The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 20, 1899, Image 8

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The sweet notes of the sea shell
arc being heitrd again this spring..
! Hafley paid a visit tu hvr' mother of
this place Elmer Tharp ot 8e-
Knrmersare busy sowing oats...... linsgrove ww seen on our streets on
Prof. liowrrsox was seen in our 1 Saturday evening with one of our
Our new teamsters, Linnie Auckor town looking up his friends vouug girls Mis Edith llerrold
and I.cia I .mil' i m;i n, made
several .i,,in (,,wS (st a colt bv death
trips to Selinsgrove last week one (J. 1. Mover visited A. H. Swartz
day Theotrlsof our town are on Saiurdav Mrs. Manbeck of
makinir use of tin
called "onionette"..
worth spent a day
last week lohll Stahl and wile
spent ;i lew days in utir town lust
week The Tinted Brethren
church has made arrangements Cora
festival on the 29thiust "Jnkie"
very busy selling hooks ti Clar
ence at present "dicky" seems to
be pleased with the increase ot his
family Mjss Toled limit of
Sham ikin visited her mother in Sil
ret nr.
sweet perfume Adamaburs visited .Susan Troxel....
...Mrs. Ib-use- j0in Autmllerand Amnion Delong
in (Jeorgetuwn lmght C. Rowersox's saw mill and
expect to move it to Kate Annular a
tract where they will saw head
boards and Michael Aumiller will
manufacture the heads The con
tention is whether to have a hotel or
not. Mr. Nerhood has good rccom
inendations from the place where he
left, but yet there is a remonstrance
against him here. The judges will
find that the strength ot the applica-
Sciirawder (ion for license is eipial to the re-
was a visitor with relatives at this
place Conrad Dutrv spent Sun
day at McKues Half Falls Wm.
Snyder and Edgar lerr were in Se
linsgrove on business on Saturday
evening Miss Minnie Benner
was in Sunhtiry on business Thursday,
The Greatest Place to Buy furniture
W.I. Ni 11 -Ii.'teil or 'he woods oil
Monday Sheets Ivelley of Sun
bury visited his parents on Sunday.
lolin Stepp ami family cumu to
town on Saturday Christ Vox
ami wife of Steelton niovel to town
on Saturday. Their ncaresl neigh
born itviw' !. X. Hoiiser and lamilv.
,U. Liothermel, proprietor of the
Altonna.... monstrance with the exception of the
women ami onuaren. iney i
women, girls, boys and even chil
dren to sign the remonstrance. Ev
erybody knows thai children will
sign any paper it they are told to
do so.
An Infant ton of W. W. died on Tues
day of lnt week and was Interred In Ibe St.
John' cemetery on Thursday. Aired I year.
Her. Druekenmiller officiated.
Communion services will he held by the Lu
derail congregation on Sunday iiiornnlR, April
23rd. Preparatory service Saturday preceding
A taffy party was held at David Hoover's on
Tuesday evening by the little folks.
The Mt. Pleasant Holler Mill was running day
and night lust week.
W. R. Unr Ion, our assessor, is making his
spring assessment.
W. I. Verger moved his saw mill on Jacob
I'ugc s tract.
K It E AM Hi it.
- l 1
I l 1 1 It 1-
lii'iii a coat o! iiuinl.
niir, after soeiidinirthc
w . . . la.
vervy i Intel, i- improving
iiior by giving
.lames Ijc
winter in I lurrisourg, returned Home
on Sunday lohu Weiser lefl
tow n on Monday Eppin started
fbr 'oliimbia with a horse and spring
wagon. Tody and W. S. Ilelfen-st-:
:i startetl for the same place in a
duck IkkU I inland biilv thouirht
Benner moved into E. E.
house The 11-lilollih-
ol Liichard Shafler was
c in the Lutheran ceme
Wednesday The re
mains of Eliza Keller and II. Folts
were interred here on Tuesday
W. E. Schlegal and family, of Eos
Salem, visited at the home of Jack
son limit. Saturday and Sunday
( liarh
Snyder's old" child
buried hei
terv last
J. K. Mas and A. C.Smith were In I'lilladcl.
phla last week luiyiug in a new supply of sum
mer gondii.
Geo. Gordon is lniUilIn? an addition to his
house. It will be a great improvement and be
a cozy looking home when flni.tietl.
A. I). Kre.uuer attended the horse sale fttSnii.
bury l;.-t Saturday. His higli.nteppi..g trotter,
which na a tlnu specimen of a borne, 0 i ... 1 1...1
J.J. Mil. hell sold bis home, whieh he now
: occupie., to Jacob Ben fee la.t week.
i Fisher w alter visited frieul i si Sellnngrove
t ' over Bttndsjr,
Thompson llilliluli lint family of Set I n .gr o v e
i visited friendl in town one day last week.
The pig sale on Saturday was well Mtendbu.
!';,.. " a I Si
ports of the town on
Suudtiv evening owing to i"
inn, ilil llowers wit. i wliira t';cr
were d rated Han limit is
vcrry soirv thai Martha left, for he
il.. I.. III-.,, Mil, it 111. IHITIU1
are sorry to say
thai It, M. Shatter's largest hog died
on Suudtiv.
W. A Hummel of Lewistoiv n was llonii- over
Kemer Ailiniller left fur West Virginia last
Von. lav with a number of men from tliisioun.
ty to w irk In Ihe woods ilarlug the summer.
W . . I ; i I .lc In n;i
rai narty We
log, Sicber, of McAlisterville, Pr pi" brought fair tt
brought Mary Winey homeaudtook
her brother. Ray, along hack
Mrs, Page expects to return home
from Snyder county, this week,
where she is attending her sick moth
er I. R. Vuuhoi'U and son, of
Beavertown, were in our town on
Sunday E. A. Carman returned
home from the Eastern markets last
week, where he nurchasccl a tine line
. i
ol (roods.
m 1 i 1 -t rn rs i
TlllS IS TG Piclco wlCl'G C61r Q10 COlTeS 0 hX
fT"T Til) XT TTT T Ti TT" If one is invited away from home
j x. j naturally anticipate not only pleasant coi
44U44444i4U,w544444U4im4444444 Py bnt other rarroandings.
Wbat a contrast betwren the metbodf ot thifl Faruitare Stoic and those off
HCll'll I'll I'll 1 f 11 I'.i uliuei'l I i c ? Sflf I I I 11 . 1 . II' ill if l.i.lii.r la 4l... ..11 BHJAsklHM ...... . i. !
........ iuiusshiv aravimuw Ji"" uiiiv u rv ssi n uiuiji : in itic tl I I'.nii il liy J lllS ( l J
How long can we afford to sell iff is our greatest problem. We are after profit, tlia
frsma ........ .rl. list AHV l.. AX,'.., t 1 li -1- i
nuu iiioihii, imi fvv Soju uiuuiouiit, o u ni ii limine : suiiiii Uiarglu Oil H iM'e
- " 1 , ....... ....... ,. o l I I I I ' I ll.ltlt,
are (telling .just now m're f ami tare every day than any store in oar county has erei'so
ve sav mis iioKii v iiriiiuse we iiiorouguiy Deiieve It to De so, and that prices like tli
and nothing else arc :it the bottom of it :
.Miss Anna Klinepeter and .lames
Hawk ol Lewistown are the guests
of the former's parents Wallace
Derr of Mifflintown is visiting at
this place Edwin Charles and
Ben. Smith of Middleburg were Ad
amsburg visitors on Monday even
ing Charles Laudenslager and
wile of Miftiinburg spent Sunday
with the latter's parents I. W.
" " " s; i. i i.. : 1 !
i i, . i duuuk nun u.1 euii l iiniii uvevi mcnir
mhiuidav renusLreek ,, ..' x,
i ins resilience on .tini Kci
Cal. Badger of MilHinburgwasin
town on Monday . W. Keich-
ly of C. P. C was at home over
Sumla John E. Shinkel, Esq.
transacted business al Middleburg on
Saturday ( '. W. Markle isbuild-
ing u new residence on his lot on
Chestnut Si I. L. ( Seurhnrt was
to Aduiusl'iirg one day last week
F. It. Buyer, a student ofFrceburg
Academy, was at home over Sunday.
W. II. Shinkel and family of
Miillinburir were the "iiesis ot .). V..
now hoasts of a money order office.
Ifoncv orders can lx- secured to all
part- of Hie I '. s ( )ur miller,
'A. 11. Herbster, moved his house
Bold goods to Middlecreek last
Thursday into the mill lately bought.
I. K. Snyder -"Id his house
ami l"i on Chestnut street to Perry
(). Bnwcrsox for $200. Muckle in
tends to locate at Spring Mills,
Cent re county,
Quite a number of anglers tried
the 15th tor trout, hut the catch was
Bma'l the same as the tish I. .1.
Steeliind hi- son, .lames, took a
trip to Lewistown and also paid his
sister, Mrs. Gibbouv, a visit v. Big
Valley last week. . . . Henry Kahley
A'ill locate in (lie city ol McClure
lighf alter hi- sale which will take
place April 22 Why is it that
W. II. Kncpp, blacksmith, has to go
awav t'roin home when he is in need
id holts, iron, &c. to carry on his
trade.1 W. B. merchants pleaseans-
wcr Mis- Lizzie Kncpp is home
una visit from Mifflin county where
she had been employed S. II.
Phillips had been sick a few days
with rheumatism We had a lit-
Thfl DitnviU I lilttfartltOU of the Latll ran VI in.
isteriiiui of i'eiiiisylvania i i II ennvene at l-'r. e.
burgon otiUaj Bvnln7, April -i. to oontinu
until We'lnesilay evening l. O. 1:. I fttttfl r
of BllBabethvill is Praa. ami Itw- Hon ol
Dattvllle, Sue. I'feMhlng and ooinniunion on
Monday rvaninff. Hav. Dr. Shaaffar( Mlaslonary
President, and ttaV.Kntlar. Missionary' i India),
will sp .ik Tueaday atfaalng on lha attvct of
Oak Rockers, worth s?2.7", reduced to $1.98.
Extension Tables, worth $0.00, rch I to $4.29.
While Enameled Beds, worth reduced to $4.61
Antique Oak Sideboards, worth $12, reduced to 8.'
Veiour Couches, 54 springs, worth $15, reduced to$U,
Antique Oak Suits, worth $20, reduced to $15.78.
Dewey Day.
34. 26and 37 South fourth M.. Swnbury, Penna
pearance ot ms resiuenct
street by adding a handsome porch.
E. (i. Manheck, A. M. Aiirand,
Reuben lireese, Jos. Spangler, ac
companied by Master .lay and Miss
Carrie, are spending the week in
Philadelphia Mrs. II. I. Romig
and daughter. Mi-- Myra, are visit-
ins in Middleburs Mrs.
sehal of Mifflinburg has laker, one of
John Getz's grandchildren to raise.
Rev. Samuel (Jreenhoe and wi'c
ol Altoona are visiting the former's
The governor issued thefollowing
proclamation. "By authority ofthe
concurrent resolution of the legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, approved
March 21, 1899, which recognises
Monday, May 1, 14399, as the first
anniversary of the victory ol the A
merican squadron opmraanded by
Ad mi ml George Dewey, in which
the Spanish fleet was sunk in Manila
harbor, one of the greatest achieve
ments in naval W'irfare the world has
ever known ; and to enable the peo
ple of the ( !ointuon wealth of Penn
sylvauiu to take part with the citi
zens of other states in the proper
observance "t said day.
"I, William A. Stone, governor
(iott- i ofthe ( !ommouwe ilth of Pennsylva
nia, d i hereby name Monday, May
1, 1899, as Dewey Day, and desig
nate the same as a legal holiday,
and recommend to the people of the.
Mrs. Sarah Bowersox Dead.
()n Sunday morning at 7:30 Mrs.
Sarah Bowersoxoi this place breath
ed her last. She was the widow of
William Bowersox, who preceded
her to the Spirit world about 20
years ago. Her maiden name was
Jfearick. Of her children, we are
able to name the following: Anion
II., a merchant at Beavertown; Al
len, a salesman of New York Cityj
Mrs. Davis Gift of Pa. ton vi Me: Mrs.
Philip Zieber, deceased, ofBellevue,
Ohio; Mr-. Aaron Walter, deceased;
Mrs. Hover; Mrs. Geo. S. Snyder of
Middleburg; Mrs. Ellen Coleman of
Millmout, Pa. Deceased was about
80 years of age. Funeral look place
at !t:l!(l Wednesday morning.
Everything New and Com
plete inthe Line of the
Das just been received, xou :'iii be nure of honc.-i prit
Shnes! Shnss! 5oes!
You make
from us.
rich deal.
! x l
niisiiiKc iii buviH
alwaya gire von
mother. Rev. Greenhoe preached a state its proper observance.
very unoressive sermon and Ins wife
mi Sunday which
chicks to Stick close
, . .( Candidates for the
been numerous in
this end looking up their friends
I noticed in the Lowell news that
.1. 1'. V. has the honor of heins call-
tie snow
i i i . . I
can 'i i lie uuii
to the old hen.,
past week hau
i i l . i
reuuered an excellent solo in tne
Lutheran church on Sunday inorn-
ing C. Wt Smith, wife and child
are visiting in New Berlin The
Lutheran V. I. S. C. E. will hold a
"Pound Social" at the Parsonage on
Tuesday evening, April 25, for the
benefit of the TresslePs Orphans'
Home at Loysville I. G. Mover
of Mi. Union made a business trip
to this place last week The
Lord's Supper will de celebrated in
the Reformed church on Sunday
morning. The oatecumens will then
he confirmed Hiram Siegfried of
Selinsgrove, spent Thursday evening
in our town in. Kcmpfer hft
tor Phila. where he has secured employment.
Two Splendid Souvenir Numbers to Be
Issued by the Philadelphia "Sun
day Press."
The licst authors and artists have
been hard at work preparing two
magnificent souvenir numbers ofthe
April 12, at the home of the bride,
by Rev. W. M. Rearick, Albert T.
Berkheimeroi Milton and Edith T.
Parviu of ( lowan.
April 10, at Preeburg, by Rev.
o. (J. Romig, Geo. A. Glass, of
Philadelphia, and Miss Annie L.
Roush of Freeburg. immediately
allcr the cereinonv the young couple
left for I'luladelphia. Mav iov am
CnmEonri Sse Clothing.
We are prepared to giro you sail
rock bottom prices. .At tiie "1.1 si
they use you right.
Tivxxalx.s and Satohols.
Market St., Selinsgrove
Philadelphia "Sunday Press," whi; h K-ace be their lot along the journey
Carrie Rutter of Millersblirs va.-
a visitor at J. P. Coryell's over Sun
day lohn Snyder and some of
a loss to I his friends of Simbury attended 0m
will I) liublished on April 23 and
30. The former will be a Grant
Day sonvenirand the latter a Dewey
Day edition. The articles and illus
trations in lxith will be appropriate
to the occasion nnd most of the mat
ter has Ik-cii secured from special
SOU roes and has never before been
published, either in a newspaper or
magazine. Superb color pages will
add to the ni fistic beauty of Inith
editions. The front page ot the
Grant number shows the spletM
monument which will be dedicated
Ivy President McKinley in Phila
delphia, and the front page of the
Dtwev nuniljer is a reproduction ot
ed ( iaptain, but I am at
know from what branch
be has been promoted. Please an-1 noon George Millhoff and Chas. I !. oivmoia showimr him as he
rwer The captain has Ixen mak- Thomas, who are working fir M. H. j to-lav. Be sure to awt lxith son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Oldt.
t service M. L Sunday school Sunday after- L magnifit.cnt painting of Dewey on
of life.
April 13, by Geo. M. Shindel,
Clerk O. C, Charles Walter and
Kate Bilger, lxith of Centre twp,
April 13, at Selinsgrove, by Rev.
S. K. Ochseniord, Gottloeb K rise of
Lewisburg, and Caroline Roush ot
Elkhart, I ml.
April 7, at Knonsetown, Annie
Louisa, daughter of Harvey A. and
Minnie A. l'oltz, aged lo years, 5
months, 28 days. Funeral was held
on the 10th inst., at Barner's Reformed-church.
Rev. O. (i. Romig
April 4, in New Merlin, infant
i at
ingsomc repairs on tne roan i ms ivuip near uewisourg, were nome tiese editions which will Ik- the April 14, Near Richfield, Clar-
spring already C. Long is now ion Sunday A niimb-r of stu-1 l,adsomest ever issued by a news- enee, infant son of Adam and Su-
in the fish business, and expects to I dents from. Bucknell University oflptntr, sauna Ramp, aged 111 years.
lliriu.-n ins mauv i-u-oimi'i- huh ine 1 jjew isoiirg, were in ini- piaee oai-
' I
wheel, with the
his back. ( 'har-
urdae evening. 1 hey took supper
at Martin Slear's hotel lohn
hnney triiie on hi
Imrrel strapped on
ley goes in tor quick delivering and I Toubolt of Mt. Carmcl was a visitxir
small nrolits. at Wellington f isher-
Dedicatory Services.
The re-dclieatioii ofthe Hassincer wannest day we had this spring.
Sundae nioriunir, April 2U. Kcv. to All
An Old Newspaper.
"A word to the wise is sufficient"
and a word from the wise should be
Mrs. Julia Fisher of Spruce St., S24l5
it Wellington Fisher's Cyras I Sunbury, is in lKXisession of a copy reDeated experiences of trustworthy
Shipe intends to farm for R. C. Kiss of the first issue of the Maryland persons may be taken for knowledge.
.... Thursday of last week was the I Journal, dated Friday, August 20th, W. Terry saysj Chamberkm .
1 , 73. It is a four-page paper and f tion thtt n ftn v other in the mftri,et.
1 S a J I TsirMl! rr i . a . .
hatheran church will take place on j Wm. J. Trexler made a business trip was edited and printed by William He has been in tba drug business at
i rem-
I. P. Zimmerman, of Adain-biirg, pleased
will preach the sermon. Conimun-, trick, who is in the hospital at Sun
lad services in the evening at MX) I bury, it improving
o'clock. Preparatory services Sat-. will soon be with us again
l-f wk - We are Goddard, on MarketStreet, opposite nSalJof &to oiV,
I to hear that .co. A. Del- the conee House, in me cuy oi Jai- j n(1 nrnriT -o othr couck medi.
timore. The subscription price was cines manufactured, which shows
u. lw.. I... fin ah iniranor annum. It win tains conclusively inai unamoeriain s is
t i ' a
urday evem!"g previous.
leu Shotzberger and Miss Jennie I foreign newS.
. J: J, ru. .i I the most satisfactory to the people.
Ga-: many interesting articles of home and ; and f. tfae begt by
I gists.
One of the best Wheels
on the Market
IDEAL . . .
A wheel of unparalleled
quality for only $25.00.
Fine Bicycle Repairing Successful
ly done. Some good second-hand
Wheels now on hand.
as mm
. . i .
vwirruiv-u weeKiy nyoiir meroDMl
Bggi .............
$40.00. j Tallow ....ZZZZl'Z...
Chickens per I h
I Tiirkovi. ....
Vt hf-at ,
Rye ......!.......
Old Corn
Bran per 100 lha
Middlings " ...
Flour per Mil
Don Colic AT ree With Van T
If not, drink Grain-O made from
pure grains. A lady writes i "The
first time I make Grain-0 I did not
like it but after using it for one week
nothing would induce me to go back
to coffee." It nourishes and feeds
the system. The children can drink
it freely with great benefit. It is the
strengthening substance of pure
grains. Get a package today from
your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a delici
ous and healthful table beverage for
' old and young. 16c. and 26c.
K mm, x
Ituctaii r ty
Lowest Gasb Prices.
Call Before Too Order Elsewhere-
I Call
V V I v aw .-iu anas wa - - - a
B A I I will vend a bftDOsome foi NTAi
ris. noua iroia. nuLniDir ueaiait. vs.--
oum Rr Afff.nt wantfi. Aaaresa -
M 1sl flnranrloMt W V Sal