The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 20, 1899, Image 9
PORT TREVERTON. Tin- swtvt notes of tin- sea shell an: being heard again this spring Oiir new temnsters, Linnie Aucker and I xi a Bingatnau, made several trips to Selinsgrove last week one , dav I lie iriris ot our town are making iue oi the sweet pertume amlled "outonette" Mrs. Husc- . " . - I worth spent a day in (leorgetown last week John Stahl ami wife pent a lew nays in our .own hum week The United Brethren ehurch has made arrangements tor a festival on the 29th iust "Jakie" iaverv busv sellius books t, Clar- . , . i . I mice at nresenl "JickV scenisio : heuleasetl with the increase of his fantily Sham ! T .uilt) I . istte'i llt-r lllotlinr in Sil- ver Hollow lmi W. I. NYux Win. Schrawder I home from Altoona.... -t i.'teil for die wiii ids on .Sheets Ivelley of Sun- Monday 1 . 1 1 r v vi -.11 1 1 I (ii- parents on ouiiuuy. i lolm Stcpp ami family came to town mi Sutui'ilay Christ Fox ami wife ul Sin I ton moved to town on Saturday. Their nearest neigh' bors Iieing J. X. Iloiiser and land I v. R, liother I. j onrietor of the Pcrrv 1 lotel. i- iiiinrovin In- luiilil- ings bv lt v i 1 1 lt iheni a coat ol paint. .lames Lenig, after speiidingthe winter in Harrishurg, ret urnctl home on Sunday lohti Weiser lefl tow n mi Monday Kppin started for Columbia with a horse and spring wagon. Tody and V. S. I lelf'en-f':-,i started tin1 the same place in a ducklmiit .. . ..liin and (iaily thought thev were the sports of the town mi Suiidav evening owing to the beau titul wild llowers with which they were decorated Dan Hunt is vi rrv ',v thai Martha left, for he would !i!' i" have another carpet rag party We are sorry to say thai !!. M. Shatter's largest hog died on Sunday. (JEN i It i : . LLE. ; Caf. Utidjrer of Milflinhurgwasin town on Monday ). W. Lteich- Icv ot ( '. I'. '. was nt home over Riirulnt Jolt n K. Shinkel. Esq. transacted businessat Middleburgon Baturdny C W. Markle is build-' intr a ncv resitleiiee on lii- lot on i Chestnut St I. L. Gearliari was to Atlums'.Mirg one day lat week ' F. 11. Iloyer, a student of'Freeburg Academy, was at home over Sunday. '.' H. Shinkel and family of Miitlinburg were the guestn of J. K. Shi!:'.iT' on Sunday PenusCreek now boasts of a money order office. Money orders can Ik- secured to all 1 parts",, ft lie 1'. S Our miller,! 5l. IT. Hcrbster, moved lii- house bold goods to Middlecreek lat Thursday into the mil I lately bought. 1. k. Snyder sold hi- house1 and lol on Chestnut Btreet to I'erry (). Rowersox for$200. Muckle in tends tu locate at Spring Mill:-, Centre county. WEST BEAVER. Quite a number of anglers tried the l"'tli lor trout, but the catch was' sma'l the same as the fish I. J. Steely'and his son, .lames, took a f.rin to Lpwistown and also uoid his sister. Mrs. Ulbbouv, a visit n: Dig Valley last week .... Henry Kalilcv will locate in the city ol McClure riht alter liis sale which will take place April 22 Why is it that tlT II 1... .iili i - i . II. Illl' l l, Ml.ll ,1. ,1,11,1, IH.. v-r; .' 1 . ... , away Irom Inline when he i- in need of holts, iron, &C. to carry on his trade .' W. R. merchants pleaseans- wer Mis- Lizzie Knepp is home una visit from MifHin county where she had been employed S. H. Phillips had been sick a few days with rheumatism We had a lit tle snow siiia!l oil Sunday which caused the little chick- to stick close to the old hen Candidates for the past week have been numerous in this cud looking up their friends. 1 noticed in the Lowell in ws that J, P. h'. has the honor of being call ed Captain, but 1 am at a los to know from what branch of lie has been nrolllotcd. I lease an mer The captain has been mak ing some repairs on the road this spring already C. Long Is now in tin-fish business, and expects to furnish his many customers with the finnev tribe on his wheel, with the barrel strapped on his back, char - lev iroes in for quick delivering and small profits Dedicatory Services The re-dedication ofthe Hassingcr Lsttfaerao church will take place oo Snndav morning, April 23. ltev. to Allcntown last week We are I. P. Zimmerman, of Adninsburg, pleased to hear that Geo. A. Het will preach the sermon. Conimun- J trick, who is in the hospital at Sun Im aatrvlMsi In the eveiiiiiL' at 7:00 burv. is iuinrovinir. We hone he o'clock. Preparatory services unlay eveiiivg previous. Sat - TBOXELVILLE. Fanners aru busy sowing oat. Prof, liowfrsox was seen in our j town looking up his friends J()m (ioss lost a eolt by death... (J, I. Mover visited A. Snlunlav.. Mrs. Manbeek of , Adamshurg visited Misan iroxei.... .Joliii Auniiller and Amnion Delong . . M bought C. Rowersox s saw null ami exiwct to move it to Kate Anmiller's tract where tliev win saw mn . l 1 . 1 1 i i i 'ii . i arils and Michael Auniiller will manufacture the heads .The coii- tention is whether to have a hotel or not Mr. Nerhond has good rccon . . . . i i mendacious from me piace wneie he left, but vet there is a remonstrance aeainst him here. The judges will find that the Strength of the UppHca- tion for license is equal to the re-, monstrance wnn uieexwuuu wi i m i mi I....1 women am cmiiiren. aiici nuu women, irls, boys and even chil dren to sign the remonstrance. Ev erybody knows that children will sign any paper it they are told to do so. RICHFIELD. ( 'harles Benner moved into E. E. Snyder's house The 1 l-month- ulii child ot Richard Shaffer was hnrlixl In n. in the Lutheran ceme tery last Wednesday The re- mains of Eliot Keller ami H. Folt were interred here on Tuesday W. E. Schlegal and family, of E.:st 1 Salem, visited at the home of. lack son limit Saturday nnd Sunday. Ins. Sieber, of McAlisterville, brought Man Winey honieaudtook her brother, Way, along back Mrs. Rage expects to return home from Snyder county, this week, i ' i- ' i i .1. where sue is aueiuung ner wi unnw it I. K. Vunhorn and son, of Beavertown, were in our town on Sunday E. A. Carman returned I le'froiu the Eastern markets last week, where he purchased a tine line I oroods. ADAMSBUKQ. Mis Anna Klinejieter and .lames Hawk of Lewistown are the quests of the former's parents Wallace Derr of Mifflintown is visiting at this place Kdwin Charles and Ren. Smith of Middleburg wereAd amsburg visitor- on Monday even ing Charles Laudenslager and wife of Miffiinburg spent Sunday with the hitter's nareilts I. ' i y - Snook has greatly improved the aj nearance of liis residence on Market I Btreel by adding a handsome porch. E.G. Maubeck, A. M.Aurand, Reuben Dreese. Jos. Snaneler. bo- I , , . . companied by Master Jay and Miss Carrie, are spending the week in Philadelphia Mrs. II. . Roinig and daughter. Miss Mvra, are visit- ;.. i;.i.ii..i.,ir,r Mr- Cuit. III sUIUUU B s-. I s I Sli s. . snfifll Mifflinhnnr hflu taker, one ot ! John Getz's grandchildren to raise. Rev. Samuel Greenhoe and wi'e of Altoona are visiting the former's mother. Rev. Greenhoe preached a very impressive sermon and his wife rendered an excellent solo in the Lutheran church on Sunday morn ing C. W. Smith, wife and child arc visiting in New Berlin The Lutheran V. P. S. C. E. will hold a "Pound Social" at the Parsonage on Tuesday evening, April 25, for the benefit of the Tressler's Orphans' Home at Loysville I. G. Mover 1 I I . ,,i Ml I mini m.'ii In :i Inisiness trill ,. , , , rri to this place la.-t week 1 lie Lord's Supper will de celebrated in the Reformed church on Sunday morning. The oateenmena will then be confirmed Hiram Siegfried of Selinsgrove, spent Thursday evening in our town Win. Kempfer lift for Phila. where he has secured em ployment. BHAMOKIN DAM. Carrie Iiutter of Millershurj; was ; a visitor at J. P. Coryell'bover Sun-! dav John Snyder and some of his friends of Sunbury attended the rvicelM. K. Sunday school Sunday after - noon ureorge muiuoM buu vyiwB. i nomas, wnoare worsing tor im.ii. Kulp near Lewisburg, were home on Sunday A number ot stu dents from Rucknell University of Lewisburg, were in this place Sat nrdav eveninir. They took supper ! at Martin Bleat's hotel John ; Toubolt oi Mt. Carmel was a visitor ill . eniiifiioii riaiiH v.j i no Ship' intends to farm for R. C. Kiss . . . .Thursday of lat week was the wannest day we had this spring 'Win. J. Trexler made a business trip i will soon be with us again Ga lee Shotzberger and Miss Jeunie H alley paid aviait to hr' mother of this place Elmer Tharp of Se- h nag rove wan seen on our streets on Saturday evening with one of our young girls Miss Edith Herroltf was a visitor with relatives at this H. Swartzlplaoe (Jnnrad Dutrv spent Sun- dav at MeKees Half Falls Wm. I ' . ' Snyder and Edgar Derr were in Se linsgrove on business on Saturday evening Miss Minnie Benner was in Sun bury on business Thurs dav. MT. PLEASANT MILL8 An Infant ton of W. W. Wrntt died on Tiler ilny of last week end wee Interred In tbe St. John's cemetery on Thursday. Aired yrnrr. Her. Druckenmlller officiated. t'ommunion ecrvlcee will he held by the Lu- Preparatory services Saturday preceding tlicran congregation on Sunday inornniK, April a uny ,. mh .t . .i Moor.on The Ml. Pleasant Holler Mill MM running day and night lint week. W. R. (lor Ion. our assessor, Is making hll nprlng asaeMinent. W. I. Yergtr moved hie eaw Ul on Jacob I'age trcct. e J. E. Mrg - and A. C. Smith were to PMladal, plila Innt week liuying in tt new ntipply of lUin- mer gotxl. tieo. Gordon i Iiulldin7 an ailditlon to In. houee. It III lie a SMl Improvement mi'l be J a coty KookinB home when flni'.lied. A. I). KreMDeV intended the bOfM mile MSnif ! bury la-t Saturday. Hl lilnh-lepil..K triitier, which wi" a fl no specimen of a hnre. died last Weilnemlay. ' ,1. J. Mitchell nold hit home, which he now OOOUpifll, to Jacob lienfer last week. Fluber Waller visited IrMndi a Sellnngrove over Bundar Tbompion Hilblah and family of Belltiagrove visited friends in town oneilny last week. The pig sale oil Saturday waj well attenilcu. The piur brought h fair price. W. A. Hummel of awtJiIowm w:s bon ver Sunday. Kemer aumlller left for Went Virginia last Uondfty with a numbvraf mrn from thUcoun. tv tow irk in Ilif wuihN (liirini; t!n-HU.iniMT. Th Diknvlll ConUrtnw ofth-j Lutli iran Uin. lerteriutn f HetiutylvtMilA will oonvtnt t Fri o, burg on Mu ml ay eTAntnn April 91, tu ootitinua until We -Ine-'lJiy Wtfllllttf W'V. O. K, I l!eg- r f Bl.Mbeth villa i HriUs nm! tw- Honey Dftavllle, Sac I'tcMhlng Biid communion on Monduy evening. Hov. Ir. HluuitTer, Miswintniry Prcildeut, nnd Uev, Kudur. MlMlon iry i India, will pmk Tueaduy ovtnlng on llio ibject of Mtwlonfl Dewey Day. The governor issued thefbllowmg proclamation. "By authority ofthe concurrent reolution of the legisla ture of Pennsylvania, approved March 21, 1899, which recognises Monday, May 1, 1899, as the first anniversary of the Victory ol the A- mericau squadron oommandetl by Admiral Geonre Dewev. in which the Spanish fleet was sunk in Manila . . ... .. harboPi oae ot the "M-eatest achieve- meiitsin naval wiriat" tne worn i m ever known : ami to enable tin ile of the ( iiininiin wealth ot l ciin Isylvauiu to take part with the citi jsensof other states in tin observant t said day. propel "I, William A. Stone, rovernor ot the MMiimonwei iltlt of Pennsylva- . nia, d i hereby name Monday, May 1, IN!)!!, as Hewcy Day, ami desig nate the same as a legal holiday, and recommend to the people of the state it- proper observance." GRANT AND DEWEY DAYS Two Splendid Souvenir Numbers to Be Issued by the Philadelphia "Sun day Press." The best authors and artists have been hard at work preparing two magnificent souvenir numbers of the Philadelphia "Sunday Press," which will be published on April 23 and 30. The former will be a Grant Day BOUVenirand the latter a Dewey Dav edition. J.M articles and illus trations in lioth will be appropriate to the occasion nnd most off the mat ter has been secured from special SOU roes and has never before been published either in a newspaper or magaaine. Superb color pages will add to the aitistic beauty of lioth .... rru . ... l... ci I it tons. l lie irom nam: 01 iiii illiiirnn. ..s. ..w..s Irantnamber shows the splendid onument which will be dedicated Gn monlnnent by President McKinley in Phila delphia, and the front page of the Dewey number is a reproduction ot . a mignific-ent painting of Dewey on sjjfj oiynipia, snowing nun as nt looks to-day. lie sure IpfstDOta these etlitions which will lie the handsomest ever issued by a news paper. An Old Newspaper. Mrs. Julia Fisher of Spruce St., Sunbury, is in possession ot a copy of the first issue ofthe Maryland t ,,-n.l ,1..J TTrllov AnmiBt20th Journal, dated noaj, August '. 1773. It is a four-page paper and was edited and printed by William God n Market Street, opposite the Coffee House, in the city ot Ual- timore. The subscription price was ten shillings per annum. It contains many interesting articles ofhomeantf I foreign news. The Greatest Place to Buy furniture ! Tlis isl( plqce lcrB eey oqc conges o btjy i"T T 1 "XT TTT T Th tf one is invited away from botne th v- -tv JL ' -tv J y . naturally anticipate1 not only pleasant coi 4MMMMMmmiM4UMM4M Pny but other surroundings. What a contrast betwren the methods ot this Furniture Store and these of tl usual furniture specialist. Hew ranch will it bring ? is the all absorbing question tber How lonjr can we afford to true enough, but we plan differently. We try to make a ume of business, where others figure n large profits irom are selling jnst now in -re furniture everyday than any store in odroonnty haseversoK We stiv this luildlv hreausB we ftOd IintlltUU' 6186 HVi it the Oak Rockers, worth ?2.7.", reduced to 11.98. Extension Tables, worth $0.00, reduced to $4.29. White Enameled Reds, worth reduced to SUIT. E. S. WEIMER&CCL FURNITURE DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 34. 36and 37 South Mrs. Sarah Bowersoz Dead. ( n Sunday morning at 7::'o Mrs. Sarah Rowersox of this place breath ed her last. She was the widow of William Rowersox, who preceded licr to the spirit world about 20 yean BBO. Mer maiden name was Heariok, Of her children, we are .ui-i .i... i:.n : a .... I. ""ie io niiinc un- mnusiui . .iuwu II., a merchant at beavertown; Al- . len, a salesman of New York t 'ity; .Mrs. Davis inti ot raxtonvuie: Airs. Philip Zieber, deceased, ofBellevue, Ohio; Mrs. Aaron Walter, deceased; Mrs. Rover; Mrs. Geo. S. Snyder of Middlebunr: Mrs. Ellen Coleman of Miilmont, 1'a. Deceased wa nn M 1. I I i about mi vears oi aire, runerai cook place at 9:30 Wednesday morning, MARIilK'J. April 12, at thehomeof the bride, by Rev. W. M. Rearick, Albert T. Rerkheimerof Milton and Edith T. Parvin of ( lowau. April lii, at Freeburg, by Rev. ( ). (i. Romig, Geo. A. (ilass, of Philadelphia, and Miss Annie L. IRoush of Freebure;. Immediately after the ceremony the young couple left for Philadelphia. May loyam peace he their lot along the journey of life. A mil 18. by Geo. Charles M. Shim lei, Walter and j clerk O. ( '., Kate Rilger, both of Centre twp. April 13, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. S. EL Ochsenford, Gottloeb Kriseof Lewisburg, and Caroline Roush of Elkhart, I ml. April 7, at Knousetown, i.nnie ..11 i i I i ;.;u,sa, daughter of Harvey A. and Minnie A. holt, aged lb years ;. months, 28 days. Funeral was held on the 10th inst., at JJarner s Re formed church. Rev. O. G. Romig officiated. April 4, in New Rerlin, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Oldt. April 14, Near Riehfiehl, Clar ence, infant BOO of Adam and Su BannaRamp, aged 13 years. "A word to the wise is sufficient" and a word from the wise should be sufficient, but you ask, who are the repeated experiences of trustworthy wise 7 inose wno kuow. iue on persons may be taken lor Knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Oougu Remedy give8 better! satis- ,ftctjon tnan any otherin the market, He has been in tba drug business at gjftBg&5 e(ly and ncariy ,jj other cough medi- cines manufactured, which shows : condusivelj - Wat UOataarM andig thebe8t Sold by d,. 1 gists. I 1 sell it.' is our greatest problem. thoroughly believe it to be hottom ol it : elourC ouches,.) I Antique Oak Suits, Fourth St.. OPPENHEIMER'S GREAT BARGAIN STOCK .... plete inthie Line of tne LATEST STYLE SPRIWG HATS bus lust been received, iou Shneg! Shnss! You make from us. rich deal. Comeonri Sse T'i" vxtil5.s a, nca. Sntclaols. H. OPPE1NHEIMER, Market St., One of the best Wheels on the Market ONLY .SiO.OO. TZFV 2 IDEAL . . . A wheel of unparalleled quality for only f 25.00. Fine Bicycle Repairing Successful ly done. Some good second-hand Wheels now on hand. N. P. HUMMEL, KREAMER, PENNA. Does t'ollri- Afftfe With Von T If not, drink Grain-O made from pure grains. A lady writes : "The first time I make Grain-0 I did not like it but after using it for one week nothing would induce me to go back to coffee." It nourishes and feeds the system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening subatance of pure grains. Get a package today from your grocer, follow tne directions in making it and you will have a delici ous ana healthful table beverage for old and young. 16c. and 25c. 1 yJ- JS We are after profit, thai small margin on a large vo a small volume of trade. W so, and that priecs like tlii Antique Oak Sideboards, worth $12, minced to 8.7q springs, worth$lo, reduced to $ 1 1 worth $'H), reduced to $15.78. Sunbury, Penn be huvu of lim.l uy'iom in Saas? no mistake We ahvavs in buy i in girt) you : Clothing We are prepared to give rock bottom prices. At t they use vou right. on iio . suits at Id stand Selinsgrove Pa. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Correct -d weekly by our merchants. Butter i I 1 , 'llioilh u i Tallow l.iiro I Ohlekensperlb 1 Turkeys Side EHiouiae. am Wheat Rye Potatossi OldOorn Oats Bran per 100 lb.. Middling " ('hop " .. .. Flour per hbl 4..4U JH; m m -m m in m m mt ia- si. jg IS J 111 U J-IXLJ I S B mm s m a-m. B a. - a atrl UIAAMA..P as a M I Call mm Call Before Tod Order Elsewiert erej I FOR 10C "ILVER or ISO HTAJIP8. ! I will send a handsome FOUNT AIS lldirold. Nothlnir beats It. Tremea PES. os teller. Bos 1st, Oojaodoldt, W. Vs. a-u-aa. HEFFEIMPtRR I l sal j Lowest H Prices. ! wornanpiiBii CI as