The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 20, 1899, Image 1

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    i - - iijiMH'" Lj jMSH
Editor and Proprietor.
Interesting Items.
News Told in Brief Paragraphs for
Our Readers.
tcrnnitl Pointer In LorM mil Un
rrl Cnrrnlnr IVopIo More
or !. Prunilnpnl.
Doyoa pay your subscription ?
Spring fever is bard at work.
Straw hata have jt 1 1 in an appear
Shower bath weather may be ex
pected. Pretty line of Fancy Skirts at
Wots', Selinsgrove. 3t,
The cellar tor the new school
building is being dug.
Immense line of Embroideriea at
Wkis', Selinsgrove. 3t
The candidates ate beginning to
move, and the campaign is now open.
Nice line of Spring ('apes, in silk
and cloth, at Wins', Selinsgrove. :!t.
John F. Stetler is putting up a
stable on his premises in the Flats.
Barber Simonton has taken pos
session of C. NV. Graybill's store.
Near Silks in all the leading
shades at Wkis', Selinsgrovc. 3t
The Central Hotel will again be
offered at sheriff's sale May 4th.
Immense line of Fancy Silks for
Waists at Wkis', Selinsgrove. 3t
James Rogers, Jr., has gone Mil-
lersburg to work in the shoe factory.
Win. Good of Aline was attract
ed to the county seat on business on
Law ns, Dinities and Organdies in
large variety at Wkis', Selins
grove. 3t.
Clayton Wetel, who had been
working at Vioksburg for the last
year, returned home.
Lank Walter has quit work for
W. 15. Wincy and intends working
at his trade, rnasonrv.
P.J. Rothrock and C. M. Brosiui
ot Fremont are attending the Buck
nell University, Lewishurg.
Latest style trimmed hata at Kate
Wagensel ler1s Millinery store, Se
linsgrove. Call to see them,
It is prolable that Rev. Geacer
will be elected pastor of the First
Lutheran ehnrch of Selinsgrove.
Adam Howell has ranted tbeGums
berger house on Sugar St., w hen' he
intends to move in the near future.
Charles E. Stcininger has resign
ed as janitor of the Court house. The
place has not yet been filled.
Novelty Joe Winters of New
Berlin Stepped around on the streets
of our burg Monday.
Josephat Walter whose Lai n was
destroyed by fire a few weeks ago.
is making preparations to huildagain.
John A. Stahlnecker and wife
spent Sunday at Mt. Cannel, the
guests of their daughter, Mrs. Win.
Sherman Bonhier of Shamokin
Dam DM BOM to Philadelphia to
work in the Baldwin Locomotive
Sepharcs Geinberling and W. A.
Fisher, ot Penn township, have pur
chased a farm near Xescopeck, for
You will find a nice selection of
Millinery Goods at Kate A. Wag
enscller's Millinery store, Selins
grove. We have now in stock the largest
stock of spring goods ever shown
iu this town. S. Weib, Selins
grove. 3t.
I wont to buy one 2nd hand en
gine 10 to 20 horse power. Also
a one horse power truck wagon.
Write,. A. H. Ulsh,
Muldleburg, Pa.
Judging by the new woman'sdress
she wants to be a self-made man.
A fellow generally has to run if
he WaQti to keep ahead in his walk
of life.
A full lineof Mandolin and String
instruments at Onpcnhcimcr's, Se
linsgrove. :;t.
When a man discovers that he
has made a mistake he begins to look
around for some one to blame it on.
"Yergcr" is the name of a new
post office in this county. It is
located near Erd ley's church in Mid
dleereek twp.
Subscribers changing their P. o
address this spring should notify this
office promptly, giving their old as
well as their new address. tf.
lion. Dr. A. M. Smith of AdantS
burg has been favited to deliver the
Memorial address at McVeytown on
May 30,
illiam M. Specht has bought a
lot in Beavertown, from Hon. S. A.
