i Royal Absolutist tanE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome oi uggm ww The Middlebupgh Post. Published cverv Timrsdriv. Geo. W. Wii gcaseller. bditor and Proprietor Sul icriitioji 1.50 per year. ni. i' rou.it ' paid in Mivaaoa wueD sent out side the county.; RATfSOF AO.VIRTISING. vii traiuleni idwttMaonta not ottorwjue finiracted for will be cbMfed at the rate oi is 4, - prr llnr (nonparltl nifiwun-) for find li.sor 1Y11 and 10 cents per line lor every subsequent I daemon. - Vrath nnlitn puhlihrd fret ; oMfiiory pvmt, Ir .burrs of r ifc. Ihrre crnts a lirn. Republican Standine Committw. Adams, W. II. Herman, .1. i. MlddlsswaHh ltriivt-r, A- Si, Miimit, llaviil Coleman Reaver W., Cbas. A. Wagner, John l. Howell Centre. II. It- Wagner, B A BowofSOI Chapman, O. s. Trnutman, r. A. Troup Franklin, M. I- Waller. II. K. HoIimioit Jackson, S, Yeariok. II. II. Smith Mlddleburtt. Al. Clelan, James Brdlejr Mi.l.lleereek. A. I . Kr. ftiecr. S. I.. Voder Monro, A R. Young, D. P. Bitter j(. mi, Fnink Miller, Howard How IVrry. Dr.lt. Rolhrock, Irwin lloyir Parry W Geo. Htrawaer, John Noll Beliiuwove, A. B. Keek, II. .1. Kin k Spring, (ieo. S. I., pli y. i M Smith ITnlon, O. O. Rice, II l stroh Washington, lr. K. W. Toole, . I. II. Arbogaal Tlinreday, dune 1, 189!. THE INQUJREK GIVCS US CREDIT- from Monday's Inquirer, Tli,. Middlebnrg Post advisesThe nquirer thai the peopleof that town have dccidctl imt to contribute any money toward securing theguu tac tory which was offered to them last week. The reasons lor their deter mination arc entirely convincing. The men who made theofter wanted the people of Middleburg to do al most everything and also give them one hundred and twenty-five thous and dollars' worth of stock in the enterprise. Upon the surface that was a rather avarecious start, and the impression made by it, upon the nu n who were willing to put then money in any fair enterprise, was deenened bv the fact that there was no substantial capital hack of tin promoters and thai one of the latter tried to have a check cashed at a local bank which the hank on which the check was drawn telephoned was no good. Under thesecircumstances Middleburg i- to lc congratulated upon not having gone deeper into the subject. There arc too many legitimate enterprises lookine for sites now-a-davs to waste any money on dubious schemes. aaa - - aw MIDDLEBURG CENTENNIAL. Next year, 1900, it will he 100 years since the town of Middleburg was laid out. At that time only a few houses were standing ami John Swineford had a tavern here. At that time Middleburg was in Penn's township, Northumberland county and in last week's issue we gave a list of all the tax payers in the town ship in 17'.7. Middleburg, when laid out was one of the voting placet for Penn township. During the one hundred years jut passed, many changes have occurred. An entirely new set offices and characters have come upon the scene of activity since then. Not much industrial develop ment has been manifest, bul within the last two months, gome signs of it have appeared. We trust ere the time arrive- for oiirccntcnnial, some more results may he our good for tune. It i- not too early to appoint Committees to look after the matter of getting at least the history of the town written. A gnat deal of re search i necessary and no stone should he let! unturned to have a grand and glorious centennial eel1 liiatioii in 1900 to commemorate the laying Oltt of the town. We suggest Julv Ith of next year for that im portant event. Neighboring towns havecelebrated their centennial anniversaries and it is fitting thai the period markingthe 100th milestone of our history be celebrated with a fitting ceremony. We hope to sec the citizens of the town take hold of this matter in am ple time to have a grand and glori ous celebration on Independence Day next year. WILLIAMSP0R1 TURNS DOWN THE GUN FACTORY. tan Tot Mi l.. 's Philadelphia Pro. There are few communities in Pennsylvania that have not been importuned by factory "promoters" These always represent OQUJMBMjl that want to move from somewhere to sjincwhese else, lioards of Trade Baking Powder oo.. w ysgjt are regale! wish promising figures, and the astuteness of the various Isslics is evidenced by the fact that mm 1 ..1 promoters almost invariaroj nOU they have wary businessmen to uea with. The co-operation la' capital is occasionally extended to outside oompani beating about lor a favorable abiding place for their ontornriuiHi Imf imliwtriiK l i lt f lit enterprises, DtuinanstneB vnat nDU Nwvwmitinn nrwfMmaMllv of the bona ritogintioii an g!iran oi tm iMiiia firh. Lbul with loiritimntp nrosiiects mic Kimi wan Hgitiinat protects nlsuocaas OI MliH. Several of the State towns have recently had experienoe with the t x x" l i' agents of a New tirk firearms com- .1 . j i-i t LhL. pany that made bins for a healthy ' i" . ... , ,. mi . and inviting location. 1 he firm s . . . i u- i. .1.. representative visited Wetherly, mi ...in i r.a ..... Muncy, Middlepurg, VVatsontown i "ir . . ,l ami ll llllillll- ni i, iiiiiuiiK uran places, ami proposed moving ineir industry from the overorowdfd me tropolis to any one of the towns Darned, if the citizens of the respec tive places would subscribe the nom inal sum of (50,000 toward the en terprise. Some of Wetherly's business men arc of a curious turn of mind, ami visited .New York to take a view of the factory that sought another ha ven. In Gotham they learned that the total assets of the firearms cotn- panv comprised about one car load of machinery which looked as it it had not been in use for at least lour years. The greater part ot the ma- chinery was alleged to have been sold ot 'Sheriff's sale in 1893 or 1804. The story was passed to Watson-; sontown, from which place Editor I Lewis Kosnot of tin "Record" 'phon-! eii it to James oweeiey, 01 me wii liamapori "Sun,'' and they all now smile more knowingly. Extravagance vs. Public Schools. l"or the 1'iwt. i Our recent Legislature has made a seven month school term compul sory anil our Governor has taken from the public school appropriation of Snyder county almost $4,000. This is inconsistent, to say the last. The plea that the State debt should he Wiped out is laudable, but that this shall be done at the expense of our public scnoois is almost cnmi- nal. The situation is analoirolis to that of a parent who lessens the edu-lat mercy's call" faced the dangers of Company, he directed a verdict for cational facilities of his children in I the camp. Likewise will we booor W defendant holding tliat the bor on ler to pay bis debts, luxuries in the women who bore them and the eogh ordinance under which an at w hich he indulges are not reduced women who nursed them. Just as!t,'mI)t " made to collect a tax of one cent. The sources of State reve- the Civil War when the unit soldier ; l 0,1 eaon . P'e 1,1 fendant nue are manifold, and one million was only partially aware ot the great p-ny within the borough was dollars should have been taken from j purpose' that he was working out so J because it discriminated in Jevy our public school fund only after these, our recent dead, mark a vear 'K fax upon such poles and ex- ivirv other source of eeoiiotnv hud been exhausted. t all our public institutions the public school does the greatest good to the greatest number, It nroilneiN trimd eitiens. Mild et - J - - . . . . . -. ill J .... Itfl eofler must lie looteil to keen the' wealth of .o.H..K.lists and brewers I intact. The bead waters of irtMal rntiwinahSn :iri diMined. while tlie ' brewers with the criminals thev i breed, the corporations with the shy-1 locks thev produce, wax fat. Four I thousand dollars taken from the : public schools of our county means . e i 1 either increased taxation lor cverv tax payer in tin- county, or it means less wages for teachers, less quali fied teachers, poorer schools and a host of other evils that will stunt the growth of our rapidly advancing schools. It is decreed by one in an- thoritv that it should be BO and we must abide bv it, but the public Hchoolundsbouldbe resorted to last, if ut all. in nuvnient of a debt Incur- I I red by i 1 1 1 i uxtriiviijjjiiiK'c. Co.vruiiurtn:. PRESENT-DAY THOUGHTS. The Ora veaof the Dead. Though , one tiav is just as uniiortant as other with wliotn all of life is import-! ant, and though the memory of the1 4 .1 1. .. .1 1 1 u laasn utus vn unw we ne -inniui en. AlSO.UUr QUI COT tlie 1'acillC !k" ever with us as a daily benisun; ()eean westward have the American yet it is so natural a thing for hu- stars been luecd in a lirmament to man beings to set aside times ami Ik- seen of all nien.where they were seasons for pcrforining certain acts, scarcely known before. The islands that we cannot be blamed for hav- of the great King Kainehanieha are ing one day of the year for 8ecial ours; the Philippines are ours; decoration of the graves of our sol- Guam is ours. It has been a strange dier dead. Once, therefore, with a 'year, 11 fateful year; a gieat year; joy that conies from realizing an in-j one whose every solemn minute sum in using unity in a country once al- mons all ot us "who believe in Am niost rent asunder, ant! a new so-1 erica and its future to the unavoid lemnity because many of the new i able conviction that in the affairs of graves of the past year are the graves I this great round world, in addition of those who were yotingand strong, we approach this The years that have passed have seen our women tenderly tlecoraling in honor of a former generation; this year sees us bending low over the green mounds that cover the manhood of to-dav. Thus one touch of common sorrow unites the past ami the present , For what have those dead died? Tlie i"trlii'i- ri.iiiT:itiiiri nerleim I Li:JI . ui -!.!. blindly at times, Imt nevertheless efl60tOUy--0n behsJi of a nation eri shall U-found wi.nting'.' that was, that is and that ever will! e be please God ooe and iodivi- ,n , , ... , M.A,t sil)1(.1 WitIl al, mrt, of I 1 km et.ls ol the kWl I.nc a . i te beyond oar pen and certain! v' JJ "J S " 1 i i' i , i BOOS frolll l)eiltll!!g over those W llO I beyond our criticism these forms of .. b ,, ... , i i i breathe no more, mav there come to j t .,,1 ollt even greater I . . I ',1 l ..; .1 .1 , each American soul the determina- purpo8e than they knew or national Ij , . .:.u: l, . . vi t .1 1 1,0,1 t,,:lt though partisansnip be lu.ritnf mtv Al'iiiv itt t iioti were : . 1 . 1 . perpetuity. I uncontrolled 3 . . in passion, many of . j i i It them were wayward and heedless, i . , i i molten nit- i inn in ini i in iiiiu-iii iv , ,nav 0f them, perhaps, need i ,7 , - :, ... I n Ft 'i. i .small anil of light influence, vet, never to have died an they did and ., . 1M . B., . .. ; ' . , .. , ,, ' . - . there shall be m this tune ot our when they did. But they now rest .... i-, i ,i a it" i . i ".i i en-.it testing a re-lnrtli of intelligent, , Voin their labors, And the work j c i , ,., . , , i . purpose iiik HI national unitv that tbey did partial and complete as to 1 ', ,. , , ,. . ' i . . we shall slr.ne in the marvelous eves ( (' 1 I 111 V II IUB . Ill HIM 11 IIS tutaiity 01 innuenoe, is ours ty in- a. a a l cM to Last an! from V.rth to South the sad el y of the Queen of Antilles. Women and men alike heritaiice, so that we intleeii ( o reap , . .i , . r,. i ... ., . ' . . ,. . ; fathers is not mere tradition, but a where we have not sowed. Ineiri.. , . . . .l , , ,, .. . . . i living .xing that gins forth at the ancestors before tbem died to make r . . . ,. . i , ,. , call of dcstinv to make lighter bur- a nation, these dead died to save it. j ' i 11. ., i .. ' i ileus for weary shoulders ami a lighter influence in the dark places The new generation heard from of the earth. Nemo. were thrilled with horror at the rav ages done by a dying monarchy and One fare plus two dollars for the a waninenower. So from the mount- round trip via direct lines Small ainsof the South, from the prairies, advance to return via Portland, Ta frnm th mine nrtH f'r.ini flic Ihikv coma and S-att Ic. Choice of lines j marts, our boys, some of them, lying Mead beneath our feet went forth to scourge a scourge, ami to smite a : beast. Bo fragile was his fury, so I so puerile was bis defense, that thousands of them never lusted I strength; but the knowledge that they I were ready to tlo so gave strength ! to those who were in the front and melted into weakness the Strength of a nation that was strong only in tyranny. Some of our new dead died bravely facing the foe; more,: alas, died lieeause the sudden expo- sure ot our torces tountl us unpre itnreil lit til Ira nnnur mm . , I ' lluaii ' hut even they in their dying have! , ... ... ...,v ... taught us a national lesson and hardened up a national purpose to run no such risks in future. This day of decoration we will honor those wno lought, those who fell bv the wav side, and those who that has iiimmntiix! n nattnn twmnrran m riot, ikiiii ill revolution, nurtured in separation niul grown to manhood in aloofness summoned, I say, this mitwiii nf tuurop int.. u t n-i I nmnil ai .......... ... j ..... V. . ...... ,. , I , I . , aMn amnftn ttw. .,r,.ii..a ni nafinni that make thisKrcat sensitiver world. It is hut another illustration of the! truth 1 1 , - t a . Iniv ,l,,n,. !o alnuat certain to reveal a still wider dutv to be done: much as it is with the mountain climber whose every step upward serves to show him a wider view. We nave smitten the shackles . , . . , 1 nun ( una and thereby have opened 1 ,. , . before ourselves a Way that shows IIS 1 .1'. .. 1 :. . .1 1 1 the ncetl of teaohiiux the ( ulians how to eovern Ihemkelves. We have freed l'ortu J vi from the power of .1. T" t X 1? 1 A 7 wnroourtM expenenoewM own high grade of PKpeM -Wnooed at every point rov(Tiimeiital, financial, educa tional and religious to bring butter things than these island-dwellers have ever vet known. Soutliwartl therefore has the vear thrust our in fluenoe, making American theories an-laiul American Standards lean toj ixiints that we did not reckon on when our errand was first uudertak - 11 1 . to Russia, to (ierptuny and to Eng- land tliere is one other great nation, the fourth of tlie big tour, by whom all other nations whatever of the earth are to m controlled, or guitieu, m. i i rL Jt-i . .ill or governed, ine nanus oniue uiui of destiny never turn lwck; they . . r .i . : the universe. In the minutes, or thP,,vw.,rs'1or " m,Ile'!"1 that rm h w tng of nations is going on. .lutlging by our past, dare any one predict that in the sodden and unexpected ImIIiiii t,. nmiiiiiliiaa .,1 tlo truth Ll. .. II 1 :.....u A ... that no nation lived to itself, out" sunk, that thoiurh personal triumph 7.j . f i le eiiii.-nieriti oi Milan inoiiieiii, i mi. i ., l l i4j!J...i k.. i.:,c..u i. I ... .1 . . of those power HMMS tliit f ii.i llilf likll .it till) I t'lH I I I M I I illtlt tilt. IIUtltMl oi ' CALIFORNIA AND RETURN. cast from Portland, viz., Northern Pacific Ry., (beat Northern By. or Oacadian Pacific By. to St. Paul. Tickets will he sold June to July ; 7, good to return until September 4tb. For map-time table and lull particulars address John R. Pott, Strict Passenger Agent, Chicago, Miluakeetv St. Paul Railway, 486 : William street, Williamsport, Pa. The Right to Tax Poles Import nut Dwixion M the Jlf'dfortl County Court hy Julge McVlnrc, Judge MbOiure. of Union Coitn- ty, last week filed in the Bradford County Court of Common Pleas an opinion that w ill Ik- of interest to all botOttghs in tin-State. In the case of the borough of Athens vs. the New York & Penn svlvania Telephone and Telegraph I Cmptetl elirtnc 112111 ami trolley poles. Fob Sale. I offer for sale fifteen I acres of farm land, twenty acres I , . acres of farm land, ?f mrtlv rfl" antl twenty four acres ot tinnier land, all situat- ied at New Berlin in Limestone to wn- If so desired, it wilt be sold in lots. For particulars inquire of A. T. Tavlor, Kishaco-' quillas, Pa. 3-2 .J-,lllO. A DMINISTKATOU'S NOTICE. Let- jxtersof Ail niin it rat inn I n t li e ; ",t0 oisopMi Hook, lutu or irankim twp., 1 Snyder county, Ph., ilec'il, Imvlnii hocn gfBBtsd : tothouniierniicneii, ail psrsoni kttoirlag thaav fMtVSS Indebted to said estate are roiiiosteil to nakelinineillatepiiyuient. while thono havlnn 1 Claim" will prsSSBt t'lieui duly authenticated tu to undermined. b. a uotthav, ASmtntaMior, May IT, 1'I9. I'axtonvlllo, Pa. WANTED-BRAINS 8a4f:rnrlii:l!ciMricJcfKtlie lai'.di:.i. atsisai saltrezngt :: Wiihiaftos City. Tllitecl ce:t u T. v, ...... ...:. r-.... .. .. jTT , Ciarcatlili'Vofuaothirrto cittitt Protect resr litis: tiiy mt Irisj jtt wtalth. Befort spplfirj fcr ratt, 'oct licit: nr Ulntl ::en stl hrsstKl tmmSL Bitrtrla itto. COPr CO.. PUai" 4i''7 "eieir'tx r " FAT ! ..,ir.n, book"' " Mr"""" 1 Vnrt. IX UIC a. ZlR :. '-RYWMfj "wga- - WICE AS.r aJ Y I I ' folks y2nv,ccS mm pounds per mouth. JeJ u : fi veiir.' 1 " " FItKK. Adilross mm; ry - rniciii A ''2sw mm Mlf.ni CRIIRflH MlRltTT ""'nwn IVIMImC I . Butter ' . 14 I'..--....,, t .-...I I.. I... u... v ckk iu ! Onions 00 jj : ., .k Tallow unioReus per I o 7 Turkey 10 ui(i ' I JS1' Wh(!' Kye 'Jloe'' oats . 1 H.un tiaw ton IK. ... B ... i ll) (hi ai .73 85 HO 4 40 &f iddhuira " . , - (Jhop .... Flour pei- lihl THE PACKER BICYCLE Is a model wheel, and one that will out-wear any wheel on the mar ket REPAIRING of all kinds neatly done I have sjient a number of years at the business under an experienced instuueror. Call and see before buying a bioyole, WALLACE TEATS, Qiobo MillsJPa. RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man THE cf Me. produces the above results in 30 days. It Sett powerfully and auioklr. Cores when all others till. Voung men will regain their lost raaohood, and old Den will recoTor their youthful vigor by using RE VIVO. It quickly and purely reetoresNerrous nees. Lost Vitality, Im potency. Nightly Bmllons, Lost lower, ratling Memory, WssUag Dtnisn. and all effect of Mlf-ebuee or saessssnrt Indlserstton, which unUta oos tor atady, owtnesa or marriage. It not only c u re by utartlng at the seat of d iaeate , but is a great nerve tenia and Mood bonder, bring ing back the pink glow to pake cheeks and re storing tba Sre of yeata. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on baring REVTTO.no ether. It can be carried In fait pocket. By mall. LOO per package, or sU for cUW. with pool tive written goarantee to core or refund the money. Ail vice and circular free. Address Royal Medicine Co.Kgrsl1- For side by Middleburg Drug Co. One of the best Wheels on the Market ONLY $40.00. IDEAL . . . A w heel of unparalleled quality for only $25.00. Fine Bicycle Repairing Successful ly done. Some good second-hand Wheels now on hand. N. P. HUMMEL) KKEAMKR, PENNA. 0 I S'lX)'J-a STOVES STOVES ; HI t : via ens m atr SCHOCH k STABINBCKER I Offer to the public a full line of Corrugated Roofing. Plain Tin and Galvanized Iron Roofing and Spouting, Fence Wire,Tinware,Gran iteware, Etc. A full line of OIL & VAPOR STOVES for Summer cooking. Call and see our stock and learn our prices. SCHOCH & STAHLNEGKER, 0PF. JAIL, MIDDLEBURG, VlL VAPOii bTOVKS VAPOK Suubury 4 Lewisto'wu Division. In effect May 22, Mi)0. VB"T A-.n. I sTATIoni. ! rTAni -jim n A M n 10.7 10 M mil MM lu '7 10 :ct I0D8I 111 411 III H t"Sl 11 in 11 ia 11 in 11 at 11 K Piinhur Sailitsnofe .ii.i 'IN j'tt fi--.ii -1 1 IIP 1 o , I "aw lnik K reamer Meiarr Viddlebura; nenfi-r Heaverkiwti Adamsburtr Haul.. Mills MsilsjM Vj'nirner aiTlf,ml I .i n Ltowtl - ' 2 411 2 4R 25. 1 I 00 :i(i7 I 1:1 am 3:10 3 4.1 34s 3 47 3 50 1 1 :u 11 .17 l-winnwii ualn street. 1140 lwi.ton ii Junction Train leave Stiiilmry 5 So rim, nr- rivea at StilniHu'tovp ft 4" p m PraiDS leave Lewinrnwn Juniitioli : Oil m, in 13 a in. 1 10 ii m.Kio p na .MS p m. TIT 11 sap in. lor Aliouns, I'liiflmrn una the We- . Kor Riillliniirr an I tVaMiiaiin 7 43 a 1 H. I 33 4 S3. 1 ! p in Kit t'hlls.lelplii , and New York 38W sa m. 1 o l as 4 ttsnil .n ion !'' liarrlsburK A IS a m and - 0 ! m Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AMI NORTH BRN ckntiiai. KAU.waV Trains leave Siinhury dally eieept Sunday : 1 2i a m lor Krir and Cnnanilaiirua 6 10 a m lor llullelunte Krln nut Oamndalvun U45nm Mr Lata: Usren. Tyrone an itn HV. l M 1 1 in lor Hellelunte Kane Tyrone and Canan- d slaws 5 45 p m lor kennvnand Elinlra nil 1 1 in lor U'llllnmHprt Sunday 5 lu a in tor Krie and Canai l.ila u i n 15 ii in h.r l,iK-k Haven an I 25 p m tor Wl'. Ilamsport IMi in, VS a tn 2 Oil ami 5 4S p hi lor Wilker barrs mid Haselton 7 00 a in. H 20 a in, 2 H5 p in. 5 43 p In lnr Slmino kln and Mmmt t'arinel Sunday 9 55 a m lur Wllkexbarre I'niin. leave SallMffOrS Jnncllon 1000 a iii. week ilafi nrriviinr at ehll drtpkls ton pin Now York Ittp Baltlmuro f 11 p in WnMilnutnn 4 10 p in 534 p in dailv srrlvlnir at l'hiladrlpliln ,0 2H i in New York 3 30 a m, Baliiumre 9 10 i m WiiNlllntton III 56 p ru- 42 p in, week days Mrtrtng M PblladSlphtS 4 Siu in. New York IM a m, Haiti more I so n m WiiHlilnton 4 05 a m Tra'Dl alo leave Sunhurv : 2 27 m dally arrlvlnit nt Plilladeldliln 52 a m Haltlinnre 8 33 a m Washington 7 4A a in New York M 83 a m Weekdsy, 10 38 a m Sndayr, 7 50 a m week days arriving at Philadelphia. 11 4KB m, New York 2H p m, Ilaltlmtrc 115 a in, WashinKtoii i oil p in. 1(4 p in, week (lav arrirtn at Philadelphia tttpm. New York U3U p in, llsltlinore 6 o.i p in WnxhiiiKton 7 15 p m Trains also leave Sunhnry nl '.150 a in nd ." 7 and 12 i in, lor lliirrlshnrv, Philadelphia and Halliuiors , , , I K. WiiOII, (Jen'l Pan Aucnt J. B. HUTCHINSON tton'l Manairer. gp! -it v ::nr -ii! if m ' i I HEFFELFIIEB, THE TASLOR, SELINSQROVE, PA. i 5 i iiiwRn M mm. . MnslliDiiriiiti Call Before Yon Order Elsewhere-1 f is ir n wm m mmmmm if 4k l 1 THE DIBTZ DRIVING LAMP Is about as near perfection as 50 year of Lamp-Making can attain to. It burns kerosene, and fives a powerful, clear, white light, and will neither blow nor jar out. When out driving with It the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest horse. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had. ask your dealer for the "Dietz." We Usuo special Catalogue of this Lamp, and, if you ever prowl around after night-fall, it will Interest you. Tis mailed free. R.E.DIET3 CO., C 60 Eaight St., New York, Established la 1840. ' 01 y I tOU MM "ILVKR or lie STAMPS. 0A1 , I will wnd a handsome FOUNTAIN PEN. Solid nM. Nothlnirbeatiilt. Tremend mis iplcr. At-, iii - wai.ied. Address nt once Hok le5, uuyundoldt, W. a. :-iO-:im. STOVES STOVES STOVES I n Hj r. M S n i. STOVES VAPOR STOVES o Mr I 73
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers