AN EDITOR'S NERVE. Underwent Critical Surgical Opera tion Without Anesthetics. He Didn't Ilnvr- liri Time or Mosey to Spnre, lint lie Had Plaek Enough lo Do a Doaem FtShllUK Men. Here is a story of a man's wonderful nerve, told by Paul Y iicox, of tois city. The surgeon was Mr. Wilcox's father, then practicing lu Indianai "One firming tliere walked into ihe doctor's of.lce a man who, bj QUI ap pearance, hail JtUM stepped from h rail road train. His step Win firm, and at first- blush he was In perfect btalta. But one could not look m him n aertood time' without perceiving that hew a-afflicted by a large tumor 'on the side of hit, Iieel?. M'I wish you'll look at this tiling on my Deck, doctor, and tell me what you think of it,' said the man, without any unnecessary parley inir. 'And I want tou to take it of?, unless an operation means certain death.' "The doctor examined Ihe ttitnor, ex plained that it- could be removed with out great risk, aud suggested that the visitor devote a week or so to prepara tion for the operation by rest and prop trdeiting. "'Can't oiTord either the time or the money to do that,' said the man, 'and I don't need to, either. I have been get ting ready for this operation a wbolt month, and I'm in the pink of condition. I couldn't be in better shape to be operated on if I were to train a year.' "The elector pressed the poij' a lit tie, but, seeing the man's mind wn made up, forbore to insist. 'Very well, then,' he said. "We'll try to fix you up to-morrow.' " 'Dut I want it done to-day.' Baid the other. 'You see, I'm an editor and pub Usher, and the day after to-morrow is 'press day' for my weekly newspaper.' " 'In that case,' said the doctor, 'we'll have to attend to your ca-se this after noon. In the meantime you'd better take a room anil get a little sleep, for you must be tired after your railroad ride.' " 'See here,' said the newspaperman: 'I've just got to start for home on the two o'clock train. Why, my local page is only half written. I must be in my office this evening and at work. Can't you carve me right here and now?' ' "'No, I can't,' said the doctor. 'My assistants are both out and there's no one to help administer anesthetic, or to aid in the operation.' " 'Blame the anesthetic,' rejoined the other. 'I wouldn't take anythingto put me to sleep if you had a dozen assist ants. Your son here can hand the knives to you, can't he, and hold some thing to catch the blood in? You needn't be afraid of me weakening. 1 am a soldier of the civil war, and I've got my nerve along with me. Just let me sit in one of these chairs here and put her through as quick as you can.' "'AH right,' said the doctor, grimly, after a little hesitation. 'But you're taking considerable risk.' "While the man divested himself of a part of his clothing tie surgeon got his instruments ready and instructed his young son in his duties as helper. Then being skillful, and with as much nerve ns the patient, in ten or fifteen minutes the operation was over. It was. a really serious one, and was accompanied by a profuse flow of blood, but from the be ginning to the end the patient never so much as shivered. He was pretty pale, though, and he said he was tired. 14 'I'll rest a little if you'll let me lie down here, but I won't go to the hotel. Fix me up the best way you can nnd I'll be ail right in an hour.' "lie was made comfortable on the operating table, fell asleep almost im mediately and awoke in about 40 min utes with much of his original color, "'Just time to eat somemlng and eatch my truin,' he said, looking at his watch. 'Bow much is your bill ? "'My bill la paid,' said the doctor. "Jfo man with ns much nerve as you can pay me a cent." "Hen the man went away. Three lays later a copy of his weekly paper "eached the aurgeon by mall. It con tained an account of the operation and so much praise of the doctor's skill that it made him blush." N. Y. Press. To Preserve Good Crockery. Good china that has gilding upon it should not be rubbed, as it is liable to remove the tracery. It only requires to be rinsed in warm water, then In cold; It should be left to drain dry. Very occasionally rub thi si china gently with a little finely powderrd whitiag and a soft wnsh-leuther. Good dessert slates, tea plates and saucers should be pnt away in the china cupboard, protected by circles of paper placed between each. This preserves the glaze or painting from scratches. It should be noted that the china cupboard is thoroughly dry. as dampness soon tar nishes the gilding on tine china or crockery. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Steameal Clams Scr.rrt In Shells. Wash the clams thoroughly; arrange neatly In a steamer, which stand over a kettle of boiling water, nnd boil rapidly (or 20 or 30 minutes. Lift the clams, saving tho liquor that has filled tho iihells, and strain into small cups, add v bit of butter and a dusting of pepper. When about to aervo to your guests stand each of the cups In the center of a largo soup dish and arrange the clams around. With an oyster fork tho clams nay then be, removed from the shells, dipped into the liquor and eaten. Serve very hot. Ladies' Home Journal. In That Case. "Would you say 'hones politics is,' or 'arrB " la,' of coom. Honest politics laal waya eingn?ar." Indianapolis Joumol. THE BANANA PLANTER. la Honduras II la Crcatare Whoa Palloaoahle Cnlia la .Never Disturbed. "The small banana planter of Hon duras is the happiest creature on earth." "aid a local shipper, reports the New Orlmns Times-Democrat, "und nothing eer removes him from his philosophic calm. Ti e frightful hur ricane which raged along the Ilonclu rlan coast on the 1st of the month ab solutely destroyed scores of planta tions. Thi trees were plucked out of the earth like blades of grass, the fragile buildings were blown Into kind ling wood, and nothing whatever left to tell the tale. Happening anywhere else, such u disaster would have l-ien a tragedy of the first order, and meant incalculable suffering, but nature Is very kind to her Children on the banana coast. All that Is necessnry to rehabili tate the ravaged plantations Is to stick a few clipping-'' in the ground and wait for them to take root and bcur. The work la usually divided between the plunter anil his wife tie sets out the clipping and he does the Whiting. Some lime during the year. If he is not too tired, he may rebuild his residence. This Is done by tying a native rope around four suitable trees and laying cane stalks crosswuys over the top. Other cane stalks are now nnd then used for sides, but they are really un necesaary. as the Honduranian coneep tion of privacy 1b very vague, and there Is never anything to steal. So, as a matter of fact, the hurricane was much less calamitous than it appeared to those who ure unfamiliar with native conditions. The principal loss which It entailed was in damage to the present banana crop, und the fruit grows with such rapidity that three months ought to completely repair It. Meantime, the planter does quantities of resting and is happy." TEE ENTRY INTO PONCE. r.nllii lanlie Hcceptlon of Gen. Milea and Ills Troops by the Natlvea. Late in the day Gen. Miles und Gen. Wilson, In full dress uniform and beau I tiful white gloves, received the homage of Ponoe from the balcony of the alcaide's palaoa, writes Richard Hard ing Davis, in Scribner's. They made a very fine appearance, but us no men go ! unshaven in l'orto Bioo except priests, I the populace were greatly disturbed to ' And that It was Gen. Miles and not Gen. I Wilson who was the commanding of I fleer of our onny. "He should have been an archbishop," they sulci, but later he convinced them that the mus tache does not make the soldier. Noth ing could have been more enthusiastio or more successful that their open air reception. Tho lire companies paraded in their honor, nnd ran over three of their own men, which gave the local Kcd Cross people a grand chance to ap pear on the scene, each man wearing four red crosses, to carry uwny the wounded. This created some confusion, as the firemen preferred to walk, but the lied Cross people were adamant and bore them off on stretchers, whether they would or no. The only thing want ing to complete the picture was an American flag. It 'Vs only a detail, but the populace seemed to miss It. It was about the only article with which the expedition was not supplied. Frantic cabling to Washington repaired tho loss, nnd within a week flngs were sent nil over the Islnnd and raised upon the roofs of many a city hr.ll. Ponce Itself held, more foreign flags than we had ever seen. Judging from their number one would hare thought that the popu lation was composed entirely of Eng lish, Germans, French and Swiss, and members of the Bed Cross society. TRANSLATION TOO LITERAL. A Uermnn Student' Lnuuhahle Triina latlon of n lllble Uuotu tlon. A Chicago man w ho has just returned from a trip abroad that combined sev eral months of professional study with a number of weeks of sightseeing tells a funny story of a German medical student who was Inordinately proud of his knowledge of the English lan guage. It occurred during a recitation I hour in a well-known college In Uerlm ; and the lesson had just been Inter ' rupfed by the arrival of several promi nent Germans accompanying a dis tinguished American traveler. The pro fessor in charge of the recitation saw his opportunity to please the noted visitor und Immediately proposed to his linguistic pupil to translate a verse of the German Bible Into English. The i guest expressed his anticipatory pleas ure, the Bible was opened, a verso I chosen at random and tho proud stu dent stood up and assumed nn im portant air. The lines selected were from the story of the npostels' sleep In the Gar den of Gethsemane, "The spirit Indeed is willing, but the flesh Is weak," which the medical student treated in the free nnd easy manner of 'The ghost indeed is ready, but the meat is poor." An Ex-Irealdrnt of the Trnnavnnl. Ex-I'residcnt Pretorius, In the Trans vaal, has retired to a humble vocation. At a recent meeting of the town board In Pretoria a letter was read from him requesting the board tocngnge a Scotch cart and a pair of mules belonging to him for carrying gravel. 'He was be coming old, and would be glad If the board would assist him to earn money." It was decided to inform Mr. Pretorius that when there was a vacancy his ap plication would be considered. F.nrth'a Ilotteat Heajlon. The hottest region on the earth is on ihe southwestern const of Persia, w here Persia borders the gulf of the same name. For 40 consecutive days in July nnd August the thermometer has not fallen lower than 100 degrees, night or 3ny, and often mounted as high as 128 degrees. Rjre t Iiajala e. The doctor Burrirc la and relied the druggist to one side, "I've just been called tj attend the Troesus baby." he su.d, "and I've giveu u prescription that cavils for nothing hut paregoric When they send ll over here you trust tell them it will take at least an hour to pot it apatd the cost iill be $:!.. That's the onlj way to make theml think I'm nn good, the medicine's any good nnd j OUrf any good, Bttd I want to Keep their busi neK," Chicago IVst. An Ittforaatcs), "Such are the delusions to w hich the human senses and understanding are. susceptible1 remarked the man who doesn't care whether you comprehend him or not-, "that. I. gically speaking, it Is absolutely Impossible- to be absolute ly sure of anything." "Pear me!" exclaimed M'ss Caw nne. "I didn't know you were -. e." "What?" "A weather prophi I." Washington Star. Ilumnn mil re. When, ixior unit low, In- hcR for food They mini, the sncerlni; multitude: When, rich and Krcat. he n- edl no tilte. They Rive him dinners evuiy night, u a. W, Bulletin, IiEAL SENSIBLE WISH. "I noticed.. Mr. Starboard, that you got the wishbone at dinner to-dny. What did you wish?" "I wished, madam, that there was more meat on it." N. Y. Herald. Okotee of Men. One saM her lever must be braVSJ One said lier lover must be '.ull; A third would have man for her slave; The fourth would like him rich that's ull. Chicago Record. Artful llonmlerl Brown I say, Old man, why don't you pay Blogg what you we him? 1 know for a fact that he.'is hard up just nonv. Shuffle Ah! yea, but er er he might feel hurt, if he knew 'that I thought he was sufficiently pressed for money to actually require inch a, small um. Better not, I think; better not. Ally Slopcr. Keeping It I'l to tho Lut Dix I nnderatand Windig, the at tornej', is seriously ill. lllx Yes; I met his physician this morning, and he says he is lying at death's door. Dix That's just like a lawyer. Chi cago Daily News. One of I'heiu. There goes one of the hardest worked men In this town." "How can that be possible? He's rich, isn't he?" "Yes, he hn.s three married daughters who work him for the support of 1heir husbands right along." Chicago Daily Nws. Jlver llnatr. "I am glad to sny," n marked Mr. Meoktim. "that I never apoke a hasity wxinl to you.' "No, Leonldaa," answered his wife, rather gently, "I am willing to giveyew eredit for not hurrying a.lKut ojiy thing." Washington Star. Tli at Warn the Ilraaoa. Hoy Mr. B mi then wants to know if you'll lend him an umbrella. He says you know him. . "You may say that I do know him. Xo Will probably undertand why you didn't bring the umbrella. "--Stray Stories. Ilrn-riltr- Lovlng Mother I can't understand what makes our boy Kobert so fond of pedestrianisiu. Fond Father He gets that from me. Didn't I walk the floor with him for weeks when ho was a baby ? Hlustrated American. Ills SDKB-eatlon. He i wish our minister would prno fclce some sort of self-mortilication dur ing Lent, She What would you suggest? lie Well, he might mako his ser anons half an hour shorter than usual. X. Y. Journal. a victim of oaealeaee. Ileacl of the Establishment David, you are a fool! David Well, sir, 1 can't help it. When you engaged me you told me to imitate you, and I've done the best I could. Tit-Hits. la I'laiu Nlsht. Mrs. Myles That woman's husband always looks to mo as if he was hiding eomething from his wife. Mrs. Styles Well, it certainly can't be his feetl Ybnkers Statesman. t .unll) Ilt-ata with (be Otvt, "You say the question is not w hether he will marry her?" "Not If you wish to be technically cor rect. The question is whether she will let him escape." Chicago Post. Heller Still. Jack Did you tell her that she was the hansomest woman in the ball room? Tom No. I said she was the best dressed. Syracuse Herald. A Poor Man. Lawyer You say deceased waa a poor man? Witness 'Yes, sir; very poor. lawyer Had you ever baa II inside of his house? Witness No, sir: but I knew that be kept seven dogs. llai lem Life. Ta Pa rnfcT -ilmr'n l.aiiy. "It's funny l oan't teual .ou with baby foru short ball hour without your doing tomtttiing ridieuloua. What on tit diil you car: J him u; iu the attl for?" 'Must for a high bawl, my love." Cleveland Plain Dealer. i i . aatlosuk "It must be haid for pr.bllo men , whose turn has oome t. e, lain how they came to get defeated. " "Yes," answered Suintor orghutu, pensively; "but not- as hurd as it is fur seine of 'em to explain bow they come to get elected." Washlngto&Star. Ilia AdvHiimur. "I hava never acted contrary to the dictates of my conscience," said the rich man, proudly, "But some of us," replied the pool man. regretfully, "are Dot blessed with such eusy-going consciences." Chi cago Post. Burr. "Are you sure you love Iter?" asked his clime friend. "Absolutely," oncwerod the young man, "I've been her partner at whist when she forgot what trumps were, and didn't lose my temper." Washington Suit. CIumb In It ll e lorlo. "J: mee, in what way can you justify the use of the expression, 'au iteh for notoriety ?' " "Well, when u man get an Itch for notoriety be begins to scratch around for it."- Chicago Tribune. Ilia I'ellle It -.- ,1 I HIS. Maud Edith The count did not make any attempts to find out- the amount of your wealth, did he? Ethel Alloc He wtid nothing tome, of course. He is too well bred to talk shop. Indianapolis Journal. sun in PoaMMtaalon, "Why do you think they are on their wedding Journey?" "Didn't you notice that he had the pocketbook when they bought, those oranges from the train boy ?" Chicago Daily News. Only Three. Friend The gossips luive formulated a regular indictment ogainrt your char acter. They say you were a terrible flirt while abroad. Do you plead guilty? American i r l Y-o-n; to three couurts. N. Y. Weekly. BARRELS OF SAMPLES. Over Two Hundred Thousand Tr al Bot tles Sent Free by Mail. By apeoial arrangoiuent with the maiiufaotorers of that justly fnuioiM K'.itM'v nedlome, Dr. David KeDtie ilyV Pavorite Reun dy, the reiuiera of tiie l' t are enablra to obtain n trial I bottle mill pamphlet of valuable med i ical advice abaolutely free, by send ling their lull name and address to I the DR. DAVID KKNNKDV OOHFO. RATION, Roodout, N. Y., aud uien ' tioti tins paper, f c ourse this luvolves enoruiOUS elpeoae to the luanufaoturer.butttiev have received ao luauy grateful let" i ters from those who have been bene I fitted and cured of the various ilia ensea of the Kiduey, Liver Bladder ami Diooa, itiieatnattein, uyapepsia and t limine UonatlpatloO, unci nil weaknesses peculiar to women, tll'it they willingly setnl triul bottles to all suffererr. I'pon Investigation it was found that 91 per cent, of those who lind used the trial bottle bad received I such benefit from it that they tmr clintu'd large slsed liotlles of their druggists. It mutters not how nek you are or how many pit vsicuiiis have failed to help you. send for n trial bottle of this creat medicine-, it costs von hr.t a postal card, and benefit ami cure will most certainly be the result. Put aome urine in a StlaSS tumbler ami let it stand 24 hours; if it has a sediment or if it is imle or discolored. milky or cloudy, stringy or ropy.yonr Kidneys or Mladcler are in a bad con dltton. Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Hemedy speedily cures such dan gerous symptoms tlx pain in the back, inability to hold urine, a burning scalding pain iu passing it, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, the staining of linen by your mine aud nil the Unplsaaoot ami dimgerous effects ou the system produced by the use of whiskey, wine or beer, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is sold at all (bug stores at $1.00 foru large bottle ; six bottles for iM.OO. Elkhart Normal School and Business Institute The Elkhart Normal Sbool and Business Institue offers the best I'otirses, Methods, nnd Instructions in Pedagogy, Book-keeping. Stenog raphy. Penmanship, Drawing, Ll ocutiou and Oratory, and Physical Culture, and at the lowest rates for tuition and board. Student! can enter at any time. Circular, blotter, and cony rAlucationitl News lroo on application. Address, Dr. H A. Mumaw, Sec'y, Elkhart. Ind. 3.28 2m, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Kstnte of I In the ornlmn's Court Nullum Arlioiriist, devil. t oi Snyder Co., I'a. Not lee Is hereby irlM-n that the iimlersliriied Velltur appointed ley -mil Court to make dlstrl button ottlic balance appearing In the account led. ii) and saioriK the parties legally entitled. ill sit for that purpose ut the Washington II" tel at Mldtlleburtr. Pa., on Tuesday, April IS. -1 . ut 11 o'clock A. M.. where nil parties In In- - -ire reiniesied to or-s.".t I le -lr claims ! iilly authenticated and In reusouuuee ItU the Kul. s et Court, or be foreier ueliarred from par ilclnuiuE lu said funt. W. E. 1IOI SKWOKTH. March . 1W9, Auditor. 51 15311 ' il?7 Telr - PI a J a t cf the comfort ind security afforded io them by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pa.le People He&d&che. and ba'-kd.crtcs that come expectedly or unexpectedly are charmed away and the rich, red blood ihows itself in the pink cheeks aiv.1 bright eyes op those who use these pills. They arc not a pur gative; they give strength Jrtccd op tikin it away. Wise molhers civc them to (ir owing girls'. Ilrs. Amanlr rtolilnon, n"iir RowSsTtlle, Clay ronrty, nd.. tayS! "I was mtUeivii with troubles Incident n ni) sex p.mI in very delli'iitu health. Lost appsUte llesb, nud an grout ly depreed, After tiktn;( various remedtos wltliout hoaeflt, 1 a. Induced to try Dr, willuni' l 'in k Pllli ler l'.iiu People, Iu the summer of 1 pro eared ue boxes and beaan taklna the pills ss directed. Rehire eon siiiiiiK the second box I could very perceptibly h-il their beueflclaj eiloetN. Appetite returned, complexion improved, aud I bsdrenewad strength. After tiiKinu' the Hvo boxes 1 Colt better In every wayj ( wua utlo to Uo my umiul dully work and I Utopped taking tl"' pills." yrorn tfir J Knutrrttt, llrt;il, hui. Look for the full name cn the pack.igo. At druggist! or direct (mm the Dr. Willisms Mcdiciut Co., Schenectady, N,Y. 50c. ptr bcx. b roxti $2.50. Liberal Adjustments eiurxvmaia: .v UMiisnw REMErVlBER H. HARVEY 5CH0CH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, MMHCtIIOTKI, FA Only tin' Oldttrit, Ptroiiyubl Cash ConiimtiicH, Fire, L Aocideni wiitl Tornado, KossescmicDt!!; Hx?i niinmNot The Ai'tiiii Fnundml A. D., 1R10 Ansel 11,055,513.88 " Home " 1 " i " ,S5:i.)2S.;"i i " American " " isi'i 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accidenf fusurance Co. The New York Life Insiiraiiyj Co. Tlie Fideliuj Mutual Mfe Assoehtion. Your Patronase Solicited ORDINANCE NO. HA. an oitm v4 r. oratiting permission to the BprtDS Telephone OOBipail.T t" erei i anil nalDtata Its Telephone Line in the lloroiign ot Mlddlehiirg, Snyder County, ivi.iisj u inln. s.eiK.n i. BeltordalneilbytbeTowDcoim eii ol the Boroush of Utddleburtr, In Town c iun ell assembled, snd It Is hereby enucied unci or. datnedb) auihorltj of thesutno, thni K'rn - on he aad toe same is hereby granted t" ihuSprtiiK Telephone Company to erect poles ann run wires oBtaeiao trer or under any cl ihe Alleys or Lanes of this Borough, for the purpose ot tru acting a general Telephone buslncs, imt the same tron time to time .iiit. renew and repair, Section -i. Poles car not be placnl upon snj ot the street ol the said Boroneb, except it here there are no Alleys to approach lb T iwn, or w hen impossible to cross the Town by Alley or Lane, Section 3. Said poles shall be straight and barked, and shall be painted at least fifteen icet rromtbo ground up, t u not less t ban t wocoais ol paint, sucb as the Street committee ol saiii iiorough may direct. The location ol 1 1 - - line end poles shall be under the BUpcrvtslon ol the said Street Committee, and should it become n sarjr at any time In the Judgment ol soM Com mutes to change be location ol anj oi tbe poles the said spring Telephone Company simii imme dlatelv upon iiotli'e from said Committee makt the desired cnange or changes si the cosi and expense ol Ihnainltl Spring Telephone ompaay. section i. The said Telephone Company, before entering Upon any ot the Sine's, Alleys r Lanes ol sain iioroug:., lor me purpo-ie ot const rni'tlng or erecting poles to nald Telepboni I. Inc. shall enter Into Imnd lu the sum of line Tbodsaad (fl,009J Dollars to the said Iiorough, to b? approved by tbe Town council, condition- t d tor tni'iiayinent or an Damages occasionea ny the construction of said Telephone Line, and also conditioned that tbe streets, allejs ami lanes be lort Inns giul condition as they wen before entering upon the same for the purpose of couslructltiif s;ild 1 vlepiiuue Line. Seel Ion 5. Members of Council shall have the free use ot said Teh ption Line, fur sending and receiving mcfsages over the same for ail municipal purposes, as long as said line shall be mutual neci, Neeilnii . The provisions of this ordinal)! shall be formally accepted by said Company, and In default of such acceptance the same shall be null and void. Seel Ion 7. If the said Telephone Line Is not In full operation within one year from date or tnc passage oi uus ormutiuec, tne same -snail oe BQlfand void. Passed at a Special mectlngof the Town Coun ell March l.ttii. LSW, 0 sTKTI.KH, D, T, RHOA1M, Hocretao'. President. MaiehMtb, 1M9, tbeabovo ordlndnce hailnj: been passed by Tow n I'ouin-il and the same hav ing been duly presented lo me for my approval or disapproval, I hereto approve the sum,., J. K. HK1TZ, Chief iiurgctvs Et T .ICE Ai,r 4 I "BUT . WANTED ! . , - 1 , c Iff A iteiiai'io mau iur ninntii;er v Branch Offico which I wish to open in this vicinity, If your record is O. IV Uaa la a ..wi,l nnoni'nr K 1 1 1 1 v M, lit ii' in ia iwww vLivuiuf,, ikiuvtij I mention the Post when writinir. A. T. MOUKIS. Cincinnati, O. Illustrateil catalogue 4 eta. postage. 2-9- 6t. m iKAr i i. L Ipo AFTIB " mm i .e i . JUL i I Is 'A I' . W eh PromDt Pavmenfq. crjaiarsjrv an taSBSaXaBBBBBBa aai ;8ioi?!)fir t- o M SfjlJiSGROVE ra'T M L. MILLSR. Prop'r I ke-' constantly on utmlau'l man af act ure to order all kinds t Marble and G 'ani e i. nnnti IIMUD i Old Szones Cleaned and Repaired LOW PBCE ! LOW PRICES have one of tbe best .Marble Cut ters in the State all. I consequent ly turn out KOOd work. HafCotne and see my work oV prices. Thankful for past favors I most re spectfully ask a eontinuanee of Mime, M, L. MILLER MEDICAL WORK FOR MEN, FRi SEND NO MONEY. My new n"ti. MlMti WtTal tiMttltg on Hvry w-,iknr itlij dlAMM t 'i Lir to ronn ii jiirtt f nitii t tin prtttX V.tftj un. i. bo aatlaif tttWt uit ottt pat ion ot poatltlw In ll , i.i i : ii w.m ..ii ik" ) ' I'l.- k"i i ;i''-. It .siol 1 1 .ii intfrt totlw iiinrrtfti or uumnr. U .1 0 lift '.''. kM to til W0iik i I rkiii-liiu. v biMtw4lUoa UmM 1 will RfMtd i i cuioly i -. 1 1 1 a it plain wrapar, r if prepaid, Ul tffjfl lu-io VM eTCiteM lor It. 1 ut i.i:ou If iltuttrd Hint IhOM iifirm( . f 'l J BIWl proniftly. Add I'M B. M. Ho, M. 0U r-0- lia.ilno ta?afimii C. 17. Ulstfk Sit., h. tcr. MmUIos, CUicutfo. liU-joii. bring dtff into tnc it: it ftpingitt hole frit from chips (J: I , tfti Wit). . BrirXtncci etui kvutv irc tut, J in t :. light a sflendi.l, dtar, ttwrtc. ittti light, aailDll'm thrcuch ten Utfi hew.. Its light not, tt thi "timfh n overhead or unacr tire. 'Tit alike ioihu- put r-r-.v. it at all-aicw:..' 1 1 ... ST year: tf Lamp tu:W:ng ($m Sen J ut SS. 50 tttd . :i :. . U r.v . : . U by mail, pr, p.::.:'. A circular for tit '.. . , curse. Jt. . DIET.'. CQtP4HY AO Laight Street, .' .'.'-.. kVcVrWVtY-. 1 -ft Other ta in W b tr n a r r? i ' a. n n , n s iaijj ki r l. 1 : .aaaaV i -J -