The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 15, 1899, Image 4

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Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
oi ww sowoi
The Middleborgh Post.
Published every Thursday.
Geo. W. Wagenseller,
hditor and Proprietor
Subscription &1.50 per year,
tK h niusi i- paid In advance wnen sent oul-
wae me county.)
All transient advertlnmonta not otherwise
viiitracled tor will be charged at the rate of 15
l i nts per line (nouparb-l measure) tor nrsi inser
tion and lOceuts per Hue for every subsequent
arifnh notices puMuaed free ; obituary potn,i,
trUiutrt of rttptct. dc. three cent a line.
Republican Standinc Committee.
tdama, W. Jl. Herman, J. ;. MMdlatwarih
Beaver, A. v . Mueaer, David Coleman
hmW. nhaa. A. Wamar, John I'. Howell
ii. it. Wamar. ll a. uowereox
Parry vY
Sellnsgrove, .
ti. s. Troutman, P. A. Troup
H. I.. Waller. II. ft, ltolender
J. M. Yeartek. Hi 11. Smith
.M. Ctelan. .lame Brdley
A. 1. Krcaiurr. S. 1,. Toder
A. K. Young. D. I. Hitter
Frank Miller, Howard How
1 r. M. Itothrock, IrVln Hover
Geo. Strawaee, John Noll
A. B. Keck, II. .1. Ilnek
(ieo. S. lepler, U M Smith
. i. Hire, II. .1. Stroll
Dr. B. W. Toole, J. II. ArbofMl
For Associate Judge.
1'. K. RIBGHX.
K ir Sheriff,
For Treasurer.
For commissioners,
For Auditors,
Deles ile to Republican State convention.
Thursday, June 15, 1899.
Court Proceedings.
Reported by James O. Crowe. Etq.
Court convened Monday, June 3,
at 1 1 o'clock. A. M., Hon. H. M.
McClure, Htm. Z. T. GembeHing
and Hon. Alfred Specht presiding.
William Hummel, PhilipH. Will,
H.F. Mohn and W. W. Arnold
were appointed tipstaves.
Ill the case of the commonwealth
vs. Amnion Klingler, the defendant
plead guilty to the charge of larceny
and was sentenced to pay a fine of
8").00, costs of prosecution, and un
dergo an imprisonment in the county
jail for a period of three calendar
In the case of same vs. Harrison
Keister, the defendant plead guilty
of the the same charge, and was sen
tenced to pay a fine ot $5.00, costs
of prosecution, and undergo an im
prisonment in the Eastern Penitenti
ary, located at Philadelphia, at hard
labor for a period of one year.
In the case of the commonwealth
vs. LeRoy Heck, the defendant was
convicted of an attempt to maim Clar
ence Mover. Sentence was suspend
etl. County to pay the costs of
Reports of road views and re
views in Centre, Union, Monroe,
Franklin, Beaver ami Spring twps.
were confirmed ni. si.
Reports of bridge views over
Maliantonga creek in Perry town
ship, and Wisahickcn creek in Wash
ington township, were confirmed ni.
P. M. Teats, Daniel Ott and
Elias C. Minium were appointed to
view bridge across the Susquehanna
Court of Common Pleas.
Rules to snow cause wiry issue"
should not lie framed, were granted
in the cases of I. M. Osborne iv.
Co. vs. F. H. Smith, and Eva M
Kantz vs. Asa H. Kantz.
Subpoenas In divorce were grantee
in the cases of H. I'. App and Ihe
rese . App.
The first and final account of John
W. Rcnninger, ct. al. Trustees, Ac
of the estate ut G. A.liowersox. was
Bonds of Thomas Hess, Sanno
Oldt, D. B. Hassiuger, J. G. Stall
Jacob Foltz, M. J. Courtney, Isaac
Boush, James Middleswarth, Robert
Smith, A. J. Gross, Jacob Row, Jo
seph Kerr, W. H. Shelley, C. L.
Gemberling, G. M. . Moat z, Nelson
Mengel and-Wi Rough, tax col
lectors of the different districts of
Snyder county, were filed and approved.
oo., ww on-
In the case of Samuel W. Her-
d,i ,.a , Tr.,,,!.;,, t IWrv dm
verdict was in favor of nlaintitl in '
.1 i I f-ir ml 111 A
tne sum ot i ne aeienuanis
were granted the )rivilege to file
reasons for a new trial.
