Royal ABSOUJTEiyfcuRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome torn mm PjSM The Middleburgb Post. Published Thursday. Ceo. W Wagenseller, tditor and Proprietor SuWrition $1.50 per year. ii. i ii in .i.ii i mid in advance wmb wnt out Mdo t he cciuuty.) RATES OF AOVtRTIllNO. vi transient advert lLmonts not otherwise .n traded (or will ! eharKed a' the rate of 1 v-,t,la per lliiouiunparl.-ltneartn torn iimer- Von ami 10 cents per line tor ever)' subsequent J ttisirtlon. I TVaiA notice. publiihHl frtt ; oWtuory prt Inbuls of rssJMSt, .. alsWI EepnbUcan StancLina Committ9e. fiUni" W. II. Harrosn, J. O. Mlddletwattti Bawver a. v . Mmw-r, 0vW Colmn BtiMi w., dim. A. wawntr, Jonn u, itoweu Oci.tre, ii. n. Wajroar, II a Bowanoi I'hiipinnn, Prnliklill, .TiM'kflnti, Miitdlaburtc, MiiMkireelc, Monro, I'vlm, IVrrv. Perry W Selimnrovi', Sprlim. I nlon, Ik- li : MKt' o i. s. TrouttnAn, P, A. Troop M. 1- Walter. II. K. Botondw .1. S. Yeurlek, II. II. Smith ai. Cleten. Jabmi Kniu-y A. 1. Kreaiuer, S. U Yoiler V. U. Vouns, D. P. Kittrr Kn.nk Miller, Howard How lir. M. Knllirock, Irwin Iloyer UCO, strawaer, John Noll A. B. Keek, II. .1. Duok (ico. S. LtplCJt. 0. M Smith O. O, Itiee, H. .1. Stroh r. K. W. Toole, J. II. ArlKiitaM Thursday, June 8, 1891). Contributions to Snyder Coun ty Historical Society. The following named publications on Monday were presented to the Snyder ( !ounty Hlatorical Society by Prol.D. S. Boyer, Esq., olFreeburg, Pa. : Annual Report ot U. Ii. coinMUiies of Penna. for 1864, Isaac Slenker, Auditor General, a valuable, volume of 464 pages. Annual Rcxrt of Hanks and sav ing Institutions of Penna. for the year 1855, Isaac Slenker, Auditor General, 384 pages. Volume ol Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Michael C. Kerrdee, Speaker of the Hou.-e of llepresentativi's at Wash ington, D. C, in 1878. He was a man of unblemished character, D0t id for his ability and impartiality as u presiding officer. Mr. Hamil ton ot Indiana, Mr. Kelly of Penna., Mr, Haymond of Indiana, Mr. Mon roe of Ohio, Mr. Clymer ol Penna. and others delivered appropriate me morial addresses which are .preserv ed in this volume. Third Annual Report of the Geo logical Survey of Pennsylvania by Henry D. Rogers, State Geologist, 1 an instructive book on the subject of which it treats, Francis R. Shunk, Sec. of State. Annual llcport of the Chief of Transportation and Telegraph De partment of Pennsylvania for the year 1865, H. II. Gregg, Chief of Transportation ami Telegraphic De partment, Andrew G. Curtin, Gov ernor of Pennsylvania. Report ol the Adjutant General for the yer 1862, A. L. ltussel, Ad juaiit General. Snyder county was in the 8th division. Report ol Wm. H. Kemble, State Treasurer, for 1865, Andrew G. Curtin, Governor. Report of Isaac Slenker, Auditor General, 8t;, on the state tmancies, A. G. Curtin, Governor. The Bistoury, Oct. 1885, by Dr. Thad. S. UiHlegratl', Elmira, N. Y., a valuable medical and educational journal, treating on medical institu tions, K-cture room notes, etc., Dr. Updegrafl and his father were noted and well known physicians in our county. Hancock and English campaigr text lxKk dated 1 880, containing 560 page, a luminary ol leading historical events in our history un der Republican and other adminis trations. It contains valuable ms torical information. The above named articles are valu able documents and will be preserv ed in the archives of the society. Prol. IJoyer brought them over on Monday morning when he came to Middleburg to attend court. We hope many others will follow Prof. Rover's example in giving such old and valuable documents. Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cel., aays: "During my brother's late sieknfiss from sciatic rheumatism. Chamberlain's Pain Balm was the only remedy that gave bim any re lief. Many otnera nave teaiinea to t Via nromot relief from bain which this liniment affords. For sale by all Druggists. Baking Powder ' 85 2fft SONS OF AMERICA. I Tenth Annual District Convention of the P. 0. S. of A. The 10th Annual District Con-: rinn nftt Patriotic Order Sons ol America will convene in Aurand's Hall, Shatnokin Dam, on Saturday, June 10, at 10 A. M. i Ranh P-iimn in the oountv is re- , to send five delegates for the first fiflv members or fraction thereof, .! . . . . .. .1 x and one "additional delegate for each ten members above fitly. . . r lihe following are ne omt . o the Convention ; ,t is hoped that: that each will be in his respective place t the jofl "ewsslon Vice President, Win. F, Brown, of IOi;oecrery,W.r.TOer,oioo, Master of Forms. N. A. Bowes, of 515; Conductor, P. J. Herbater, oi 98j Inspector, D.L. Gemberliftg, of 320; Guard, Isaac Reaver, of 98 Treasurer, Chas. L. Wetzel, of 98 During the afternoon Camp 582, ofShamokin Dam, will present the public schools with a handsome A meritan flag. State President Col born and State Vice President Shulta have been in vited to lie present Let the brethren generally con-1 Bidet this a P. O. S. of A. day pure j and simple.; lay aside your daily tasks and devote this one day solely to the cause we have all espoused and make it a day !onc to be remem bered by every brother who attends - " this convention. W. A. Moykh, Diet. Pres. D. P. RiTTEit, Dist. Sec'y. 0. P. 0. Commencement. MONDAY TO THV7K8PAY, JUNE "5-8. Examinations.' for. r Entrauee. and Promotion. FRIDAY, Jl'SIE 9. 7:30 P. m. Anniversary of the Ex celsior Literary Society. SATURDAY, JUNE 10. 7:30 r. m. Anniversary of the Neo cosmian Literary Society. SUNDAY, JUNE 11. IOiOO A. M. Annual Sermon before the College Y. M. C. A. by Bishop R. Dubs, D. I)., L. L. D., Chicago. 5:30 P. M. Y. M C. A. Farewell Dervioa, barn. The Iwrn was a new one as :30 P. M. Raeealaiireate Sermon by j the rpentcrs had finished work oti PrcsidentA. E. Gobble, D.D. y the week liefore. Added to Mr. wnsiiAY Jtrira 12. ;Siutts' misfortune is the loss ol a 2:00 P. M. Rook Reception f the j NarsMtmlt 1 .it..rv Rnciftv. Literary Society 00 P. M. Junior Orational Pii? Contest. TUESDAY, JUNE 13. 9:00 a. M. Annual Meeting of the Iktard of Trustees. 2:00 P. m. Anniversary of the Li brary Association of the Kxcel sior Literary Society. "."l I i. w A mmal A.l.lrooa t-M.fnri. IJV 1 . . A.llll.U. ...... "-' the Ijiterary Society by Bishop R. Dubs, D. D., L. L. D. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14. 9:00 A. m. Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association. 12:00 M. Alumni Dinner. 3:00 P. M. Society Reunions. 7:30 P. m. Annual Address before the Alumni. THURSDAY, JUNE 15. 