Rev. Ghas. G. Er l6nmsver's Mar riage Sept. 1, Guatavns ami j WHO IS W si - lili C I'.,rn. two TA are ltiideUl)ueriblH DV, pmmeiiiiiindpr tlicfanu law. have been med Nirah 1 eager, IwUi ot 1 orry twp. TO kiduen and bldilr I WB tbe tier oi Em oriuns' court of MySr . . . I ,iv rut- rtriiMtlmi .Tims Ml. 14X1 Beat 8, A mew Struiib to Sarali , Dl-AffltS. " kiduey remedy protuDtly cures. Ai RapH lHenier a-. . ... .."I':.. I :.. ..I .I,.ll.,- Sept. a, llcnrv ri'jiiwippie in uruKKimn iu sum ui ... Li . ' rvtl.Li sizee. You tony have a sample bot twp. to Catharine A. ,Je b " IUHil f,. a)lW pia tell- Dook. ing nil about it. Address, Oct ;J, JaeobHovil of Fremont to Lr. Kilmer & Co., Hi mthauiton, N. Y. to Luanda Brfeogel ot Washington 1871. ,Ian. 1, William Iliiwins to Mur .i i t -J I wnwonuwH-M. - Nov. Hi, Anilrevv (iooJuill ot . Jw.S,CWD.Ft8pn ,Chrle8Park8 to Ionise Shamokin to Com Brown of Fm- Ibhr, l-h of bv-lmsgrove. ,,., , . h . M. Btojpb to Anna h NV. ,vwl 5 0, Mill(il( Boyer, of Teno twp, oreek to Mrs. Manraret BJttioir ol l-Vi). r iiiiuni i roup to twins- ' . betli Uottmau of i'erry .writ. '" , , a . . , Nov. 3, Henry Frooti to Susan Fob, 23, Matthuw Bohnoo to Mr. ( Helnbad; ot Buklotwp. EUua WoavoriH Ojutrowilo. a ' ... , Nov. 7, Jonas Suasannin to ( lara Fob. ;JS Jo m I . Sut ler to Hut- , of tie 1.. I Ineli, lsjtli ot Allildleburg. ' Mar. Wilson Char to Mary Nov- l2' 5?T ' JnoeHott, both ol Belinsgrove. twp .lomataCo to Barbara , .. Sn viler ot est IVrrv twp. Mar. 5, Henrv I)err to Amelia 1 . i i " Deo. 1, Simon Kotuh to uannan hieinrer oi 1 erry twp. . . .... i. a -.i , Heiffffis. both of Chapman twp. April 16, (iivrg,- 8. bmith to- J ' 1 . 1 t ii i .1? t i r ... ... 1 Deo. 15. George Brobius to Mary Louisa Hovis, both ol x rumour. . . . . , ., , ,. Bohnee, both oi rerrvtwp. June 4, Zaohanah T. Gemberling ' 1 . . i : w -i i c i .... .. Dec 10, Aiiirustiis Z. Beoker t toMurv A. Wuylandol renn twp. 1 . ' J ,,h , ,, ,. , . . Berks Co. to Barbara h. Boyer ot June 8, t hBrlesH.BoycrtoAme- jr,.,.,,,,,,,, liaLeehner, both of Seliusgrove. ' ... . I 'Vi . I H lil V . innti i pi i uaii - ington twp. to Carrie Weiss of Port Treverton. Harriet Liverpool, Perry 'o. Dec. 10, Charles Seebohl to Km ma 8tahlnecker, lotli of Middle bury. 1875. Jan. 10, Francis D. Hover o Washington twp. to Blirabetli Ben fer of Middieereek. coumj tor ooiilriuullou June Mk, The npnr-il.vuiPDl of Knit A. Jones, widow ot Howard Jones, line oi w iiHliliiKton towcsliip. decwued, elected toe (o Ue Ulna uuder tbe f.tuu exemptlou law. The Hppralement of Kve Sttl, widow of IMM 9UI . laic of Franklin township, deoeaaiil, eleH ed anil to lie taken uiidi r the $K)i tawpMM law, Ti appraisement of I.villa A. Uollcrhach, winow of imM HollenNtoU, ItM ot Jackson township, deceased, elirteil au l to le taki 11 under the f. . a)MHpUfNI law, 0B0, M. BH1K0BL, Olerk O. 0. Irnllionoliir.t - (1111111.. The following fMIOOantN have heeit llled for BDsttnaailooa on J luastli, isw. Klrsi and MlMl aOOOttnl of John W. kanlagpr Mid jonii Kelts, trui of the tatata t Q. a- bShwmmm. OKO, M. snixissi.. Promonotary, DEGHTBK'S