$rer of Middlecreek twn. hi . ir.:i.j u..K..cM v. "" IAJ .litlUlM I OllUUlf i 'I v I I.I 11 1 1.1 I lixabeth Iravbill of Perry twp. Nov. 22, Daniel Mengel to Am anda Wendt of Juniata Co. Dec. 6, Andrew Romig to Mary Ann Boyer of Penn twp. Dec. 20, Henry S. Aurand and Ctitharine Giuwy of Middlecreek tp. rv or t i ti i c i. W( offer Om nnndrad DolUn Remrd for mi fUeC HO, Joseph iKir to Sarah raw of c-ut.-irrli mat cannot be cured Uy lUU's Muuuui of Chapman twp. Dec. o(), John Moll to Catharine Dec. 2"), Michael Kerstetter and Susanna Minnig of Penu twp. Dee. 2S, Henn' Aurand to Maria Hoffman of Monroe twp. 1857. Jan. 1, Henry Glass and Sarah Buyer ot Washington iwj). Jan. 8, John Specht to Catharine Bender of Franklin twp. Jan. 25, Samuel W. Hughes and BarbaraS. Buyer ot Freeburg. Jan. 29, Jacob Thursby to Polly Steffen. Jan. 29, Peter Shamory to Mary Gaugler. Feb. 10. William Schaefer and Mrs. Liioetta Klatfelder. Feb. 10, Daniel Shelly to Polly Bender. Feb. 12, Samuel liOiig to Susan Oldt of Monroe twp. March 5, William Leach to Bar bara Arnold of Chapman twp, HOW'S THIS ? Nov. 1, Samuel Kline oi Union 1856. Jan. 15, Benjamin Apple to Mar- fp to Mrs. Amelia Mover of Chain j tha Graybillof Juniata Co. nan. Feb. V, William bchwartzleuder C;iurrlt ctirti. F. J. CHKNEYCO., Props., TolPdo,;o. Wp, tltf uinlerhltfucd. have known K. J. Chortey fur tlie laist U ji'urs, itwd twllove him pertwtt ; honorable In all bUHlnpsB transactions, aud (loan t wK able to carry out any obligation made by I tlielrrtrin. I Wfxt Tki ax. Wholesale DruetrlsM, Toledo, o. WtwtKii. Kissan t Mabvin, WUolesale Orug- trlHtH. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Ihtcrnnlly, acting Ulrecily upon the blood and mucous surtace)of the system. Prfce 7SC. per bottlo. Hold by all DruifirlstR. Testamonlals free. Hairs KamUy ruin arc thu best. WflHPIM counties and leBsem WHlHn ambitiou ; beauty, vi Kor and dim'rfuliiHhs noon disappear when tin' kidneys are out of order or diseased. For pleasing results use ! Dr. Kiluier.H Sw-ium Root, the irrMut ' kidder remedy. At druggists. Sam ple buttle ly until free, ulso pamph lei. Address Dr. Kilmer &Co., Hiukibamton, N.Y, THIS CR jWrNZD IIEAD IS IRISH. King; O'U.iefr I.. ThMSk Horn In I lam), In nn .VnuTlenn t i!inru HU ii IukOuiu. DavU! U. O'Rcett, Ii : n r nf the small Islands Vap, 011a and St. David, whieh ure about 300 miles from l'elew, bus had tin adventurous career, says th London Lender. He is by Urth an Irishman, by cr.: nralixation an American, and is 6S yara of nte. When ha lettlad at Vap he mar ried a native princeaa, whoiaaahrewd woman and rttlei wlien he la away. The islands over which he rules are his by rij:ht ol discovery und the ac quiescence of the native rulers, and mr.y leoO me the cause of OOmpllcationi. He holds them against the rival claims of Spain and Holland. Over his islands h" floats the stills and stripes, and on his single trading schooner he flies tlie union jack . . O'Keefo la known In Hong-Kong a tk ooprn king. Uo haa accumulated no Immense fortune iu thn cocaauut trade, and Is a millionaire aside from hit claim to the island. He wishes to si.!', his territ iry either to the United States or England, O'Keefo has complete control over his chi.'fs, and has suppressed the slave traill c which used to be carried on. ii cggiBgacs TaTllTallsTf i w c little fellow's prompt t Utoraturo. DeslBnlns Early. Yeast They say the T oodles baby has her mother's chin. Crimson beak Indeed! I didn't know the little thing had begun to tails yetl I Yonkers Bta teaman. i.i.- ti interest, "Dorothy has given up all ozpeota tlons of getting married." "Has she quit crimping her hair?" "No; but r!it! doesn't save Booking recipes any more." Chicago ItemL It Was Dilated, Doctir Tan yon get pure water at your boardlnjr house. Patient No, not always) I frequent ly detect just a flavor of coffee in it. Detroit Free Press. A Queer linrn.