The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 25, 1899, Image 2

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    Dew Blood and Life.
S. S. S. Is a Great Blessing to feebleness and ill health, and
nearly all of the sickness among
If PiVflC Thfiffl oUtT people can be avoided. Most elderly
II UllOO I llulll l i '. are very susceptible to illness.
but it is wholly unnecessary. By keep
ing their blood pure they can fortify themselves
so as to eeenpe three-fourths of the ailments
from which they suffer so generally. S. S. S. is
-Si- remedy which will keep their systems young, by purifying the blood.
thoroughly removing all w iste accumulations, any impart
ing new strength and life to the whole body. It increases
the appetite, ouilds up the energies, and sends new life
giving Wood throughout the entire system
Mrs. Sarah Pike. 47? Broadway, South Boston, writes :
"I am seventy years old, and had not enjoyed good health
for twentj years. I was sick in different ways. Hnd in
addition, hail Kczema terribly on one of my legs. The
doctor said that on account of my age, I would never be
well again. I took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it cured me
completely, and I am happy to say that
I feel as well as I ever did in my life."
Mr ,f, W. Loving, of Colquitt, Oa., says: " For eight
een vears I Buffered tortures from a fiery eruption on
rav -kin. I tried almost every known remedy, but they
tailed one by one, and I was told that my age, which is
fact) six. was against me. and that I could never hope
to-Us well again. I finally took S. S. S., and it cleansed
my blood thoroughly, an'l now I am in perfect health.-'
it tho only remedy which can build up and strengthen
v. people, because it is the only one which is guaranteed
fie- from potash, mercury, arsenic and other damaging
mini ' ils. It is made from roots and herbs, and has no chemicals whatever
m it. s S s urea the worst cases of Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism,
7 . - Onen S, r.-s. Chronic I leer-, Hons, or nnv other disease of the liloml.
Bo, its .,!. those diseases will ! sent free by Swift Spa
ml mjL u-
iiflo Co., Atlanta. Ga.
fir p.
O 1
Iff! n
!lc;id most softly and
play most effectively over
f . J)ii festive scene when thrown
ov7 K. wive,, rafirilptt.
... -
in lull! that rutiohtena
beauty's charm, that gives the j
finished touch to the drawing I
room or dining room, is the I
mellow elow of B
, . i "
Sold in all colors and shades
to harmonize with any interior
hangings or decorations,
llu..,.r..A,...n,l I...
L sTiNninn oil co. 3
C For Kuio ever j where. j
niT ri
i "Ml!
II , I v H
;!? BSBjK-rl
w i la
I1 ilr H
Is .
. I m
tf r -
! oi ws ao Throat (hRitvtions !
"5V "iVvroaV Comfort.
tfa!(aca & Co.. New York City.
woi m Cemen
mmnnn in iw
Is used for Plastering Houses,
ft is a new tllscvery
Guaranteed to last longer
than :tny other plaster. It
preferred to Adamant.
For particulars call on oraddrav
Sjuhart Normal School
and Business Institute.
Tho Elkhart Normal Sliool mid
Business Institue oITts the best
Course, Met bods, and Instructions
h I'edaeoijy, Book-keeninK, Stenog
raphy, Penmanship, Drawing, EI
nention atul Oratory, and Physical
Culture, and a', tlio lowest rates for
tuition and board. Students can
r.ntfrr t. Kliv tinin Crrunr hloH,.,
and :t copy Educational New free
or application. Address, Dr. H.
. Hamaw, t'ec'.v. Elkhart. Ind.
In the War with Spain II U n. lixrcp-
Clonalli Good Throastaa
Qood order and discipline, the clean
liness of the shii nothing, nol even
the daintiest of summer cottages, is
more clean than a well ordered Amer
ican warship were maintained at the
camp throughout the entire occupancy
iv the battalion, and the fact thnt. al
though exposed to a malarious climate
In the torrid atmosphere of a tropical
summer, at a spot located but o few
score of miles from w here our poor fel
lows of the army were SUCCUmblng by
hundreds In the fever-laden air, the en
tire loss of life in the marine battalion
was due to the casualties of battle not
one man died of disease- shows what
can be done by well-regulated and well
drilled organizations in all departmental
of a military body, writes . P. Zoff
baum, In Harper's Magazine,
There was no lack of medical or other
necessities) nothing essential to the ef
ficiency of the force as a fighting body,
to its health, to the protection of tlio
men from adverse conditions of life In
the field during the rainy season of the
tropics, had been neglected or forgot
ten; and, while it is true that the base
of supply was close at hand and the
problem of transportation inland from
the water's edge did not have to be met,
it is safe to a-ssiime, from the admirable
order and system displayed, that any
such difficulties presented would have
been overcome.
One Thnt In ttiin for (lie ArcnnuiKid.
tion of Fiahvrmesi and
(nil ii era.
Perhaps the most interesting railroad
in Pennsylvania is the Kishcoquillsui
valley, which runs from JJeedville to
Belleville, a distance of nine miles,
says the Pittsburgh Post it baa con
nection with the Pennsylvania on the
Lewiston division and docs a good busi
ness. Jts equipment consists, accord
ing to official statement, of two engines
und four ears. Only one of the locomo
tives is in use steadily, however, und
when it is in the roundhouse the resi
dents of the town know that no trains
are on the road.
The general manager and purchasing
agent is J, P. (letter, u physician of
Belleville, His wife, Clara W. (letter,
is treasurer of the line. The engineer
of the locomotive in use is master me
chanic, superintendent of motive pow
er and several other things as well, and
it is said of him that he has an easy
time of it unless something happens to
break, when he has to work all night,
ii need be, in repairing the damage.
Special trains are frequently run over
the line by fishing- parties to some of
the trout streams along the route. The
"trains" arc handcars, borrowed for
the time being, and operated by section
hands, The principal traffic over the
road tomes from an extensive canning
estabBshment at one of the stations.
Bfo Bops,
Clergyman (solemnly) 1 greatly
sympathize with you in your afrliction,
madam, but you should not abandon
yourself to grief. You should know
where to turn for consolation.
Young Widow Iiut who would want
to marry a widow with three children?
X. Y. Weekly.
Freddy l.o.t Ilia Faith.
Freddy's mamma had a caller one
day, who several times during her stay
said: "Now I must go," always resum
ing her seat, nevertheless.
Upon another repetition of the re
mark, Freddy said, solemnly i "Don't
vou believe it till she's gone, mamma."
Tbc Opinion of Her Cham.
Algrnon It seems impawsible to
evaw express my high regawd for
Milllcent (solemnly) It will take
an awful big diamond to place it be
yond doubt. Jewelers' Weekly.
Kat Hade of Palla Can Rr Tn km Oat
of Doors, Emptied and ( I -a-iod
In a Moment.
i 1 should like to kick him." said the j
i enterprising young physician as the .
i leading eitbnru passed by.
"For why ?" uxked theiofllcer loafer.
"When he had the grippe I told him I
would like to huve a try at him. or words
! to that effect."
"And he refused."
"Worse than lhat. He saM he would I
not m ind, us far as he was concerned, but
he hated to -e a rising youifg man like
myself Incur the ill-will of his widow."
Indianapolis Journal.
Scene in Portugal at the Rio Porto Vineyards.
MlL.kii Til.. V....L.J. IBB) ,i;..kl U w ntKt TIUI ASK DUSU'ED Ul TUB
lUunKQ vats to be trodden fob pobt wine
The rugged hills with projecting rocks of brown stone and shale
containing a large quantity ot iron, make it impossible to use wagons
here hence thfl 1 pa have to be carried to the treading vat or larger
as they are c 1 some are large enough for twenty persons to
tread, which , ... : Jflng to music turnianed by the proprietor.
At stores where candy Is sold, one
can buy for a few cents the light, but
large, wooden pails In which broken
candy and certain grades of chocolates
are shipped from the fnctory. These
palls make excellent hens' nests when
A l.inrr'i I. ,e.
Fond Lover What do you mean, sir. 1
by snapping your camera every time
that young lady pusses?
Cheeky Amateur I'm not taking hei
"Oh, you're not, eh? Then what are
you doing?"
"I'm closing the shutters, so her'
looks won't break the lens." X. Y.
It llniipnied In lloafun.
"A Boston coachman who died recent
ly left SiS.nnO to charity."
"1 suppose he got rich because of the
way Boston's streets are hiid out."
"What OOUld that huve todo with it?" .
"People who are not well acquainted
there always have to take carriages in
order to get hack to their starting
points. Chicago Daily News.
grown !
The Tntile Turned.
Amsterdam How Willie
t it won-
i ung from two hooks in the manner
shown in the cut.
Such nests can be taken out of doors,
emptied and cleaned in a moment, and
having no corners or open joints, ;;s do
boxes, there is no place for vermin to
hide about them. This Is a special
point in favor of the use of such pal Is as
nests, for the ordinary nest is usually
a breeding place for these troublesome
pests. Orange Judd Farmer.
"Why, he's larger than his father."
"Yes, Indeed) 1 have to malic over
XV. 's clothes for his father now."
Yonkere statesman.
She Rod Had Esperlence,
"Ah." he cried, kneeling at her feet,
"sny you will marry me, and 1 will be
oiir devoted slave for life."
"Arise. Henry." she answered, "you
will not do, Thai was what my first
husband said, (ind before we had got I
fairly oul of the church he began tell
ing me hnu be wanted me to wear luy
hair." Chicago Dally News.
All WEI) Sl'Ei:!?.
the Tionccr wine grower of New Jersey whose P'.-.
Burgandy rivals the World, imported the Port i
years ago, and planted vineyards in the Passaic Valley
in Passaic county, New Jersey, is identical to that of d
Spear's New Jersey Vineyards
are situated in the Passaic valley below the mountai:.
era pe s are carted to the winery in the town of Passaic
mashed between rollers made of rubber, which do not bfeak ihckecu:
and made into wine.
These (jrund wines of Spcer's that have mellowed in flavor in the
course 01 years ot ripening, are tlie cnoicest wines in tnis country and
can only be obtained by paying a price that is higher than new wines
from western vineyards. Mr. Spcer deems it necessary for ;i healthy
wtne that it be allowed years to mature in wood to get rid ot its
coarse parts; with this object he keens his wines several years in
fumigated cellars and frequently racks before bottling or offering for
sale. I he reputation ot .Sneer s wines as a valuable medicinal and
family wine extends around the world.
("Grocers and Druggists sell Spcer's Wines and Brandy.
TbC rule r StrttgTSTlS ASJftllBSl Pool
in l'csH anil Injnrloa OerittM
Knows No Bnd,
No. 1 V
bat is marriai
In all lines of live stock husbandry
cleanliness is the one great demand.
The war Bgaiust dirt and hence against
bacteria and vermin is a war that will
know no cm!. Let no man suppose
thai he can cleanse his house and" pens
and trust them to keep clean. The bat
tle roust be fought over and over again
and the successful poultrymau is t fie
determined fighter. The flrat campaign
must be made against lice and mites.
Whitewashing the pens is supposed to
lie a great remedy, and without doBbt
it is a good one. but it Is possible for
the pens to be kept clear of lice with
out the use of lime. We realize the"
fact that whitewashing has its disad
vantages. Not only does the pen soon
iret to looking very dirty inside, on ac
count of all dirt showing on the while
background, but very often the pens
become a nuisance Id that one cannot
etep inside them without having the
marks remain on his clothes. There
are washes that may be used und be
quite effective a.s lime. The man that
has a sprayer can use it easily in his
chicken house and thoroughly wet a"!
exposed surfaces All cracks should !e
obliterated, und this is not a hard thing
to do if the poultry raiser has a prop
erly built house. Dtil whether Nme or
something else be used the work must
be carefully followed up. It is even
best to repeat the labor frequently,
even if there be no signs of the Httlo
monsters. Their very minuteness is a
tremendous advantage given them by
nature, and an advantage that lavs
upon us the necessity of eternal war
fare. Farmers' Review,
2 Tas
a wife for botti
I '.rut
oi worse.
Brute No. I Yes mostly worse,
Itruto No. (also n married man)
Ah! come and have a drink, old chap.
The Obi Ions Reply,
"What would you say," ashed the
fair theosophlst, "if I should tell you
that 1 was born in Egypt three thou-)
sand years ago'.'"
"Why," said the party addressed. "I
should certainly say you don't look it."
Brooklyn Life,
9 1
New Book
mmn m empire?
l in irum
i-ji v l-)V fJL-
Takes ttit i -im Cron ncnrtiv
Mamie Florence's love of truth
amounts to u paaalos She really goes
to extremes,
Kittie in what respect?.
Mamie Why, she admits that her
best friefc is younger than she is.
Mi V. World.
A lie lie. IT.
are vou going.
asked Chollis,
"Where are you going, my pretty
"The other wav, which ever that is.
replied the young woman, tartly, and
before Chollie knew it he was alone.
Harlem Life.
There was a roung man In Detroit
Who brassed of ins pitching a quolti
When he'd scratch all the skin
Off the other man's shin
He confessed ho wus not so adroit.
N. V. World
Provide the sitting hens with dark
Table scraps make a good poultry
food now.
The Pckln are the handsomest breed
of ducks.
Goose eggs require one month for
Mix the corn meal with milk for the !
littl.. Mil, .lnn
Boiled peas and beans, fed warm, ore
excellent egg foods.
Geese and ducks should not be picked
while laying regalarly.
selecting the sitters be careful to
secure those thnt are gentle.
Small eggs are likely to come from
too much fatness of the hens.
The best hatching eggs are those laid
In the spring by the mature hens.
Any number of pigeons may be kept '
together in one building if the sexes are
equal in numbers.
Hurning sulphur and tobacco In poul
try houses is one of the best ways of
ridding it of lice.
One of the easiest ways of keeping a
poultry yard clean is to give it a fre
quent dressing with sand.
It costs about a cent a week up to ten
weeks old to feed a chick. Then it
should weight two pounds. St. Louis
Pood That Costs Nothing.
During the warmer season, when al
lowed to forage for themselves, each
fowl gathers several ounces of meat ,
daily. When the supply of grasshop
pers, bugs, flies and worms fails, itinay
be furnished from the table, the scrap
x)t or the mnrket. Green food may be
furnished in cabbage, vegetables, ap
ples or cut clover. A warm breakfast
should be given on cold days and there
should be no lack in the supply of drink.
A meat diet with grain and vegetables
in essential to the well being of fowls
during the cold weather, when worms,
bugs and insects are not to be found hy
the birds, but in summer the fowls can
secure such foods for themselves.
American Gardening.
li' :. Am) row QsWIMfflft, Btumtdrsi A I
Ittmr, Vwtt, Alit .i, Whits, Our
luaiif Uiifitn, Mmob. Daniels
t?nu w i rivK CtMKo.i, Hmi r, r.uLimri ., Till.
HO. . J. HSYA. una, UOB-r, Turner, ToJIr, H , ANMUBW ChNHUIE.
KdcMin-N. OlajN IIou. Ii. I. JohusHin, lion. Oilut, A.Towo Bon. A4lnl E Su-vi n r.. t...'- aratMY 'af
IU)e, Oft. Ji van Vykot lion, Oiuu. Fmncli A lum, 1 tol. David sn.rr dun1:.:i. i.m'j v.u.trcr, Hon.
(arl ncuarg, Bnm I Qompnnj Jrtmt. Km, VmL r Labor, and otnaim,
the'i.jjv 4,f.XTrKl iry-pHflJAUSM ANO ADSOLliTISH . BOUNCED.
TtrrltOlUI Ktpsuloa ittinotulnnted, "Tilt: ruot! .l.i.v s l.o.U)." nn.l oifm,M u ili.Ctiumitutlou
oftlml nltta BltitM,tu DMlsrstton ..f i i.- . sad all us mewt :icri'l doctrlBM of our
lliutilic um I down tu uh by our t uthom.
It I. profimolj-illnntrMnd. plrlnir beniitiful hulf-tone iionralts of Mr. Itrynn nml tli other con-
kUOtOMl sls SOUS mt UrilUag r..,r, .honinc Ihe SSSSt conditions m.d custolOH in tba
vHISflBM, Nothing I Iks it lioorn ntl.nipteil in SSOBMbliSBlng. A W hnnautii fnr u -ont".
It ennnot tn tionght ut l.ook..lorei it ounuot be furul.hed by uny otlior hoinu. W SIS tao lols
Omciiil rulitinhflpi.
The lln.1 Edition, 100,000 copioi. A large oc'.ato book, bnautiful new type.
"BBICMX on each order amounting to 60 bock at ono time, when cash
accompanio.4 or.ier.
SS W T " I"' It V.I'. We make no rhurge fur the elegant, complotn Pro.pectu.
Oatnt, with DISBn tf .. bat nn SMS Outfit i okib u. ii lot of money, in order to protect ounelvee
agiiimit many who would UBMM upon ua b eending for Outilt with no intention of working, but
merely out of idle cii rionit y, we MqslfS the applicant, M a gunrantec nl'geud fullh on hi. part,
to end in, '2bc t.i cover poitiurH and wrapping;, thU uniount to he refunded to uccnt uon our
receipt or flmt order I'or 1U book.
Itest Cloth Ilimling Stl.SO
Host Half ltuai-ia BilldiOg, With marbled edges li tli
Iteet Full Kueaia Binding, with gold cages , "" "" 3.00
Write for our riipurullcled Terma to Agenta. ddr,.aa
Carpets I Carpets
t ?
Carpets ! I
All Kindso
All Qualities.
All Prices.
yc make him ent
Toylc Knott Did
his wortls?
Frosty Knifflit Naw. DtJ were too
liard. I mads him swsJln 'em whole
N. V. World.
Vernal Arl.
Whn the sprint; Is late, I wot.
Woman's wit can Intervene:
With her gifteil brush and pot.
She gets out and paints things green.
Chicago Kecord.
The whole lower Hr oi my store is taken up with Carpets, Hugs,
Art . Si nil res. ( 'iirtains. Window Shtides, Curtain Poles, Hassocks,
Kuo Fringe, Floor, Stair
ami Table Oil cloths, Ac, &c
Bag Carpel as Iowas20u, and np
Cotton Carpet " " 22e. " "
Volvet Carpet " 76ft " "
We can show you the largest and best selection of the above gi.ods
ever shown in Lcwistown.
Brusscll Carpet as low as 60ft and up
All Wool Carpel " 60ft
Half Wool Carpet" " 3oc.
-s-Cliina and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Select From
Compare totality and jiriees, you will find that our store is the
plac" to OUJ at. The o;mk1s are first-class, prices are the low
est, our rooms lire clean end no trouble to show goods
Respectfully, y. f. FELIX. Lewist
Household Martyr.
I'olly Aunt Sully seems wofullj
downcast to-night.
Jennie Yes, poor thing, she hasn't
been nble to get her feelings hurt ut
any time to-day. Indianapolis Journal.
An Kloqarnt Testlmoalal.
"There ore sermons in stones."
"Yes; a widow generally gives her
second husband a bigger monument
than she does her first." Chicago Kec.
The Cheerful Idiot.
"When the autocar comes Into gen
eral use," said the cheerful idiot, "I
want to know what is to become of the
teaming millions." Indianapolis
Musical Competltloa.
"My pa can play tunes on a jewsharp."
"That's no good. My pa's dead an'
play in' on a real harp." Chicago Record
Liberal Adjustments
Prompt Payments.
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
Wo Assessments
War, Oh Wart
She Why does a woman take a man's
name when she gets married 7
He Why does she tain everything
else be has? Tit-Bits.
No Premium Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets $11,055,513.88
" Home 44 44 3853 44 9,853,628.54
American 44 44 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
TheJNew York life Insurance Co.
TheFidelitij Mutual Iif e As$ociation.
Your Patronage Solicited.