I Q0. W. WAGBN8BLLBB, Editor ana ,ri-uyw". Interesting Items. News Told m Brief Paragraphs for Our Readers. rer,,,.,,.! Pol-trr. in Ml .."" , l'' Worr or !. When in Sunbury always visit Brosious Bros. Stun-. Heston Neff of Gordon is visiting A. 8. Beaver ami wifeof this place. It it's a Good Suit of Clothes you'll be wanting, go Brosious Bros. en Cream Social in Beebold'sHall Saturday evening, May 27. Every body invited, Mrs. A. E. Soles and Miss Dora Bickbart are visiting friends at Lew- istown this week. Mrs. Jos. U Marks has been in Philadelphia visiting relatives lor the past few weeks. Misses Marie Beaver and Ella V. Stetler are at Sunbury this week en cased in their callings. Prof. 11. G. Bowersox of Paxton vilhrou Tuesday was the guest of his brother, Supt. Bowersox. There is a good llttlefann for sale near ( Hobe Mills, this county. See the advertisement in this issue. L. Dunkelberger was away last i . i i .itt.,11,1. week purciiusing gmum " in.r summer millinery openings. Howard Smith returned to his home at Belinsgrove last week after having served with the urniviu Cuba. Dr. J. W. Owig and wife ami lion. G. Alfred Sehoeh are in Wash ington attending the Peace Jubilee, M. I. Potter, Rev. D. E. MoLain ami J. F. Stetler of the county seat were at Belinsgrove on Monday morning. The Mission Class will hold an lee Cream Social in Seehold's Hall Saturday evening, May 27. Excel lent music AmosC. Gemberling and wile of Penn township on Saturday were the guests of 11. li- Hicunan an.. m at this place. For a good Potato Sprayer, call on Sehoeh iv. Stahlnecker. They have au elegant article on hand. Prices reasonable. 5-26-3t. OnSaturdry Samuel ' B. Waller of Franklin had a stroke of palsy and lie has been very ill since. N e trust he may have a speedy recovery. In our election returns last week, we unavoidedly credited Harrison Mover of this place with 21 votes in Beaver township and it should have l)eeii 51. Bruce CrOUSe, sou tit Attorney Crousc of this place, last Thursday, sailed from Baltimore to Liverpool, England. He expects to Spend sev eral months abroad. Next Tuesday is Memorial Day, and it behooves every loyal citizen to pav revereuce to the Soldier dead. On Sunday evening Union Memori al services will In; held in the court bouse. Rev. John Yoder, a theological student of the Gettysburg Seminary, has been spendinga few days at home with his mother's family at this place. On Sunday he preached a sermon at Port Royal, Juniata county. Martin L. Hassinger of Barnes, Warren Co., is spending this week visiting his many friends and rela tives in this place and Franklin township. He is an extensive dealer in lumber in Warren County. Ex-Sheriff Daniel Bolender on Tuesday took jwssession of the Cen tral Hotel in this place. For many years the ex-sheriff was the proprie tor ot the Washington House and hence he knows how to run a hotel. MIDDLEBUBGH, SNYDER CO., Miss Maude llunkle is visiting friends at Sunbury this week. The greatest place in Sunbury to buy clothing is Brosious Bros. Our full line of uotions will he reduced June 1, l2 and 8. L. DUNKBLBKBGEB. Autandus Shambach on Saturday came from West Virginia where lie had been to peal bark. Next Tuesday being Memorial Day, the First National Bank of this place will lie closed. Mrs. Rev. Me Lain, who has been very ill, was taken to Selinsgrove last week to her parents. Excellent music by phonograph and music box at the icecream social in Seehold's Hall Saturday night. Our June Opening of Summer Hats will take place Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 1, "J and ;;. L. Dunk eliierger. Miss Libbie Dunkelberger and Mrs. Geo. W. Wagenseller were at Harrisbuig, Millersburg and Sun bury last week. The public saleol the hotel fur niture ol Mrs. V. II. Smith ul the Central Hotel mi Saturday was largely attended. James Llunkle, wile and daughter Laura last week visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Dr. J. R. Allison, at i Northumberland. Reuben 8. Meiser ol Meiserville passed through town mi Monday en route for the Altooua Convention of the Knights of Templar oi this state. Said in Your dollar cash-in-ad vance for one year's subscription to the POST, ion will get the farm Journal lor five years as long; as the Supply lasts. Send now. ti ll. D. Stahlnecker and A. W. Aurand have purchased a clipping machine to clip horses, They offer to cup horses at f 1.5U each. Any one desiring to have their horses clipped w ill do well to have these gentlemen do it for them t(. A Smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tentorial work, is al ways obtained at Sole.- Barber Shop, in Lank Building, next door to the Lost office. Go to Soles to buy new razors or exchange for old ones, liazors honed and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A.. K. Soi.es. The Bcoi ncal Slim- Emporium of Sunbury under the management ot J. G. Chestnutt, is doing a very extensive business. They are offer ing shoes so low that there are bar gains for everybody. It makes iia difference what you desire, Mr. Chestnutt is able to please you as to quality or price. FaBJI FOB SALE A farm contain ing ."m acres situate in Middlecreek township, mile north ot Glolic Mills, Snyder county, is offered for sale at a bargain. The buildings are good as new. Five acres are in good woodland. Kami will be sold for first good oiler. Callonor ad dress, J.M.Miurer, K reamer, La. tf. We learn that Albert Smith, the editor of the Elisabeth ville Echo, a son of J. L. Smith of this place, is a candidate for County Commissioner of Dauphin county. We trust that Albert will be successful and we know that the tax-payers of Dau phin will be glad to have had him as a custodian of their interests, as they will be well guarded. Owing to tile hugely increased at tendance, the friends of Bucknell University are attempting to raise $75,000 to increase the fixed and working capital of the Institution. A ineiKI III iXi'W x i iv Kiiy promised to give $15,000 of the I . . . .11 1 A fripni in IVMT York CUV Ha amount. ,ot less tlian one-tmra oi the amount is to be added to the working capital; the rest will be .. ; orJtSna. nnll hnildinirs. " o I j used in erecting needed buildings. Ifclothinir Ixiuirht at Brosious Bros is not just to your liking, bring it hack. Miss Dillie Grimm went to Mif- ftinburg last Monday evening to spend several weeks with her aunt, Miss Sarah Grimm, who is very ill. A YoUKa Man Waxtkh. At! it contained pictures of some of our Brosious Bros., Sunbury to learn the I friends, mosl ol whom are personal clothing business. Must be;' hustler My known to us for many wars, also ami abb' to talk the German king-; many have passed awayto their long Uage Come at once. ' homes above, whom we saw tortile ,, , , ... ,! last time when we lei! IVnnslvvania Rev. Jesse Shambaclt will preach .. ,, ,, . . . ' .1 i tor tie west nine vcars ago. the I uioii Memorial services in the; . courthouse next Sunday evening. I Ins issue also contained pictures nil I. . ' : of Rome oi tlu'inusl nronnnem builcl- 1 Ml'i V 111 I 1 1 -'111'. of the churches, Sunday evening. Sehoeh & Stahlnecker havi eil to their line of .mods W III. oild Rod Hers Silverware, If you need any-1 thing in this line, do not tail to call nnnn iIh mi and pel nrices ami see the goods. 5-2o-3t. If you av your subscription one year in advance you can gel thePost for only one dollar. 1 1 you are in arrears you can pay up your arrear ages and one dollar extra for one year in advance. Then you will get the Farm Journal five years five. tf. Shoks at Cost. They must go at anv price. We would 'ike to get cos! for them, but if we can not they must go for less. ( 'nine at once while there is a better chance for sizes. Special bargains in buggy whips and soap. BABBEB Si.Moston. The friends of F. M. Bilger of this place will lie gruu'cd to learn that he passed toeteniffy at his home in Oakland, Iowa, Mav 11th, and was buried. May 13, 1809. He la well known here and has relatives herein the persons of James Shumau and others. The corporation back ot the Whit ney Hatety rire Arms company was not a desirable thing for our citizens to tie themselves to. There is too much watered stock apparent ly for our people to monkey with. I f they had only a little money in stead of so much stock that means nothing it would be aniorc desirable investmi nt. On Mi nday morning a new sche dule went into effect on theSunbury ami Lewistown Railroad and in fact over all the lines of the Pennsyl vania Railroad. The morning train Fast arrives at Middleburg at S;.",S instead of 8:40; The morning train West arrives here at 10:33 instead of 10:60 as before. The evening train Fast arrives here at 4:02 in stead of 4:20. For 'Other changes see the new time table published in this issue. The Tbompsontown Olobt takes our remarks concerning i rot. uort- ner's likeness very seriously. We can assure our friend of the Globe that he is not responsible for the fact that Prof. Qortner has changed so much in these tell years, nor is he responsible for the fact that the writ er and his friends here do not recog nize in the picture any resemblance to the young man ofour schooldavs. We WlU accept Bro. Wickcrsham's w.ird for it that Prof, (iortner has changed a great deal in the last ten years. Mitsrs. Fisher. Hampton, Albus and Ixing of the Shoe Company of . -m a 1 ( atawissa were m town over jvioimay night to attend a meeting 0f the Main Shoe Co. Limited of this place. At the meeting in the Court House Monday evening, G. Alfred Sehoeh, W. W. Wittenmyer, A. H. Ulsh, Win. H. Hampton and Chas. E. ""fo rni agers to serve for one year. The l 1 ,.....im!'.uI 1 Long were elected a HORN ot Alan ooaru oi uiauufieia '"" j electing Hon. G. Alfred Sehoeh, President; Chas. E. Long, Secretary, and W. W. Wittenmyer, Treasurer. , j - lioard of managers organized by and W. W. Wittenmyer, Treasurer PA, THURSDAY, Letter From Mr. A. K. Gift. Editor Middleburg Lost : Your last Lost of Mav 1 1th was received. It is nearly always late. We generally don't get i'. be fore t.c fill lowing Monday. This issue mis hnrhlv interestinir to us for ; ings in the city "I Middleburg, many nf wliieli w e have never seen as I hex- were erected after our leaving. For all tliis vmi as editor ot the naner deAerVe a ureal deal of credit. You arc instrimieiita in a eTcat uicasun torttie improving nnu upouuuingui Middleburg and surrounding county. r . I 1 I 'I 1! I I u your next li-t you will no dmilit be able to include the new building for the shoe factory. The POST has always been a use ful paper and in particular has it been so since V0U wiehl the editorial pen. I don'l say this to Hatter for 1 am not made that way. Men arc mighty ; the pen is -till mightier. The pen is stronger than the -word or the musket. The pen goes a great way to establish the welfare ol men and nations, peace and good will on earth, and the preservation ol useless blond-shedding between nations, es pecially for a worthless cause, which miiv fin K- 1 u'ln 'ti t n few and is not a common benefit for all. B: 'ier Wagencllcr go on xvith the good xvork. 1 wish you luck ami prosperity in all you do and un dertake. Yours very truly, A. K. Gift. Trial List, June Term. Use ol Charles Lover vs. S. L. Weidenmyerand'Peter I i. iarman. The Poor Directors of the Town- ship of West Leaver vs. mig, Adm'r of the estati Treaster, deed. A. A. Ro 1 L i rv Si.nn.el W.Herrold x --. tin Town- ship of Perry. John S. Wolf vs. John A Martha A. Binaaman v Mover. . Jacob Rover. Jeonre V. I are vs. Rolierl 11. n Rearick. Lewis Arnold vs. Henry W. Teats and Levi M. Teat.- and John f. Teats, Executors ol the Le.-t Will and Testament of Levi M. Teats, deed., and Mary Teats, .lame- M. Eiornberger, Sarah Hornlierger and Peter G. (iarman, Terre Tenants. John K. Hackenburg vs. Fli.a-M-tli Fessler and C. A. Fessler, Ad ministratore of Wm. H. Pessler, deed. Annie M. Luck vs. William !1 Fxving. W. F. Howell vs. The Edwin Bell and Sons Company F. C Mover, Agent. Walter Ripk vs. P. M. Teats. Philip M. Teats vs. W. 1 L Bipka. Simon N. ESchenberger and James Wolf, trading as EUchenberger and Wolf vs. Adam Aucker and C. W. Knights, trailing as Aucker and Knights. James G. Crousc vs. Mary Boob, et. al. heirs, etc., of Frederick Wal ter, late of Middleburg. Iroquois Bicycles. I have just received a sample of the latest style Iroquois bicycle mude by the Mead Cycle Co. and have taken the agency for the same. Any one wishing to see the wheel ian do so by calling on the under signed. Prices range from 5lo to o.v - . ; $65. Bicycles supplies ol all kinds can be secured at the lowest prices. 5-ll-3t. A. W. Auiud. MAY 25, 1899. PRESS NOTICES. We ask the indulgence of our readers for the permission to repub lish the inauv kind pros notices given the "Post's" Industrial edition. They are as fellows : 1'blla. Pram, May 15th. Ivliior Qenrge W. Wagenseller, ol the Middleburg "Post," has issued an industrial edition of his publica which, well illustrated with hulf imie nictiircs of prominent citizens ami minium-, ami nviug llllleli historical data. Kditor Wairensi er evidently hell eves II) 1 1 1 1 1 well the . . i WOI'K that IS lietore 1)1111. Lewlutown 'w Prot. The Middleburg Post issued lusl week a handsomely illustrated cili tiott devoted to the interests of that place. The Posl believes that Mid dleburg is destined to become n gn at place and i- determined to do nil in it- power to hasten the time. Tbompvoiitowii i .i'i't'. Ijiist week Broi Wagenseller, ol the Middleburg Pos'i,iss 1 n line industrial editon ol the I 'ost. Thirty one half-tone cuts were giving the uaner an elcirant anuearanee, Bro. II n Wagenseller bus lots of "gel up and git," even il liro. licsher, ol the Se- linL'i'iive linn, woulii liaxi- it an pear otherwisi'. BllDNtrOVS Tlnii'. The Post issuei ICditioit lasf week, cuts ol' many of the of Middleburu and an Industrial containing the prominent men sketches of their business, etc. The issue reflected credit upon thai editor. 4dsmbnn Uftraid. The Middleburg Post issued a very cre.iitahle industnaJ etlition last week. Sketches and portraits ot all the business men appeared in its columns, besides other matters ol iuterest. Lewt'towa Democrat and Soutlm I. The Middleburg Pokt last week issued an industrial edition descrip tive ol the business interests and pro minent men in that hustling low u. It abounds in well printed half-tone cuts of churches, residences, indus tries, etc., ami could well lie a credit to anx newspaper. MlflltDbuif Telegraph, List week's iudiistriul edition ol the Middleburg Post wus ii beauty, filled with many illustrations. Blltabettivllle Bcho. The Post issued an industrial edi tion last week thai does credit to the e litor and io the tow n. M r. N air- enseller is certainly a progressive and up-to-ilale iiijxvspuper man. Stole CoUeffe Tlmei, The Middleburg Post issiieil an industrial editiou last week illustrat ing the principal citizens and build ings, together with a history f the Post. This issue isa great credit to Editor Wagenseller. Huntingdon Journal. The Middleburg "Post'MnsI week issued an industrial edition, finely illustrated with half-tone pictures oi prominent citizens and buildings. The editor, Geo. Wagenseller, be lieves in making the "Post" an up-to-date newspaper. SnydGr County News. The Middleburg POST issued au industrial edition lat week contain ing the cuts ofmanyof the prominent in mi of Middleburg and vicinity, with sketches of their business. Somehow or other our physiognomy failed to materialize. Kditor Wag enseller however did himself credit in the production. Baydar OOOntV Tribune. Editor Wagenseller last week is sued an industrial edition of the Post, and which was devoted to the business industries of Middlebtirgh and vicinity. The puper was well gotten up and speaks well for the enterprise of the editor and publish er of the Post. Millers town Journal. Iist week's issue of the Middle burg Post edited by Bro. Ceo. W Wagenseller, came out in line shape. It was an industrial edition, coutain- VOL. 36. NO. 211 inga goodly hiiiiiIkt of half-tone cuts oi tine residences, as well as cuts ol some o! the niosl prominent citizens of Middleburg. Uininburg tium. The Middleburg Pout lat week wus an illustrated, historical, bio graphical and industrial edition. It was handsomely printed ami well edited, containing many handsome illustrations and much interesting matter. Prpi'buru lourlor. Kditor Wa; issued a verv seller, of the Post, 'editable industrial I'"" i iu jHipri mm ween, xnucn ... i i.:. .. i. ...i i was illustrated with picture! I pro file that nt citizens 1 1 kvl UUIKllllgS. eouuiiued in d I historical data i milliner snows ciaisuieraoii lourna listic enterprise. The citizens of the count; seal feel proud no douhl f their enteriirise to Ixjoiii their town. Memorial Day Programme. .1 1 he lollowiug i- the program ns arranged by t apt. Byiui Post of Middleburg lor .Memorial Day ex ercises: Member ol the I i. A. L. xvill assemble at the Posl room at H o'clock, n. in., ami proceed to Meiscr mi the Si'hS tra'n, dceorateaml return on the 1 1 1:33 I rain. 'om nides at Fremont with Sunday schools decor ate ul their own appointed time. The P. ). 8. of A. will ducorutc til Pax- toUVllle at I il o dock ami singer'-at 10:30. Detai al 11a--Is oi flic Lost xvill decorate at ion and Salem at - p. III. Post i. A. I.'., L. ). S. of A., Sunday School- and othar or ganizations will decorate at Middle burg al 5:30 p. in. Prof. V. ( '. Bowersox will deliver th Memorial Address al Midd'ehurg ; Comrade J, C. Sehoeh at Meiscr ; Comrade C. II. Dunkelberger at Salem; Com rade (i. C. (iuteliusul ion. Itev. J. Schambach will preach the. Mem orial Sermon in the ( our! Sunday evening, May 2Sth ul All arc cordially invited, louse p. in. Tea Thousand. Tins is tie Amount Needed to Brufge the River. Sunnur) I - inocJk It i- nil taTinmctl fact thai nothing would improve Sunbury much a a wagon bridge across the river to Snvder county. It would open up as rich a stretch ol farming land OS there is in I lie State. Farmers who , . i i i . i now attend ttie ivcxvisnurg, .-- 1 1 1 1 - -grove and Milton market-, would come to this city. Tin y would bring their produce lu re and of course spend their money here. The bridge has beeii talked ol for many year ami all admit the advantages. f course the cost would lie large. Two or three y ear- ago one estimate placed the entire cost at ST'-',1"1". Since that time iron lm advanced, suit would be safe to place the cos) at $100,000. There is a gi utleman in Sunbury who sax - he xx ill build the bridge if the sum ol $10,000 is subscribed hi it, lie doc- not ask tin-money un til the work is completed. All he would ask for is that the money be raised and deposited in one of the hank-to he paid him when the work is done. He says that the merchants and property owners are all inter ested in a bridge oxer the river as much as they are in bringing new industries to Sunlnirv. In numerous cases money is rais ed to buy ground, then why not on the same principal give money out right for a bridge. On the i i i onyoer eountv sale (jiute a sum cmini ne obtained, and the next move of the Board of trade should be to investi gate thebridgsquestion. The gentle man who makes the oiler has pro perty in Sunbury, has money ami is a reliable substantia! business man. Noxv, here is a chance for the bridge. The best thing for the least money is sold at Brosius Brosiu?. V I