9:00 A. m. Commencemena. Monuments and tombstones were prejiared for spring delivery at the marble yard ol win. Moyer ior torn following named : Michael H. Mil ler, son of R. O.Stetler, daughter o Ed. Thomas, Rebecca Kline, son ol E. Shannon, sou of E. Lepley, son of T. L Shilling, Solomon Shrawder, daughter of W. R. Shrewder, Sarah It .1. .? onnthan Km. . . , - .aw IHJWcnvux, tmugi.uci ichenbach, Son of V. J. Beaver, , , . , fr :i.l ., Howanl Jones, daughter ot J. LrtDoy, . . . . .... wife of Amos Nialer. (lauiniter oi li. H. Lawver, son ol O. A. BdWsox, mm n. a TV ' 1 son of J. U. Shotioerger, nmyiu Hummel, Samuel H. Snyder, Ueo. Hummel and wife, Simon C. Straw ser, son of Jas. H. Wiand, wife ot Peter Glotfelter, four children of G. J. Hotnagle, Isaac Gill, MatJiias iGoss, son of D. M. Herbst, Adam Wagner and wife, Moses iroup.j COURT HOUSE CHIPS IN-ed-. Entered lor Keeartl. as m x- i ... bJikKWIHU wile ui uuj . - . it- - ' SWJIW perches ... Perry twp., . - , u A. H. Bowersox and wile to An-j, t nie C Herbster, lot No. 10, in John Hassinger's addition, Beavertown, j containing J acre for $45. , I Luoy and John H. Willis, house and lot on the Isle ot Que, Selins - trrove, for $325. John Buyer and wife to Zaek- ar-la, Deobler, six acres in Franklin i township, tor 9900. ,',,,"M f Howanl R Lamest, PaxtonvilJe, I. Mary I. Wagner, ( Samuel B. Btibb, Hope W. Howell, fChas. W. GrOSS, McClure, McClure, fiUIHa l Untie Bim OB. nowi , f George Portline, Mary L. Shetterlv, f Cloyd M. Mover, Fiwitmtwi 1 " II ikv M Markla Mt PImmmiI II , restless, irritable Allen Stet er M(r 4 7nd altogether out of s,,rts. It was (Lonaetta Detfem ; Ic to get my natural sleep HceTy-MijToierd. i and I bmme so weak and exhausted I that I could not leave mvkd. Fin- , , , On Sat unlay the Editor oi me i Post eceived a letter from a reliable j'"L firm. in Pennsylvania who is uowj r" operating a hosiery mill. They wish m-v ... I ... .....I l.n.... UI UK. Ill1 llllllllll-l jll.llll UIIV. ...... offered to put it in Middleburg ii it is desired bv the board of traie. I They are now employing 75 hands. Ten thousand dollars shall be raised by our people either as stock in a home eomnanv r as a loan at a low rate of interest. It remains to be' seen how many girls and womeJi of- far themselves tor work at the shoe factory before the Ixiard of tarde'ean act intelligently on the proposition THK BKNT or ALU Forerver fifty ream Mas. Wisauow'a SooTU' IMi STA.CP laftf bean uaed by mothera for thefr children while teething. Are you dllrbe4 M .1 ft ft. mm A ft. a Ull nlchl And limkrn of your .real by A aick child aufferlnf And crylrux with pain of cutting teeth? ff ao ar ml At once And (At A bottle of "Mn. Win low' Soothlnii Syrup" for t'hildlrn TeettrfliR. Ila value la Incalculable. II will relieve Iba poor ..... - ... ...... .. j . . lime aunerer raniroiimy. impmna wpvn mothers, ithere la no in Intake about It. It dlarrhu-a, rrgulatea ihe Stomach And Bowela, cures Wind Colic, aofV. ni tbe Ouma, re.1 Inflammation, and gives lone and energy to, list whole system. "Ml. Wtnslow's Soothing Sf yup" for chMdsan ftaAshlag Is plrasAnt so Mas, tAate and la the prescription of one of tkAMlfa est snd best female physicians and nurses tnta United Stales And Is for sale by all dr througlwut tlie world. ' Price, twenty-five a bottle. Be sure and get "Mas. WipaVa Hoothinii Svat r. Struck by Lightning. Iast Thursday evening lightning struck the new baru of Geo. Spotts, who resides near Pallas, this county, and tore it up in bad