The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 18, 1899, Image 1
GEO. W. WAGBN8ELLEB. Editor and Proprietor. Interesting Items. News Told in Brief Paragraphs for Our Readers. Ml Xewinrfriiliit IM-opi mmwm or latM Pt liW Chas. Marks, who had been in Philadelphia, has returned homo. Mm Hmtnn Neftof Gordon, Ptt. is visiting Mrs. A. & Beaver at this place. Mtoa nilln Hrimn. whohad been staying at Adamsburg, 1ms returned home. Miss Lisurie EUpka, who had been staying atLewistown, returnedhome on Saturday. Miss Cora Enterline of near Duu vilje, formerly of this place, is visit ing friends here. Mrs. Adam Showers and Mrs. ( '. j W.Oravbill were to Suubury on Monday on a shopping expedition. Mrs. Dr. J. B. Allison of North umberland has heen visiting her parents in this place the past week. William Shindel, who is attend ing the Susquehanna University at Selinsgrove, was at home over Sun day. Mrs. Davit! Sholly and Mrs. Barry Buyer of Selinsgrove were at the county seat on Monday oi this week. Master Glen Leitxel ol Mitllin burg has been in town the past week visiting his grandparents, Jas. Ayres and wife. A. E. Coopti and wife of Selins grove have been visiting A. a, Ulsh and wife in this plaee during the pa it week. Peter Kicirle. Sr., of Middleereek was at the county seat on Monday. He was in the best of spirits over the result of the election. This is an advertising age, and he who uses a greatdcal of printers' ink in his business is generally the suc cessful business man. Mrs. C. C. Sechold with her son, Harry, and daughter, Eva, of Suti bury were the guests of relatives in this place over Sunday. Mrs. llcv. D.E. MoLain has been very sick during the past week with nervous prostration. We hope she will soon lie able to be out again. Mrs. Nettie Smith wi'l otler at public Sale the household furniture of the Central Hotel, Saturday May 20, 1S!)9 at ten o'clock. 1-1 l-'-'t John Howell, who went along with the hark peeling party to West Virginia, returned home last week. He says he doesn't like it in the south. 'Squire Kellerand Adam Smith of Adamsburg and K. frank Mnitli ot Troxelville on Sunday were the guests of the newly elected County Treasurer. Judge Savidge of Sunbury on Saturday refused a new trial for Ed ward Crissingcr, who was ooovicted for the murder of Daisy Smith. He is sentenced U Ik; hung. Scud in your dollar cash-in-ad-vanoe for one year's subscription to the Post. You will get the Farm Journal for five years as long as the supply lasts. Send now. tf. We have left over a few extra copies of the Industrial edition of last week's Post which will he sold as long as the supply lasts at five centseach. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. J. C. Beck, book-keeper of thcSe linsgrove shoe factory, was in town on Sunday to call on Mr. Whitney. Mr. Beck is not satisfied that the gun works shall be located at Mid dleburg instead of Selinsgrove. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., BUILT DISTRICTS. I Z i - v ? f ft -I m L r I u 'J ib '-, MJtlflm i il Mi I I fi f Adams 44: ' (V 53 2! 28 73 4 9j 22 7a! 20 50 13 71 10 61 59 90 105 Beaver ' 126 2 10 2 66 241 46 35 18 16 133 83 136 51 21; 1 86 74 115 156 Beaver West 55! 23j 100 3! 50 2f 88 17 27 65 86 75! 120 69 46! 4 61 112 142i 177 Centre 49 71- 66 7. 60 21 46 64 38 45 110 83 921 54 lit); 24 9".' 92 132 188 Chapman 29 2; 421 8j 7 69 I 6 2l 30 24 ! 22j Is 14 18 60; 39 30 46 78 Jackson 13 W 33 I 48 3 111 21 42 5j 171 24 29 45 22; 4. 53 26 41 61 Franklin ' 70 i 75. 33 15 58 16 40 H2j 1 79 117: 49 131 79 79 11 LOO 102 135 187 Middleburg 42; 36! 18 :: 35 9 5 60 3 36 59 13 42 23 65! 22 66 52: 60 92 Middleereek 42 32 27' 9 69 l! 16 26 19 29 62 12 62 60 39 37 68 75' 6s! 112 Monroe 73 12 35 3 00 12 20 4! 84 19; 2:5: 67 42- 52! 29! 37 105 41 15: no p..,,,, loo! r.s 8 157! 10 2s 1:17! 17! 49 86 90 107! 58, 15 169 s2; 96 200 Perry 15 1! 461 :il 22! 55! 6 2(! Ill 46 24 10 :55; 50 ::V 01 :5:5 5s' 40 108 Perry West 12! 2 34! 0. 17! 6 ll! 21! ll 18 25; 12; 2:5i 25 10 22 10 43 17j 37 Selinsgrove 95; 27 97 2 175; 19 8 19 189 Hi 21 150 52! 76 5l! 90 206 9:'.; 7. 211 Spring 22! i 1S3! 3; 96 10 Si 19 92 27; Si! 96 124 49 45 00 1:50 131 84 IS7 Union 86 20 00 II! 69 67 1 22 49 56 52 :il! 57! S7! 83j 47 99 70 861 Ml Washington 51 j 36 75: 11 50j I3j 9 104! 63 27 85! 7 55; 107; 19 10 90 63j OSj 150 Total 880 1021030 134)1095 356 171 520 811 5471013 S5iill5s 991 820 03O;1496l209;133O;23O9 Plurality i 15o 1 666' ' I ' 1 I l09l i 167 135 j 1661 j 121 Miss Ruth Howell, who is work ing at Sunbury was home on a visit. In order to clean out the shoe business I will sell out my entire stock of shoes at cost. A large line ot soap will also lie closed out at cost. Special bargains will be offer ed in all goods. tt. Ba bbeb Simoktok. II. D. Stahlncckcr and A. W. Aurand have purchased a clipping machine to clip horses. They offer to clip horses at 81.50 each. Any one desiring to have their horses clipped will do wel! to have these gentlemen do it for them tf. The attendance at the meeting of return judges on Monday was the smallest we ever saw. This is pro bably duet.) the fact that the intro duction of the telephone ill our county permits all to learn the re sults before midnight Saturday. Dr. H. X. Nipple of Selinsgrove, who has recently been elected City Poor physician of Akron, Ohio, and Miss Grace Hettrick of Bhamokin Dam were Sunday guests in this place. We congratulate the young physician on his remarkable success. If you pay your subscription one vear in advance you can get the Post for only one dollar. If you are in arrears you can pay up your arrear ages anil one dollar extra for one year in advance. Then you will .1 I I i! irel HIS rami .lournui nve hmi.'i free. tf. A smooth, easy sliave, genteel hair cut, or other tousorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, in Bonk Building, next door to the Post office. Co to Boles to buy new razors or exchange for old ones. Razors honed and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A. K. Solkh. H. D. Stahlneeker and wife, Levi Young, Curtin Bowersox, Dr. J. W. Orwig, CC.Cutelius, Jas. P. Smith and James Krdley of this place and Dick Harncrof Paxtonville attend ed the unveiling of the Hartranft statue at Harrisburg on Friday of last week. The third ipiarterly conference of the U. B. church will be held at Eon's May 22nd. Whit Monday, business session will begin promptly at 9 o'clock. German preaching and communion at 10 A. M. Presiding Elder Gable of Lebanon, Pa., will be here to officiate. He will also preach and serve communion on Sunday eveuing in U. B. church at Middleburg. A silver collection will be taken for missionary purposes. The public is cordially invited to these scrvics. Wm. H. Boyeb, Pastor. OF Associate Judge. Sheriff. The 1 louver's Sunday school will hold a festival at Hoover's bridge on Saturday evening May 27th. lie freshuieuts ot all kinds will be serv ed, consisting of ice cream, cake and oonfectionarv. Music will be fur nished by the Kantz Cornet Bund. Hon. G. Alfred Schoch bus pur chase' I a fast horse from some friends in Des Moines, Iowa. The animal is a valuable one and at a Sale at Vicks burg, Union County, was bid up to 8:510. OO, Mr. Schoch is trying to Imilil up the town so that it will have a faster gait ami with bis trot ter, will try to keep ahead of the ad vancement of the town. A man who is as blind as Joe Lesher should lie sent to the Mouse of Correction to receive his Bight, The citizens ol Selinsgrovo owe a public duty to have the Blood-money Bag placed on exhibition in the city of Paris next j ear. The 7mesgot more money out of the( 'utility Treas ury last year than any Repub lican newspaper in the county Ibr legal advertising. Why '.' Hon. G. Alfred Schoch, W. W. Wittenmyer and A. H. Ulsh were appointed a committee to gotoCata wissa to appraise the shoe machinery ot the Main Shoe Company of that place. They accordingly went up accompanied by Carbon Seebold of this place and Mr. Kiscnliuth of the Selinsgrove shoe factory. They found everything in very good shape and the inventory amounted to al most $3,500. On Saturday evening .quite a number of blind people of the in dustrial Home for the Blind of I art ford, Conn., gave an entertainment and concert in the Court I louse to a Very large audience. The young people gave a mock trial Wore a jury in which the persons of the company took the various arts usually taken in a case pending in court. After the trial the young peoplegave a most excellent musical entertainment. The industrial edition ot tbePOST last week was a dandy. It received the commendation of every one who saw it. It would have leen twice as large if we had been able t get the others who had promised us to sit for pictures to do so. This is the first industrial edition that we have heard ot lieing published in SnyderCounty. If the Selinsgrove limcx man gets over his drunk and does not see as many skunks as he has seen for the last few weeks, he may lie able to distinguish the difference between his out-house rag and au up-to-date newspaper. PA., THURSDAY, County Treasurer. County Commissioner. George Kunkle, In is serving 1 I 'nolo Sam in the United State-- navy 1 on the St. Paul, wusu visitor in town over Sunday. The attractions ot j this town are loo much for hiin to I resist )n Monday morningthe first work ! was done on the shoe factory to be , erected in this place. Tl infract or, 'J. P. Stetler, Would like to make a record in the shortness of time in which a factory building -hi bl lie erected, hut he lears that he will he unable to get the heavy limbers promptly enough to make very much headway. The Catawissa factory closed on Saturday a week and on Monday ol' this week they began to pack the machinery which w ill In- shipped to this place at once. An effort will lie made to get the , building in shone a- uuicklv as nos- - 1 . .1 sible in order to get the stock ready tor tiie (all trade. Memorial Day Program. ; John '. Arnold Post No. (i7 (i. A. I!, ot Port Treverton, Pa., will observe the coming Memorial I Day as follows : All patriotic citizensare requested to display from their residences and places of business, our National flag, and such other emblems as arc suit able to the occasion, also to close their places of business from 2 to 5 P. M. on Memorial Pay. The comrades will assemble at Post Headquarters at 7:30 I'. M. and proceed to itmer's cemetery, and at 9:80 A. M., in connection with the Sunday schools, di coratc the graves ol the Nation'.-, defenders. From Witmer'.- proceed to Zion's cemetery where the Post will be joined by S. Y. Camp 160 and ser vices wiil take place at 10:30 A. M. The Post and Camp will meet at Headquarters at 1 P. M. and pro ceed to St. John's cemetery where exercises will take plaee at 2 P. M. S. V. Camp will take charge of Keiser's cemetery where ceremonies will; take place at 9 A. M. in con nection with Keiser's Sunday school. Addresses will be delivered at the different cemeteries and Memor ial Services will be held in U. B. church at Port Treverton in the ev ening. The orators of the day will Ik' Prof. G. W. Walbornand'thc ReVS. Fenstermachcr, Francis, Brillhart and Martin and Comrade .l.C.Schoeh. The Sunday schools of the differ ent churches and the general public arc cordially invited to participate in the proper observance of Memor ial Bay. f P A Dvm r. T t 1 U11 . mm I Adjutant. Post Com. MAY 18, 1899. County Auditor. Dele gate. LETTER FROM CUBA. I'iuardcl Bio, April IS09. Dear Kditou : The 202nd New York Volunteer infantry, now stn lioncda! ( rtiuuujuy, I'rovlnct ofPiuur del Bio, ( '11I ;i, have a war record of which lew people in the United States arc aware a- hostilities in Cuba had ceased some time before the debarkation of this regiment from Savannah, Ga, However, it i an absolute fact that these boys took pari in the battle ot "Pinar del Bio." This is a battle which 1 have never seen described in print, nor i-it likely to be placed with those (ought ut Santiago, Cardenas, and Manila, yel it is worthy of more attention than has vet been given it. It was some what in the middle part of DeeeinlKT that the '..'1 (2nd were ordered to Pinar del Bio, being among the first re giments selected for garrison duty in the Eastern Provinces ot Culm which were at this time still garri soned heavily by Spanish soldiery. Even Havana hail uot lieeu occupied to any extent bv American soldiers as it was not deemed wise to risk any conflicts between the victor- and VaililUlsUeil Wllerc the ioilllatol wassuch a uncertain quantity. Pinar del Bio was thought to be somew hat of ii risk in this respect, ami the troops sent lu re, I believe, were in the nature of an experiment to leel the way Ibr a larger lon e. In view of this opinion theboysol the 202nd N. V. felt, and had a right to feel, that a hostile feeling might exist cither among the Spanish troops sta tioned here or from reported bands of guerrillas in the mountains near by. Every one knows who has closely followed the movements of the insurgent army in Cuba that Pinar did Bio Province was one in which their operations were almost undisturbed due to the many inac cessible places in which they could conceal themselves from attack, prin cipally among the rugged mountains which cover two-thirds ot the Pro vince. In this connection Pinar. lei Bio is situated on an elevated plateau Surrounded 011 two sides bv moun tains which are not merely high hills, but good-sized mountains and deserving of the name. Beturning tn the subject of thestorv (the battle). When the202nd New Ybrkwentiu- to camp about a half-mile outside of 1 " . I the city limits, and about the same j distance from the foot-hUls of the I mountains, they naturally doubled j their guard as an extra precaution against any trouble that might come : unawares. The first night (Kissed without anything worthv of Dotieej having taken place altogether great t'lirl In 1 1 . . 1 BBMktf lint ItftMAIUMMMI In I 1 iii.iiu 1 ntlr 1 1 1 ' 1 11 11 111 1 v.-vtii y their minds for a little w hile longer. VOL. 36. NO. 20. The next day it was rumored that an attack would be made by hostile bands from the mountains upon the CommisBsary so that night every man slept in arms and sentries were even more alert than ever. About hall past clvcn o'clock as a single shot broke the stillness ol the hour closely followed by a warning cry from the picket in that direction, which was taken up by each sentry in turn until it reached the camp it sell and the usual activity, pande monium, scramble, etc., took place. Officers were iostlimr aiiainstone an other endeavorinur to cet their com- lanies together, soldier bovs were trapping on their accoutrements and guards preparatory to the charge on the enemy, most ol them were only yet halt aw ake, as tups had sounded two hours before. All the while mi reports were coming from ihc quarter ol the lir-t attack, which be came a regular fusilade. In less time than you can think uImiiiI it the brav e 2l "J r 1 . 1 were pushini: to the front in the din ction ol the shots. The undergrowth being vorv dense, it required greal mtieiice and courage to lace an attack U the dead ol night under conditions, but these were boys who never though! of danger. Altera lew shots exchang ed everything died away into that deathlike stilluess which precedes a storm, the enemy evidently having been repulsed or were planning a new procedure. S in were pushed forward to reconnoitre and ascertain the nature of their foes, also their strength and plan of attack. And as they lleglin coming in to the lines again it was found that all this com motion had been caused by a few dis orderly boys ol their own regiment who wanted a night's sport and had it, except those who were not sharp enough to conceal their identity and received the severe sentence llleteil out to such law breakers. Ofeourse no one wa- hurt in thi- buttle d Pinar del Bio, but it goes to show that our soldier bovs are here for business or pleasure whichever comes their way. It required nerve to even light an imaginary foe under such circumstances as this, vet after all it wa 1 dangerous oke w 1 1 1 -1 1 me ht 1 have eo-t live-. BeU,E8XK!AV. Johnny Hazel to Return. The many friends ol John Hazel, the well known cornet virtuoso ot New York city, will lie -orrvlohear that he has Keen compelled to aban don his favorite instrument on ac count of iralysis of the muscles and nerves ol the lip-. Mr. Hazel, with his wife, w ill return to William-port in the near future to make it their home. It is to be hoped Mr. Hazel w ill soon recover the use ot' his lip-and that he ma soon a gain be heard in public. Iroquois Bicycles. I have just received a sample of the latest Btyle Iroquois bicycle made by the Mead Cycle Co. and have taken the agency (or tin same. Any one wishing to see the wheel can do so by calling on the under signed. Prices range from to 65. Bicycles supplies of all kind can be secured at the lowe-t prices. o-ll-ot. A. W. Aurand. We would remind the Thompson town Globe that if the picture of Prof. o. C, Gortner, their new Coun ty Superintendent, that is published in last week's issue, is a true like ness, the Professor's friends in this county had better call him home to see how much he bus changed. It liniks to us as though the (ilultc used some one else's cut to represent Prof. Gortner as tlie picture is no more like the (Men C. Gartner we knew in our school days at Selinsgrove j than if the picture were to represent , the writer. Try again, Wicky. I ( 1H IliUkitji u .