The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 20, 1899, Image 2

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    oils and Pimples
Gil Warning.
When Nature it overtaxed, she haa
her own way of giving notice that assist
ance is neeill. tshe doea not usa lor
help until it is impossible to get along without
it. Boils and pimples are an indication that
the svstcra is accumulating impurities which
must le gotten rid of ; they are an urgent appeal for assistance
a warning that can not safely he ignored.
To neglect to purifv tin blood nt this
time means more than the annoyance of painful boils and
naightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to
ITU in. the svstem succumbs to any ordinary illness, and is
anaUe to withstand the many ailments which are so
prevalent during spring and summer.
Mrs. L. Gentile, 9004 Second Avenue. Seattle, Wash .
says: " I was afflicted for a lone time with pimples, which
were vorv annoying, as they disfigured uiv face fearfully.
After using many other remedies in vain. S S. S. promptly
and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in
si good nornplexion, which I never had before."
Uspt. W 11 uunlap, 01 me a. u. a.
R. It . Chattanooga, Tenn . writes:
" Severul boils ami carbuncles broke out upon me, causing
ntBK? reat pain and annoyance. My woou seemed tn do hi
r& if?& riotous oondition, and nothing I took seennd to do
Many good. Six Kittles of S b. 8. cured me completely
and my blood has been perfectly pure ever since."
V- V
.-- . . .. ... , ...
is the best blond remedy, because it is purely vcgetablo
wid Is the only one that is absolutely free from Mtash nnd mercury. It
promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly cleanses the system, builds up
i. general health and strength. It cures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma
tism 'letter Boils, Sores, etc., by going direct to the cause of the trouble and
forcing out all impure blood.
Books free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ua.
A Chinese woman has applied fore di
vorce hi Oregon.
A Oerman Methodist ehursk building
la Milwaukee has been converted Inte
a beer garden.
A Boston man who refused to pay
a fine of five dollars for spitting la a
treet ear went to Jail for 30 days.
Funny names are borne by the two
betels in Sharpaburg. Ky. One ia the
Ware house and the other is the Wood
The railroads in the United States
give employment to about 800.0CO per
sons. Nearly 40.000 of these are locomo
tive engineers.
Four new teeth lately appeared In the
gums of Mrs. J ul in Spence, of Claiborne
county, Tenn. For lis years previous
she had been without teeth. Her age
is 63.
Four cities in the United States hsve
each an average of over 100 square
miles. Creator New York, SOS square
miles; New Orleans, 100)4: Chloago. 180;
Philadelphia, 119.
In Portugal( when a child of poor
parents dies, the mother converts a
plain box Into a co"i:i with a glass top.
At the funeral s!ie conveys the coffin to
the cemetery, carrying It on her head.
A Chicago syndicate owns a ranch in
Texas which contains 5 0CO square
miles. Its herds of cattle aggregate
120,000 head, besides 1,500 horses, and
the calf crop branded in 1S97 exceeded
A new trunk, designed especially for
ladies' use, has several trays, which slid
in and out from the front, so thatth -contents
of any one may be removei!
without disturbing other articles In
the trunk.
The r lenrl Cellapaed. 7
I At Devon port a soldier was brought
before the commanding officer for sell
ing part of his kit. wben the following
dialogue icok place:
Colonel Now, Private Murphy, why
did you sell your boots?
Privste Murphy I'd worn em for
! two year. oi r. aM thought they were
i my own property.
Colonel Nothing of th sort, sir.
i 1 bese booty belong to the queen.
Private Murphy I'm nure I'm sorry,
I sorr. but 1 didn't know the lady took
twelves." (Collapse of colonel). Tit
( Bits.
a see.
I Hawker Good morning, mum; any
pins, tapes, needles, cottons or buttons
I 1 can how you?
I Miss Kldersere Not to-day, my man.
Go away.
I Hawker Any pipe cleaners, boot
i laces or cc'lar studs for your husband,
Miss Rldtrsere Oo away, 1 tell you;
1 1 haven't got a husband.
I BawVer (cheerfully, as he departs)
--Ain't yer miss? Well, don't take It
, too much to 'cart; while there's life
there"- 'ope. Ally Sloper.
In the mountains, at the Quinto do Sexio, Portugal, a famous P0
Wine district where the custom of treadiag the grapes for Port Wi.
is still in vogue. From tea to a dozen men or women for each r.J
in turn continue the treading, day and night, during the four or fiJ
weeks vintage Some of the treading vats are large enough for th J
separate rows of n men each, who with their white breeches wJ
tucked up, the: us on each other's shoulders, raise and tread thJ
feet alternately h sofl and shouts to keep the lazier ones up toil
wort, ana a Dana wun string instruments enlivens tne nours.
111, I'nrtluit
yOU V" coi n !
olav most effectively over o
nit play most enccttveiy over
Jlfcva festive scene when thrown
bv waxen candles.
The light that heightens
beauty's charm, that gives the
finished touch to the drawing
room or dining room, is the
mellow glow Of
Sold in all colors and shades
to liarmotu.c with any interior
hangings or decorations.
Manufactured by
yi. . i.: -i hM copper 19 vents a pound i
ii . rt. i. , nts.
i i i.-r thi' metal srester than tie:
, . 1 1 i s supply never s.. low,
Notlilnit in history like the profits made in
e ' , ;. r i .e i t ' years
'i ne opiKirtunltlei for Isrss ir-iiits in the
nei r future are new as good ss tbey have
i n heretofore,
ihe following table shows the ittady sad
. ipi , rise In alu. ol shares of oopper mines
...irlnjr Hie past tun years.
It .ili lie noticed thai the rostral Increase
;, t-i 1 1 i n in some ol the low-priced stocks,
thoWIHK ( lo, t the Israeli prolttl are from Hi"
. un iiases of mcti shales. '1 Ills also shews
: tin- value these sleeks lines nut r'-
o 1 11 at par S25), but I'm mi laeresstng in
tuaiillely, as ihe properties are develuped :
l"-i!. Sept. Sept. Meh.
ft. 'ml. II. 1)7. s . 1 l.'IMJ.
i . itnel .; Heels SSUI
: .. ii .v u iitana
J'''..a y
et a lioston.
i 'M Domlnd n . .
r. i ii 1:1 i n
'..' lllllFl'll
A i
1 1 s
7n l.'ls 17.1 IKSJ
ini Ha un un
as DO lV
St !!:i Mi
ib n -17
mi I'll
a, ,11
... 1 Btt 11
I i :m nflfar at n neclRllv l-v nrli'" m llm-
llwl number o? hare in one "f llw very ist
. Dim lnw-prit 'ip.tT Mocks anl In tint ut
largest commnlei In America, already
h i' inn many Pennsylvania atockholdera.
1 mi ylvatila Inveatora know that Invest
menu tn good low-priced mining atocka have
" 1 1" fortunea for many people, The oppor
nttlea for proAta In otl, pr nnil coal are
i by, but iiii-i la your opportunity, Ixicai
reeentntlvea wanted.
Write f..r tin- '('Ol'lM'T: SITUATION."
Sutbi and Planta have BonetothoutantlaofaatMifled cnt
aaiun fr half a century, and to celebrate the 60th year
o boslneai we nave Istued .t
Iden Wedding edition of
and Floral
irhii't. Is a tt1e of art. ct pagei lithographed in colore,
MceMuvenlr, nearly iwuagea Ailed with hendaome
aalMone lllustratloni f Ffowera. Vegetablea, Planta,
etc.. elegantly bound In white and gold. A mar
vel ia catalogue malting; an authority on all aubjecti
pertaining t the garden, a 1th care tr the tame, and a
MMcrlptlve catalogue of all that la desirable, It ii t
i peuttre t gire away Indlicrlmlnately. bat we want
everyone Interested in a good mtrden la have n '"'y,
Aerefhee we will lendttlfl Qallte mid n for
DUE HI LL lor -J .')-. worth of aeed 1 15 cts.
It tolU hov crodlt is given for Full Amount of
purch&ae to bny othtr goods.
Vlok's Llttlo Com CataloRtio.. .
A pi rfect lmtti (rem f a prh e Hat it l" limply the
Viio condensed, Anely Illustrated, ana in handy
hape, making It ci.avniciit iv r it it'iite. Fit
VlcUs Illustrated Monthly Mapazlno
Enlarged, lmprored and nptodaie on aU eubjerti
rrelatlng t Oardenina Kortleulture, (. rn centi
,t year, Spri'inl lOi) ollwr the .Insfiziue
one year, and the (4nloe for eantSa
eraew pUa of lelliiig Vfrethle B.(!j glrei von more
fdr your money ttsn sny :ed lioua tn America.
Rocl-f'r. N. Y.
I . . 'A . . , v" in
., ' ' y it y
in ladies' shoes is a pletstshl
voyage afoot, For the pleas
are ii gives, there's no s:iil
like our s:ile. Crowds are
! enjoying it, and seenring the
prettiest, coolestjjand best lit
! ting Suniuicr shoes now man
nfactured, at pnoes which
buyeis liud it a pleasure to
pay. Foi house ir street
wear, pleasure or every-day
practical purposes, walking,
riding, or driving:, we snpplj
the ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claim-: vo ir hands,
by all means surrender your
feet to these shoes.
8. H. (MM!
".r;l''v':t"n;t,!S ANOTaKOtl IRRITATIONS
eSvo& ComoH.
Eiaiod fall Gent
b uscil for Plastering Houses.
It is a new discvery
Guaranteed to last longei
than any other plaster. It
is preferred to Adaniaut.
For particulars call on or address
WaRat&C9M Hew York City.
K. f. Pottiese,
veterinary sUrceon.
AM profosslonal huslncss entrusted to my csr
will receive prompt and OaTSfq sttentlou.
Itti'cnt Bcmlndsrs of llobbrrr In
WMhlMTlOII Twvnty
VtlllN Alio.
The Keek smuj g ease, lately c!e
I'ided in fovor i hit dtfeDdoul by lie
lupreme court ul tii- Uuited States,
presetvts a pbnse tliiit recalls n oele
brati .1 robberj .i 1 1 . I rensury in Wssh-iiig-u:i
norl; - years nyo. In th.
Keel ensi lh? ('iaiiioiids lire in the cs
gesslon if the government. As Keek
hni been acquitted ol t lie offense of
smuggling l'. llu' !ii;:!iiM federal court,
some good lawyers who heard the de
cision hold be can recover possession of
lbs jewelrj
sembling tJii
ii ry employe
ise in one pnasi re
v,:i tbc 1 Jiff t by a treas
in VVosbiugton of n pack-
of currency containing $30,000 In
(SOO bills. The package abstracted
ut the r.:oii hour, vrhen the clerks are
allowed a time to Nave the building tor
luncheon. The thief carried It to a
near-by saloon and hid it, the keeper
of the place ln-i; :: supposed to stand ill
with him. The Uf. of course, wus soon
discovered and everybody who could
have taken the package shadowed. Sus
picion quickly settled on a certain em
ploye, who was known to freuqentthe
saloon in question.
The large size of the bills Kve the
conspirators truuWe. Finally they sent
one of their number to Saratoga to play
the races with s part of the money.
The rest $18,000 they deposiled In ft
bank iu Alexandria, Va eight miles
down, tin river. The man wilio wen:
to Saratoga was of the "tin-born" gam
bling class. lie lost his bend ami
played the races so badly, putting up a
$."i;) bill every time, that the detec
tives soon took him in. Arrests wen
made, indictments found, but noboii;.
wn convicted, for the simple reason
that the government could not prove
that the money found on the "tin horn"
was a jmrt of tJvc identical money tluit
was stolen from the treasury, So, like
Keck, they went free. The money In
the Alexandria batik remained there
several years until finally the Inte
George liliss, of New York, cume to
Washington in 12 as one of the government-counsel
In the star route cases.
Il4 was employed to rccoverthis money.
Ills contention wis simple. The gov
ernment could not prove its title to
the money. It did not beiong to tho
bank; It must belong to somebody;
therefore, it belonged to the person who
had deposited it. How much that per
soni got of It is not known, but Bliss was
a high-priced lawyer. Chicago Post.
A Patriotic Luncheon.
Tliis, dainty conceit for a luncheon
following un evening at the theater,
private musicale, card party, or any
other style of an amusement on Wash
ington's birthday, or given in honor of
some military personage, is decidedly
original, odd and very effective. In the
center of each small tabic is a bed of
palm leaves sprinkled with small blue
(lowers, nnd rising from it is that part
of our nineteenth-century battleship
known as the eonning-tower, tipped
with Old Glory, while the gun compart
ments ore tilled with different sorts of
fruit,'?. Around this are arranged the
ancient style ship-bulls of cardboard
bearing sandwiches nnd fancy cakes.
In front of every cover there is a stack
of chocolate bayonets tied lirmly to
gether with cherry-hued ribbon, and
extending from these to the top of the
fiagstahT are ropes of cherries inter
mingled with tiny hatchets. Ices mold
ed to Imitate Liberty Hell are served on
American shields, w hile bon-txm boxes
fashioned like war leggins are present
ed to all. Nellie G. Coleman, in Wom
an's Home Companion.
l'or Chilblain.
Procure, a beef bone that contains al
good deal of marrow, remove this and
melt In a jar set in boiling water.
Whan melted, strain and allow to cool.
Then mix in the following proportions:
Tivo ounces of white wax, four ounces
of beef marrow and four ounces of
Venice turpentine. Cut up the fats,
set tbem with the turpentine in a jar
In boiling water and melt over the fire.
When liquid, stir in four ounces of
sweet oil and pour Into small jars or
molds in which the salve can be stored
fa future use. Chicago Chronicle.
K hot,
tillt exeialme
the young woman. "No not i f you
were the last man on i irth: I'll never
mnrry n 300-pounder With n No. 14 toot
and 1 hand like a split ham!"
"I perceive, Miss Flyppe," rejoined
the overgrown young man, his cr'ire
frame trembling with Indignation,
"thai yon are not only wasp-waisted,
' bill J oil ,-aii sling!"
And he went away, not wholly
crushed. Chicago Tribune.
Ills Idea.
i.ittle Willy l'a. what is a liiR-nmist ?
Papa A bigamist, my son, i.s u man
who has more wives than the law pro
vides. Little Willy Why, pa. I didn't know
that ttie law provided a man with any
w ives at nil; 1 thought he had to go out
and bustle one for himself if lie wanted
her? Puck,
Sure of Himself,
She laid her head against his breast
and looked fondly up Into li is ey es
"Alfred." she sighed, "are you Hire
i that you will always love me na you do
"Yes," he replied. I am sure. "Your
father has promised to endow no col
1 leges nnd he hasn't an expensive hob
I by of any kind." Chicago Duily Xovs.
Tin Woman iim-Niion.
Perry Patettic Wonder wby women
"Iwayi Is so much better lookin' than
men ?
Wnywom Watson Look
i trouble they take. Most an,
, washes iter face i very day,
looks, Cincinnati !inii!irer.
nt the
jist fer
Ills Reason.
Customer Tell me, waiter, why do
vou only recommend stewed tripe to
day. Is It so excellent?
Waiter (confidentially) iMo, n Isn't
even fresh, but if there's anything left
we hav to cat it. N. Y. WorUl.
"Mamma, what bud milliners Mrs.
nusrbody must have!"
"Why?" ,
"Why. I heard Aunt .lane say she
wants to have her linger In every
body's pie." rtrooklyn Life.
inr National iilnlM.
Th" eagle way lead s in 1'nttlo
Anil roar Where the victory Starts)
But, unto bis sorrow, the turkey
Gets vory much elosr our hearts,
"Why didn't you stop the ear? You
saw me w ave my hand to you."
"Oh, I thought you were throwing
me a kiss." DasKlcine WitzUiatt.
He Knew It.
The Good Man Do you know that
there are breakers abend of you?
The Wicked One Yi hie yes. I
s'pose my hie wife and her mothcrTl
break my hie head when I git home.
Chicago Daily News.
A Show for Him.
Borer (gushingly) Oh, how I vxmld
love to be a boy again!
Miss Cutting Be isitient, lour sec
ond childhood is not far off. N. Y.
Evening Journal.
A Dlplomntlc Neirntlvo.
llazletine I see your daughter is en
gaged to young Yokelby.
Cnsshur Yes; 1 had to consent to
some such thing to keep her from going
off and marrying the idiot. Puck.
Just Good.
Visitor Did you go to a circus last
summer, Bobby?
Bobby Nope, but I watched pop pa
per the parlor ceilin. N. Y. Truth.
Cashier You wish to make a deposit?
Depositor Yes, but you will have to
be identified before I can Intrust my
money to you. Town TopJca.
A Simple Tfclmv.
Belle How did you find out the name
of Maude's new beau?
. Lena I gave her my new pen to try.
0e'fc .......
U '... I 1 1 !..!! J...., ... ,1
It is from this district the vines were Imported over forty yi .. ,
that now fill the vineyards of the Spec:' Wine Co., ut Pftss: ic.
At Passaic the same kind uf grapes are crushed between large r
lers of rubber, revolved by steam. This is the only nlace
this country where the real genuine Port Wine is made fn-in t
Oporto grape and they are grown rip;ht in Steer's Vineyards,
These vineyards extend over of a mile along one of the Jlfi
avenues of fa88aic, and comprise fifty six acres. ihe soil beia
rich in iron makes the wine most valuable tor Medical use.
Are well known to be of the highest character, the oldest and mo
rehncu Wines in America, equal it not superior to any wines in tK
world. They consist of Port, Sherry, Burgundy, Clartt, Sauterrd
Wines, and it -k -k Climax Brandy. Mr. Specr has some Wine in hi
cellars that lie made over thirty eight years ago. All of Speeri
v ines ana j-sranuy arc very old, rich, well rounded, sott and delicate,
every tamtiy snouid nave a bottle or two Ol each variety of Speen
Wines and urandy always in the Home, tor sickness or family use.
For Sale by Druggists and Grocers Who Sell High Class U'i:es.
A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical,
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand
somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
All about Horses a Common-Sense Trentise, with over
74 illustrations ; a standard work, l'rice, 50 Cents.
All about urowiiiK Small Fruits read and Honrn how .
contains 43 colored lile-likc reproductions of all lesdtsg
varieties and 100 other illustrations. I'ricc, 50 Cents.
All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book In existence
tells everything ; withs colored life-like reproduction!
of all the princiral breeds; with IujoUier illustrations.
I'ricc, jo Cents.
All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great
Kale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ol each
breed, with 133 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents
Just out. All about Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Butrh
cry, Diseases, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful hall
tones and other engravings, l'rice, 50 Cents.
TheTl1fiL.B BOOKS are unique.orlginal.uscful you never
saw anything like them so practical, so sensible. They
are having an enormous sale Hast, West, North and
Booth. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or
Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right
away for the BIOOLE BOOKS. The
Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is 27 years
Ola; it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-thc-head,
quit-after-you-have-said-it, Farm and Household paper In
the world the biggest paper of its siie in the United State I
ui America uuving over a minion ana a-uau regular reauers.
B YEARS (remainder of 1899.1900 1901, 1902 and 1003) will be sent by mail
to any address for A DOLLAR BILL.
Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOLE BOOKS free.
I. HAS. t, jKNRt.NS.
l'HILAM.Ll Ii: A
t'omriwlrs. Anitontion.
I sorveil tnini 'M to tH, and was wounded MS
10. imim, in ihe BsltlH ot the Wtldemess. i
rouidllVa to hsve inv gomradn know whai
Celery King has dons lor me, in mno my old
complaint, chronic dlsTrshoea. came back, The
doctors could not slop It, hut Celery King has
enred me, ana am once more entoylriK life.
Frank Hkkiiieh. (iwosso, Mich. (Co. V. tlliliN
Y. v L). Celery King tor Uie Rerres, Uverand
nnd Kldncvs is sold In SOc. SDd SS0. packages hv
w. u. Herman, TroseJelUes MlddleswarUi &
ITlsh, McClure; 11. A. F.brlglit, Aline.
ters of Administration in tlieew.
tnteof Wm. Ilolleiibacti. hue of Perry UJWh
ship, tnyder Co., Pa., deed,, having been grant
ed to tiie undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves Indebted tosald est ale are requested
to make Immediate pnvmeut, while tho having
Olslma will present them duly authenticated w
the undersigned.
Vail I DOODM assured. 125 ets. starts you or
clr. free. 1'ointh Co , 231 Oak Itlk., IJtston.
A 'ur for Xrvoii HCSMtSiehes,
For eight years I SUffSTSd from COHtl oat Ion ISM
uwmi hfHUlMlhll the heuiaelie 1111 il . l.l-IMlZl
inree daw ai a tune. Iteadaolie nowders rel fi-
m,i 1110 ti' . but. lefl tun lii'l an I'tlVCI.
since Iiclmii 'ai.111'' ce erv Kin.' 1 n.i'- J'"
, , , ... 1 1,1 1 1 ( 1 l H.-l,lnm or 11,'Vrr li.iie head
ache, have ''allied In llesh. and re -: nccll'''t?l
Ufll -.Miiu V Si Hat. -II IVli H. CelSf
Kinir for the Verves. I.lver ano KldOPVS - lolH
In two. Sod KM. packages bv w. 11. Ilenasi,
Troieviiie; MladleswsrU & Disn, ,ici lure: u-;
A. Ebrlght, Allnc.
Ip XiSCLTOR'8 NOTICE. Notice i
J hereby given ihai letters fstsmentsrj up-1
on the rsisle of Amelia linger, late oil
Jelksoa township,, snyder Cour.ty, i'ei.n-1
dreessed. bsre hm Issned In due rortri "I law
10 ths niiderstsned. la trbom all Indebted U I
Mldestaie sliould make Immediate iiaymeml
nnd those linMng claims iiini'ist It slioMlilpre-l
s"iil tin-in dun sataentlcated forsetilement.
Jsoob Ollbert, w. D BILOBR,
Attorney. V. cnior.
Grip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervoiil I
nrnclr.linn, Itr MllAa MAMfltlA MUM tllCS1. I
. ... ......... - . . "
Insurance, k
Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'l
Insurance Agency,
Elmer CV. Snyder, Agont,
Successor 1o the late William H. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented iu the follow
ng list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None
Better the World over.
FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eiifr. (including foreign assets) g4S,0(H),000.0
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8, lit 7,55. V
Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 6,688, 068.0?
Continental, New York, 0,754.108
German Amencan, New York, 6,240,0flS.
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, 204,038,983.60
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, M
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00
Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus
tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly ana
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur-1
....mnfllnni.hai1 F.T.MRRW SNYDF.R. Art..
Telephone No. 183. Offica on Corner Water & Pin Sta. 8ebnagrove. f