shape. It wah a cold stroke and did not burn the building, but it killed a horse be i lninriiur t,i n Mr. HrosioiiK. a neitfh-! l ,lT., karlfrha luiraa in Mr SiMitts' ' uv., .... ..... b-w-... . Monday morning nre oy oeaui on wiij I ll. B 1 . I ot this week. 1 lie IrieiKls and neigh-. Ixirs deeply sympathize with Mr, Spoils in his sad misfortune. Drink 4-raln-O after you hare concluded that you ought not to drink coffee. It ianot a medicine but doctors order it be cause it is healthful, invigorating and appetizing. It is made from pure grains and has that rich seal brown color and tastes like the finest grade of coffee and costs about i as mucb. Children like it and thriye on it be cause it is tbe genuine food drink containing nothing but nourishment. Ask your erocer for Grain-O, tbe new food drink. 15 and 26c. A Massive Willow On the farm of Jeremiah Hummel in Monroe township stands a massive willow tree planted about 80 years ago. It measures 19 feet in cirtini ference at the stump and 21 feet in circumference at the forks. It was planted by old 'Spiire Jacob Hum mel ami Mammy ivcene wno ib now - - T , . 97 VearS of age. It was planted , , i:..l, Wneil sue witn u iniiv, ",in. CONVENTION NATIONAL EDUCA TIONAL ASSOCIATION, LOS AN GELES, CAL. Hectare Kates via Peansy lvnnla stall- jiiV li to lijthe Penn.ylvanla Railroad Com- pany will sell etcuraior. tickets vie direct , rouses irom poinoiin ..n w. cj. .d return. At taw of sinaie far rn..nj .u. nine S3 on msmhorahln If ;., JuneiitoJuiv jg I m.. T7, .UI - "'J.Am. For further Information, apply to Ticket Agents. MARRIED. May 31, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Dr. fl. Newt. Nipple ol Alnpn, Q., to Grace E. Hettrick of' Hamraera Wharf. After the. Grip-What? You thought fM had the brat of . J. Jj ,;nw.r t grin und yob determined to w lilt Till UIIU i in w J ,t wear off us vou expected. You pass rest ; , nijrhtsall(l up in mornil,K fodUig more exhausted n,M Youare ir- 1 aiKi"uervons u,l bevfl no ap- ; petite fr your food. You go about 1 jn a Ratings', halfhearted sort of way, Lnd cvcrvthimr vou undertake to do - - j seems to go wrong. Do you know that you are on the verge of nervous ...:... X' ....I l.l... mikI miir nnw tlinii vou did ! when the grip was at its worst. Dr. Miles' Nervine is thebeit me dicine vou can get to build up your " shattered nerves and restore your Penn twp. I wasting strength. It invariably in " " ! snres sound sleep and gives theover Augustaville, Htrung nerves their natural rest. It Oriental. ' 'kes the appetite keen, facilitates lxL- j: .: l.....l.l,t.,i ;. f U4C"""" 8'"" mu. ....... litv tO the nervesind restores health. .llv T naonsd takinir Dr. Miles' ". j .... Aervine and I l egan to improve om the first dose. In a short time health was completely restore I." W-. T 1 t , . n 1 ' A trial package of Dr. Miles' ia- voritc treatment for the grip, con- sisting of Dr. Miles' Nervine, Dr. Miles ' Aerveand lAVtt i ins, win area . 