The case of George P. Hare vs.
Holiert H. ltearick, was settled us
per paper filed.
1'. S. Hitter, Sheriff, acknowledg
ed deeds to Harriet Smith for lots
No. 5 ami 0, in Middleburir, and to i
S. Paul Dingcs for lot in the Boro.
ol Selinsgrove.
William K. Miller, Esq., was ;
appointed Master in the divorce
case of John I. Homniel vs. Jane
QUARTER. Sf-ssions.
All the account- of administra-
tors. I'xiH'iitors. irimn bans and t ie
1 . , o
widows' appraisements were con
firmed as advertised.
Returns to order of sale were
confirmed in the estates of Benjamin
Kreamer, deed., and Peter Thomas,
Auditor?' reports were filed in es
tates of Nathan Arlxigast, deceased,
and Levi. J. Romig, deceased.
Ieave was granted to Lillie C.
Rathfon, administratrix of Charles
A. Rathfon, deceased, to execute
deed to W. H. Hontz.
Writs of partition were awarded
in estates of George Kern, deceased,
aud Jacob H. Steininger, deceased.
The real estate of William Hol
IcuIkicIi was awarded to Henry E.
Exceptions were filed to account
of Jonathau Musser, et. al., adm. of
Eve Sampsell, deccasetl.
Charles P. Clrich, Eq., was ap
(Kiinted Auditor tomake distribution
in estate of Christian Gross, deed.
Horace AHcman, Esq., was ap
pointed Anditor to make distribution.
til the estate of Henry Urubb, deed.
F. E. Bower, Esq., was appointed
Auditor in the estate of Sarah Ben
fer, deceased.
Saturday, June 10, 1899, court
adjourned to Wednesday, Aug. 23,
The First Anniversary.
It is just a vear since the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul road inaugur
ated its celebrated Pioneer Limited
passenger train service between Chi
cago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Minneapolis. This service marked
new era in the railroad world in
le line of passenger accommodation.
Vt the cost ot a quarter of a million
ollars that progressive company
iirnished the traveling public, in its
loneer Limited trains, comforts and
facilities the best ever produced
his train has been described many
nes in newspapers and magazines,
but should Ik seen and examined to
be appreciated. In beauty of finish,
ness ami elegance ot furnishing
nothing equal to it has ever been at
tenuated bv anv other road. The
car builders were nearly a year in
completing the Pioneer Limited
trains (there are two one leaving
Chicago for the West and the other
caving the 1 win Cities for the MM
every evening in the year) and they
stand to-day a monument to the
mi bier's art. No regular passenger
train service in America is as weil
known as the Pioneer Limited. From
the standpoint of passenger traffic
the past twelve months have been
the most successful in the history ot
the St. Paul road, made so very
argely by the Pioneer Limited. The
latronage ot this service is a striking
llustration of the fact that the pub
ic appreciates a good thing.
$600 00 More in Prises.
Another Great Offer Which Is Open to
All Boys and Girls.
The great success of the first se
rises of prize pictures has caused the
publishers of the great Philadelphia
"Sunday Press" to announce another
competition in which prizes worth
$500.00 will be given to the success
ful boys and girls. There are over
100 prizes, and any boy or girl can
compete. The contest will begin,
next Sunday, June 18. Everybody
should get the Philadelphia "Sunday
Press" of that date.
j Deed l.nlered tor Mrl.
Lizzie, A. I. and Job Hartmauto ; When grip attneks a person ot
John L. Ixmgcr, 74 ucres in Adams j nervous temperament there is usual
twp., for $270. 1 ly a great depression of spirits, the
Lillie C. Rathfon, Adm'x to W. j tient is p!uogd in despair, and
IH. Hontz, lot in Frauklinfor $700. no amount of argument or raillery
I Heirs ot Casper Hornberger to
III. K. Hornberger, 53 acres in Perry
twp. for $40H.
Gordon E. Iesher and wife to M.
iner, ioi acres in union iwp.,
m w I TT ' t
Union Co., and Monroe twp., Sny-
der Co. for $2025.00
Geo. W. Brown and wife to John
D. Goss, 20 acres in Spring twp.,
for $1350.00.
Chas. Kreps, Adm'r. Geo. Goss
to John David Goss, 85 acres
in West Beaver twp. for $lii30.
Y. H. Wagner, Exr. of John
Reed, to M. K. Iiutlenslager, six
acres in Penn twp. tor $1420.
C. C. Seeliold and wife to Carbon
Seebold, 2 lots in Middleburg, being
the Washington Hotel property, for
Geo. M. Wantsel and wife and
John S. Shatler and wife to A. H.
Troutman, lot in Port Treverton,
i- ai ne
J. R Herruld and wife to A. H. strung that I could scarcely sleep at
Troutman, lot oi ground and inter- ,alf antl 1 thought I should surely
est in Hoffman property at Porti(Jie I lKgan taking Ir. Miles'
Trcvcrton for 190. ! Nervine and in less than a week I
Daniel Baney and wife to Gen. J. J was feeling very much better. After
Sohoch, 43 acres in Penn twp., for I
SiOSO. i
Letter Mrantel.
Letters of administration in the
estate of Jacob H. Steininger, late of
Franklin twp., deceased, weregrant
ed to David A. Steininger.
Iu the estate of Samuel B. Walter,
late of Franklin twp., to Mary M.,
Henry H. and Geo. T . Walter.
Wllla Probata.
The last will of Dr. Peter Born
was probated June 7 th. Dr. Reu
ben H. Born, Dr. Jdhn B. Focht
and Rev.Fi P. Marthartare appoint
ed Executors. The cnildren and
grandchildren are the heirs.
Marring I.lrenae.
Calvin H. Wolfley, Penns Creek,
Susan A. Stine, jj " "
f Robert F. Smith, Spring twp.,
(Vergie L Snook, . Adams "
There will bespeclui' services in
the Lutheran churub Sunday even
ing, at which time the memorial re
cord of the church and congregation
will be presented.
Driak ttraliHi
after you bave concluded that you
ought not to drink coffee. It is not
a medicine but doctors order it be
cause it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure
grains and has that rich seal brown
color and tastes like the finest grade
of coffee and costs about i as much.
Children like it and thrive on it be
cause it is the genuine food drink
containing nothing but nourishment.
Ask your grocer for Grain-0, the
new food drink. 15 and 25c.
The l-enn.T I vaula Railroad ISM Ham
mer Egraraloa Rante Hook.
The Fawner Department of the Pennsyl
vania Kallmad Company haa published Ihe
law edition of lie Hummer Bicuralon Route
Book. This work la dealnged to provide the
public with abort deecrlptire notea of Ibe prin
cipal Summer reeorta ofJCaatern America, with
the route for raacliinK them, and the rate of
fare. It contain! all the principal seashore and
mountain reaorta of the east, and over fifteen
hundred different route or combination of
route for reaching them. The book ha been
compiled with the utmost care, and altogether
I the most complete and comprehensive hand
book of Summer travel ever onerea to ine p un
ite. It I bonndln a handaome and atiiktng cover,
in colors, and contain several map, present
ing the exact routes over which ticket are sold.
It Is also profusely Illustrated with fine half
tone cut of scenery at the various resorts and
along the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
II may be proauceo at any rennsy ivania nan
road ticket office M the nominal price of tan
cent, or, upon application to the general office,
Broad Street station, by mall lor twenty cent.
the BBsrror aix.
For over fifty year Mas, WixsLOW'a Sooth
ing STBff ha been used by mothers for their
children while teething. Are yon disturbed at
nlgbt and bioken of your real by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth?
If ao send al once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win
dow' Soothing Syrup" lor Children Teething.
It value la Incalculable. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer immediately. Depend upon II,
mother, .there I no mistake about It. It cure
dlarrluea, regulate Ihe Stomach and Bowels,
cure Wind Colic, softens the Hums, reduce
Inflammation, and give tone and energy to Ihe
whole system. "Mr. Wlnalow' Soothing Sy
rup" for children teething I pleasant to the
taste and I the prescription of one of the old
eat and beat female physicians and nurse In Ibe
United Stale and Is for sale by all druggist
throughout the world. Price, twanty-flve cent
a bottle. Be sure and get "Ma. WlllLew's
SooTHiaoBTBt-p." M-ly.
