The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 01, 1899, Image 8
Successful Convention. TU Ministerial, Sunday School and Keystone League Christian Eo4eTor Convention pf O ntrc Dis trict, Central Penua. Coiiterenoe of the United Evangelical Church met na annual session in the Trinity L mted Evangelical Church at Patter son, Pa., Tuesday, Mav '2:5, 1899, at 7:30 P. M. . pleasant song Bervioa given by , rj the church choir was cheerfully tts eneil t" by the large delegation from . Tisnnt charges and was very much 8 appreciated by the audience. The ennreh was deftly and artistically decorated with hunting n! white and purple representing ; the colors of the Leagna; Appropriate mwttos were riso .ieea on Uie wall, while lovely, lowers breathed out their imgnmcc iu a blush of beauty. A imosI pleasing and cordial Ad dress of Welcome was given byj. B. Mttloy ami ( very one wtfS thrilled with delight and surely made to feel thxic welcome to church and home. The following officers were elect- .1 r .. .... i I rl for the ensuiii!! vwi': President, Kev. S. P. Uemer, P. E.; Vice Pres., Rev. II. W. Buck; Lice. Sec, Bev. A. D.Gramlev; Asst. Sec., Bev. N. J. Dubsj Treas., W. J. eiders. Rev. S. P. Reiner of Lcwisburg and Presiding Elder of Centre Dis trict then delivered a masterly and thought-telling convention sermon, sing .1- the basis of his remarks Luke 8 : ". Everv one entered into the ,irit i ot the convention by song and ex tended remarks on the topics ro ipectively assigned. Some very timely suggestions, ripe with meaning and purport, were thrown out by the g I papers read and excellent addresess made The following ministers wen' pres ent : Revs. s. p. Reiner, H. W. Buck, J. A. Hollenbaugh, W. W. Rhoads, C. H. G Iling, i. Sham- bach, 8. E. Koontz, A. D. Gramley, L. l)ice,J. 1. Shortess, W. E. Brill- kart, W. II. Brown, G. L. Lovell, N.J. hubs. .1. Lauver, A. E. Gob ble, l. D.. J. i. Shultz and S. E. Davis. Tile following delegates were in attendance ; Mr-. A. !. Gramley, Mrs. Dan. Snook, Mrs. W. llut- ruurle, Mrs. Geo. Houtz, Miss Lottie 1,'lch. Mrs. Mnsser J. B. Meloy, .billies t 'asuer. II. Webster, .Mrs. W. W. Rhoads, Miss da Rhonda, I'. P. Pluray, C. E. McClellan, Miss Nellie Herman. Mrs. Williams, Miss Ettic Roan, Win. Grove, Mrs. Win. Grove, Park l i. Sliambach, Eugene Mark ley, A. !. Hornbeager, Miss Dora Weaver, Prof. V . ('. Bower sox, Mi-s Launi Buck, Miss Elsie Era pc, II. M. Smith, Isaac Goshen, Ldzzie Lauver, Pearl Rebecca Stahl, A. , S. P. Remer, Mrs. C. Mis. Roger, Mrs. Fie ( lasuer. The following tojiii La over, Perch, Mrs. Mrs. 1 1. ( ioodling, her and Miss were up consideration am discussion j The best source of material for sermons outside of the Bible, Kev. Shambnch. The Church and the Saloon, by Kev. W. H. Brown. The mission of the K. L. ( '. L., by Kev. '. l' iarret. The Extent Atonement, bv ami Benefit of the lev. J. Womelsdorf. j The Home Departmentof the Sun day school, by Kev. J. Hollenbaugh. The Leaguer's Duty toward the Revival, by Kev. A. D. Gramley. A Missionary Rally : (a) Foreign Mission, by Mrs. S. P. Remer; (b) Frontier Missions, by Kev. J, A. Hollenbaugh; (c) Conference Mis sions by Kev. H. W. Bucks. Christian Baptism by Kev. A. E. Gobble, D. D. The body of Perry 1 areof hrien . i i ii .. ... . The Bible in by N. s. Dub-. the ounaav Bcnooi, The League and Moral Reform, by Kev. ( '. II. ioodling. OurOhildren; the Obligation of the Church toward them, and how van we employ them to the Best Advantage, Prof. F. C. Boversox. The Importance of Circulating or Church Literature, by Bev. 8. E. Kooontz. The Intermediate State, bv Bev. J. P. Shultz. The Benefits of the Prayermcct S9g, by Kev. L. Dice. Our Financial Obligations to the m 1. t... d t 0 nAXm n n u.i.c,,, o no.a.i.uoou,.,.. , MU18, 0yuer c.u.., o. e.e,. iu. - i" z color and taBtes like the finest grade Fraternal greetings were gladlv ; sale at a bargain, lhe buildings 1 on feunilay V. A. nunuuei or , o coffee and eostg aDOut iM much. raceiveil from Lewisburjr, Carlisle are good as new. Five acres are in Lewistown was home over Sunday , Children like it and thrive os 1 it be and York District. The next an- goml woclland. Frmjnli baaoW BgWBjaJg iiual convention will convene in Le- for first good offer. Call on or ad- 1 from this place again. We would kA fof Qrftin.0t the out, Centre County, Pa. dressl.M. Maurer,Kreamer,Pa. tf. 1 like to see the mines opened again. new food drink. 15 and 25c. The closing i-onrHt-ration services ware VWf much enjoyed ou aooouut bf their cheer, fellowship and spirit uality. Kkpoutkr. Trial List, June Term. Use of Charles Boyar vs. 8. L. Weidenmyerand Pet (i. Ganna. The Poor Directors of the Town ship of West Beaver vs. A. A. Ko roig, Adm'r of the estate of Hfcry 'reaster, deod. Samuel W. Herrold vs. theTown iip of Perry. lohu S. Wolf vs. John A. Mover i .1 k d:., .,,,. In,.ol) .iiariua uuwwiwa i Royer. George. Hare vs. Robert ReHrick. Uwis Arnold va-HeniyW-Teate 1 1 and l'vi .M. 1 eats auu uuiui . . . . ... . I I , . . 1 V j Teats, Executors of the Last Will 'and Testament of Levi M. Teats, deed., and Mary Teats, James M. , Hornberger, Sarah Hornberger and j Pete: (i. Garman, Terre Tenants. Jnhn K. Hnokenburff vs. Eliza- beth Fessler and C. A. Fessler, Ad- minisri-iitora of Win. H. Fessler. miiiistrators deed. Annie M Luck vs. William 1 Ewing, W. F.How he Edwin Bell and Sons Company I. . Mover, Agent. Walter Ripka vs. P. M. Teats. Philip M. Teals vs. W. II. Ripku. Simon N. Eichenbenrerand James ! Wolf, tradinir as Eichenlierger and Wolf vs. Adam Aucker and C W. md Kmcrhts. tnidinn as Aucker Knights. James ( i. ( 'rouse vs. Mary Bool ct. al. heirs, etc., of Frederick Wal ter, ate of Middl. buru PEACE I PEACE The time has come when the Am- el li neon (' nil si decide w '., ,,,11.1 . , ,1 I J 1 M It' In I' - I 1 - , the war w ith Spain was a benefit to this country. The time has come when every citien ot the United States knows that the greatest bene lit is derived from using Marks 1 uri' live and Unadulterated Whiskey, 'i'iiis whiskey is giKd during the 2 I hours of the (lay and night, which I oiler to you by quart bottles, or by the gallon, ranging from $1.25 to 7.00 a gallon. Thisgreat whiskey has great medical qualities, has no lttl the lungs and nervous 1 I I I -A nriKiliiitinil. have on lianu a 101 of empty whiskey barrels which I ofh r to you for the next thirty days mi &1.0U each delivered at the K. R. station here. 0-l-:5t. J L. Marks. Emanuel S. Bowersox, of Lindsev, Ohio, washorn in Centre township, Union,noW Snyder, coun ty, A ii r. 8f 1885, the Bon of Solomon and Luoinda Bowersox. He remain ed at home on his lather's farm till 19 vears of age attending the public schools, then worked at Buffalo Run, Centre county and Buflalo X Roads Union county, Pa In lN.-.Thcwcut to I'.ellevne. !lio. tailLlht school am March 21, ls"' married Miss Cor- ..ll.i V I I, ,vr ni' V:lsllillltoll. 11, -11. 1 ..... , v . ... tv r- - 7 rw... 11 ih hi. urtfo rtnml . J .' 1 . 1 i,:.i(i, illiisnlaee Chas. Ileltrieh of Snyder county and farmed his fath- " 1 . 1 :n ittfici r..ifiRhboivna Logan was entertained by Miss An ers farm till leUo. tnioounewas j . . . .. i:. .. 1.. 