-terlntlo. Knn, In describing to the family he? new toucher, who lisp-., said: "She purr; awfully funny when she speaks." Jtulire. ill Prediction Verlfled. "I see there h. talk of n plow trust with a capital of $00,000,000. "Well, haven't 1 been telling you rl-li t uloiitf that they would run this tract business In the ground'?'' Chica go Evening News. The Heathen I'i.ini Mr. Do Fashion What perfectly horrible creatures the Chinese nre! I urn told that In China the men actually buy their wives. Mrs. Do Style Yes, Isn't it horrible? Iiy the way, when Is your daughter to marry Mr. Dnlllon? Mrs. Do Fashion Just as soon its ho recovers from this last attack of gout. N. Y. Weekly. It i- v Is,-! Illator)-. "Grandpop," he lu an, turning Uio leaves of his bonk, "did your history used in say that the .Spaniards Bottled tills country?" "I believe It did, my boy?" "Well, tho new ones won't say that." "What will they say, Ostend?" "This country settled thc.Spanlonls," Then grunclpop gave him a dime Brooklyn Life cry I lively. BIw I seo an eminent German phy sician has found that women require more Bleep than men. He Yes, and I'll bet he's been bribed by somciKxly who wants to furnish some reaaOn why her husband should pet up and build the fire In the morn ings." Chicago Daily News. RlPANS TABULES are intended for children, ladies and all i r i ' i wno preier a meaicine cisuis: a con fectionery. They may now be had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Any druggist will get them if you insist, and they may always be obtained by remitting the price tp 'I' sT eV j -f-v t t. y.. A A rf. TTvs. v V lomnanv ks m at- nt ( spruce &-LaM?5im k & Jm All lleunlnr. First Pai iw got (on railway train) I have an Idea that is an eloping couple. Second Pot tenger No, they're mar ried. He's been in the smoking car foi tlio peat two h inra. N. Y. Weekly. lie U as 1'iir. (oil. ".Now, Harry," asked the teacher oi the juvenile class, "what is the incul we MM in the morning colled?" "Oat- meal," was reply. Curt'1 ItvuaJnlaoeDt. Mother 1 ' i tinctly heard sounds of klEhint; in the hall last night. Daughter (archly) It must have re minded you the old times, mamma, Philadelphia N irth Ami rlcan. Tooffh Luck. "Madam, it Is my painful duty to In form you thai your husband has tieen cuten by a l or." "That's tn badi he had on hki beat clothes." X. V. World. iiio fflooarcli ol bireugth is HtVtsve r. rt. t m i M m . ft u a t (1 kTy'' :r..y jmxuRi V '- H U Jdsf I (.ESOMJTEt.Y PV'KE.) pom m str. puruy. u la mi pure ooffoo. a . sold ct'.iy in or.o-oound sealed Si ' its etrenffth vcrv.-. 1 fr.:):liiv rcustod, und ! j packagos. Each packan will niako 40 c ups. Tho pack- . ttge r seaieci ai mo bo tnac ino aroma iu never ' J v oakencd. It -. ia a t!.: icioua fl tver. Incoir.uarablu troncthi !t iiia luxury within the reach of all. trlf on "Lion" Coff"0 Novcr ground nor cold In bu"c. i;ono C,onL..iiO v.-!:lio'.i,: Llon'd lior.J. ilr"i not I'lrf Mas PoSun In bit nforo. t . Mi: it I'll 'ii,' II". I iiililrv-ii, Hint . nny mi-, .r en mic ttii-ru. uo not tempi 1,1 y :'H "1 1 11' '-. WOt : SPICE CO., ToloCo, Ohio, .;. :v ::::!'.:t. :.v: .'. 'Zizi'. zrrsm 7i ty z0 it your oroces HIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Ciimprehenslvc Hand somely Printed and beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIQGLE No. l -BIU(iLG HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Common-Sense Treatise, witfa over 74 lUustratioas lasts&dsnl wurit. Price. so Ccats, No. 2-BIQOLE BKRRY BOOK All i' -ut KfowinK Small PniltS tesd Sad lenrn hnw : it .1:1 . i t ; : ' i life-like reproductloniol nil leading varieties ami lut other iUuitrsUons, Price, Cents. No. 3-BIGOLE I'OULTRY BOOK All aliout Poultry ; the tiest Poultry Uook In existence ; tells everything witlwj colored litc-lilcercprofluctionii of all the princifSl ttteds; with I0J uUicr.illuitrutiouii. 1T1CC, 50 Lt'UU. No. 4-BIQOLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Itusineis hnvln n Rrenl ffale; contntrm 8 colored life-like rcprOuUCtioni or tmch treed, with ijj other illuitratloOS. Price, JoCeats, No. G-BiaOLE SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Huns IlreedinR, FeeilinK, Hutch cry, DtSfSJes, etc. Cnntaiue over 80 beautiful hulf tuues uud utlii-r CflgraviagS. Price, 50 Cents. The HIGGLE? BOOKS are oniUe,Origtnal, useful you never awanjrtMag like them- so practical, soteosible. They lire hnviiiK mi enormous sale past, Went, North and S-uth. livery one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hok or Chicken, or (trows- smalt l-rulta ought to scud right uway for the UIUULU HOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not n mifit. Ittsaayenrn old; It is the RTent boiled-dowa, hit-the-naiNm-the-hend, Cjuit-atter-yoii-h.-ivc-said-it, I-arm and Hon , hold paper in the world the- biggest paper of its size i:, the United States ui iiuicrico iiuviui; over u minion uuel .1 -hall regular rcuders. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, anJ the FARM JOURNAL S YEARS (remainder of .ISh. iooo, 901 iyc2 EI,d will be sent by mail to uuy address iur A DOLLAR BILL. ' Sample of KARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIGGLE BOOKS free. wilmfr Atkinson. Address, FAUU JOl'RIHAI. citAb. r. jii-NiLiwa. PsitapsWHia The Only One. Jackson Pen well Is thcinoet remark able literary man I know. Johnson Oh, ho writes good stoiice, but there's nothing remarkable in that these days. Jackson No, but ho doesn't Insist on reading them aloud to his friends. N. Y. World. THIS IIU CAIAtOaUl COIITilN J I l'J FAOtt ' I:; to tim. eoutaln.-i 'er Jue.yui)iii"lfttl- 1 -. 1 ,,iKWI.Iii,trati.lie,l.'i lAi ,-i -t.ni'Hl eampleMandlowcstprlcwJ eaUkurns BubUibed. KAMft THf nN'ci :7"MSil l ! ' 'IP k evenrUlBK in ISwtilM, Iran, my , u.n Cfefl tan H...U, t,""" T . V'tf.TO?? 1 I'1""". ' m "..if .. ., ''i lr.-, RMkfi Ul'.l .r, SiSMS, tf-;:,.'.jfl.V3bfi A..flv 5 .irifultavl lim,:i ,-n.iiK. F-i'i' ji,. It. -s. S..liil... ll'ljil.,. Siinliw '..HJiWH.BVO $fr;1JHSf: J ii sJhHJhm rmtll. Ormvn, riww. SulMl l,lroii-l. l'nm',lils(lwifls A Stranger i'r.-m-nt. Struggling Minister There was a atrtuiger in ohurch to-day. Wife What did be look like? "1 did not see him." "Then how do you know there was s stranger among the congregation?" "I found n good rtiartcr in the contri bution box." N. V. Wcelalr. tfjLVi J-T-.V2: ' f-v'lij... itZ ' m4 1 TijTi l " Rrd(rrs, ti.'j'it T(,3kr, (.-ti-s, k'.ivtfptlt WW 01. if. i i ,., '.,'- 'j" 'r 7 iS4 JuiCwhut 'lurnlorr t, or "r At h -.iur r;uip5 freTorv'.hhnr lio hujr - .liVj". .? :"w .'rWR-r av. ar.'ii wfit nivvent hlat I1 in orrhftrffUltf you on i.vf ti..: jrou bwi rZ" tywyisass, J(.iiUi'U li:-t how l. OntAr, 'io 'v mW h th frfltvt, iprr. or Mil will B mrc-'; ' ; ' ' fH'-8,4 ,m r?STS vZ SiM r Wl-J -.iratH.t... and th tlla I;. .K wilt I ,K.nt t- ut.iJft-,CeiW'5fcj.v- io.v..-i I IDS I.T aall nil, i! l( 3.11 d-n t Mjr it U north 10 ti&SJ. A Over ytiuiv, tu Ji"-,i.:ii. Ml ,.nt:aaUlf t-!ur jr-r is f ii?tYl,.,;-0Wl1 WHM Tf.L- Pff f. ." SAY 1 f ROUT THIS CAT i-OCUEl "II Is mouLU'jUt oi I Ubint-t ."bfommCJOu. ."'i:iiioajau OIIbU.) flibUM. OTr."rlX7i.i A wonufr.'ui ploeflof work."-Wftfhlnfton mtloiw TrlMfta '. 'Jl9! I-IjM . h..tlipu.t la a miiUr "Mn. r V. It i I iVuiruV.! iriiNI '--" I'i'oliiti-h A- f 'n Is mia nf tha lanrnst hniiM't ot ilM kl&d t& CniCfttr" iU'RfTO IllltniWall '-Tb bia SaUflnt forms oo of Uiu tiuott '. i plug mtNUuniH tUftt oould possibly bo Mot lata UUtrioft." "Tbt lr pftUioK'ti) Is a nut dppArtiant ftor bollfnl down." AtlanU Conntltntlon Borce'i Mooililj.t'tiiciui.j. n . appnmniRl Vorr sjsjubsu uewn, -ausjii v I'lir-inuvivu. ., I. , ...M i. I. smwIIa "rhl."iL-o iPw.i.-tli IIita! A I w tboulrl be puned o- in iw 1 1 i n g tho M . f t hl-cfttlnfrueiii ll u!iict-hoi .f-r-ThelTon. O. A. ?onthtoOA Wsftvaldaw.le IhoaiaaaA of .irail.r. urwli. IBKD U CtffttAf ONlXaarlesvlll IMafi lb t-lb. ' . u. .j ralaraakalL AUdrets, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL., U.S. As
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers