1 1 . . . i la 1 . 1U.IV Y. uDdS. U. LP- DiltniMB. I Jan. 5. David Mackenzie to Mar knmeVeP S Mar- I Nov. '. Julm YeanT to Barbara i I ltli Liverpool. rf riage Recopd. t';rwt- 187". April 18, PMlip H. iWith and ry moLtnmm wfiuwgrov. lav 2, Jotta (iaruiau t Kegina Ingel, both of l'eiry iw. 11, George W. W'tivi-r unci Jan. 8, Keulten Mains to Svlulla Slmdel. Muv llunry Arloga.st of isbuigton toEniuia Kaotioi Pean rp. May 23. Franklin I. Walter to brgarut HairofPraukllti two. June G, AmuotioUu; to Amanda, Vngtter, Uitli oi Middwcreek. J mitt U, Foster VV'iuey of ttich- . . i el I in i .annuii l.arinaii til l imm V.. 9Q Mtokaot fUkilM til Anna Deekurd olLiverpKl. Jn- 12- Pert7 Kra,er auc.v D.S.AlUnghtbwnefortSarah Jan 26 john Liddiell to Cathu. DieW, noth ot Juniata U. Iriiie Freed, both of New BuftUo, Dei-. 8, Daniel Stephen to Anu ; Perry Oo. Hunter, Ih:Ii t Dutfelo, Perry Co. jgMt 31 j0, (Jwrire Herroltl t.i J)ir. 1), Henrv Gml to Uatha-1 Christian Walter of Union Co. Iiara E.Seliiiee.ljolhi.t Frcelnirg. : ,. K,.;itrle. both ot Perrv Co. May 16, A. B. l-'eck 6Jophine iw.2:,....hii Hoffman to Barbara Krddicr, iiotii ol Buflalu alley, olf of Frewout, Clwrlw of Liverpool, lVrry Co. Union Co. May 18. John Maier of Wilkes-, Deo. 31. (ieorne Ki:.e to Mary Mar. 14, lfev. Auilttohot Mifflin- rre to Puiiv A nn Nagle of Wash-1 Shadosv. burg Ui 8uwn ton twp. iw ftl. WiHln Lairiit to Lvdia . Mr. 14, John Bwlnefordto Mary Ukh. 1841. Jan. 5, David Buchanan to Sirnh Kepinr. Jan. 7, Benjamin Livingston and Esiln-r Albright of Perry Co. Jan. 10, Henry Sliuniaii to Eliza- yUl both Stailv. yay Jan. 2(, Joseph Eversole to Bar- , Melser. bttwGrubb. May 9, John Parks to LydhiGem- Jan. 28, Charles Wright to Eliza berling, iNith ofPenn twp! I. Huuter. j,iy 25, Uov. A. Caerto Sarali Jan. 28, Joseph Black and Mary Bogarof Middleburg. Strawbridge. a Eliaa Anderson toCatlm- .... . . Or ' Feb. 9, George Koliler to Mary ,.;,. Bordner. KIDNEY idcptiTdw. xnAiYni c e-thousands TROUBLfchave it and don't know it. Jf you want quick results 011 can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Koot, the great kidney remedy. At druggists in fifty cent uuti dollar sizes. Sample bot tlx hv iii i.il frae. also pamphlet tell- iiig you bow to find out if you have 1 kldnet trouble. Aauruss, Dr. Kibunr 4 Co., BiukhttiutOD, N.Y. lYMOPW APPHAIslMBm. HOUet la her. ' livirlvi-n thai llii' Mlowtnir Widows' Ap- 1 piiilseniiMiiM imdiT llmtS""- In. M lied , ; iMin Hie 1 1'TH 'l Hi'" or inns' t ourt ot Stiydvr mmtl for 'Ii hint n il'hio Ot. VJ. Feb. 21, Joshua Hitting to Anna, TU.BBOlii-m.Btofu A. tw. wMrnrot II..MMI Jillim. hill' ill VMll.lhL'lili township. im 1, nintoitaiH. to in- mken under ihetM 1 I'Xi'iiiptliin ! 1 iv. 1 TIM iippnil-.' 'it ot RW "111 WldOW ol Isaac iii Mi 01 Krsnklln towatblp, d0SMd elect ml mill Ui be IHketi under the MOO exen-pllon law. Tip- BpntSMIWM "' tVdl A. Ilollerhni'h, wi.uiwi.f iMtitol ii'iii' ti 'in h. Una "i JacWon : I'lWlishtp, rteciH-en, elei'ti'il Sad tO he taken miller the Ban exempt ion ni V Hilbish. Mar. 21, George Miller to Sophia ' oko. M. iUNiKi..oierko.i- Dock, Ixitli of Washington twp. rtmUtmrnMrnn ei. Mar. 21, Harry Hover ol Free burg to Llebeoca Heel of Dauphin county. May 1, Francis Strayer to Ann Shade! anil Ann Aug. 15, Isaac Spotts to Catha ine Ann Heiggis of Perry twp. Sept. 12, Riley Kepler (0 Mary K. larger, both of Perry twp. Strut. 12, John Sehaeffer to Ma tilda Reichenboch, both ol Washing- 011 twp. Get. 10, Lewis Moyor to Catiia- rine Arbogast of Washington twp. Oct 10, Reuben Bubbto Emma nharuie Grichltntini. Got. 10, John P. Leitzcl to Mar tha Meiesr. O 't. 10, Abraham Long ofSclius rove to -li nnie Thomas. Out. 12, Oscar Dunkelberger to Saiidi Hubb, lioili ol Freeburg. The (uUOWlBf, ftOOnutlll Utlft been tiled lor OOSdnnsUOOM on JiineSMi, 1"9J. r'lrst tod tlnal ueeount of.lolm W. RsanlDgtr and Joan Heltz. trustees ol the estate M O. A- OKO, M. BHtMOlIi, 1'roihonotnry. Arnold. Aug. 10, Benjamin Kerchner to izu i.'. i. 11 i. ..: I,, ,rl,l.,At,,Uii.linL . . reo. ucui i " " t. a than ne ieiiielis. Llullmau oi Terry Co. A l3) yyinuun , Feb. 14, Philip Sobnee and Anna jjmhfon. Arbogast, both of Perry Co. S(,)t 28, Jacob Spangler toLydii Feb. 14, John Evesoie to Jemima , ,ot, f (;,, c( Hernia::. I (., in u -, -Wittenmyer. (),(. I'.'. I1 timer. Nov. "J, Edward Walter to. Mary Laudenslager, both ofPenn twp. Nov.."), Henry Uuintelilto Eliza beth SofJel, Iwth ol lhapnian twp. Mar. 4, John II. Fisher to Catha rine Deckard, both ol Union Co. Mar. 27, I b ury Miller to Elisa beth Sehaeffer. Mar. '27, J' hn Engel to Bunnah ( hut, 1 1, Jonathan Grimm toSarah Jane Apple, loth t asti uigton Hetzei. . 'i.-ll AlV'l.i. T twit. April 10, iOllU v rigiu 10 .i.me Oct. 30, Charles Bickel oi Penu Bonsai I, both ot Greeuwood twp., Itwp. to Agues Donnieyerof Frank I in 1 erry Co. twp. May 18, Levi Kohl to Mary .MU- Oot 31, Simon Arbogast to Sallie ler. Hoffman ol Perry twp. June Id, .John Utaaienana .lane Nov. 7, Solomon J. U'etel and 1 1,0,11 01 1 err" fane Krateer of Jackson twp. June 27, Samuel Urubb to Mar- Dec, 19, J. O. Keeler and Sallie Oteplicn, botli ol lerry i 0. Dietrich, both of MiddJeoreek twp. . Jnne31, Charles tenstennaiier Dec. Jo,S:i.nuelKlKiilsofI.ebanonibbaruh Wioemaker ot Perry v.o. ..11 ix lis I. A .... IT Um Hnhiflim In Nunhn enmity to JMlcil uoninover 01 rraiiK- i bwi w -'v liu twp. Gamanj DecuSa Wr. H. Bickel of Middle- Aug. 19, Jacob Ifcwr and BaraJi creek to Mary E. Bitter ol Jaekson ; Bhoads. twp. -Aug. 2l, Jncob Siilers of Perry Dec. 30, William Kulinto Emma kh to KebeeeaFinehel. Jane Gilbert, both df Penn twp. Aug. 26, Henry Louden to Re m m I beoca Yeager. 1840. Aug. 31, Thomas Collins and Jan. lit, Frederick Staley to Ah- Lydia Louden of Perry Co. be. Speeee, both of Liverpool. Sept. 9, Henry Fahdt toMargaret r on 1,.',, nkMwlaa Rmui1 Keiiler. 'Mill. -1 .lllilll ll.ll H.1 .W .... 1 UBGIHTKKK NQTI0IS, Nonce laliereOjrgir. rnihiil the .ill. mini.' oamiH) persona navn it nl their io.ihlstniMf-', Olindlan. and r.x , , m'oi.-' setsinols in he U-lfWIel 'sonireol Su, der txitintv and llnaamo will be prfienlefl for Irroallon anil allowo nt therein House in Mlddlebnrfli, Monday, JoneSth, isv.i. T'n- Boa; aooount i iieorire H. Hendricks, Inait1liiooftheeM r Annie M. Wll .a in I nor nbllil or winiuo winner, hue ol lad iH.roiuiior S 'llnsvr ive. PA., deil'd. prstand partial ueeount ol a. Roidort. i! KHcutorinf David M, Uoldori, late ol v asiii:oit"h lowaship. deceased. Urst and tlnal accounl ol Johnfl Uatner. ex- erii .,rol Tl ins swart, hue ot Ad ims town ship, dei'i aaed. Pint sod fliisl aeoount ol llnrp Hruhb, .ir, administrator ol Hanr) urubo, Sr., laie ol -n ire Mwnahlp. deceased. Klrst and ROAl SOCOIir.l Ol II ". !"lss. exe utnr nt JobD Siioher. hi.e "I OwnaBlPi dee 0, Klrsi and tlnal AO llll of JarOUie UlrlCb, Sutnoel ririeh and ii mj uni'i Ulrlnb, ex' cutors ol Benjamto Olrlcbi lateoi Bellnagrove, dee d. ( Kirs! and tin.il nr. -"iiii ol Qeoryn Zimmerman cxpt n'orot cuarlfix KimnieruiaDi lateoi Monroe ti .xi i tiiwnshln, ilreeafleo. Boyerto Mary Aim J , UiV ,. atmmm ...r. an. minlstrstor t'lSamlt lleofer, hueoi c reiown. sblp, deoeased. Tbs lastnnd flnsl acrount ot John s Wolfe, , ndmlnlalra'or of llr e-iei" ot llarnel llell., late ot Union townablp, decessed, pint and account oi Thomas KoiilerandO ah-1 mi" Miner, adojlnlairaioraol tueasiateoi hum on i'. Kohier, lata ot Jackson townablp, deo'd. Khst and tinii act nt ol Kate BacfttnAn, ad- mtnbitrsirU ot t ie eai ii" or John It. U loUmnii, lateoi PtsnWln townablp, deoeased, First and tlnal tocotllll or W. V. Hummel, ad mlnlstnttorol theeauitn ol L. It. Hummel, hue ot HellnsgroTf, oeocaaed. Final aceount of Isaac Qrosa snd a. Itolahne admlnlf iratorofibo astaie ol Wallaci! l.spley, i, lie of West Beaver ton nebip doeeased. pint and final accounl ot J. o fiornoerirer, Bdinlnlttrator ol tne estate oi Sarali r. Btuck, lateoi Perry townablp, deceased, pirat and final account o' Jooathan Mnaaer and Dantt i k. BlmtaoiAn, admlnlatrators ol the estate otKvA Barap ell, hue ol centre town ablp, deceased. Kirsi and mm I account ot Sylvester Uowen, admlnltratnr ol the eatnte ol Samuel uowen, t, tie of PrankUa township, d aaed. .i. ii. wii, i. is. Register. lip Smith to Estill Nov. 7, Jacob Dreis to Hannah Bingman, hothof Beaver twp. Dec. 21, William Shaell'er to Re becca Herrold, both of Chapman twp. 184 I. Jan. '.i, Henry Bautn to Sarah Freyer i ( Ihapman. Jan. 10, W illiam Soltaeifer ami Barbara Garman, both if Chapman twp. Jan. 18, Joseph F. Hoelli ot Cen tre twp. to, Leah Gift ot Perry twp. Jan. 41, Frederick Bhigaipan tu Susan Swart of ikuver twj). Feb. tl, Samuel Somen to Lucio do Mauler of Washington twp. Feb. 1"), John Uoniigto Margaret Steder, both of Kast Buflalo twp. Feb. 1", William Herrold ami Mary Blosser, both of Chapman twp. Feb. 15, Chai'le- Krisher to Miss Martha Keeler. both ol Blast Bui Charles, Iwth of Liverpool. Sept. 21, Samuel Tobson to Isa- f.,,, twj( Feb. 7, Fwderiok Stark to Mary Hamilton of Perry Co. Peb 24,Daniel Riegelto Hannah ;,.ntz. Oct. 19, Philip Aruold to EHaa- Hackenburar, both ol Washington Feb. 11, Leroy Holmes to Mar- beth Winkelinan. 'met Keiser. ' Oct. 24, William Byrum to Sarah Feb. II, Daniel Zlegler ami Mary Willis Keiaer. Nov. 7, John Krinor and Sarah Feb. 11, Jacob Baehm to Eliza-ltd-bath Wagner. j Nov. '25, Moses W erner to Rebecca Feb. 25, Jacob Duck to Uebetrai8ijL,r! 'x1' of 1Vn'.v ('- Auoker. 1842. Feb. 25, Arthur Formey to Susan j0 j 3 Bonsall to Margaret j bath Shadow. twp. Mar. 5, Daniel Albright to Louise Bchneeol Freeburg. April 1, Jonas Meiser to Maria Herrold, both of Washington twp. April .H, Aaron Moynr to Catha rine Strayer, of Freeburg. May is, Samuel Benner to Eliza- Xagle. Mar. 19, Jacob lieteli to Eliza beth Meyer, , April 2, Joseph AueUer to Mary Keppner. April 30, SantnelStevem toMary Johns. May 2 Hamuel Jolinson tofliary Sannu. Motz of Free Charles of Liverpool, Perry Co. ( ,)lir(, t() Saral, 1illt 0f perry twp. July 5, Mr. Beaver to Mary Shipe. j Mar 2i,I)r. William MeMorris July 12, John EUig to Judith Lf New Buflalo, PerryCo. toCatba Smith. riue Wright. July 2o, Mr. Traub to Blisabeth I Mar. 23, Jacob Lupher to Mary lloth.' iMotter. Aug. 20, Jacob Hessrich to Caro line Himes. Sent. H, Adam Hall man to So- a Smith, both ot (ireen wood twp. June 2, .Solomon (o'tz and Mary Feb. 10, John Camp to Sarah Faainaeht, both of Selinsgrove. Arner, both of Greenwood twp. June 11, David Mertxto Sarah Mar. 10, John Hare to Elizabeth I Ki",L ,Shol. June 17, Abraham Grubb and i.s it.. 1 1 i. ...i. ii : .1 M.,e 10 Hnmnpl Yot.n.r to Bar. " "", oouioi Liverpool, -v, - - O bare Rine. Perry Co. 1845 Jan. 2, John Jefferson Ilassen- plug to Sarah Boyerof Freeburg. Jan. It, Jacob Lose to Susan Xer- hoot Jan. L9, Washington Manges to Susan Polish, both oi Freeburg. Jan. 21, J u cob Krider of Perry Court Proclamation. V IlKKKAS the Hon. Harold M. MoOlura ' PraaldaorndK oi lha Judlolsl Dlatrlet. oouinoMd "I iiu romitlep ol Snyder, .mO linhiii mid Allied Hpeelit and Z. T . Hem herlltur. K.'in.. AMoiilatt .lin!! IB nd lorUny. dur county. hareTMoad th. ir pieMpt, basrln dato tim MUl day oi April a. n., ismi. to tne I dlraetsd niribf boldln oisn ornhana' oourt, a eourt ol Oonnnou Plea, eoort olOyer and Tar. inlnur and Ocnural Oourl "I Uuarter Saaaloni id inepesee, at MlddleborRb, lor the ooumj id Snyder, an ihe tsr Monday, (belns iba Sin day ol JB law i. ami looontlnuenna weak. .Vntieeis then-hire beraby men i" the Ooron r, Juatleet ot the Peare and Uonalablei In anil Rtrtba oonntf "i Snyder, lo appear I h their proper person nlth tbolr rolla. reeord, Inqulal- lloni, axamlnatlom and other rem hrsneei lo dotboat thlngi which ol Ihelr oHlee and in their hnhaii partaln to be dona ami irltnafai and neriiiiiis proiioi'iit I im In ln'hall "I the UOUI u wealth ssslnalanj eri rperaonasrs re- nulred to be than and tbar attending and -iu parlllin without leave at their peril. JMtloei are ri'iiiueitii'l to n pani iini i in umir m'iiuiius ut tlm aiiiinlntoil time a(froc ihly t" notlee. I ilivoii under in v hand "' Seal el the Sherltr. onii'o In Mlddlehttnrh, the VTih day ol April! i. II.. one thoilmmd --'"ht hundrao and ninuty Bjn, P. 8. HITTER, BberlO. April 28, Samuel Tiaub to Re- Lz (() liaibetli Houts. oca Helchenbaoh of Washington I Jan. 21, William Weller beoca Keiel.eiiDacli ot waaninglOO l Jan. 21, William Weller to Mary twP- Ann Lawver. both of Perrv twp. May lo, John Mair and Susan I Jan. 80, Robert Shipton to Catha Sehatfcr. rine Nerfaoot. Mav 17. Abraham Herrold and Fel.4, Benjamin Gebbart to Elisa- an Taylor, both ot Halifax, Dauphin i Maty Anderson, lHith of Chapman Iwth Miller ot Washington twp. It.....' Feb. 2l). .l.-ri'ini.ili Matthias . ......... . swu phia Hammaker, Iwth of Liverjwol, Perry Co. Sept 1 H, Michael Haabs to Susan- Rule on Heirs, Proceedings in Partition. IN THB MATTJUt OP TUB ESTATB OP Wll; ,1AM HOIXENBACH, LATH OF PBBBY TOWNSHIP, DBOIAStD, Sxvnui Cot NTY, ks: The t'liiumoiiweiillh "f I'enlipylvnnla. I o ' Hannah BoHensiaeh, widow of illiam llollen- ' hie h diossnad. nl' hnr twp., BnyderUo., . I . Vary Spiihl-r (nee Hullenhacll) I nt. rinar- I rieii with John I. Bploher ol LWerpool, I'erry j Co I'o Uvliia lleekert (nee llolleiihiii h) In- j termarr'icd with William lleekert nf Chapman two Snyder County, l a., and Minuel Hollen hash ..I i'erry twp.. Snyder Co., P.i Wllllsm Portsllne. nuabsna oi nn rorm 'n-- "- lenhiu hl now dec-ensed: ( atheriiie ShalTer loee Portallns) Intsmnvrled with Jainea Shaffer, Henry B. PortaltD. Martha Straoh (nee Pom line) interiimrried with Wealey Straub, Oertle Portellne and snsa.i I'ort.hiie. minora sbova the aue f II years who have for their guardian r lit I i i . Keller, all of I'erry twp., Snyder I'a and Win. II. I'ortllne uf Treverti.il, North d ., p II. .....I ,!., i-ii. hint of Williaoi llollen- bao'h, IMi) of the townablp ol I'erry, Snyder I Coniity. dacaaaaa. sreennii Von are lierehy cited to he and appear hefore thu Judges olonr Otiiban'a Court, t an Or nbans' Court toe held .n BlddlebUrff, on toe 1st Monday of -lone A.D'. I8al I" oeloelt In the forenoon, then and there to aeeept or re fuse the Heal Ktate of said William llolleiilittcli deeensed, at the appraised valuation but Upon It hv an inqueet duly awarded hy the stud Court and returned hy the Sln rilT of said I .uni ty or show oaUSS whv the same BhoMd not he sold. Hnd thereof fail not. Witness the Hon. RsroU M. MoOlurS, 1'resl- dent of oiirsain i oori ui aiiiiiiwiiqi .n. .... lay of March, 1S'J9. I'. S UlTTKIl. Sherih. Oct. 1, Daniel Leas to Salome; junc H J0hn Hackcnburg and J,,(,wl Moj,re ,M)th ot 1 twP urv Weiss. reo. to, aionn ueotge uirna Schnce, Iwth of Perry twp Oct. 4, George Van Ormen and Maria Comfort. Oct. 29, John Wirt to Catharine jfone in July A. Dirk. Nov. 5, Jacob Zimmerman and Catharine Sehaeffer. Nov. 6, Daniel Brink and Ann Henry, both ofLiverpool, Perry Co. Nov. 10, Jacob Fisher to Mar- Kyaret Wilt Nov. 12, David Steel to Rebecca Stephen, both of Ferry Co. Mary June 28, William Farmer and Phebe Keed. Feb. '20, Jeremiah Matthias and i to A mflNISTlt.YTUIX N'OTICK. Let Jt. tern of AdaJolstratlon in tbeesl iHte of S.irah BiWCraox. lau; ot mo neuon;, RnWInr ! Pa. d'W'd.. having tieen tfrant ed In the nnderslKned, all pyrwins knowitiK in L..s iiiiti'titi'd tosald rstote are reiineHted to make Immediate pnvtnent, while i hose bating 1 1 dins will present innm oiny uwmh i" thcnndersianiHi. u vn-ai. Artwlnlatrstflri Sarah Row ot Juniata Co. HOW'S THIS ? ,,,r Oi nsiMiiel WntmMim mwl we offer On Hundred Onllara Reward tor any Aug. 4, EWmnel OOtlling ailll catarrh thai uduuol be cured by Hall's Julia A. Strieker ot Washington ""V.XcHENitYtctj.. Props.. To.edo.. ..-,. I We. the undernlgued. bave known P. J. Cheney I for the l ist n veara. .and believe blra perfectly S....t 10 Tvi K.rtptti.r tit Mitrv honoraldeln all business transact lone, and tlnan 5epi. l,ljeiiversieiM:r mi murv aJHHlt flMTT nt nij frflr made by A .... t I.,i,,rl,,t- Iw.tli nrOltmiiiinn twtv , Minlrnnn. mv 1 4 TRl.AX, Wholesale Druinrlst., Toledo. O. sW. 2fi. JnsettliSeebold toNailCV Waloiko. Kissaj. A M ahvin , A'boteaale Drug- r" . iriaw. Toteao. o. Springer, both ot Union Co. dlc0Vn7nVba Sept. 29, Jacob Hoch to Relwcca the jvajem. " Schoch of Middlecreek. I BaU'a Pauuiy RB are tne beat. MEDICAL WORK FOR MEN, FREE St NO NO MONCV. Mr nw r?i --1 .ririitia Work 1 1 out. nn on nvsrr wfliiknas. and ii.i.Mi t culisruimna Mjasl from HMtpraaa. Ki-rj nn, no miliar whsi hi orcnpntien or nci.lllon In lin, will Unil thlH i."o uiillkiiii,thincTsr .uOllnba. ft io.' lml InlaiKi tthnwrri.d or iinmsrrnsli to 'h-i lisiilihj "a uroiigor lo Ikt WMl and hrn i-a-dnmi. Vt blla iha a.llMni. In.l. I nil) .rod .. tow aaawraly aatn in a .11. In wrai-car, pi-.l- j p"p "id. re ry man wl.i. a r.l. i for It. 1 tata Jtino.i 1 1 llaillaal n-l thoM daslrinn a com moat wriiat-ronii llr. Addn TV. SC. Roan. LflL Pa. n.'.i'a Bafawa 0. r, Clark bi , B. K. Cor. NsatSSi ObKadO. lll.uoia. RlPANS TABULES are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine dijguiscd as con fectionery. They may now be had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Any druggist will get them if you insist, and they may alw ays be obtained by remitting the price to The &ipans Chemical SPRUCE ST-Lag A -3l'l Laatfattaa - Tiie Monarch of Strength is i". r I n m i .or (r-.!y i ,T' ' : : '. it. r ... - il n ftl ' ii m or t wh wrmo frSa."-;- (ADSOl.l TBliV Pl'RB.) r.3 r.iron.Tth comes from itr. purity, .i 13 r.ll puro eo-..oc, fi-oshlv rbastod. and la sold only in Oi.o-Dound sealed packages. Each pnekapro will maKo40 cups. Tiio pack r.Lto I 1 bi .tied at the Mills to that u.. -:na is nt v r vvoakenod. It his a do icious flav r. incompurabio strength, it '.j a luxury within tao roach cr an. Inr.i t on "Lion" Coffoo Novr rround nor so!;l In bulk. Kono Conu.r.o wlthou: L:j:i'j IiocJ. . dot 1 n it liiTf Lion OolTM !i Mi Ptorr. S-ff t-n4j5 1 T "- rtS "art tl" aanaj anil nddrcaa thin sr 'WOI.IjJi.N SPICE CO., Tnlodo, "lilo. BIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Ltbrary of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGOLE No. l-BIOOLB HORSE BOOK All about HoilCS a Common-Sense Trent iie, with orcr 74 ill u.Hl rut ions ; a stundurd work. Trice, ju Cents. No. 2 BIQQLE BERRY BOOK All ibont RrowinK Smnll PfU.U ftld nd teCTtt bow ; contuiat 43 colored life-likr rcpfoductiotH ol nil leading varieticH and loo other illubtratlous. Price, 50 Cent. No. 3-BI0X1LE POULTRY BOOK All about I'nultry ; the best Poultry Bunk In rxlstrnrr ; tells everything : witli23 colored lilr-likc rcproducttons of nil the princiral breeds; with mj oilier illuitratlon. Pries, 50 Cents. No. 4-BI00LE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy BttaiBCM ; hnvinR n great ttnle; contnim 8 colored life-like reproductions ffeath breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, go Ceutb No. 5 BIGQLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hon Ureedinp, Feedintr. Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Cuntnins over 80 tr.'iu(itul balf" tones und other engravings. Trice, 50 Cents. The BIGQLB BOOKS are iinio.ur.oriKinnl.u'ieful- you never huw anything like them so practical, so sensible. They lire having an enormous sale Kast. West, North and Botltlli livery one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hok or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to bcud right away for the BlUOLt: BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your piper, made for you nnd not n misfit It Is 33 yenrss old; It is the great boifed-stlowii, MMhs naU-on-the-head, quit-nfter-yoii-hnve-aaid-it, l arni nnd lionsehuld pier in the world the hiKgeat paper ofits sine iu the United BtSteS 01 America naviug over u niillion uud a-Iiall regular 1 eSOSfS. Any ONE of tbe BIGGLE BOOKS, and toe FARM JOURNAL S YEARS (remainder of 1S99 toon, loos, 1003 and 1113) will be sent by malt to any address fur A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular descrihini; fJIdOLE BOOKS free. lUMIIU ATKINSON. CliAS. r. JSWKIItS. Z -. . . Address, FARM JOI HNAI. J-1111 am 1 n: A-POUND CATALOGUE' FREE 1 THIS III CSTALOilUt CONTAINS 1 120 PAOES cJiItVIiiI over l.u. .latlan., lu.uwi lllu.lratt Mawnatsasai 1 Jl I . 1 - H. '" . an. . IBS IsisaaV nia.t ."'l '""" l:..a.T .. aiaii TU NatSaaaiv' IITJt raaaninnia .... IJU.L' ' ' . , nr. i.wI.t wuni mil ruirAQO price 5 un lltminmu I..I.I .I.....B.. T. r" C..,, I lull, "rrvlMni lii uw-ri... 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