The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 25, 1899, Image 8

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Nothing would please U) more titan to iia ytm u-
teiswhen visiting our town. Leave your extra packages or bundles with us ; we'll
takr c are of them while you are noing business elsewhere.
Our intentions are to make this Stomas near like home a. it is possible to make it,
a i-i liko vnn to have your good share of its comforts.
ami u " w
While you are here you
ihow "ou
A : splay of
Faun Cheviot Suits,
Aii - W ool Suits.
lotttig Men's Fancy Suit
Boys' Lnee Punts Suit-,
Ohildrerrs V ste Suits,
Schwefi'lbrenner 1 letter.
from ii h "
'I'.o .' t III
frie.i. I'M
de ki( ! in
ui bnitrst.
der uuuuhiMi
nix iw ! ivn
ilcnkn un sin
nil n holwv .it t i ii i
..: '.i I curl' hhreiva
: nu era lainily
( ' . aier olshoug
iKc icli wet se viisht
i i.i.. uwer now tzu
li ivhiIiiU tin wan un i
,iat -uwgt inaigii deleit
uceta wass se wella, nu
now. .I. hi units
!n n k wohrat tun
weag i de IV vvvi
Kra tj.wae grose-ilavdics, Buss un
rtetnig, wiiura srra fonder Hnrra
liiMt i ktierrieh. Der fodder Fuss
tint e:i sohn g'hol un ca doehter, un
'.- is 1 larnihooter rule us 'n porra's
sohn entitled is tzu extra lorra shrifl
larnung on der expense fun der kuer-!
ri'-h, awer der sohn (der Bevvy era
dawdy) is ousgnhack'd un hut druf
insist l 'i'n hotidwaerk Ituna. Awer
de doehter (tier Bevvy era aunt ) hut
derporra Ijefler g'hired. Dergrose
dawdy Reinig hut aw 'n Bohng'hot,
der Sam, un aectirding t.u tier same
nile hut ar aw 'n shrift larnung
griekd, un ar is mil arnsht in de
porra bisuess gonga. Qnar hut dri
Inx.v.:. un tinner i' samt rule, oil
dri sin now aw Harrrhooter porra in
ttl -hwarta saiietilieation uniforms
init shnai weise cravats um de hols.
Awer sell is uet oil. Der Fevvyera
sliweshter hut aw 'n porra grick'd
for 'n mon, der Amos liondollor, un
ainsichersohn, 'n raleshmarter yung
t mon, is aw im sameReverendisha
uniform. Un ols noeh mai. 'M
Rev. Sbwoger Bondollar si dawdy
un twae breeder sin aw im same
uniform ols Harrahooter porra. Fn
des ".cht now der Bevvy tzwae porra
crose dawdles, tzwae uncles, dri cousin-,
ea shwoger un sa nephew, un
mnn mer der fodder Rondoller un
ni tzwae onneraboovatsailt mauoht's
exactly 'n tullv Beverendishe jury
fun tzwelfa, un oil tun der goota o.
k. Harrahootisha awrt, awer yusht
immIi ainer mai. Der Bevvy era
bender Henry hut seim dawdy noeh
gnnaucht un 'n hondwaerk g'larnd,
un si laeva gamaueht mit shafts.
Awer ar hut amohl 'n Elfongalishc
tneeting gatend, undori hut religion
jrrikt, un weil ar 'n slunarter un
gtxit-mainicher yunger mon war is
ar aw promote warn oa 'o true blue
Bfiongaliaber porra. Ar laaweraw
shun long in seim grawb. Un des
aaocht now in oil dreitKae jwtrra in
der Bewy era family tzain direct tin
dri indirect in tier friendshaft.
Now, icli inane ebmonls ich waer
tbbas nf 'n awrt we 'n shwartz's
shofe, weil ich der ainsich bin in
miner gootcr fraw era friendshaft os
net entitled is tzu 'in hochrwortieh
-55 ATS-
- - a
i ...l -
will never
be bored to buy,
.Men's Soft Shirts,
Men's Straw Hats, 5c to
Men's Ties, 2.Je to
Men's Underwear,
Ladies and Men's Umbrellas, 4!)c to
Kcverendishe title, awer we'd de
Bevvy close tzu wnwr shtiek'd bin
icli aw goot g'satistied OS i h viisht
ictly bin wass m Inn unnixsunsm
it der same
Ilartnian was to
P. C.
..Keiffer town on
. Ba te
I burg on Tuesday morning
; U nite ofMillmout was in
1 Tuesdav mornins M.
man of Selinsgrove visited friends
I here on Monday and Tuesday
Val. Walter transacted business in
Lewisburg on Monday of hist week
F. J. Hartman is in ( !e.ntreCo.
soliciting orders tor Iruit in s- Im
N. C. Fealiv tV- Co. of Rochester,
. V ( )n Monday nun niug a
voting man named Jarrelt from near
Shamokiu Dam, while coining down
the vallev road on his hicvtde, rode
into Mrs. H. B. W agner, throwing
her down and severely injuring her.
! Some fellows should be taut-lit a
lesson for reckless riding. .. .The
; Ladies' Aid Society of the Luther
an church will hold II festival on
Saturday evening. All kinas ot re
freshments will be served W.
H. Davis ot the Davis Portrait Co.
of Hcrndon, Pa., delivered some
I very fine portraits in town and is
...i.:.... ... i e. ..!.- Mr
UJ lit 11 II oiiioi.- mi iiiiiii ion io
Davis is a gentleman and guarantees
all work to give nertect satisfaction.
Mrs. Frank Bow of A.llenwood
has been visitingfriendsand relatives
at this place for several days
Philip Rousn, wife and daughter,
Mrs. Geo. Gordon, drove to Middle
burg last Wednesday Kemer
Aumiller, who has been working in
West Virginia, returned home
Miss Dora Mensch of Cowan was the
guest of M iss Erma Magee last week
... .A. C. Smith, Ellsworth Annual
and Ira Mitchell spent several days
last week fishing at thenqueduot and
succeeded in catching a idee lot of
fish. .James Magee and Miss Mensch
took a drive to Middleburg one tlay
last week Miss Ruth Row of
BelillSgToVe was the guest of her
grandparents, J. F. Walter's last
week and the forepart of this week
. D. K reamer and family at
tended Children's exercises at Salem
on Sunday afternoon Editor
Wagenscller of the Middleburgh
Post was in town Monday morning
... .A. C. Smith and family sjient
Sunday with friends at Salem
The majority of the cit.ens of this
place attended coinniiinion services
at (ilohc Mills on Sunday morning
Frank Mitchell of Paxtonville
was home over Sunday B. W.
Yoder of Middleburg was the guest
of J. F. Walter's onSunday.
. Tliiu Stum viinr liAlLfllMllil'
bvt merely asked if we can
Rev.C. B. Gruverol Lock Hav
en and Rev. Win. M. Beck of
Muhlenburg Mission, Africa, occupi
ed the pulpit ol Trinity Lutheran
church on Sunday last... Dr. .1. W.
Sheets and wife of Northumberland
were in town on Sunday. The doc
tor visited Dr. Born who is seriously
ill Rev. H. X. Folhner and
friend, Mr. Marsh, of Pittsburg are
being entertained by F. J. Schnch
and familv Lvtlia Bower died
on Thursday morning suddenly and
was hiirieil on
Funeral sermon
Sunday afternoon
by Bev
Huas....B. L. Schroyer and wife
made a short visit to Lancaster last
week E. E. Duck w ho is em-
1 1 .!
pioyett in a store at w Uliaiiisport,
spent Sunday with Ins family. . .
Key. I!. Hughes of Dixon, Ills., was
called here hy the serious illness ot
his brother-in-law, Dr. Born
Mrs. Rev. Barb, Mrs. Anna Alle
man and Mrs. W. I. Lutz attended
the W. F. ami H. M. Society which
was held at Danville last week
Major E. P. Bollbach is on a busi
ness trip to Pittsburg. .. .Geo. W.
Row wears a broad smile all on ac
count of being nominated for sheriff
Mrs. Dr. Volkler is visiting
friends at Altoona Dr. Yntay
banqueted the graduating class of
the Theological Department and ;
their ladies, in fine style at the I
at the
-m"""v "" .-.
t r I i x. x i
eV .
neianman ot .cw i on was in town
last week one day Dr. I . Born
died on Tuesday morning and will
be buried on 'I hursday afternoon...
B. Oppenheimer, who Is-clerking in
Phila., spent Sunday with his pa
( )n account of wet and cold much
ot the corn has to lie replanted. . . .
Mr. Batemanand wifeofSelinagrove
were the guests of II. II. Ilcrhster
last week. . ..Mrs. Oscar Schultz
was visiting at Selinsgrove the
two weeks Mrs. Nathan and
Ros wel I Fetterolf were the guests
of Jesse Knepp one day last week
licv. Ililbish and family wen
visiting in town last Monday
Mrs. Joseph Waguer and son were
the guests ot ra. Gross on 8atur-
tlay Adam Thomas whois saw-
ino- Rt.-ives near Thn.,,ns.intrtwn m.
I cj 1... Til
ut, noine over oiinuuy. . .vjeo. xvneam
and wife of Wagner were visiting in
this section on Saturday. . . .Nathan
Manbeek and wife of Lewistown
were visiting with his parents, L.
J. Manbeck's, over Sunday... Misses
Erb and I laekenburg of Troxelvillc
were the guests of Wm. Gross' over
Sunday Robert Hassinger and
wife of Beavertown were the guests
of Chas. HerbstePs on Sunday.
Tin election ui ulliellv .
ami ilmse v. h.i are not satisfied i( li
tlii; result, m lift be ."Some ot the
women claim that Peter Kicglc kiss
til l.0 haiii'1 more than hi oppo
ueuts us i .;.t was his majority. . . .
Tile oilow at MoCturV part ol
week . ti 'll attended and all
timed Satisfied with the money in
vested ..Harvey ami JaitteaTreester
were home overSuuday Johnny
Gross expects to Ihitsii mowing oats
this weak if the cold weather don't
prevent Tom Libby ui Wagner
spent Sunday with his uiutlier, Aire.
j L. ii. Ti ea.-n r Win. II. K: epp
; Smith) is still adding im -
lv ' . . rP
nrovements. inis tune a Mower
Ou a busy tlay he nya he lilows so
much thut he is Scarcely able to
work There is a yoong lady ut
this end seems to be much more con
tented astride of her father's ox, then
on a bicycle Henry Baumgard-
oer off era a bounty on the hawk and
to Ihj paid out ot his own jMK'ket...
The parties that were dealing in
meat saws, found nut lliey were not
rt . I I .1 .1 O
as prontuiuc as tuev exuKuca, oo
it has been reported. There is no
I,.,, l.t l.i.i ill. hiNMittan
li' li'i i I 1 l llllll III' I I . 1 I I lllltl '"VII i
someoi the comniainiiiients
JollUliy Wagner is well pleased since
there was a little girl came to his
place to hoard Fred Qucdllim
andJackibu Davis of Bannerville
were called to Adamsburg by the
former's mothei t" nut up a new
! yard last week Miss Cora
1 Philips was home from Mifflin coun
ty a tew d.ivs last week visiting her
father, 8. U. Philips S. H.
Phillips bought a blooded cow -i
week or so ago. Now In' is ready
to accommodate all customers with
a plate of ice en am, free ot charge.
Wn hnil hnitfl u liltlo AwW ill
wiuter tor
langc, .
were lav...
' derson and n i i - ol Sunbury
visitors at Conrad 1 hitry's Sum
Win. Folio- and familv
in company
with the sheriffs family were visit
ors at Lewis Elottenstein'bSaturday
and Sunday Miss Maud is now
conceited that fellows are not all
alike. . .Can't lie kept outof circula
tion, the Middltburg Post"
Rev. Mr. Beck, a missionary to
Africa, breached a vervable sermon
in the Lutheran church on Sunday
Memorial services will be held
in the M. F. church Sunday after-
noon Frank Santee, Ivy Hottcn-
Nrin Harry Coryell and Bertha
ii lin were out tor a pleasure ttrive
. Sunday evening The people are
busy getting the cemetery in trim
for Decoration Day. . . .Miss Daisy
Brown is on the sick list. We wish
her speed recovery. . . .No, Maud,
i it is not necessary to lengthen your
dress for that gentleman.
A rainbow festival will be held
under the allspices of the Sunday
f.i i .1 i i u A i
of the Lutheran church, on Saturday
evening, May '27th. Proceeds for
the benefit ot the church now under
going repairs. Ice cream, cake ami
other delicacies w ill be for sale. The
public is cordially invited. . . .S. E.
Romigaud wife spent Sunday in
MeClure. . . .Rollin, sou of Mr. and
Mrs. Jno. C. Keurns, died suddenly
GUtnrlav ninmlnn ITntuiMl ohm
llu. til ..ii I ni.i l-i v tiiiipnimr l.'i.-
) neld on ruesaav
1 J
Zimmerman officiatini. . Mrs. Chas.
...... .... . ... -i.i. ......... .. ..
i 0 Beavertowo was entertained
' by her sister, Mrs. Ira Kline, ou
J Tuesday . . .Misses Edith Mentzer
LiaaieLuta and Amy Eberly of
Stevens, Lancaster Co., are the guests
of the family H. E. Eberly
j Bruce Aurand, wife and child spent
several tlays in MeClure recently...
1 Messrs. Keller ami Smith of C. P.
j C. spent Sunday in town James
Mauery of Lewistown visited his
many friends at this place last week
Miss Gertrude Knepp is spend-
' iug some time in LewistOWO
I Mrs. Chas. Shirey Is spending the
week in Mifllinhurg.
T hrivo henn h sutl i -rer from chronic
tliarrhoea ever since the war and
j have used all kinds ot medicine tor
, J?g
j i8 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhona Remedy;. P. E. Gbisham,
Ware Mills. XOt Sale Dy BU UTUB
We find ou the list for increase o'
ension the names of Wm. Buyer,
Freeburg, from ?(5 to $8; L. J.
Manbeek, Middlecreek, from $8 to
$12; James W. Smith, 8elinsgrove,
from $8 to $10; and Albert M.
Houtz, Swinetord, from $(3 to $8.
We are pleased to see the. veterans
getting more and more pension as
age and disability increases.
Decoration Dy.
Vh'ioai" tola luintilt liila ttrry UkUvf
Tiut ehiureu re e.iicuit Utelr reuu. aud
wiwt. is una r Pray tell u, Utavetii ure out
Witu toe dg aud Hie dr. hum they are hunch
log about."
, Tin h Uie day uriit ti ire i ttnllM ill
I Tub uravea ot our iim . Ii.iIo t.iil I I-II1 lall;
A i'l tiioae who bavu II ibe t'wiih-i i
I iT
I iui entered tile li.iv n un Hie ex ereen liore.
IT' UMfnurqrarda ib.ii an cai tared nil over
lue land,
T people are :u ircuuitf w.'ii sou. awl iv.iU
To ii'hior lliedi ad that lell In the ini.v.
And restored "Old Ulory" Hint it. iljliitf loduj.
, Wnvu we tlilnk und IHflflOt, and tot st uunle
j bubo Id
I wweb our bom bad to muct od tue MM ataiued
, 'iubiooa
Pe;ondwl oureounlry. tbe llujr and Lki itood.
All tbe hardships and li IaU cuii never in- told;
How many a hint jit did Wi-ip tut nil' hin
der c union In lite, her bupt anil her Joy !
Hut a nation bad called lilui to lake u siund
. . ., ... . .. . .
in i in .ii.i.i.' n ii iim iiiruwu in unini u.
It I.i a pleiutnre to kuow Unit our ballon MgTMt,
win. ii bravery tcr aurely LVaa made;
Then w hy should we ever our duly lef leci.
And OMM torever. our h i, to respect?
It was WttdOtSi Ot course, lhat Mlptd In '.he
And lliunks be to Odd on ibis ble sfil day
Kor the treedoin. the llberti . ami nil M mMMK
Wbtoil was hi ided toemer by those that we
T!;e bailies are over, our eountry
Abilsate Ulder Ihell.u all evil i .re I willed.
Then honor the dead. thellVIU and bravo
And una your noarta on ewrv ittbvp.
To hi.nnr the brave, n is u net, rl'hi und good)
li'ii first of all let us honor our Ooil.
trbogttVe us the victory (hut Oof ballon might
Under iih' Oak 1 d our torafalhi in gbvi .
And now we are one, our i-.uiuiry Is iree;
Kreeinnn Ibe soaekles ol uruel sla fry.
oure lunliy Is huh on. to honor and laion
Bcnlted Mir stands und Oodblwihcr bame.
Lewis Fisher, wife and li. 8.
8troubot Pallas were guests of VV.
S. Abogasl ut Mifflintownon 8atur
day and Sunday Christian En
deavor was largely attended on Sun
day evening. It was conducted by
Rev. Wallace of Harrisburg
tsner ol tins place was
the guest of
.tii-. Barber bimonton
ot Middleburg one day last week...
J. 8. Bine and wife visited friends
at Buffalo on Sunday Misses
Mary and Laura Bine visi ted triends
and relatives in Han isburg during
the past week. ..Miss Annie Barner
ami Marcie App ot
i were to Fort ou Sunday Chas.
Updegrove made a flying trip to
I ' 111 I i I " .
..11111111-111111. tine iiav i.isi i ei
I..,,,., p..:,,. t w.i i. ..... ...
(home visiting his family a few days;
M...v.ii . . ,. 7 1 ,, 1 1 . -1 i i i. (i .i.i, . .o i.i
..Miss Jennie Herman and sister
i . a .11 a...
en were to i-H'iin.-srrove on oaiin-
' day and Sunday
Miss Mahel
Fisher was the guest of Miss Jennie
Strotib on Sunday Well Cleve
land and Willie, how tlid the dives
taste on Sunday?. . . George Hall
spent Sunday with his fitly friend
ot this place.
Hi-oils I nn i oil lor Il.e.ird.
Daniel Bolender, sheriff, to D. C
Minium, 42 acres in Ferry twp. for
dco. H. li. ill man and wife to
s Minium, fiacres in West Ferry
i t j
tw. tor .
Isaac Benfer and wife to P. F.
Jarrett, 50 acres in Penn twp. for
I.t'tfrrt H runt Ml.
Letters of administration in the
Estate of Daniel Weaver, late of
a j LI l 1
Adams township v;ere graoted to
Ellen Gilbert on the 16th.
fSoott Deohlcr, Adams twp.,
Annie M. Nerbood, M u
Look out tor Them I
The most pupuhu coflee for the
publio to-day is Lion Coflee, and its
great success has sent thousands of
people to the grocery Stores to pur
chase it. The result ol this OOPtt-
l arity is that nearly every grocer is
j trying to sell some other brand of
' coffee from his own stock as "just
as good as Lion Coflee." We warn
our readers that there is no coffee in
our judgment as good as Lion Coffee
at anything like the same price.
They should therefore insist on the
genuine lion package with the head
I of a lion in a circle on the wrapper.
l;0I1 Ckittee is never ground nor
j Bold in any other form than a Mb.
sealed packet. Insist upon having
, ,t an,l take no sulxstitute.
Last week the Post published
the new law governing the register
ing of deeds in the commissioners'
office. Our authority stated that
the act was to be enforced in coun
ties having a population of more than
,r),000. This is evidently an error as
it seems to be intended only for
counties having a population of 600,
000 or more people. Hence the
act will not affect our county.
Po You Lack Strength ?
It fikll .. HI II.UI I - nn,l . . I .
..It.... U.llA I !! II 111 II ...III. . .
nint -ir cih iMiim-i mi 1,4 it; IT
if you are irriUihk- und nervous
....... . p
c -mini i-oucem r. re olir llilliil
.... l. . ut. . "i
m'mi worn , ii ton nave no a one
-mil rli-if 1 1 1 1 I. . Vint -- "- -
j if von are rt-sth-ss and uneasy
speuti ine greater pun 01 lite m
in u vain attempt to sleep, vuu
1 .L i . ..
on tht! threshold of nervous prost
Dr. Miles nervine is the I
medicine you oan get to brace
up. It will tiiiiet the irritation.
the tired nerves and bring vousw
j refreshing, restful slc-i Try it
j j . n'( t.,nli. .,, i," '
'"IK'S noreohl n lentil u llltu li as (
a i i i : . t f.
tors lam uuu us iKiit rns are certa
nil.- ill 1 1 1 i i ill... null ii'rirn
! anil Qi imnli mua Ill 1 11 k
" " - ......i.i ii.ii-.iii iiiii
1 6f my nerves and shake like a lcn
the wind. Cotlkluot hearanynoi
could not read or study aud Hie-li
hmmIIhH ... a 11
i n i ii ii r.M iicill ill NVoll III QUI
a rush of blood to my head maid
me ieel dizzy and faint. After d
torill"; lOT two years without getti
unv oetier i coininenced t.ikinir
lilic uPiMiio . 1 1 1. 1 ..1. . a!
1 was able to return to my work
healthy man."
REV. I). A. Hot. VAN,
ii. .1 i i mi .i , I I I It I I
Ciiesaninir. Mich.
A trial package of Dr. Mile-'
voritc treatment tor the grip, n
sisting of Dr. .Miles' Nervine, I
Miles' Nerve aud Liver Pills, m
be sent absolutely free to unv pen
sending name am! address on a pos
card, requesting the samples u
mentioning the name of the Po8T.
Address,' Dr. Miles Medigal Co.,
Elkhart, India
Card of Thanks.
. nii-iiui ii miii iim most near
felt thanks to the lienublican vott
i ...:..i.. . i
ai8nyder County for the very cor
.-up poit nien me 111 in recent ea
vass Ii.!' the in ii 1 1 1 ii-i I ii o i rvmrj
commissiouer. Assuring you of
I, r i i . on i. ri i i.i in- k i 1 1 1 i s i i e o
I)), Cordially yours,
Harrirom Moyeb.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Editor Post :
M.,.- I- luu
My attention I
been called to last week's issue
i.i... VIM II I II . i
is hiiuuibuuiii i uvi. it isueii
In on. , .... ..I.
...... . amww. .. . v.ia.v ..... n.v 11 n
ami up-to-date.
II. .1 .
1 I II' I 11 VII
; lalxirs are fully remunerated
I Iim ,.,,., i, ,. ,. :....,. .i..i
uwi hiui uii'ini w is .i.i sueeesMip
your paper would indicate.
Yours very truly,
Robert L. Myers.
Aciiii'vt'iiK'iiit oi Aiinnrihl l)iMvtv, kba wot
K"'-"ie"i Ulni m-ri. nv i nr;n cui'-ti jitl,
lift, i r.f.....t i .i t A
. ,i. . i i ; i i .
uiuinoneni neftnj nupaees huir-totio iiiut
tioim. Only ?l.."in Knormniin (tcnintul.
tVHti quick. Ttie Dominion ConMty
""ui ' .ivi'.ii iiiiik , inc. i. i- f-l1
A i'urv I'tir Xitvoiin IIdiI;k u n.
Ifar iUrhl vriirs I siilTi'riMiriiliiii-tmtlnnMnri:
si'VtTt' lHu(iiu;ho, i he ht'Ki H'lH' iimhuiv
Mnca I iifcun t.ikiriir (Vlrry Kiutr I invefrrci
hnnrnviul in ht'iiltti. K.'Llnm nr iun r i. ip in
Ivinif for tht' Nt'ivtis, UvcriihU Kltliifys lf
Troxevlil'; HIOdMeWAru it DUD, HOUlttTe;
A.Ebrljflit, Aline.
IffMM naval btro. Iv Muriit 1 1 i '-t fin I
i-ini' i nn in til AUIIITlll t'ewey tBVWVff
l.iur-t ami hfHt Ikiok; over 1,1 i'k''".
iiM'iii-H. nearly itN) pnirt'H lialf-tonii illuntrutli
Minns, iigui um, i nun ni a iiiflnma. h
! ton Hlilk'. Cliicniro.
ii 1
u uit-K i ni' i ioiiii 11 iiiii i iiiii i inn v. .1,11 our i
Coinrnilp.. AaiK'iilton.
in. ik4, iii the tiatiio ot (be W lUterntMi
I ...rvoil ti-om I'.-J lo ol. ii ml whs Wiilllirloil M
celery KtBI UM lone or inc. In UM my
.... .iil.l O-.. ... 1 1 . i i 1 1 Ti.V i-i in i r i ill-. L.1.IIV1 W
ooniiiliilni. chronic dliirrahoea. ciiiiie Imoi;.
ilui'lnrN roulil not hU) It. Imt t' -Iitv
1.-.. I,. i.-.iiii.ii h i-n 1 1 i jut i
nil. I lluno.i ir. ni'.n ill . ...m . o..i mis'
W. II. Horm in. Troxolellli ; MlildloHwurlli
fish, MeClure; II. A. BMIfnt, AUnc.
f T 1 .l ... I t....
lllli., ...nil' A . .j.w..v... ......
r t....t. ... ti
r. j - . i
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Hi aiair Adrlo. ana elroala
Royal Medicine Co.,
For sale by Middleburg Drag
Made kfcV U .......