1 ana i... hue StuniDll en Sunday. ...Mrs. Inn, e aelc( I COUDI v auuiior. in iouoiw moved to Lindsev. mil , . into the hotel and grocery business, He served 9 years as school director, 3 years as councilman, one term as j postmaster of Lindsay under Han i son. 1 1c was a soldier of the lati war and isa member oftheG. A. R. i He served 125 days as corporal of Co. K. 169th Regt P. V. . He is still in business at Lindsay, Ohio and is a brother to J. C. Bowersox, of Centre towushipand a brother-in-law of J. C. Shuiiian of Swineford. bjl, vho was a sufferer trom dropsy for some time, was buried at liarn - er's church on Sundav. I hc fun - eral was very largely attended by the many relatives and friends. JNlr. llarec.une to tnat vieimivirom irjjl 1 J iilKKiieoui 1 - tenn .if;.., ...... ....... et.,,1 Mi,. Bkt. Skaaikf iciilniv of John Shaetfer, with whom he lived "m ! ' . ..' : linrinnniniislv to the time of his death. His wife and a number , .-ii 1 :i of children by a former wife survive him. Lirerpool .Sun. Kahm kokSai.k A farm contain - - . . i I ai 1 1. ing .) acres suuuie iu aiiuuieciiTa township, mile north ot (JlolxHday. ... o '. i ... :... 1 . CORRESPONDENCE. FKKKBURft. Rv. J ii i i i r ,.i H. llaker of Lebanon, Pa., has sent an . .. ,i n invitation card to Prof. Beyer anil wile to attend his wedding in Trinitf Lutheran ehtireli Z J " at Lebanon, Pa., June ". Several , iii-i ! I m weeks ..go lie delivered a very inter- eBuDK lewurw iu our niuivn im travels in Europe liev. Druek- erimiiler and wife accompanied by Charles A. (iearhart, delegate, are ..Hi.twlimr till. I .lltllir-m Sv'IKmI MOW WWHWHK "- j in session in the eity of Beading ( )ur musieal college has a large at- i :i ,ev j A Merta ,, Riegleaville, ,5ll(.UsC isat;llwtuttlcl musical (.oU wBre their 8on Vau is a gtturday noon tenoaneeoi musieai iu)iis. . . .airs, ; Mrs. Safah Lark of Berrysburg, Pa. accompanied by her son. ILL. Iark, Esq., of Millersburg, arrived in Freeburg and were the guests of her brother, Prof. Boyer. They remain-I ed until Monday afternoon when S. Hilhish conveyed them to selins-1 grove with his fine oarriage and anlendid team. Mrs. Lark is the siileliiuil icam. iiirs. 1.11 m is me ciil v remaining sister of Mary Ann, wife of F. C. Mover, Who died IU Dei. 1N!I7 at the advanced age of 86 years. During her stay, the families of her nieces, Lydia, wife of Judge Brown, Jennie, wife of F. E. Hilbish, Caroline, wifeofSLU. Hil hish, and her nephe'. s, P. B. Mover, 11. 15. Mover and Pint. Win. Mover, called to pay their respects to her, and a number remained for dinner, I 'rot. Vm. .Mover anil Wile being aware of the fact that a large numb er werealready in attendance brought a basket filled with supplies. Mr. Mover is always ready tor any em ergency. Mrs. Lark was Si years old in Dec, and this being her na tive place, she was honored by at least fifty c.illers. She was also en tertained at the hospitable home ot P. H. Mover and family with an excellent dinner in Company with Mrs. Amelia Buyer ot Selinsgrove, Samuel Witteninver and wife and their grandson of Middleburg. This was an opportunity to talk over the past. They were friends aud neigh bors at Freeburg in their youthful davs. ADAMSBUUU. Nathan Manlicck and wife Lcwistown were guests of S. of E. E. I Romig'8 on Wednesday. . . .L Smith made a business trip to Lew- istown on Saturday Bev. LP. Zimmerman was a Selinsgrove visit or on Thursday ... .The rainbow festival held on Saturday evening by Miss Gertrude Shannon's Sunday school class ot the Lutheran church was very successful . . ( Salvia Krat ! zer of Kratzerville accompanied by MissEsta Showers ot Centreville 1 were the guests of the family of J. P. Spangler's over Sunday Mrs. : Spigelmyer of Hartleton was:: recent visitor at this place. . . .The Loth ! eran church is undergoing repairs !at l,rost,,lt- A ,,c'w 8latc.tirwo m" 1 Im' unwed unon it. it will ue re- naintcd and the interior t reset hi Frank Sellers, who is employed at ,, , Burnham. visiting Ins purents at . . . . .. , I I, SuKtMffftltfA w.'K the irnest iiiil went,"" :b. . of Mrs. liobt. Smith last week Perry Gets and wife ot Thompson town visited their many friends at lulace recently Master Rav , ! Smith is on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. Cathermaii of Lewistown were recent visitors in town. ..Mrs. J. (). Wagner is Spending a w eek in Lewistown Messrs. Bubb and 1 Freed of Beavertowc were in town on Saturday evening. KHUAMEit. Miss Mabel Bow of Selinsgrove was the guest ot Shanes uanau on ; Saturday Ralph lleintzehnan ot j Lewistown was home over Sunday Frank Thomas took a earload ; of cattle to Newark, X. J., the fine part ot tmsweeK asm ureniuw J- CI.,... ...Q .... S..t..r. line UI ,u, nu3 , w Uvu. ,l,.v Mrs En i-v. Mrs. TV ! Amnion (iearhart anil Mrs. George Stuck drove to Midlllehurp-oll TUBB- I day of last week...(Jtiite a nuinber c 1 l- ..1 ,1, I of carloads ol liark were shipped from this place for the past few days A. I). Kreamer, John Duck , til .c 1 I h,,.-.,.',! ,, .... w,ii laar.rMiii- iiuacioucuh .m.i. ...v..,, S. A. App and wife visited iw. LhV. MiMnat .T V Wnltpr'a liT. PLEASANT MILLS. Ellas Miller is building a new 1 leirli anil -T A Iv onion la hllilill'tVr " . ' o !.!: ... L I ,. . n .1 . wellJ. liothrock. who is attending , , , hit w school at lluckncll University. I:w-1 fT" TrTPST ljfp pent&turdaynd Sunday at lioine. . . .Samuel Horst of Lhza- bethvill e, who had his picture wag- , i 0n in our town for a few weeks, hhimhi ii lorreeounr. -'ir. iiorsi makes very fine crayon portraits. Some of our young people attended the festival at the Summit House on Svi t 1 1 1 ' kllOllinn lre ( i ., ......,.v 6 ...... ' Miller and friends of near New Ber- of John Sohnee l iv l ist i joo Ml ia..i. . . . uxiao lin were the guests ami iaimiy on 311110. i -i Za i Alice Rotbermel and John Uepner of Part Treverton visited at John SuhiieeH on Tuesday .. ..Children's day exercises will i held at this place on Sunday evening, June 1 0th, 1 1 n the Lutheran and neformed church .. H. J. Howell is the proud father of a boundng baby l)oy . A telephone line will lieereeted from ' ' this place to r reehurg 111 the near future iievouns ladies and guests of our town had apio-nioon Saturday last at II riser's dam. A cxiiuruav last ai iieiscrs u good time was enjoyed H. J. Ifi r Vl'fl tin. 1'irwt 1 rlli'L-.i. tn lirimr 1 . ; . , 1 . m n the pastorate and continued to serve urawberries to our market. .Mr.,. ' ., . , , , , ll.iser nail very line Demes air 11 n 1 11 , d had ready sale for them The ( iarfield Cornet Band of this place left for Liverpool and Hunter's Valley Tuesday to play for the decoration exercises at these places, The band , was organized tor over 17 years and and renders excellent music. HI' MM EL'S WHARF. c had a heavy shower o 'Dill on Monday evening, which was very mticn needed .Levi Dressier'? attended the festival at Hoover's Mill on Saturday evening Mrs. Frank Elliott and Mrs. Peter Trate ofShamokiu Dam spent last Wed nesday with friends in this place... Dauiel Sassaman and daughters, Olive and Lottie, spent Sunday at Danville... James Younu isdiurtrine a foundation for a new hoUSl in, barn... Senator HuiiiiikI is improv- ing his farm by rebuilding the house Our met chant. Mr. St ran b, wears broad smile and all because a little clerk came to his house, Daniel Sesholtz is the happy lather of a little girl J. L. Oooper got a cream separator for his farmer, which is claimed to be a labor sav- ing machine Peterlvlingler says thc crows were at his corn, as one evening his hired man filled the corn planter with a peck of corn, and the next morning there was no corn there any more Two of those pleasure seekers who were to Mid- dlebunr on Sundav. ou their return, a . rode against Peter Bailev's irate which was partly closed, and broke their wheels. UNION TWP. w ....!. ...i. c..i. q i.... i . zuurei spciu ouuuu; 01 n.. ,,,i. ,ii... ih.t uiwuii i hi ... villi- goinerv, Pa. ,F. A. Aucker is I working for a firm at Riverside. Pa. ... E. S. Stahl niadca business trip to MiddleburgonSaturday Bar - here. v. ivrehs sports a bra nit new buggy W. W. Sholly rebuilding his barn.... On Wed nesday of last week J. D. Keigle's barn, chicken house and pig stable burned to the ground. This is the .second barn burned tor Mr. Keigle inside of two yean. He has small ! insurance . . . ( )ne day last week one I of our town dudes with one of the j same stripe of McKees Falls had a free fist fight on the public road I hove town all on account of love. MCKEES HALF FALLS. Irvin ritdegrovo and wife left , for Riner's Oity on Sunday Mr. (ass ()f Freebura called on his young ladv friend at Mahontongo recently tfuite a number of our people attended the fiwtival aj Pallas on Saturday evening Tom. and r' . n it m ill victor oi ron Lrevenon caiiea on .1 V(.11Lr friends Misses B irner . ? h ' T" ,J lUlltAoi) l.astMlllllaV tilt' Cor- I . " i j t,... ... ...... t. ner sione was la-uai 1 arauise cnuren. Thaw was a h.rtr,. ,..-owd in attend - L e... 1T...I ance Gi?orge Upilegrove spiMit 1Mirt 0f lust Sunday at Mr. Leach's 1 ' Drink Uraln-O after you have concluded that you uwuiuue out uuuiuii ... . .., inviirnratinff and appetizing. It is made from pure cau8e n 1B ncaitutui, urftins and has that rich seal brown EMINENT MAN GONE. Rev Dr. p, Born, of Sehntgrove. D A a I A L I omcvi mdv uast viae.. Kev. 1'eter Horn, 1). 1)., died at ... , Q.. . ' . .'a,.. ... h uome in oeiiuscrove on j. uesuu v ... r. . . . . -..i 7 morning oflast week in his 79thvear. Hj uJhh had , fof .. ..i .. P of his age until a few weeks ago, mini lie a uiitcii seuousiv ill. 111! tluleralrervice8 wereheId ,a;tT,lHr8 when he was taken seriously ill. His dav at 2 p. in. at his late residence La.,.- and at 3:30 at Trinity Lutheran Dr. Born was born iu I I ... J - ! I 1 ' 00 tne arn1, H Kradated from Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, . . o in i t , . . I wu"v !"- T48, and from the rheiloieal te?1 lQ He marnedMiss a,r ' ll ' , ".''"f' A1Iart'h 'th, isfil, and with 1 his began housekeeping and his life work in Banbury. His first ami only charge was what was then known as the Sunbnry pastorate. This included A Ml 1 III ... I .. iV". , " . I"? , ,'" V 1 i , March 22d, 1S51 he began his labors as pastor in conjunction with Rev T P S2liii,1..1 I... ..I,i.. in lt..r- " - "- "- " r. lisliandthe latter in the German language, At the death ot Father oiunuei ue iook uie wiaue euaiue 01 L' J 1 L . I. .1 . I I I .11 it until l.Ni'.i, when lie was elected . . , .... . principal ot the Classical Hepart ment of the Missionary Institute, now Susquehanna University. During his labors in Sunbnry the old log church was lorn down and a brick church, which Stood tor many years at the corner ot Third and Church streets, was erected. Alter a successful pastorate of ei ht years and seven months resigned and mov- ea to selinsgrove, where he has since resided. I)r. Burn's labors there are well reineniheml liv many ot the older citizens of that vicinity. With his removal to Selinsgrove he entered upon hisspecial lite work. He served at the head ot the Class ical Department from L86P to 1 SSI m .1 with marked Bticoes ..... . . . position 01 1 rolessor of 1 hcology in " in 11 me that institution was made vacant by . . ' 1' II . 1 L II ' I I 1 ev tri 1 11 hi , 11 1 . 1 -. 1 in. 11. y,eitriei . D. D. he was unaniinously elected to this professorship and served most acceptably in that chair until a few - f - - i years ago, when, because of failing health, he resigned. His resignation was accepted by the board of diree- ! tors with deep regret, and he was at once elected Professor Emeritus, j The degree nf Doctor of Divinity j was conferred upon him by ittcn- burg College in lSSJ. Dr. B rn rose to the highest jiosi Hon in his church. He was possess ed of great natural abilities and was noted as a theologian ot great learn ing. He was prominent in the or- imnization ofthc Suanuehanno Svnod O , ----- - . - ( and he has done much to build no - . and mould the sentiment of the Lu theran church in Pennsylvania. All , . , 1 , . . over this land, and even in foreign . . . . ; I'llulc mi, !ll'i til ui i,r.i'.l..llllr flu. triKi.i'l lit I irit ulio were Mill. .i . . . i . . I I ....... i .....i i- -i caicu aim imeu 101 uimr wuw unuei i in.- iihhuuuvui j.i.t ii.iii... ..... . I cherished and his works will live i for ages to come. Mrs. Born nreoseded him a few years ago .to (he lietter land. onc go,,, Reuben Born, M. D., of Mon- IS I tonrsville, and two daughters, Mrs. J. P. Eocbt of Barren Hill, Pa., and Mrs. F. P. Manhart, of Baltimore, Mil., a granddaughter and a sister-in-law who have lived with him in his home, together with other rela tives and friends, remain to mourn his departure. "Life's labor ilont as sinks therliiy, LiKlit from li s lo id the spirit IIU; While heaven and earth continue to sav How blessed i In - righteous when he dies." Will Go ToVUliamsport. Middleburg Will Not Get the Gun Works. Middlebnrs taut a chance to as- " T , cure the location thereof a large gun manufacturing plant, hut had to let .. .a , i ll. U sll) because tliev coll 1(1 lint raise the money required by the OOOCern. llliainsportis now negotiating with the parties, with gmxl prospects of the works going there. I 1 1 J stand the lwrtles 111 COIl I linctlOll With We under- ueie . i:. W lllliimspon cupuausis pro pose , . ; cf . .:fi, ,. ! . r'n,n, a "2???) forming a stock company with 11 cap- 1 Ital SlOCK 01 OU,UUU The alxive we clip from Friday's Sunbury Evening Item. The state ment that Middleburg could not raise the money is false. The Gun Company could not give satisfactory security and that is the reason that Weather! y, Watsontown and Mid dleburg did not put up the money. Our capitalists did not consider it a safe investment in a concern that can afford to pay $5,000 cash to one man for a week's work just to get a contract signed. LOWERY BROS N420C SHOWS hi Grand Performance at 2 ai d o'clock P. M. Free Exhibition at 1 and 7 P. Ml r i il i .i . . jjuiui win piay mrougn tne street! at 1 Z o clock noon !Lofeiy Bids. Shows j is that it never disappointn,' : a boast that few institution! I ... , . . of any kind can truthfully ,nake. It is a positive facL I however, that the great show jthat will exllibit b never disappointed anrbodv Men, women and children, clergymen and lawmen, atu dents( teachers, young inei aud maidens, 111 fact ail sort and conditions of men m 1111. ukllf ..4 II I ..l .m- km in ' iino. and i'o rwav Pnlfv uutiJ Ru1 ..-Wl. v 11 .. ni 11 iiu i;.l"l"lll'ii.. nr t ... ....,...f..;.. . ' i, .. , mat cer lirounst; - 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 11 1 1-11 1 .mil Ins NaT ,.,i. , redeemed. ''(it. Memorial Day Observance. Tuesday, Heiaorial Day, s k ideal one. Tlx- cool breeze-, ion I invitiiii? at biosphere beuesth the u 1 . 1. uiio rj ui 1 ne suu maae 11 in couffemal. The Grand Am v Pni ,r this phce went to Meiser on lbs morniUi trim, mid dvtcoi uea eight soldiers (raves there. John Snyder made, the address at that place. At S)ai3in onuren tne ad Irwis imis made by C. H. DunkelborsA and hi Ziou'i uy vjuiciKis aim in ojiuaieoara by Prof. F. (J. Bowersoz. The P. O. S. of A. of this place decorated the graves ut Paxtonvilli Hassinger's in the morning. Tbi I . iuo3D iiatea nasi rwev. d ' q Yoder !. .1 n,.. i n At Meiser aud Zion's the Sund ocuuum iiiiueu out and nssisteu iu . . i . . . . . . the services. In Middlebnrs ouiti a great many people gathered to do honor to the soldier dead. A pro cession was formed consisting of the Middleburg Band, the G. A. 11., the 1' . O. S. of A. Ctunp HDd lbs Sunday Schools ond marched to tho ceiue tery for the memorial services. Prof. P. C. Bowersox made the ad dress at Shatuokin Dam during the day. MARRIF.ri. May 28th, Rev. W. A. Haas, Michael A. Benfer to Victoria S. Fetter, both of Kratzerville. Odin 'll. Aerei' With Von ? 11 no, unu urniu-u uiaiie tnua pun- grains, A lady writes 1 "The li.'uf Man.. 1 mnl.r. v r 111 , iiifv iiiuo a 111, iir j 1 ill u - yj lllll 1101 iil. u..i ii. i. J ! tw miuor ubiuv it jor one wew .i.tlntiry ,.,ii , n, .(,,.,. ..... .... 1, , I ,., ,.,.1,',.,. " I. i , m " uviiot. uuuimiieH anil ieei the system, the children cau drin it freelv with great benefit. It is ti nil iiiu iiiiiini; SUOri.UUeu 01 Dlll't grains, tiet a package today from your grocer, follow the directions 'u making it and you will have a delici ous and healthful table beverage for old and young. 1 5c. and 25c. AOKNT8 WANTKD- Foil "THK I DPI A VP Achievement o( Admiral Oewy," Hie world urentenl naval hero. By Moral UalMead, tin life lonit Inend and admirer ,,r the nation ) Idol. Illinrestand lieat I k. over .wi ..... SxlU Incheo; nearly luu pSgM half-tune illiiKt lions, only pijw. fcnoriiioini lUinunil. I MmnlMOM, OMnlRMi 'Trnitn nf llfntln floor L'axton BUIg., Chienuo, MS-JM , rue i)iueK. i lie iiiiini llleli I ihiiIKI'.v. :ir ; A 'iir for Venous HHilnrlif. For elcht yearn I suffered from cost Ipiitlon unJ I severe heudache, the he.uliiche usuaiiv luMln.' I , l ..... , H....U ,1, ,, limn ll , l .... .. 1 - ' Mil . ll ., l' in iiiiwueiM t I, I' I i d me teinporarll), but left, too had an pflrct. f Since I hecan taking l""lery King I have greatly Improved in uealtn, s, ur never ' ,r i,, 1 acne, have gained In llcsh, und le d ItnMllillJ I well -Mbs. K. 8. Uatcii. Temple, N. II. OBlerj KIM lor HM Nerves. Liver aud Kidneys la seld In floe, and SM. packaires bv w. II. Hermun. Trinevllle; Mlddleswarih A L'lsh, Mciaurc; II. a. bongui, Aiiue. AHENTS WANTED Foil 'THH Lfn am MW!r. y.yM.?M.y"r: aw w'q grealest naval hero. Uy Murnt IIiiNtcad Hi life-long friend and admirer of the nation's Idol, HlKircst and m'il hook: over 'i " nuires. s.i inches; nearly '.HO pages half-tone illiistration- 'oniyin. r.nnrmoos nemaiiU. nig eomnii- ,,,. onttlt free. Chance of a lifetime. Writ.' I mWrttlniai" 1 lie .nilllllllllll louipuny, .1: O tloor ( .-.-ic,t. ComriMlra. Aattrntlon. I pervert rrnrn 'f.J tn 'Rl unl wma u i,.,i .r,.v 10. is64. in me name or tne tt 11111 would iiko to have my oomrades know wh: Celery King hasdono for me. In M my ol complaint, clironlc dlairuhoea, came hack. The , doctors could not stop It, hut. Celery King Hal 1 cured me. and am once more MjpgrtBg 11 cured me. and am once more eniovtnx life Frank Dkimleb. Owosso, Mich. (Co. V. 49th N Y. V. L). celery King for Hie Nerves, r. Keren 1 and Kidneys Is sold In toe. and c. packaires In W. II. Herman, Troielllvle; Mlddieswarlh A fish, Mcciure; 11. A. Kbrlghu Aline. JAB. O. OROUSE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lllDDI.BB'JRS, PA. All business entrusted to his ear will receive oroiupt attention: PATENTS rnnatiir nr mmmnnk OBTAINED. TZSMS EASY. Consult or communicate with the WS$ct of una paper, who wUl give sJl nestled lnlor-