The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 01, 1899, Image 2

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    anV T -as a T-PfrWMHMMHMH
lew Blood and Life.
A remedy
I S, S. Is a Great Blessing to Air-ria
vi w nearly all of the sickness among
Old People. It elves Them prt;r,Mrtt
r Ut it is wholly unnecessary. By keep
ing their blood pure the can fortify themselves
so aa to escape tlirpe -fourth of the ailments
.... hah thv mitfer su eunerallv. S. 8. S. is
hloh will keep their systems youu. by purifying the blood,
thoroughly remoTing all waste accumulations, and impart
; 1 -l.-u .A life, t,i lm whole bodv It increases
V Ear the appetite, builds up the energies, and sends new life-
HKbvJI bItIrb blood throughout the entire system
" lkh Pike. 477 Hmadway, South Hoeton. writes:
for twenty
doctor said that on account of my age, I would never I
well aaain. I took a doron buttles of S. 8. S. and it cured roe
completely, and I am happy to say that
t f....l .a well ns I ever did in my life.
Mr r. W. Loving, of Colquitt. On., says: "ror eight
mo years I suffered tortures from a Bery eruption on
stin. I tried almost every known remedy, but they
railed ono by one. and I was told that my age. which is
uxtv six. was against me, and that I could never hope
toft well again. I finally look 8. S. S.. and olMed
dt bh.od thoroughly, and now I am in perfect health.
a the only remedy which can build up and strengthen
"m ,.,nL, hanauaa it is the only oue which is gunrantee.l
IW from' notash mercury, arsenic and other damaging
Serais. It H " ? from roots and herbs, and has DO chemicals wha ever
, S S " . . the worst cases of Scrofula. Cancer Kc,enia 1 heumatism,
Ktt r Onen Sores. Chronic Ulcers, Moils, or an v other disease of the Mood.
Bk. on these d.seases will be sent free by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga.
i seventy years old. and had not enjoyed good health
renty years. I was sick in different ways, and in
an, had Eciema terribly on one of my legs. The
I .',!!!!
m a -a x i
Blend most softly nnd
Ht nlavmost effectively over
!iii festive scene when thrown
bv waxen candles.
The light that helghteni
beauty's charm, thai gives the
finished touch to tbedrawing
room or dining room, is the
mellow glow ot
The Fatnoaa Westminster HarMllM
Are RnttK In Ihe Kent'jr
Tower I" llurlfuril.
Sold in all colors auu snaocs
to harmonize with any interior
hangings or decorations.
J i. .... f.i.'t it red llV
For sale everywhere. . S
en m
$ m
Tlic clock In the Keney Memorial
tower at Tunnel square lias begun to
toll the hours, and the tubular ehimee
which are connected with the clock
mark the quarter hours by repeating in
measures of four notes the famous
"West minster Chimes."
The set in the Keney Tower, snys the
Hartford Courant, is made up of live
tubes which hang in u frame suspended
by Manila tarred ropo, anil are struck
by hammers operated by clock work.
The largest of the live tubes is 0 feet
6 inches in lonffth und 5 inches in diam
eter, weighs D&i pounds, und is keyed to
A natural, This tube is simply for the
striking of the hour, nnd has nothing to
do with the production of the chime
music. The next smaller of the tubes
is four inches shorter and weighs
pounds. The key of it is B natural, and
It is the heaviest of the chimes. The
other three tubes arc: B natural, 7 feet
8 inches, ISO pounds; F sharp, 7 feet,
160 pounds, nnd (I sharp, fi feet fi Inches,
140 pounds.
The tubes are of soft brass and are
drawn in the usual manner by hydraul
ic pressure, the tone being governed by
the length, the diameter and thickness
of the metal forming the tube. The
tone is soft and melodious, and has a
radiui of about one mile under favor
abla conditions. The vibrations last for
two minutes, whereas the vibrations of
the largest bell last for only one niin-ate.
It Caa Be Don Syalrmalleallx Where
Oalr the Hlfct Klaa at qaeeaa
U Halaed.
One would naturally suppose that
thera Is but little If any difference In
bees, and that one hive of bees was Just
as good as another. More particularly
would this supposition exist when the
sees are of the same variety or race.
While It la true that certain races f
bees, as a whole, are much superior
in nthm races, vet it Is also a
fact that some colonies e any race are
far superior to other colonies. As it
la now conceded that the Italian bees
are superior to oil other races as a
whole. It Is also a fact that we not only
And some colonies of this variety In sny
apiary, but we can find whole aplarlea
considerably In advance of others In
usefulness. The expert apiarist under
stands this fully, nnd knows It Is
brought about by careful breeding.
The breeder of line stock of any kind
selects his best specimens to breed
from, and therefore Improves his herd.
Now the apinrist Is not behind In the
lenst In this respect, but selects his best
stock In breeding and makes as rapid
strides In this direction as anybody.
The principal point in breeding bees
renters upon the queen. The apiarist
hns under his control the breeding of
queeni and enn rear them from sny
other queen he has In his npiary. but
he cannot control her mating with the
male bee, as this is beyond his reason.
As it is well known that the queen is
the only female bee In the hive, nnd
lays nil the eggs that produce each nnd
every bee therein, hence, to change the
entire stock of the hive it is only net
essary to Introduce n iew queen to the
colony. Two colonies of bees having
the same traits of character, markings,
etc., cannot be found, but when till are
hatched from epifs of the same queen
they will have peculiarities of their
own, ns a colony, not found in another.
For example, some colonies are more
industrious and will store more honey
than others, even with a less number
of bees. Some are cross, and some ge:i
tle. Some are robbers and some are
good citizens. Pome incline tosuarm.
others do not under the same condi
tions. Some breed more rapidly and be
come very strong In numbers, while
rdlicrs do not attain great strength.
Some are pood comb honey producers,
while others nre better nt filling the
extractor. These nre but n few of the
numerous different characteristic,
found in bees, hence the breeds may
rapidly develop and attain too marked
degree, in a short time, too.nny of these
polntl sought for. A. II. Duff, in
Journal of Agriculture.
The Shock TWO Maeh.
Medical Friend (vainly trying to And
the patient's pulse) Ills heart had
been delicate for weeks, but be was
rapidly Improving and would' baa
pulled through but far this incident.
Sympathetic Bystander What hap
pened '.'
Medical Friend He gave his seat to a
woman and she thanked him for It.
X V. Worhh
Wheat Goes Dewa.
De Broker Bear about De Curbb?
De r.edger No. What's happened to
"Knocked flat."
"You don't soy so? Was he caught
by the drop In wheat T
"Well, yes; something like that. A
barrel of flour fell on him." X. V.
An Everr-riar Idrt.
H walked th floor In a dry foods store.
And she. fair maid, sold laces:
And he was a man whom theftrts adors,
And she was a maiden with gracea.
Well, they shop-talked, as he walked and
And he finally made a mash:
And after they'd murrlcd ihe baby ha car
ried Was tlttlnirly enlled "Cash."
Philadelphia North American.
Sccns In Portugal at the Rio Porto Vineyards.
The rugged hills with projecting rocks of brown stone end shale
containing a large quantity ot iron, make it impossible to use wagons
here hence the txss have to be carried to the treading vat or larger
as they are c 4 . td me are large enough for twenty persona to
tread, which i , a : Jcmg to music lunuaaea py mo yiupiiciui.
a 3u
W -V V ' aEaJTSL . v i Lif3 BEBM
The Last Qent This can't be my hat,
Manierrant That'i your "nt, sir, Fm
quite sure.
The Lost Gent Well, then hanged
if I haven't been and taken someothei
fellow's head. Ally Bloper.
the Pioneer v.-ino grower of New Jersey whose Pa-
Burgundy rivals the world, imported the Port Cir.i
years ago, and planted vineyards in the Passaic Valley i .
in Passaic COUBty, New Jersey, is identical to that of tic'
Spccr's New Jersey Vineyards
are situated in the Passaic valley below the mountak. range at.
grapes are carted to the winery in the town of Passaic where t'.iey
mashed between rollers made of rubber, which do not break the seeS;
and made into wine.
These grand wines of Spccr's that have mellowed in flavor in the
course of years ot ripening, are the choicest wines in this country and
can only be obtained by paying a price that is higher than new wines
from western vineyards. Mr. Speer deems it necessary for a healthy
wine that it be allowed years to mature in wood to get rid of its
coarse parts; with this object he keeps his wines several years in
fumigated cellars and frequently racks before bottling or offering for
sale. The reputation of Speer's wines as a valuable medicinal and
family wine extends around the world.
"Grocers and Druggists sell Spccr's Wines and Brandy.
Indication of Charnete
the Manner of Ilaadllaa
lli Weed.
'si "'Hughs am Throat Irritations
3V 5yo9l Comfart.
Wallace & Co.. New York City.
Diamond M Cement
Is used for Plastering Houses.
It is a new discvery
Guiinmteeil to last longer
tkui any other plaster. It
is preferred to Adamant.
For particulars call on or address
When you see a man grip a rlnr be
tween his teeth nnil hold It fast, careless
of whether it burns or not, you can set
him down as an aggressive, calculat
ing anil exacting, not to say canny, in
dividuaL If a man smokes a clpar deliberately,
just enough to keep it lighted, and de
lights in taking it from his mouth and
watch the blue smoke from it curl up
ward, he id likely to' be an easy-going
man. good-natured and honest, says an
There is another fellow who smokes
Intermittently, takes a puff and then
resin, and fumbles his cigar about.
He is hpt to have little decision of char
acter, and to be easily affected by cir
cumstances. A man may be nervous
nnd fumble his cigar a good bit, and in
this event he is a would-be swell, vain
and frivolous.
He Invariably tilts his cigar upward,
while a sensible, level-headed fellow
w ill hold it straight out from his mouth.
When you see a man chewing up an
unlighted cignr, and twisting it about,
he is nervous, but of great tenacity.
A man who cannot keep his cigar
alight has a whole-souled disposition.
He has a lively nature, is a hail-fellow-well-met,
glib of tongue, and usually
a good story teller.
The I'ropcr Proportion.
Yeast Half the world don't know
how the other half live.
Crimsonbeak Yes; I guess that Is
about the proportion that mind their
own business. Yonkers Statesman.
After II In Defeat.
"Aru you n polltlelsn, sir?"
A shadow croxsi-d h!a brow.
"1 thouglit I WSS OD," hu exclaimed.
"Ilul 1 know Ixittcr now."
Washington Slar.
In a Poo!tr' llonnc. I'liteon l.nft
nnd Open Shed h, ll fomlilned
Under ' Hoof.
We copy from PbujtrJ Keeper the '
novel house hern Illustrated. It Is
poultry house, pigeon loft and open
sheds, all combined under one roof ami
designed for two flocks. The building
may be of any desired size, but root
boards 16 feet long, spread to allow a
width of 20 feet on the ground, makes
a well proportioned house. If the en-
Where l.nNt llcsort Failed.
Dr. Brook I'm much worried about
Mrs. Smith's case. Her melancholia U
evidently incurable.
Dr. Jones Have alarming symptoms :
developed ?
Dr. Drook Yes, her husband sent'
home yesterday on assortment of
spring hots for her to try on, and she
refused to look at them. If. Y. World.
Bryan's New Book
HON. W;LI 1.4ft! J. B5!YAN ' V ' ' V
I I-,n. Antlrnw c.u iiu,rio. St-nt.'n; . rVA flifJi-W.' ' ' e ,
.lur, Vo.t. Allen. White. ur.
Bote, Asuasti Cabksou.
flnli Jlewi.
Newell I.ittlo Serving on the house:
committee is a thankless task!
Newaome Moore Yea, but it has a ;
tendency to convince ft man that his
predecessors were not so Incompetent J
as he thought. I.rooklyn late.
closed portion be mode eight feet wide,
each shed will have a width of six feet.
By making the roof-angel an exact
right angle, the sprend will be about
three feet greater ond the ground floor
considerably Increased. In any case,
the house should lie set on a wall of
brick or stone not less than one foot
high, and two feet would be better.
The sheds stiould be closed in the
rear and lighted by windows.
If well seasoned rabbetted boards
be used, the roof will need no other
Doors for entrance to the house ore
at the sides, just Inside the open end
of sheds.
As Thins Go.
"Your nm," said the school teacher,
"is very backward in his studies."
"That's funny, mused the father.
"At home, in conversation with me, he
seems to know it all." Philadelphia
North American.
Why It Didn't Ilnrt lllm.
Dobbs There's a man who shoves
several times a day.
Wiggin You don't mean it? Should
think there'd be nothing left of his face.
Dobbs It doesn't hurt his face atoll.
He is a barber. Harlem Life.
Gain and Loss.
"Your wife doesn't seem to improve
in health."
"No; as fast as she gains strength she
uses it up telling people what Is the
.matter with her!" Cincinnati En
in. in. lu'oun,, lliiiucl,
t'ailtoii. li'tiiur, MoXaaita, Til i-
innli. Udttar. Tlirnt.r. Tflllar.
UBittndi,OlaFi lion. 11. ir. Johtuoa, ton. ClJM. A Zavtaa lion. Adlr.l & BtvftuoD, ny.Atcrttarf 0a
lUlo. U'tv. Dr Vim lyke, Hon. Ohat, Fisnoli Ausmi, l'mf. 1'nvid Starr Joviltiu, lie;: i W'tfCTflr, Hon.
('i.i i Sciiiiix, tiim'l ll'iiupnni, i'ri .1. Am. r I. oi Lnlior. nuil o'lim.
Tit:'. M' .V1'1(IN C1F
Terriuti iiil Kipnnslon .lriiaminnteil. "TtIB POOR .UJ.V'.S 0411" nuil oposed to thul'eutlllutlon
of thH llnile.1 Slnte.. the l)clurntion ot lnilupeuilance, and nil the nioet ancruil uoctr::ie.i of our
Republic lu haiiil.,1 down to u. by our Fatlinri.
tt It pro fa so I j iUnstratex!, glting bmntlfal hnlftone portrait of Mr. Bryan nod the other con
tributor; alo imhw of ttarilUnff lutereat, ahowinf; th iact condition! and cnRtomi in th
PbiHiin. Nmhinir lika It before attempted In book-publUhtng. A rery bonnuxa for ngentf.
It (mii not be bought at booketore; it eannot ba furulabed by uuj other house. We ant the eola
ODcinl Publlaher.
The tint Edition, 100,000 ooplaa. A htre octaro book, beautiful new type.
WF. PAY FUEI4.HT on each order amounting to 60 booke at one time, when coeb
aocompuaiae order.
TJIK OI'TKIT IK r'RK! . We make no chnrpn for the elegant, complete rronpectos
Outfit, with blanka, etc., but as each Outfit coata ue a lot of money, In order to protect oursHlves
against many who would impose upon us by aenillng for ()iU0t with no intention of working, but
merely out of idle curiosity, we require the applicant, as a ruarantrc a Kood lalth on his prnt,
Co send as 26c to cover postage end wrapping, tkle ameunt t be rclaadcd to ugt-nt upon aur
recrlpt of flrat urdr for 10 benLa.
Beat Cloth Bindintr UH
Boat Half Kuanm Hi n. ling, with marbloU eUffoa
Beat Full Ruemtn Hi nding, with gold edges 8.00
Write far oar Vftparallclcel Terms to Ageaita. Addrcaa
Carpets ! Carpets ! ! Carpets III
All Kinds.
All Qualities.
All Prices.
Elkhart Normal School
and Business Institute.
Th Elkhnrt Normal Shool and
fiuaiuess Institue offers the best
Courses, Methods, and Instructions
in Pedagogy, Book keening, Stenou
raphy, Penmanship, Drawing, El
ocution and Oratory, and Physical
Culture, and a, the lowest rates for
tuition and board. Students oan
enter at any time. Circular, blotter,
and a copy Educational News free
on application. Address, Dr. H.
A. Mamaw, tfec'y, Elkhart. Ind.
The Illvnl Uellra.
lie I really believe Miss Ilighup
tried to cut us.
She (rival belle) If she. tried she
would have succeeded. Did you ever tve
such a hatchet face? X. V. Weekly.
Snfilt'lrnt Explaaatlon.
"I wonder why it is so rare for a man
to marry his first love?"
"Generally because a woman of 35 has
too much sense to marry a boy of 18."
Indianapolis Journal.
Polat of Slmllarltr.
"Why do yon refer to him as an old
I . . a M nanlnn
"Because b. Is a smooth bore "Chi- ' moai comionaoiy iiu a
. . , j ... i ul' Vlih m am.
Tle l3porlnnce of Variety.
When the flock has received no grnln
hut corn the hens soon wgn to refuse
it. This mav be particularly noticed if
a small quantity of oats or whent be
thrown before them. They will atonee
eagerly seize the grains of outs and
wheat, leaving the corn untouched.
This indicates that the hens require
something else than that which they
derive from the corn, such as the phos
phates or nitrogen. After feeding outs
or wheat awhile the hens will leave 1
those grains and eat largely of corn.
The proper method, then, is to keep a '
variety, using corn as a portion of the
ration in winter, but omitting it iu j
the summer. Among the grains we
may mention wheat, corn, oats, barley j
and buckwheat, the best results being
OBtsiasd when they are changed from
one to the other occasionally. Farm ,
and Fireside.
Seelndeil Hook lor Sitters.
Don't set the hens in the hen house.
A worse place could not be chosen. ;
They will be constantly disturbed by ;
the layers, eggs will be broken and the j
setters will frequently beentlrely crowd- I
ed off tho neat. Give the sitter a nest i
where she can attend to her duties iu
peace. A oarrei iaio on iu siuo aa uuic
secluded spot out doors makes aa good
a nest ns anything which can be de
vised. Shovel out a small cavity for the
barrel to rest in and use the loose earth
for forming a small embankment
around it, for carrying oft th. aurface
water. Fill the barrel to a third of its
depth with earth, and ahap. the nesi
In the center. With a wide board to
cover the opening at night, securely
held In place by stakes, tne nen is
Dolns; Her Heal.
Jones When she married him she
started in to make his home a paradise
on earth.
Johnson Did she?
"Yes, she's nlwaya harping!" Kan
sas City Independent.
Anil Tben Pass), tbe OelaB.
Mrs, Anderson There's one thing I
want to say to you, John Anderson.
Mr. Anderson Only one. I'm In luck
to-night. Generally you have half a
dozen. Louisville Journal.
The Whole lower floor of .nv store is taken up With Curpets, Bugs,
Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hassocks,
liK fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &e., &e.,
We c-an show you the largest and best selection of thfl above gds
ever shown in LswistoWD.
ling Carpet as oW as 20c. and up
Cotton Carpet Tic. "
Velvet Carpet " 75c. "
ago Post.
to her duties. Western Plowman.
The Ae of Discretion.
"D'yes think Dunker's reached the
age of discretion yet?" "Well, hardly!
He's getting married for tho third
time." Ualf-I'euny Comic
Socclnctlr Mated.
Sunday School Teacher Now, little
boys, what do you know about Goliath?
Freddy Fungle rlease, ma am, he
was rocked to sleep. Harlem Life.
Jost What lie Tried.
Mrs. Smiff I wish you'd pay a little
attention to what I say!
Smiff I do, dear aa little as pos
sible. Tit-Bits
Like an Ostrich.
Mr. 13. I wish I was an ostrich.
Mrs. B. Why no, dearie?
Mr. B. Then I could do aa they do
stick my bill in the sand. Judge.
Getting BvtS.
"It's raining, William; you must take
your umbrella." ,
"No, I won't; I carried It yesterday
when it didn't rain." Chicago Beoord.
Do Toa Know Hart
"Yon say she is a business woman.
What business is she interested in?"
"O. trsrjbodrVVar..8tfjrlsj.
Iirussell Csrpet as low as 50o and up
All Wool Carpet " 50c. " "
Half Wool Carpet" " 35c.
0hbM and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Select JfaWM
Compare quality and prices, yon will find that our store is the
place to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are the low
est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods.
Respectfully, W. ft. FELIX. Lewistown. Penn'a
Liberal Adjustments
Prompt Payments.
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
Wa AftRftaamentB No Premium Notes.
HeAetna Founded A. D., 1819
. Krican - " " 1810 - 2 409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
IWNew York Ule Insurance Co.
Thefeidelitu Mutual Lite Association.
. a11la
YOOr lfttt0tlaVgWO1UOllaj-