Bcelaee) SBWSS via
lylvwnla Rail-
For the National Educational Association
(JonvanHoD, to fee) held al horn Angelee, Oal.,
July 11 to 14, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany will eell excursion ticket via direct
,mim from aointaoall Una. to Los Anaele.
Cat. and return, at rate of elngle tare for the
round trip, plea St membership fee. These
ticket will be asld. good going, June M to July
7, and,"Wben riamped by Joint Agent al Lea
Angeles, good to et em, arriving al final des
tination, until September a.
For farther Information, apply to Ticket
Don't Experiment.
nas anv en:i on ua miwrv. int-;
man or woman whose nerves become
so shattered that it is a torture to
remain in bed, and the night is pass
etl in a vain attempt to get a little:
sleep is on the down grade to ner
vous prostratiou, insanity and death, j
There is no time then to experiment
with newnnd untried remedies. Neg-!
lect or delay in this respect may
prove a fatal mistake.
Dr. Miles' Nervine is the best of
all medicines for the nervous, tired
out antl sleepless victim of the grip,
just as it is the best remedy tor all i
other weaknesses r.nd disc, tiers of I
the nervous system. It attacks the
minute germs of impurity clustered
in the blood and thoroughly routs
them out of every hidden corner of
the IhxIy.
"I was extremely nervous ami al
though I doctored with several phy
sicians I could not get strength. My
nerves became so completely nn-
taking six bottles I was completely
restored to health."
A trial package of Dr. Miles' fa
vorite treatment for the grip, con
sisting of Dr. Miles' Nervine, Dr.
Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills, will
lie sent absolutely free to any person
sending name and address on a postal
card, requesting the samples and
mentioning the name of the Post.
Address, Dr. Miles Medical Co.,
Elkhart, Indiana.
Doea (' Agree With Tan T
If not, drink Grain-O made from
Eure grains. A lady writes : "The
rst time I make Grain O I did not
like it but after using it for one week
nothing would induce me to go back
to coffee." It nourishes and feeds
the system. The children can drink
it freely with great benefit. It ia the
strengthening substance of pure
grains. Qet a package today from
your grocer, follow the directions in
oaakiogjt and you wilt hive a delici
oos and healthful table beverage for
old and young. 15c. and 25c.
Fa km Fon Sale A farm contain
ing 55 acres situate in Middlccreek
township, mile north ot Globe
Mills, Snyder county, is offered for
sale at a Imrgain. The buildings
are good as new. Five acres are in
good woodland. Farm will be sold
for first good offer. Call on or ad
dress,.!. M. Murer, Kreamer, Pa. tf.
For Sale. I offer for sale fifteen
acres of farm land, twenty acres
of jtartly cleared land and twenty
four acres ot timber land, all situat
ed at New Berlin in Limestone town
ship, Uuion Co. If o desired, it
will be sold in lots. For particulars
inquire of A. T. Taylor, Kishaco
quillas, Pa. 3-23-3mo.
tern of Administration in the es
fata of Sarah llowersox, late of Middleburg,
Snyder Co., Pa., dee'd., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves Indebted to said estiite are reiiuested
to make Immediate payment, while those having
claims will present them duly authenticated .to
the undersigned.
MIC. IDA V. .Mill r.U.
D-il-ot. Administratrix. 1
tersof Aiiiiiin let ration in the
state oi Sophia Hook, lite of Franklin twp.,
Snyder county. Pa., dee'd, having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves Indebted to said estate are requested to
nuke Immediate payment, while those having
claims will present them duly a ut hen Healed to
the undersigned.
K. V- HOFFMAN, Administrator.
May 7, 1SW. PaxtonvUle, ra.
XV tere of Administration in the
ratate of Samuel B. Walter late of Franklin Iwp.,
Snyder county, Pa., dee d, having been granted
to Ihe undersigned, all person knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are requested ta
make Immediate pay went, while thoee having
claim will present them duly authenticated to
Ihe undersigned.
Jacob Gilbert, Att'y. AdoVrs.
June 11, 1to
Corrected weekly by our merobanta.
Batter 1
Onions 00
Tallow 4
Chickens per lb 7
Turkeys 10
Bldfl ....I.. iMntmt . 0
Shoulder 8
Ham ; 18
Wheat 70
Bye 45
Potatoes...... : 60
OldCorn..... .85
Oats 80
Bran per 100 lbs .75
MMdlioKS " .86
Chop att ss .90
Floor per bbL.......... . asaea 140
Is a model wheel, find
one that will out wear
any wheel on the mar-!
of'all kinds, neat ly done
I have spent a number
of veareat the business
Under an experienced
instructor. Call and
see before buying a
Globe Mills.lPa.
Made a
Well Man
judww the aboTe raenlU to 80 daya. ItacU
powerxaii7 ana tjickit- uzvb wuen n wuioi. uil
Sounc dm
will retain their loet manhood, and old
mea till recover their youthful vigor by oslng
RE VIVO. It oalekly and aurely restate Narvotu-
oeea. Lea Vitality. Im potency. Nightly Emissions.
Loet Powsr. railing Memory. Watting Plteea, and
an effect at lf Ming, or excess and indiscretion,
which onflU one for tndr, businses or msrUgs. II
aot only cure by starting at lbs seat ot disease, bet
Igagraat nerve tool and blood builder, bring.
lag bask the plak glow ton! eheeka and re
storing the lira of Bin ft ward off Insanity
and Ooaeaaiptljn. laalat on having REVIVO, aa
ether. It can be earned In rest pocket. By raell
l.W per packs, or stx for fl.OO, wl t h a posl
trve written grearaatae to ewra ar refund
the asaaey. Advice and circular free. Address
Royal Medicine Co.f&S&:
For sale by Middleburg Drug Co.
A tjnvei t'..r NVrvoiis Hrailarhes.
Forelgbi jgarn I suffered from cotttlpatlon and
severe heartm-h. , ihe headache usually lasting
three daya ut u lime. Headache powders reliev
es me empuranii, oui lert roo rata an effect
nince t began taxing celery King I Have great h
Improved In health, seldom or never have head
ache, have gained In flesh, aud fed decidedly
well -Mas. B. 8. Hatch, Temple. N, If, Calory
King for the Nerves, Uver and Kidneya Is sold
in ooc. ana xk. pacaages ny w. H. Herman,
rroteviiie; atKraieawann Ulsrt, McClure; U
a. cungui, Aiine.
Achievements of Admiral Dewey." Ihe world'
reelect naval hero. Hy Mural Halstead. the
fe-long friend and admirer of Ihe nation' Idol.
(ttggeet and beet book; over soo page. SxlO
mcnes; nearly too pages half-tone Illustrations.
Only 11. SO. Enormous demand. Hig commle
wiona Outfll free. Chance of a lifetime. Write
llaaa x-aaya)Upiaa Ooeapaay, Srd floor tax
Ton Bldg., Chicagn. - S-fe-161.
rtmradei, Anneal Ion.
I served from ' to 'at, and was wounded May
iv, in,, iu me jisLiie ui ine w iiaemeas. I
would like to have my comrades know what
Celery King has done for me. In iso my old
complaint, chronic dlorrahoea, came back. The
nocuira eouio not stop u, nut celery King has
cured me, and am once more enjoying life.
.bask h hem i.k ii, owoaso, Mich. (Co. F. 49th N.
Y. V. I ) . Celery King for the Nerves, Liver and
and Kidneys la sold In IOC. and isc. packages by
. ii. ii.-ruiitu. iroxeimie; .MiaaieHwarili at
I'lsh, McClure; H. A. Ebrtght, Aline.
All business entrusted to his oar a
will receive nrouipt attention.
I'meiill Aa Ansa wv. ,. 1.
Consult or communicate with the Editor
of this paper, who will give all needed Infor
mal Iop
schoch k mmw
Offer to the public a full
line of Corrugated Roofing.
Plain Tin and Galvanized
Iron Roofing and Spouting,
Fence Wire,Tinware,Gran
iteware, Etc. A full line of
for Summer cooking. Call
and see our stock and learn
our prices.
r.N STi.VVT;, KSIt.R0r.
S .utiuy ii Levistowu Diviaiou.
In effect May 22, 18J9.
WOrWAJUBk TVTtoxs. I n.Tij;i
II .
i is
i M
IH 1 7
in n
- . AMI')!
.Kunhllr, ixi S so
Beuaag wnja J n : i tln '.i::l J2
friinirro.i Rg in
Pawllnir mm 50A
Kreamer Mil
llielor ' I u nl I'm
Ml.tdleburir KAill lfS'
Benfer s i i ; .
Beavirhiwii I 44 it!
Adamiburir :n 4 B
l;nuh VMS s.n i S
MeClara k j. 4 m
WaMtf IM 4 id
skilidl.- n ,A 4 Ml
I'aintervllli; R(B 1 5K
liiillaml His tfi
Leu Utowii 7 .VI .li.V
UwUlon u ( ialn stnH't.) 7 ii 3 1;;
UawiatMWnJtfatMon 7. sio
i 2
Truin ImvcR SniiborySSS n m, ar-
;ives nt S. litiss;riive S 45 p m
renin It'iive LrWlatowii .tuiictiou :
I V!a in. M 11, m, 1 10 n in. KM m 3 i m, 7 57
II up u , tor Alt.sttta, PliMaira so 1 the WM.
For Hnl:iMre u-l Wafhluiriun 7 . .1 iu 1 ,i
I 4 33. ! p in K'.r I'hllailelphl'i and N-a
Vork : v Jaa m. I M IH 411 and 11 U i, ni Foi
Harrli,iir Slla in .u, i sou m
PhiladetpMa & Fnc H H Division.
Trttiis leave Snnbur ilallr rtn
1 'ii a in lor Kile aaa C it a, iwtei it
t Ml,i .
lit s mi (or RelMlt.nt Rrleaiol iJawtHteitraa
IMS a iu lor Ural !!, Tyrone an.i u We .
1 in pin for PelUloBia Kaaa Tyrune and Onar,
gajga 545p in Kir krnnvo nod FludM
If p in 'or Wllllaraannrl r, in ii in rot lie and Oaneodilira.
4Sm for Ijick llsven and 15 n iu for w i.
a H s m, I K a 'n 1 no and I 48 p to lor WUtWf
barrr and lla.elton
. T0ui. IDxOata, loop iu. M.I p in r Hhamo-
1 kill Hi,! Miiiimi I ' , rui.. I
Sundn 9 .vt ,i m lur Wllke-barre
rnilnii lave Selln-giovc JanCtlnr
WW a at, weekday urriviuir al elm datpbla
sot pm New York t sip at Baillmor II pm
Wt'hlnuton i iu p in
534 p m dull, nrrlvlnir at Philadelphia
.0 20 p iu New York S .V) a m, Haliiuiute !i D m
Wushlnk-ton in.56 p in.
ttipm. week days arriving at Phils. IHbhln
4 Sob in, New Vork 728 a ui, Baltimore 2 HO a m
w ashiugton tlnani
Tra'na Imi leave Sunhiiry :
1 ilT a m dally arriving st PlilladeldhU 6 U a m
BalUBora 1 11 a aj Washington T 4.-. a iu New
York S3 a m Weekdays, 10 38 a tfoaday.
7 so am week day arriving at Philadelphia
UtHatn.New York aJH p m, Baltltnue lls ,
a m, ttaahlngtnri i on p m.
IBS pm, week davs arrlvlnir at Philadelphia
jas p in. New York V : 11 in. Ilaltliuore 6 u i p in
Washington 7 IS p m
Train also leave Sunhary al vsostnsn.l s
and 112 put, lor HarrlsburK, Phlladcliihla anl
I. K. Wool), Uen'l Pans Amnt
i. B. UUTCUlJlSON Oeo'l Manaier W
S Lnwfisi ilasii Mm.
aw ii vai uuuu iiitnae
g VortalriiM;
I Call Before Tm Crier jjgjjrfi
It about as near perfection as 50 yean
of Lamp-Making can attain to. It
burns kerosene, end fives e powerful,
clear, white light, and will neither blow
nor Jar out. When out driving with
It the darkness easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very beet
Driving Lamp to be had. ask your
dealer for the "Dieti."
We issue a special Catalogue of this
Lamp, and, if you ever prowl around
after nlght-faH, ft will Interest yea.
TU mailed free.
6o IValght 8t, New York.
Raiaallaaoa La xSae. I
oil I win send a handaome FOtTNTAlft
PEN. Solid gold. Nothing beau It. Tremend
oos seller. Agents wanted. Address st once
Box 1SS, uuyandoldt, W. Va. l-lt-3m.
2 4i io:m:
2 lit '103S
p:am :nwaB iian mm -K:::aauaj