1 V It'll ll nl absolutely iri'- u any person seixling name and address on a postal card, requesting the samples ami mentioning the name of the Post. Address, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana A VALUABLE PUBLICATION. The Penney I van In Rnllrnad lSMKniav neer Cieonlon Ronle Iftooh. . The PAeeenger Depaftroent of the Pennsyl vania Hal I road C'onue.ny ha. publiahed Ihe WW edition of Ila Summer Eicursion Route Book. This work it desiiigeil to provide the nabllc with short descriptive notes of Ihe prin dual Bum cipal Summer resorts of KAstern America, with Wtn. routei lor reAehl the routes lor reaching mem, ana ine rases oi fare. II contains all the principal seashore And mountain resorts of Ihe east, and over fifteen handrail different routes or combinations of route, for reaching them. The book has been compiled with the utmost care, And sltogelher It the most complete and oomprehen.lve hand book of Hummer travel ever offered to the pub- He. ' Itvisboand In a handsome andstriklng cover, In colors, and contains several maps, present ing UM esAct routes A vW which ticket, sre sold. It i. also profusely illustrated with fine half tone cuts ot scenery at Ihe. various resorts snd Along the II nee of the Pen nay 1 vaala Kalroad. It may be produced a Any Pennsylvania Rail road ticket office at- the nominal price of ton cents, or, upon application to the general office, Broad etreel Station, by mail for twenty rents. ft-S-tt. Itoe-a eflee Agree WM" Tan t If not, drink Graio-0 made from pure grains. A iauy wrnen The first time 1 make Grain 0 I did uot like it but after using it for one , et k nothing would induce tne to go bark f? C0Ttee- to coffee. It nourishes mm letus r..i Jf!'. Ihe children cmi drink h great leti tir. It is tbe I u-ejejt wit strenBrthenine Bubstauci; of pure grains. Get a package today from your grocer, follow tbe directions in making it and you will have a delici ous and healthful table beverage for old and young. 1 Be. and 26c. Farm for Sale A tarm contain ing 55 acres situate in Middlecreek township, mile north oi Globe Mills, Snyder county, is offered for sale at a bargain. The buildings are god as new. Five acres are in good woodland. Farm will lie sold for first good offer. Call on or ad- dress,J.M. Maurer,Kreamer,Pa. tf. For Sale. I offer for sale fifteen acres of farm land, twenty acres of partly cleared land and twenty- four acres ot timber land, an situat ed at New Berlin in Limestone town ship, Uuion Co. If so desired, it will be sold in lots. For particulars inquire of A. T. Tavlor, Kishaoo quillas, Pa. 3-23-3nio. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let te r s of Administration Intbe Mate ot sophla Hook. Isle of I'ranklln tap., Snyder county, Fa., dee'd, ksvlng been granted to the undersigned, All persona knowing tbem- to the underslgnsd, All person knowing them sslvss indebted to ssld eitaie Are requetieu to make Immediate payment, while thoss having I claim will present tnem duly AUthentleAted to sslvss indebted to ssld sttAle Are requested to the anderttgaeo. E. E. IIOFFMaN. Administrator, May 17, tm. Paxtonvllle, 1'a. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Corrected weekly by oar merchant. Butter 14 Bggt Onions 00 Lsard Tallow . 4 Chickens Der lb 7 Turkeys 10 Bute... 9 Shoulder - 8 am -12 Wheat W Bye... Potatoes. 60 OldCorn........... .85 Onltfl ittsssstt ! a 30 Bran Der 100 lbs....... kw .75 MiddUnsra " M CBon " JO Floor per bbL. .- 4.40 THE PACKER BICYCLE Is a model wheel, and one that will mil -wear J anv wheel on the mav- ket IClr Allv'll'-' of all kinds neatly done 1 have spent u nniuher of years at the business under an experienced instauctor. (Jail and see before buying a bicycle. WALLACE TEATS, Globe MillsJPa. mmmmmmYM AAta.AAaABSBBSssBaiBMAaaBSBAAsssaHaAaAaa ."REVIVO restores VITALITY Made a Well Man of Me. produees Uie Above rMtUU In SO dAys. lt actt Tl . li M A-fta - sssiBaakaa all nlKAM fall Toungmsa will regain their lost manhood, and old . win MMwr thnir routhful vutor by nslng BEVIVO. It quickly and sorely rertoras Serroua dsss. LAN Vitality. Impoteney. Nightly Krolsalona. Ua Power, railing Memory. Watting Diseases, and aH i gnu ot strf-arnan or excess and indiscretion, which mnnts one for atody.builneaa or marriage. It Botonly cures by starting At Ins seat ci disease, Dul UAgreUaerretonlo and blood bunder, bring ing back the pink glow ta pale cheeks and re storing ias ore oi ytvoxeu " Lrr ' and OuAaampUon. laalst oa having KETXTCna athsr. It can be carried In vest pocket. Dy mall 1.00 pwpsoSAire, or All lor tVS.OO, with a post Uva mattaeft goarantee to core or refund the neaey. Advice and circular free. Addra.. Royal medicine Co., cSKS3 For sale by Middleburg Drug Co. A ('nee- ''" '! voua HeatlMehea. For eight lAart I .iifferpd from costlpatlon and severe hewl.ieli' , ; ne headache usually IhMHik three anya ni t. nine, iteitriacne powaera reiiev ed meteinporarll), tint left too bad an effect. 8pce I begnn tatting celery Kink I Dave great l.v unprovoa in nenitn, sewom or never nnre netd Acne, have irnlned In flesh, and feel decldedlv well Man. K. 8. Hatch. Temple, N. 11 ; . Celery King for the NerVeg, Liver ana Kidneys - unld lo Mc. And c. pttokRgPA by W. H. Herman, Troteyuie; Mlddlnawarfb A I'lelt, Me 'lure; H. A. Kbrlgbt. Allae. AOHNTS WANTKD FOR "THK LIFE AND Achievements of Admiral Dewey." Ihe world'a Eeateet naval herb. By Murat HAlstead,' - the .-long friend ami admirer of the nation's idol, ggeet and beat , book; over MO page., SilO inches: nearly 100 page. Iialf-tone Illustrations. Only tl.BO. Enormcms demand. Mr commis sions. Outfit free. Cbaace of a lifetime. Write quick. 'The DoanJslon Oonipany, 3rd floor Cat ton atdg., Chlcagoi s-avitt, ' UI i ii i Caasraailee, Aat lent Ion. -1 ' I served from 'tu to w, ana was wounded Mav 10, ISM In the Battle of tbe Wilderness. 1 would like to have jny comrades know what Celery King bat done for me. In 'into my old complaint, chronlo dlarrahoea, came bark. Tbe doctors could not atop It, but Celery King has cured me. And am once more enjoying life. Pbask Biihlia. Owohbo, Mich. ((X. F. 49th N. Y. V. L ) . Celery King for tbe .lervea, Uver and and Kidneys la sold In toe. and Oc. packages bv W. II. Herman, Ttozelllvlei Mlddieswarlb A (1Kb, HcClure; U. A. Kbrlgbt, Aline. JA8. O. CR0U8E, ATTORNKT AT LAW, MlDDLBBURt), PA. All i.iiHinesg -putruoteJ to hii car lll receive orouipt attention. PATENTS aiAiatltie At Anminiial. OBTAINED. TERMS EASY. Consult or communicate with (be Editor of ibla paper, wbo will give all needed in for mat tow O STOVES STOVES STOVES A !J8 mm kv-ir aa pv illllUDTh "LORQjnr; SCHOCH Offer to the public a full line of Corrugated Roofings Plain Tin and Galvanized Iron Roofing and Spouting. Fence Wire.Tinware.Gran iteware, Etc. A full line of OIL & VAPOR STOVES for Summer cooking. Gall and see our stock and learn our prices. SCHOCH & STAHLNECKER,' 0PP. JAIL. MIDDLEBURG, PA. VAPOR STOVES VAPOR STOVES VAPOR 8TOVE8 . 'V.ri.Mi H1ILH0W. S'Kibury As Lewiafcowu Division, la effect May 22, 1809. WO-TWALl). I STATIUS. riTWATtl. HTATIom. -Jfa-J P M AH; a r SSI Sunburv :B 5 M lo"7 nMinim Inn livin .'.I'i fliii lo U tclilMKfnvu ' I 19 in it PawiiiiK iu SiK lO.M l' 5 01 1" tt Mn r 9 "I M 101 Mi.lillrhiirn M 10 38 Brnri-r 4 lit 10 4 lirawi u.u ii II M 4 S7 1 1 AilamsburK W ill l v i irauii. 8; (-..I I! M.i Inrr ! 4 IS I ! ' I WaMf R IS HO 11 I Ml l.rtl" 1 H 1.1 4'tl !.'( i iiiti rvlllt sff.i 1 pi I ' llltlHIIfl HiS .1 4 ' I .u I.en MMfM T H 1 l. II ar towMowft alii siwt.) ril 34 il 10, Ia i-iun ii Jllu lion IM 840 Jit Ipmv. s tiiiivnir TU n m, ar l tves Ht S htivvi.tva f) 4") p lu fritiue leHV l,i-M. ii JiHUSflrti : M a m. in 13 .i in. li Mp ii . tor Alt' r'or f.lM'tit.n' . l in oi i 1 1 ,. in .v m. . ., P II letter .ii. me Went, '..-'. I. iirnn : ml a m 1 i m 4 i ; i m I i II i il i ill 1 1 Ami New York ti;w . (tg in, I h. I a4lA4ld piu Vm nsrii-f.iirj . ' . , 1 . i n j. in Ph. ndaipNis Fr e K K Division. A Ml so mi :iim I'KMT (AI. HA LW AY Tn!ii? h ie itiinhuri ,Ij ssoei.t Kgadsy : 1 l U III lor Kile .'id I '.insudilUUH tM i m lor Krllel.iHte kVI . ...t tanandalgns u 4 a in Mr I,. II. Ten. Tyi-fto AI jtbe Wasi, 1 10 pin for Htlleliiiai Kau Ty lag an.K'anaD dAlaas 5 43 1. m ior AAanVnAnd KlafrM tM ,1 in inr Willi . . n -.... t Snndaf s in U Brit met Onhandabruu ttSsm )..r I....-K NaVAfl an. i II ) p iu tor Vt It. tlAnttioti eiiain. v m i mi ?no and tefpm.lor wim.- barrs and Ilsxeltou tHJam. m-.tiam. utp a, SMm lor Shalao kin unit Not Ai Qafntgl Bttadsjf 9 aj , w jot W lll u.r e Triiln. leiive Seiii-..r,.i .Inneiloi inon a iu. s dap. srrtvtas at "hil delpkbi .luupin New Turk I fa p , Halllinore M II p ro Ws.lilnutiin 4 1" p in vu l I . 1 1 r krHllntf hi Hliilallplil .n M i m New York 3 .vi a in. Ral iiuoit 0 J11 iu Wushiiik'ton inu p m. 4J, 111, week day srrlvlMV' i' I t ln.1 -M It K. 4 80 m at, New York ;j:i h , Baltimore I l m Washington 4 Itt a m Tra MtlsOMAV. Hunhiiry: 2-J7 mi daily .irrtvniK al Plillsdsl.llila e H a M HnltltiioretSl in Ws.hlt gton ! am New York 33 a in Weekday, pi :.h a m Sundavi, 7 80 amwoek dais arrivtnc tit PlilliirlelpMa lltm,Nfw York if p m. li iltlnure lis A in, WAMhlngton I no p w. 1 ,.-, pui.week .Is. srrlvlus- t Philadelphia 23 ii iu. New Yrk Do p At, HaltliiKire ii p m Waanington T 15 pm Trains aim leave Snnhnry Ht .K a m and .1 Zl And t a pit, lor HxMehuru;. Hliiladelplila and Hallltnore . I H. W . i U. Oen'l Pass Agent J. B. HUTCHINSON Osn'l Msnairsr SI TH- TAILOR, SiLlNSGROVE, PA is n ran Lowes! Cash PtIcbs. WorRoiiislup BDaraateetl Betare Too Order Elsewiiere- trej mKam mrni TMJB DTETZ DRIVING LAMP It about as near peritenon at SO ytara ol Limp-Maktr- can attain to. It burnt kerotant, and fivgg a powerful, clttr, white light and will neither blow nor) trout. When out drlvtnrwlth It Ihe darkneet easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your emartetl hone. When, you went Um very best Driving- Lamp to be had. ask your dealer tor the "Dletz." We issue a special Catalogue of this Lamp. and. If yea aver prowl around alter nlfht-faU. tt will interest yea. Tat mailed free. . R.B.DLBTZCO., W 6o Lalght8t, New York. I V I KOK 10C SILVKR or Its STAMPS. Ill J I will send a handsome FOUNTAIN PUN. solid gold. Nothing beau It. Tremend oub seller. Agents wanted. Address at once Bog ltf, utiaodoldt, W. va. 3-it-sm. STOVES STOVES STOVES 210 J ri?T?T?T?TT?TWnT HIjffiLfimiM STAHLNECKER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers