The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 15, 1899, Image 2

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    S. S. S. ODE
m tut
Promptly Reaches the Seat
e? all Blood Diseases and
In every test mnde S. 8. S. easl'.y
demoniurutog its superiority over other
blood remedies. It matters not how ob
stinate the case, nor what other treat
ment or remedies have (ailed. 8. S. S.
always promptly reaches and cures any
iV-mc tho Uflrct Pqcov disease where the blood is in any way involved.
kiilOO I NO ft UlOl UddOOi Everyone who has had experience with
blood diseases knows that there are no ail
tarvnts or troubles so obstinate and difficult to cure. Very few remedies claim
8v cure suef) rnl, leip'senteil blood diseases M 8. 8. S. cures, and none cat)
such incontrovertible evidenceof merit .S S. S. is not merely a tonic it
U a cure ! It goes down to the very seut of uii blood diseases, and gets Ht the
Sssnadatlon f the very worst case, and routs the po I ioa from the system, Itdoes
ami, like other remedies, dry up the poison und hide it from view temporarily,
anly to break forth again more violently than ever; 8. 8. 8. forces out every
triv of til int. and rid the system of it forever.
Airs. I. Y Lee, Montgomery. Ala., writes: Some years
I was inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected
any habfl with blood taint. I was covered with mires and
MM . a from head t; foot, und In my tereat extremity I prayed
Id die. Several prominent physioTani treated me, but" all
V no purpose The mercury nnd potash which they
me seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was
savouring me. I was advised by friends who hud seen
underfill cures node by it, to try Swift's Specific. I im
ut ; from the start, as ii-e medicine seemed to go direct
it tho eau'' of the trouble and force, t he poigi ':i out. Twenty
bottles cured mr completely." Swift'i Bpeciflo
- Is tho only rem dy that id guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no
ury potu-! arsenio, or any other mineral. oi chomloal. It never fails to
ire Oaneor, Kciema, Sorofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Wood Poison,
Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Sores, ho.
v aluable Iv k mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Oa.
W. . li tiJkti,
'I :.
... A, )"ii.
I -- n
1 i
fit i
O A 1 V r. I 1 B A t-
m..n hid ,
Blend most softly and
ulav most effectively ovei
v . estivc scene wneu turown
B bvwaxen candles.
li lignt mat iiciUtens
! e. ': charm, that gives the
i in hed touch to the drawing
mom or dining room, is the
v ... .
Sold in all colors und shade
to harmonise with nnv interior f
hangings r decorations.
Alnimfactnrpil ly
stTlMnsftB OIL CO. r"
l or pule BVsryWQvrv,
odd Obi equips.
A moid novel funeral cxt relso was held
at Whil 1 Oak, Ind., recently. Two years
ego William Hayes died, leaving a large
ei tatc During his life he was very ec
centric. For years bo culled himself
Tike County Dill Hayes." According
to the provisions of Ms will his bod
was to be lak n up und placed in a vault
tnu years from Tfis death, which wiif
on a recent Sunday. In addition to
this the trees in the ji'irk where the
remains were placed were to be deco
rated with red, wl lte and blue ribbons.
JTlve platforms for dancing wcrv to b
erected, two bcu.s.- bunds were to fur
nish the music, and the crowd present
was to Ik: feasted on five head of cattle,
hcud of sheep and u largo number oi
hogs and chickens. Fifty kegs of beet
were to be dispensed to the crowd, ami
for failure to carry out the (drove pro
Visions of the will Pierce Hayes, hi
only child, wiis to Iki disinherited. A
Crowd of 2,000 persona were In attend
ance and the terms of tho will were
fully complied wltba
r-r sSn t ii lli HM
1 1 'i ' iufm
.! m
H-m m, 1 J
L,' .oi - I ll
Oov. Tyler of Virginia the other day
grnntod a pardon to William Campbell,
w ho is serving a term In the peniten
tiary for highway robbery. Campbell's
ease la a peoulUI one. It furnishes u
striking Instance of the forgctfulnesi
of the world ol Ihoso members of so
ciety Immured within a prison foi
crimes against society. When Clov.
Tyler received Campbell's application
for pardon he wrote to tho judge nnd
commonwealth's attorney of Danville
for Information regarding Campbell.
j These oflieials could not supply It, and
: stated that nobody In Danville seemed
! tp know him. He has no relatives, and,
' so far as known, no friends or even nc
; quaintances In Danville or Virginia.
I From the penitentiary it was learned
i that Campbell was sent to the pcnltcn
' tlary in i-sto for highway robbery, but
that later ten years were added for
I striking a guard. He would have com
j plcted 11 years ft bis term in April,
i making no allowance for good conduct.
i. 'oufiHS and Throat Irritations
n ft rrc
E I . . . . w v .
if .i o n. II.... v.. I, r;.i .
;. 133 C6 bD.. flew IUIK UIIJ.
It fnTTinnt
1 UD1U0U
nsotl for Plastering Houses.
It Is v. new dlscvry
Guaranteed t" laat longer
l ban any other plaster. It
preferred t Adamant.
For tutrticularH ;ill on oraddms
c'jdiatt No rrr a! School
and Business Institute.
The Elkhart Normal Shool ami
Business Institue oflers the best
Courses, Methods, ntnl Instructions
h PfliiAirogyiBooKkeeoinix, Sienoff
titoliy, Penmanship, Drawing, K!
oeution mill Oratory, and Physical
Culture, and at tbo lowest rates for
"niti iii and board. Students can
nti t tt any time. Circular, blotter,
A htm l being told which serves to
Illustrate the American characteristic
of giving alight heed to rank and place
as against efficiency and daring and su
premo achievement. The story has to
do with Mr. McKlnley and it relates
that while visiting one of tho camps
during his recent southern tour he
chanced to be strolling about unattend
ed and sought to puss n certain line
which was patrolled by a vigilant sen
tinel. The sentinel promptly stopped
him and demanded tho countersign.
"I don't know tho countersign," said
Mr. McKlnley. Then you dont pass,"
said ths B 'Idler. "Hut," said Mr. Mc
Kinley, "I am the president ef the Unit
ed Btotcs." "I don't know about that,"
said the imperturbable sentry, "but If
you haven't ; -ot the countersign you
couldn't ; ' by here even if you were
Qeorge Dewey himself I"
The Appendix Scare.
It Is remarkable how our forefather
managed to live "long and happy" In
their Ignorance of the vermiform ap
pendix. 1'erhapa, like the X-ray. this
appendix U the creation of modern sci
ence, or the need of modern surgery.
Certain It Is, says tbe Atlanta Constitu
tion, that this vermiform appendix, or
the knife of the new surgeon. Las large
ly curtailed the pleasures, if not the
duration of life. We are In mortal
dread of berries, grapes, tigs and small
seeded vegetables, lest that useless ap
pendix or the ready knife of the surgeon
will "do us up." 'Which Is which? I
confess I am in considerable doubt. Uut
one of the profession. Dr. llutton, ap
pears to attach more blame to the knife
than to the appendix. He may be
right. He ought to know; I don't. 1
do know that the knrfe is fearfully
fatal. This eminent and experienced
Dr. llutton gives some very cheerful
encouragement to those chronic Miii'ci-
Microbe Nljrhttnaro.
A New York woman who had pur
shased a pair of gloves was fieu ShrSt
ne -foliar bills in change. "Do it up in
pap er, please." she said to tkeuli:Kirl
The request was complied with, sad thr
wrapped-up bills were put in a pocket
book. "Some pereons are mlefolx
mad," said a physician In explaining
the incident. Many have It so bad ths!
they will not even pick up a pin. bveuu.v
It has been said that oil sorts of dUense
germs can be collected under their
heads. Dread of microbes Ik u common
form of hypochondria. I can sympa
thize with a person who does not like tn
see a woman with a bundle of dirty
clothes for washing get into u public
conveyance, but there is no use in going
to extremes. Ever since the researches
of Koch and Pasteur have attracted at
tention the number of microbe maulac? steadily Increased. Take any tucr-bid-minded
person and give him a little
insight into bacteriology, und the result
era with supposed uppendicitis In tho j is sure to be disastrous. He shakes
terror at the first little symptom of real
or imaginary derangement."
Scene in Portugal at the Rio Porto Vineyard
ILti JISU VaTJ to bs tbooobm fob fobt win.
r 1 v . til ftfk : .! 1 inime - J
t .... . s. i -i.. : wi v ....
I in 1 .1 I 1 1 I i I V J. . i or t Id UKV Ul II UU. lUOkD 1 L 1111 UUU1U1D J UOC TV M 1 1 1
1. .... I. a ', n . I, . . r . t l AAia1 t -- tksi traerlinrv ItAf AS) t-IVr.
it. 'its ir iu r: i v ..u t: lij uc lqi icu liic li&iuiiil' taL jl iui i
as they are t
treiJ, which
d s onti are lare enough for twenty persons
cuivT to music furnished by tho proprietor.
Medical Kecord from which I iuote;
"This paper Is a protest against the cur
rent surgical theory and practice that
all cases of appendicitis must lo split
open. This protest is bnsed on 27 years'
experience as physiciun and surgeon.
My experience is that uppen
dicitis, nnd all other bellyaches for
which men now operate, are promptly
amenable to proper medical treatment.
I can recall 100 cuses treated with in -toma
of this maludy, but 1
have never yet met o ease of it which I
fell it was my duty to cut. or whleh-tcr-minuted
fatally, I bbnil cite
other unimpeachable practitioners w!,.
share my views, that medical tn ntmei I
uxuiis in this maludy, vue showing 48
out of 51 cuses, successfully treated
being more than L0 percent. My treut
mcnl tor appendicitis Is free calomel
nnd soda purgation, supplemented by
hot applications, to be followed by a
saline if action is too slow." Perhaps it VVhot .3,(1 to u tot fastest
would be well to forget the vermiform ; oraft ,n th(, ,V(,r,(, u ..naere.x.stmction
appendix and let science and surgery , e,i!i(.,(, ,,, T T a -fight
it out In their own sweet way. fe0t ong. Bnd deilJgned to run Unots
or over -i.i miles a:t hour. The fastest
vessel now afloat Is the English torpedo
A New York young woman con
tracted to marry a minor on the con
dition that he should upon attaining
his majority assign her $S,OU0. lie
agreed to this, und carried it out, but
the marriage didn't take place. Hut,
before the assignment was made, the
y lung swain contracted debts which he
could not meet. Then tho sheriff went
cftcr him, but could And nothing to at
tach but the marriage agreement. He
attempted to have it annulled on the
ground that the oerem ny hud not been
performed. Theanpreme ".:rt couldn't
see it that way. It
that it was a promise which the hn
recognizes and will enforce, because tl
regarded it ;.s a contract in which the
young lady was i;till willing to do her
the Pioneer wine jrrowerof New lersey whose P"
Burgandy rivals the world, imported thj Port Qr.
yeat s ngo, and planted vineyards in the PassaieVall
in Passaic county, Naw Jer. y, is identical to that of . '. ,
S-'cr's Nwjerey Vineyards
are situated in t'ne Paasaic valley below the mountain rnp a
grapes are carted to tho winery in the town of Passaic wi rs lb.
mashed between rollers made ot rubber, which do liot break lhc-c
and made Into wine.
These grand wines of Spcur': that liave mellowed in flavor in
Course ol years ot ripening, are the choicest wines in this c untry
to'.'. ho L-riiinv i!7 hr. ,,htnni-f hv liAVino n rTii rhflf iw hirrhor th-)-i npv; winu
C- , . .... ... ....... . . . ....... v.
wine tht it Le allowed years to mature in wood to ct rid of iu
coarse parts; with this object he keeps hi? wines several years It
fumigated cellars and frequently racks before bottling cr offering fo
pale. The reputation of Speer's wines as a valuable medicinal aoJ
family wire extends around the world.
rr"Grocers und Druggists sell Speer'a Wines and Brandy,
The meanest man in Illinois lives at
Cent nil la, reports a state exchange.
Be put a large porcelain egg in the nest
of an ambitious hen, nnd found that the
eggs he hod afterward laid were In
creased In size; then be put a goose
egg In the nest, and the aforesaid hen
laid an i gr, j .st as large, lie was so
well pleased with the scheme that he
put a whitewashed football in the nest
and waiteil ivtiiilts. When he went the
next time to search for eggs he found
one us big us the football, but no hen in
sight; securing the egg he suw en
jrraved on It by lieu photography these :
words: "I'm no ostrich, but I have
done tny best," Luter he found the ben
inside of the egg.
Frederick Remington has this to Kay
in Collier's Weekly about Maximo
Gomez: 'Hie has a curious head u
very Interesting head. It is fierce and
warlike, and brown nnd mustoehed and j
goatecd, and altogether Spunlsh-Ainer-lenn,
which does not mean 'white man.' '
lTis profile la n triangle with the Jaw
BS n base. From his looks 1 should say j
his was not a great brain. So far as ;
we know, he is u man of one Idea -which
happens in his ease to be a very ,
good one; nnd there is the ioree in the
base of that triangle which has carried
that one idea as fur as the blood nnd
iron and horseflesh of Cuba ooiild carry
boat Turblnia, with a 35-knot record.
! in the new flyer reliance for speed Is
placed upon a l.OCO horse-power car
bonic gas motor, the engine havlnf
: three cylinders, with n working pres
sure of 8,000 pounds to the square Inchi
! The weight of the machinery will be6Vj
1 tons, or less than B tent'i !r:t of steam
! machinery of the same power. Iiuta sin
gle screw, two-bladed, Will be used.
