The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 25, 1899, Image 5

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Admiral Heartily Cheered aa
He Left Manila.
preatdent Schurman, of the Philip
pines CommlKHlon. MM Thorn a
Mont Liberal Government The Doe
amen t Waa Framed at Wnahlnsrtoii.
Manila. May 22. When the United
States cruiser Olympla, with Ad
miral Dewey on board, left here on
Saturday afternoon for New York
there were scenes of wildest enthusi
asm. As the steamer got away the
Oregon, Baltimore and the Concord
fired an admiral's salute. At the first
hot the band of the flagship played a
lively air and her white-clad sailors
crowded the decks and gave a tremen
dous cheer. As the Olympla passed
the Oregon the crew of the battleship
pave nine cheers for the Olympla, who
responded by throwing their caps so
high that downs of them were left
I lobbing In the wake of the cruiser.
Then followed the noisiest half hour
known In this harbor Blnce the battle
which linked Its name with that of
Dewey. The din of guns and brass
hands echoed through the smoke, a
fleet of steam launches shrieked their
whistles, the musicians of the Balti
more played "Home, Sweet Home,
her flags signalled Good-bye and
those of the Oregon said "Pleasant
The merchant vessels In these waters
rtlDDed their flags, the ladles on the
decks of the vessels of the fleet waved
handkerchiefs, and the great black
British cruiser Powerful, which lay
the furthest out, saluted the Olympla.
The latter's band then played God
Save the Queen," and to this the crew
of the Powerful responded with
hearty cheers for the Olympla. The
last music heard from aboard Dewey's
flagship was "Auld Lang Syne."
President Schnrman Snbmlta Our
Proposal to the Filipino.
Manila, May 23. Prof. Schurman,
head of the United States Philippine
commission, has submitted the follow
ing written propositions to the Fili
While the final decision as to tne
form of government is In the hands of
congress, the president under his
military powers, pending the action of
congress, stands ready to offer the
following form of government:
A governor general to be appointed
bv the president, a cabinet to be ap
pointed by the governor general, all the
principal Judges to be appointed by tne
president, the heads of departmentsand
Judges to be appointed by the presi
dent, the heads of departments and
Judges to be either Americans or Fili
pinos or both, and also a general ad
visory council, its members to be
chosen by the people by a form of suf
frage to be hereafter carefully de
termined upon.
The Filipinos have made no definite
proposition, except for a cessation o
hostilities, until they can present the
question of peace to the people. Prof.
Schurman told the Filipinos they had
no means of gathering the people to
gether, as the Americans control most
of the ports. He also reminded them
that a liberal form of government was
offered them, and pointed out that it
was better than the conditions exist
ing under Spanish rule.
Goraga, president of the Filipino
commission, replied that nothing could
be worse than Spanish rule, and ad
mitted that the form of government
proposed was liberal.
The civilian members of the Filipino
commission have declined to co-operate
with the other members of that
commission, as the former consider
Aguinaldo'8 latest demand to be pre
posterous, after Major General Otis'
refusal of an armistice, referring to his
wish for time in order to consult the
Filipino congress.
The Proposal Submitted to Filipinos
an Offlolal Document.
Washington, May 23. The writteu
proposition submitted to the Filipinos
yesterday at Manila by the American
commission was framed in Washington
by Secretary Hay. It is the intention
to give the Filipinos, Just as the presi
dent has promised, as large a measure
of self government as they seem able
to exercise with safety to themselves
and due regard to the welfare of other
nations. Therefore, it is proposed to
allow them to choose their own In
ferior Judicial officials to begin with
and perhaps the principle may be ex
tended If it works well In the lower
While it Is not so affirmed at the
department, the present movements of
our troops in the Philippines is gen
erally believed to mark the end of the
active campaign before the wet weath
er sets In. MacArthur is at San Fer
nando, south of Arayat, where Kobbe
and Lawton are now Joined. This is
the point that has previously been
spoken of as a possible summer base
for the American northern outposti.
