The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 08, 1899, Image 1

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Editor uio
Interesting Items.
News Told n Brief Paragraphs M
Our ReaJers
'ral r.r,r,.l
or Prwrnlm""1-
Charles II. Walter is the new
clerk ut the Central Hotel.
V. W. Wittenmyer and wife on
Monday were Lewwburg visitors.
Belli Wlneyof Beavertown Bpeut
StiDday with his family at Franklin.
Rev. 1. K. MoLain is attending
commencement at Belinsgrovc this
FraukD. Riegleot Winfield was
a Middleburg visitor the latter part
of last week.
Misses Sue Erlenmeyer and olive
Wetzel of Freeburg were county
seat visitors on Sunday.
Quite a numberol Middleburgers
attended the Wallace rIio'vh at Sun
bury Wednesday of last week.
A 30 horsepower engine and a
60 horse power boiler lias been ur
eteral for the new Bhoe factory.
Herbert Smith, who is employed
at the Burhlmui steel plaut, spent
Sunday In town with his parents.
Cashier J. N. Thompson, Jr.,
made a trip to Juniata Count? to
visit his parentsat Mexico last week.
Mrs. Lester G. Smith ol Pawling
Station on Monday of this week vis
ited Mrs.Lillie Rathtou in Fruni:-
Hon. G, Alfred Sehoeh mode a
trip to Union county last week to
look after his real estate interest
The catalogue fortius year of Sus
quehanna University is out and the
president has our thanks tor a copy
il the same.
The Y. P. S.C. K.ot Hassiuger's
church will hold a festival at that
place on Saturday evening, June 17.
All are invited.
The Middleburg school bonds to
the amount of 6500 were all taken
by Saturday evening. Most of them
arc held by widows ol this place.
Rev. Kohler of New Berlin was
in Middleburg on Sunday and
preached a very acceptable sermon
in the Reformed church in the even-
George D. Strail of Susquehanna
University, Selinsgrove, and Miss
Delia Charles of Philndelplra were
the guests of Prof. Edwin Charles
over Sunday.
Man becoincssueeessfulonly as he
is advertised by his neighbors. The
same applies to the business man.
Hi.-success is largely governed by
judicious advertising.
A new prisoner hits registered at
the jail. His name is Moyer who
haill from Perks County and he is
charged with false pretense, having
been arrested at Freeburg.
Daniel Bolender, proprietorof the
Central Hotel, was in Philade'phia
last week and bought quite a large
lot of new furniture for his hotel.
The ex-sheriff is going to fix things
up right. -
iu evident trom developments
a ft
that Middleburirneedssome industry
DOW for the employment ol men.
Parties who have anything of that
nature should address the Secretary
of the Board of Trade, Middleburg,
An exchange says that au intel
ligent farmer has discovered that by
planting onions and potatoes in the
same field in alternate rows the on
ions become so strong that they
bring tears totheeyes of the potatoes
in such vast volumes that the roots
are kept moist and a big crop is
raised in spite of the drought
'Sauire H. S. Kenuiugcr is the
proud daddy of a young ion.
Miss Anna Gilbert of Freeburg
WM ylsUtog Miss LHHe Amig.
Miss Anna Biekhart of Red Hank
last week Hick hart's.
Martin Haas f Freeburg was re
leased from the jail "ii Saturday a
Merchants Mage and Smith of
K reamer were county seat visitors
last Friday evening.
.1. Irwin Howell has moved from
Port Treverton to H. H. Renuing
er's house ill Franklin.
Harry Hare of Altooua and Miss
Anna' Potter of Selinsirrove were
county scat visitors on Sunday.
C. C. Seebold, the hustling piano
and organ dealer of Sunbury, was a
Middleburg visitor on Tuesday.
Rev. John 0. Yoder ol this place
has been elected pastor ol a Luther
an church near Phillipsburg, N. J.
A Boy Wanted. An active
hoy is wanted at once at the Middle
burg Bakery. Apply to C. A.
Miss Lizzie Loviuger of Millers
burg spent several days at Azariah
KreegeVs in Swiuefbrdthe fore part
of last week.
We are oleased to learn that Mrs.
i). E. MoLain, who had beeu taken
to Selinsgrove, is again able to be
up and about
For a good Potato Sprayer, call
on Schooh it Stahlnceker. They
have uti elegant :i;tiuk,i?n Jiaud.
Prices reasonable. 5-2;-3t.
John N. Haokenburg, a member
of Co. i. 6th 0. V. I., who served
in Cuba during the 8panish-Amer-can
war, is visiting his parents at
Rev. D. E. McLoht, pastor ofthe
Lutheran church of this place on
Sunday evening preached the final
sermon on the series of sermons on
"Pilgrim's Progress."