Fuel for the carbonic gas Is stowed
away in pipes. Its weight is one-fifth
that of eoal.
An Ottumwa (la.) man who served as
ii private soldier in the Fiftieth Iowa
last summer writes to u Keokuk fellow
soldier n follows: "Things are
changed now very changed from
those days nt Jacksonville. Then I
served as a humble private and bore nil
the hardships, while men were over me
as oillcers who wore shoulder straps
and ate good food. To-day I am sitting
nt my office desk, with a comfortable
roll of bills In my pocket, nnd a fine bank
account. Out in the street in front of
my window Mjij. , then my com-
mander, is up a pole, mending an elec
tric light wire, while across the way
Lieut Is taking Into a house n enn
of coal oil from his delivery wagon."
Carpets !
Carpets ! !
Carpets !
. iSe
The whole lower Hoot
Ail Soiiaros. 'urtain-
Rua Fnnei
An 0is
" All
i. Wini
Btuir nui
ow S
! ill)
i:; tuken 1 1 j witl
ades, ( 'tirtaln 1
leOil Cloth, &
,t r. '
rr :
We can -bow you the large
ever shown in Ijewistown.
;nd I'i'sl
ret ion oi ine a! sA't
f( . (OS
Doetirs are swift to avail themselves
of the expedients mnde possible by the
Two hundred men have refused to jlrn;rroRS of invention, snyB F. S. Mar
work nt cleaning Brooklyn streets be- tjn in unrner'B Weekly, that when an
cause they old not wish to wear the
"white wings" uniform. They were
hired under a new system nnd all of
them are Americans. They say they
will not clean streets until the legisla
ture changes tho law that compels them
to wear white wings. "We are men,"
they say, not monkeys. Ureal efforts j ty hc IR,t,(lB fxoa its storage battery,
were m.-ulo to have the strikers reeon- yj,. Ia beautiful, und recalls the ways
slder their action, but with no result, j of thc priniltivs milkman who drove bis
cows to his doors nnd squeezed out each
family's allowance In the housekeeper's
X-ray picture Is to be taken of a New
York patient the physician no longer
finds it necessary to fetch u large elec
tric battery from his office, but simply
telephones for an electric cab, nnd an It
stands at the door runs out a wire from
the sick room nnd borrows the eleetriei-
a copy
E luoational Xiiws fren
i-m applioation. Address, Dr.
.'i. Mumaw. Moe'y, Elkhart. Ind.
T iere wr.s a fire in a large store, and
n huge crowd toon collected, reports n
metropolitan exchange, The fire
burned furiously, but nfter a time the
flames were forced back from the front
of ths building. When this was accom
plished, to thc astonishment of the
crowd, the mnnngcr of thc firm was
Been to rush Into thc doorwny, clamber
excitedly over beam nnd joist and make
bis way toward the second-lloor win
dow. Fixing a hastily-written placard
on the window sill, he clambered down
again, while thc crowd read these
words: "Surely we sold Cheap Enough
before this Fire! Hut only wait until it
is overl Then Look Out for Bargains!"
The Kiowa Indians in Kansas re
cently chose as "medieino man" the
white widow cf the previous Incumbent
of tiie office.
A woman who lias a perfect horror ol
handling dirty money asserts that she
not only has all her silver washed, but j
her bills as well. They arc put in a
basin of lukewarm soapsuds, rubbed
gently and dried by pressing with a
warm Iron. In this way she is always
supplied with bright sliver aud crisp
hew Mils, that she can carry In tier
pocket with no danger of contracting
disease in their handling.
In his eagerness to get the Job u con '
W. C. Andrews, who perished by fire
In New York u few duys ago, was fond
of new Inventions, and his fortune was
chiefly due to a device for using coal
screenings as fuel. II la advice wan to
"save overy dollar you can get nnd irv
vest in street railways, steam, heat.
electricity, compressed air anything
that has to do with the development of
the city." ills olau to extinguish fires
tractor tooK tiie man route net ween with (teem is regarded ns visionary.
BrUHSell Carpet a- low-
All Wool Carpet "
Hal! Wool Carpel "
")0c and up
50a " "
Qtw, (( (
Carpel as low
Cotton Carpet "
Velvet Carpet "
Oliina itinl .Japan tyEntting 100 Rolls to 8eleci From
Compare quality and ju ices, yon will find that onr store is tl
place to huv at, ll.c goods are nrst-ciass, urieesare tiie kr
rt-i v
mir room- are clean r.nd no trouble to snow coons.
W. ft. FELIX, Levvistown, f'nn'a
Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payments.
(9Bfl4i:N3(Rl&OYB PAt
Ouly the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium !Totos.
The Aetna Founded A . D., 1819 A ssets $1 1,055,518.88
m Home " - " 1853 41 9,853,628.54
American M 14 u 1810 " 2,409,584.5:?
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The' New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
though he ramie some InterssttBg lenv-
Wurren, a town In Monroe county, Mo
and Monroe City at such a low figure
that hc will have to pay his subcontract
or $30 a year more than he gets from the
government. He will enjoy this privi
lege lour years from next June.
A Chicago authority bus discovered,
loconMng to his published statement,
that for a man to munch peanuts when
ever a craving for tobacco Is had will
speedily rid liim of the desire to use It.
The question then rises, what will cure
him of thc peanut habit?
A Pennsylvania trolley company has
had to pay a young man $1,200 because ' Secretary Wilson is determined to dig
its electricity got into a barbed wire ! cover if a human being can live corn
fence near the track, and when he too I fortably In the coldest portion of Alas
hold of the fence to climb it he couldn't ( ha, and has seut there to experiment
let go until his arm and hand were j ;u gardening Prof. C. C Gorgenseu, a
shriveled- Dane, who is an expert In northern ag
riculture, and who will start a station
at Sitka.
Ju.-t 0 yenrs ago this spring the coun
try was wild over tho discovery of gold
in California, and companies of men
wero forming over Uie whole United
totutes to start for the new Kl Dorudi-.
Some wiint by Cape Horn, some by Pan
ama, but most went overland. These in
ufter days were the forty-niners. Mar
shall discovered' gold at Sutter's Mill In
li48, but it was not generally bclieveil
until Polk confirmed It In his annual
It Is reported that when the Kansas
legislature adjourned the other week,
detectives were at all the doors to pre
vent members from carrying off furni
ture and other movables In the char-..
Bryan's New Book
With IT't'tl inteWJ
nupftfi Don
Hour, Vtoft, Alien, Whit', t;,r- "' '.lV-r5-. ,
rtOS. W. J IllITAN.
Chilton, Hulliir, .MoLsurln. Till
inun, Mjiiov, Turuer. Tellur.
A fire In Elkton, Md., lately destroyed
a will by which a young lady of that
town had been disinherited by her fa
ther, and she got his property all right
Edotindn. Oan Hon. 11. IT John.on, Hon. 01ii. A. Towne, l.on. Adli;l B. Btrrwuon, Ez-Hncrjlori Cat.
t "T ; 7. , . . - ...... .,.r. i ijuvin aturr tjr.;nri. tic;i i nmnvr, iioi' Bcliurx, Bam 1 Ctoaipors Prott. Am. i i. ofLubur itiul othiiw
the sensation or VE!irvnx mMMmommmmum.-
. Trrltotll Kxpanwlon d.nomlnatd, TUB IVOIl UATS LOAD" ond otmoaod to tlioCourtitutlon
of tho llnitod Htte, tho Doclnralion of Iiidepaadauce, sad all tha moot cucri'd dolriuui of our
Kepuhllc aa h m l. .1 down to uh by our Fotliora.
It Ii profoaelr Illoatrateil. Hiving bouullful half-tona portrait, of Mr. Bryua und Iks other oon
tribotora; also aconaa of thrilling intorert, ahowing tho oioct oondltiona and cmtora. in tha
rhlllpplnaa. Nothing like It before Attempted in book-publishing. A Tery bonunzn for aeenu
It oannot ho bought at book-atoro.) it cannot be furnUhed byonj other l.ooe We ore th? wle
OOclal Publlaherm.
The first Edit inn, 100,000 oopioa. A large octaro hook, bei.-jtiful new typo.
WE PAV FKEIGHT on each order amonnting to CO book at one time, when oath
accompanies order.
,, .'"P. ,'J'T''.,' H PslEB. Wu make no charge for tha elefrant. completo Pro.pectos
Ontlll, with blunkn, etc., but as each Outfit cost. u. u lot of money, tn order to protect ourVlv
against many who would Impose upon us by w-ndlng for Ontilt with no intontion of working, but
merely out of Idle curiosity, we require the applicant, u eaara.tro .1 I...-.1 faith oa his part
to send us 28c to corer pustag" and wrapping, tkla amount to Iw refunded tu ugent upon our
receipt or I rat order for to books.
Beet Cloth Hindimr an sua
1 Best Hslf Russia Binding, with marbled'eugos".". i!s?5
' Iloat Fnll lluual'i Itimlinn will, .,,.!. ...J.... " Ir!:!!
. a , " .... uu.n. ............ .iniiLSi .... .in. ....... 11 .. .. j O.W
Writs for r Unparalleled Terms to Agents, Addrties-