The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 04, 1899, Image 6

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Beware of the Doctors'
Patchwork; You Can
Cure Yourself at Home.
There is not the slightest doubt that the
doctors do more harm than good in treating
Contagion Blood Poison ; many viotims of
this lonthsoine diseuse would be much better
off to-dr if they had nnrpr allowed them
swlres to be doned on mercury and potash, the
only remwliu which tho doctors vvor give for
blood poison.
The doctors an wholly unablo to got rid of
this vile poiRon, and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the
dinease th" sores and eruptions This they da by driving the poison itito Uie
system, and endeavor to keep it shut in with their conxtant doses of potash
and mercury. The mouth and throat and other delicate parts thou break out
Into sorei, and the Hght is continued imluflnitely , the druga doing tuesysteui
mor" damage than the disease itsolf.
Mr. II L Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, W. J., says: "I had spent a
nunareu uauan wiui ine uociors, wnen i reanzeu mat
V they could do me no good. I had Urge spots all over my
body, and these soon broke out into running soros, and I
endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro
duces. I decided to try S. S. S. as a lust resort, und was
noon Hreatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc
tions for Self-Treatment,' and the largo splotches on my
chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long
disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my
skin has been an clear as glass evor since. 1 cured my
self at home, after the doctors had failed completely."
It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors
to cure Contagious Blood Poison, for tho disease is be
yond their skill. Swifts Specific
nets in an entirely different way from potash and mercury it forces the
poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the
dii-eime, while other remedies only shut the poison In where it lurks forever,
constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat
ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad
vice, free of charge, and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity
Write for full information to Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
P 1 i . 'vfllBlWI
' - Am 1 1 1 1 Ham
i ni?un most, somv ana
fii'ifl play most effectively over
Mini lesuvc scene wnen uirown
by waxen candles.
The light that heightens
beauty's charm, that gives the
j i unisueu loucn 10 ine urawing
1 room or dining room, is the
1 1 I it i r
i uicuvn iuw ui
Sold ill all colors and shades
to harmonize with any interior f
naugiuga or uccorauona.
-uuuniiieiureu UJ r
For sale everywhere. -9k
null i and Plant have Root totbotttandi "f ".ntUfl-'tl cm
loiw f f.r bftlfa oratory, ttrd t celebrate tin- flotb y'nr
tn builncM w hare Umied ftGoldtn Wedding ilitiuii uf
Cirri en
and Floral
whlili l f work of art - PAgM HtbOfraphfd In rnlnm,
i c ... . nourentr, nearly 100 lf him with iian'im
halr-toue illuitratiom ( Fiowrn, VrtrptuMcij, Plant,
Prulu,ic..elraantlif ionni in while and kM. a nmr
rel tn catalogue making ; en authority on all anbjecti
pertaining to the garden, with care for the wiim". nini a
iiinci Iptlra catalogue ( a:i that i detlmble. it is ton
rxi entire tn give away Indltcrlrolnately. but wr wunt
everyone interested in ji good nrden to hava copy,
tberafore we will lend flir GrIiIc nml n for
DDK MM. I, for tf.V. worth ul arfd ( 13 CtQ.
It t , i how rrtdlt ii given for Full Amoafit of
purchait to buy other goods.
Vlck'o Llttlo Com Catalogue. .
A perfect little w-m of rt pri.-.- Iit. it litlroply the
tiniilf rnndi'iiMM. finely llliistrutwl, ami In handy
nape, making u mdti ntent for re fere not, KU KB
Vlcks IMustrvtod relonthly MaRazino
i it d, Improved and up to dale on all mbjwti
rvlal rig to anlenlng, Rortlculture . ate, M oenti
r Hpoeial ISfrfl offer-the .Xngnzluu
one year, and ihr tinidi for etmtm
jmt lW p!tn of atUlai Vegttubla Stodi glv yoa mora
fjr your money ILad ny teed liuuit Id America.
James Vicks Sons,
Ror!?c:-tor, N. Y.
I in ladies' sIiooh is a plattnl
I vovnjja arout, bor Hid awn
j Uri! it i;i vi's, tli'v'"s ini a il
' liku our salt). Orowdd arc
enjoyinK it, and sotjurinu i!k
prottiest, oimlwHtJand bust tit-
: t in Sntiiniorslineri now man
ilt'ii('tuil, a1 ;i''i'-cs wlii 'ii
buyeis liud u a pleasure! to
pay. Eoi house or street
wear, pleasure or every-day
ritott'.al iiiirposes, walKitiu
riding, or driving, we supply
Mm i ' 1 il hIos demanded by
fashion tuitl tlm dictates of
imli vidtial tasfo. Ladies
w I lot: rer claim voir hands,
by all moans surrender youi
feot to t hose shoes.
& h, mm, mm
Diamond wall Gen
1- used for Plastering Houses.
St Is a new discvery
Guaranteed to last longer
than any other plaster. It
is preferred to Adamant.
For particulars rail on or address
oh sale srons.
b. Sis -,.tk" n. f:
s ao Throat Irritations
Veterinary sUfcioN.
am iirofiwtiniMl btulnm eotrusttd tomyoart
hi recetvx prompt ud careful ntteutlon.
"3V "5vvoa omov.
Rule on Heirs, Proceedings in Partition.
Bmroaa Oomrrv, h:
The Cotntnonwcaltfa if t'l'nittylvnniit. To
Hannab Hollanbacu. widow of William Hoilen
bach. dfooMod, ol ubapmaa twp.. HnydorCo.,
Pa.. Mmry Spiehtr fnaa Holltnhocb) intermnr
ri il witii John U Hptahei ol lirarpool, Parry
Co., Pa.. Larina Heokert (no Uollanbaob) In
lernarrlad with Wlllutn Heekerl ol Chapman
twp., Border County, Pa., ami Bamtwl lloiicii
both r Perry hrp., Snyder Co., l'n.; William
I'ortzllni', liiMbivml of Kva Piirt.lliK (nee Hot
loabaob) now dtotanodi Cafthftrint Hiinffor iwe
Pornliaa) Intormarriod with Jaiuen Bbafftr,
Henry 1-1. Poruline, Miirtlin Htraub Inee I'url.-
line) Intormarrlad with Woalay Swaob, Gertie
Portzllne nod Buian PorteRao, uinoti abort
the ni:o if 1 1 yi'ftrM who baVO for lllcir Kiisriliim
bilip Seiter, all of Parry twp., Snyder 'Vi ,
l'n, and Win 11. Portafloa of I'rcvcrton, Nortll'd
Co.. PaHaaal rtamoiidanla nl William Hollaa
baeb, lal'1 ol Iba tovmabfp of Perry, Snyiler
County, decenwd, greeting:
You are hereby eileil to lie an 1 nppear before
the J'ldirei of our Orpban'N I'niirt, at an Or
phmm' l ourt to he held in Miibllebiiri;. on the
lt Momlny of .lime A. i-. l.t'.W ill 10 o'eloek in
the forenoon, then nml there to nceopt or re
fuge the Kenl l-jitnte of aiil WllUam llolleiiltneh
aaaaaeed, nt the atinrnUeil valuation but upon
it by an iiKUent (inly awnriteil liy the Haiti
Court and returned by the Sheriff of paid Coun
ty or abow aaaaa wbr the name nhonid no! be
fold. Hnd thereof Ini I not,
Wilnent the Won. Ilerol I M. Met'lure, Prei-
dent of our laid ' ourl at Mtd.ll tg. Ilii 7lh
day of Marth, 18W,
P. S. ItlTTKK, Sheriff.
The fgg of worker beea will often
It ii beat to bare honey wall refined
before a to ring it away.
A young queen that kaa defecUre
wings should be destroyed.
A oolony In proper conditio) la a
ware proof against robber.
Dees quit breeding early and general
ly come through the winter weak.
Fruit bloom eerres to build the beet
up strong, but does not giro much sur
plus. Allow no stock of any kind to run in
the apiary during the winter, unletisit
be poultry.
Frames of empty combs can best be
taken enre of by keeping them in or
dinary hires.
There ii nothing more valuable In the
aplnry than empty oombe; they should
be well cared for.
When a colony dies from any cause
demise the hive thoroughly and rinse
with boiling water.
Never move a oomb hastily or hold
a new comb horizontally, aa it will prob
ably break and fall.
I'ure granulated sugar is In every re
spect us good as the belt quality of
honey for feeding bees.
Make a nice entrance to each hive by
spreading iwwiiunt in front up to the
level of the bottom lxiards.
Mice often tiestroy colonleH of bers
besides eating liirffe quantities of honey
If once they gel into a hive.
Two things must go together )n
building up colonies for winter, name
ly, feeding and breeding. One without
the other will not be of much avail.
To introduce n queen successfully the '
colony should be made queenleaa some
three or four days prior to presenting
the new queen to it. St. Louis itepub-lic.
Hie Ou Clear rvrt.
Aa old country geiuieiuau. reura
bvg home rather late, discovered a yokei
with a laaicm under hia kiU'heu win
dow, who, when asked his business
there, stated that he had only "com -courting."
."Come, a what?" said the IraU- gen Ha
mas. "Aourting, sir. 1'se courting Mawy."
"Thnts no, tfue. Wha-t do you wont
a Lantern for? I newer uetd on when
I waa a young man."
"Xo. sir," was the yoked reply, "1
dont tiiink yer did. Judging by aba
niiwiAa." Ti t - Ui t.
Ula Hyealarht Wu Dr-feetlva.
"How did he happen, to marry hrT"
The young wonuui to who'll! the ques
tion waa addressed shrugged her shoul
ders. It was her boast that she nerer
spoke III of her friends, and she waa
delormined to live, up to that IdetU.
"You can sxm for yuurwelf tiiat hf
wean goggles," she said. Chicago
Lovely Women in the Lagar
ui me yainio ccjicirot, rorxagai.
Mi treading Urapta. to masie. wearing short Jackets and abort llnea0atil
. a rioiiniu. saateu oo t eoga ol tit rat. fiddle,!
iofa to wdb their TvAoaa, koeptna Urn with thtul
bat a great rarietv of hoadgear.
wnne on or two o( tho d.
fast, treading th graft.
A I'rnphec'.
"Never mind, Xoruh darling," said
the hero of the Irish play, us he lan
guished in prison, wrongfully accused
of removing the mortgage holder; "III
soon ba at liberty. "
"You bet you will, if you don't Im
prove In your acting." u tittered the
manager, standing near the from door.
Too Old-die n I.
"What Is the trouble between Jetty
Hlghup and Mark Spot tie?"
"She wrote to him one day and told
him Mime great secret she didn't want
any body else to know, and asked him
to li'ht his next cigar with her letter."
"Weil, it M inis he did it." Chicago
To ICecp Money H ulcere of Any I'nr.
Mooter Rao Pun I" Almost
ua ImpoaatblUty.
Wallace & Co.. Haw York City. 1 8PINAL KWRflStt
Tiie beginner who gets a colony of1
Italian beea is often puzzled to find tlmt
within a .:ir or SO the bright, yellow
ill :gs hare Inrirely disappeared from
the workers, i i d some of the lu'etinre'
entirely black. It isn't easy to keep
bees of any r: pure, utterly diflereat,
in fact, from l:et i ing any other kind
of stock pure. The youn queen matea
withhe drone high in the air, and may
meet a dtone from a colony two or
three miles away. So It happens that
one who has Q colony of full blood 1
Italians in u locality where black bees
prevail is almoat sure to find upon-the
change of queena that Wr Ikc are o
cross between Italian and blacks, or,
us they are COnrXDOnly enllwr, hybrids.
On the other linnd hils neighboj, who
ha nothing but block bees, will be I
surprised to find ir some of his hives
beea that hove yellow Btrlpee, the
drone from the Italian color.y baring
met tliti young quota of tlw black
colony. As aUready hinted, it is im
possible to prevent this, tho best that
can be doin- Wing to continue to get
fresh, pure btoojl by Introducing from
time to time n pure Italian queen. As
yellow bee become more plentiful In
the neighborhood, the ohanoe of pure
fertilization become greater.
A. L, Aapinwall, In Beekeeper' He
view, givea B plan whereby he thinks !
he has succeeded in getting the ma
jority of his young queen mated in or j
near his own apiary. He cut olT a six
teenth of itrr inch from the wings of I
hia young queens, and by this meat:
made it more dUillcult for tihcm. to th-
far away. Some of the queens had. nn
eighth of nn Inch taken from the wings
on each side, niu these were equally
u success. Homestead.
Her Honm nee.
"Miss Millie. I insist Upon an nnswor.
I will not be put. off any longer."
"Mr. -Noggins, I will be your wife
eventually, but not until after I have
become engaged to Algernon Vera de
Yere and jilted him. So much, at least,
Is rightfully due to the dream of my
girlhood." Chicago Tribune.
swift Reaotloa.
"Now. thank goodness, I'm done with
yon forever! When you meet me again,
Oeorge Billmore, I don't want you to
speak to me!"
"I won't. Miss llingo!"
"If you don't you're the meanest man
that ever lived i" Chicago Tribune.
A l.onu I. In.-.
She. Mr. Bluevaine says bis ancestral
line goes Ixiek to the conquest.
He Well, before going back it used
to go round his grand mot ber'a premises
t that, she could hang clothe on it
when she tixik in washing. Tow n Topics.
First Actor ilanital plnya to tlx? gai-
Second Actor Why shouldn't he.?
I'm told that, on his recent trip liiere
Were as many as 20 persons in t.hc gaJ
lery and not a soul in the rest of tho
house. Brooklyn l jfe.
RuDOer Rollers are Used for Crushing the Craron to Makel
Speer's Port, Burgundy, Ciaret and Other Wines,
Which, asis well known, rival tho world incxcellcncc,forinvalidsand
aged persons, and are made from tho Oporto ffrapegrewn on vines im.
ported from Portugal forty years ago. The soil of northern New Jersey,
containing iron, is just suited for them. Mr. Speer, however, uses the
improved way of mashing the grapes. He employs large rollers of
ruooer run ny an engine wnicn crusli grapes at the late of a barrel
a minute, bpeerfl Wines, especially the Tort and Burgundy now in
market, are of very old vintage, and have no superior. Physiciansl
iar ami near prescribe tnem tor weakly iemales and aged icrsons.
They are blood-making, adding iron to'the system, and tend to pro-
iuiij; inv. i.xu-iibiveiy use i .-.c parties, weddings and general tamily
Uie. fJJSoLD ijv Druooists and Grocers who deal in Wines,
t in Her Department.
"You teach the y iunr idea how to
shoot, do you?" suid Dimirng to Mise
"Oh. no, sir," replied the demure
acboolmarm. "1 nm in the primary de
partmerjit, you I, row. Tniggernometry
la taught in tie hlgbergradea." Judge.
'Uie 11a Illurea 1b the Co Oan
Often lie Itaed ro OrniIAra
ItVe Ailvnnlni.
Fowls can hnrdlv be liept too warm
in winder, especially at niglrt when not
exercising. If t'he heat from their
bodies can lie kept confined about them
they will bo very oonifortable indeed.
So Way of Preventing; It,
Now eome the lialrny dapa ab-aln.
When nil the air Is hazy;
My wife's begun to clean the bouae,
And I'll aoon lie clean eruzy.
N. Y. World.
A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical,
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand
somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
All about Horses a Common-Sense Treatise with over
74 illustrations ; a standurd work. Price, 50 Ctuts.
Allatiout Krowini? Small Fruits rend and learn how 1
contains 43 colored life-like reproductiousol nil leiiuiuff
varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents.
All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ;
tells everything ; witliaj colored lite-like reproductions
of all the principal breeds; with 103 other iuustrulious.
Price, jo Cents.
AH about Cows nod the Dairy Ilusincss 1 hnvlnR n Rrcnt
sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ol each
breed, with 13a other illustrations. Price, so Ceiifa
Just out. All about Bon Breeding, Feeding, Ilutch
cry, Uisea.ies, etc. Contains over 80 benuttlul liull
tones und other engravings. Price, 50 Cents.
IfceBIQQLcl BOOKS are unique.originnl.useful you never
s.iw anytliing like them so practical, so sensible. They
ure having an enormous sale East, West, North und
:;th. livery one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or
Cnicken, or grows Smnll Fruits, ought to send rii'ht
oway for the BIUOLE BOOKS. The
Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is jj years
old ; it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head,
quit-alter-you-hnve-said-it. Parm and HnnwhnM rni.r ii
the worM the biggest paper of its siie in the United States
of America havingover a million and a-halfrcgular readers.
foVny 2tte A 'vtitibfl' 1001 nd ,93) Wi" ta 6eUt by mai'
Sntnrilf nfPlBM Mil UK A I aal i I . miii sn ,
r " wwiv,n.uuu.iit.uiiii 1111 1 IIIIIH UIUULC DUU,S ilCC.
To aid In MOUlinC tola cor.!ItIon of
things tbo j)liu shown in the cut can
often be used. I'lace a board nt the
sailing in froit of the roosta und have
tho platform below the roosta come
out ue far from the rear wall us is this
board. Stretch a wire liv front of the
board, closo to It, 11111I hang a curtain
of burlap upon the wire. A string and
screw-eye cnu be arrnngect so that
the curtain can bo drawn from the
hallway after tho fowls are at roost.
They will keep very warm In such nn
inclosed space. Orange Judd Farmer.
Ilinluip I'm sorry to seo you smoke.
! It Bets such n bad cxamnle to vour
f m
Kev. Meekanmild Hut I only smoke
in moderation.
nishop I'm what do you call mod
eration? Rev. Meekanmild One cigar at a
time. Ally Sloper.
roa-Mortcn on FNnvla.
Sometimes a post-mortem examina
tion is tho only tiling that will reveal
the causo of sickrreta and death In the
flock, nnd, though unpleasant, it mat-
be necessary in order to prevent the
spread of disease, say the American
(iardening. Whatever the family,
them is almoat always one person in it
who knows how to dissect a fowl. If
no one else has the requisite knowledge.
the cook can always be appealed to.
either for the work iteelf or for instruc
tion aa to its detail. Thta suggestion
is for tbe benefit of the occasional nov
ice who fall into inextricable difficulty
at this point.
She takes each patent medicine.
Though only troubled with the vapors.
And then a testimonial sends;
And hero's where her ambition ends
To see her picture in tho papers.
it All Depended.
Mabel Do you think the useof slang
by a young woman could ever lead toi
Abe I 1 1 m i gh t on the part of the man
who heard her. Indianapolis Jouraai.
"That fellow," said the pugilist, "1
no gentleman."
"What makes you think eo?"
"lie can't qunrrel without wanting to
fight." Washington Star.
tbe Real Thing.
Patrice Isrt thatcolor on Mlas Fusa
aneatheT's oheeka artificial?
Babette Oh, no; It's real paint
Yonkers Statesman.
'omrnilea, Amleiitlon.
I served Croat 'J to 'ti, and was Wounded MW
10, 1M4, In the Battle ol Iba Wlldeniess. I
would Ilk' to have my comrades know what
celery King baa done for ate. In IW0 nrnid
complaint, chronic dlarraiinea, came baok, The
dcMtbra OOUld not atop ll but Celery King lias
cured me, nml am once more enjoying life
Kbask BaCBLBB. OWOSSO, Mien. (00. K. I!llli N.
V. V I.). Celery Klngforihe Nerves, Liver and
and Kidneys Is sold In SOe. and J'le. packages by
W. II. Merman, Trnxelellle: MlddleawarU)
I'lsh. McClure; 11. A. Kbrls'lit. Aline,
f AiliiiiiiiNtralioti in tlieoM..
...... ,.t OIm ii,,ii..i.i,.w.1i i.. or I'erre IMik.
slilp. nyder Co.. Pa., dee'd.. having been grant
ed to Hie uniiersineii, 1111 mauua ivnowinu
tltemselves linletited tosald rstie are reiipsted
10 uiaKe iiiiiiieiiiiiie imjiunuw vMiviBwasiiiii
claims will present llieni duly utitlientleated to
the uuder8lirned.
A 'ure rr ervoui HeMatMaM.
For eltrlit years 1 siiffereil frntn cost Ipatlon nnd
severe headache, me P. pad SOUS usually la-llli'
three days at a I line. Head n lie powders reUaV
ru me reinpuranii mil icii ron naq an enrei.
since I bemn taking Oelery Kin',- i nave grattls
iinproveii in li.'itl li. s.Mom or never have bead -acne,
hnre italned In fleab, and feel deotdedly
well -.Mas. I. s Batch. Temnle. If. H. culorv
King for t lie Nerves Liver ami Kidneys Is Bold
In Wo. nd ISO. packagea b. W. H. Il-rman.
Trnxevllle; M lddle.sw.11 1 !i ,v t'lsii. Met'lure; U.
A. Ebrl'ht. Aline.
Vail Income assured. aVeta. starts you or
- cir. free. Points Co , ill Oak lllk., Ikslon.
hereby given Hint letters teslamcntan up
on tho palate ot Annua Bllger, late M
Jarkson lownahtp., mimiit county, Penna.,
deceased, have bei u Issued la due rot m of taw
to the undersigned, to whom nil Indebted to
said estate should make Immediate pavment
mid those having claims asafnal It should pre
sent them duly authenticated for sett lament
Jacob Oltbert. V. I). lUI.liEK,
Attorney. tt ivOUIOT.
Crip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervous
prostration; Dr. Miles' Nervine cures them.
Better Than T)rna.
Mcdloal Examiner What Is
aldcs ether and chloroform to produo
Stodent A bludgeon. Tlt-WU.
Insurance Agency,
Blmor SAT. Saydor, Agont,
Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable. Insurance is represented in tbofollow
ng list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None
Better tbfl World over.
FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Enp. (including foreign osscth) 843,000,000.00
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,736.02
Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 5,588,068.07
Continental, New York, 6,754,908 72
German American. New York, 6,240,098.83
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $204,638,983.60
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00
Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at tbe lowest possible rate, jus
tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur
ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt..
Telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts. SeUnsgrove, Pa
,. - -- . . . -'iiiiiiftimnll I
. ..... .