Rev. Ghas. G. Er lenmeyer's Mar niarfA RcrnrH nage letUI U. 1845. Mar. '20, Jacob Erl) and Sarah Ann Hitner, iMith of Centre twp. Mar. 25, Henry Matthias to Ma tilda Crush, both of nan twp. Mar. 80, LeWhl Stock to Susanna Scltroyer, both of Penn twp. April 9, Peter Marti ami Suaaa Ililhish, IhkIi of Freabwrg. April (5, Mom Fisher t.) Hannah Mueseluian, lsth of Penn twp. April 24, Peter Eby to EiizaU-th Wcller of Perry twp. May 1 8, Peter Arnold to Man Ann Sofaefter, both of Chapntau twp. Km c I n , , C . l.! May 20, Samuel Buyer to Stplua . 1 iver, tnitli of Penn twp. 1 Hey June 15, Amos Wittenmoyer to EliaabeUi Haitinger, Iwth of Centre twp. June 17,. John Strnub and Maria Houaar, both of Perry twp. June 22, William tjuntlrum and Lucy Straycr of Freeburg. Aug. o. Fred Jiingman to Susan na Houlz, ltoth of Centre twp. Aug. 3, Henry Fisher to Siirah Ann Moody, both of Penn twp. Aug. 14, Jonathan Waters to He becca Albert, both of Selinsgrove. Aug. o, William Moyer to Ame lia Freyet, both of Chapman twp. Aug. 4, David Fisher to Harnett Bain, both of Chapman twp. Aug. 12, Harrison Meiserot" Perry twp. to Susanna Fisher of Chapman twp. ti v i i, ewqai ouaaawi ui oasts- 11 1 ' m i w July 11, Joseph Shannon of Mid twp J July 25, Marcus Hainsto Hannah inner, lxth oi Washington twp. Oct. 9, Charles Shamltach and 1 Benner Elizabeth Bilger. Oct. 12, Daniel Straub to Lydia Hcimbach, both ot Chapman twp, Oct. 14, Nathan Schlappigto Su sanna Kant, Iioth of Washington twp. Dec. 10, Henry Bolig and Mary Ann Herrold. Dec. 18, Emanuel Knights and Elizabeth Houser. Dec. 13, (iieorge Steininger and Susnn Steiningcr, both Ot Centre' twp. Dec. 25, William Hummel and Elizabeth Herrold. 1846. Jan. 1, Samuel Grier and Mary Miller, both of Washington twp. Jan. 4, Daniel Benner to Mary Letiig, both of Washington twp. Jan. 8, Peter Hummel to Anna Kcrstetter, both of Chapman twp. Jan. 22, Augustine Arnold and Leah Rine, lxth of Chapman twp. Jan. 25, Isaac Jarrett to Anna Keller, both of Penn twp. Feb. 5, George Goodling to An na Gov of Perry twp. Feb. 10, John Schnee of Freeburg to Hannah Young. Feb. 19, Daniel Swartz and Eve Arbogast of Washington twp. Feb. 2G, Simon Dietrich to Sarah Giltrich. Mar. 5, Andrew Huber to Eliza beth Hummel, I oth of Chapman twp. Mar. 8, Joseph Stork of Esther Haiti, both of Penn twp. Mar. 22, Harrison Ziegler and Catharine Snyder, both of Chapman twp. April 2, Jacob Schnee to Rebecca Mertz of Washington twp. April 2, John Kantz to Hannah Walborn, both of Washington twp. April 28, Frank Boyer to Eliza Anrand, Ixrth of Penn twp. April 28, Henry Gilbert to Mary Ann Spade, both of Centre two. May 17,'Mr.Fertenbaugh of Dau phin Co. to Susanna Strieker of Chapman twp. May 2(5, Benjamin Moyer to Mary Houseworth, lioth of Chapman twp. June 2X, Jacob Hettrick to Lydia Iichvig. July 2, James AuchmutytoLucy Ann Strawser, botb of Penn twp. July 20, Benjamin Brosius and Sarah A. Showalter, both of Penn twp. July 28, Abraham Wayne and Phebe Shelly, both of Juniata Co. Aug. 11, John Reifensnydcr, Esq., to Nancy Mussulman, both of Liverpool, Perry Co. Sept, 24, Henry Swineford to Su sanna Hassenplug. . Oct. 1, Henry Glass of Freeburg to Elizabeth Stetler of Centre Co. I Oct. 8, John Meiser to Susanna jZeller, both of Perry twj. I Out 11, George Sp.ide to Phebe ( Hendricks. J (Kt unitOQe ami ' I Mary Elizabeth tiall'cker. Oct. 18. Kceter'fienorr to Satan- I Ml Wayne, both of Washington pup, Oct. 27, Solomon Walter toCbths- rine Mark. Oct. 81, Charles Fetter to Elisa beth Fetter, Iioth of Washington twp. Nov. 15, Herman Fose to Susan na T!.t nias. Nov. 17, George Marts to Ame lia Hummel. Nov. 22, Henry Walter to Ma tilda Boweraox. Nov. 24, Benjamin Snyder to An oaGraybUI, both of Perrytwp 1W. ., WHOUU .'llliet Ul ' .. flower, both of Beiinagrove. ' fc , t o rv...:..i ii. ....i. . Dec. II, Jacob Miller and Sarah Dec. 3. Daniel Koush to SanUi Shuman, both of Liverpool, Perry I Co. Dec. 20, Jacob Wagner to Ame-1 lia Halm, both of Liverpool, Perry County. Dec. 24, George Heinibach and Klizaheth of Chapman twp. Deo. 24, Peter Gross toSarah Ann I Wendt, both ot Penn twp. Dee. 24, Jacob Luck to Mary Ann Kerns of Peon twp. Dec. 27, Frederick Traub and Polly ltcichcnlutugh. 1847. Jan. ,r, John Dietrich of Penn twp. to Poll)' Wittenmeyer of Cen tre twp. Jan. 10, Adam Fisher to Marbara Woodllng, both of l'enn twp. Jan. 17, William Wixxlling and . , . i l n . . ... 'Marv Musselmen, ltoth of l'enn twp. 1 Feb. 7, Isaac Klatfelter to Susan- n Mo.ver both of Cliapman twp. Feb. 1), Simon Herman to Catl ri,,e Knights, both of l'enn twp. twp. Catha- Feb. 1 1, Jacob Kantz to Elsie Au- tniller, both of Penn twp. Feb. 18, Amos Shaefer to Caroline Goodling of Chapman twp. Feb. 28, Simon Lark and Sarah Boyer of Freeburg. Mar. 18, David Brubaker to Su sanna Shetterly. April 1, Michael Shuman toEliza beth Chesney, both of Liverpool, Perry Co. April 4, George Menges toSuwin na Deitz. April 13, John Reigle to Sarah Repass. May 4, Adam Hettrick to Catha rine Wendt. May 4, Mr. Iawrcntz to Marga ret Grubb, Ixrth of Liverpool, Perry county May 9, John Shamlmch to Maria Nerhoot of Chapman twp. May 18, Andis Ulrich to Catha rine Hummel of Union twp. June 8, Elias Keek and Anna Bickel, both of l'enn twd. Oct. 17, John Watney of Brad ford Co. to Adalia Stroh ot Selins grove. Nov. 7, John Hime to Catharine Schroder, both of Chapman twp. Nov. 7, Henry Fisher and Polly Rohrer, both of Perry twp. Nov. 14, Samuel Worly to Han nah Weirick, both of Centre twp. Nov. 18, Samuel Kepner to Bar bara Mots. Nov. 18, William Bitting and Eliza Loss. Nov.18, William Sponebergerand Catharine Charles, both of Liver pool, Perry Co. Dec. 15, Ellsworth Moyer and Mary Phillips, both of Chapman twp. Dec. 20, George Barner, Esq., of Juniata Co. to Catharine Arnold of Chapman twp. 1848. Jan. 4, Michael Frantz to Har riette Mitchel of Centre twp. Jan. 10, Samuel Wayne to Sarah Wayne, both of Perry twp. Jan. 30, Isaac Troutman to Su sanna Grubb of Liverpool, Perry Co. Feb. 17, John Fisher to Catharine Wilt, both of Chapman twp. Feb. 17, Andrew Krouseto Lucy Keiper, both of Washington twp. March 5, John Bickel to Harriet Philipps, both of Chapman twp. March 14, Jacob Weiser to Re becca Neimond, Ixdh of Chapman twj). March 10, Henry Jarrett to Maria Haiti, both of Penn twp. March 21, Isaac Haldman to An na Graybill, both of Juniata Co. March 23, Joseph Kerstetter to Catharine Herrold, both of Chap man twp. Mnn-h 83, JiUBetb fishvlmNn '. Middlel.ur to Catharine Gaiili-rnt ffrtt Imp. JttrWl Zt5, mat nun Kmi-li to lv Barf !, both of IVi.n two. April 20, IWl BotuW t. Rlito Boyw, Mb . t Freeburg. a April "2;, Witliam (iiirinan tn ketth Mengea, both otCbtipntantwp. April 24, Levi Hounbnch to Har riott Mover. Lth l Vutiv twp. May 7, Peter Klattelter to Chnr lotte Arnold, both of Chapman twp. May 25, Jtwoh Nagle to Sarah Miller ot lTiiiin t o. Jtioe 15, Jttooh Housewertfa to Polly Fiaher, Uth oi Chapnaotwn, July lrt, David Hoffman to Su aanna Keiaer, Ix-th of Peons twp. Aug. 3, Philip Ronsh to Caroline Itine, Inith of Washington twp. Aug. 10, James Row to Catharine Laudenslager, both oi Penn'atwp. Sept. 8, John Mengel to Leah both of Washington twp, Sept 14, Samuel Xerlmot to A- mella Brenoinger of Heaver twp. Oct. 1, Joel Keller toSibilla Hi me I Kith of Chapman twp. Oct. 12, Bernhart Vogelto Bar bara Kohlcr, lmtli of Juniata Co. Oct. IS, John Dunkelberger to Susannn Longeoeoker. Oct. 24, Henry Mots to Elisa beth Mover, loth of Frecbnrg. Oct. 2, Samuel Shidoh to Elisa beth Kauber, lot!i oi Perry twp. Nov. 12, Jacob Jarrett to Elisa beth Bhanoo, both of Peon's twp. Nov. 16, John Young of Union Co. to Miss Sarah Warion of Nor thumberland Co. Nov. 19. Aaron Fisher to Sarah Lanig. x .11 i 1 m 1 . Jfov. 21, Ihivitl Irattb to Anna Rumtelt, lotli of Chapman twp. Dec 3, John Arbogast to Hettie Koush, both of Washington twp. Dee. S, Isaac Weiser to Catharine Houseworth id Chapman twp. Dec. 20, Aaron Koush to Susanna Korhlcr. Dec. 27, Edward Bassler of Se licsgrove to Catharine A. Boyer of Freeburg. 1849. Jan. 24, Emanuel Lauver to So phia Winey, both of Richfield. Feb. 6, Henry Boyer, sheriff, to Mary Wagenseller of Selinsgrove. Jan. 7, George Imig to Hannah Burkhart, both of Chapman twp. Feb. 13, John Beyer of Freeburg to Hannah Kantz of I'enn's twp. Feb. 22, Peter Byerly of Selins grove to Surah Hartmau of I'enn's twp. March 1, John Miller of Wash ington twp. to Matilda Moser of Centre twp. March 8, Josiah Weiser to Mary Fryer, both of Chapman twp. March 15, David Row to Maria Haiti, Ixith of Point's twp. April 5, William German to Eliza Anu Craig. April S, William Deekard to Sa rah Hetriok. April 8, Adam Weaver of Centre Co. to Catharine Botdorf of Free burg. April 25, Henry Summers to Catharine Moor. May 15, John (Jilbcrt to Ann Swartz Ixith of Washington twp. May 31, Peter Leaver to Susanna Kegel, loth of Perry Co. June 17, Elias Bailey of I'enn's twp. to Mary Ann Schwartz of Washington twp. June 30, John Haokenberg to Mrs. Hanna Metzer. July 5, William Weller to Lucy Ann Koush, both of Washington twp. July 8, John Hopp to Maria Lauber. J ttly 23, Benjamin Nagle to Sarah Riegel of Washington twp. July 28, John Erb to Elizabeth I Deckert. Aug. 2, Jacob Arnold to Mary Ann Shaeffer, Ixith of Chapman twp. , Bad management keeps more peo pie in poor circumstances than any other one cause. To be successful one must look ahead and plon ahead so that when a fovorable opportauity presents itself he is ready to take , advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and val-1 uablo time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamber Iain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, the shiftless i fellow will wait until necessity com- pele it and then rein his best horse going for a doctor and have a big ! octor bill to pay besides; one pays out 26 centa, the other is out a hun dred dollars and then wonders why his neighbor ia getting richer while he ia getting poorer. For sale by all Druggists. Brlal.1 l.lnir Hot. . A suburban wiiiunrr married n sec ond time, and his choice was a wealthy ludy about 5U vrurs of nj;e. When the britle uiul bridegroom returned home1 from the wedding the husband, intro-1 during the wife la bin children, wild: j "My dear children. kin this Inilv. She I is the new mamma I promised to bring ' you." After taking a steady look at the "neve mammu." little Charlie said: "l'u, yon have been rheatedl She Isn't ! new ut all!" Tit-l!its. lie Wasn't Doing ihe Tnlklne. "Do you take lliis woman to he your wedded wife?" asked the justice when the proper point in the ceremony had been reached. "You've missed onr jMiess. judge," answered the prospective benedict, w ho was there principally because he had been threatened with n breach of promise suit. "I'm the one that's being taken." Chicago l'ot. After Dark In Manila. All you maidens. Mir to see; You with eyes a la Chinee. Tou with Malay blood so free. Tou that lisp In Janaaee. You who grew on Spanish tree. From my presence do not flee; You axe different, you'll agree; Stop and hear my earnest plea You all look alike to me. After dark. Cleveland Plain Dealer. TOOK HIM I.ITKUAI.LY. Ethel I don't think Johnnie can be fond of fruit, Mlaa Tralnem. "Why not, my dear 7" "Because he anhl the other day he didn't car a