Royal Absolutely fcwE 5AKINO Powder ABSOLUTEIYtaRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome not bakiho powotii co., xtw ion. COURT HOUSE CHIPS Del Kiilrrrd fr R.cor. Protessional Evidence. The Middleburgh Post. published everr Thursday. Geo. W Wi.genseller, tditor and Proprietor Subscription $1.50 per year, III. :i mull paid In advance when sent out atae me county.) RATFS OF ADVERTISING. v transient advert hments not otherwise .wutracted tur will lie charged at the rate of 18 lit J i r llni' (nonparlel measure) for first Inser II in und ID cents per line for every subsequent I nscnion. Hr vitA nntiert publuhed fret ; obituary fom, tr tmtfs or rti&rci. fc. larrr cenu o tine. Republican Standing Committee. Actum. (leaver, Heaver W., Centre, c hajiman, Frntiklin, JaekSOfl, Mtridlebunr, Middlecreek, Monro, PaDn, Perry, Perry W Sell imir rove. Bpring, t nlon, VwtliiiiKtcni, w. II. Herman. J. i. Micldlecwiirtli .. vv . Mnaaor. David Coleman luuc. A. waeyner, John i Howell II. B. WuKiier. It A. Bowereoi G. S. Trcicithian. I'. A. Tronic M, L. Waller, H. K. Bolender .1. s. Vearlck, ll. II. smith Al. 'lcli.ii. .lucnctc Knlley A. I c. Kreamer. S. I,. Yiccler A. It. Young, D. 1. Hitter Prank Miller. Howard Bow Dr. Mi Boihrock, Irwin Beyer QeOi 8trawief ! .Icclm Noll A. B, Keck, II. .1. Duek Oeo. 8, Lepley, ti. M Smith (. O. Itlc e. II. .1. Stroll Dr. v.. w. Toole, Ji B. Arbogaet Thursday, May 18, 189!. SATURDAY'S PRIMARY. Naturda the Republicans of tliis county held their annual primary election and it passed oil very quiet ly, The results in detail are given in another part of tins paper. Some surprises, and heartaches were to le expected and those who were not pre pared to expect them, ot course, were disappointed. The vote was not as heavy as usual, when the primary is held earlier, hut the later primary seems to have been more satisfactory than the early ones. The candidates have had better weather. Tlu defeat of Judge Specht, who made one of the most popular sheriffs the county ever had, is a singular result. Judge Specht was very popular and that induced Senator Hummel to recommend him to Gov ernor Hastings for appointment as Associate Judge. The defeat ot Judge SM'cht is not his own defeat as it is a slap at Senator Hummel. We predicted months ago that Senator Hummel was not representing his jtcoplc by insisting on voting lor Quay and now the peopehavespoken ami they have severely relinked S'li Btor Hummel for the course he hits taken. The nominees for county offices are all good men and we predict for them handsome majorities. REGISTERING; DEEDS Bofore Ions the new registering deeds will go into prac tice. Although that time baa not In these davs when thereare hun- M. G. Shellenberger and wife to : ,1,, cf unscrupulous adventurers Amos S. Winer, 101 acres in West who are advertising new remedies as Perry twp, for 1000. ; wtile ony gurt. cure for thegripand Win. H. Heaver and wife to Maria its terrible after effects, it is a relief Martin, 12 acres in Centre twp. for to read the experience a man who ?:5H). has spent his life in supplying med- J. M. Dauberman, Adm'r to Da- ieincs U the public. Mr. .JohnMetz, vid Snyder, 120 acres ill Jackson 1 Ph. IX, who owns a drug store in twp, for $4026. (Less Dower.) Ina, Ills., sendstlie tollowingletter (Jmnre Renter. Adm'r of the Es- "Dli. MlI.KS MEDICAL CO. system of I tilt' ofSusan Smith, deed., to Harry Gentlemen : lean always recom- Watrncr, three tracts of land in West menu nr. .Miles nervine ro my oub- Beaver two.. OOntainins in the ag- toniers as it cured my daughter ot a the PACKER BICYCLE SrmYlVANU. KUUMM0. S .cowry tfc Lewistowii Division. In effect Nov. 20, 1848. Is a model wbeel, and one that will ont-wear any wheel on the market. K1MKAID DI. I STATION. I KAVTWARD ' P m p Ml I A. I. i T m j 4.21 UM I.ewuto i J . 'ran, 1 4 20 Main Sirft r..-j ,,s '4.18 lt.0l I Lewtetown t.U 3.IU 4.IW '1141! I Meltlaod 7.4.1 4 oi n.4 8 I Painter r.4 3. an isi 11.40 II Haladle :m 1.31 S,M ll.e; 11 ' Winner T.8V1 ? ha .43; IT j Medlar. Dim I 1.43 .88 11.19 10 I Raub'iMlIU 8 13 3.31 :'e 11 11 51 1 Adam-barer ! 1.18 3.5K U II (V Ik Hoav.rtowo s.vr. 4.04 8 11 lU.M 30 BtDlc-r 1 fi.34 4.14 I 8.11. I" 13 1 I 8.4c 4 21 8.00 i : 88 alcer s 4fi 4.8 2 3 10 tp ST K reams' "4 2.S2 10.33 u PevllDc s :,- 3 J.4S 10.H 43 icclinur. i .' 4 43 ! :r. 10.17 46 sutlnmrov. .1 H Ot 4 48 .'23 10 05 n smcccirv SIX 5c 01 Aaita L,..rlwui t ri.nn,.,. Eramte of 1 1 acres, for $482. severe attack of Lagnppc when that KtHAIKIfN tl . o . ft-li. f... i. - u ..,i dread disease was raLMi.irthroiigh the r reoeru k j, muTCl iiuci ccv w - w m - ,i , tionsarc beins Derteoteduthe conn tv oommissioners's office for the Henry 1?. Mover, house and lot No. putting of this new "sy stem of regis-145 in Freebiirg tor 1500. tering deeds into operation. As we Mary E. and David Hofl'er to all know, the measure authorizing Martha Bah tier, tract of land in such a system was passed i't the re- Chapman twp. containing 30 acres cent session of the Legislature. Sev- ; jor $,SlO. era days ago it was approved by (tovcrnor Stone. It is an understood fact that this system will not be put into full operation until a certified copy of the act gets into the hands of the county commissioners. They ex pect to receive it any day, and it is thought that by the middle of next week the compulsory registration of every deed transferring real estate in Snyder county, will be in full force and effect in this county. The general opinion is that this move is a good one and that the act is most opportune. Every county in the State, in which the inhabitants number more than o.OOO will lie effected by this new measure. Mrs. Amelia Mover to Jacob S. Wagner, heUM and lot in Selins- grove tor bzuoo, uateoioeeaieoo. Call buying instmctor see before bicvele. WALLACE TEATS, GUobe Mills.bPa. v v country some years ago. ouioe toai time I have sold hundreds of bottles under your guarantee and have had none returned." Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold by all druggists on a guarantee that first bottle benefits or money refunded. A trial package of Dr. Miles' fa vorite treatment for the grip, OOtt- . i-t ;..,r , ,r I )p MIL...' Nervine. l)r. Heirs ot Michael Helm, released .... ? xt J t :. i:n Allies erveaun unn i utsi Ik' sent absolutely free to anv person sending name and address on a postal card, requesting the samples and mentioning the name of the POST, Address, Dr. Miles Medical Co., U Tiu Elkhart, Indiana. nrriinr(1IIU,lt,s with tll0 Faum ! Journal by which w areena- bled to offer a five-year sul- 'A scription to that ikiiht to every . .... . r- 1 Immm Homn tnr tl. Cniirl nl!! 11CW StlbserilKT will) llllVS ()lll , . ... , . r, Lent t;i fi.iiti milium u,uu ,v, ... v. . , I, H. Wagner and Wife tti I'. O. Oyer and Terminer and Oenerul JU delivery U Dollar for the M mm Rnrman . 5 . . . ,linccrt or llccirlor Sessions of tbe IVaee of ! ltlll.II lOI lilt .'I I PI l ,1.1 , 1 lit. 1 1 Kitter, lot in MianioKin nam, aion- snvder county held as June Term, oonmenouig roe two., with improvements, for Monday. Junr 8 im L ram leaves Nuu bury J) SJJi d iu, ar rives at SeUnscrove 5 45 p in Train It'KVH LewiHowti Janetioa ! I V! a in, 10 13 a m. 1 10 n m,3 27 c in. 7 07 11 38 p ni fur Alteon i. PlttaburK icnd the Went. For Mi lucre ami WarhluKton 9 38 am ti. I 38 4 83. 1 01 p m Kor 1'lilla.lelphla an.l New Vftfb AUUSam 1 M 1 U J U .n J V... t Jl " " 7 " - unoer an exjieriencen 1 nnmmuivwfmuwaa9ww of all kinds neatly done I have spent a number of rears at tbe business and a 1 I T I H I T 1 . i. A 1 1 deed, lo .loim o. ncnii, iraci oi nun in Monroe twp., containing 23 acres and allowances, for $1200. Mary A. Oldt ami GcorgeOldt to Elvina Kauffman, H acresinSpring twp. for $500. Mary E. and David Hotter to Mrs. Christian Mover, lot of 221 feet in the village of Hotter, Chap man twp. for $260. "A A ta! of$2.50.j jury List. it in it il no id her e.'in. anil t IIS IS. will have a tendency to keep the ! R K,,," JST books straight This system has twp. for $25. fOOU. Name. occupation. Susan Trutt to Sarah Stroub, 1 Bowenox. Jerre B Farmer, , . , , , nvnx in momjje iwn. iw ciw. Mhar louts hrmar )ne crood advantaira m Ik found I r . M , r. tJ r , Z . r . . h r if .... c 1 I 1 Kraiitz Wilson. Laborer. Ltrcvi o ii'iikh nuu iruv mi uvuim 1 perches in Perryl mtL WUMtB i,,, ight I Ins system lias IW1 M 1 1.. i. , uborcr. been in use for years in the cities of Zinnia r.. l rymoycr, nowiierman, Hackenbur?, Daniel, sr., - Pittsburg and Allegheny The idea and Edward H. Frymoyerand Chas. ! liamea. j.ob a. Lumberman, is to keep the assessment Uniks in j A. Herman and Henry Frymoyer to j "7' Ptraight condition, while, at toe Mrs. Louisa B. Knouse, 20 acres I juow, Ammoo, ... . . I 1 til I. IV l?." ""l I L' 1 1 . Unl,.m. nHaaftkihat same t nie, it will enable the asses- ami perencs ior ?..oo. , ; i i.m i t i . i it ; hllngler, Al., larmer, ors of the ditlercnt boroughs and Margaret ami Win. Haines to laarUn. 04rB. Laborer. cities to keen track of the various Barbara E. Woodruff, lot in the vll-l Metiger, Henry, Farmer, .. . . . ... I Uomlir llanlel transfers anil assess tl.e jiroperty at- lage of .Salem, i'ciin twp., t)i M-lo cortlinglv. In adttition to tins, me perches tor II ZOO. specht, obaries oarfc system will lie worked by what IS I ciIIikI the slip niethotl. iNo deed i Ut'H of St can be accepted by the recorder un-! diurdi in West Beaver, 98 equen vum s o ni-ito .it i tit v of 1'etlt Jurors drawn for the Court of i Cciinnion I'leas, court of quarter Sessions of the I Pi'iu-e I'nirl orilver unci Terminer and Oeoei-al Martha 1 laines and Catherine Kit- ; Jail Delivery of Boyder Ooonty, 1M held hb 1 :... .....1 sninn. t.eorKe, i rui Ker, inu m- iuiui tiiiM nut w m. war- less it bears the stamp oi the county i jM.r,.l,t.s for coiiinnssioiicrs oincc, inns snowing into si mil Amos M. l.ulcorer. Paul's Evan. Lutheran specnt, Henry, S. Oliver. Merchant, PETIT JVBOBtS. Res'.isce. Centre Mlddleburit Chapman West 1'erry l'erry Franklin Adams Franklin Adams Heaver Sellusifrovo Perry Heaver ,'ackson WaslilugtoD Chapman spring Franklin Beaver Monroe union Mlddlecreck that it has been rciostercd (here. Those who have deeds to lie record- ed and the county officials will lei spared much trouble from now on simply because they will go first to the commissioners office ami have Foot one year in advance, ami the same offer is made to every old subscriber who jiays bis ar- g rearages to date ami one dollar 9 xtra for the Post one year in 8 advance ami the Farm Journal n five years iu advance. y ' REMEMBER S fi that in on'c rto get this premium of five yea-s .subscription to the f Faum Joi unai,, it is necessary t to attend to this matter prompt- f 1 ly as we have only a limited I numlier to offer. Address j The Middlehuroii Post, 2 Middleburgh, Pa. ' Vm. -x " x - v. 3ct xr x-vx r Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND N0RT1IEKN CKN rn AI. RAILWAY Trains leave Sunbury dally except Sunday : 1 i a m fur Krie and C'anandalxua 6 1(1 a m lor Ilellolnnte Krle ami Canandau'ia I 45 a tn tor Look Haven, Tyrone and the wes' . 1 in pin InrHellefonte Kano Canacdalicua S45p m lor kenuvoand Kin urn v ir, p in lur Wllllamsport Sunday 3 10 a in lor Krle and I'anandalirua ' 13 n m for Lock Haven and 05pai her Wli tlanspoft 8 10 am, A 33 a m 2 00 and 3 43pm tor Wtlkeu harre and Haielton 7 00 a iu. lu 20 a in, 2 03 p m, 5 43 p m lor Shamo kln and Mount t'armel Sunday 9 S3 a m lor Wllkesbarrc Train leave Hellnngrove Junction 10 00 a in, week dayi iirrlvlnw ut Phil cdelpbla 300 pin Now York 3 38 p m Baltlinure 3 11 p m WMhlnKtnn 4 10 pin 534 p m lull i arrivlnit at Philadelphia ,0 20 p ic Now York 8 33 a in. Hull lie. re cj r,,u, Washington 10 35 p m 8 4ilpm, week days arrlvlnfr at Philadelphia 4 30a m New York 713 a B) Tra'ns aluo leave Sunhury : S a m dally arrtvinir at Phlladeldhla 6 H a m Haiti more 8 35 a ra Wiuhlnaton 7 45 a' in New York 83 a m Weekday!, 10 38 a m Sundayr, 7 50 a m week dava arriving at Philadelphia, 11 48 am. New York i! 13 p m, Baltimore 11 53 a m, Washington I on p in. 1 53 p in, week day arriving at Philadelphia 8 23 p in. New York V 30 p in, Baltimore uj p m Washington 7 15 p m Tralm alao leave Sunbury at 50 am and 5 2S and 8 35 pm, lor Hartiiburg, Philadelphia and Baltimore I. K. WOOD. Oen'l Paaa Agenl J. B. HUTCHINSON Oen'l Manager. ... 10 C.. ait) ier in Miiif, i.'sip pvivnn ivi eio, Name. Oeeupatlon. (DattKl 1874.) Mariah Hummel, Solomon Hum mel, Win. B. Hummel, Charles J. Beaver and others to Geo. I. Kline, Amig. i ,oiiH, QenUeman, Aumlller, John I)., Farmer, Hotdorf, 'hRrles 31., Mason, llolendcr, John. Laborer. BMer, Jerry. Farmer, i Bollg, Amos HELP THE TOWN. We now have a shoe factory as sured and we have at our disposal a proposition for a gun factory. What arc ourmonied men and busi ness men going to do about it? The shoe factory stock was raised mostly by small subscriptions ranging from $50 to $500. The gun factory needs $25,000 on bonds and $3,500 forabuilding. This means, of course, that all must pull harder and that those who arc better able must pull good nnd strong. This proposed in dustry means U great deal to Middle burg. The gun factory people agree to cmplov 300 hands by the close of the second year. What does this mean? It means that In-fore two years have expired there will be n necessity here for 200 new bouses if we get nothing more. It means more than this as the town would need not only new citizens ami work men for the gun factory, but car nentersand other mechanics must come to help erect these many build ings. If we all pull together we can easily make a town in the Mid dlecreek Valley having a popula tion of 5,000 or 6,000 people in five or six years. If we do not do this, there are other towns in our im mediate vicinity who arc waiting anxiously for us to say that we can not rasie the amount of money needed. This is a very large bite for us to take, but it means so much to us that we tlarc not in justice to ourselves let it slip out of our grasp. I )o your duty. ..' ...... i .1. Unt.eL.M tiarai o.vlif nillllirv . . .. .. enter then, in the recorder's office -" s I " B I uowea. Ntrwwn. rt.ior, '11 atTCS. WwWIIH, MIM IICWWI ' . . T . I Beaver, Jerome w BlaokamlUi. .las. ni. rMimnan ami wne lo.iacoo ,,trk Hvnry M Merchant, 15. Herman, 53 acres in Franklin Den.T.a.JUtos, . , .)-.- polk, Howard, Painter, twp. tor ?-(.). mhrmaii, Dautel, carpenter. J. W. and A. H. Sv.artz, Attor-1 Farleman, Charlee, Bltckmlth, ..o..a:.,lnt L.r I' R Rnravfe t.i Orayblll, Peter L., IU in i cevi 8ra m 4 -ve w m eeaw i Robert Middlesworth, tract in Ad- for recortl. An official, speaking of the new act, this moVning said: "In five years' time the operation of this act will work a revolution in the matter of assessing all properties in this en mil v. 1 have no doubt that then? is a great deal of property in this w twp. for $155. county which is not on the valuation Lytlia Middleswarth to Robert books of the county commissioners' 'Middlesworth, 71 acres in Spring office, through the difficulty of mak-1 twp. $100. nig accurate and complete assess ments. In many cases it is so dif ficult to dcscrilie jiroperty that its location is almost an impossibility. Then, again property which is assess ed at so much per acre may be enter-1 Qpfjug twp, for 200.25. eo as containing nm uuuiikh t WIHaPrawMo. acres than it reallv does. a in i.i.t it lit unti o ,'uiiin in "I have no doubt that when the system gets into thorough operation the county will lie the gainer by thousands of dollars in its yearly assessment, which now slips through as the result of the present way ol doing things." fanner, (lift, Austin, Farmer, Ocniberllni,'. Ed. (., Farmer, llelser, Ira, Trucker. iioweii, Adam, Laborer, BummeL. Charles, " Kratzer, Peter, f armer, Kelster, James, Ijilwrer, Kelster, Clinton, Irwin Fetterolf and wife to liobt. Keek. Albert It., Merciiant. Middlesworth, lot No. 0 in Troxel- neer. villc for $!()(). Ilt.el. John, Farmer, Lydiaand Robert Mi.ldlesworth Z'e. to Simon D. Meager, !52 acres in Miner, John J.. iiiacksmith. I Manbeck, I)Uls, (ientleman, I Moyer, Philip I., Laborer, j Musser, Ivl, Farmer, of Nace, Philip, laborer, Inst I Newman, Henry, Farmer. , ,l.c. n.nn,. IHnotiBmlrh Thursday. His wife, Amanda Moy- How, Ammos A.. Farmer, er is the Executrix and the heir. j llelchenbach, William, Laborer. I Kelnhart. James, Farmer, Letters tirnntecl. gtahl, Levi, Fanner. Ijetters of administration were shambacn, Kimer e., Farmer, granted to Ma V. Moyer in the es- tlmf'lnK' Kl8"ort " b to itk i t ro t Specht, Harry, Laborer, tateof rSarahliowcrsox, Iateotrrank-l8naler j0bno. Farmer. Israel Moyer was proliatet.1 1 8ft, Kesldence. Sellnsgrove Spring Sellnsgrove Spring Monroe Perm MIddlehurg Franklin Beaver Jackson ! West Perry i MttMlebarg Atttni Minnie W est Perry Franklin Selinagrove Monroe MIddlehurg Monroe Washington West Perry Sellnsgrove Beaver Union Mlddlecreck Chapman sellngrove West Heaver Wiushlngtoii Centre Monroe Franklin Spring Penn Union One of the best Wheels on the Market ONLY - - - $40.00. IDEAL . . . A wheel of unparalleled quality for only $ 25.00. Fine Bicycle ltcpairing Successful ly done. Some good second-hand Wheels now on hand. N. P. HUMMEL, KllEAMEK, PKXNA. WANTED-BRAINS SnlforttuiiBligaevliwtofptMlo tullllrjt, ititusi utt ivtnit f WitUutra City. TUi beck cott u moj isUut. It will tt inttoyos fomctiuur. Write H MM Cu yn tUil olumitUaf to Mtt I Fnttet year lditi: thoy may brtaf yet wealth. Before tnlynur for pttn J nr literal efen ud lavctttr't Attltiut. Saurer la .ela; . COPP A CO. Pte att-wmri WuMter Re It will lie noticed that sooner or Tin two., deceased-, May 3, 1899. smith, cbariesA., t n.iertaker, I ,"11111' IllliS. .1UU ..V'( , Mnrrlnce ensrM. updegraff, Charles, Farmer, (dames P. Gordon, Perry twp. j waitor, chariesii., confectioner, Bessie M. Wagner, " " j . Foil Sai.k. 1 offer for sale fifteen acres ol farm land, twenty acres of partly cleared html and twenty lour acres of timber land, all situat etl at New Berlin in Limestone town ship, Union Co. If so desired, it will be sold in lots. For particulars impure of A. T. Taylor, Kishaco tiuillas, Pa. 3-23-3mo. later all the property, through the medium of this system of register ing, will lie a matter of record on the valuation books of the county commissioners' office. REMARKABLE RELIC Centre Washlagtor. MlddleburK Pony West Beaver Chapman Mlddleburg Bill r C RlDucro eane let ra I ipissaPi, Be tarTlncie r exprrlenee. BUUtv ram v llKeU A. nr Broedwav IDDtyiO flBk pm Addraia Maw York. V goat :: mmrm mm mmw:mnm 1 wmmm. ITH E TAILOR, j SELINSGROVE, PA. 1 1 Lowest Gut Prices. I WoiKiaislGoaiiteeis I Call Before T01 Order Elsewhere- P Beneaasaamaw boring deep into the night, and keeping its hole free from chifi (jiadffUU, of tottrtt). I Brightness an,! beauty , blended in tie afarJ tLWaawsv gives a splendid, elear, strong, steady light, unvarying through ten blaek hours. Its light fulieth not, be the "blew" from overhead or under tire. ' Tis alike wind- and jar-proof. It is as all-around good as 57 years of Lamp building eon eompass. Send us S3. 50 and you will receive it by mail, prepaid. A circular for the asking, of course. It. E. DIETZ COMPANY, 80 Laight Street, New York City. Sttailuktd mo; iv'i-eTi SAY! FOK 10C SILVER or 18C STAMPS. I will send a handsome FOUNTAIN FEN. Solid gold. Nothing beau It. Tremend ous seller. Agents wanted. Address at once Hox 18S, uuyandoldt, T . V a. MMm. The Middleburg Post under date of June 30, 1870, says : " We learn from the Lewistown Gazette that Gen. J. P. Taylor, who resides in Kisca- ooqoillas Valley, MifHin County, less than a mile from the camp and spring of Chief Lootn, in digging to repair the foundation of an old house that has stood sixty-five or seventy years, lately, found iinliedded in the earth, aliout 4 feet tinder the sur face, a silver tea spoon with the name Wm. Penn, handsomely en graved upon it, also the name of the maker, trade mark, etc. The spoon is perfectnnd thcengraving perfectly legible Is it part of the purchase money given by Penn to the Indians for Pennsylvania? And may it not have once been the property of the great Chief Logan?" MARRIED. May 5, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Dr. William H. Rohbach and Lvdia li. Gardner, loth of Selicsgrove. April 13, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., Jerome A. Willow of West Perry twp. to Arry M. Hummel of Perry twp. May 14, at Fremont, by Rev. O. G. Romig, James F. Gordon and Bessie M. Wagner, both of Fremont. 13m: l May 7, in Beaver township Annie Sanders (nee Walter) aged 26 years, 5 months and 29 days. Hnknd and three children survive' her. In terment in old Zion's cemetery, May 9th. Regular funeral services held in Zion's Evangelical church. May 1st, at Millniont, Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Boyer, aged 69 years and 11 months. Middleburgh Market. Corrected weekly by our merchants. Butter 14 Eiftrs 10 Onions 00 Lard 6 Tallow 4 Chickens per lb 7 Turkeys 10 Bide 0 Shoulder 8 Ham 12 Wheat 68 Rye 45 Potatoes 60 Old Corn. 85 Oats 80 Bran per 100 lbs 75 Middlings " 85 Chop " 90 Flour per bbl 4.40 O STOVES STOVES STOVES STOVES STOVES STOVES S s A t'ttre for BTervona IleiMlnrhea. For eight years I suffered from coatlpatlon and severe headache, tbe headache usually lasting three days at a time. Headache powders reliev ed me temporarily, bnt left too bad an effect. Since I began taking Celery King I have greatly improved Tn health, seldom or never have head ache, have gained In flesh, and feel decidedly well.-MBS. K. 8. Hatch, Temple, N. H; Celery King for the Nerves, Liver and Kidneys Is sold In 80c. and SBc. packages by W. II. Herman, TroievUle; Middleswarth Ulab, McClure; H. A. Ebrtght, Aline. ii k mm Offer to the public a full line of Corrugated Roofing, Plain Tin and Galvanized Iron Roofing and Spouting, Fence Wire,Tinware,Gran ite war e, Etc. A full line of OIL & VAPOR STOVES for Summer cooking. Call and see our stock and learn our prices. SCHOCH & STAHLNEGKER, 0PP. JAIL, MIDDLEBURG, PA. VAPOR STOVES VAPOR STOVES VAPOR STOVES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers