v The Cure that Cures i ' Coughs, Q , Colds, i ) Grippe, k Whooping Cough. Asthma, L Bronchitis and Incipient J Consumption, Is ft sf W TVve German remedy ArurvtAs. 25t50cAs Stiy SDSDS EN SHIES! J J IT. I Wl n in o t cmio System of luyba : : If hotesale lJr:c ? Vt ) pef r. eni ft:iycurpurcli.;se'.:. : anr! iMl nvcnaml pceury'.itc aieri'.n, crpicy 2.(;0G clerks t.M.-j'. ' isVi t in 3r;. y oiucs exclusively, and will retund -t- i ;: if ciWj don't suit you. tr (Mistral Oat; ior,uc-1.00C pages, IG.Cm ilUlrjis. CO.COO Vjuol'ficnt-io:!s i.s 72 ants Co TH-lnt and mail. Wo will :enJ it to you poi rocoipt of IS cents, to show your good faiih. M0NT8GH..I.Y mm & GO. MICHIGAN AVE. AND MADISON ST. CHICAGO. ILDDD POISON n UrlnbtnU I ondaryorTer. Bar lil.ooia l-OISON permanently "urodlnl(to35dnys. Youcanbe treated tmS jpji'i.i" ii en in? 1 1 1 nc i nuer film f.iintun W'.v. Ifyoui refflrlocorneherewewlllcon. kw tractto pny IsllRMd f areand botelbllla.ans OSSaiMtll jrefall Incurs. If j.iu harotaken mer cury. Iodide putuali, and still hnvn aches and rains, SI ucous 1 'inches in mouth, Sore Throat, 'implra. Copper Colored Spots, I'lcer on any partof Iho oodj, Hair or Kyehrowo falllnir out. It Is this Secondary HLOOD POISON guarantee to euro. Wo solicit the mom obsti aate cases and chulleniro the world for a lase wec;u)Dotcure. OTiis dheaae baa always JSIUed thnaklll of the in jut eminent physi cians. 500,06C cnpltui behind our SAcoW Uonalanaruaty. Absolute nroofWi.t eul.lon sppllcntM.n. Addrrna COOK KKUKDY CO 901 Musonlc Tetnplo, CUJCAKO. IMJm Binder! Out famoui SlH Label llraai." In rri anil tamiilea r.u.1) April th. Writ now ami we will vend SBBSt when reaily: rrU-eHwUl KSVjHBWi Veilcl"erl"ini'('hli'ai(o WVJf ninaha or St. l-aul, aa dclre,l. M0NT00MERY WARD 4 CO.. CHICAGO. Aifflirburg Aarble Works. MARLE AND SCOTCH GRANITE Honnments, HeistsoK anil Cemetery Lot, Enclosures. OIJ Stones Cle.ined and Repaired. Prices as Low as the Lowest. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, j J. A. JKNKIX8, Ag't., UrogHtfrove, Pn. A BIG CLUB. cut this out and ratal n to us with ki.oo ami are'ii semi the followlnir, sostsve prepaid : VERMONT FAItM fOITKNA', l YEAR NKW VOKK WKfKI.Y TKIBl'NE 1 YEAR. AMRRICAN POULTRY JOUHNAI. 1 YEAR. THEOKNTLBWOMAN I YKMt. MARION llAHI.AND'8 COOK I'OOK. TEN NIQIIT8 IN A HAM ROOM, all For Sl.oo. Remlar Cost $4.00. This combination Mils a ramlly need. Tvfofarro papers fur the inen The "ti,'iiiii'vo;ii.iu," uu Ideal paper or the ladles N. Y. Weekly Tribune lor all Marion narland'a cook B"k with sno oases and 1,000 practical reolpes for the wllo, uiiil the ImiiK, "Ti'ii il;!:I In a 11 ir Room," Hi" greatest Temperance novel ol the age. A twe sent stamp Man sampits ol papers and our ereut clubbing list. VcTHlOllt r3rni J311Fil3l w p0LaLsCHKEARRD' litll Halo (It., WilMlMaTtON, v. SEND US ONE DOLLAR oSM mrw lKflO palUns Mch-.-ratlr kKNBKVOIK ('UAL AMI WOOD rHK MHK, l, lr. iht c O.I'., nilhjrct to t-Ii.imilD.tl.. 11 rxnuinti it i your frviglit depot aUid If found ptfrfect y Mt1ifu't4ry and tht prratMt Mfp HA at. (.All J I PTVIT m w I or hennl r,puy-thu VKMI.IIT AiK3T ar HIMIAL SI3.00 WItlTF. FOR on HQ FREE i i.t with tr ilpp nr itj uO STOVE CATALOGUE an ! f rrltrht ehartren - Thin store Is siw No. H, oven Is l(xl8ill, top ia i : v m , made from bet pig Iron, extra l&nro fluee, Urmrr coren, heavy llnlntfa and rnti' , laryoovrn Ehelf, hearjr tln-llued oreu dnir, handrsome MM I -plated ornamentations and trimtulniff, extra larvr deep, (cenulneHUndlih ,rrolln llnnl respnutr, liand simio tary ornamenU'd base. Uett eoal ttamrr mvt; and at furnish FEU an extra wood firrate. making it a per fect west bareer. Wg 1HHI A llMlw AJUITIK with every store and fni&rnntee safe delivery to your rail rad station. Your local dealtrwould charpe you i,i for such a stove, the freight Is only about 11.00 for each M miles, so ! jam at lesat llt.tKl. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.dNC.) CHICAGO, ILL ' (Saan, BMkaak a Co. an IllnuHj rtlllbU.-Ultat.l I Boat Cough Brrup. Tantea 0OOS. Caol in time. N.ld Iit itrugnlntH. mmmm sw m n nu. ACCORDING TO THE LAW. The word "stock' in a bequest of "all my notes, bonds, stock and money on band," ia held, in Capehart vs. Burma (H. C), 4S L. K. A. 152, not to include live stock, auch ai horses nnd mules, al though the testator owned live stock, but no stock securities, when he died, nr when the will was written. A statute prohibiting the deposit of sawdust in the waters of a lake, or in iributnries thereto, is held, in state vs. i Urlffin (N. H.), 41 L. R. A. 177, to be a proper exercise of the police power. U'itli this cuae is a note on the statutory protection of water used for aupplying a municipality. An notion npninat a city for a defec- , I've and dangerous street, made so by ii streot-rnilway track, Is held, in Schttef- , rr va. Fond du Lac (Wis.). 42 L. R. A. J87, to be not maintainable until all i legal remedies have been exhausted against the railway company in pisses- sion of the track, us well as the owner of the track. The right to build dams to aid the ' llonting of logs is held, In Carlson vs. St. Louis River Dam and Improvement . ompany (Minn.), 41 L. R. A. 371. to Iks subordinate to that of the riparian own er to buve his land free from overflow I beyond that caused by the natural con dition of the stream. With this case is ' a note on the right to use a atream for floating logs. j A provision In u law creating a trust, ' authorizing beneficiaries to remove the t trustee and appoint another without the aid of the courts, for what they , deem good and sufficient cause, Is up- I held. In May vs. May (I). C. App.), 41 I I R. A. 7l')7, although it is held that such power must not be exercised wantonly, capriciously or arbitrarily. The point I keems to be quite unusual. OF A PERSONAL CHARACTER. The empress of Cblnn carries with her 3,1)00 drosses when she travels. These fill 000 boxes and are token care of by 1,200 coolies, Mr. Andrew Carnegie is said to have fiven $s,00O,O00 of his fortune in pul- r.c Libraries). lie started as a telegraph messenger boy. tien. Otis, the commander of our forces in the Philippines, is said to be a man of laconic speech, who rarely utters, mora than one short sejiteuce at a lima, but who manage to make that sentence epigrammatic and full of meaning. This story is told of World's Fair Commissioner l'eck during his recent visit In Paris: "Like all Americans, he was not to be put out by trifles. One night an excited bellboy woke him up by crying that his hotel was on fir. 'How near is it 7' he was asked. 'In Uiis corridor, monsieur, at No. 15 'Well, this room's No. 40; call ma again when the fire gets to 38.' " Northwestern Christian Advocate. Lieut. Calkins, who navigated Ad miral Dewey's flagship in the battle of May 1, was recently in California, where hundreds asked him to tell how the greet commander looked and what he said on that memorable day. lie recalls no striking phrases or "immor tal words," or anything unusual in tho admiral's miuiner. "Always he im presses me," snys the lieutenant, "aa a man who knows, himself, knowa what he ha to do and means to do it. Ife was cool, alert, intense, and for the most part silent." Arlists should iakn note, of tho fact that throughout the battle the admiral wore a white duck uniform and u golf cap. FROM OTHER LANDS. King Oscar of Sweden nnd Norway has received a petition sJgned by 36.V 000 citizens of Sweden, asking for an extension of the suffrage. It may not be generally known that tho original idea of the Chinaman's pigtail was that- it formed a convenient handle by which one day he would bo lifted up to paradise. This curious be lief is still to be found among tho na tives. There are about 34,000 people in Samoa, only 400 of them foreigners, in cluding 2rt Americans. Exports and imports combined amount to only $570, 000 annually, and a large share of thta goes to Australia. Evidently the I'nited States does not earo much for Samoa, outside of the excellent coal ing hsrlior of Pago-Vugo. German geogrnphers are usually credited with the closest computation of the worLd's population. Their latest figures are 1,500,000,000, an addition of 20,000,000 in the past seven years. An increase is found in nearly every part of tho world. It is most rapid in civ ilized countries, especially those that lead in the use of labor-saving ma chinery. Greenland's Eskimo popu lation is growing, but the natives of the 1'acitlc islands are dying out. RELIGION AND PHILANTHROPY The Catholic women of Cincinnati recently formed a society to provide trained nurses for the poor in their own homes. A new church senting250 personshas recently been opened at Matjes river, under the sihadow of the great Zwnrts berg mountain, in South Africa, A Itaptist union has been formed in France. Eighteen of the twenty-five churches have already joined the union and the others are expected to follow soon. The late Pnroness de Stern be queathed $300,000 to found a Jewish convalescent home. In addition to this she left $250,000 to be distributed among Jewish charities at the discre tion of her executors. "A ministering children's home" has been opened for children and their mothers from the neighborhood of Bennondsey and Kotherlithe, England, the district formerly worked by the author of the book "Ministering Chil dren" Miss It L. Chailesrworth. SHEAVES OP RHYME. Vfh Sweetheart He lMvra IrftBST US Jolly Is flxln' tor marry Jenny la llTla' away. An' the boys hstn't been back at ths ol' home In many an' many a day. An' somehow the spring's lost Its sweet ness so' lonesome an' Ion falls tbs snow. An' nuthln' Is left but tbs plctur' or th sweetbesrt I loved long sea I never was one for coroplalnln' but some thin' seems lost from life's skies. An' often In sunshine It's rslnln' It's rain In' eroun' my olViejres) Fer here's whar t hi ts' arms was eroun' ms an' here's whafr she smiled on ms so. An' all that Is left Is ths plctur' of tbs sweetheart I loved Ions; sgo. The medder still feels the Isrk's shsddsr, an' frequent I hear tbs birds sing-, Jost as ef nuthln' had happened tsr all ths red roses of spring! Jest as they sung at her weddln. But how kin the slngln' birds know That nuthln' la left but the plctur' of ths sweetheart 1 loved long sgof Kuthln'T Thars Molly a-eoratn' an' brlng-ln' a rose ter me. Well, Life's story's toP over an' over, 'til nuthln' Is new that we tell. Her arms eroun' my neck, an' her blue eyes In tears at my tskln' on bo Kiss me, dear fer you're Jest like the plc tur' of the sweetheart I loved long a?o! Frank 1 Stanton, In Ldles Homo Jour nal. Tneetlle Dam and Twenlle Dee. j Rnys Tweedlc Dum to Tweedle Dee: j "The day Is hot as hot can be." Bays Tweedle Dee to Tweedle Dum: j " 'TIs only very warm; come! comer" "It rslns," says Dum. Says Desi "It pours. -It blows," says Dee, Bays Dum: "It roars." "The children scream," says Tweedle Dee. "Say yell." sob Dum. "then right you'll be." Dum "goes to bed" and Dee "retires," Dum says "ho dies:" Dee, "he expires." Dee says: "he slumbered;" Dum: "He slooL" Dum says: "He cried:" Dee says: "He wept." "That Is the ocean there," says Des. Bsys Dum: "Tour psrdon, that's theses. Like this the Tweedles through life go. One saying "thus," the other, "so." Which one Is right, or Dee or DumT None can to a conclusion come. The difference Is the odds, you see, 'Twlxt Tweedle Dum snd Tweedlo Des. Youth's Companion. To-Day. There's a tlmo to wake snd a time to sleep, A time to labor, a time to rest; There's a time to give and a time to keep, Bra the hands at last fold over the breast, And the form Is still on ths still whits bed. In the crowded street, by ths lonely shore. Make haste to lead where ths weary tread The good wo do must be done before The stars are out and the night Is nigh. Wherein ws narer may hush a sigh. Bo roe day the hands so quick to caress Will clasp esch other no mors; some night Tbe brow that the brown locks lovs to press Will lift Us last In the war for right The lips that offer sweet words of hope To hearts o'erburdened will move for sld from these for the loet who grope Through the wind and rain, for their day Is done. We may wound or heal, we may scoff or pray, But that we would do must be done to-day. Charles Eugene Banks, In CMcage In ter Ocean. Si nor- Love Is Goste. Since love Is gone, will everything seem dear In dsy or night or season of the year. The autumn twilight or the faint spring dawn? Will anything seem sweet alnoe love Is gone 7 Slnco love Is gone, how shall I dare to go Through old wood pathways that I used to know, Seeking In sholtered spots flower-fsoes sweet And talking to the brook beside my feet? I Love was the only theme we talked upon. And will they know me now since lov Is gone? Tot, when I sought them in their solitudes Of field, and hill, and overlapping woods, They smiled at me In quits the asms old way, And listening close, I heard their voices say: "Two things are sacred, dear, 'twlxt us snd thee, And one is love and one Is memory." Juliet V. Strauss, In Indianapolis Jour nal. Fact Va. Fancy. When last I strolled these wsys with Orace We chatted of a country place And light expenses; A cottage framed in (lower beds, Yard trees of fir with close-cropped heads And rustic fences. Then Love was ever to be king And all tho days with songs should ring. And we would sing them; Or I might play the rustic squire And read the classics by the fire If luck would bring them A market gardener keeps the eat. And beets adorn the gardsn spat So much for fancies! Orace wedded some two years age A millionaire she chanced to know His circumstances! Chicago Daily Record. Only. It was only a trill of sweet laughter That rang through the quaint old room. That echoed from each lowly rafter. And banlshod the stillness and gloom. But it won, from Its evil designing, A heart that was sullen and wild. And a life was redeemed from repining. By the innocent luugh of a child. It was only a kind word of greeting, A welcoming word and a smile; The Hps a sweet message repeating, From a heart that was free from all guile. And one who was weary with sorrow. Looked sp from her vigil of psln. And, filled with new hope for the morrow. Thanked Ood, and took courage again. Anna E. Treat, In Oood Housekeeping. Reciprocity. Tbe little houso that is my heart I robbed of treasure for his sske; I had been glad with more to part. And he, I'm sure, with more to take. Ere I had time to miss my gold. Love lightened at my door his load; Tho little house can scarcely hold The riches that he has bestowedl Mary A. Mason. In Century. The Old Love and the New. In bygone days, when skies were blue And earth was green, and so was I, My heart leaped high at thought of you And heaven oped when you were nigh. Now earth Is brown and skies are gray. And troubled winds disturb the sea. And when my heart leaps high to-day 'TIs for your grandson on my knee. -Chicago Daily News. the TUfB and tee branches, International ftunday School Lcsaon (or Mar 7. lsno Teil. John lSi 1-11 Memory Veraea, O-tt. (Specially Adapted from Pcloubct's Notes GOLDEN TEXT. I am the vine, ye are tbe branches John IBtli, COMPARE John Itilt, Matt. 7:1-S0. LIGHT FROM OTHER SCRIPTURES. The Illustration of the Vine. lee. 5:1-7; Jer. 2:21; Esek. 1? .10: Psa. SO:S-10; Hoa. 10:1: Matt. 21:33. The Tree and Its Fruit. Matt. 7:16-30; Luke 12:8-9; Gal. 5:19-23. TIME. Thursday eve. April C. A. D. SO. the night before the crucifixion. PLACE. An upper room In Jtrusalem EXPLANATORY. Tbe Suggestion. It is uncertain where this chnptcr and 16 nnd 17 were spoken. Chap. 14 closes with Christ's words: "Arise, li t us go hence," nnd in 13:1 it is said thut they went forth. It is probable that at the close of chap. 14 they nrose from the table nnd pre- a retl to leave, but before they actually went out of the room, and while stand ing, the remainder of the discourse was spoken. Others think that it was spoken somewhere OH the way to Geth semnni'. There was no need of any thing outward to suggest the figure or metaphor of the vine and its branches. I. The True Vine Is Christ. Vs. 1,5. L "I nm the true vine:" The genuine, the Ideal, the perfect vine. As the vine supports the br&nchee, and its life flows through them all and is their life, so Jesus is the sustaining power of the Christian kingdom, nnd the source of the life in nil His disciples. II. The Owner la Ood. V. 1. "My Fa ther Is the husbandman i" Not the hired laborer, the vine-dresser, but the owner of the vineyard, the original planter, possessor, nnd cultivator of the vine. O. W. Clark. tlL The Branches Are True Chris tians. Vs. 1, 5. "Every branch . . . ! yc arc the branches." A beautiful theory hits been established In vegeto ble physiology which Illustrates in a most striking manner the nature of the union between Christ and believers, nB Symbolised by a vine and its branches. This theory proceeds on the assumption 1 that all plants, without exception, are strictlv annual. A tree, under whtch i clasa the vine, of course, Is included, is ( generally supposed to be a siugle plant, Uka a primrose, or a lily, only that it 1 does not fade In autumn, and Is pos Seaaed of perennial growth. A tree Is now found to be, not a single individ ual, a single plant, but. on the contrary, nn aggregate of individuals, a body cor porate. The idea involved in a gen- ; ealoglcnl tree is exactly that which la involved in a natural tree; tho for mer consisting of living and dead per- j sons, as tne latter consists oi living and dead plants. In Its full wealth of summer foliage and vigor, a tree Is literally a vegetable colony, propagat ing its Individual plants vertically in the air, Instead of spreading them out horizontally over the earth's surface, like herbaceous plants." Hugh Mao mlllan. LL. D.. F. ft, 8. K. IV. The Fruitless Branches. Vs. 2, 6. The branches cut off are first with ered and' then burned. "Thorns will generally burn immediately," but the vine branch must first wither nnd grow dry before it is gathered into fngots and CAst into tbe fire. It is interesting to note that, according to n Jewish authority, the fruitless and withered branches of the vine were not regarded us fit wood for the sacred altar fires. either to save fruit-bearing trees from wanton destruction, or because "bear ing no fruit, they were common and unclean affairs, which might bo used for any common fuel, but still might form no part of the snered contribu tion. Sunday School Times. V. Pruning the Fruit-Bearing Brnnches. Vs. 2. 3. "Every brnncb that benretb fruit. He purgeth it:' Cleanseth it. There is a curious play of words in sound between the taking awny (hairei) of the fruitless branch and the purging (kathnirel) of the fruitful branch. Cambridge rlible. 8. "Now ye are clean:" The snme word as "purge" in V. 2. "Through the word:" All Jesus' teaching and training for three yenrs had been cleansing and pruning the disciples. Imperfect as they were, they were bearing good fruit and were prepared to bring forth a great deal more and a great deal bet ter fruit, ns we sec in the Acts. VI. The Fruit. The fruit is thofaith. love and obedience referred to so often In our last leetc?.. It includes all tbe fruits of the Spirit love, joy, peace, long-suffering, etc. (Oul. 5:22, 23.) VII. Abiding in Christ the Means of Bearing Fruit. V. 4. "Abide in Me, and I in you:" How may we abide In Him? (1) By faith; (2) by communion with Him; (8) by doing His will; (4) by doing all with right motives for nis sake; (5) by loving Him; (6)by the means of grace, the Word of God, prayer, the Sabbath; (7) by letting His word abide in us (v. 7), continuing in the school of Christ. VIII. Some Blessings That Come from Abiding In Christ, and Hearing Fruit. Vs. 7-11. First. V. 7. The an swer to prayer. Second. V. 8. The glory of God. Third. "So shall ye be My disciples:" Learners in the school of Christ, followers of His teaching, enjoying His rewards. Fourth. The branches arc the means through which God bestows His choice fruits upon men. The branches are the conductors of God's life and blessing. Dr. A. Mac kenzie. Fifth. V. 9. The love of Christ. Sixth. V. 11. Fullness of joy. PRACTICAL APPLICATION. Vines are pruned because they aro of value, and have greater possibilities than they have realized. All the discipline of life ia a pruning of the exuberant growth of the will, the feelings, the passions, the desires, ail the motive forces of our natures. We find nn illustration of the power that flows from Christ to His children, in the power of the natural forces of growth. A squash was weighed at an agricultural college, and it was found' that the forces within lifted 3,000 pounds. i Mercantile Appraisement. The venders of Foreign ami Domestic Mcr i rliandiae in Sny.ler (Jowly will take notieethat tnay are appraiser ati.l classed by the unuer aignedappraicea of mercantile and uther taxes tor the year aa fullowa : llnSSe. License. Class. Tax. ADAMS TWP. Middleao-arth Mnttern, gen. store I A. U. Herman. - IIKAVER TWP. V. B. Wlney . lro..gen. store, I A. II. Rowersox, " W. M. Keller, confectionary, W. II. Weaver. II SI" CO U 7 MJ IS 10 ea 13 10 i S S 00 S 5 (Ml II ' l- 13 10 CO 1.1 III nn 14 7 .VI 14 7 0U 14 7 CO ii lip II Tin ii rot 13 Hi Oil 11 III ro 13 p. or 13 10 till 14 7 0(1 14 7 (SI 14 7 OH 13 Id SO , is in o U 7 00 M T mi 13 10 00 14 7 (VI 13 10 00 II 7 0" 14 7 IKI II 7 00 II 7 OS 14 7 ii 14 7 (11 ii 7 on 14 0 UO n io oo t.l io in. 13 in 111 II 7 no 14 7 Oil s , iff 8 A 00 II 7 i"i 14 7 00 II 7 Wl ia in no II 7 0i II 7 0" II 7 Oi M 7 "0 II OS II 7 no !4 7 Oil H S 00 11 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 1 14 7 00 14 7 on 14 7 00 14 7 HO 14 7 00 15 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 (KJ 13 12 no 14 7 00 s .1 00 14 7 IK) 14 7 UO 14 7 (10 14 7 00 14 7 on 14 7 no 14 7 00 II 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 T (Id II 12 SO 14 7 (0 II 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 (SI 14 7 00 s ft (Kl 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 13 10 00 II 7 Oi 14 7 00 J. P. Shirk, hardware IS. J, York, general store, UBAVFlt WKSTTWI'. Middlcawnrtb Uleh, general atorc. Mker Mlddleewarth, " .Imnea II. Peter, " ' 1 1 hoinaa Kohler, " 'J. It. Miellenlwrircr. J. It Long, I'KNTUK TWP, 1 1. K. Herman. SJSdSfg store, stroiib a Plena, " 1 1'. M. 8liowera, " " CHAPMAN TWP. A II. Trnntinnn, general More. lie... 8. Hlne. i John ?. Itiiif., n ; W. B. Hine. i Harriet hummel, " ! David Metsst, grain dealer, FRANKLIN TWP. W. II. Wlney, grain ami Deal, ','.' M '' 'eialnger. groin and.-onl j David M etael. general store, I S. liarlH'r Hiinonton, " " : It. H, fuater, ironklln Milling C. dealer in grain, Charles Hover, general atore ( Uift ftBMttk, JAOaTAON TWP. L H. Hnmlg a Co., gei.eral atore, 11. M. Iarrk, ' ' A. II. Daubermnn, " MIO9LB0BBRK TWP. j A. ('. Smith, general Store, : '. K Mniree, 11 j . O. rirlch, Keagley H Voder, grain. M1DDLIBDBO BOBO, ' W yiMenmyer, general atore, W II. Heaver. " Kunkle A Walter, " " w l. Narssen, shoes. Mfddlchuri: Drugstore, drugs I. II. Bowersox, eoufeetinnary, H. W. Foulk. Sobooh Stahlnccker, stoves, etc., I). A. Kern, general dealer, H, K. Walter, furniture, PKNN TWP. M. Mlllner. gcr.erol store, I. 11. Rnmig, Q, M. W Itnier, " PERRY TWP, Peter (inrmnn. get era store, Henry liardtng, " " Hroalua .t Minium, " " II. A Kbright M. Rothrock, drugs, C. F. Hoyer, con feet irmery. WFXT PF.RRY TWP. E. sj.straiip. general store, SKI IN80ROVE !loltt J. K. Hums n ".erel store, H, F 'tun r atoms, A. N. Gsmls ling, general store, W. A. Arbour " A. D. Carey, grocery, I. .1. lAllllu.rmiM n- J, H. Utah, drugs, (ico. V, Wsgenseller. drugs and eoal, II. Oppruheimcr. clothing, Kecly A Son, clothing, H. Wela, general store, Uco. H. Hendricks Son, liadnitre, Bdward Taylor, restaurant, II. K. Miller, grocery, I. K. Iudcnalngcr,coal, M.O.Snyder. " A. B. Keck, alioea, M. I Kreeger, grain, M. S. Schro.Ver. shoes and hardware, Jos. K. Sharf & Son, II. Hnltzworth. general store, W. I). Baker, bid des, ll.Deabler, feed, N. J. Livingston, furniture, O. W. Meek, general store, UNION TWP. W. at" Hoyci. general store. B. C. Williams. Oeo. I. Flanders, " C. W. Knights, " N. T. Dundore, A. S.Sechrlst, Hogsr It Hingaman, grain, J. U. Snyder, hardware nnd furniture, WASHINGTON TWP. Jerry Charles, general store, B. F. Ilnrley, B. F. Stronp, " " W. p. Moyer.drugs, Calvin Sliotzhcrger, confectionary, Henry Sclinee, feed, MONHOBTWP. (i. M. (iross, general store, K. li. Bottcnsteln, " " S. .1. Strouh, Oeo. J. Beboeh, grain, SPRING TWP. Spongier A' Haines, general store, J, wVBpeeht, " B, ;. k. s. Manbeetc, general store, A. A. Uleh, general store, E. n. Stelnlnger, " " Total SS02.00 TakkNotick All persons who aro concern ed in this appraisement that nn appeal will be held at the Commissioners' oftlre, in the Court House, in the lloro- of Middlebiirg, on Thurs day, May SS, IW9 between the hours of 10 s. in, and 3 p. in . when and where all who feel ag grieved by their classification may attend If they think proper. Vt M. M. HOYKH, Mercantile Appraiser. Rpduced Rates to Lancaster via Pennsyl vania Railroad, Account Knights of Golden Eagle Parade. On account of the narade of the Knights of the Golden Kairle at Lancnntcr, l'a.. May H, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company hna arronired to sell excursion ticketa, from nil station on ita line in the State nf l'ennaylcaiiia, to Lam aster, and return, at rate of single fare for the round triii, minimum rate twenty-live cents. Ticketawill he sold on .May s and 9, good to ral .HIM.. Ill , i , . II, . Tl ....... 11" 111.10, ,u, ,,111 llol OC ' valid for iawssge on the Pennsylvania Limited. I Whooplnic nugb. I bad a little boy wbo was nearly, dead from an attack of whooping DOUgh. My neighbors recommended j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 1 did not think that any medicine would help him, but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It in the beBt cough medicine I ever had in the house. J. L. Moore, South Bur gettstowu, Pa. For Bale by all Urng gitts. Reduced Rates to Harnsburg via Penn sylvania Railroad, accont Unveiling Hartrantt Monument. On account of the unveiling of the Hartranft Moiiunientat llarrisburg. l'a , May 12, the Penn sylvania Kailrond Company has arranged ta sell excursion tickets from all stations on its line in the stute of Pennsylvania, to Harrisburg snd return, at rate of single fare for the round trip, minimum rate twenty-five cents. Tickets will be sold on May 111, 11 and 111, and will be good to return until May ti, inclusive, but will not be valid for possnge on the Pennsylvania Limited. i '.7 -t. I havelbeen a sufierer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have used aH kinda of medicine for it. At last I found one remedy that nan been a auccesa as n cure, and is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. E. Guishah, Qaars Mills. For sale by all Druggists. ' scorn EMULSION OF COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES should always be kept in the house for the fol lowing reasons:. FIRST Because, if any member of the family has a hard cold, it will cure it. SECOND Because. If the chil dren are delicate and sickly, it will make them strong and well. THIRD Because , if the father or mother Is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated, it will build them up and give them flesh and strength. FOURTH Because it is the standard remedy in all throai and lung affections. No household should be without it. It can be taken in summer as well as in winter. VK. and li.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & UOWNE, Chemiau, New York. HUMPHREYS WITCH HAZEL OIL C Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. j I J Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. 1 R Boils A Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters, fa Chapped Hands. Eb Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. 0 Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 15c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price lit irnuim' sld. (., Ill a 1 is niuuasi., a.ir. $5 PAY IP YOU'RE PLEASED 30 DAYS AFTRK SHIPMENT; IF NOT, RETURN. NO MONIiY WANTED IN ADVANCE. WitneTery Quaker Kitchen Canine t we send. free, a copy of "The Ev ery- uay loos I Book." containing SIS pagca of the moat practical re- clpea ever com piled, lubatanttally bound la cloth. The top of culil net Is 17 Inches by. it Inched lielclit. SO raclien: ha two metal-bottom bins, one holding- 50 It.; the ntlicr partltlniiri'. fur corn-meal, graham, angar, etc. ; ana large drawer ; one bread board, which alldea Into Inline Price, complete, only 18, on board cars In Cld--jhp. with the i.,.ik luok free. Pay in SO days If you And the Cabinet (lie linwt useful. labor-fiaTlnK piece iff kitchen furniture you ever saw: If not entirely plcaaed, return at our espeass, No deposit, no guaranty ro iiulred from any rellab'c person. In ordering be auro to say you're a reailer of this paper thla Is rery Import, ant anil that you accept our Kitchen Cabinet Offer So. 8. Onler to-day ; or, send for Illustrated circular So. 8. Ill Aklll VALLKY HFG. CO., 355 W. Darriui St., Chirwra. P. 8.-Grnulne Quaker Valley furniture la never sold throtiKli retailers always from factory to fireside at wholesale prices, Don't accept a wurthlcae Imitation, ft! QK BUYS k S3.50 SUIT a, 000 (BLSSBATSU aaJTWaUBOl'T"lasMa aaal aaSSaakla km, aasalar M.tO Saya' S- n, aaM-rsai miu ' a. si. SO. a new slit t BSS for any of these tolls which don't art satisfactory wear. Sand No Monev Cut this Ad. eas stale aa af kay and aay whether larca or -11 ..4hIIw,,.IIi. nit br eioraaa. C O.D.. snbleet to examln. atlon. Tou can examine It at rour express office and If found perfectly aatlafaetory and equal to aulu acid In your town for aa. au. pay your e i preee atcn , ear ,,ee alter arte. B,t0 aea eiareee eeerfea. THKsfe KnES-PANT SUITS ere fee bo lr. uitreafarace.aaaareriauaa e..rre.re at SSiO. Sea's wltt double seat and knees, latest litteljle a Illustrated, enaila from a arjeelel weerel,(!ee. heerr weiskt, ILL-wool Oakwell aaeeieieea, neat, handsome pas tan, fine ana Unlaa. Clertaa Detent Interlining, pad ding, ataytas and reinforcing, all k and line n eewing, Sea) taller-aee tiraatkeat, a suit aay boy or parent would be proud of. ros rsis CLOTS sasrLSS af keys' Retklag (salts, oTsrcoaea or ulatara), for boys 4 To ID TlaBS, mete fa, - Beek Be- SOC. contains fashion SUaka, Up measure and full lnatroetlona bow to ordpr. Bee', Sella aa Oiereaeaa eaeee is eeaee rraea St. SO ap. Samples sent f rat ea application. all SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. (Inc.). Chicago, IIL tfeenetiilieiaCaaisltjiiikstty Hi SSaas) fiUKE PERFECT MEN i DO NOT DESPAIR t Set Nat SafTer Longer: The loya and ambitions of life can be restored to yon. The very worst oaaea of Nervous Debili ty are absolutely cured by lk:llFt-rt TABI.E11. i lve prompt relief to Insomnia, falling memory ana me wnsie and drain of vital powera.lnenr red by indiscretions orexcessea or early years. Impart vigor and iiotency to every function 'trace uu tin) system. Olve Diooni w 1 no area of young eh -ekk and luatre to the orold. one Vkt box renews. vital energy; : (wires :,L Sx.so a com lete guano top.1 euro or money refund ed, (an lay carried In vest pocket. Sold nailed In plain wrapper on every wlicreor receiptor price by THE PKUFBCTO CO., Carton Bid , Chlo For sale ill MiddlelHirgli, Pa., by Midillt'liiirfr Drug Co., inMt. Pleas ant Mills by Henry Harding, and in Penn's Creek by J. W. Sani'xscll. $2.75 "ax nlH coT a aaaMSS-f asl at a sb W . nsl bUsObT Mai Ha Mam. Cut this ad. out ... ...... e. iulBikt avaael aialertal. a La La number of tachM aroorid bo! at eeeas ifiiTT over n. uum m cloak ap under anna, and wa wUi aend you tbU coat by eipreeB.C.0. .D-. aasjeet ueseasleeUeal kxamlBS rand try It on al roar nearest e r pre,, ooce uu ss rniuw as represented and tbe moat won. derful valaa Too aver saw or beard llTeaalale.lefertO.Uiieitra ITdoKl. breaatad. Sagar valvM col&V. fancy plaid lining, waterproof 3 atra?p?d and cemented seanuL ial table t orboth rata er ai.resst.and Lua or aay other bouta. r.r frea Ljm mm cietk kWffiee 01 sin e anSTar UH 1 B U li (Takes KHctaea B ti Work Easy. Q 9 11 LeTT 1 ww sea