fig for you." Fun. Tfce ln.vlul.lf. Sha haa made her own hat; and aha In the class. While the anxious frown on her brow In creases. She haa carefully put It together, alas Por tha outer women to pick It to pi Judge. Gealaa. First Clubman Henpeck haa the moat marreloua command of facial ex- preesions I ever saw. Second Clubman Can't say I've no ticed It. First Clubman Well, you would have yesterday. lUa wife gave him a new tie nod he looked grateful. It. 1. World. All Talk. Questioning a lad of 12 years about hla atudiea and achool life the other day, 8 friend said: "No corporal puniahment there, 1 suppose. Jack "No, nVm," replied the boy. "Moral suasion. TBey just Jaw us." Cincin nati Enquirer. Ik. Waste o Know. Mrs. Crlmaonbeak You don't believe that there will be uny anlinola iu ttie next world, John, do you? Mr. Crlmaonbeak Of course I don't. "What was the use, then, In telling that dog you juat tried to kick to go there?" Yonkcra Statesman. II Ilearrrrd It. Tenderfoot' What has that uuin teen (doing? Stealing horses? Native Naw, we're too civilized to lynch people for stealing horses nowa 1 days. That fellow think!, he onn sing I wDOQ songs. N. X. Joprosl A SUMMER SAIL in ladies1 shoes is a pleasant voyage afoot. For the pleas ure it gives, there's no sail like oar sale. Crowds are enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolest and best fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which buyeis lind it a pleasure to pay. JfOi honso or street wear, pleasure or every-day practical pnrposes, walking, riding, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims your hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. (I. EMM. SUSY 1 I ,.rO f The Girl of To-day Jp will be the woman of to She does not know it, ncr motner does not fully understand it, but between the "to-day" when she i a girl and the "to-morrow' when she will be a woman. her liFe's h&nniness and nwiui are in inc uai&nce. If she is to be a full-breasted. strong, healthy woman she must develop rightly now. She. is at a crisis. She needs more strendth, more blood to tide it over. Or. Williams for Pale People are the one medicine that will dive her the strength and make the new blood. Our new book. PLAIN TALKS TO WOJcH. enpl&m why these pills are of special benefit to drow ing girls. A copy will be sent to any address. free, on request. Miss Frsnkle Itiithnwsy, orRliteentb Street, Holland, Mlrh..11 : I am xl yrarn old, at It) 1 was Hlrnd weak and did not gain UDdrr tlio doctor s rare, other treatment bruuthl no better remill and bv the time 1 was nineteen yearn old I wait SO weak 1 could not walk across tbc tloor. I was terribly emaciated unci my skin bad Inst all colnr. The doctor pronounced the disease anwmla. One of my friends ad vised me to try Dr. Williams' rink PtIU for Tale People. 1 bought it bo i and before 1 had taken all of the pills I found thst they were dolus me good. Appetite In. -reined and the healthy color began to show In tny cheeks una lips. 1 continued to use the pills until Iliad taken fif teen boxes and found myself jiermanentlji cured. Since then I bavo had no return of my old trouble and cannot remember when 1 was so strong and healthy as now. I know that lr. Williams' Pink I'llls for I'ale People saved my life, and 1 believe that no other medicine could have 4oat.ll." -Kuankis H a rit aw a v. - ut. iuh Tmxi, Holland, Mich. Look for the full name on the pickagc At drutjIiU or direct from the Dr. Williams Mtdklnc Co., ichtntctsdy, N. Y. 50c. per box. A boxes $2. SO. Ins rj R Snyder's old, anu keliai IriistirMnce Agency, SELINSGROVE, SNYDER COUNTY, f A- Ulna ox- . Snydor, Yaj, xi t , Snccrtuior to tlio lale illiain H. Snytlvr. The PsrEscellhCfi of Heliabla Ii isutatu is i- pi. h i.i. d n tL ftillnw ag lift if MhihImkI Cdtnptititttt, from v LicL t-(i niiiae h m Ii t-tit u. Nunc Better the World over. FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eiiff. (including foteitru - lt.1 lf4ltOi),ti00.0O Hiirtford, of Hartford, Coun., (oldnet Ajxieiiraii Cn H,A4fi,786,02 Pbtanil, HHiiford, Com i, .-,Att8,068.07 Coutiuentnl, New York, t,754 906 73 Oernihii AmericHii, NewYotk, K,i40,008.88 LIFE MuttiHl Life Iiih. Co. New York, M4.t8fl,iJ68,60 ACCIDENT Era iployers' Linbility Aaf uranceOorpoiiitiiili, Accident Ins. Co. Subttcnbed CHpttal of ej,7.'.0.l)00.tHi Fire, Life ftud Accident rinkn accepted nt the lowenl poMeible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All juM cIhiium prmuntlv and SHtisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to nil clftMM of Insur ance promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Agl.. Telephone No. 1H2. Office on Corner W'Hter k Pine Situ. SeJinaerove. Fa Nearly Filtj-Eijlt ta 01 ! ripened by the experiences of over half a century. It has lived on its merits, and on the cordial support of progressive Americans. It is the "New York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the country over as the leading Nationol Fumiiy Newspaper. Recoenizine its value to those wLo desire all the news of the State and Nation, the publisher of THE PuST. (your own favorite homo pa per), haB entered into an alliance with "Tue New York Weekly Tribune" which enables him to furnish both papers at the trilling sum of $1.25 per year. Everv farmer and every villages owes to himself, to hi, family, and to the community in which he lives a cordial support of his local news paper' as it words constantly and untiringly for Ins interests in every wao brines to his home all the newB and happenings of his neighbor hood, the doings of his triends, the crops, the prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a weekly visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive fomily. Jnst think of it ! Both these papers for only 1.2A a year. Seud all subscriptions to "THE POST," Middleburg, Pa. RfMra m M r 0 SELINSGROVE MARBLE-YARD M. L. MILLER, Prop'r I keep constantly oo hftndan'l man ufacture to order all kinds of Marble and Grani ':e If It Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. LOW PRCE I LOW PRICES I have one of the best Marble Cot ters in the State and consequently turu out good work, say-Come and see my work A prices. Thankful for past favors I most re spectfully ask a continuance of same, M. L. MILLER i - morrow perhaps PmK Pills a x c i-: . LH tifii'l It' a long liff, lmt devotion to the true iuttreft and prosperity of the American People ho won for it new frier ds us 'the vearw rolled by and the original members of it fam ily passed to their reward, and tliofc admirers are loyoland steadfaat to day, with faith iu its teachings, and coutideuce in the ihformation vtliieh it briuRB to their homes and lire fides. As a natural consequence it en joys in its old se all the vitality and vigor of its youth, strengthened and condition and prospects for different K f. Pottiegeis Veterinary surgeon. SELINSGROVE. PA. All professional business entrusted to my curt. win receive prompt and careful attention. AVnil Income assured 85 cte. -tart yon oi cir. free. PotMTS Co., 3S1 Oak BlkM Ilo-ton. HENCH & DROMGOLD'S SAWMILL AND ENGIN .wonderful Improvement 'n Frlrllsa Feeds aw Ola-nark. Bsck motion o. :rrl)!e :i llsara sh -SSaS other In tliemsrlcet. i . letlon t -"f '' csusloK all the fee.1 MftBg I" stAi.,1 ftlll while haok f?: area! aavla. la P"wrr nrl w- uu ldtrue and price, free. Also rtaa llu. row. CHltlTators, t orn Plaaiera, Karllrra, etc IUWCB'dSoMGOI.D. Mfre.,Yerk, Psc 'BsHsTMsaasssW N. 1i -1 V a. , IWaWftf .iS7rI mm ytaaHssVaV Iff If w i