V 1 l V W s ' . W HI I I S Ml BMB A Cure for Constipation. I have boon troubled with constipation for years. It hm ruinlne; my health, my com fort unit mv complexion, nnd. I am KlBlU)iiy that (VIrrv King has restored, all three, and this after t'rvtnK many other medicine that were supposed to he (rood, but which were of no value whatever. I would like to tell every eufTerlnu; woman whatt'elery Klnc has done for me.-Nellie Gould. Medina, Ohio. paltry K Inn cures Constipation and all dis eases of the Nerves, Stomach, Llverand Ma net. Sold bv druk'Klst. J5u and SOc I BUY GOODS IN CHICAGO 1 mm ifiB Have you tried the Catalogue system of buyfnf EVERYTHING you use at Wholesale Prices? We can save you 1 5 to 0 per cent on your purchases. We are now ereetin and will own and occupy the highest building in America, employ 2,000 clerks filling country orders exclusively, and will refund purchase price il goods don't suit you. Our General Catalogue 1,000 pages, 16,000 illustrations. 60.000 quotations - costs us 72 cents to print and mail. We will send it to you upon receipt ol 1 5 cents, to show your good (aria. MONTGOMERY WARD ft GO. MICHIGAN AVE. AN0 MADISON ST. CHICAGO. n HOOD POISON DA SPECUUT tlnry 1ILOOD 1'OISOfl permanently cured In l6tog& days. You can be treated at bonieforsame price under same guaran ty, lfyuu prefer to come here we wllleon. tract to pay railroad fareand hotel bills.and ooebsrre. If WO (all to cur. If yon hsvs taken mer cery. Iodide potash, and still bsre aches and Puna. M ucotis Valches hi mouth. Sore Tli roat, Implee, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on aay part of ths body, Hair or Eyebrows falling wot. It Is this Secondary HLUOU POISON t guarantee to cure. Wo solicit the tr..pt obsti nate cases ana eminence the world for a case weoannoccure. This disease has always raffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians, gyvno.ooo capital behind onr uncondi tional gaaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed oo application. Address COOK KKMKUV CO. Temple, CUKIAUO. ILL. Our famous BLClt BINDER I.AUtci. ssanv. It's the best In me world. Prices will sur TWINE prise you. we deliver from Chicago, Omaha or 8U Paul, as desired. Wilts (or pries, and sewples. M0NTI0MERV WARD CO.. CHICAB0 Aifflirpurg Aarble Works. R, H- LANGE, DBALRH IN MARLE AND SCOTCH GRANITE leimtw, MMm AK "". . a. - T - rAI-f I l lfc?Lfcfl V iAJ L'VV Enclosures Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired Prices as Low as the Lowest SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J, A. JKNKINS, Ag't., Oross;rive, Pa. A BIG CLUB. iiit this nut and return to n with ai.oo aod w.-mi semi Hie folrnwlns, aostage Prepaid i VERMONT FARM JOCHN All l YEAR NKW YiilthC WKKKLY THIBITNK I TEAR. AMERICAN IHllM.TRV JOPKNAI, 1 VICAR THKtiKNri.KWOWAN I VKMt. MARION IIaIU.AND'SCOOK HOOK. TEN NIGHTS IN a BAH room. til For $1.00. Rffolar Cost $4.00 This oorablnatton (Ills hunlly need, Two farm Ripers tor the men The "001 lewOtDM." all eal paper forth"' ladles N. Y. Weekly Tritium for all Marlon ll irlaud's rook B xik wlttt :H paires and 1,0"J practical r.'dpes for the wile anil the hook. "Ten Nlirliis In a Bir Room." tnc greatest Temperance novel of the age. A Iwr cent stamp brings samples of papers and our great clubbing list. Vermont Farm Journal, w p oLB r .ascmVrr d - Hill Mala SMh WlliiiliiKton. VI. acriu uo unc iiulum .n.i ,..u mu ms ..tun. kitw. aasxsioia coal aso woos tons stoVb, by freight C.O.P., subject to examlaattoa. Kmmluo It SI yuur freight depot and If found pi'rfert IT ullif affair? Mi imlil M. III. uill yo a er saw or heard rat-Jar'" iBMTesr tnnil raica. JI3.00 :m the 11.00 WTtlTE FOR OUR BIO f It II sent with or- ..... oTOVK CATALOCUK. and freight charms. This Steve Is SUM No. . oven Is rrniilnr fll.Bitih .lab. Iki.S I .... nil h. ntt tornc large orDamCDtsd bass, at M fcw.i snS fr fumlth fail aa extra wood grate, making li s per- MnltaM WS ISSl'l A BISDIBtl (HJAaANTSS With rvery store and guarantee safs delivery to your rail meditation. Tour local daslcrwoald cbem yoa Mt.es (or iurh a tore, the fretgM Is only about (1 .00 for each wi mile., m w. mnm si Swat sio.eo. A'Ureii. AC BSCIm" him ' . .1 f PetkjJpME Jl T Dion -stksta sssssssssassr esaatw aa niiiu. W NaT ISMjlUsll, toputusai CMOS irors owl pia iron, . .i large flues, nesT corera, bcavy liauuts and grates, largo oven shslf , heavy Urellasd oven door, handsoras r.irV. i i.istnl omaawDtatioBc aad trtmnutun, aim LITTLE FEET. Dear little feet that lie In my handl Dear little feet from a far-otnar.d. Come to ui, come to us, come to ua newly Out of a far-off fairy Thule. Tou h"ave run to us out of the greater day Can you give no hint of the winsome wayt For we who are grlxsled and gray and old Would fain step out on the atreett of gold. What was the way? What wastheroadT Was the pathway easy, and smooth, and broad ? It must have been strewn with roses, I think. For here Is their white, and here la their pink: An.l forget-me-nots, and violets, too. Have stained sweet Ultea of delicate blue Yes, rose leaves white and rose leaves red "Vere a carpet meet for your dainty tread. And forget-me-nots and violets blue lnt you a hint of a heaven new. Tell us the way! Ah! youth forgets. And the dew soon dries on the violets. II. Pear little feet, you will go some day iiown by a dark and a cruel way. Out to a country dim and far, Where cool, great waters and green graaa are. Put the way Is sharp, with many a stone. And, dear little feet, you must go alone And It's oh! that I might lay down my heart To ease for a moment Just one little smart. For my heart Is tender and soft and true. And 'twould be as the silk rose leave for you As the rose leaves white and the row leave red, Warm and soft to your timid tread; As the rese leaves red and the roae leave white To gleam In the dark with Ixv?'s own light; As forget-me-nots and violets blue. To keep you In mind of the heaven In view. And oh! It would stretch for you all the way. On through the night, on to the day. Ilut, dear little feet, you must go alone. Alone, alone, and all alone. A- Macaentle, In Good Word. THE SALTERTON SUP CARRIAGE t By W. S. Smith. ft ees OF THE many inc.de. ta In my career which had a railway for the aeene 01 operationa, none, 1 think, wu inoro remarkable for Uie nealneaa and d la patch with which it was carried out thau that in which the Saltertoa elip carriafje formed the pivot upon which the varioua details were hung. Mr colleague in these little affaire had somehow got to- know that a pa-4 eel of "stones," which, if they brought us only half their Intrinsic value, would yet be a nice little hauL was to be for warded by a certain train from St Paj cras to Salterton; and, with a prompti tude which was commendable under the circumstances, had posted straight off to me with the information. "Our'nor," he whispered, hoarsely, aa, seated In my room, we discussed the matter, Ttell yer it's the chance of a lifetime. A foiiaanil quid, for very MtSle mare than the usklng. so ter apaak. Don't It make yer mouf water tw flnk of nr "Well," I said, cautiously I rarely shared Ilraggs' optimism In these mat ters "a thousand's not to be aneesed at In these days, atuj, to tell the truth, it would oome in very handy Indeed Just now; but It's a thing that wants looking at carefully. People dont con sign diamonds in that fashion without a good many precautions. Who did you say they wore for?" "Some feller named Oiolcraft. Iti daughter's getting married nex1 Tues day; an' 'e's asked Sllnt A Co. ter send 'itu a few flngs down on appro." MI see. Special messenger, of course?" "No; thut's Just the beauty of it! N'tifflnk of the sort, bo far as I can make out; they're going precisely ad an or dinary parcel." "Throw the responsibility on the company that's the game, eh? Well, we'll have a look nt it, at all events. l"uss the llrnilshaw, will you?" He did bo, nnd I whipped over the pnges until I came to those headed "Midland Ilnilwny." "What train did you say, Jim?" "Six-fifty; next Friday." "H'm! a slip-curriuge. That rather complicates matters. I don't know, though," 1 continued, reflectively, "per haps it will be JuBt as well for us bet ter, in fact." "Whnt did yer say it was, guv'norf "A slip-curringe. The train Itself doesn't stop, but simply drops the tail carriage off at Salterton, or 'slips' It, as It Is called," I explained. "Seer "Yes; I flnk I twig." If I must state my opinion, It was that Ilraggs, notwithstanding his as sertion, did not "twig;" but ae he did not pursue the point I suppose he was satisfied. "An' 'ow's it going ter be better for us? What's yer plan?" "Well, I've hardly hod time to figure it out yet, but I've got an idea. Look here; suppose you let me have till to night to consider it; then we can meet again and talk things over." "Right y'are, guv'nor; that'll do fer ine. 'Arf-past nine?" "Suit me admirably," I replied. "Call round then, and I hope to have things ship-shape." With that Mr. Bragg took his de parture, and I stayed indoors to cudgel my brains as to the best way of reliev ing the Midland Railway company of the little consignment which was to be intrusted to its care. Aa you will hare gathered, I did not look upon the task as altogether hope less. And here I might explain that my eight years' service on the Great Mid Western aided me not a little in coming to this opinion. I never regretted the time thus spent, for it furnished me with a store of in formation in regard to railway men and railway methods which I was able to turn to very considerable account in many a little way afterwards. The fact of the Salterton traffic be ing accommodated in a slip-carriage was in Itself proof that there was not much of it, and this was in my mind when I said to Drnggs that it would per haps be Just as well for us; for, the or dinary luggage and so forth being light, the parcel of jewel would, In all probability, be left to the car of the usual guard, and not placed in charge of a special man, as would Infallibly have been the case had it to be conveyed by a busy train. So much might safe ly be assumed; and with only one man to deal with, the problem narrowed considerably. I decided early that to effect the cap ture at St. Pancrtts was not to be thought of, and that the only chance of success lay In obtaining possession of the Jewels during the journey. But then the difficulty arose how to escape detection subsequently. If we re mained in the slip-carriage and were deposited at Salterton with the rest of the passengers, it was inevitable an absolute certainty. It was a point which bothered me for some time, but ultimately I evolved a scheme which. If audaeioua to the verge of reckless ness, 1 raw no reason to consider impos sible of accomplishment. This wus nothing less than to oper ate, not from the carriage Itself, but from the main portion of the trnin. now I proposed to do this you shall learn in due course; sufficient for the present that when Bruggs called a sec ond time I had fully mapped out my plan of campaign. He acquiesced, as I knew he would. In all that I proposed; and when we parted all the details were agreed, and we had drunk a bumper to success. On the night In question, therefore. we met at St. rancros, and offer boetk- rng first-class tickets to Manchester wslked to the truln. It was absolutely necessary that we should have an empty compnrtment, and. the travelers by the train being luckily few in number, we were able to secure one with only an other passenger compartment and a guard's locker between us and the slip coach. We could not possibly hsve been better situated. Before getting Into the carriage I took a good look at the couplings which united us to the carriage which was to be dropped off nt Salterton and watched' them put into position ready for work. In less than five minutes later we were off, and Bragg and I were congratulating ourselves that so far nothing had happened to Interrupt our plans. We had observe a little parcel being placed In the rear carriage, which seemed to excite a alight Interest even lit the languid porters and guards who were hanging about. There was also a detective surveying it with a coldly professional airt and If they had only known that two but that la "an other story, aa a celebrated author has said somewhat frequently. Now came the real work. Braggs quickly unfastened one of (he bags and began to extract from It varioua arti cles which I had instructed him to pro cure. 1 here was a jemmy, a skele ton key or two, a good, stout oord of several yards' length, with a few falr slced weights attached to it at intervals, another bundle of eord and a tiny bot tle of chloroform. When all was ready and I had pock eted what I wanted, I buttoned up my coat, and, quietly opening the off-side door, stepped out on to toe footboard. You do not realise, on simply reading It in cold print, what this mean, Jut I can say with perfect confidence that It require a pretty good nerve to travel In that position. Fortunately the night was so dark as to render observation of my movement a matter of difficulty, If not impossible. Ilraggs handed the weighted cord to me through the window, and, thus equipped, I proceeded with gingerly steps along the narrow ledge, bending low aa 1 passed the windows of the next com partment. The great feat wa getting from the carriage on which I was to the "slip" vehicle in rear of it; and It was a few seconds before I could nerve my self to take the little jump which was necessary. I did accomplish It at length, and Immediately made fast the cord to a rail on the door, so that I could easily obtain possession of it again when I needed It. Bragga, I should explain, retained the other end and paid out the cord as I walked; and the weights served the purpose of keeping it low and prevent ed flapping against the windows, which might have attracted attention we by no mean coveted. The next thing I did was to break the bottle of chloroform over my hand kerchief, and I wa then ready for ac tion. I took a peep through the win dow at the guard la the carriage. lie wa calmly rja4tnf a sj paper, and I chuckled a I saw ha the get was playingintoemrhanrj. ftosrary I tvand the handle and allow tfsf e to open. He looked up as the draught ef cold air caught him; but I wa too quick for him, and had the handker chief to hi nostril before he had time to think, much less make any attempt at resistance. A he sank in an uncon scious heap to the floor I pulled the door to again, with a sigh of Inward thankfulness and the hope that no watchful signalman had noticed the temporary irregularity. To gag and bind him wa not a task that took up much time, and this I did with the bundle of cord in my pocket. I was sorry for him, certainly, but sen timent Is misplaced when It Interferes with business, and, anyhow, the Incon venience would be only temporary. The next step was to secure the booty. I knew, of course, that it would be placed In the special locker which is reserved for valuables, and with the aid of my tool I soon had this open. My heart gave a little thump of excite ment aa I saw the package which had been the cause of so much solicitude, neatly tied np and addressed to "J. Chair-raft, Esq., Salterton," and re splendent in blue and red seals; but there was no time to indnlge In self-congratulation. Dropping the window, I pulled In sev eral yards of my cord and attached the parcel firmly to It, after which I gave two pulls, the agreed signal for Bragg to commence hauling in. I felt it slip through my hands aa he did so; and) the return signal came, telling m that he had received the precious con signment safely. I had now to perform another delicate operation, namely attach the end of the cord which was In my hsnd to the chain which the guard pulls when he wishes to release the carriage. Doubtless you can divine my Inten tion. The guard, being obviously un able to slip the vehicle himself, and It being equally obvious that it must be lipped nt the usual place unless I would have my little escapade brought under notice, I projiosed to do it my self, though not exactly in the usual way. By this time we were not far from Salterton. I knew the line fairly well, having been over it several times, but there waa a good chance that at this point I might ruin all by n fnlse move. However, "Nothing venture, nothing have." There is risk in every thing, and it had to lie done. I put on the hand brake In the guard' compartment Just sufficiently to Impart a slight drag to the wheel when the vehicle wbb running alone, but not enough for the engine driver to notice during the brief time he would still be connected to it If he did, I fer vently hoped he would think the guard was steadying the vehicle just prior to slipping It and then I stepped out nnd closed the door behind me. With a lit tle spring I regained the vehicle which held Bragg and the booty, and now now came the crisis. Where ought I to detach the carriage? All had gone well up to now; would It continue to do so? I had very little previous experience to go upon; but I guessed the distance as nearly a I could, allowing for the fact of the line being on a slight falling gradient. Another 50 yards 20 now! I took hold of the cord and gave it a sharp jerk and held my breath. Was it to be a failure or success? There waa a light swerve, a "clink-clank" aa the coupling parted and I knew that my good luck had not deserted me. The carriage had separated from the train and the whole length of cord flew swift ly past me into the darkness. I do not know that I need say maeh more. It only remained for me to get back to the compartment where Bragg was anxiously swatting my appear ance, and this I did without mishap. When two soberly-attired individuals descended from the train at Manches ter, who wa to connect them with the daring affair at Salterton, supposing .that particular of It had yet reached there, or who waa to guess that the very ordinary-looking black bag which they carried in their hands contained something Uke a thousand pounds worth of stolen diamond? At aa rate, no one challenged us; and we returned to London by different routes, highly pleased at the success of our scheme, I am not sure that the railway authorities know even now how their carriage was slipped; but I understand that there wa something Uke consternation among the local of ficial when the state of affairs wus dis covered, a fact which I can quite be lieve. Tit-Bits. AMERICAN INDIAN GAMES. Tfcey Have Provea of Great Value la the Study of American Folk-roae, Our Idea of a game are primarily ns soiratcd with mirth, amusement, play, such, Indeed, being the original mean ing of our English word. A csreful examination of (-iimea, however, reveals the fact that they originated not as pastime, but a serious divinatory contests. This is espci .ally true of the games of those we call primitive people or savages. We quickly find that a distinction may be drawn between these sacred and divinatory game and the mimetic play of children. Children play at real game as they play at every other serious business of life. They thus perpetuate games that have otherwise disappeared. Hence the value of chil dren's games in our study. At the same time this derivation ap plies chiefly to the higher culture. In savagery we deal with the games of adult first of men, then women with games so complex that no child mind could grasp their principles or objects; with games so wrotight and Interwoven vrith primitive concept of nature and the universe that no modern mind could create or invent them. of American Folk Lore. S mt Trwrseeutlom, ef eosseltpcr nothing is to rivet erroneous and m Ta sk tares belief upon a man' mind by the use sf persecution. But all force applied to the conscience, however well meant, 1 neceeaarfly persecution. No doubt we generally restrict the word 'persecution" to the application of force In cases where we agree with the per secuted, but in reality all constraint of the conscience is persecution. Some time, of course, persecution is perfect ly right and necessary it would be clearly so in the case of a sect of pessi mists who held it a duty to kill all per son over 80 but that does not makolt any the less persecution or alter It Stimulating character. We do not doubt that inflicting very heavy penalties on those who conscientiously preached etT thanaala would greatly spread the creed. London Spectator. Sparsreoa Stopped the Coujrhs. Here is a good anecdote of the lata Mr. 8purgeon: "One day, many years ago, the services at theTabernacle were disturbed by a perfect hurricane of coughing. Spurgeon stopped in hi dis course and said: 'My dear friends, I have n cough; you have coughs. But I think we can atop them if we try. So let us have a cough, a good cough, and a cough altogether. Now' The re sult, say one who waa present, was terrific, but after a minute's uproar, Spurgeon concluded hi sermon In per fect sslence.' London Truth. CHRIST CRUCIFIED. lateraatloaal Saaday School Lessost toe Jaa 4, 1899 Text, Joha lOilT SO Memory Verses SKS-ao. ("peclslly Adspted from Peloubet'a Notes.) GOLDEN TEXT. The Bon of Ood. who loved me, and tar Himself for roe. Gal LESSON EXPOSITION. L Jesus Bearing Hi Cross. V. IT. "And He, bearing Hi cross, went forth:" From Pilate's palace court, where had been the solemn mockery of a trial unit the jesting mockery of the soldier. "Into a place called the place of a skull:" (See "Place" above.) tiolgatha. A Hebrew word meaning "skull," like the Latin word Calvaria (Calvary), and the Greek kranion (cranium). II. The Daughters of Jerusalem also "bewailed and lamented Him" on this weary walk. Itwas probably Just outside of the city that Jesus turned and spoke to them. Forgetting Hlsown sufferings, he apppealed to them to use their In fluence to avert the terrible doom of the city, which was to fall so heavily on the women and children. III. The Crucifixion. V. 18. About nine o'clock (Mark). The hour of the usual morning sacrifice of the lamb, which was the type of Jesus, the Lamb of God, slain for the sins of His people. IV. The Title Over the Cross. Vs. 19- 22. 19. "And Pilate wrote a title:" According to the Roman custom thnt the criminal should have upon his cross the nature of the crime for which be Buffered. V. Parting Hi Garments. Vs. 23, 24. 23. "Then the Boldlers," who had charge of the crucifixion of Jesus. The clot hen of executed criminals were the per quisites of the soldiers on duty. Cam bridge Bible. VI. The Mocking Crowd. From nine o'clock till noon, when the darkness in terfered (Matt. 27:30-44; Mark l3;2-M; Luke 23:35-37). VII. The Deoth of Jesus. Vs. 2S-80. The Darkness. From twelve to three o'cloqk there was darkness over the land. Darkness wo typical of the powers of darkness which seemed to be prevslltng; of the great sufferings of the atonement for sin; of the darkness brooding over Jesus' heart; of the dark hour of sin and depravity thnt could crucify God's beloved Son; of the dark ness of sin over all the earth, which wa to he dispelled by the cros of Jesus and by Ilia resurrection from the dead. The Accompanying Signs. Jemisdled at the time of the evening sacrifice. 1. A Jesus expired, the great veil of the temple that hung between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies wa rent in twain. The veil before the Most Holy Place were 40 cubit (60 feet) long and SO (30 feet) wide, of the thickness of the palm of the hand. The rending of the ell typified that the veil that shut out the vision of holiness from the hearts of the people had been taken away (t Cor. 3:14-10), and the way Into the Holy Place, the state of holiness, and "the place of holiness, wa now opened. 2. At the same time there was nn earth quake of such power a to rend the rocks and open the tombs; indicating the greatness and importance of the event and prefiguring the resurrection of the dead and the moral resurrection of the world. THE SEVEN WORDS FROM THE CROSS. L The First Word from the cross was probably spoken in the first agony of the act of crucifying. Itwas: "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." Luke 23:34. Each of the seven words from the cross expressed some characteristic element of His nature or His work. This one expressed His feeling toward His enemies then and through all time, t. The Second Word from the cross. Jesus said to this robber: "To-day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise," Luke 23:39-43. This sentence expresses the very central mission of Jesus, to redeem inner from sin and suffering, and to bring them into the kingdom of God on earth and In Heaven. 3. The Third Word from the cros. "Woman, behold thy son! Be hold thy mother 1 "John 19 : 86-27. The mother was to be comforted in her be reavement by having as her adopted son the most loving heart among the dis ciples; and he was to care for her a hi own mother. 4. The Fourth Word from the cross wa: "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Mark IS: 34. Spoken to ward the close of the darkness. 6. The Fifth Word from the cross: "I thirst." John 19:28. This expres sion of personal desire, the only favor asked, was an example of patience, and of the right of expression of such a request. 6. The 8ixth Word from the cross: I "It Is finished." John 19:30. This is one word in the Greek, and It ha beer called "the greatest single word ever uttered:" What was finished? His life on earth, His life' work, the cup of suffering, the atonement for the sins of the world, the old era and dispensa tion, the proprecle of Scripture, the darkness of the night. 7. The Seventh Word from the cross followed close upon the sixth: "Father. Into Thy hands I commend my spirit" (Luke S3: 46). This word teaches us how to die. It was a prayer. It was from the Scripture, an inspired prayer. There are times when only God'a will will suffice. It was a prayer of faith and hope. It brought Immorality to light PRACTICAL Thus men can still help Jesus by bravely bearing His cross. The cross declares in "letters that can be read from the stars" God'a love to man. Christ wa God Himself and expressed God's own heart. The coat of salvation smites all in difference to religion. If Christ was willing to die that we might be saved, what ought not we to do? The cross expresses God' feeling toward sin. His readiness to forgive sin, thai terrible evil and danger of sin that ooats such a sacrifice for deliv- fromit J GRANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION and I am afraid I have in herited it. I do not feel well ; I have a cough ; my lungs are sore; am losing flesh. What shall I do? Your doctor says take care of yourself aad take plain cod -liver oil, bat you can't take it. Only the strong, healthy person can take it, and they can't take it long. It is so rich it upsets the stomach. Bnt yon can take scorrs EMULSION It is very palatable and easily digested. U you will take plenty of fresh air, and exercise, and SCOTT'S EMULSION steadily, there is very little doubt about your recovery. There are hypophosphites in it ; they give strength and tone up the nervous system while the cod-liver oil feeds and nourishes. r. and Si.oo, ill druggists. BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics act directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of the system. They Core the Sick. so. ctmss. raicsa. 1 Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations. .U 1 Worass. Worm Fevsr, Worm Colic... .'JO 3- Tecllilnt. Colic, Crying. Wakefulness ,IS 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 38 T-Coashs. Colds, Bronchitis SS 8 Kearatcla, Toothache, Kaceacae. 9A 9- Headache. Sic Headache, Vertigo . .'3 10-Dvspppsls, Indigestion, WeakStomaca.SS 1 1 -Wuppre.erd or Palaiul Periods 3d 1'J-Whltrs. Too Profuse Periods M 13 ('roup, Laryngitis. Hoarseness IS 14- all Rheum. Erysipelas. Eruptions.. M 1 5 Rheamallsm. Rheumatic Pains SS 16- Mslarls. Chills, Fever and At 3S lA-t'alarrh. Influenta, Cold In the Head .SS iO-V hooplns-louih 98 97 HUM Diseases 98 98- Nervoas Debility 1.08 30-1' MM r v Weahaess. Wetting Bed. . . .98 TT-Gri. B7 revar 98 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Plaesaes at roar Druggists or Mailed Free. sold by druggists, or sent on iroslnt of nrleav Humphreys' Bed. Co., Cor. WUlbm ef Joan Ma, New York. $5 PAY IP YOU'RE PLEASED jo DAYS AFTCK SHIPMENT;IP NOT .RETURN. NO MONEY WANTED IN ADVANCE. STtheTeryOnalrw iltchen Cbtj I net ve send, t -e, s r or -t ,ie sv rfTt cook iK,Dnisuuias M (it ue scUcal ra- lpever coav lied. aetsnttllhT riokes KKchen oun In cloth. Work Easy. The toot cabinet Js IT I'hes tyr 42 InrJiMheurht. 3D tnchee ; has twn nvtAl-bottora Dins, ryoe holes M lha. ; thi other pHMlti'ui'.'it fur I'Aim-ineal, g-rahain.ugar. etc wr' iHtvo drawer i.m. bread hoard. WhlchdldeS Into Frloi;, roitiiletc, only S5, on jboard re in Ct ago. wit the oK.k iik free. Pay , In SO iys If joo nnd the Caoluet th nurt useful. WMeiMS Ph" kitchen furniture. Mm ever saw: If no entire)' P'caeeo, return el ear stTamef, So deposit, no geiranty re quired Iroti :iii- n l li'e nrrson. In orderlnt he sure to say vou r,' s reader id (Ml puper this te ve7 Import ant siid t!' I .in MM ft our Kitchen Csblnetolrer No. 8. Order tn-dajri or lend for Illustrated clrcslar No. a. (tl'UI'l! nut! !13. CO.. r W. Ii-riwi St. Cskaga. p. .Gauliw li''"'r Valley furr. rare Is never sold throtiKh rstatlets slwtra from fart -nr 'j Ireelde at wholesale Lrli 'tis, livr.'i ecepts wot hlese HI kit fl.OBOTltt.50 SUIT , CSLSSSaTK 'aaSTWaABO CP AsaMs east ee4easts ease. agslsr el. in Beys' e-rsat salts fees as SI. pp. SCIT PSal for aa? of these ear, oo't gl.e eaUsfaatory veal. No s1orm.Ah4-. llgWICRI which don't If. I Y e r and ear whether I- rge ev 1 for age, aad ws will asp : m h call brssprssa, C.O.D., eu eject to s: oats aad It found perfectly ssUsfactory 1 sad equal to salts sold Is year tosra rev I ou eaa esasuo is at your A SJ ud knaee. letsst IIMssyle ae Illustrated, ...... k. .ui ta as. wua double ts SI aret w BUI rrom a special esse rssiiiies, an aeeti- ewtete. gUVWOOt MMI ttsleirt, neat, aandsosae sat. atraTsas escwe nalaaj. reertsa paatat utesllalagr, jaeV o.los.rtarlaa'ead rloarrYnf, sflaVnd tinea e.wla.e (salts, onuses, ev sisters), for boys 4 T l TaiSST vrMelte teessee set le. sec eoataans faaalos plaaaa, aae saaaeare aad fall laesruetloae how to order. Bee's eess sad isfsesn steee te eesee nees pt.ws apt PERFECT HEN ! DO NOT DESPAIR! Io Mat SeuTer Laaejert Tb joyasnd am Mi lone of life can be restored to yoo Ths verr worst cases of nervous Deblll vy arc absolutely cured by I't urEiTO hi ma. tilve prompt relief to Insomnia, lauing memory a no toe waete a nil dral o ft Vita! powers. Incur red by iDduvcratlousoreicettes of aarlr rears. Impart visor ana potency to every runciiou Give to lustre to the DIOI or old. One Wc bps renews. eyes of y ou nr vital unergyi a Iwigaa ut isx.rses a com tpud , n- or money refund rarrl V. In vent pocket. Sold lew euaran d. Can ha everywhere or ... , i in t.:.lii irraooeron wsw-- reeeli l hy tilt' PtBFKCT6CO.,Caston bldg . Clilcsao.1 lot prioo For .silo iii Middlebtirgit, Pa., by MideHehttrg Drug Co., bsft Pleas ant Mills liv Ht nry Hanling, ar.d in Penta's Creek lv J. W. Snmpell. n I I - .. . - srasmi fi b v-i j iskcs ivnbiivn Sw O Work easy. Q C c)'ik. aon YdjJlT eloee ap I QOt.0eKi'lXel PaspsaeBeBPjWB.aaBB"e . t; Js