The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 20, 1899, Image 4

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Absolutely "Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
The Middleburgh Post.
Published everv Thuraday.
Geo. W. Wagenseller,
kditor and Proprietor
Subscription $1.50 per year.
wliK ii munt be paid In advance wncn sent out'
hide the county.)
All transient advertlemonta not otherwise
.ontracted lor will be cliarifed at Hie rate of 18
rents per line (nonparlel measure) for first Inser
tion and 10 cents per line for every subsequent
1 nscrtlon.
tfPtalk nolitt pxMUMfrrt ; Mluarypoenj,
tributfi vl i w Mm Hwtmli a lint.
Republican Standinc Committee-
lU-aver W.,
( 'nitre.
Chapman, V
IVrry W..
Srli rove,
II. Herman, Jeremiah Bowereoi
,la. M, K 1 1 hp. i liarlea Sieelit
0o. J. Bpeeoe, Chae a. Wagner
H. It. Wagner, It. H. Knlley
in. II. Keratetteri ; s. Troutman
w. U. ;ift. H.S. Rennlnger
(ieo. A. limine, J. S. YeMrlok
Al. Clelan. N. A. Bowei
8. S. Yoiler, Theoilore Rot
A. It. Young, ! Hitter
Krnnk filler. HoWfM Row
.1. N, Broslua, lr. M. Rothfock
Geo StraWier. John Noll
N. . Hitter, K. II. Smith
P p. HatMl.Oao. s. toplev
. a. Rice, II. J, stroll
Henry Brown. John Miller
Thursday, April 20, 1899,
The nation's last tender offices in
honor if her soldier dead brought
from distant battlefields and camps
tor muster in tin- Bilent army Bleep
ufx the sunny slop's ol the Na
(ional Cemetery al Ar lington Heights
were performed on Thursday uwt.
By special order ol the President all
oftheQovemmentDepartments were
dosed and flus upon all ol tlietiov
ern merit buildings were placed at
half mast. The ohurch and state
represented by those highest in au
thority gathered at the grave-side
and with bared heads listened to the
solemn words that consigned the
mortal remains oi the fallen heroes
to their final rest.
Neyer since the close of the civil
war has another so impressive a
scene been presented within the great
cemetery. Three hundred and thirty
six bodies oi officers and enlisted
men, but 70 per cent of which were
identified; were consigned to their
last resting places at onetime. The
bodies had been brought from Cuba
and Porto Rico, Congress having by
special act appropriated the money
necessary. Kaeh Ixjdy was incased
within a hermetically sealed metallic
tsusket. The long rows of graves
had Ihtii prepared lor their reception
and before the hour of service arriv
ed the caskets, each shrouded in a
national Hag, were placed each over
its open grave in readiness to be
lowered. The ceremonies were sol
emn, grand and imposing. The files
of lT. S. troops in their bright uni
forms, the mutlled drums' Bad beat,
the impressive remarks made by the
clergy, the volleys fired over the
graves, and the final Bounding ol
'taps" which consigned the heroes to
their last, long rest, all contributed
to flic feeling of sadness which per
vaded the vast multitude that tilled
every available space within hearing
As the dead were the nation's
heroes the funeral was a distinctly a
national tribute. Besides the Chief
Executiveoi thenation all the mem
bers of his Cabinet excepting Sec.
Alger, who is in the West Indies,
were present.
For the first time in the history
of Arlington Cemetery a huge num
ber of men were buried in its soil
whose war record was established by
by lighting in foreign lands.
The Sign of the RaJeigh.
Anti-expansionists need not flat
ter themselves with a notion that the
thrill felt by all New York, and by
all the country, at the return of the
Raleigh was simply because that
ship shared in the winning of a sea
tight. ( km pared to the broader re
sults ol Dewey's victory the battle
of Manila is a mere flash in the pan.
The Raleigh is welcomed as a sign
of the extension ol the prestige,
power and dominion ol the United
States in a quarter of the world
where American power, prestige and
dominion were most to le desired at
thi-i time. The political results of
what the Raleigh did overshadow her
actual deed. Of that fact the Am
erican people as a whole arc pro
foundly and keenly conscious. And
they rejoice at it.
Welcome to the Raleigh! lie-
turning here the first from Dewey's
fleet she represents not only one of
the most brilliant victories, but one
of the most momentous events in the
history of the United States, and,
considering the state of the great in
ternational struggle tor existence,
one of the most fortunate.
To Stop the Lying
A bill has been introduced in the
Legislature to require fishermen to
swear to the weight of fish caught
and pay a tax on same. This bill
is aimed at the man who exaggerates
as to the weight of the fish he
catches, but would not affect the
man whose biggest fish always es
capes from his hook.
Licking All Around.
.Some unknown patriot gets off
the following ; "I've licked a dozen
stamps to-day for telegrams I sent;
I licked and stuck one on a bill, j
with which I paid my rent. I licked I
a stamp to paste upon a note which
I renewed, and then I licked another
to make the mortgage gotxl. I'vcj
licked these stamps to show that I j
respect my country's will, and now I
I'd like to li k the man who intro
duced the bill."
Watch Your Change.
The Lewistewn hrec Pirn says:
We arc reliably informed that an at
tempt is to lie made to flood our
neighliorhood with counterfeit mon
ey. Our informant tells us that $8j
000 in counterfeit currency arrived
at this place in one package, and
that a consignment of counterfeit
dollars and half dollars has also been
Co. Superintendent Election.
To the School Directors of Snyder
Gentlemen : In pursuance of
die forty-third section of the Act of
May 8, 1864, you are hereby noti
fied to meet in convention, at one
o'clock, p. m. at the Court House in
Middleburg, on the first Tuesday in
May, A. 1)., 1899, beingthe second
day of the month and select, viva
voce, by the whole number of the
directors present, one person of liter
ary and scientific acquirements in
the art of teaching, asConnty Super
intendent for the three succeeding
years ; and certify the result to the
State Superintendent at Harrisburg,
as required by the thirty-ninth and
fortieth sections of said act.
( iounty Supt.
Middleburg, April 11, 1899. 8b
I wns reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Keraedy in the Worcester
Enterprise recently, which leads me
to write tins. I can truthfully say
I never used any remedy equal to it
for colic and diarrhoea I have never
had to use more than one or two
doses to cure the worst case with
myself or children. W. A. Stroud,
Popomoke Cit, Md. For sale by
all Druggists.
Summer School
I will open a two months' term of
jummcr school in the public school
building on Monday, May 8th, 1899.
Terms, $1.00 per month. All the
branches will lie taught.
3-30-4t. Edwin Charles.
Wabash Separates Man and Wife'.
From the Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Wabash, Ind., April 12. In the
Wabash Circuit Court to-day Wal
ter M. Hammond, son of a promi
nent citizen, filed a suit for divorce
against his wife, Ilcrtha, on peculiar
grounds. Mrs. Hammond was a
Toledo (O.) girl and they wcre mar
ried in 1S!G. They lived together
until 1897, when Mrs. Hammond
declared that she could not endure
to live in Wabash, and gave Mr.
Hammond the alternative of moving
out or consenting to a separation.
She averred that she loved him and
that her domestic life was as happy
as she could wish it, but she didn't
want to live in Wabash. Hammond
was firm, and she packed up and re
turned to her parents. The two
years necessary to constitute a case
of abandonment, have just expired,
hence the action. There are no other
grounds alleged.
Robbed An Old Lady.
Provincetown, Mass., was recently
set in an uproar by the report that
one of its citizen, Mrs. Thankful
Chapman, 74 years old and a native
of the town, had lieen the victim of
a bold and aggressive robber. Sev
eral unsuccessful attempts were made
to discover the perpetrator of the
crime and recover the stolen prop
erty, but it was several weeks before
his identity was fully established.
In the meantime his victim was suf
fering greatly both in body and mind
and it was feared she would not sur
. vive the shock. In speaking of her
condition at the time Mrs. Chapman
says :
"I Buffered extreme nervousness
for some time ; could not sleep : but
would lie night after night tossing
and rolling about until I would be
come completely worn out. At spells
! my mind was greatly contused, and
sometimes a numbness would settle
down over me and I could not move.
i Then I began taking Dr. Miles'
Nervine and the very first night I
slept like a Dane. 1 got netterirom
that day on, and am now enjoying
excellent health."
Dr. Miles' Nervine is grip's
greatest enemy. It drives out the
poisonous germs, replenishes the
nervous forces, overcomes the exces
sive waste of the system and replaets
till that disease has rohlxtl it of. It
feeds and cures.
A trial package of Dr. Miles' fa
vorite treatment tor the grip, con
sisting of Dr. Miles' Nervine, Dr.
Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills, will
be sent absolutely free to any person
sending name and address on a postal
card, requesting the samples and
mentioning the name of the Post.
Address, Dr. Miles Medical Co.,
Elkhart, Indiana.
Notice la hereby (riven to the citizen and
qualified voter of tht Borou i of Sliddleburir,
rft. that In imniUAnce of n or dinance or reso
lution of th lioar.l of School IHrrvtor at ft
meeting held upon the 13th iay of April. '.399,
an election will be held in the Court House in
the Borough of Middlelm-ft. Snyder Co., Fa.,
I being, the pltve ol hol.ii.i the jrcueral ami
Borough elections in mi i Itorouh, i on Tl'KS- '
DAY the WA day of MA V A l . between
the houra of 7 A. M . and 7 V. M. of naid day, for
the purpose of obtaining the MMftl f the qual
ified electors of wild Itornuirh ol Middleburg to
an Increase of inhchtedneN (or incronne of debt)
of aald Borough t- amount Rfeater than - and
t I em than 7 per centum of the lift preceeding
afleed valuation of itn taxable nroiwrtv I said
election to be held by the oflotfl of and tinder
the name regulation as provided bv law for the
holding of Mtunhipal elections. The ticket- to 1
be voted at eldetioit and received by the,
election o.'llcvrs me to heeithcr written or print
ed, and riM to be 'labeled on the outNide "In
crease of Debt-" and containing on the inrdde
the words, "No Increase ol Debt,' or the words 1
'Ielt may r increased for the pWMM of pay- ,
lntr for the new public school building to th i
amount of Six Tlioitsnnd. Kive Hundred Pol
lars (tMBfaO ) Agreeably to the several Act
of Assembly in nuch case made anil provided.
Tlie amount of th" lat assessed valuation of j
taxable property of the Ktid Moronic 1 1 of Mid
dlebttrg, i for school pmoeH I, less exempt
property is MR ,0flH. '1 here is no existing debt,
except that proposed to be incurred. The a-
mount or the proposed Increase (or incurrence
of debt) Is the sum of no which is 4 M
percent, of the sfcrd valuation. The pur-
I oe for which said flebt fi to be increased (or
ncurred) is to mine funds to the amount above
stated to tie tised and expended in and ubuut
the erection and constiui-tion of a new public
sc hool building, now under contract and Dttllti
fng in said iHtriMtirh, for the line of the public
schools of the s lid school district of Middh
hurg. ami for (lie payment of the ground or
site on which n one is to be erected, and the ap-
Cratus for heating ami ventilating the same, by
lulng bonds to the amount of fivVtOOi tear
Intr not more than I per cent. Interest, ami ma
turing In not Ion than 10, nor more that 15
By order of the Board. April 15, 1H99.
J. A. PNTORH President.
-0-4t i. K HANSINiKB,Sec'v.
trfy: w
$4.50. $5. $7.50, $8.75
$10, $15.50, $15 up.
Drink Urnln-O
after you have concluded that you
ought not to drink coffee. It is not
a medicine but doctors order it be
cause it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure
grains and has that rieb seal brown
color and tastes like the finest grade
of coffee and costs about as much.
Children like it and thrive on it be
cause it is the genuine food drink
containing nothing but nourishment
Ask your grocer for Grain O, the
new food drink. 15 and 25c.
Aaaorlnte Judge
Kditor 1'okt. l'lt'nue aonouure my narao to
your valimlilit paper us a candidate for county
comtnlwfloner, Kiihjcct to tlie rules governing
Uie Kepubllcuu Primary. Kesp'y Youm,
Kditor Post. I'lcnse announce to the Kepub
llcun voters of Suyder County Unit I am acan
dldate for the Itepulillcun nomination of Associ
ate Judge of Snyder County find If nominated
and elected will endeavor to dons near right aa
I know how. V. t. UKK.KI..
Spring T u p., April 11, W
Editor Post. Please announce my name as I
candidate tor Associate Judge at the coming
primary election, hUbtact to the rules and regu
lations of the party, I was born and raised fn
Snyder county, have paid taxes here for M veare
and have never held a county ofllce. It my
friends seo tit to give me thla nomination and
elect me, I shall ask no more t han one term. So
liciting your patronage, I remain,
Fallhfullv Yours.
Perry Twp. l'HTEU HATCH.
IKlltor Pot. Please nnnounce my name ana
candidate for the Hepubllean nomination of As
sociate Judge of Snyder county at the primary
election, subject to the rules governing the Re
publican party. Hesp'v Yours,
Beavertown, April IS, '99. AI.FRKU SPKCHT.
County Trcnanrer.
Editor Pust. Please announce my name as a
candidate lor the Hepubllean nomination for
County Treasuter subject to the rules governing
the Hepubllean primary election.
Scllnsgrove, April is. 1. F. LATDENSLAGER,
Kditor IVht .-Please announce my name as a
candidate lorthe nomination of sheriff on the
Hepubllean ticket at 'he primary election to be
held May 13th. O. W. Row.
Penn Twp., April nth, 1N9.
Kditor PoKT.-PIease announce my name as
candidate for County Commissioner subject to
the rules governing the primary tlectlon.
Freeburg, April IT, 1NV9. UEO. F. MILLER, j
Editor Post. Please announce my name as a
candidate for re-election to the office ol County
Commissioner subject to the rules of the party.
1 have always tried to do my duty In always
looking to the best Interests of the tax-payers,
and at the request of a vreat many friends I pre
sent my name. Very Truly Yours,
Editor Pout. Please announce my name as a
candidate for County Commissioner, subject to
tbe usual rules and regulations. Kindly asking
the support of the people of Snyder county, I re
main, Hcsp'y Yours,
State Delpft-nte.
Editor Pokt. Please announce my name as a
candidate tor the position as Delegate to tbe Re
publican State Convention.
Middleburg. Pa.. April 10.
Snyder County in the Tenth
Census District.
The Census Ilureau has divided
the country in 300 districts for its
Pennsylvania will be divided into 19
districts. Each of these districts
will be presided over by a supervisor
of census. These supervisors, which
will lie nominated to the Senate by
the President, will appoint the en
umerators, who will do the actual
work in the field.
The tenth Pennsylvania district
will consist of Northumberland,
Centre, Union, Snyder, Columbia
and Montour counties. There will
be a census enumerator appointed
for each ward of the several towns
and also in the townships for ti.e
I Rule on Heirs, Fnceedings in Partition.
nmtn Ootnrtr, m i
Tin' Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To
Hannah Hollenbaeh, widow of William llolleii'
Mob. deceased, of Chapman twp.. Sny.lerC.i.,
Pa., Vary Spielicr (nee Hollenliaeh) fnterinwf
ried with Jvhn L- Splcher of Liverpool. Perry
Co., Pa., Levinn lleekert (Me EollenMMhl In
termarried with William lieckert of Chapman
twp., Snyder County, Pa., and Samuel llnllen
hash of Perry twp., Snyder Co.. Pa.; William
Pofteltne, huwliand of Kva Portallne (nee 11..I
lenlwch) now deeeaHed: Catherine Shaffer (nee
Porllllnel intermarried with Jameil SlmlTcr.
Henry E. PortslltM, Martha Strand (nee Porte-
Uae) Intermarried with Wesley stnui, Oerti
I'ortxline and Sunan Portzline, minors ahov
the age of U years who have for their guardiaa
ramp xeiter, all or ferry two., suyder o.,
Pa, ami Win 11. Portr.lineofTreverton, North'e
Co.. Pa., lineal descendant of William Hollen
liaeh, late of the township of Perry, Snyder
County, deceased, greeting:
You are hereby cited to be aud appear liefnre
the Judges of our Orphan's ourt, at an Or
phans' Court to be held In Middleburg, on the
lot Monday of June A. i . lsint 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, then and there to accept or re
fuse the Heal Estate of said William llolleiibach
deceased, at the appraised valuation hut upon
It by an Inquest duly awarded by the said
Court and returned by the Sheriff of said Coun
ty or show cause whv the same should not be
old. Hnd thereof tail not,
Witness the Hon. Herold M. Mct'lure. Presl
dent of our said Court af Middleburg, this 7th
day Of March, 18W,
P. S HITTER. Sheriff.
i . A'
Report of the condition of the First National
Bank of Mlddlchurgh. at Mlddlehurgh, In the
State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business
April B, 1SS9 1
Loans and discounts MTS7J10I
overdrafts, rccured and unsecured
T. S. Bonds to secure em ulation lS.noo.OO
D 8. Bonds on hand ls.0Oti.0i)
Premiums on U. S. Bonds S.huo.oo
County Bonds
Stocks, seem It les, etc II.MIO.00
Banl'.lng-house. furniture, and fixtures '..,,o41.13
Other real estate anil BOrgagW owned
Due from National Banks (not Reserve
Agent) 1 :J,t.V,.77
Due from State Hanks and bankers :),'H40
Due from approved reserve agents M,MAM
Chocks and other cash Items
Notes of other Natlonnl Banks 145.00
Fractional paper currency, nlekles, and
cents 6H7.4H
Lawivi. Mousy hkspkvf in bank
Specie I3,7ii9.l
Legal-tender notes ti ir. in MLIM.S1
Redemption tund Willi I - I m .imrcr
(B per cent, of clrculal lun; r);s.oo
TOT Al 0898,441 J)l
Capital stock paid In isw.noano
Surplus Fund vimki i
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid 4,ki.77
Natlonnl Bank notes nutsrundlim 18 .VM.iio
Due to other National banks , ;s; u
Due to State Banks and Bankers 570.114
Dividends unpaid 3B7.UU
Individual deposits subject
to check 17,4SM7)
Demand certificates of de- l98,H5)i.07
posit 2t3.3C6.50j
Notes and Hills rcdlscountcd
TOT A 1 0291!, 461 !1
I. J. N. THOMPSON, Jr., Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement Is true to the liest of uiy knowledge
and belief.
J. N. THOMPSON, Jr.. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this llth
aayoi April iw.
J. O. WKISEH. Notary Public.
Correct Attest :
Is a model wheel, and
one that will out-wear
any wheel on the market.
of all kinds neatly done
I have spent a number
of years at the business
nndcr an experienced
instructor. Gall and
see before buying a
Qlobe Mills. Fa.
Rlpans Tabules cure indigestion.
Rlseas Tabules: ene girei relief.
Rlpans Tabules cure torpid U7er.
Blpans Tabules: gentle cathartic
$1.26, 12.00, $3.00, $5.00, $7.60.
SPRING JACKETT3. $4, $5, $7.
GOLF CAPES, $4, $5. $6. $10.
400 Ladies' Shirt Waists,
35c. 5OC. $I.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00.
Sip Up-io-DatB Garments
una Cloths, Cheviots, Serges, Coverts, Cre
pons at t2fc 25c, 50c., 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 up.
Now open. 5c. up to 75c. per Yard.
Offer to the public a full
line of Corrugated Roofing,
Plain Tin and Galvanized
Iron Roofing and Spouting,
Fence Wire,Tinware,Gran
iteware, Etc. A full line of
for Summer cooking. Gall
and see our stock and learn
our prices.
IS '
The Monarch of Strength is
It3 strength comes from Its purity. It Is all pure coffee,
freshly roasted, and Is sold only In one-oound sealed
packages. Each package will make 40 cups. The pack
age Is scaled at the Mills so that the aroma is never
weakened. It has a delicious flavor. Incomparablo
strength. It is a luxury within the reach of all.
Insist on "Lion" Coffeo
Novcr ground nor sold In bulk.
None Genuine without Lion's head.
I If your Grocer
dura not bin I, Ion OoffM In hlf Iterc.
rond uk hi. name and iddrr-M thar we
mar place It on ulc then. Do not accept
any aurwtffafc.
uvuu.1 ai-iue uu Toledo, onio.
tarrten Teare
IW.SP. Wew Vort
wamea-nn iaea gss