Royal ABSOLUTELY RE ABSOLUTEiytaRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ovi tutma tggm The Middleburgh Post. Published ever? Thursday. Geo. W. Wngenseller, tditor and Proprietor Subscription 1.50 per year. 'in-li muM ' pain In idTUM when Rent out Ida the county.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. mi transient RrtverttivmontR not otherwise .nntraoted mr win be charged at the rate or tl hi per line (DOOptrlej measure) for llrst Inaer tlOD mill 10 osntl per line tor every subsequent Insertion. 9" Heath notieei publMed free ; obituary poen, trtbutn of retpeet. f three cnttt a line. Republican Standing Committee. Adam, W. H. Herman, J. O. Mtddlnwartb Ili'HVer, A. VV , Miihuit, Pavlil Coleman Bearer w., Cbu. A. Wagner, John D. Howell Centre. II. B. Waaner, M a Bowereox Chapman. n. s. Troutman, P. A. Troup Franklin, M. I.. Walter. II. K. Bolender Jackaon, J. s. Vearlok. II. II. Smith Mlddltbura, Al. Clelan, James Erdley MiddlacMMii A. I. Kreaiper, s. L. Voder Monro, A. it. Young-, i. I'. Hitter penn, Frank Miller. Howard How Parry, Dr. M. Rothroolc, Irwln Mover Ferry N'.. ti.'o. strawm'r, John Noll BeUnagrore, A. B. Ke. k, II. .r. Duck Hating, Oao. 8. Leplejr, O. M smith Union, '). Bice, H, J. stroh WuniiiiiKton, lr. 10. W. Toole, .1. II. Arbogaat Thursday, May 25, 1899. STONE TAKES $4000 FROM SNYDER COUNTY. Governor Stone has been very generous (?) to Snyder County as he has cut the public schools out of al most $4000. He cut oil the state appropriation for public schools the magnificent sum of 91,000,000. Of this sum Snyder County loses $1, 937.56 for each of two years or a total l $3,875.56 for two years. If the Governor had not cut the appro priation Snyder county would have received 921,813.68, but since the out the schools of this county w ill receive only l(l,37o.97. This loss to Snyder County is a very serious one. Money does not move very freely here at any rate and to have cut off from tht income the sum of almost 94000 means a se rious embarrassment in the conduct of the public schools. What makes the situation more aggravating isthe fact that by an act of the recent Leg islature, the minimum school term has been increased from six to seven months. This brings on the neces sity ot moie money for paying teach ers. Hence the directors of the county will be confronted with anew problem. In some way the matter must be bridged over. Something must sutler. If it is the teachers' salaries it means less efficient services of public servants who need an in crease instead of a decrease in their income. The governor has certainly made an error in making a dab of that character on the public schools, the very essence of future develop ment and social .strength. GUN COMPANY A WIND BAG. Mr. Wm. II. Whitney of New York City, the inventor of the fa mous ( lun, has been in town for a w eek or more, and he made a great many friends. He has a gun that is one of the best, if not the licst on the market. Unfortunately, theold gentleman, like other inventors, was not able to command capital enough to nut the product of bis skill on the market. He had busi ness dealings with capitalists and the business failed for some reason or other. His business has been idle for a number of years and being anxious to resume operations, lie went to New York City to secure the assistance of monied men to get In.- business on foot again. He got . . , 1 u 1 . 111 with a man wno nas agreed 10 promote a corporation for him and his business. This corporation came to Middle burg w ith representatives who asked the citizens of this place to raise $26,000 to float bonds to the amount of that sum to be secured by a first mortgage, and to donate the corpora tion a building snd lot. J he com pany agreed to put Into the building niaehincrv and tools to the amount of 975,000. It seems evident that the cost of the niaehincrv mnv have been 176,000, but aa they can to a larse extent be used onlv for the O manufacture of the Whitney Gun thev could not he considered good security. The committee in charge got the company down to express a willingness to accept 15,000 and then to $10,000 which was plenty of evidence that if they could not get a big pull they would take a BAKING Powder CO., KtW TCTIK. smaller one. The company was re presented by J. Howard Pardoe, an attorney of WatSOUtown. and D. Clarence Willoughly, a "Jim Slick er" of New York City. We do not wish to say that the WhitncySafcty Fire Arms Company is not all right, but they failed to satisfy our com mittee that there wasony substantial backing to support them and what looks more suspicious is that there was not enough money among the outfit of respesentatives to get them out of town and pay their hotel bills. aber tried to jret a ! P . ( )ne of their mini! check cashed for 920 at the bank here and Cashier Thompson called up on the telephone the bank upon which the check was drawn ami re- ri'ivi'il word flint the check would not h. honored. Here is a orett v ' spectacle of a young fellow trying v I ' to talk our people into adeal involv- mg nrawaw J'auocrman .jonn, ik- , iIS) Kml,.r,ck ( )tt, MathiasDaubcr ing an investment of 82r,,O00 and ! v,tar Abraham, Dibler John, Deetz j ,,iaM) iTohn Aumiller, William Hats, his check on his home bank not j Jmo1V ),,, k Johni , waoarman : jonn Shaber, Peter Brouse, Adam worth 920 and he left town without Eeter Epler John, Evigh Adam, pjgher , Beuiamin Weiser, Andrew paying his hotel bill. The expenses of his first trip over here was paid by our people. Surely such conduct on the part of the representative! does not in spire much confidence in the com pany. Middleburg's Present Opportunity rblladelpbla Inquirer Within a short time the people of I Middleburs have manasred throneh their representatives to secure a shoe factory for that town, and now they have before them a business-like proposition from certain capitalists, who propose to establish a gun fac tory. For some reason or other they arc hesitating over the proposal, and there are hints that the industry may go elsewhere. While it is possible that it would be locau! in some other Pennsylvania town, thus sub serving the interests of the State as well as if established at Middleburg, that is not the view which the peo ple of the latter place should take of the matter. To the Inquirer it does not matter where it goes so long as it remains within the State, but the MiddleburgPost takes the local view and earnestly urges that it be ac- nanioA "IT" If nva ' ays, "we all 1111II together, we can easily make a town in the Middlecreek Valley having a ' population of six in five or six years. In the case of the shoe factory success was insured through popular subscriptions ranging from five hun dred dollars down. The smallest was gladly received. The gun fac tory, however, is a large enterprise. By the close of the second year its ow ners agree to employ three hun dred hands, which will mean the construction of not less than two hundred new houses. They ask a thirty-five hundred dollar plot of ground and a contribution of twenty tire thousand dollars to be secured by bonds, the interest of which is to lie guaranteed. In what form this guarantee is to be given the Inquirer is not advised, but if that is satisfac tory the industry should be welcom ed by every resident of the place. It is always wise to look carefully into proposals of this kind, but it is also wise to remember that many a desirable enterprise has lieen lost by hesitating too long. The above we clip from the edi torial column of the Philadelphia Inquirer of 1 new lay morning. To our esteemed contemporary we de sire to say that the advise given is wholesome and timely upon all occa sions. Tlis money was raised or in such a shape it could have been com minded hy our committe at a mo ment's notice, but the security was such that no careful business man would care to risk any such sum. The company had a corporation with a capital stock of $500,000 and of that stock one man was to have $125,000 worth of it simply to lo cate the plant and float the stock. We can assure the Inquirer that we have all the water we need in our own historic old Middle Creek, we need not go to New York to get any watered stock ot a concern that has nothing else. The position which the Inquirer takes is all right, butit has been discovered thatthe security is no good. Some Valuable Old Papers. The Editor of the Post has in his possession a duplicate for the road Wittenmver Jr., ittonmyer Mi tax ot Penn township for the year ehael, Walter Jacob, Walter Jacob 1796. Also a list of the tax-payers Jr., W-ilter David, Walter Philip, of Penn township comprising what is Walter John, Wittenmver Wilhel- I BOW the eastern half of Snyder conn- mina, Wertz Christian, Wagoner ty. The list is of great interest and John, Wales John, W -yrick Wil we give below a list of the tax-pay- Ham, Wcyrick Peter. Wettiel Philip, ! ers at that time as the desoendants I Weitzel Peter, Wenner Christian, of these people.are in greut abund- Waggoner Youst, Weiser Conrad, ance at this time: j Wenner Andrew, Weiss, John A Co., Albright John, A rlx)gast John, Wert man Jacob, Warlin Michael, Arnold Adam, Apple Peter, Aibright Wittenm ver Jacob, "alter Henry, Michael, Aumillcr John, App Mat- j Wesh .Jacob, Weiss Jacob, Young : thias, Anderson Jacob, Ihicher .Ioh:i, ' Ooor;e, Yodcr John, Yoder Jacob, Herger Andiew, liolander Adam, ; Yodcr Michael, Ycager Christian. Inlander Frederick, Blander Henry, i BIHGLI fKkkman. Bolander John, Bolander Adam Jr., j(,in Nicholas Ralyart, Binhimer John, Howersox PauMphiHp Bbaber, Michael Newman, firell Nicholas, Hrener Fruicis, Christian Kemmcr. John Traisler, Berry John, Baker John, Busier j jolin Haines, George Bowersox, George, Bishop Jacob, Bishop John, ; palmlv. David Simile. Davis Bastian George, Bingaman John, lu'l'r Joseph, Benfer (ieorge, Brian i r l t .. v.eoie, iM.yer uniiaru, orrgiTjiu- drew, JiieKie Pinion, minis i'eter, u utuiuu, uuim fcvviH . , NlllliLll I I I ! I I tJ I 'nloM nrous Auam, neaver ajicnaci, nas- tian Jacob, Ballast Nicholas, Burn iv al t aT-l i n v iirwvuui, jiowersoA.u.enaeiuiuui , Charles, Drone Frederick, Dauber t al , 1 T I "u L"1""' 1 " ,ue "" Evans Federick, Etawiler George, , Fisher Adam, Feinily Christian, Frey John, Frey John Jr., Fllman John, Fetter Philip, Fisher Peter, i Friok John, Frey Abraham, Gem 1.....1;..., 1 1. i- 1 m:..i 1 n ."11 t 1 1 'I uerooening jaooo, utiaaa ueorge, ioiicKier Liiviiuina, vieur .jacoo, (Jodshalk Andrew, GiltnerChristian, ! Gotlshalk Peter, Geml)erling Charles, Guynn Hugh, Haine Conrad, Haine Philip, Hendricks Samuel, Hollen- bach Henry. Hummel G. Adam. Hepman John, Hauehenhach Peter, Haines John, HainesGeorge, Hotter Christian, Har.nan John, Hendricks John, Hager John, Hull Phineas, Haas Abraham, Haas Henry, Hoffer Elisabeth, Hostermati IJeter, Har lan Thomas, Hughes Garret, Isian Jacob, Jordan Philip, Jarret Jacob, Kline Frederick, Kline John, Kline Jacob, Jr., Kostcr Paul, Kisttr Pe ter, Klemeni Peter, Kline Jacob, Kuhn Jacob, Kratzer Daniel, Kline Barnhart, Keller George, Karcher Ludowig, Kindig Jacob, Kraus Christian, Kratzer Jacob, Kratzer Benjamin, Kern Widow, Kern John, Krydcr Isaac, Kline Widow, Laud enslager Valentine, Laudenslager ( Jeorge, Leist Andrew, Long Joseph, Leonard i'eter, Lons Peter. Lun Christian, Leckington Abraham, r . :n n 1 1 c Iitt Mr in nu t I 194.1 1 r r- t Mawger (ieorge, Moatz GLH.rge, Mertz Philip, Meyer Philip, Meyer 1 -ij ....... , . 1 1 . 11 1 mum. , Mi, it V ...l.,J-... Mever Henrv. Mover Jacob a- I Mlehnol. Millar A- I Am tana ana Meyer (ieorge, Meyer Jacob Jr., Moore Andrew, Moore Philip, Men gee Adam, Moore George, Merkle (ieorge, Mechlick John, Mowrer Peter, Miller Frederick, Moll An thony, Musselman Jacob, Meyer Charles, Miller Jacob (son of Char- . . v I lev , Mawhorter Henry, Myer . -w , . rl. t . phen, Mver John (son ol Stephen), Michael Mary, Myer C, Myer John (son of little Jacob), Myer Jacob (Hoffer s soiK'n-law), Moyer Samuel, Notesteine John, Neyhard David, Newman Peter, Neilson John (Tail or), ( )ldt (ieorge (son-in-law of Mr. Bishop), Oldt (ieorge, Pontius Ni cholas, Pontius John, Pontius Peter, Pepper Philip, Price Thomas, Pfiel Henry, Pawling Joseph, Rhode Francis, Rhode Francis Jr., Ricple Conrad, Rush Daniel, Reuhart Paul, Roush Casper, Roush George, Hup George, Row Martin, Row John, Ritter Simon, Reem Nicholas, Row George, Stump Abraham, Smith John, Swineford George, Swineford Peter, Swineford Albright, Swine ford John, Spade Jacob, Spade Ja cob Jr., Strayer Andrew, Stunbuch Abraham, Stock Matluas, Stumley Daniel, Stroup George, St roup An drew, Stroup Peter, Stratzberger StoplieLStraycr M.,Stoner Frederick, Sounder Doist, Snyder Baltzer, Southerland Thomas, Snyder Jacob, Stober William, Schoch George, Schoch Peter, Saintclaire Neal, Shog Mathias, Shog John, Shog Henry, Shaffer Andrew, Spatz Mathias, Shaber Philip, Swarts Philip, 8tock Michael, Stock Melchoir Jr., Mel choir, Snyder Simon (Justice), Si lver wood James, Shreck Frederick, Se lin Anthony, Est, (No Capt Selin to be found), Selin Catherine, Sny der Simon Jr., Shwenk Frederick, Shwenk Samuel, Stees Frederick, Spade David, Schoch Jacob, Shaffer Henry, Swingle Estate, Smith Ro bert, Spade George, Shreiner Chris tian, Stetler Henry, Schoch Jacob, Shaver John, Treaster Nicholas, George, Umpohaker Jonas, ohn, Wolf Philip, Welkerj Wolf J Christian, Wittenmver Andrew, Ei-neat, Henry Blame, John Wey. ri(.k Match, Georgeand Adam ' . . Evijrli, I'eter Bastian, Jacob Weiss, 1 m r w 1 . 11 , , I 7 ni Jnhn KFAtCPr. . it III Hfill. UMrm 'Htvr Henry Khodc. Jacob Stein- bruch .Jacob Boush. Georjre Stcim- .... v .. ... ,,s ,r ,llLr.lst. ( hr st an (Jlass, George Meoges, Thomas iuynn, Ueorge .Millar, Henry 1'ont- Ulrich olwh j0; j)t.a( j);,,, losing-L eP Christian (iruber, George Gem-1 batlhur. Christian Schnure. Fmle-I? rick Hooker. Jacob Wittenmver. The total amount of taxes for that vear 111 all of the township was ,,,, w.j To John Smith, Collector of Perm township : Pursuant, to sundry acts of As-jg semblv respecting the mode of eol lecting and paying county rates and levies, you arc hereby authorized and commanded within ten days from the date thereof, to ask, de- mand and receive rrom everv person named in your duplicate thesums ot money they are severally rated and assessed and if any jiersonor persona shall refuse or neglect to pay to you such sum or sums of money within the space of forty days, after demand made by you, that then you are au thorized and required to take, seize and distrain the goods and chattels of every such delinquent, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to dis charge said taxrsand costs and make sale thereof according to law and after deducting said taxes and costs, you are to return the overplus to the owner. But it goods and chat- My-!t;'ls1!"1,"ot lK' wna.yo i"t',, I Ml? IMKIV M Mil II Ul'lllH lll'MI UJ I Ml . . a M.I , 1 " 1 ta 1 i "ic y ' m 5 tlu' fff Jhere?f ,c'lmr- until aid taxes aud costs ore paid, or he law. seals ' lie delivered by due course 1 1 (liven under our hands 11111 this 16th lay of May 1797. H K. It V V A x DEBS LICE, N. Stokkman, Commissioners. Note. You are to meet the Ste-!Jam ,) mnrsuay, ineoisi lay 01 a 4 . ... u 1 ..i . t- 1 rm 1 .1 lit , 1 August next, at the house of Chri tian CJettig in Sunbury, in order Ui get such allowances as shall appear to them just and reasonable. If you neglect to report 4n said day, to set tle your duplicate no allowance will Ihj given. The aliove paper was handed to us by Mrs. Lizzie J. Smith of this place. The same will be presented to the Snyder County Historical So ciety. 4 ERE A COI.D Iff ONE DAT Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. druKtriats refund money If ft falls to cure. The genuine has L. B. y. on each tablet. All use. 6m. For Sale. I offer for sale fifteen acres of farm land, twenty acres of partly cleared land and twenty four acres of timber land, all situat ed at New Berlin in Limestone town ship, Union Co. If so desired, it will be sold in lots, i or particulars inquire of A. T. Taylor, Kishaco quillas, Pa. 3-23-3mo. Middleburgh Market. Corrected weekly by our merchants. Butter 14 Bkm 10 Onions 00 Lard 6 Tallow - m 4 Chickens per lb 7 Turkeyi 10 Side Shoulder 8 Ham 13 Wheat 70 Rye 45 Potatoes 60 Old Corn 85 Oats 80 Bran per 100 lbs 75 Middlings " 85 Chop " W Floor per bbl.... 4.40 THE D A CK P D rVlUi BICYCLE any wheel on the mar ket. REPAIRING ofallkindf neatly done I have spent a number of years at the business under an experienced instiaotor. Call and see before buying a bicycle, WALLACE TEATS, Globe Mills.lPa. : a'r:v-x N . , . v 1 1 u The Post has made siiceial I arrangements with the Fa km Ij Journal by which we areeno- I Ll-J i .At' ' n . 8cri..ti 3 iv.ii' oico 10 oner a nve-vcar suo- on to that paper to everv BUDaXTiber who nava One iwuar lor me MIDDLEBURGH I Post one year in advance, and I the same offer is made to every 9 old Subscriber who pays his ar- S rearages to date and one dollar extni for the Post one year in ! advance and the Farm Journal i 11 .1 11 live years in advance. v REMEMBER ' f, thatinoHtrto get this premium f f five yea-s .subscription to the ( I Faiim Jot hn al, it is necessary f toattend to this matter prompt- I ly as we have only a limited k numlK'r to offer. Address $ The Minm.EnuiiGH Post, I Middleburgh, Pa. 2 One of the best Wheels on the Market ONLY - o . $40.00. IDEAL . . . A wheel of unparalleled quality for only $25.00. Fine Bicycle Repairing Successful ly done. Some good second-hand Wheels now on hand. N. P. HUMMEL, KRFAMER, PENNA. WANTED-BRAINS Sal for ear kudus! rim of nbllo bsUUafl, lUtan tad ituim of WuUifta Cltr. Till beck cert u ajajf lallin. ItvWatiuttoroafttBrtklif. Writi u to-d. Cu rn tklak of itMtklif to Mttat IFrotoet rai idiu: ti,J',.?'.to5'n7"B- ftfcfak nr Utm oSm ud Mi mBm, BiafwU Mas. COPf A CO.- Pti Utmvt. Wuitrtot O. expiri-teacc. BOOK FEIE, AddraM SR. inrJBKB, A. W Broadwaf Maw Xork. T. 0 STOVES STOVES STOVES A Present of$2.50 SCHOCH k STAHLNECKER Offer to the public a full line of Corrugated Roofing, Plain Tin and Galvanized Iron Roofing and Spouting, Fence Wire,Tinware,Gran iteware, Etc. A full line of OIL & VAPOR STOVES for Summer cooking. Gall and see our stock and learn our prices. SCHOCH & STAHLNECKER, OPP. JAIL. MEPDLEBUBQ. PA. VAPOR STOVES VAPOR STOVES VAPOR STOVES B 9 to m g it as 5 SYLVAfM KAILR0AD. Snubury & Lewistown Division. In effect May 22, 1899. vanrwaaok ktatioxs. i aaarwaaa) 1 m aTI 7i 2 M i 57 Sunburr i :;i I su HJ IDi.7 8cllnKrove.lui,. ion t3 tM IH 19 inu tvliniKrove d IK a , t I0KII FawiiiiK dim sot '-31 10 M! k reamer H 5 01 234 In r, Melacr ' DIM 4 M 2 40 10 33 MLIdlrburK 4 S IM 10:i Benfer I U 4 4C 2 1 JO 4rt Beaverluwn I H 44 4 17 aO 14 l Ailamshnrir v 4 : IW l K I'nul ailla ; Nay 4 2S II H It l MeClure ' 8 2S 4 R s 8 U H WnBPr N IS 4 TO g Shlndla ' h is 4 to U2I I aintervillb H 00 4 H j list MalMaad ik 341 3 45 IIM U-wlslonrn 7 Vl .115 :i47 II tf Tittirintnwn (Main IMiaal ) 7 J 3 43 8 50 11 10 ltiiu ii .lun. ii, mi, 7S0 S 40 Train leaves Suiihhr 5 35 p m, ar rives lit Sel-.ris.M', ive ft 45 p ui Traiua leav Lewii-fiiwn jiiuotlou : IM'Ht, 1" li ii m. 1 10 i mMt p in i vS i in. 7 (17 11 S8p in, AlUXHtu, PlttMllim .m i the Wait. for Ranitnora an i WaaMntjtN Taiu I S8 4 S3. 1 ..J p iii Kur I'hlladatnhla and New York :is n a m. 1 OJ 1 33 4 H and 11 1( a in Kot Hurriaburx C II ii tu and s do u UI Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND NORTHKKN I'KNTIIAI, RAILWAY Trains kMa Siiuhiirr dallv except snniluv : 1 Si a m for Krie and ('iinandnliruu 6 10 a in for Itni Itlimta Ei if a ml kj nandalirua 94rt In lor ligk l m, 'fvrnno and tin- Wen 1 10 p 111 fornellalntv KaoeTrrnne anil Uanao- dillullll 5 45p in lor keanvuand Klinlru ii". p m tor Wllllninsport Sunday 5 10 a in lor Krlc and irimandalprna ntSani rorlxwk Haven and ViiSpiu lor Wl llanirpori II H a tn. S5 a in 2 IH) and 5 4S p in lor Wllket harri' nnl llazclton 7 iO a in. 10 -41 a in, HM p m, 5 45 p in for Shamo kln nnd Mount Carmel Sunduy 9 55 a m lor Wllkeliarre Trains l-nve BallBfTOTa .lunftlno 10 IW a in, week dajri nrrlvlinr nt Hhfl nldphla .101) pin Now York 5 53 p in Baltimore 3 n p ru Wa.hlnuton 4 1" p in 534 p in daily arrlrlM at I'hilndelphhi .0 20 p m Now York 3 H a ta, Maliluiore 9 46 u in Wimlilnrtoii 10 H p in. 8 42pui, week days arrlvlnu at Philadelphia 4 30a in, New York 721 u w, Kaltimore 2 MO a in Waalilnirtnn 4 05 a m Tra lis nl.o leave Snnhury i 27 a in dally arrlvlii. at 1'hlladeldhlii i 52 a m Baltimore 35 n in Washington 7 45 a ui New York 9 83 a in Wcokdays, 10 38 a m Snndnv, 7 50 am week days nrrivlnir at Plillaiiolphia 11 48 a in, New York vf is p m, Baltimore 115 a m, Wssiiinirtoii i no p in. 155 pin, week days arrlvlnir at Philadelphia 23 Dm, New York V 30 p tn, Baltimore di p m Washing-ton 7 13 p m Trains also leave Sunbury Ht 9 50 a in and 5 25 and I 32 p in. lor Uarrlsburi', Philadelphia and Baltimore I. B. HOTOHtNaON ZZfikSSUP rm m. m, mm- m. mm w m mm UWVV1 flTMPFD I uMriiiinmiM, THE TAILOR, 1 SELINSGROVE, PA. i Lowest CasH Prices. I i Call Before Yon Order Elsewnere.! mm mm mm m m m mmmm - ' -v 1 naTftl ri M h rf am i r rjrf tv UB. BUT ,;m7VA THE DIETZ DRIVING LAMP Is about as near perfection as 50 yean of Lamp-Making can attain to. It burns kerosene, and gives a powerful, clear, white light, and will neither blow nor jar out. When out driving with It the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead ot your smartest horse. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had. ask your dealer for the "Oletz." We Issue a special Catalogue of this Lamp, and, If you ever prowl around after night-fall. It will Interest you. TU mailed free. R.B. DIETS CO., 6o Ealght8t., New York. Batabllstaed ia 1840. ml FOR 10C SILVER or ISC STAMPS. I will rend a handsome FOUNTAIN PEN. solid gold. Nothing beats It. Tremeod nus aeller. Agxnta wanted. Address at once Bos 185, Guyandoldt, w. a a-iMm. STOVES STOVES STOVES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers