The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 06, 1899, Image 8
CORRESPONDENCE. SEL1SSGKOVE. The horse sale on Thursday was knretv attended, thehonea briniring fir nric s Dr. (iis). . 1'Vkler fefDeltvan, Ills., is visiting his par- nts, J. B. Foekler and wile Vk. Win. H. Ulsh delivered lecture before the scientific society ol the University on Friday last, subject "The Sand Mounds ot'Floi ida"..'.... The Glee and Mandoliu Clubs had a successful trip to Catawissa and BU-.iiisbnrg K. E. Dock who is sjBuloyedina large store at Wil- 11.1 III Mill .l- .1' lliinn iiiiii in.' ..' . .. .i ......... ..t ....... ..i I., u'li I. until iw tannlvnver Nin.lav lie. i ... . ....,. .... Bitter, a Student, tilled tnepilipu 01 THni.y Lutheran church on Sunday morning last The 1st Lutneran almrch held comninnioi Sundnv ...... morning t has. Klose otuewys- bnrg was a visitor several days last week... Mrs. J.jA.Kistner spent Eas- -r:,i I.,, v, vill.. Opnlmnn' Home ,-,, Wm. M. Schnure spent the Easter nwation with his parents Isaac Ukh and wife ami sun Wm. and wile of Adamsburg spent several days with Druggist lHnh...Percival Keiser -and family moved to town fmm Herndon where he had been in the hotel business. His son, Perc. of Pittsburg is visiting his parents tin- a lew days M. L. Wageusel- Ur left Moiidav morning lor I'hila- ZaI wi:; a LTZS , .m- in h i M&rvIW iinug Aprn uissiuun nous rurth of Wilson Col lege, Chambers- burg, is spending her Easter vaca- lion with her parents Barber Ekitz moved into the ('rouse build ing formerly occupied by C. O. Moyer, Jeweler . B." Wallize of Lafayette College, a former stud- pnt, spent several days in town being here over hiasti i KKKAMEtt. Lasl Wednesday two drunken ruHitins from I Fnion ' !o, drove a horse to death over beyond the two bridges. They should certainly be prosecuted tor beingcruel to animals ...Quite anumberoi people changed tlsir homes in this vicinity last Thursday Jacob Middleswarth and family ol Beaver town were the pnsts ef Jonathaii Musser's lust Ifriday . 1. Kremer was in Bslinsgrove last Thursday 7Bwinp8on Hilbish and wife of Se-Sii.-grove were in town on Saturday ktween trains S. A. App and jri(I. t Monroe township spent Easter with 'the hitter's parents,,!. K. Walter's Harry Gemberling M Salem visited at Levi Erd ley's Monday llalph Gift of Pax- rillc spent Easter with A. C. b'mith and family... George Gordon ns in Middleburg on Monday Miss Annie Gemberling and friend nt Bofem enjoyed the hospitality of I. E. Walter's on Sunday. UIii m m il Kim I uri .l. ly wifa has used Cham1 erlaiu's 0ain Balm for rheumatism with jt-m, lellef, and I can recommend it he a splendid liniment for rheuma tj.F.i nod oUier I ousehold use for we have found it valuable. W !. Cutlkb, Red ('reek, N. Y, iffr. Cuyler is one of the leading .nt-rch'ints of this village and one Um most prominent men in this vi ait7. W. (J. Phippih, Editor Red Crnek Herald. For sale by all Drug gist v M l. PJJSASAJiT .MILLS The entertainment held by the Haater Valley school on Saturday owning was very well attended . . . A. E. Stuck, who was working in rae Asyium ai narnsourg, reiurneo . . ... i . i uwneoii Saturday in order to attend k-Ik'oI . . . . P. J. Iiothrock left last vcek i r Bucknell University, Lew- bnrg. . . .Miss Gemlicrling ol Sa- km visited at the home of H. .1. IBmtzlatlder over Sunday. . . .Ad- orxxeiset, wite ana two onuaren oi Akron, Ohio, spent several days in (i 1. I'll i .Ttown last week visiting menus, Tney will moveto AJlentown, Pa. in tteaear hiture. . . .The St. John's Sunday school held lvistcr exercises Sunday .... The St. John's Sun- dhnr School was reorganized last Sun- m ... .1 i tt ... met witn tne loiiowing omoers : i StA., J. L. Vai ner; Asst. Supt., P. JL Stuck; See., Malicl S-linee; Asst. Sec., II. .'. Haas; Treas., Joseph Lang; Steward, P. A. Schnee; Or- girust, Laura Yerger; First Asst., at a.L c; l i i r. VCT.: r.. .ciuiec; ,-cconu .vssi., ,uis. . fbry; Librarians, A 1 vesta Sehni uxl J. A. Shadle. . The following , mm last ween : -i. J . Treaai to AJu; a. W. Belcheabaeh to Wash- ... T . ,, .. . . u . rngton twp; J. A. rthndle into .Nelson Itciigle's house; M. K. Wmner into f f ; - house vaiatcd bv Mr. Shadle . . . I 1 ... I. . C. It Hrosius left for Bucknell U Barersity Monday. W e'ST WUVER Easter pasjljd off With a lew bliz zards, ami tttfl as many eggs as the Esquire could eat L. A. JeiikiM went to work this week at Beuver- town oil Warner's saw iiii u James Steely is agent tor theelcotrk wall paper and is busy takingonlew (or the same There is some talk I of the Lowell store changing hands in the near future Alex Treaster and Win. Wieand moved to Mifflin county aud exjieet to eiuburk in the I farming occnpution Isaac Mat- tern has the contract for furnishing the telephone poles Iroin McClure to i riisMrmve at ..) ranis icr weuc --- r-f- i i ii: 1 ... .1 I i It ueiivcien me K.............. ... in in:. : hiiiih tie manufacturing o canes and experts ; to present one w earn uu nc, Aineriean soldier who was woitnuei . .i : i. : I :.. .! me opuuisn--ujc. ...... .. in the Soanish-Amei'icanwar. uood... , . ,, ,p . ., tor Bam ur. oi.riy nai nutation ..i' extracting t . the re tii with For re- lots Ot oaiU and UOCliargC. ferenci inquire ot the squire Tuesday the old soldiers were busy attending to their well-earned claims they hold against ITncleStiiu, and he is always willing to settle up with the deserving ones. ' .V word to tin. wise is sufficient and ii word from th wise should bo Hulilcietit, tun yon , siio m the wiiM 1 Tin 'M- . I o know Tim 'ft -- Hr u- rtr T Cut!o mouu, u.ui.,i (jivs bet lei, hhiis. facti-.n ilmn ai.y ..ih.-riu n. m-n k .it. !;; be.e" l ,,r.Utf lvul.,''"Hsi1 l-.'l i :;li . Mi.-! II I.. . S "1 l ' U. I H IIV P.lktoii. Kr.. for ivm.'I'.i! veaisi 1ms M.l. I hundred of botth sof this r. in Htly mid in urly uthfi' coiirIi uiedi Cllies UlrtllufuclUlc'd, whiob hliuws conclusively thut Chamberlaiu's is the most satisfactory to the people, u if is the best. Sold by all Drug- Rists. ADAilSBUUG. Mis arne Stumpil ol Sutumry :it a weeh at the home ol her c rand na rents. Isaac Aurand s liev.Chss. Aurand and wifeofBer- wick spent Easter ai this place .J. Ernest Zimmerman and Frank Shambach of Susquehanna Unive" sity, wire recent visitors at this place Misses Mtlble Moyer and1 ierlliaSeeboldol Middleburg were recent giie.-tsat the .vlercliauts Hotel , t: VI .i lf..M.;ir u li.i is ctii. i '. i a i -ii -n ployed in the Sunbury silk null, is J visiting her parents Spencer E. I Romifl moved into D. J. Dreese's ! vour reer, follow the directions in ii f i . u, r. ! uiiikno.' H .in. I vou will fetve a dellci- house on Market St .Mr.-. Cm ma 0,J( HH, h(..ul tl , l( ; ,UH beVHTgfl foi Bingaman and son,Ivan, accompani- old and youun. 18c. and 25p. ed by Miss Sara liomigoi Pou Mills , spent several days at this place i 8UAM0KIN DAM II. II. .'rou.-e of Middleburg was re- eently entertained by friends Mrs. Amelia Schodt'of Money Mrs. Wollley of'Centrcville was the wns a visitor at ( reo. iaugler'a over guesl of her .laughter, Mrs. Wm. Sc- faster Edgar Derr, who was ehrist, .iver Sunday... Communion working for M. H. Kulp near Lewis services were held in the Lutheran burg, made his -home with Wm. church on Easter1 morning. Ine Snyder of this place tor the summer church was beautifully decorated, The Easter entertainment held with lillics, palms, etc., 23 persons n the Lutheran church on Sunday were received as member.- drs. j Sarah Klose is very ill with dropsy Mrs. Alice Stumpfl of Belle- ville is the guest ot her parents, Isaac Aurauct s CiXceueni t services were held in both the formed and Lutheran churches i . 1. 1 1 ii.i wter Re- JohnStahlnecker spent Sunday in Middleburir...Mrs. J. 1. Hamilton are visiting and daughter, Myrtle friends in Shamokin. A LINK. The first ol April passed oil very quietly H. K. Hornberger and family were the guests of Mrs. Swartz and family on Sunday Charles Holts, an old and respected ... i . i!i . a citizen, pessea irom me w eteruuy ' last Sunday night o. ih uargos were the welcome guests ol H. (i. Bornberser'son Sunday Miss Ida Low ing. who has been sick tor some time, is slowly recovering...-. Mrs. H. (i. Hornberger and Mr m i l.'S A josepn Aieiser spent easier up ai Wagner Station, the guests of J. W. iiornuergers wy - berger has just received a lull line of spring and summer miUinery goods, a lull line of trimmed !-s for Misses and children, also sailors' and walking hats... I he protracted ..... .till meeting at lroounairs cnurcn cioeea last week The Sunday school at Arliogast's church will be organized next Sunday Alliert Strotip has gone to Danville to work during the summer. . . 1 waa reading an auveniHemeni 01 rtkamliMtilii'i (!n ip C. 10 rn nnd rThltomo in the WoertS ! Enterprise receuuy, woron ieuus me to write this I can truthfully say I never used auy remedy equal to it for coiic and diarrhoea I have never had to use more than one or two doses to cure the worst case with .. . ,i 1. I 1. . I rayseir or cunuren. . n.. oiauuu, j Popomoke Cit.v, Md. For sale by jail Druggists. PORT TREVERTON. Dollie Hoover is living in Sun bury Martha Suyder is visiting in Shamokin Ghai. W. Neitz went to Rock Glen, Luzerne Co.... Harvey Ix-nig wus to Millerstowu last week Mrs. Hotter of Har- risburg visited at the home of Ja-. Ijenig during the week The gentleman with Rev. Rrillhart last week was Rev. Detweiler of WU- liamsport K. A. Ringanian our wide-awake grain inereiiant,a nd Iky, our water lion, transacted business in Oriental the forepart of last week (i. I. Reiohenbach of Shamokin visited his his children during the i..,.L- WB Mountain -guide, Judge s , . , , , ; week in Sclinsnrove... Flora Kline raujmi(1 to hj, .m Mfc UnneI last Saturday... Mrs. Wm. HoOver .... . . ... . . lit I ill u nil wl il 1 1. r I. iitimr lull' j i vi nm. . Maggie Kelly of WilliatnspoVt, alter one month's visit to her friends and relatives, left town last Saturday for Shanio- kin Jennie Charles is visitinir her brother Edwin in Middlebm The sweet notes of the sea-shell will soon be heard Mi.-s Ethel Marsh j ofSelinsgrove spent the latter part of last week at the pleasant home of C. 1). Bogar and wife A. Trout man was conspicuous on our streets last week Dot. Bogar Was very1 much interested in his uncle Christ I n and h tofi farnitnrespeoialist. How much will it bring 1 is the all absorbing question hej 7 '.",'VVm; Nr': How long can we afford to sell it ? is our greatest problem. We are after profit, tliaS nesday niffht huntiuir for calves that Un a i. i.., ... .1 i: i nr a. . 1 n 1 , ' ,;h1 tl")MI ,,,. ,,,,. ii,r v !tI,l enougD, but we plan ditlerently. e try to make a small margin on a large vol. fuw are reiHirted lost Green U,no ol'.1)l,sil'ssi where others figure on large profits trom a small volume of trade. i InirsuiiV gave many Hill I I lV II I iailics and ircnl leni.-ii a goH oitcor tunitv t.i iii! licit nngs with pure country air .. ..Dollie Michael.-and I leiulzelmuii of Sunbury, I bn. Itine ol McKees, Henrv 1 1. .over am! wife ..I lien, iun, Stewart Hall of Malum tongo, Lizzie Shrey ol Aqueduut speut Sun Shambach av in town . U, and wife ol Tvroue were wclconu week. visitor.-; in town (tur.'ug the Boeatofl Agm '.i iiu von ? If not, drink Grain-O uiade from pure grains, A lady writes : "The first time 1 make (train ( i did not like it but alter usiugit for one week nothing would induce me toto Im. k to cc.tlco. it uonrisltea and feeds the system. I he children OR ink it freely with ttreat benefit. It is the .( . , , hUb3aiioe ol pore tfi 'litis, (tctii I'licliRjre toihi.v from was .,v,. ntti nded, and rendered one1 0 the finest programs Did you find April with your eyes opened or ghut or did vou not find it vet: How about it, Georee? The Sunday sbhools of Monroe township will hold a convention in the M. E. church of this place Friday and Sat urday evenings, April 7th and 8th fno, Walter ot Chestnut Ridge was a visitor in this place last week' He would lea wise man ifhewould move his shop here also Our young sport, Sherman Bordner, went to Philadelphia where he is employ- led in the Baldwin Locomotive Works, wishing the young man . Wm. Logan and I speedy sin cess.. his lady friend of Wllliamsuortwere visjtors our .,..t, over Plater The best thing that ever happened was at the moving of George' Bow, who moved to Buffalo Valley last week. What was it": There was something round like a bottle, but what was in it".' You must ask IphillnNace I jjt He received it from was afraid George oould not handle it with caw sa he k t it iM his ,)(,SM.ssion !UUi it got L 1)llt.lim.lti(. pUDotuw and the re- ; luais ,r()t Philip's head so that he . c()U,(, mt ihmvr ,)ut hu(, ,i(..rf IIHWwl" Drink Urnln-O after you have concluded that you ought not to drink conee. It is not a medicine but doctors order it be- cause it is healthful, invigorating and appetizing. It is made from pure eniai and has that rich seal brown - , 1 i..... lit. it. d,.. 1 , : , : , s v. qouee uu lobib uwiu CMd Kk. H and thrive on it be- as mucD. L'llUHU It IB bUO ICIUUIIIO I UUU UIIUA j CUDMUDIUK UUIU1UK UUHlUUriBU.UBIIl.. Ask your wocer for Grain-O, the new food drink. 15 and -'5c. Lawns, Dinities and Organdies in large variety at Wkis', Selius - grove. l)t. l - --1 . 1. : 1 a. :i l The Greatest Place to Buy furniture ! M Tlis islo plqcc 1gic eetfj M J hV III A 444l44444m4444444444444444444U44444 pany but other surroundin-s. TTT I i i .ii . . . .... ... uat a contrast Detwren the metooai ot tins Furniture Store and those of tliJ are Helling just now more lurnitiire everyday than any store in oar county has ever sola 11T.. At 1 111 1 ,. . . . . . . ,ul esayims nouuy oecause 1 and not lung else are at the Oak Bookers, worth f?2.7."., reduced to 11.98. Extension Tables, worth $6.00, reduced to $4.29. White Enameled Beds, worth J?7, reduced to $4.67. E. S. FURNITURE 34, 3 band i South ! 'U L. i H L b l , i n)i ti i Bargains for All. Having sold my store and going out ol the Store Business 7 on the 13th of April, 1 willnow sell lUV entire stock ol Boots, k- E Shoes, liubbers, Gum Boots, eti at wholesale prices. I have Mens Shoes, Boys' Shoes, Ladies and f Children's Shoes x in all sies and shapes and a prices to suit euerybodv. Shoes that sold at $1.45, at s?i Womens' Shoes as low as sfx Men's Shoes from 75oto $2.26 4 ' A Ehw Rarnainc . w . T ajui ..... 7 in urutenes. . Levering Cofiee, 1 0c per lb. I caiis, lc per lb. Oat Meal, lc per lb. Rice, 5c per lb. Baking Soda, 5oper lb. Pure Pepper, 14c per lb. Butter Milk Soap, il cakes " Laundry Soap, 2 cakes 5c. V. c 1 ...1 .il fl - calves .Miles V lioci rolatc 2;c Banner Lye, 10c per can. Mixed ( 'audits, tic. per lb. THESE PRICES ARE GOOD ONLY UNTIL APRIL FIRST Which day this store will change hands. If you do not want to buy come and seemv prieesand ! -Jl he convinced, as this is net to run old shoes out toinakeroom -5 for new stock, but it is a genu ine sale. Ho not come too late. Welcome to all whether you buy or not. Respectfully Yours. C. W. GRAYBILL. FrzF T "7- -T" T" T T T T" T"" "T 4 March 20, near Seven Stars, Charles Harvey, son of Thomas and ' , T , 1 , n t Dressier, aged 19 years, months and 0 days, t uncral was 1 . .u .l. on.j ... ... . 4 i . . t ...i 1 1. ' '":lu ") "- Rev. 0. G. . , 1 o - . 1 . I u 1 Mar?h 2i'. at Oriental, Sarah Mary, infant daughter of Edward I and Emma Shopc, aged G months and 11 days. Funeral was held on 1 the '28tK inst., at Earner's Reformed 1 church. Rev. OrG. Romig officiated. SELLING- AT COST I l-v IH it no is invited away from home thel v J naturally anticipate not only pleasant cond l"i, " ' ......v.K. "11 ' I w I 1 I . I . i 1 1 I we thorouglilv Delieve it to he Bottom ol it: Antique Oak Sideboards, worth $12, reduced to 58.' VelourCouches, 54 springs, worth 1 f, minced toS 1 1. Antique Oak Suits, worth 20, reduced to $15.78. WEIMER&CO.. DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, fourth 5t., OPPENHEIMER'S GREAT BARGAIN STOCK .... Everything New and Com plete in. the Line of the LATEST STYLE SPRING HATS has just been received, Vou ShGEs! Shass! Vou make fro iii us. rich deal. Corns and Bsu tbev use H. OPPENHEIMER, Market St., Selinsgrove One of the best Wheels on the Market ONLY $40.00. IDEAL . . . A wheel of unparalleled quality for only $25.00. Fine Bicycle Repairing Successful ly done. Some good second-hand Wheels now on hand. N. P. HUMMEL, KREAMER, PENNA. SAN FRANCISCO AND RETURN. One fare for the round trip, Na tional Baptists' Anniversaries, May 26-30, 1899, tickets on sale May 14, 15, 10 and 18, good to return until July 15th. For full particulars call on or address John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul R,y, 486 William St., WUliam8port, Pa., or 300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 3-23-3. oqe corqGs o hxj v .-11. .Ill .MUllli" 111 ll.tlll , il so, and that nriecs like tl.iJ Sunbury, Penna,! Ban be sure of honest prices. Soes? no mistake in We always give DUVlllffJ VOU ;l C!of Hsrig. We are prepared to give you suits at rock bottom prices. At the old stand vou right. Pa. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Corrected weekly by our lunrelmnul Kutter I Etfirs Onions ; Lard Tallow Chiokeusperlh Turkeys I Side Shoulder Ham I Wheat Rye Potatoes '. Old Com Oats Hran per 100 lbs Middlings " Chop " : Flour per hbl 4 ff-m m mmm m m mm TH E TAILOR. SELINSGROVE, PA. j Lowest Casn Prices. I WorRmansDJn GnaranteeHI Call Before Ton Orier EMe wAlolitfj rati no' it.vrr oi itn s I wlU lend a handsome FOIST PKS. soadoold. NotUIng beau It. Tr ons seller. Aacnw wanted. Address ati Bos 1st. oayandoldt. W. Vs, HEFFELFINGER