The reported dissolution of the in
surgent forces, which are said to be In
bad condition at the Arlace, and the
statement in General Otis' dispatch
that he had again denied Agulnaldo's
request for an armistice, are taken to
Indicate that there Is some likelihood
that the commission's offer of a form
of government may be speedily ac
cepted. The Steamer Paris on a Rock.lSjJl
Falmouth, May 22. The American
line steamer Paris, Captain Watkins.
from Southampton and Cherbourg for
New York, struck on an outlying ridge
of the Manacles at a point half a mile
from where the wrecked Atlantic
transport liner Mohegan lies and Ave
miles from Falmouth. Soon after 1
o'clock In the morning, at high tide,
and In a dense fog, she ran ashore.
From the first there was no danger.
Lifeboats and tugs were soon literally
swarming around the veasel to render
assistance. A majority of the pas
sengers, who numbered 380, were
brought to Falmouth, where they ob
tained lodgings for the night The craw
am board.
fi'iinp 'apote "tuilylttir the Law of
Other KatldlMa
Havana, May 22. Seacr Domingo
Mer.dtz Capote, sccrela.y of govera
nor.t, lias been devoting considerable
time to a study of the electoral laws of
various nations, with a view of for
mulating plans for Inauguration here.
Universal suffrage Is considered advis
able In some respects, but It woiliu
have many objectionable fcat'tro:. O.i
the other hand Senor Cr.po'e 'hlnk;
an educationnl qualification would not
prove ! Isfactory. unlo3s lUfTkltntly
comprehensive to exclude those tAUght
especially for elections. He ssys the
Cuban league Is doing much in the
way of preparing the voters to exerd .'
the electoral function. Day and
schools are conducted In all the vil
lages for this purpose, the education
being gratuitous and attendance being
numerous and enthusiastic.
The great objection to a property
qualification is that a majority or
those In cities who formerly had prop
erty, the Spaniards In particular, and
many capable Cubans, h.e been to
tally ruined during the last three years
and would not be Justly treated were a
property qualification enforced. Sono;
Capote Is carefully considering the
problem, and will submit his views to
Governor General Brooke nbout the
middle of next month, when he wiil
ask for the issuance of such a decree
as he wilL then have in readiness
several Persons Reported Killed and
a Large Number injured.
Houston, Texas, May 23. One of the
worst tornadoes that has visited Texas
since the storm which destroyed the
town of Cisco, three years ago. aril in
which some 60 people were killed,
passed over Titus and Erath counties
Sunday. Several homes anil church
buildings were wrecked in several lo
calities. At Mount Pleasant, Titus coun
ty, the storm struck a church Just as
services were closing. A bolt of light
ning and the wind descended upon the
house simultaneously, wracking it and
scattering the debris In all directions.
William Kauffman whs Instantly
killed and some 15 other persons were
injured, some fatally. Three are In a
dying condition. The tornado struck
Stephensvllle and did considerable
damage, wrecking many houses, but
no ono was killed. Two churches were
unroofed and badly damaged. One
man was killed and three were In
jured near Dublin. It Is reported that
several persons were killed six miles
southeast of Stephensvllle, but this has
not yet been confirmed. Trees and
crops In the path of the storm are re
ported to bo totally destroyed.
The Talked Of lillllon Dollar Combine
Not Perftciad.
New York, May 23. Leading men in
the steel and Iron trade said today that
the incorporation of the new Carnegie
iron and iteet combination under the
lawsof Pennsylvania means the failure
of the contemplated big iron and steel
trust, which was to Include the Fod
eral Steel company, with a Joint capital
of nearly $1,000,000,000. This opinion
was considered as corroborated by the
abandonment by the Carnegie coni
pariy (headed by Mr. Frlck) of Its New
Jersey charter, recently filed, and the
fact that many of the sub-companies
of the proposed consolidated compa
nies filed notice at Albany yesterday of
their Intention to do business In this
state. The fees, etc., incidental to the
taking out of a charter In Pennsyl
vania, which was to have been paid
by Mr. Frick's company, amounted to
nearly $1,000,000.
a Whole Family Exterminated,
Centre, Ala., May 23. A horrible
accident occurred nenr here yesterday
which resulted in the total extermina
tion of an entire family. William
Evans, section foreman on the Rome
and Decatur railroad, with his wife
and little child, started on a drive for
Fort Payne when their horse became
frightened and ran away, upsetting the
buggy and instanly killed Evans and
wife. The horse ran back home with
nothing but the harness on, when a
negro servant went out on the search
and found the almost lifeless body of
the Infant, which he carried to a
neighbor's house, where It soon died.
Rev. Dr. Samplo Choaon Moderator.
Minneapolis, May 19 Rev. D. R. F.
Sample, of Westminster church, New
York, proved an easy winner In the
contest for the place of moderator of
the annual assembly of the Presby
terian church in the United States,
which convened In Westminster church
yesterday. Dr. Sample was elected on
the first ballot after a spirited con
test, receiving 338 votes, 300 being
necessary for a choice, to 127 for the
Rev. Mathias Haines, of First church,
Indianapolis, and 133 for Rev. Dr. R.
F. Coyle. of Oakland, Cal. Dr. Sam
ple's election is regarded as a triumph
for the conservative element.
proposed Currency Hoforms.
Washington, May 22. It is under
stood that the house Republican caucus
committee oppolnted to frame a scheme
of currency reform has agreed upon a
maasure along the following lines:
The redemption of all obligations of
the government in gold on demand;
greenbacks, when once redeemed, for
gold, to be reissued only for gold; per
mitting national banks to Issue notes
to the par value of their government
bonds deposited in the treasury, in
stead of 90 per cent, as at present;
permitting the minimum capital of na
tional banks to be $26,000 Instead of
$50,000, as at present
Austin Formall vChumcI With Murder
Bellefontalne, O, May 23. Ernest
Austin, the man who is suspected of
killing his mother and brother at Mld
dleburg and who is believed to have
tried to kill himself, may recover. He
is still at the house of a neighbor,
where the Inquest was held yesterday.
Austin told the coroner that a robbber
shot his mother and brother and him
self, but no credence is given the state
ment. Austin was yesterday charged
with the murder, and is now under
guard. There Is great Indignation
among the people of that part of the
county, and threats to lynch Austin if
he recovers are freely mad.
, , -, , , ., A.
Anibassaaor v Into s relictions
Ai.nnt Kip Vf-nrp flnnfhrrtTHMI
anew me rpaoe uonieronoei
Think the Conference May Aetvn(
some COBolnalon, Thoun'i Not Oh
Mirntory Hope to ut Leoat Human
ize War Aire.
The Hngue, May M. Andrew D
White, the United States r.mVa8f
at Berlin nnd head of the American
delegation to the peace confers ice, In
an interview here With a pre?w repre
sentative said he regarded the liiUii
tlon ns promising, and that the first
work of the orgattttttlc :i WM well
I'ono. He said:
"1 am hopeful that It will he possi
ble to reach practical conclusions.
The Sceptlslsm of the first few days
must yield to serious hopes without St
the same time Indulging In exagger- i
ated expectations. The v.onbi of
pe.ror William have contributed to
improve the situation.
"I think we may arrive at some re
sult on the subject of mediation and
arbitration. Although it is undoubt
edly impossible to make such a con
nection obligatory. It can be rendered
at least optional, and I believe that
after the conference the powers Will
recognize that they have at their dis
posal a means of regulating their dif
ferences otherwise than at war. That
will be an immense advance.
"I am also that Important
Improvements ure achievable in the
laws and usages of war, to humanize
war, especially In extending to naval
battles the Geneva convention of 1864
and in Increasing the protection of
private property In naval wars. Rela
tive to the reduction of armaments, I
am not In n position to speak on the
Other ambassadors who ore dele
gates to the conference were also In
terviewed and expressed similar views.
They said they were moBt hopeful that
the deliberations of the conference
would result in the adoption of prac
tical recommendations tending to
ward peace and rendering war more
humane. All were dominated by a
sense of Immense responsibility to
achieve something, especially In the
direction of arbitration.
The delegates were unanimously of
the opinion that the question of the
reduction of armaments would be the
most difficult to meet and they be
lieved It would be relegated to the
rear of the other two features, espec
ially since the special object of the
conference Is now acknowledged to be
an endeavor to establish means for
the solving of international difficul
ties without recourse to war. thus In
creasing the rarity of wnrs and. ns a
natural consequence, lending to the
reduction of armaments.
After an active exchange of views
the chiefs of the various delegation!
arrived last evening at an agreement
regarding the selection of the presi
dents of the various committees. TblD
agreement was communicated to the
delegates, who had been summoned
to meet in plenary session at noi n to
day for the sole purpose of formally
confirming the agreement.
Baron De Staal. the head of the Rus
sian delegation, who was fleeted presi
dent of the conference, has made him
self very popular with the meaibera.
The. tiralu hovelorn still Ncirotmt
Inir With Contractor Conner.
Buffalo, May 23.--During the last 24
hours very little has been accomplish
ed by either the strikers or employers
to bring about an adjustment of their
differences, and it looks as If the strike
will be prolonged till the end of the
week. Many conferences have been
held in different parts of the city, but
at none of them was any definite plan
President Daniel J. Keefe, of the In
ternational 'Longshoremen's associa
tion, labored all of yesterday with
committees from the different unions
In an effort to come to some arrange
ment. He advised the scoopers to
adopt a proposition which called for
two men to be selected from New
Local 51, two to be chosen by Contractor
Conners, and with Keefe as a fifth,
to form a committee to pass on tho
eligibility of shovelers who should be
recognized by the new union. This
was adopted, and it Is now believed
that all the men, or as many as there
will be work for, will be laboring by
the end of the week.
Blown to Atom by Nltro Olyeerlna.
Chicago, May 23. Three Chicago
men, employes of the Aetna Powder
company, at Aetna, Ind., were blown
to atoms in the explosion of a tank
of nitro-glycerlne Sunday night. The
dead are: Frank Bbler, axed 19;
Samuel Errlck, aged 24; Charles Mor
ris, aged 27. A pipe leading from the
engine burst, igniting some sawdust
and leaves near a flue leading into the
room containing the nltro-glycerlno
tank. Not a vestige of the building
remains and no portion of the bodies
has been recovered.
Collecting Cuban Aran,
Havana May 23. The Cuban arms
quwtion is apparently nearing m
plete and rapid settlement. The pay
ment and dispersal of half the armed
bands that have been voluntarily or
involuntarily quartered on the country
will begin, according to the present
program, next Saturday in this city.
"tVednendav, Mar IT.
New York's aldei men and council
voted $150,000 for the reception of Ad-
mimi Dewey.
rosr Admiral Watson sailed from
gRn ,.raiut8c0 lo luniia, to relieve
Admiral Dewey.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley-Martin, before
leaving New York to reside in London,
gave a $10,000 dinner to 80 persons.
Chief of Sctuts William H. Young,
who has distinguished himself In the
Philippines, died frcm a wound re
ceived in battle.
Rev. Dr. Bdward Everett Hale has
resigned the pastorate of the South
Congregational church, Boston, after
43 years service.
The (Sari of Strafford, wl o married
Mrs. Colgate In New York last De
cember, fell before an express train at
Potter's Bar. England, and war, killed.
Before the Mazet Investigators, in ,
New York. Mayor Van V.'yck vigorous
ly rebuked a suggestion that he was
"in" with gamblers, Mazet apologised,
Thursday, May is.
A cyclone at Manchester. In., killed
four persons and seriously injured foil'-
Three boy babies horn to Mrs. John ,
O'Keefe, of Norfolk, Va., arc
Sampson and Schley.
General Joe Wheeler, of Alabama,
will deliver a Memorial day address
before a Boston 0, A. It. post.
A cyclone at Montpeller, o., wrecked
a schoolhouse, fatally Injuring the
teacher and four girl .mpils.
The magnificent sword voted by con
gress for Admiral Dewey is in a saf"
deposit vault awaiting the admiral's
General Wade Hampton, In a grate
ful letter, declines the propositi of
South Carolinians to build him a home
on the Bite of that recently destroyed
by Are.
General Henry, late military gover
nor of Porto Rico, declares American
capital con find profitable investment
there, but there will be no demand for
American labor.
Friday, May in.
Andrew Carnegie has subscribed 1,
000 to the Gladstone memorial fund.
A strike of the mull carriers In Paris
lasted less than 20 hours, the men
weakening and returning to work.
The cznr's disarmament conference
met at The Hague und chose Baron do
Staal, of Russia, as president.
A mob of Cubans lu Havana tore
down Spanish Hags which had been
hoisted by merchants in celebration of
the king's birthday.
The Duluth, Minn., striking street
car men wrecked another cur with
dynamite Wednesday night, but no
passengers were hurt.
K. E. (Mark, of Cedar Rapids, la.,
wus elected grand chief conductor of
the Order of Hallway Conductors at
the Detroit convention.
Saturday, May VO.
Mayor Jones, of Toledo, will prob
ably be a laber candidate for governor
of Ohio.
President MrKlnley and party re
turned to Washington from Hot
Springs, Vu this evening.
Charles R. Buckalew, ex-Cnlted
States senator from Pennsylvania, died
at his homo In Bloomsburg, Pa., aged
78 years.
Deputy sheriffs shot and killed Dick
Reese and Richard Grant, who defied
i the former und drew revolvers, at
I Columbus, Tex.
The Presbyterian general assembly.
I at Minneapolis, adopted resolutions
urging a vigorous light against Sab
bath desecration.
The house of the Texas legislature
I passed Anally Its bill placing one per
I rent, tax on all personal incomes in
excess of $2,000 a year.
It Is asserted that If the present rate
,.f ....nonnnifian of riii' iron is main
tslned much longer many mills will
soon lie forced to shut down for lack
of material.
Monday, May 8ii.
A fire at Dawson. Alaska, did $4,
000.000 damage, with not a dollar's
worth of Insurance.
The Philippine Islands, though nn
agricultural country, do not produce
food sufficient for the Inhabitants.
The strike situation in the Pittsburg
(Kan.) district Is apparently more fa
vorable to tho striking coal miners.
Cornell students celebrating a base
ball victory fought police and firemen
who put out their bonfires. Many were
In Jersey City John Moretta stubbed
his wife to death In the presence of
several hundred people viewing a ball
A Michigan volunteer soldier arose
In a Calumet church and rebuked the
minister for the latter's criticism of
the government's Philippine policy.
Tuesday, May S3.
George Smith, colored, is under ar
rest In Asbury Park, suspected of hav
ing fatally beaten Mrs. Lavlna Har
mon, also colored.
The death of aged MIbs Agnes Sut
ter at Newburgh, N. Y., was caused by
the upsetting of a lamp by a cat while
the woman was asleep.
A woman of Watmea, Hawaii, mur
dered her stepchild, and a neighbor
who rushed Into the cabin killed the
first woman's own daughter.
The navy department has received
no confirmation of the report that the
cruiser Detroit had fired on and sunk
the Nlcaraguan gunboat San Jacinto
at Blueflelds.
The Philadelphia Produce Market.
Philadelphia, May 22 Flour firmly
maintained; winter superfine, fl l'w.i2 30;
Pennsylvania roller, clear, 1303.20: city
mills, extra, I2.4O02.S5. Kye flour steady
at $3.15 per barrel for cnolce Pennsylva
nia. Wheat strong: No. 2 red, spot, In
elevator, 7S676c. Corn firm; No. .1 mix
ed, spot. In elevator, S8S"ac; No. 1 yel
low, for local trade, 41MlHc. Oats quiet
and steady: No. 2 white. 34Hc.: No. Z
White, clipped, 34M35c. Hay firm; choice
timothy. 313013.50 for large bales. Beef
! steady: beef hams, fil.50320. Pork quiet:
family. 111.10612. Iard iteady: western
steamed, IS.S5. Butter steady; weatern
creamery. 1541 Mc. ; do. factory, lmoilc ;
ImlUtlon creamery. 13H15c. ; New York
dairy. 13Vt017c. : do. creamery. lSjlSc
fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 21
f,24c.; do. wholesale, 20c. Cheese weak;
large, white, Hc. ; small do., 'WHc.;
larre, colored. 8:.; small do.. 4tfHa.
Egfs firm; New York and Pennsylvania,
UUc.: western, fresh, 1515Hc.; southern,
Inquest on the Terrible Railroad
Disaster at Exeter.
Tho Teat Move Will He to Arrest the
('hnlll. n It In Helleveil They Are
Known Brakeman Had Not Time to
signal Pro parly.
Reading. Pa.. May 23 Coroner W.
II. Rothermel's Inquiry Into the Phila
delphia and Reading railway horror at
Exeter. In which 29 people were killed
and nearly 80 injured, opened here
yesterday with a large audlenre in t.t
tendance. Unusual Interest wus mani
fested by all.
The first witnesses examined in
cluded William Luta, the hotel keepor
nt Exeter; Robert A. Jackson, of Nr
riatown; .lames Toal, of Exeter; MaJ 'i
Henry Pennington, of Philadelphia; J.
BllWOOd Sanders, of New York, ant!
William C. Fox. of Bchulyklll Have ..
Their testimony esta'. lislio;! the fact
thi.t the first train ran past
station, and that it was while It was
backing near the front of the depot
that the accident occurred. The rear
brakeraan of the first train, Charles
Miller, said he did not hnve time to
run back very far before the collision.
Another tact fully substantiated by the
above witnesses was that the dead and
injured were robbed with the greatest
Bdward Sentman, conductor of u
freight train lying at Exeter on the
niuht of the wreck, gave Importanl
testimony He saw the collision und
saw the brakeman running up the
track waving a red and white light,
The air brakes of the second section
were put on too late, Oilier witnesses
said the trains were running but throe
minutes apart.
Robert A. Jackson, of Norrtstown,
who was a passenger on the second sec
tion, testified that he was In the third
car from the engine. He said he had
the window open. He heard the air
brakes put down, and upon looking
out of the window snw a man running
with a lantern, and the next the col
lision occurred. He was sitting on the
right side, but was uninjured.
Considerable testimony was elicited
showing thi.t since tho accident tho
company had increased us precau
tion In the running of trains. The un
doubted testimony of two witnesses
that ghouls were at work robbing the
dead and dying wub the most sensa
tional of the day's proceedings and
the next move will be to arrest tho
parties, as It Is believed they are
Hind Rrakomnn Chnrles E. Miller,
of the first section, engineer Wllder
muth. of the same trnln, nnd M. W.
Brommer. the conductor, testified as
I to how they were stopped by the coal
.train, and how Miller rnn bark to stop
the coming express. All the testimony
showed that tho trains wore running
! exceedingly close together.
Itohhed a Famonn Shrtne.
Santiago de Cuba, May 23 The
! startling discovery was made on Sun-
'day thai tho famous shrine of NuestrS
Senora Carldad, at El Cobra, had been
I robbed of Jewels valued at 125,000, and
that tho head of the statue had been
' broken off and removed. The report
caused groat excitement In the town,
where the shrine has long been the
principal attraction. It Is supposed to
have miraculous healing powers, and
Is visited annually by thousands nf
' pilgrims from all parts of Cuba, from
Mexico and even from Europe, who
have loaded the image with rich gifts.
Killed wiiii ii Baanball Bat,
Wilmington, Del., May 23. William
, A. Montague, aged 24 years, of this
'city, died yesterday as a result of be
Ing assaulted with a baseball bat, mid
tno coroner's Jury last night held
MontylOO Cole, aged 24 years, of To
ronto. Canada, responsible for Monta
gue's death, and be was held without
I ball for trial. Cole is B dental student at
i the University of Pennsylvania, ami it
j Is said comes of a prominent family,
i Evidence was brought out indicating
that the assault was the outcome of
i Jealousy on the part of Cole.
Boer Officials' Conspiracy.
London, May 23. Tho Johannes
burg correspondent of the Morning
Post, in a dispatch dealing with the re
cent arrest of former British officers
on the charge of a conspiracy to pro
mote a rising, says he is now convinced
that tho conspiracy was primarily
formed by Boer officials. Police Com
missioner Srhutte woh the prime
mover. Schutto, who evidently used
President Krugor's son as a tool, has
been forced to resign, but will appeal
to the volksrnad for reinstatement.
Sent the Empress' Picture Jfoseleasi
Akron, O., Moy 23. Adolphus Tell
kamp. a business man of Hamburg.
Germany, yesterday brought lUit
against tho Akron Cereal company for
$5,000 damages. He alleges that ho
I worked up a large tierman business
, for cereal foods, but that the Akron
company sent him packages with the
I figures of the empress of Germany
I printed on them, but that the face of
the empress was noseless. As a con
I sequence the Germans would not buy
and he lost heavily.
Tho Volunteer' Iletnrn From Manila
Washington, May 23. Tho War do
nnrtmen t Is nroceedlns on tho theory
' that by the end of July not a volunteer
i soldier will be left In Mnnila. nnd
General Otis' report yesterday that the
' transport Warren has arrived advances
the time when the homeward move
I ment of the volunteer troops will be
1 gin. Already notice has been Issued
I that mail for the First California and
! Second Oregon volunteer regiments
should not be sent to Manila, but to
, San Francisco.
I A Mammoth Steel undue For Japan.
Philadelphia, May 23. The Phoenix
J Bridge company, of Phoenixvllle, Pa.,
! yesterday received the contract from
! the Japanese government to build a
I large steel bridge for the Imperial
railway of Japan. The bridge will
1 be in six spans. 130 feet high, and will
weigh something over 1,000,000 pounds.
I It will be the largest steel bridge ever
contracted for by American builders
j and one of the handsomest structures
1 of the kind in the world.
t"he Vatftran lcnii- Iviiiib Democrat
Succumbs to Henri Failure.
Bloomsburg, Pa., May Js. -Ex-United
States Sennti r Charles R. Bucka
lew died at his home here yesterday,
after an illness of less than a week
Mr. Buckalew was stricken wkh n
slight attack of heart failure last Mon
day night. Owing to his advani el ago
he gradually grew weaker until Thurs
day night, when he appeared to be.
much Improved. Yesterday morning
however, he took u sudden relapse
from which he never rallied. He lejavei
a widow and a married daughter. Thr
funeral will take place next Moudaj
Services will be held in the Maritf
Street Methodist Episcopal i bun '
Interment will bo made in the fxmil;
lot In Rosemont cemetery.
Charles Rollin Buckalew was born lA
Columbia county Dec. 2S, lS'Jl Hii
ancestors were Huguenots, w! a fVotl
this country on the revocation of tl -edict
of Nantes. I'ntil he W&l H
years old he lived on I lie home ."..ixu i
and then entered Harford a idnmx
For some years he acted as iMU'hci
and merchant's clerk, but finally com
menced the study of law in Berwici:
and was admitted to the bar of C ilucr.i
bla county In 1843. In 1S44 he settlui
at Bloomsburg and made bis how
there untl his death.
In 184.1 Mr. Buckalew was appotnle
prosecuting attorney of ColBTUUli
county. In lSao he was elected a mem
ber of the state senate and wua re
elected In is..:', and 1S57. He w
pointed commissioner for tho exchang i
of the ratifications of the treat, lie
tween the United Slates government
and that of Paraguay, and In 1851 Wl
elected a senatorial presidential elec
tor, in isr" he was chairman of thi
state Democratic committee, and in
the same year received the appoint
ment of commissioner to revise tho
penal laws of the .state. He resigned
the position of state senator and com
missioner In is.'s to accept the ap
pointment of resident minister to Ecu
ador at the hands of President Bu
chanan. In 1M13 he was elected to the I'nileu
States senate by a majority of SSSS
vote, succeeding David Vvilmot, Re
publican. At the expiration of hl
term, in 1809, he was succeeded by
John Scott, in l sto be was elected u
the Btute senate for three years. ;init
in 1872 received the Democratic nomi
nation for governor, but was defeated
by General Hartranft. Afterward he
was elected to eoncress. serving in lh
Fifty and Fifty-first congresses
Bethlehem, Pa., May 23. Kicked to
drnth by a vicious horse which he was.
driving to a work-OUl cart yesterday,
Wli'iam V. Delameter was dragged
half n mile before his lifeless liody
fell Into the road. The crown of hir
bend was cut off by the horse's hoofs.
He was E yonrs of age and married.
Busquebannn, Mny 20. Br. a. O
Btimpson, sn aged physician. was found
dead his office, in Thompson,
with a bullet bole in ills head lb had
evidently been dead several days He
I served as regimental surgeon during
the late war with Spain. An Investlgar
tion is being made to dcte .nine wheth
er or not he was murdered.
I Towanda, May 2.:. Jacob Cape well,
2! years old, of Sugar Uun. died at
the Holcomb hotel, in tills borough,
yesterday from the effects of a blow on
the head delivered by Samuol Heenuui.
I mi.. lo,t. ma iwimmlllait In bit l.v
I HO 1, Hi' 1 hub ... j
Coroner Pratt, A number 1 f witnesses
swore at the Inquest thai Heoman
struck Capewell ith his bare fist
Reading, .May 20. Booty valued nt
more than $1,000 stolen from the resi
dences of James Dodson and J, Walter
Lovett, of Bethlehem, has been recov
ered In this ritv and Charles Mantetl.
11 young colored man. Inn been arrested
at Norrtstown for pawning the valua
bles. Among the articles recovered are
diamonds, a sword and jewelry. More
than $:i.niin worth was stolen in all.
Easton. May 21. Lafayette college
will dedicate on May 111 the restored
Pardee hall. This structure, erected by
the generosity of Arlo Pardee, c 1 Ha
v.leton, WB1 one of the earliest of thr
scientific buildings which were added
to the older colleges. It was nearly de
stroyed by fire in December of iso.
when Professor George Stephens ap
plied the torch in his career of vandal
ism about the college, for which act of
Incendiarism he is now serving a sen
tence In prison.
Hazleton, Pa., May 20 No atlcmpt
was made yesterday by the United
Mine Workers to intone the order
recently given out by President Huffy
that the union would not work with
non-union men at the Audenried and
Honeybrook colleries of the Lehigh
and Wilkesbarre Coal company on an I
after May 19. This order of President
Duffy. Issued about two weeks ago.
was followed by a notice served by tho
company that a permanent suspension
of work in the mines would be ordered
if the men struck.
Lnncnster. Pa. .May 23. Counsel for
Ralph w. Wiwback, sentenced to be
hansed June 7 for the murder of
Bank President D. B. Landls. ster
day afternoon made application to the.
court for the appointment of a com
mission In lunacy. The petition stated
that nine physicians, insluding several
prominent experts, had examined
Wlrcbaok and found him Insane. The
commonwealth objected and the court
dismissed the petition. Wirabai k's
counsel will take a writ of error to
tho supreme court and also ask tho
state board of charities to intervene.
York, Pa.. May 22. The most im
portant session of the general synod"
of the Evangelical Lutheran church
ever held In the United States will con
vene In this city on Wednesday even
ing. Three hundred delegates will be
present and the session will bo marked
by unusual features. One of these,
features will be the presence of an un
precedented number of fraternal dele
gates. The general council of the
Luthern church of the United States,
a split from the general synod, will
be represented by Rev. Dr. Spelss. of
the Broad Street church. Philadelphia.
This will be the first time that body
has been represented In the general
synod since its secession in 1867. The
united synod of tho south, which was
formed by a deflection from the gen
eral synod during the civil war, will
also send fraternal delegates.