NOTICKH. -Holloa la Imrehji i. en I 1 luii 1 he follow Inir iiiimeil i'rsoii! lim e il'ed their AdfOtnlatratortt', liuraoiati. and 11 aouiofa' aeonanta latha Kirlatai "a office ol sn iler I'oilhtv. nml III- same will hr presenled for eoDflimatioB aud allowance al UteWHl Qonae In Mlilllehiinjli, Mm 0;i , .lill.e Mil, lsw. Tim Una' account of Oaorn R. Handrleka, iruarillan of Oii eatata nf Annie M. Wltmer, a inlaor cltiiil or Wllllxni Winner, lata ol the tiorougu ol B'llnasrova, Pa., oeu'd. I nt.nd mirtiiil nenount ot O. A. Batflorf. Fan. 21, Levi K. Reuuinger andouor meeecutoraf navidai. uotdort, lauoi June 13, Jacob . Herman and Matilda Fetter oi 1 Villi twp. .June 15, Christian Benner to Car rie Gingrich oi McAllibtervillo, J uniata ( 'o. .June is, i'aul Huiiimel to Cath erine Bickel of Washington iwj. July 2, N. E. Hartman to Alice Ltiilinrt, Lot 1 1 ol Sliainokin I am. July 9, George W. Mary Jane lien fer, both oi Middle creek. Feb. George F. Sleth rto Jane Honser, Ixithoi Midillebui'g. Mar. ',.. !i. ilolfriesol Siinhury to Louisa Seesliolta ol SeliiiRgiove. Mar. Jacob Martin of Freehnrg to Mary Ann Furry of Peon twp. Anril 1 3. Ainmou Heed of North- to 8u- Dec. -J7, John Miller ti Mtissi r "t' Franklin twp. Dec, 'J;', Jerome Carina san I'ml'isx ul Peun t wp. is?:;. Jan. Catliarine uoodlui umbcrltutd Co. to laura I.. Krlen mvi r il Freeburff. Beware tf Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury ns meretin will sun I. deaf toy the sen,- i ol il m i y .1 unnll and completely dertunre Oin whole aisiein il On n A. iUO)0l Ol HUB!!- wiioneiiieilnu-lf tnrouirli Oi- mtiroua khi Mm, ol Furry twp. irs ia ington twp. to ul Perry twp. uch artlelPH should never lie uwd I pmcrlpMoiiM iro n repntalile phj -w.m n I ha dntnuiretbe) will do w ten fold to Hie nooil ycu can Dowlbli derive from them. Haifa Oatarrtl .!..., I imiIiiiv t,i Iniui i ' re. manlllacl ured b P. J. Cheney a C., TO- ucorge Lesiiei i iaiu ,,,, ,.,....,. RnU !H ,.,k. Internally, anUn directly upon the hioi i nnd muonun Mirliicea ol trie ayatcm, a buying llall'a Catarrh cure h" aura you aei Uw nei mi n, ii is 1 1 ken Inn rnulli and m ide In Tid-no, o do, mi .hi ns in e, !,,! -: Ulia.i, Milli.rf,. Siil. Mar. '.I lie Frock, 'both ol Limestone twp., Stahl ol liichfield, Juniata Co. Union Co. Mar. 13, Joseph Benfer to Mar Aug. 10, Daniel Diuikelberger to garel Leitzel, both ot Jackson twp, tJ1 Sarah Ann Maurey ul diddleoruek. July 0, David Wottinger to l anma Aug. 20, Waldo Stuck U) Snllie Arbogast ol Freeburg. E. Moyer ol Franklin twp. July 24, George Reieli tu Sarali Aufr. 20, David SehaetlertoCuro- Benfer t Middieereek twp. liall'a Puinll) Pilla are the bout. jury Liist. Iliii- uj Freeburg rs.'ii. 10. Beiijaiuiu Melset July 27, John 8. Least.) JaneN. ml Y eager t Perry twp. Washington Aug. 24, Philip S. Schnee to Kl- Catherine IVleiigel ot t wp. Sept. 21, Charles O. Greenougli to Caroline Gross ol Beaver twp. Sept. 24, Isaac Steffen to Emma Noeeeher of Chapman, Oct "J'.', Aaron V. (Jill n Ellen 15. Gemberling, bothofPenu twp, Nov. John Gable of ( Ihapman two. to Amelia Hover of W'tisbiug-, riette Wi lier i ton twp. Nov. 5. Henry Zeelunan to Mary Schnee, both of New Berlin. Walter, Inith ot Centre twp. . JfMy. 23, John Field to Mary Nov. 23, Henry K. Arnold and Boligi both oi Middieereek twp. Emma Reamer, both ol Delaware Deo. 1, Enoch Bilger to Janetta twp., Juniata Co. lloush ofxWashington twj. Dec. 10, Tobias Seehrist of Fn- 1W. 21, Henrv Bvroii to Sarah ion Co. i Emma .Jane Mitchell ol Spangler of Jackson twp. Dee. 25, Francis 8. Boyer and l.i-t ofiirand inmra drawn for the Courl "i Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery uiidoourl "i Ouarter seaalonaol a i Pence nl Sinner .'oiilin llciu MS .hum lerin Monday, June K, iw.i. GHAND JURORS, HUllU'Ml'llli; len Moore ol Washington twp. Oct. 19, Joint lt. il ol Treverton to Luoinda Charles of Freeburg. Oct. 26, Jonathan Shoteberger to Barbara Steflen of Chapman twp. Nov. l'i, WilliamGriiomtoClara Hoeterman, both of Freeburg. Nov. 18, Martin Kembleto Har- Washinirtoo two. Agnes ilousli of Freeburg. 1874. Feb. I, Emanuel BenfertoRebec oa Leitzel, l'tli of Jackson twp. Feb Jul III Centre vi lie. Dec. Fred. I. Boyer of Freebui to .Molly n. r easier oi entrevuie. j, Dee. 17, L Peter Klingler and Gill, both ot Paxtonvilh Margaret Seville Ulrich, Loth ol Jackson twp. Dee. 1", John ('. Mover to Chris tian Metzger. Dee. Ii, Henry li, Fisher and Martha Jane Minium ot Fremont, Dee. 26, Simon Kantz of Wash ington twp. to Sar.Ji Heintzelinan of Chapman. L872. Jan. 7, Manouh StauSer toLydia Seehrist of Union twp. Jan. 7, Jacob Doch to Amelia Name. OcoupaOor HW.dtsoe, Bowereox, Jerre it., Parmor, Centre, Ctt'lan, Alfrod, carpenter, Mlddlubuin Plabor, LooIh, Partner, Chapmaii Kiant, WllaoD, Laborer, Waal Perry Qetnett, Geotye a,, Farmer, Perry Gilt. WUItnm P.. " PranWin Glass, J. i men, Geiiib-inan, AdaiOf Gravtiin. William L, Laborer, Prnklin Haeki'Hliua', I .!; I. sr., " Adami liaine.-, Jacob K., Lnmberman, Beaver Heffellnjror, Bd Tailor, m llnagrovo HllderLJobn, Parmer, Parry .July -.j, Samuel Derlv to ,avilla Kllll? aotomoo, Ttffeaber, taclciatf Klingler, Al., Parmer, Washington ktarUn, Oeorga, taborer, Uettfar, Henry, Parow r, Chapman uouiIk'. Daniel, " Boring RaUifon, Cyrua, Laborer, Prankiln Speobt, Obartea Clerk, Beaver Bml'b, George, Tracker, .Monroe siroh. Amos m Laborer, rniou St.., iit . Henry, " Middieereek UU1cb,8. Oliver. Merchant, PKTIT JIIROK, l.tnl )f Petll Jurors drawn for the Courl " Common I'leus, Courl ol i,'" irter Seaalona ul lite I,. in ,, i hi rt tu 1 1 . i-r and iVrmlner and Genai kI 25, Henry V. Felty to Santll Iiveryoisuyder County, Pa held aa nun' i iti ii, t . ni 1 1 nt 1 1. 1 1, j 1 1 1 n ,1, mm, Itoslileiire. Name. Occupation, Amlg, Liuis. UenUeman, Aumlller, John D Parmer, Botdorf, Charles M., Mason, Bolender, John, Laborer, Reaver, Jerry, Parmer, t wp Arbogast to Am- BoUg.Amoa 1 if . I ,1 r W 1 I. i .. Howes, N.-Wloll, till or, anda J. Kant, both ot Wash.iigti.ii'B(m.(.ri(XiAHal,h( Karmrt Beaver, Jerome w. Blacksmith, Feb. 22, Jacob Deuins to Hannah , a ' Polk, Howard, Painter, Paurnwo, Daniel, Carpenter. Parleman, Charles, Blackmlib, Uraybiii, peter U, Farmer, Moo t i . . m... a . Gift, Austin, Farmer, in. 22, David Goy to Mrs. Sfl- ...J ... ., ,,mili. Maria Benfer of Jackson twp. Feb. 26, George 8. Snyder and Kate Bowersox of Middleburg. Ionic Forrey, both of Freeburg. Mar. 29. Jonathan Meiser and Diemer, both of-Middieereek twp. iH-n-.Ai Snyder, boll) of Perry twp. Jan. :V, Frederick Walter and Susan HoghS otT'enn twp. Feb. L, Horace Adie of Union llclsor, Ira. Trueker. Howell, Adam, Laborer, Hummel, cbarlea, " Kratier, Pi ter, Farmer, Kettiter, James, Laborer, nml 1 ft ( !hllM I' D.oit nml .r . ' j Kelsler. Cllulnn, Sarah E. Ki lenineyer of Freeburg Mav !'. Cornelius Wetzel and town to Julian Wasser of Lewis- Matilda Holtzapple, botli of Wash burg, j ington twp. Ma. 3, William A. Kaltride to May 17, Jacob Greiner of Sha Polly A. Reichenbaoh of Perry twp. Imokin Dam to Amelia Mitchell of Mar. 17, Wellington Ilcrrold to Nortbuiulierland. Catharine Trutt of Chapnian. June 21, Isaac Saner to Susan Mar. 81, Adam Bitner to Rebecca ; Dirk, both of Middieereek twp. Sohofly of Union twp. Keek, Albert B., Merchant, Kinney, rvln. Laborer, LMgaora, Isaac, AucUonecr, Leitei, John, Farmer, Ught, TbOtaaa, Laborer, Killer, M. Archibald, clerk, Miller, John J.. Illiicksmllb. Manbeck, iniis, Gentleman, Moyer, Philip l. Laborer, .Musser, Levi, Farmer, If ace, PbUlp, Laborer, Newman. Henry. Fanner, obit, Oeorga, BlackamlU), June 23, Lewis W. Rouah and j Raw, Ammoo A Farmer, , o. n , i t. l: 1: .. .1 W..L,-,,,...,, ...... I Heleheiibneh. Willi, un. ,-aoorer. .pr. i, utobuivub wuwu ruau inuum navf, hshuiBivu '"t" iManart, Jamea, Farmer, Josephine I iiindis of Ferry Iwp. Aug. 2:, Benjamin Straui) and snuti, Un, Varmer, nr.... ii ii....l... IT 1 V IU u ,,. I .ii, ,, U'oJ.inirt,..,! Mhntnbach. miner k. Farmer, niiiv i t, niiiuiiuni nwi iaj i'iui; . ...- .. s silineltnu' Klsworth, ma Jane Apple, lioth ot v ashing- ; twp. I Bimoat, Barry, Laborer, Sopt. 2-1, John A. Ola to Mary , 'cAerUker, Mav L'i William Mcister and G lass, both ot ! reeburg. I aajmeUag, Beabea G Teacner, Alice Laudis, both of Perry twp. ( )(.t. H Maxwell Bowersox and on(.r May 10, Peter Marked to Emma Catharine E. Walter, both of 1 rank- Hendricks of Monroe twp., Juniata lin twp. county. Oct. 18, Wilson Schaeffor of Perry May 19, J. D. Arlwgast to Susan twp. to Catharine Hupp of Green wood twp., .Juniata Co. Ballnagrot e Spring Beimsgrove Spring Mini roe penn Middleburg PranklU Bearer Jaokeon Weal Perry Middleburg Adams Monroe Weal perry Franklin Seltnagrove Monroe Mlddlebnrg Monroe WaablngtOB west Perry Saltnagrovfl Heaver I'nlun Middieereek Chapman Sellnnrovo West Rearer Waahingl on Cisnlre Monroe Fnmklln sprint; Pen! Onion Centre Washington Middleburg Perry west Bee i of Chapman Middleburg Firs: and final account "I Johnc Ramer, ex ecutor ..I Thomas sw urti, Pile ! Adams tow' -ship, deci i - d, Kirs' nndnnol neeannt et n rp Intbh, tr , administrator of llaiin Grubo, Sr., lateol c 'li tre loarnahtp, d cenawl. First ami Anal account or it. c. ; is. executor ol John Sholier, lam ul Monroe io nsblp, dee'd, Ftrat and final aceounl or Jerome lUrch. Bamuel Dlrlch aid li njnmin ITIrich, eai cutors of Ben imiii I'lricb, lai Hellnsgrove, deo'd, Firsi and im ,i aceounl ol leorge Zlmmeriuan executor al Charles zimmermau, lute oi Monroe townanlp, doueaaed, First and Hnal account ol Willi im Renter, nde mluletrator M S irab Benfer, uveol Ceuiretoa n ship, deccaaed. The lastnnd Baal aecnantel John s Wolfe, ndrutnbtrnior ol ih" i-atat-ol Harrlel Helix, lateol ITiilon lownablp, deceased, Flrat ami aceounl nfThOiuiis k ihlerandCnih erln Miner, mi run si aiorsol Hie ealateoi m on p, Kohier, late "i Jackson township, dee'd, ' Firs' ami in, .i nocouol "' Kate Bacltmnn, ad rnlnlxtrntrlx oi t!ie esi it ol John II, Uacbmun, late of Pianklln totvnahlr, ileoeaaed, First ami final accotinl or w. p, Hummel, ad ministrator ol i he estate oi l. t: Hummel, late oi si llnagrove, deceased. Final oooounl ol laaae Gross and V Itolalnie odmlnb ualur ot ibu esu Wnlluce Lpiey, late of Wesi Beaver toivi.shlp deceased. Ftrat and final neconni "i '. tl Hornoerger, administrator ol ti state ol Snruh c. stuck, lateol Perry township, decenaen, flrat and final sccoutl ol Jonathan Musser ami Danli i f. Illnitamnu, udmlnlsfrators ol He estate cm I5a Sattp ill, hue ol Centre town ship, deceased, First and llnal unl ol Sylvester lloaren, admlnlstralor ot the estate ol Samnel lloweu, lateoi prankiln towns dp, deceased, J, It. WILLIS. ItcRlktcr. Court lrocJ amatiDiii Al'lll.l . I Presldi nt .1 inli eotnuoioil "i Un ... Hie Jadlelal Dlstrlel. niitii-s ul Sajdor, anil i'nlun and Allied Mia-chl and z. T, Gem barling, kU'is., Awuelnta Juns;ei in and lot snv ,lcr intjr, iinvo lsueil iioor pteeant, liaarlnii dale the Mill day oi April A. 0., ISM, in mo 'llreelad hit 'he holding ufen Urnhnes' Conn, a court ol Comiuoii Pleim, eonit of Oyer and Ter. inlnsr aini General i ' r "I una mo Basslons id ihaPssoo, at Mbldleburtth, lor Ih atnty "i Bnyder, an the l -ti Monday, (bslnH lbs "iih dav oi Jibe' iS'.'i). and to eontlnuu one sreek. Natloala thereiore hetaby eivon to the Coron ar, Justices of tbe Pesea and Uoustablci in and fbrtbi utiiy id Snyder, to sppearln their proporporeun altn Ibelrrotls, records, Inqulel tleos, axaatinailous aad otbaf rttuembranetis todoHiosa thing' srhleli nl Ihelf nfflee and In tbetf behatt pertain to ho dona n.i srltns n and perianiproseeutlngln tusball ot the Ooiu nionwealln avolnit sn; person or persons ro rc ijnlred t" be tlicn and iliore attending and da portlna wlUioul leave al thelrperH, Justlcei sre reqeested to be punelual In thir attendan is ,r the appointed tltns sgrsasblj to notice. Given iiiolcr fay hsnn d M il al Iht Sherlll Offlse in Mlddlatumli, tbe JTib day ol April I. Dm ens thousand -'hi hundred and ninety nine P. s. HITTER, Sherlll Rule on Heirs, Proceeding in Partition. IN Till'. MAT! OF THE P.s r ATE OK WIL LIAM HOLLKMlAi H. LATE OF PERRY TOWNSHIP, DECEASED, s vio h Coral v, ss: The Commonwealth "f Pennsylvania, To Hannah Hollenboch, w blow ol u llllnni llollen-, bach, deceased, of ttliapman Iwp,, SnyderCo., I I'a. Wary Splcbef (i Hollenbach) Intermar ried with John L Hploher ol Liverpool, Perry Co., Pa. Levma Heukerl I nee Holtenhoch) in-, lermarrled with Wtlliata Ueckerl ol Chapnian twp,, Snyder County, t'a, and Samuel llollen" baan of Perry Iwp., SnyderCo.. Pa.; William Portallne, husband of tfivn Portxllne nee Hot- J lanbach i now deeeaseil; i tathei Ine HhalTer f nee j Portallne) Intermarried with Jamea HIiafTer, j llcnrv l. Portallne, Martha Btraub (nee Porta llne)fnlermarrlad wlln Wenley Htraub, Gertie j Portallne and Susan Portallne, minors above, lbs age "f 1 1 y ars who have fr tln-ir oaieedtan i rblllp Kelter, all of Perry twp,, Hnyder Co , i Pa , and Win. B. Portallne of Treverton, Nortb'u Co., Pa-, lineal descendants f William Holien i bach, late of Ilia township of Ferry, Hnyder County, deceased, greeting: You are hereby cited la be ami appear before i the Judaea of our Orphan's 1 ourt, at an Or-j plums' Court to be held In Mlddlebursr, on the 1st Monday of June A. D , ISW B m o'elock in ( the forenoon, then and there to accent or re- j fuse the Real Kalalc of said w illlatn Uollenbaeb I deceased, at the appraised valuation bul upon 1 It by an Inquest duly awarded by the said Oonrtond returned by the Sheriff ol said Cbuna ty or shoW ,'ausc whv tbe same sboiibl mil be nold. 1 1 nil I hereof tail not, Witness the lion Herold M, McClnre, Presl-! dent of our said Court at Middloburgi Ihla 7lh dav of March, 1899, P. s lUTTBB, Bhertff, A DMIMSTKA TRIX NOTICE. Let V tors of Adiolnlatratlon in the es-l IRW l, rs.ll It 1 1 II 'wiis.i, i,,ie mi ..iim nt-iiiii 'i , Snyder Cs)., P., dee'd., having been grant ed to the undersigned, mi persons knowing tbemaelfee Indebted Los dd estate are reqiii sted in make Immediate pay mnnt, wblletboe having claims win preaent cbem duly authenticated to the undersigned. MRS. IDA v. MOYER, li-ii-iir. Administratrtx, JAS. O. CBOUSE, ATTOR8KT AT LAW, MlSPUIBUR, PA. All entrusted to his sari will receive arompt attention, PATENTS " i '.,1 i'tt or annimtinl OBTAINED. (iarman of Fremont June lOjZacharialiDock toCatlia rine Kuster of Penn twp. June 20, Iknjamin Meiser to An na Phillips, both of Perry twp. June 23, Henry Scholl and Mrs. Molly Seehrist, both of Union twp. Aug. 1 1, Eyer Walter of Mifflin burg to Mary A. Sanders of Centre twp. Oct. , Heiijaniin Stetler of Penn twp. to Mrs. Susan Writtemnyer of Middleburg. Oct. 29, Calvin Forrey ot Peun j twp. to Alice Daubert of Port Trc- j verton. Nov. 8, William Hepner of Wash ington twp. to Alice Schnee of Mt Pleasant Mills. MEDICAL WORK FOR MEN. FREE SEND NO MONEY. Mr new raivM acientifi. work treating onerery wenkneM and rtieeuM pe culiar to men it jaat from the preno. rrr men. no mattar what hia oeranation or triiion in life. will find thin work unlike finythtnirefferpubllabed. It ii of vital InUraat to the married or unmarried: to the healthy and itronK or to tbe weak end broken-down. While the ed ition laata I will tend a copy eoewfwty eJed In a plain wrapper, peel aae pre pale, to every man who writes for it. tale Minion to ii m ilea ana uioee aaoiring a oopr man write promptly. Addreee B. M. Boob, M. Da Pew H.hlet DepanmeiH D. 1 Clark Bt , N. . Ooc Monroe, OUcefO. UlUoie. TERMS EASY. Consult or communicate with the Kdltor of this paper, who will give ail needed Infor- tratloP RIPAMS TABULES are intended fcr children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now be had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes lor one dollar. ny druggist will get them il you insisi, and they may always be obtained by remitting the price QjMraH The Kmjans U.emxsE Company- bK. JkJu me a -a i n -i h The Monarch o? Strength is t at V y'-b ! Itfhl 1 BH iJ JLl .. . O 2 PH V Ql ... j V H vz stro itms -!' vit i . rptr It' punt hlv roastt cl i nd is Bold oi packages, i. .. .. ckun iwlllntri. .: ;o U K .-do.l at i .o bliils bo i.i weakened, it h a do nicn.i"'. f;rv. otronrjth. It io a luxury widt.ntho i .... InalM 0.-1 "Lion" Oefac N-V.r f nor l) i : I? i.oi..j r0.U.i.O i: I : .1 Ti I If your Grocer aok- L'i i -, novi r iparablo In bis I'l-tr drooa taat 1 liul SCC BIGGLE B A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Haiiu Mtukly Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGGLE No. 1 BIUOLE HORSE BOOK Ailaboul Horses a Commoaense Trenfinr. t iih otrr 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, y. Cents, No. 2-BI0.0.LE BERRY BOOK All :ilout growing Snntll l'ruits rrml nml team how ; copiaioi 43 colored itie-iiKc rcprodut tlottsol all u-.ttuit varieties aud loo other lUuttnttonM. Price, 50 Cctxts No. 3-BIGOLE POULTRY BOOK All ntxjut Poultry; thebctt Poultry Book In existence; tetatcwerytbina wittisj colored Ufcllkc rcprodut tit u of all the riiiciral breeds; with . joihir illubtraiiuus. Price, 50 Ccuu. No. 4 BIQGLE COW BOOK All utKJUt Cows nud the Daily HuslnefR ; hnving n prrnt nale; contains 8 colored lttc-likc reproductions t each breed, with 13J other illuntratious. Price, y Cetltl ejA n Din11 12 tU'ii: lkii HV U UIUUL.U sJlT li'I. BVAFA JttSt outs All about Hon Hreedinp, Pecdluff, Dutch ery, uiawajet, etc. t-ouuiina over bo iienutitui tODCa aud other engravings. I'ricc, 50 Cents. 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I ui Uiip ; vfeamJthcTiK !' - tt"'l r " L m . V " ' 'I YvtijtK,,: ,,, . ' ! tOO tin:. t.ilcerti yt : r i. a n V-y t - tbe !. : ! " oos ol evrr;UnsT, eay fttl r -.1 ; rii r . . VM".TT1!C Pi : ' ' lOUTTHIi CATAUOTVtg .t I a iuuiuli. ui . i-omuCjJ .iloriu..vion.' il.n. . jUS OUur. '.'rritie . , . neiiihiflal ,.:.' of w.rl; ft'iifltlnirro:' NatlorM InnM Thecat-JtHrus U iwmitr jlewhentar ( !t. H ) ,nlon. O'LL '4 I- A. 1 "' 1 " ii'-i ".IHIUUOI tLO UWgCKl n''Uai ii aw Thebli .'loTo'Vorrni one ot tits flocSt iaeppir. XSHSm tuati .-u; ' jowlhiy bestnt Into a district" tlfe . ,. . , . , ., ...... 1 1 ., ,1 ,1 , -t 1 Lra. Th. .1.1, .-ii.. rt.inlv 1, inn h:idl.c one! rlosiil" I M '- ' " " h Ketsld. W....IJ .l.' SI SO li 1 ! IN T OSCM H .ill r...lw U. 44k. t.b Mini las Hon.G.A S uthtoua. 1,, 4-lk. I I .. , ...iu malL Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK U CO. line. .CHICAGO, ILL., U.S. A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers