BUMS DIG STRIKE. No Agreement Reached Botween Employers and Employed. COUFESENCE3 WITH A EI3H0P. Tli nnplajTWH Invltr-il tlio strlkiTM to 811 built n 1i-iiicsiiI, Hut nsTliln I'ro-pn-itl ll'iiinnill AliMiliito surrender It V' Promptly It-.r-ctil. BvffsJo, M:iy 9. The strike situation is prfCtlc&Uy unchanged. All efforts ramie to br ins t'boiit a settlement have beflti l:t!'s'!('. ') the p.bsoluto refusal of t'.? strikers to consider nny propo sition that did not include the abro gation of Contractor Connors' con tract nml the reiUoil of the Iake Car rioi'3' MHqeiftUos to cr.ncel the con trnv ; . Bishop QuiKiey had been naked and had c iise'itod to rcoorVo a delegation fro El tho difTnront interests affected by the strike, .'nrt 3t 9:30 o'clock yester day morning the state board of medi stlon d arbitration, together with Harvey IX GoulUor, attorney for the Lftko Carriers' association: Captaiu Thcnvw V,:son, Janes Corriau and H. Cotl'iby of Clevoland, niemtiem of the Lake Carriers' association, and Gibson C. Donglas, of the 'Vestern Transit company, waited upon him at bin n ilei ce. The bishop was asked to Intercede With the men aid advise theo ' -tj)t the terms offered by t':e c " cor, A delegation from the Grain fShovelera' union, heided by Pre : . :: .' "ihon, it was learned, had boon to the bishop's residence earlier lr !!; rmrnlni;. Tho ison'.'e-once laated iuiHI noon. All but :- : '.!jp Qutgloy refnosd to muke any statement coneernln's what had t.'ke.T place, la reply to a quea tion tho bishop said: "Nothing but the fundamentel prln oId'cs of the situation v.-ere discussed, Wo did r.o o into devils, i have no pp (position tn raak'1 to the raeu." At the conclusion of the conference ihe Lake Carriers' association tskod the representatives of the striking coopers to submit to them a proposal, which would be considered at a second conference to be held at Bishop Qllig lcy's residence. President McMrbon, of the scoopers' union, iti!irer)l u ely reported to a meet ing of t!:e strikors in St. Bridget's Hall, and on his suggestion a com mittee o.' nine was named to dr.vtt nn ocroement to be submitted to the Lake Carriers' association, and thr committee T.ns given full power to enter into a contract should their proposition be accepted, This ;: ;ion on tho part of the Like Carriers' association was hailed with delight by the strlkors, as indicating that the vessel men had about con cluded to cancel Mr. Connera' con tract and deal directly with the scoop ers. Last evening's conference wan held at Bishop Quigiey's residence. The bishop acted as chairman of the meet ing. Remarks and suggestions were made by almost all of those present, and when the conference closed Mr. Coulder stated that tho bishop would prepare a report of the conference and would submit It to the parties Inter ested some time today. Mr. Goulder declined absolutely to say anything as to the result of the conference or the propositions made by each side. It was learned, however, that Ihe propositions submitted by the striking shovelcrs provided for tile abrogation of Hip contrai l with Mr. Connors and the litting of another contract to the Grain Shovelers' union at the same prke bid by Mr. Connors. It also pro vided for the appointment of a pay master not connected with any saloon interests, and the appointment of a local board of arbitrel Ion. with power to settle all differences in the future that might arise in connection with th? contract or among the men. The proposition also provided that this board should consist of three mem bers, one to be appointed by tho Lake Carriers' association, one by the shov elers' union and the third by tho other two. The proposition was rejected. AULF.S AND EAQAN CENSURED. Tlu Ilcer Invpntluntors' Kcport Ail- vImc n Further Proceedings, Washington, May a. By direction of the president, who approves the find ings, acting Secretary of tho War Meikeljohn yesterday made public the report and findings of the military court appointed to Investigate the charges made by Major General Miles, commanding tho army, that the beef supplied to th army during the war with Spain was unlit lor the use of the troops. Tho most Important features of the report are: The finding that the general's al legations that the refrigerated bent was treated with chemicals were not established: that his allegations con cerning the canned fresh or canned roast beef were sustained as to its uu sultability for food as used on t a transports and as a long continued field ration; censure of General Miles for "error" In falling to promptly no tify the secretary of war when he first formed the opinion that the food was unfit; censure of the commissary gen eral (then General Eagan) for the too extensive purchases of the canned beef as an untried ration; censure of Col onel Maus, of General Miles' staff; tho finding that the packers were not at fault, and that the meats supplied to the army were of the same quality as those supplied to the trade generally, and the recommendation that no furth er proceedings be taken In the premises. A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED Wertnemln.v. Mar 8. Not for years has there been so many immigrants from Italy as at the present time. Representative Mark L. Davis, of Delaware, was acquitted of a charge of attempted bribery. In a speech at Detroit General Wes ley Merrltt declared Alger the best war secretary the world has ever seen. Should the Defender defeat the new Columbia in the trial, she will again defend the America's cup in the races against the Shamrock. Colonel Frederick Funston, of the Kansas volunteers, has been appoint ed brigadier general for distinguished bravery In the Philippines. Henry B. Hyde, who had a salary of $100,000 a year as president of tb Equitable Life Insurance association, died In New York, aged 65. Baltimore's city election resulted In a sweeping Democratic victory. Thom as G. Hayes was elected mayor over W. T. MaUter, the present Incumbent. Thursday. May 4, The Italian cabinet, headed by Pre mier Pelloux, has resigned. The health of Havana is largely Im proving under American methods. Mrs George W. Chllds denies the re port that she Is engaged to marry Gen eral Joe Wheeler. General 1). McM. Gregg announces that he Is not a candidate for the Re publican nomination for treasurer of Pennsylvania. Governor Jones, of Arkansas, order ed state authorities to prevent the Im portation of armed men to take the places of mine strikers. Alexander Masterton, a millionaire banker, was shot dead In New York by J. Noale Plumb, The mur derer declares Masterton lias "hounded him for years." Krlday, May .". The Porto Rico ppstofllces are self sustaining. Governor Roosevelt, of New York, ur ;ea the whipping post for wife beat ers. President McKinley Is to talrr a va cation of two or three weeks at Hot Springs, Ya. The Cour D'Alene mining district, In in Idaho, is under martial law because of the mine strike. Mayor Jones, of Toledo, Is formally announced as after tho Republican nomination for governor of Ohio. Legrnnde Power, Minnesota's labor commissioner, testified before the In dustrial commission that farmers ere the greatest stock gamblers. Thomas McGrath, an cx-soldler of the Spanish war, killed Miss Jennie Coyle In New York last night because she rejected his attentions. McGrath WOS a recipient of bounty of the girl's father. Saturday, .May 11. "M. Freycinet, French minister of war, has resigned. British capitalists are negotiating for control of the Kali River (Mass.) mills. I'ost master General Smith orders that the sign "P. S. Mall" shall be dis played only on earn actually carrying mail. Albert S. Kenny, now general naval storekeeper In New York, succeeds 1M wln Stuart as paymaster general of the navy. Half of the men of the cruiser Ra leigh, who fought with Dewey, are to be discharged, their terms having ex pired. Andrew Carneele is to retire per manently from business, having sold out to a combination beaded by II. C. Prick. Lord Rosebery. formerly premier of England, In a speech in London last night declared that bis retirement from politics was final. Mrs. W. C. Whitney, wife of the ex Becretary of the navy, died in New York as the result of Injuries received a year ago by being thrown from her horse. Monday, May h. Surgeon !:. Page, V. s. N., Just re turned from Manila, declares Admiral Dewey's health perfect. Three big mass meetings in Chicago anthuslastically endorsed the admin istration's policy In the Philippines. At the powder mill plant of the Potts,villo (Pa.) Water company IS tons of powder exploded. No one was injured. General R, P. Kennedy, of the In lulai commission, just returned from Porto Rico, declares there are openings for agriculturists there. Five hundred sailors from Dewoy'a srjundron, terms expired, arrived In New Y'oih. Over half of them fought in the battle of Manila bay. Martial law In Shoshone county mining district, Idaho, declares that no member of the Cour D'Alene minors' union, "a criminal organization," can be employed. ONE ON THE PROFESSOR. ! Wbmt Sha11 e D0, Osllear EpIaoiW Narrated la Gle-a bjr (ho Doy Who Thonjfhe it runny. "I wonder if I told you how Young fooled 'Old Roots,' the Greek professor, exam, time?" asked Hilly, and as no one could truthfully say that he had heard It, Billy start ed in: ' 'Roots,' un we call him, thinks, al ways, that some one is cribbing in exams. Now, in reality, he's away off, because the follows don't crib Bp there now, but 'Roots' is always looking fora chance to catch some one, and be got It last week. We were having an exam. In Greek and be was sneaking up and down the aisles watching everyone, lie was at the end of the room furthest away from Young when he happened to look over and see Young take out his watch. You can't work that olil watch erib game On 'Knots,' Iio'b tooohl, and when he saw "l ining's watch appear he sneaked up back of him to see if there was anything wrong. He could walk almost as quietly as a cat, and was behind Young without having made a SOUnd, just as he touched the spring and the cover of the watch opened. There surely was a piece of paper in that watch case and 'limits' saw it. That was enough. lie leaped over, grabbed it and told Young to COttie to the des k With him. We Immediately came to the conclusion tlut there was some thing wrong;, so everyone stopped writ ing and watched 'Hoots' and Young. Up to the desk they went ; then 'Pont s' sat down and without looking at the Watch, which be held in bis band. looker I at Young and said : "'Mr. Young, I linil that you have been trying to use aid iii this examina tion. ' " '1 beg; your pardon,' Young an swered. '1 haven't used anything in an unfair way.' " 'Roots' was taken back for a lini ment at the fellow's nerve when In' had been caught red-handed. 'But what have v, ti to say aboul this paper, Mr. Young1?' said be, 'You were about to make use of it and it has written upon It' Here he paused ami looked at the paper, then blushed and ap peared tu grow angry, and finally told Young to take his seat and goon with his paper. "WI1.1l it all meant was more than WO could make out, and it was not un til after the exam, that we found that the paper bad contained but one word, ami that word was 'fooled.' " N. Y, Sim. A serious and dangerous disease prevails in this country, dangerous because so deceptive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it is often seat ed before we are aware or It. The name of this disease which may be divided into three distinct stages I, First, Kidney trouble, lumbago, frequent desiresto urinate, often with a burning sensation, the How of urine being copious or scant with strong odor. If allowed to advance, this reaches the second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy pain in the abdomen, low down between the navel and water peerage, increasing desire to urinate, with ioalding sensation in passing, .-mull quausltles being passed with difficulty, some times necessary to draw with instrviueuts. If uric add or gravel has formed, it will prove dan gerous if neglected. The third stage is Brigbt's Disease. There is comfort in knowing that Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder specialist, has discovered a Remedy famous for its marvelous cures of the most dlstietsing eases and known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot. It is sold by all druggists. As a proof of the WOUtlerful virtues of this great discovery. Hwstlip Hoot, a sample bottle mid book of valuable information will be sent absolutely free by mail on application to )r. K'lmer St Co., Binghaiuton, N, V When writing kindly mention that you read this liberal oiler in The Post. Famous Drummer. Probably the most remarkable drum Tier who ever lived was Jean Henri, the famous tambour major of I'm peror Napoleon. One of bis f'-;its was t.i play on I! different toned drums at the same time In so soft and har monious n manner that, instead of the deafening uproar that might have been expected, the effect WOS thai of a ti"' I and complete instrument. In playing he passed from one drum to the other with such wonderful quickness that the eyes of t lie spectators could hardly fol low the movement of bis bands and body. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury ns mercury will surely destroy the sense ol smell mid completely ileranife the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces, such articles should never tie ii-mi exceol en Bfetcrtptlnus from reputable physicians, us the iliilluli:.' tlle will ilnl- ten ft. Ill CO Hie (.' mmI iu canposslblj derive from them, Hsu's Catarrh e re, manufactured by p, J, Cheney 4 Co., To ledo, onto contains re mercury ami is taken internally, in-tin - Mired iv upon the blood and rnucnui surfaces of the system, In buying llsll's Catarrh Ours be sure you gel the genuine, it Is taken inti rosily snd m ute In T dedo, nlo, by k. .1. Obenej H c, Testam mlsla tree. S0I1I In- lirmrtflst . T'.c Hairs Family Pills are the best ITMINI3TRATRIX NOTICE. Lei ters of Administration in t be i rate of Barsh Biwersnx, late of Mldaiebunr, Snyder Co., P., rtoo'd,, having been grant ed to fho undersigned, all persons knowing rjj 'mselves indnbted ton kid rstate nre requested in make Immediate b lyment, whlleiuone hnvli 2 claims will present them duly authenticated u liii: undersigned. Mlts. IIA v. MOYEK, Ml -Tit. Admlnlsl rat rlx, A J'rotent From China. Washington, May . The Chinese legation here has made a strong pro test to the state department against the extension of the exclusion act to Cuba, this having been one result of a recent executive order extending the immigration laws of the United States to Cuba and Porto Rico. Mr. Yung Kwai. an attache of the legation, said that in view of the fact that the Chi nese would make the best kind of citizens for the settlement of Cubs, he believed the order would be modi fied so as pot to exclude bis country- TH0 PRODUCE MARKETS As Kelleeleil by Kellllngrs In I'lilladel- phia od BallluiefWa Philadelphia. May Flour slow: win ter superfine, tl.U0t.4t; Pennsylvania roll.-r. clear. !'fia.2f,; ,.ity mills, extra. ll.fO0t.7t. Rye (lour Heady at $3.20 per I Imrret for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat "ly: No. I red. spot. In elevator. "D'j 67W4C. Corn Steady; No. 2 mixed, spot In elevator, KliSKc.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade. 4:"'itl'15c. Oats quiet and I Steady: No. 2 white, 34ic; No. 2 white, j rllppcd, 35c. Hay steady; choice timothy, I $12.50 for large bales. Heef steady; beef hums. tUOlt.tO, Pork quiet; family. J11 7.', 012.2?. Lard w, ;.k; western steamed, $5.:!21- . Batter steady; w, -stern creamery, ; M017C.; do. factory, UQUs.; imitation creamery'. New York dairy, ISfi lCc.: do. creamery, Hf'ilTc. ; fancy Pennsylvania prints jobbing at 21ft 24c. ; do. wholesale, 20c. Old cheese steady; large, white and colored, 12c.; small do., 12ol2iic: now cheese tlrm; large. Vlt (-,.; small. e. Ktfg lirm; New York nnd Pennsylvania, 14c.; western, fresh, 13i!tl34c.; southern, 12vil3c. Baltimore, May 8. Flour quiet, but firm; western superfine, $2.2&5j2.40: west ern oxtra. $2.50ft3.10; western family, $3.35 ti3.t: winter wheal, patent. $3.75123.90; spring wheat, patent. $.:. -1,1 i.l-, spring wheat, straight. $3.65f(3.85. Wheat dull and easier; spot, month and June, 751 TSVic; July, 75c.; steamer No. 2 red, 70 tj.70i4c. : southern, by sample, 70ft76c.; do. on grade, 70t475V4c. Corn easier; spot, S7fi3Sc.; month and June, 37H0Wc; July, ::7jc; steamer mixed, 3Gti364c.; southern, white, 4H4042c. ; do. yellow, 3SVa39c. Oats dull and easy; No. t white. Sc.; No. 1 mixed, 326 32 Vie J AS. O. CROU8E, ATTORBBT at LAW, HXPDbKBU pa. il business entrusted to hie oars will receive nroiupt attention, jfn I til I W TEEMS EASY. Consult or communicate with tho Editor Ottilia paper, WhO wUj give all needed lnfor-oiattoP MEDICAL WORK FOR MEN. FREE StND NO MONt'. My now rot...- ncfKutifll work tieuiiDtf on artrff w.iUiiA tuid fjilMM p" culittr to man 1 j'tat finm theprtMN. Kvty man, no mttir wlmi K r. m -upHtion or poninon in H', trill 'In-1 thin work unltkt itnythmu t n , .1 1, I ik if vititl inturt-wt t t li- inarrifti Of u n m..rn o, 10 tlta houltuy nnd irfntror to lUi wnk nd hrokrn-dnwii. U hilt th edition Unto I will pmirl it copy curly lJ in n plain wrapper, v ' ago prepaid, tu every roun wlio write for it. 1 hi -i it ion is limited nnd thon 4iefrtnK n copy muid write promptly. H. M.lUwe, ML I' . Pub llehlns Department D. IT". Clark tit., N L. Cor. Monrost. Chlcuifo. IIHmoIn. Pi am lr MVS- APPRAIXEMr'N I - Nolle Is here- , 1 ,1... V ... III. pnuBouieiikg uauei 1 1" 1.1 " . n.i n with the rti rk ol Uinorisns' twirl ct snyder oount) ier Brtoatloii June Mb, imw. TBS aprtrslsemeni ol Kate A, Jones, widow ol BowaM Jones, lute ol Washlnston township, deceanit, aleeti danC to I e la! en under the tSuo I Szeuiptlon !.i. The spprsbetnent of Rve itn widow ol Isn ic nut . i its ol Pr mklln town ihip, deceased, eleet sd and to be taken undor Ihe 1300 exemption law, Tie spnrsi nt et Ddla . Itollcrhscb, widow cl Ihinlel ilollenhnoh, lata "t JacksiMi township, deceaseil, elected sad to be tak' n under tlia t so exemption in. OHO, M. BHINHE1 . Olerk O. C RIPANS are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now he had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Any druggist will get them if von insist, nnd thrv m.nv alwavs he KV j j j obtained bv imittino; hie once to The Riparts Chemi v. Q wTi x: r aIi . t "r ITU I r .J.' L. t.i. I Pi-nltinnotar a eon ii is, been nie.l lol Th following nceounls have oosunuatioon onJuneJth, w.'j. Plrsi and final accounl ol John W. it' nnlnger sndjonn Relu, trustees ottbe estate "t . a Bowersox UBO, M.sitiNDBfj, I'rothonotnry. oKnisTBK'SNtrrii'Ks notice Is hereb) bit. i I en that the following named persons bsvs Hied tbelr AdnnnlHirators', Ouradlan, and El eeutors' secuu lis in the lleglster'sofllceol si,.. dor tV)unty. and tlir mime will ! presented t"r oontlrniRtlon nnd nllowasc t tho iwurl House in ftllddleburgb, Mot day, juoettb, is'-'.'. The Una! scconnl et Oeowe u. Hendricks, niardlan of the estate of tanlo M. Wltwsr.s id inor child et William winner, late et luc Mrougbol Hellluwrove, Pa., dou'd. First and iiaril il acenuiil Ol O. . Bo'dort. One of Ihe executors of David II. Botdorf, Uleol M'asbiogten township, deceased. First and final nuntol Johnn Rnmer. ex- SeUtor ol Thomas W ai t., late ol Ad.nm low I - Ship, deot ISM, Plmt sndnnst neeounf "f H top Omhh, Jr., kdmlnlstrator ol n -nrv umbo, Hr . laie ol ctu tre tow nshtp, deceased, Plrsl nml final s nr,l ol u '. Flsa eve ie. r of John Bbolier. (ate ol Monroe township, dee'd. rKt ami final aconunt "f Jerome Ulrlcli. gsmiiel Ulrlch snd Benjamin Itlrlch, exi oulnrs nt Benjamin Ulrlob, lateoi seilnsgrove, dee'd, First snd '.ni 'l scenunt ol Oeorirn Z romerionn Bxeculoroi Oharlm Zimmerman, lulool Uouroi tow ntiip. doeeased, Kirs' mill final scconoi ol William Benfer, nde mlnlstrstor i Sarah Benfer, lateoi Contretown ship, decease i. The lantnnd final ncro'int ol John H. Wolfe, administrator ol Uia ustatx ol Harriot Helti, late oi Union township, de ised, first and aorouol ol Thouiss Kohler and Oath- orlli" Miller, ml iiln " iter- "I t'e' estate i it s in- on l, Kohler, late ol Jackson township, dei 'd. First and Hint a nut et Kate Bechman, at tnlnlstrotrlx of the estate of John it. Bachuian, late oi Kianklln tow nsnli . deceased, plrsl nd final scrouul ol W. H. Uiimmel, ml mlnlstrator ol the estate ol l.. it. Hummel, late or Bellnsgrove, deceased, Pinal aceonnt of Isaac dross and a. Holshne administrator of the estsio ol Wallace I. -piey, late oi Wesl Beaver tos nshlp' deceased, pint and final scconnl of J, O. Hornnenjer, administrator of tl state ol Sarah C Stuck, lateoi Pel ry township, deeesseo, in nit and nnalaeeei.ni nf Jonatban Musser ami iiaiiii i F. Blniiaman, administrators ol ihe estate of l-.vu Sae-poll, lair ol Centre town-, snip, deceased, First ami ttn ii account ol sylvestei llowe administrator of the estate m Mamtiel Bowe lateoi Pranklln township, deceaied. J, H, WILMS, lleglslor. Court ProoJ amationi nrHERKAM the Hon. Hsrold M. MePlnrs ' president Juds n ;,u Judicial District, sompossd "f Hi"' countlen ol Snyder, and Union and Alfred specbl and .. T. flem berllnKi B0,'m Aosoelste Jadifct In and forSny der county , bare tMued their pieespt, bsarlns dsts lbs ''Jiili day "i April A. H., ISW, tome directed for Ihe boldlns olan Uridiani' i.'onn, a sou rt ol Common Pitas, court of Oyer and Ter miner and Uenat al I kturl nfOnarter riaraloni ol ihePs I, at Mlddleburxb, n.r the eounly ol Snyder, on the 1st Monday, (being tbe "Hi Say ol JUjie lsitij, nml to coullnue one week, (fotlee l 1 herelore hereby siren lo 1 lie loron er, Justice! ol lbe Peace and Uintablei In nnd i,.nl, inu nt Snvih-r. In aijioirln tliclr nrooer person with tbelr rolli, r Ms, Inqnlal-I llellS, X III I Till ( 1 1 Mil- aim hiih-i in'iuiiiniiiii to do thoe tblnai whlob id im-lr office and In their behalf pertain In he done nml wltneuei ssd persons proseentlns In behall "i the Uoni tnonwealth airalnil anj personor perionr ro re. qslrsd to bstihen and tbere attending ami de nartlna without leare at tlicir i.orii. .iin-tlcru un- reqasstsd to in- panetusl In tlislrsttendsnee tttbsspsolntsd Urns sjrreeiibly t ties. (liven under un- bund "' seal si lbs Sberlfl'i Offlee in Ulddlel urah, the I7ih day "i April ,. I) one thousand -'lit hundred and ninety BUie I . . KITTr.K. ncrs Rule on Heirs, Proceedings in Partition. IX TH1 MATTOT OF THE BBTATR F WIL LIAM UOLLENBACH. LATE K PKBJtY TOWNSHIP, DECEASED, Snyiu II Col N'TV, ss : The Coinmoiiwealth "f Pi-iiiisylvania. Tu Hniiiiahllelli-iiliii.il. wolow i. f William I lol let) liin h ileeea-i-il. if Chapninii twp.. Snyder Co., Urn Mi. v.- Slii.l.nr I 1 1 1 I ll-lllll,ill I i lltlT Itl.'l X rled with -luliii L Bplober f LWerpool, ferry Cii., I'll.. U-vinii llickorl (nee ll..llenl,ncli) lo- tirmnri led witb William USCKCrl el I liiipimiii I w n., s order County, I'a., and Barouel Hollsn- liush i,( I'orrv twp.. Suydi-r I o I'a.; niinnni I .iruline, liusliaml nf hva r.irtzllm- nice 1101 lenbseb) now deceased! Catherine Bhaffer (nee Portiline Intermarried with James Shaffsr, Henry K. I'ortsline. Martha Siranii Inas Porta-llio-lintcrinarriod witli Wesley Strniih. Gertie I'urt.liiio and Snsn.i I'ertline. mimirs almve the am- of II years who have fer their i nardiaii rldlip belter, all of Ferry twp., Bayder -, PS, and Wm. H. Portr.lineofTn-vert Nerth d Co ' Fa , lineal dom emlimts nf William Hnllen bach, late of lbs township of Ferry, Snyder County, defeased, (fasti aft Yon are heretiv elted to be and appear liefore the .1 "laeii ofoilr I'l.ihan's Court, at an Or nhnii"' Court to lie held in Middleleirir, on the I . . i ... i , 1.. lwim.. 111 .. .!.,. i. In IS! aOM ' , . .-. the forenoon, then and there to aeeept or re fuse tlx- Ileal i.sian- oi sain hums '"" deceased, at the appraised valuation hut upon .. . 1 . .I..I ...I. ., ll Mlllll H OV llll IIIUU "HI i......... . w'j Court and returned by the Sheriff of said poli ty or nliow cause whv tin- mime miouiii noi ut old. Und thereof fail not, Witness the Hon. Harold N. McClure, I'resi ,l..,.i f our mIiI Court at Mlddleliina. this Tth day Of March, 18W, M r,o nil ii-ik. The Monarch of Strength is sJir. .. r T'.' T TV Y BR i A M HI i sh H h h .,..::l.tr.. I cry, a. i-sw (ADSOLI TELY PVRB,) Its strength oomesfrom Its pur;:-; (...vUI.. . ..,nl.l . , . I 1,. . I.I ', if A It u; .. Mj j i. 13 ;;-i o: !1 puro co .en, -Dound Bealed paoKages. tacn paoKage win maKQ -k cups, 1 ne p.tck iii'o Is scaled at tho Mills so that tl 3 aroma is never weakened. It has a delicious flavor. Incomparable strengthi It ;s a luxury within tho reacli oi all. Insist on "Lion" Coffeo Mover ground nor bold in bulk, Nono Genuine without Lion'u head. does nut Mn- tdon Ooffee In his store, send Hi tils nans mni tui.ir.-sii Hint we ma plane It on sale thorn, bo nut n pi. If you ir Grocer Wi ii 11.81 BIGGLE B ftfttrc ' W f r A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIOGLli No. 1 BIOQLB HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Common Sense Treatise, with over 74 Ulustrstions ; a standard work. I'rice, so Cents. No. 2 BKK1LB BKKRY BOOK All iitxmt Krowinu Bmall Fruits read nnd Irnrri how . contains as" durcd lite like renroductionsol all leading varieties uud Icxi other illustrations, Price, 50 Cents, No. 3-BIGUL.n POULTRY BOOK Ail alxiut Poultry ; the liest Poultry iinok in existence ; tells every thing ; withij colored lire-like reproductions of aU the nrinclral breeds; with ioj other illustiiuiuiis. I'rice, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIQOLE COW BOOK All about Giws nml Hie Dairy llusines'i ; having n Rrent sale; contains Bcolored life-like reproductions ol each breed. With iij otbei illustratiuns. l riic v Cents No. 5- BIOGLB SWINE BOOK just nut. All about Bogs Breeding, Feeding, Dutch cry, Diseases, etc, Contains over So beautiful hall tones uud oilier engravings. Price, 30 Cents. ThellKiULI! HOOKS nrr anique,original,usefut vou never s.iw anything like them- so practical, so sensibli They ure having an enormous sale Halt, West, North and Bouth. Every one who keejiM a Horse. Cow, Hog or Chicken, or mw-s small Fruits, ought to scud right uwoy lor the UlUULii UOOkb. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It Is 77 years old, it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-thc-hesd, uuit.after yoii-h.ivc-said it, Parm and Household pspei in the world the tiinRest paper ol lis size in the I'll I ted Stall 1 w. .wU uu. .u u . luuiwuwu a-u.11 1 regular I ( .iucis. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL 0 YEARS (remainder nf iSon, 1000, 1001, luoj and tgoil will lie sent by mi il lo uuy address lor A IHILLAK HILL. Sample of FA KM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOQLE BOOKS free. WH.MKR ATK1NSO.V. ciias. I . JKJIKiJia, Address, FARM C lis? 'tftmm 1 mii, JOIRNAI. j 1'IllI.AUI.LI'IIIA I DDIUAI weakness easily cured by 1 OKIN ALs Dr. Miles' Nerve Flusters. POUND CATALOGUE' FREE! THIS 110 CATAIOOIU COHTAIHS 1120 PAGES nJSBS Inobai tostaB, t-." riuoer iuii,i"iiiioIaI.iii., lu.lwuliliii-usliuiiMlic UrKi-st . ui". leUjanit loe.-t prli t-'l t-iilalni.-iie ever (inliH-lii .l . I, AMES THE 1 . ,ST WH01ESA1E CMIfAfG PRISES OH EVESffHiHO. Wdudag everyluinrf In .rwr. rli-., Ursffl, Ur SMSt, MMSJ, Oscaash UMBla liaaaSi Suol, ssil Sli.ie.. SsUSM, J,!rj, Iliwl, l!,r li,ur-, Slo-r Asrksllsril lutMrnl nrallsra, limn,,,, Sdill,., ItsulMi Srwlof natblaes, Cretaefff, OrtaRti 1 laon,. !!iile-illn.rrustriil., lunil.lilncbiiKS I.M,, llrhvrs, ll.blnc Twkls-. Itlfjfl,, rtioinrar-,l'' SssSs, tf. Tells Jusl wljltT'iur st -r, -;.-.-SI luiint- ma, tray forevarytiiinK he Imvs and will pievnthl:olr-.uioiri-l,ri'ln you anriMniryou bavi etilaics j.i 'iii -K loot tar, ijow nnies t.u- fi ,;rM, i-rr., r wail m-hi h-. lo- .1 11 v... T tii K'.i i jifj l! liZAJtf SI, tas tan ta,uu!-.i-.e ii-Wi-yi l,. . r.Fin cTrer riTi?C"P t this s.mir-Tnont o-rt laL".:- sri'l K-ielt-ui "I'll llcr.l,lo Ituino'i" 1 -ii. 1 -1 -.ir -,i..lt it 1- k wiai-ei.t to yua fSSS hr rmII Id I if yos Son t .-ay it Is wortu ISS tlmifl ths If IT'S r .. Od, an s l:ey to the luwaat wluiiesali- prices cf I'Vi'Tvlliifll. ,y SO, ail'l w'.ll lBMaiRI,l7 r-lura JwJr i wemiw. WM AT TH3 MHSe SAY'S ABOUT THi-5 CATALOCUEl it Is a laouuiiuut f Lusaucaa ilorroaliou.'' jJi.aaaio:IS ftUnii.l Trliiuaa. ,, -A a-ou-U-rrut lec or wr.rk "-Waahlneton National Tribune. -The calaloirue Isn wonilor." Manrhemer IN. II.) Union. "Ssars, I'uelittoa C o. ono of Uie largest liouaes of ll Sinn la MMW I -I ilirfuiliwi w.ll, . . . "l tsbl .-aUilciiet'irriisonaof O10 Hue! aho,pllls meoiunis luatcouui posnDlj ocson, SssVasssstsm SaVSSl department sr.itv boiled down."-Atlanta renatltutloa. , TrealaloiiielieertAlnlymerchandleen. yclorieMla. -ChU-ao M.wiirtli Hirald thioaa. oAlawihouldti-rsw.edei.mrKililiilltlieliae.rtliliieatairiielnallr -T HsSI. fA, A. auSiaiSSSa, Wa aeald al, ta...aaa. .f ,lllar aiieaeia. SMS I A ClilTS AT 0SCI aaa ;aa III rrl.. tea 4-lb. OsSS kj "lara sun. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. (Inc. , CHIC ACO, ILL., U. 8. A. .i.ln-l i , (i , ,,, - iiaJsySassrssT'lllssIT I - p-p p s, .-.ss..ss.smss Ii' "' f-vIS ISSSPPW H II 1 1 III I . I l.f 'llff'WMBBBBMBBBPWr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers