I VUIB. 1 1 TREMENDOUS Clothing Sale The Greatest Place to Ouy Furniture ! I 0,l J A T p& OUS BROS. 1 It ! i ... - OS I ft mi ffis '., . .A The striking point about these sum isiue w) iuoj . the Imndsoiuest and most stylish staffs, all beautifully trimmed, and yet they will be Kohl I he above prices, I t Costs Nothing to See Them. 'AC V J SUN BURY, UICHPIELD. Mi-s. John Shelly is on the sick list A. M. Hepner is putting down a stone pavement. Let many others follow Hanks Page and family of Millerstowu visited hi parents on Sunday . . Isaac Bashore and family of McAlistervilie spent Rnnflnv lwiv U it ll f !'i('ll(ls . E. Schlegel and Wilson Houta of Salem were guestf on Sunday at Jackson II,iiz's Mrs. Ann Haldeman and daughter, of Montgomery Co., were in our midst on Sunday Mrs. Annie Shellenberger returned IvmnHftturdav from a visit w lier brother, Samuel Hart, who was very ill from pneumonia. POUT TKEVEBrON. The first festival of the seacoiiwus held on Saturday evening in the Mark wood church yard Myrtle was very sorry that Werlmrl wis no! uit home for the fe.-tiv.il William Neitz ami Wes. Arnold started tor tli" woods on Monday Harvey Shafler and Chas. Milliner were ihu finders, if the body ol Kllwood llea vcr, who drowned at Watsontown several weeks ago. They found it d Shamokin Dam Mr. Emma Bohner was talon to the Sunbury hospital on Monday H. Beistlc was in town oil Sunday O. K. Neitz and family ni Sunbury spent Saturday and Sunday in town V. I. 1 lit c h e's li ou se looks like a palace since he whitewashed it. C. W. Neitz. B. F.Arnold and Jack Stroh started for Sunbury on Mon day Prof. Wm. Moyer of Free bur" attended the Sunday school convention in the Olive United E vangelical church on Sunday after noon. WCKEES HALF FALLS. There were two young men and iheir lady friend- Irom Freebnrg down on their bicycles on Sunday Miss Annie Blue took a trip on lier new bicycle on Sunday. She is pleased with it B. S. Bine and wife were the guests of . S. Bine s oh Snnday Miss Mabel Good- lin; was the guest of Mr. Fisher's (iii Sunday. KtUB&JSlSiL Philip Bonsh was In Selinsgrove last Friday A. C. Smith and family and Miss bora Walter drove to Paxtonville in Saturday J. J. Mitchell lias the cellar diitf out for his new house...Tbe caroeoters sire working energeth-ally at the new house under construction for John Fields Mrs. A. W. Smith of Se- li:iirrove was in town on Saturday W. A. Hummel and Reuben Hummel, who are workiugat Logan, were home over Sunday. . . . J. F. Hnndredfl apon hundreds of tbe most Stylish Suits have nititle prices the like of which has never boon offored before. The following represent but a few of the many bargains to be had here : Men's Fancy Cheviot Suits, $2.98. Men's Strictly All Wool Suits, $4.98. Young Men's Stylish Suits, $2.39. Boy's Knee-Pants Suits, 69c. Children's Ve3tee Suits, 98c. n Walter and wife visited their daugh ter, Mrs. A. S. App of Monroe township, on Saturday Lewis ! Magee and wife of Mazeppa were visiting their damrjiterand son, Miss Ermn and James Magee over Sunday . Rflluh (iift of Paxtonville was visiting A. C. Smith on Sunday Mrs. Barbara Yodw ol Middleburg was calling on friends in town on Friday Mrs. N. CGutelius and daughter Mabel and Miss sora Smith were to Middleburg on Fri day Thomas Dietrich and family spent Sunday at Kantz. MIDDLECKEEK The much-needed shower came at last Few of our farmers have begun planting corn There is a great deal of grumbling about the bicycle tax... Apple, pear and cherry trees arc in full bloom, promising a good crop, but no peaches Cards were received last week announcing the wedding of Bev, Jas, H. Fetter olfto Miss Maggie Wetzel of New Springfield, Ohio ('has. Maurer and wife were visiting in Union Co. last week. He brought two new buggies along which he now oilers for sale Alvin Ulsh returned from the city with a large stock of spring and summer goods. Al is a square business man whioh will be be attested by his many customers Benfer Bros, are engaged in sawing the lumber for Sol. Steining er's new house and shop. . . .Har rison Stuck made a business trip to Mifflinburg one day last week Kncpp & Herbster planted a peach orchard last week Communion services held by Bev. Hilbish at the St. Paul Lutheran church on Sun day were well attended Jerome Manbeck, who is workingnear Mait- land, was at home over Sunday Miss Lizzie Moyer of Freeburg is visiting with friends in our vicinity Harvey Heiinbach and wile were visiting with George Khcam near Wagner vu Sunday. SKL1NSOBOTB. C. W. Christ and wife took a trip to Philadelphia h A. Strohm and family of Carlisle, who for sev eral weeks were guests of Mrs. Kate Wagenseller, mother of Mrs. Strohm, returned home Monday .... M. L. Wagenseller, who has lieen in Phila delphia since April ord, returned home on Friday evening last H. C. Michael, a student ofthe Un iversity, tilled the pulpit of the col lege church on Sunday morning. The vo'ine-Theologue preached an excellent sermon The Y. M. C. A. ofthe University held a mission ary meeting in the college church on Sunday morning A school friend of Mrs. Senator Hummel is spend ing a. week with her Dr. W. H. Ulsh is home lor a lew days be- h - KS PENNA. I fore sailing for some foreign shore, the di stinatlou of the vessel not be ing known R, C. Meeker was in Philadelphia last week visiting his son llovd The University Base Mall Team played WyomingScmin ary (at Kingston) Team on Friday last cleaned them up Score 11-4. On Saturday they played Blooms burg Normal Team and were done up, 11-1. A return game with the Normal will be played here some time in May I). W. Crorise had j his double house opposite the' Koy- stone connected with the sewhr . . . 1 Jno. Faust has removed his 'restau rant Irom Pine street to his residence corner Snyder and Water Sts II. F. Oakes oi Williamspo'rt was seen on our streets this week. FREBBUBf. Prof. D. S. Buyer mine to Mid dleburg May 1 to lie qualified as Justice of the Peace and left his commission issued by Gov. Stone. He served 35 years and has now- en tered on his eighth term. He was first commissioned by Gov. Curtin in May 1, lSf4. He has two large dockets tilled with cases which dur ing his term he decided. Only sev eral appeals from his docket were brought into our courts' where he was sustained in Ins decision. He has studiously avoided stirring criminal actions, and succeeded in saving costs to the county, and un necessary annoyance and detention ofthe court, by disposing ofthe cases by his decisions or com promises. He also presented to the Snyder County Historical Society twocopies of the Practical Farmer of Feb. 20, 1886, that have articles of special interest, also a book on Chemistry edited by Justus Ixibig, M. D., Ph. IX, Professor of Chemistry iu the University of Geissen. ADAMHBUlta. The M. E. church will organize a Sunday school on Sunday afternoon The first thunderstorm of the season swept over this place Monday evening H. F. Komig, secretary of the Sunday school assoidfitiou, made a trip through this county, gathering the reports ol the different schools for the county convention to lie held at Selinsgrove May 8 and 9. He reports that prospects promise the largest and most important con vention ever held iu this county. . . Dr. Killmer of Port Royal is spend ing sometime in this vicinity. The mountain fires were burning very fiercely last week. On Mon day evening the smoke caused by them was so dense as to prevent one from seeing objects clearly situated a few yards away... The apple and cherr-t rees are blossoming profusely this year. Judging by these indica tions we will have a fine fruit crop Th,is isflie plqce TWjei'e efefy oqc conies o buy GT T T0" T ' I ST T Lv If one is invited away 1'rein houM tliev lvlM A. JTvJIv. naturally anticipate not only pleasanteoni. 444444444444444444444444444444444444444 my but other surroundings. What a contrast betwren the methods of this Furniture Store and those of the usual furniture specialist. How much will it bring ? is the all absorbing question then How long can we afford to sell it? is our greatest problem. We are after profit, that's true enough, but we plan differently. We try to make a small margin on a large vol ume of business, where others figure on large profits irom a small volume of trade. We are selling .just now more furniture every day than any store in our eountv has evnranl I We say this boldly because we thoroughly believe it to be I "l.ii" ft lift.. .a a . ami notinng else are at tne Oak Rockers, worth $2.75, reduced to tl.98. Extension Tables, worth $6.00, reduced to $4.29. White Enameled Ikils, worth $7, reduced to $4.67. E. S. FURNITURE 34, 36and 37 South Die sociable held in tin Luth eran church by the Y. P. S. C. E. was very successful... Mrs. Samuel Warner returned home from a visit to Thompsuutown...Martin8hanut!n and wife of Middleburg were the guests oi Mrs. Mary Shannon on j Sunday Mr. Mauery and family 6f New Berlin visited at Francis Koch's last week Mr. Ranch of New Columbia was entertained by Miss Grace Weidensaul. . . .Hiram Siegfried of Selinsgrove spent Sun- j day in town Messrs. Swart I and j Shellyof Middleburg passed through this place on Saturday Mrs. Howard Shambach of Beedsville is visiting at this place. Big Lumber Firm. The firm of Kulp, Thomas & Company, which was composed of estate of 1 . R. Kulp, deceased, Mon roe II. Kulp and Chester B. Thomas, engaged in the shipment of lumber and prop timber at Milroy, Mifllin county, was dissolved on Saturday by mutual consent and purchased by Monroe II. Kulp Company of Shamokin. The new firm will combine the operations with those atBeedsville, same county, and lands purchased ofthe Caldwell estate, of Tyrone, Huntingdon county, operated by the Kulp Lumber Company, which will give them 8,(H)() acres of timber land, and a - '; I road, when the new extension is completed atLftwisburg, of thirty miles. The output will then be equal to 600 ears of timber and lumber per month. In the busy season between 600 and 600 hands are employed and 200 horses and mules. There are also six locomo tives in use. SHAMOKIN DAM. J. (). Bilger and wife of Salem were visitors in this place Sunday. We are always glad to see them... Win. Hottenstein and family of Sun bury were visitors in this vicinity Sunday Harry Gaugler and Wm. Fryniire, who are working on the canal near Nanticokc, were home on a visit Saturday. . . .Jack Bilger of Chilisquaqiia was a visitor at L N.Young's Sunday Prof. F. C. Bowersox was seen in our little town Sunday... Miss Maud Yeager returned home from a visit to Mif flinburg. Snyder County will soon have a board of side path commissioners to build side paths for the use "of bicycles. bottom 01 it: WEIMER & CO.. DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Fourth St., Sunbury, Penrsa, OPPENHEIMER'S GREAT STOCK 1 Everything New and Com plete in the Lirie of the Latest style spring hats baa jast been reueived, You :;siii be snre of hotifcht uriees. Shosoi 5hoss! Saes! You make uu mistake in baying from us. Wu always give VOH a rich deal. Cams and Ssb Cloth ir;g. We are prepared to givo yon suits at rock bottom prices. At the old stand they use you right. TrvLtilsLs exTxeL Satclicls. H. OPPENHEIJHER, Market St., 9ZCL One of the best Wheels on the Market ONLY - $40.00. IDEAL . . . A wheel of unparalleled quality for onlyr $25.00. Fine Bicycle Repairing Successful ly done. Some good second-hand Wheels now on hand. N. P. HUMMEL, K REAMER, PENNA. Doeat'oflee Agree With Yon ? If not, drink Grain-O made from pure grains. A lady writes : "The first time I make Qrain-0 I did not like it but after using it for one week nothing would induce me to go back to coffee." It nourishes and feeds the system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grams. 1 Get a package today from your grocer, follow the directions in making it and yon will have a delici ous ana healthful table beverage for iud and young. 100. ana a. so, and that prieos like this Antique Oak Sideboards, worth 12, reduced to 8.7 VelourCouches, 64 springs, worth $15, reduced to 1 1 .5 Antique Oak Suit-, worth 20, reduced to 1").78. 1 1 1 Selinsgrove Pa. I MlDDtEBURBH MARKET. tfcrrMCfad wekly by our loerebaote. i"::: w "hh , I luiiiim " Lard Tallow --- mmu'l' Chickens per I b. Turkeys aid.. Bhouldar ......!!!' ITMfll Wbrat ..; Kyi- l'uratiie Old Com Oats " Bran per 100 ibs......'.'.."" Middling Chop " Flour per bbl " .1S (IS .4fi 00 ,ar. .75 .85 .90 4.40 im, m -mm. m mi m mm. . i II III I lil 11 I ll IT I 1 1 THE TAILOR, SELINSGROVE, PA. lowest Casl Prices. WortasiGQamteeil: Before Ton drier Elsewhere-1 FOB IOC SILVER or lie stamps . I will Mnd a handioma VniTVTAiv oaejeller. Asou wanted. Nothing beau It. Tremend Address at nam bs iJ, uiiaaooia. V . l-lUm. 1 in nfii