Wetel, and will erect a dwelling
William S. Bickel, who had con
trol of a hotel fur Be vera I years, has
moved to his farm in Washington
roit Sale. Sawed lumbei for a
barn 36x50 feet Can he bought
cheap. Mns. b atk Jonks,
2t. Middleburg, Pa.
W. K. Houseworth, Esq., of 8e
linsgrove, held an audit in Jay G.
Weiser's office on Tuesday iu the
estate of Nathan Arljogast.
Seth Witu'y of Pc:ivertown has
moved into Jan. P. Kntcrline's house
in Swineford. He will assist his
brother, M ilson, in thecoal and grain
business. "
Peter Garman of Mt. Pleasant
Mills, one of the oldest merchants in
the county, was in Philadelphia last
week buying his spring and summer
Wallace Teats ofGlobeMills was
a Middleburg visitor last Thursday
evening. He is agent for the Pack
er bicycle and is advertising it iu
the "Post"
Quite a number of people from
Middlebtirgh attended the funeral of
Mrs. Mary Bastian at Sunbury last
Wedncday. Aged 71 years, 10
months and 10 days.
The Reformed members, of the
Fremont charge, lately served by
Rev. II. H.Spahn, have elected Rev.
Correll of Lancaster as their pastor.
He will move to Fremont in June.
A bill has passed the House final
ly providing fol the licensing of
transient retail merchants in towns
and cities. It empowers councils to
charge a fee of from $2,") to 200
per month.
It is rumored that a large factory
for the manufacture of soap contain
ing medicinal qualities is to be es
tablished in Ijcwisburg. A promi
nent physician with plenty of capital
and push is back of the venture.
Write on a paper the number
representing your age, multiply by
two, add 3,796, divide by two, then
subtract the number representing
your age, and before your eyes will
be something you will never seeagain.
In order to clean out the- shoe
business I will sell out my entire
stock of shoes at cost. A large line
of soap will also be closed out at
cost. S)ecial bargains will bt offer
ed iu all goods.
tf. Baiihek Simonton.
Messrs. James B. Sijieifc Co., Al
legheny, Pa., in order to introduce
"SitKj's Japan Oil," and to demons
trate practically its superiority over
linseed oil for all kinds of painting,
will send free of charge enough of it
to paint an ordinary building, to the
two first addresses received from pro
perty owners in reply to this.
Sheriff Kilter was a Sunbury vis
itor on Monday.
Abraham Gunzberger moved to
Danville this week.
Quite a large quantity of hail fell
on Sunday. It was as large as peas.
W. II. Gordon of Mt I'leam.
Mills wa. seen at the court house; mjj
.making numerous trips. It was ex
It is tunny that a fellow should j ,,aiiiwi next day when it was learned
feel put out when he finds himself i that there was a midnight Hittant.
taken in
A strange thing about the Faith
l unsts doctrine is that it a no doo
Geo. F, Miller ol Freeburg, one
ol the candidates for county coiumis
siouer, was in town Monday.
'I he county commissioners are
holding their annual appeal this
week at the court house. '
Some of out
Wot Virginia
young mw left for
on Monday where
they will work in the lumber wood
Miss Dilla Grimm went to Ad-
amsblirg lusl Wednesday where she
is employed at the .Merchants' Hotel.
Jacob A. Leitel of Kratzerville
wears his hat on side of the head,
ill because a little
his hotel and . alls
girl registered at
him "pan."
A complete history of the part
tikeu by Pennsylvania troops in the
late war is in process ol preparation
at the adjutant general's office.
('.J. Fisher of Catawissa was in
town last Thursday night and sub
mitted a proposition to remove the
Miiin Shoe Factory to this place.
The timber to be used for the new
battleship Maine was sold by bloom
& Weaver of Look Haven. It is
the finest quality of white pine, the
raft contl lining NOOo feet.
For the fourth time in eighteen
months the office of the Atlantic Re
fining Co., at Sunbury, was burglar
ized on Tuesday. The only booty
received was a revolver, The safe
was unlocked and contained no
The season is at hand for cleaning
up, both indoors and out. Yards
and alleys should not lieoverlookcd.
Cellars should also receivcattentioii.
A systematic, persistent crusade is
necessary il good health and happy
homes are desired.
Tue Susquehanna river is still
right for rafting, although it is now
falling slowly, It is said that about
two hundred and fifty will come
down this spring. About sixty of
these will be pine and oak timber.
Some of them have already gone
II. II. Grimm, Esq., and his son
Geo. F. Grimm Are spending the
week ill Harrisburg and Philadel
phia. The son will consult a phy
sician concerning tin incessant pain
in his chest. Several years ago,
while playing foot ball, one of the
players jumped on his breast.
Do not miss L. DtinkcllxTgcr's
Summer Millinery ()cning which
takes place Wednesday, lhursday
and Friday, April 20, 27 and 28.
Satin Ribbons No. 5 will !c re-
a n 1
lucei to ,c. per yard on opening
dav. No. 12 to 6c. Sash Ribbons
will also be reduced.
Send in your items while they are
fresh. We don't like to publish
births after the child is weaned, a
marriage after the honeymoon is
over, a death after the widow marries
again, or the notice of an entertain
ment after it has been forgotten.
The Farm Journal ischeap but not
too cheap to be good; it is full of
ginger and gumption, and has a-
manv other giod things in ltthat you
can use at any price. It will be sent
for the balance of 1 899 and all of
1900, 1902 and 1903, nearly five
years, to subscribers of the Post who
pay one year in advance.
The Duncannon Record has a new
balx-oek press.
No matter now leisurely a doctor
.may plod through his earthly career
'" aer (toh him boMtingthat he
takt's ,lfe "'
i ne ciiiaen aiong mantel street
were considerably annoyed Sundav
iiugni ny me noise oi a wncei narrow
Goods reduced on peuing Days
Kid Gloves. Leather belts. Hosiery
White Swiss Dress Goods, Linen
Collars, Cull's, Embroideries, Laces,
Den i inn, Silkoline, Curtains, Ladies'
Vests, Counterpieecs, Floss, etc. etc.
Persons in need of 'arpets w ill
lo well to examine our stock before
purchasing a- we have a large line
ot Brussels, in
pets at prices t
Carpets trom I
'am and bag ( ar
suit all. brussels
5c, upward.-.
W i: is, Selinsirrove.
3t. S
A smooth, uty shave, genteel hair
cut, or other totisorial work, is al
ways obtained at Sties' burlier Slum,
in Sank Building, next door to the
Post office. Go t' Soles to buy
new razors or exchange lor old ones.
Razors honed and guaranteed to give
Satisfaction. A. 10. Soles,
The Farm Journal is cream, not
skim-milk, and jusl the paper for the
man who keeps cows. Wc give I
for the balance ot 1809, and all ol
1900, 1901, 1902 and I903,uearly
five years to every subscriber to the
Post who will INI V a year ahead.
Walk right opto the captain's office
Without delay.
F 0 i: S a i. K . The best pacing
mare, with foal, in the County. She
can't be beat as a driver, also a line
two year old colt out ol the same
mare and a very last horse. Will
make a line driver. For informa
tion call mi J. P. Kant., Selin's
Grove, Pa. 1--J -Jt.
For Sale. 1 oiler lor sale fifteen
acres ol farm land, twenty acres
of partly cleared laud and twenty
lour acres ot timber hind, all situat
ed tit New Berlin in Limestonetown
ship, Union Co. It so desired, it
will be sold in lots. For particulars
inquire of A. T. Taylor, Kishaco
quulas, Pa. ;'--J:5-;;ino.
Trailer's Store, Sunbury, 5000
yards Ik-sI prints at Je oer yard, 2
bales brown muslin at 2c per yard,
2 cases evert ceasing ginghams at
at 6c per yard, l" pieces all woo
cloths at 2.1c per yard, 7" pieces
organdies, new styles, at8c per yard,
860 pieces carpets tit 12.c per yard
to $1.25, 7" pools matting at 10c,
l."e, 20c, 25o, 30c. 240 pairs lace
curtains at 50c, $1.00 up to $7.50,
90 pieces table oil cloths at I2jc
per yard, window shades at 10c to
$1.00. This store showsthe largest
line of new goods in Northumber
land Co.
On Monday afternoon, what might
have Ix-en a rather serious fire, was
prevented by its tiundy discovery.
The aged widow of Mr. Samuel
Fisher, and who resides with her son
S. A. Fisher in Sweet Hope, hail
placed Some Wood in the oven of tin
stove to dry, and having afterwards
returned it t. the woodbox. The old
ladv then went out into the garden
to plant some little onions. Her
supply becoming exhausted, she re
turned to the house to get more onions
when she discovered that her kitchen
was full of smoke. She gave the
alarm and her neighbors hastened to
her assistance, Charles C. Mover
and his brother, Peter, caught up the
woodbox and carried it into the yard.
The box was badly burned and the
fire was had been communicated to
the surbasing which was also pretty
well charred. The wckxI must have
been in the stove oven until it took
fire and was then thrown into the
box, and thus igniting it. Tribune.
APRIL 20. 1899.
29th Annual Convention of Sunday
School Association of Snyder County.
The Sunday School Convention
will be held at Selinsgrove in the
M. 10. church, Selinsgrove, Pa., Mon
day ami Tuesday, May Sthand nth,
May 8.
7s30 u. in. Oueninu Kxereises,
Pre. I'rof. Wm. Mover,
Addre.-s of ('Iconic,
Rev. W. Haa
Response, Rev, t . (i. Rnniig,
P. M. Teats, Ksq.
Home Department Address
Field Secretary, Rev. Charles
RllOads, !.!.
Reception ol I delegates.
M .y 0.
9:00 a. in. Devotional Exercises,
Uev. W. K. Brilllmrt.
9:30 a. m. Normal Work, M. b.
tigenseller, Rev, Fortius .
10:15 a, in. Appointment ol ( !oni-
IJepoit of Secretary il I lome
Department, Uev. J, H. Barb.
Home Department Open tor
1 Hscussio i.
I 1:00 a. m. The B -t Methu I nl
Conducting ii Sundav School,
N. T. Dimdore, Rev. i. 1.
I h'lickemniller.
I I :o n. in. Adjotirnuii nt.
1 :30 p. m, I 'raise Servicv,
W. L Busslcr.
1:45 p. in. The Sundav School in
Relatiou to Good 'itizcuship,
Rev. I. 1'. Zimmerman, Rev.
John Shellenbcrger.
2:30 p. in. How to Induce Regu
lar Attendance of Teachers and
Scholars upon the Services of
the School, Rev. H. H. Spulin,
Rev. L. Dice.
3:00 p. in. I'rimurv Work and
( Ihildrcn's Meeting,
Mrs. J. W. Barnes.
I!:l " p, in. Business, Flection of
officers, Selection ol place ol
next meeting, Reportof Com
mittees, 7:30 p. m. braise Service,
Cyril H. Haas
Report of Secretary.
Address, Rev. J. Vutv, D. D.
Convention chip gathered by,
Rev. D. B. McLain.
Sacred Songs No. 1 will be used
during the convention.
Musical Director, Cvril H. Haas.
Bach school is to be lenreseuted
by at least two delegates.
All Superintendent-are members
ol the convention by virtue of their
Each school is expected to contri
bute at least leper member for stale
and county work.
The names of all delegates should
be sent to the chairman of entertain
ment committees, Miss Algie D.
Lembersou, Selinsgrove, Pa.
The state workers will be with us
during the entire convention.
The coming Convention is the
greatest opportunity ol the year for
Sundav school workers.
bray for the success of the Con
vention, then conic.
Cyril Haas,
M. b. Wagenseller,
D. E. Mr La in,
Kx. Comm.
Notice to Soldiers of 208th and 51st P V.I.
Comrades. I am officially in
formed that the unveiling of the
Hart ran ft statue will take place at
Harrisburg, Pa., Friday, Mav 1 2th,
1899. Comiades of Cos. AandD,
208th Regt. alsoal! comrades of lst
are cordially invited to attend.
Write See. J. F. Vancaiup of the
208th Reg. P. V. L for excursion
orders and information relative to
hotel rates. Address 120 Loutbef
St., Carlisle, Pa.
Iitite Lieut. Co. A, 208 Regt.,
Chapman, Pa.
VOL. 36. NO. 1C.
DcmIk I iin rc.l lur Krorl.
Joel G. Stall I and wife to Richard
B. Lcnig, 1 acres and 25 perches in
Chapman twp., for 70.
("litis. A. Shotzberger and wife to
Jefferson D. Leiiig, I! acres and 2','
perches, for :? I ."().
Union Cemcterv Co. of Selins-
grove to Rebecca J. Holmes, Lot-
119 and 420 for 835.
llev. W. A. Haas to lohn Scharf,
house and lot in Selinsgrove, for
Charles A. Meiser and wife in
George A. Aurand, three tracts ol
i land ill M iddleereeL t U n. lor s l l
- r i -
Heirs of Jacob A rb igast, deceased,
to John A. Kbright, 50 acres and
I IU perches in berry twp., Ior8700.
W in. Troutman and wile to Mol-
hr (irayham, 115 acre- in IVrrv
two., lor sl 150.
wills I'robnffMl.
The liisl will an i testament of
Kliabeth II. )iinbaug!i, late ol
I'enn twp., deceased, was probatiil
last Friday. Her daughter, Emma
Jane Weis, b named as Executrix.
Her daughter, hamuli, and husband
are the heirs,
Mitrrlnv? l.irnts.'s.
(George A. Class, Fnvburg,
I Annie b. Roiisll, " "
I Hen rv (loss, Sinking Valley, Pa.
Lydht Ikinkwitz,
( fentrc twp.
K ratzerville,
Globe Mills.
(Charles Walter.
I Kate bilger,
I John E. Kunklu.
I Mary A. Erdlcv,
John G, Shaffer of Aline was at
the county seat la-t Friday.
John W. Fariisworth nl Danville
spent Sunday in this village.
IT. D. Swineford ol Mt. Pleasant
Mill- was a Middleburg visitor on
Monday of thb week.
Mbs Jennie 'harlcs ol Porl Trev
erton i- visiting her brother Edwin
Charles at this place.
A. R, Trcxler, Sunbury has a new
advertisement in the Post this week,
bead his announcements else where,
Henry P. Buyer ol Penns Creek
was in this place on Friday ol last
week attending to business interests,
Hon. A. M. Smith and W. E.
Stahlnecker ol Adams burg were
prominent visitors in the town on
D. I'M ward Kremcr and wife ol
Philadelphia spent Saturday in town
the guest of Mrs. Kremer's parents,
John Stetler and wife.
The trout season opened on Satur
day and quite a number ol Bports
men availed themselves of an oppor
tunity to catch a few Bnreelcled
Wilh t bover of Freeburg was a
Middleburg visitor on Saturday and
became a cash-in-advance subscriber
to the Post, He is going in the
memorial business.
Amos Bailey and I. E. Boost, two
ol Monroe township's reliable citi
zens were at the county scat on Tues
day of last week. They are pleasant
gentlemen and a credit to any com
munity. H. D. Stahlnecker and A. W.
Aurand have purchased a clipping
machine to clip horses. They offer
to clip horses at $1.50 each. Any
one desiring to have their horse?
clipped will do well ' have these
gentlemen do it for them tf.
Cyril Haas and Mr. Fbhcr of Se
linsgrove were in Middleburg over
Sunday iu the interest of Foreign
Missions. On Sunday morning Mr.
Haas delivered a lecture on the Stu
dent Volunteer Movement in the
Missionary work. They are active
voting workers who carry with them
, a great deal of vim and activity
A m Mm