Send in your dollar cash-in-ad-vanee
for one year's subscription to
the Post. You will get the Farm
Journal for five years as long as the
supply lasts. Send now. tf.
Schoch & Stahlriecker have add
ed to their line of goods Win. Rod
gers Silverware. If you need any
thing in this line, do not fail to call
upon them Budget prices and see the
goods. 5-26-3t.
Carbon Seebold, proprietor of the
Washington House of this place, has
nut a soda fountain in his bar room
and will be able in 'consequence to
subonly ice cold soda oi all flavors
1 to tiiose desiring it.
Notice to Pay. Notice is here-
bv given that all those indebted to
me for !xok accounts are requested
to make immediate payment or the
accounts will be collected according
to law. C. W. OBAYBILL. tf.
H. 1. Stahlnecker and A. W.
Auraod have purchased a clipping
machine to clip horses. They offer
to clip horses at $1.60 each. Any
one desiring to have their horses
clipped will do well to have these
gentlemen do it for them tf.
Prof. J. H. App, Principal of the
public schools of Shippeiisburg, has
our thanks for a program of the com
mencement of the schools under his
Supervision. Prof. App is a native
of Snyder County, and his friends
here arc pleased to learn of his good
wearing qualities with the people of
The carpenters liegan work on the
shoe factory last Wednesday morn
ing and if the weather holds out this
week by Saturday evening it will be
under roof. John F. Stetler. Mid-
dleburg's expert architect, has the
ma .1 1
contract and is pushing tne imuuiug
to speedy completion so that work
can be begun at once. 1
Col. Wm. Holsworth, of Sclins-
grove, is thinking of openiuga store'
at Yerger.
The Adamsbnrg Bund will fur
nish the music for the New IW-rlin
commencement this year,
Mrs. Oman and daughter, Nora,
of Light Street, Pa., are visiting W.
D. Osmun and family west of town.
Park in huge quantities is lieing
shipped from many stations along
the Sunbury and Lewistown Rail
road. The machinery for the new shoe
factory arrived last week and isstor
ed iu Winey's ware house until tle
building is completed.
Word was received on Monday
that Mrs. Feese of Hartleton, form
erly wile of Jesse Walter, was seri
ously ill at her home. Mrs. Feese
is the step-mother of Mrs. NV. W.
Wittenmyer this place.
David Hover and wifeofLocbH
Union County, were at Middleburg
Monday visiting friends and went
from here to Fremont. David takes
lite easy and is one of the IWr's
most prompt jmying subscribers.
Cloyd 8teininger of Lewisbutfl
was a Middleburg visitor last week
Mr. Steiuinger is gathering some
material concerning the SteiningeS
family. We are pleased to have had
the pleasure of meeting the yotnusj
Prof. Lincoln Hulh-y of I-wisl
burg, who was one of the jKipula
instructors of the Snyder County
trirFAW""!''"'" two years, ag .
and wife on Saturday suited for
Europe. They will spend four
mouths in Italy.
The Sunbury Silk Mill will In
enlarged. An' addition 400x140
feet will be put to their present
plant. When completed the entire
plant will have 1000 machines and
850 hands. The silk mill is of in
calculable benefit to the town.
Shoes at Cost. They must go
at any price. We would 'ike to get
cost for them, but if we can not they
must go tor less. Come at once
while there is a better chance for
sizes. Special bargains iu buggy
whips and soap.
Barber Simonton.
Dr. A. M. Smith, of Adamsbiug,
I'a., as advertised was unable to be
present and deliver the Memorial
address on account of professional
business. L. D. Ott kindly filled
the place at the last moment in a
very satisfactory manner. MoVty
(otan Journal,
A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair
cut, or other toiisorial work, is al
wavs obtained at Soles' Barber Shop,
in Dank Building, next door to the
Post office. Go to Soles to buy
new razors or exchange for old ones.
Razors lion -d and guaranteed to give
satisfaction. A. E. Soles.
County commissioners and county
treasurers are authorized by one of
the new laws signed Saturday a week
by the governor to withhold fees,
mileage And other monies claimed by
any person who is indebted to a
county for fines, costs, damages,
penalties or unpaid taxes.
George W. Wrgeuseller, formerly
a successful and progressive teacher,
is now equally successful and pro
gressive as the editor of the Middle
burg "Post." Recently he publish
ed a special "Industrial Edition,"
which is a great credit to him and to
the jieople of Snyder county. School
Now it would bo in order for the
town council to make arrangements
with some one to have the streets
sprinkled once or twice a day during
the hot and dry weather at the public
expense. The citizens pay their taxes
and they have a right to expect such
expenditures to be made for their
The Democratic Standing Com
mittee met in Middleburg on Tues
day. They passed some resolutions
and endorsed Ex-Congressman Si
mon P. Wolverton for Superior
S. P. Dingesof Williamsport on
Saturday bought the Ludwtg prop
erty soldat the court house in this
place at Sheriff's Bale. The proper
ty is situate in the borough ol Se
Itosgrove. The Edgar Tennis Construction
Company, of Philadelphia has been
Swarded the contract for building
the electric railway from Lewistown
to Reeds vi lie and the work will be
pushed with all possible speed.
Levi T. I'olun r in sending in his
remittance to tin' PoHT for another
year's subscription, says : "I likethe
Post better every year. It is filled
with news from all over the county
and is a leader in country journal
ism." Mi.ldh
iura had a very active ap
pearance on Tuesday. Beside the
ICSBion of court there were also the
convention ol the School Directors
of Snyder county and also the Dem
ocratic Committee meeting and the
funeral ol S. B. Walter.
The Middleburg school board
met on Mondav evening and NN . NV.
Wittenmyer and Cartioii Seebold
were sworn in as tin-new members.
n NV. W. Wittenmver was elected
President; John A . Snyder, Sec. and
W. 1. Garman was re-elected Treas
urer. Tf you pay your subscription one
yen- in advance you can gel thePosr
for only oae dollar. If you arc in
arrears you can pay up your arrear
ages and one dollar extra for one
year iu advance. Then you will
get the Farm Journal five years
free. tf.
('apt. W. II. Kncpp f Troxel
ville was in town on Sat unlay, lb
has become totally blind in his left
eye and is almost blind iu his right
eve. We regret to learn of Mr.
Kncpp's misfortune. He tells us
that is is necessary for him to walk
in the middle of tin' road when at
heme an-! In-wishes to request the
bicycle riders to ring their bells when
they approach him so that he can
give them the right of way.
About twice as many men as are
needed have applied for work at the
shoe factory. The managers need
quite a great many girls and women
yet and tin , trust that all who are
desirous of securing employment
will apply at once. This is desired
for tile purpose of ascertaining
whether there an- enough girls to
supply both the shoe factory and a
hosiery mill which has been offered
to the people of this place.
The Editor ofthe Post announces
the book n "Snyder County Mar
riages, 1835-1899" will be ready
for distribution by August 1, ISO!).
The volume will contain 250 pages
which will be made up of a record
of 7,500 marriages or 15,000 names
or abbot OS many as there are men,
women and children iu the county
now. The book will contain a com
plete index of surnames and will be
neatly and substantially bound iu
cloth. There will Ik- only 300 copies
printed. Price will lie as low as
Dr Dimm Resigned
On Mo:iday at the meeting of the
Hoard of Directors of Susquehanna
University, the President, Kev. Dr.
J. R. Dimm. on account of failing
health, tendered his resignation.
For twenty years the doctor has been
at the head of the institution and
many are the students who were
undorhistutelage during this period.
Many are filling important pulpits
and other places of usefulness in
JUNE 8. 1899.
Almost a Fatal Accident.
On Saturday evening near Art
ley's church in Middlccreck town
ship occurred what might have ter
minated in the loss of two or three
human lives. Allen DeniltB, wife
and child had Ik-cii to New Berlin
and were returning home. They
Stopped at the home of his father.
Henry Denius, to leave mail for
him. It happened also that Joseph
I' rock, a neighbor had also been to
New Merlin and was unhitching
about the same time. Oneol Frock's
horses ran away from the stable and
ran down the lane and becoming
blinded with a lantern that Denius'
hail, jumped into Allen Denius' road
wagon Irom the rear while the occu
pants wen-still on tin-carriage. Both
horses became considerably fright
ened. Denius' horse w as control led,
bui the Frock horse became entan
gled with the road wagon and the
occupants, Mr. Frock's horse broke
his back and died verv soon after.
Mr. and Mrs. Denius were hothlllirt
quite badly, but notserioiisly, The
child escaped with a mere scratch.
The road watron was entirely de
molished, lie accident occurred
about ton or eleven o'clock. Mr-.
Denius is a daughter of S. H. Left
ner of New Berlin and a sister of
Mrs. George Leaver of thi place.
They were both able to conic to
Middleburg on Monday ol this week.
Through the accident Joseph Frock
lost a norsc and Allen Denius a good
wagon, but fortunately, no lives
were lost and it is certainly miraou
loii? Unit all of the uersotou escaped
with their lives. Mr. Denius is the
constable of Middhcrcck township.
Qeo. B. Rine, Jr. Pounded.
Last Saturday evening as Geo. 15.
lline, Jr. ofMcKees was returning
home from Scliusgrove, he wasgiven
a fearful trouiiching by two young
men. The two voting men ap
proached Mr. It i nc Irom the rear
and evidently wished to drive taster
than Mr. lline did. The scene was
enacted in the Narrows near the ac
(Itieduct, between Sclinsglove and
Port Treverton. Mr. Pine allowed
the young men to drive past him.
After they had passed, the young
men stopped their team, blocked Mr.
Pine's passage and began to pound
both Mr. Pine and the young lady
who was with him. Mr. lline says
he knew nothing id the world for
some time and the young lady with
him had to drive home. The young
l.alv, who is a highly esteemed dam
sel of Port Treverton, bears black
and blue marks on her arm yet from
the encounter. Mr. Pine's assailant
tire young men of no mean repute,
coining as they do from one of the
best families in Snyder county. Mr.
Pine considers the assault as a good
joke, though he has been pounded
pretty well and feels himself tin'
victor, as it seems the bone of the
contention was the young lady In
had with him in the buggy.
The time has come when the Am
erican people must decide whether
the war with Spain was a benefit to
this country. The time has oome
when every citizen of the United
States knows that the greatest Im-iic-fit
IS derived from using Marks' Pure
Rye and Unadulterated Whiskey.
This whiskey is good during the 24
hours of the day and night, which I
offer to you by ijiiart bottles, or by
the gallon, ranging from 1.75 to
$7.00 a gallon. Thisgreat whiskey
has great medical qualities, has no
equal tor the lungs and nervous
prostration. I have on hand a lot
of empty whiskey barrels which I
ofler to you for the next thirty days
at $1.00 each delivered at the H. H,
station here.
6-l-3t. J. L. Marks.
VOL. 36. NO. 231
Parrr Journal Prom, Now to Dc
ccrrbcr, 1903 Nearly
Pivo Years.
By suecial arrangement made
"51 with the publishers of the Fa mi
a JOURNAL we are enabled toof
'. let that naiicr to every sul-
senner wnopays tor the fiT
one year ahead, for only $1.00,
J Initli papers for the price of oura .
, only ; our paper one year and
J the Fakm JounxAi. from now L
J to December, 1003, nearly live
j years. The Faum Jokrxai, is .
j an old established paper, enjoy- j
1 ing great popularity, one ol the F
' besf and most useful (arm pa- p"
' pi TS published. K-
fatTThis ofler should beac- fr
'J ceptcd without deluy. !
Doings of the Courts.
Among the true bills found by the
grand jury were the following: In
tin case of the Commonwealth vs.
Lero Heck of Freeburg, who acci
dentally shot another small boy,
Clarence, a sou of John T. Moyer
of Freeburg lost summer. First
count to mainland disfigure. Second
count, pointing lire arms. A true
bill on both counts.
True bills were found against
Anion Klliigler and Harrison Keis
ter lor their connection with the ox
stealing case of Peavertnwn. Kling
er and ICeister plead guilt vand were
sentenced by the court : Klinger to
pay a fine of $5.00, costs of prose
cution and undergo au imprisonment
of three months in the county jail ;
Kiester to pay a line of $5.00, costs
of prosecution and undergo separate
and solitory confinement at hard la
bor in the Eastern Penitentiary at
Philadelphia l or a period of one year
to be computed from June .", 1800.
I'll.' It II
Ofthe fourteen-cases on the civil
list, eight were continued a- lollows:
I . 1 1st1 ol has. Knyer vs. 8. L.
Wcidcnmycr and Peter Garman.
''. Poor District ol Wcsl lleaver
vs. A. A. b'oinig, Adin'r, etc.
7. Lewis Arnold vs. Henry NV.
Teats, et. al.
10. NV. I-'. Howell vs. The Edwin
Pell A-Sons Co.
I I. NValter llipka vs. Philip M.
12. Philip Teats vs. W.H. Kipka.
13. Eicheiiburger and NVoll vs.
A ucker A Knights.
1 I. James G. Grouse vs. Mary
Boop, et. al.
The other cases on the civil list
will go to trial and the result there
of will be given in our next issue.
In Memonam
The deceased, bleu hen (ileelihoc,
was born in Fast Buffalo township,
Union county, June 20, 1835, and
died at his home in BeavertoWD,
May 28, 1890, aged 63 years, 1 1
months and 8 days.
lie was sick almost eleven week-,
during which time he suffered ex
cruciating pain, but all which he
lxire in meekness, ever ready to bear
all that the Lord saw tit to place up
on him. His sickness was dropsy
and heart failure.
He was married to Pacin i Win
ter July 10, 1856. This union was
blessed with 8 children, three of
whom preceded him in death. He
leaves a wife and five children to
mourn his loss. He was buried in
the Beavcrtown cemetery May 30.
The family extends its heartfelt
gratitude to all the neighbors and
friends who so kindly gave their
S a . AM . I 1 .1
ministrations to tiiem during the
sickness and their liereavement.
I i m: PAST lit.
lOanT June ifr it w: 9 uWW 1