Brief Fum Hawsa Barrick. From l"llcl(inle (irtZ'tte, Lbveb Kernel Hahder. Ich hull dich de ledsht wooh farlussa ous Wnnnmnknr'R. oh war. net holver fardioh mit minora Fildelfy trip, awerich hob mis g'funna os es hut tzu loug waerdt far olles Bhriva i" ame brief. Es wore shunt dri nlir im nummy dawg we mere widder nowa g'shtnrt sin far niae fun Fildelty saena. Om Hawsn Barrichdootyaderebher anouner de txeii beeda eb hut de leit kenl odur in t. Doh in Fildelty hen mere gli ous g'funua us hut sell net do oon won me. .-ich oonioh da ices hulls lloldtl will. Merc sill lie -lit ruse gal u If ii fur wi longe laeit bis eudlich Bin mere ou en grose wasser cooma woo grrew idiiff druff wora. 'n ame blobs hut's galaesa "Ferry to Camdtin." De BUlery hut g'sawd '( amdeu" English ware "Konadaw" in Deitscll, Ull wile mere BO file a- lae-a hen 'li"t fun Konadaw dor rich der greek woo le leit onna sin woo gadrafl worn onshtots Bich der finger oh hocka, hen mere ousga mauchl mere gingtu, un Ich bin ni mi dri tickets galtuwfed far fooftzae cent. Mere lien mis in en shaene shtoop g'hucked uu gaward far der boat un sin le leit ni cooma su dick us iner ncf nows gooka hen kenna. We mere abuiit en ' fnrdle shtond doll ni gaorowd ivoraweshofe inera lien huf en bell awfonga tola, un de leit sin awfonga nowsshprin ga. eh hob - '- an d es ware arayetsl en tire un ich daid aw mit pie's helfu ous maitcha, awcr de Polly hut g'sawd : "Gottlieb, dn bleibshf usht grawd doh. 1 n husht ken kivvel ; far wasser drawga un bis du onna koomsht hen se'sanyhow ouse." We mer awiie gons moodersnelich nrlae g'huckek hen is en karl room cooma i mil ma bloa ruck un gaele knep un hut uns g'frogt eb mere net runne wetta. Ich hob g'sawd mere hetta ('ml cent es slitiek batmwled fai en ride uu mere daida net nows gae bis mere se hetta. Are hut awenich ous ame awl; galocht Un is fardt sinera bisniss noaeh. Gli wore de shtoop widder full leit. Ull we se wile dri n worn hut de hell gatolled uu seisin widder awfonga nows Bhpringa we de lixa. It'll hub der karl saena cooma mit dersoldawda uniform uc bin nil g'shtepticd un hobenegTrogf . I 1 I'll 111 ill.'.UVll. Ich, behold vuii, uu ii j i .i un iiernu nov ti'lunna us mere in Konadaw wora un widder izu rick un hen's net gawist. Wos Ich g'saeua hob fun Konadaw daid Ich iror net irleicha. Ich hob's aw on'ra sehlechta tzeii g'saena. Se hen Bchware raega ghot un es woreahier ulles nnner wasser. T-V J -- LI. A a 1 Lerno Bin mere uns Iranian iai der Bixlerv era brooder Booclia woo mere ir'ialed hen far utl'-shtella far de nocht. I u waisht di ii. i l. u i en diielih r linn uldta .Nuiiniv N'lid- i m:i. .... i .. . "l ... U.. apetzerun der Mike, era brooder, nut sellv Kildclfv fraw -''hired woo Ichl .i..-,'. .1....C. .. JoknVu. i.i, ;,. maim Ihxx-Ii. Endlich hen mere der blots j g'funna mi hen de lsdl garoonga. Die and nervous dyspepsia, l was N Jfin koal schwartz naeger nidel is" low that I could not licar to lieN ;.. ..r. d. (,.,... .,; snoken to. and diirinir the nervous , uirr i iiiiiiri un nii. in i n riuuiii in sawissa I)eri.u is sc ntl galutla tsu mere, era bond nows g shtrccked far hands siiaka. oh hob era bond g' numma un hob g'sawd, "We gaits ? b her Mike dahame? Se hut ga- liK'ht uu h ut g'sawd, "Card, please V" oh hob era so goot ous galaikcd in KmrliJi iw It'll linl) kenna us fell not. korda shpccla daid. He is nows un 1 1 mld talk (piite naturally and now ei-asclm.Kip-duchous mowl gtfaova j w1 comjjenjljr ooredol the trou un pbooshed. "Dob gaen Ich nows," ble." Geo. A. Andrews, hov ch g'sawd. "Merecooma wid-! (;reat Harrington, Mass. der in en dooiiersy skrape. Dej A trial package of Dr. Miles' f ii weipslcit hen awver druft insist mere j vorite treatment for the grip, cou daidabliva bis der Mike cooined, uu sistingof'Dr. Miles' Nervine, Dr. cndlieh is de Sendapetzery ni eooma, Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills, will un so shae we des weipsniensch aw be sent absolutely free to any person ndoo wore husht du in dime laeva nix ji'saena. Se hut uns, of course, gaketit un hut hands g'shaked gons room awver sc hut erahond tsu mere g'hova os won se im dake gawest I wore uo Ich hob iuht nanmik holdt ' j.reekt derf un tiir wissa os ldi clU : in der bowl hob. hut n'uwJ se I ware "aw so weeal glad to see U8 j btiiynfj we hailed from the dealt old Hawsa Barrick." Now, Kernel, Hawsa liarrick rhymed net mit so tarHomte tmrrheita 00 es hut Din . .mi.ttiiL-ruvl us wnii hut wassor dritik- I ....umu iMaiunitcher tin schlookcd IM I'OO II1U ,w vj.. I Lan-ahnnohi naitz. Awvcr uli i der MiL k.iuiinniM mi nicr hen eii j I IVV, lllliliv- - I goode taeit ghot, hen ftm oldte twida psehwetaed for en bolb shtoond od- .i,.-Ann liv in.sli. Doomed der ler widder in de ahfeoop der ... ' Mike wore en gawexeled mon. Are wore usht om lodha we se ni OOOOW is uu si mow I is two gonga we en hawsa-fnlldeminottoa arc sc g'saena hut. Ich hob noaohderhond ous g'funna, os es nimmy hwhionable is far lueha. (Jli hut de lcll garooogi far cs nooht cssa. Se hen Kr,'W(1 es ware far "dinner." Ich hob on my watch gagooked un cs wore holver sivv oh bob der Mike grrogi W08 lies niaiici 1 un arc hut g sawdin fasliionablccirclesdauliiscbreaktcslit essa on elfa, dinner on sexa un sii) ner der naixt dawg. Uu dare dish hedshtduaaena sullal Hndcshtyle! Merc wora guns ous blutz. Awvcr mere wora net arlac. Der Mike wore by uns. Waresohnits un knepp un sida-shpeck fressed far dreunoh yohr on emoldta SimmySendapete er sime tlish we der Mike hut dare con sich net sliicka in "so saw-ity" in dri yohr, oh hob dri deller full soop hand-runniugg,es8a. Ea wore, be gosh nix doit os soup, awvcr li sin He goota socha awfonga ni cooma, Awver oh wore full. Ich hobga bade far en onnera mawga awvcr oh denk net os dergoot Mon aniche extra mawga room lia hut far so en oldter norr we oh. lc chance fun ineim laeva wore farby un eb ohs g'wist hob hov Ich widder my foOS iii de foil ereekt. Ac bledly-rull train unriiti won' mi I un iiienii n i- ler or'shtonna. Ich hub net a wi !. mti mind nil nun co n nnvci ' "v ormaiicht tar oiistsulmna. leu Mi Iii ,1, en leffel full nil n'shepped un nfantant tor'a mnwi Der lellel i ..' i.piL . i..i awvcr arc inn nix rao. iieni. i n IIUU I'll ii.i.i iui in. j ..... I. i. it- ln-ii, il on i ti liusa-lut. unnersooohf awvcr nix ir'luiina. Her Mike hut hull 1 aw- fonga lueha awver si (raw !... Mill BUD aw gagooKeu un ue i i i i i .1 1 txi coni'a. Arc hut derno explain , ...l . ..ll i.l,;,.,,,,!.!.. , ou in ocii nui; m m.-iitw........ os se "I uatuiL' island haesa d haesa data inonera worda, "wind pudding." "Un is des 'wind pudding' " hov tch g'sawd. "Well, now! Ich huh shunt su feel fun demlshtuftg'haerd. Des is nil wosgeitziohe g'raana era porra teedera won de gleeder mae grishdadcom hen us garechtichkeit Ola Widder, ( loTTLIEB BOONASTIBL. LaGrippe's Legacy. Worn out and exhausted in body and mind, with shattered nerves aud a palpitating heart; no desire for IimmI and no ability to digest it; un able to rest or sleep day or hiedit thisis LaGrippe's legacy. Long alter the grip germs have been driven out the poisons which they created re main in the blood, the heart, the lungs, the stomach, weakening the nerves and lowering the vitality; of the system. There is one way I of destroying the seeds of disease and death which arc an inheritance from rii). Dr. Miles' Nervine will do it.) It gives the shattered nerves a rest and helps them to recover their strength. It stimulates the apK' n:. i .... : me, sirenuuieus me siumaen no "ixlery is, 11 11. A I A. I. sisis assi i in ii ui hi uns uir imihjii . ... I with the vital elcnients ol lite. "Two years ago, after a vital at- tack of the irrin. I was overcome with pro) - - r. sl"' " iiien l ircipiciiuy s.iiierco, I hud no control of anv of my or- gum. Hi very remeay Known to my i.hvsicians was trittl without suecess W9 it and then my wife brought me a hot- He of Dr. Miles' Nervine. After 1 using one bottle I could sjieak a few -3 words. At the end of three months sending name and address on a postal card, requesting the samples and mentioning the name ot the roBT. Address, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana. MT. PI.EA.SANT MILLS. . Iewis Minium bought a horse of T. G. Arbogast IX A. Kepler spent a few days iu Watsoutowo last week . . . Wesley Womer who had been visiting friends at his native home, left on Thursday for his west ern home in Michigan . . . Married on Tlinrsd-iv la bv K-v. Gilbert of I this place. Jonathan IJottiger of Richfield to Catherine Miller of - . I near Oriental B. G. Stenen is the proud father of a bouncing girl I babv Absalom Schnee is the i - n i I huatiing liquor agent for Huey vj Christ of Philadelphia made a trip i to Mifflinburg on Friday. His j tlaughter Jxttie aud May Arbogast j 1 I . . . ..ill,. aooomnanied him to Centrtville Some of our leopie attended the sale of J. F. Martiu on Thursday Quite a number of our farmers art complaining that their horses are sick with the distemper and cold . . A. F. Schuee, wife and daughter, Lera, spent Sunday with Mrs S's parents The town school will give an entertainment on Saturday evening, and the I leister Valley schools on Monday evening. WEST BEAVER. 'Squire Steely says he has just one hundred and fifty miles yet, to ho ii it aud then his school will come to a close for this term Prof. Bower- sox aid West Beaver a business call last week Peter Kiegle was seen Bl this end last week, looking up the insurance business Bro. Joe and Bro. Bill seem to have a dispute as to who is the most eio- able of running the engine for the new roller mill. Have patience, boys, and wait until the engine is set up.. .Samuel Phillips answered an advertisement he read in the Htrdld concerning a medicine fjr t making the hair grow on the bald 168(18. lie IS IMS lie is lust uiit l'Jc. He . . i , , . , i . I I 1 claims all inc sausuu'iion iiv nas, ik ,,;;. rub the advertising on his head d cut Ids hair once u dav.. I read in tin Htrald (Tvoxeiville neivst thiit Warner aud his!iPCBV iJ! n sun . i aines nave owtum uniuu ti . I 111 uasKet laciorv in uie suouru oi Troxelville. There is nododbt but t hat I lev w l rive enil)luvincl)t to J C5 I oil lliAirila man In anA MMUinA ll.i I Mil HIH MJVU ill uiu""" ... - place. Kli Dunn of est Heaver would like the positlutl as l iuk- Keeper, nut would line hi ihiw ii the hooks will have to lie kept lie li the same shape the brooms and bas kets will be. . .Mrs. Levi Treaster is able to be out again Adam Baumeardner is on the sic! k list (grip). T Bargains for All. Having sold my store and going uut ut the Store Business uii the first of April) 1 wiilnow sell my entire stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Gum Hunts, etc. at wholesale prices. I have Mens' Shoes, Boys' Shoes, Ladles and Children's Shoes N in all sizes and shapes and at prices to suit cuerytxxly. Shoes that sold at $1.46, at SI. Woniens' Shoes as low as 85c Mcn'sShocs from 75oto $2.25. A Few Bargains In Groceries. 3 lb. i "i , , . . m i r 1 1 j '"'"'" """" I Pure 'epper, Mi per lb. i mil uuj, u vx. P Laundry Soap, 2 cakes 5c. .' l. ....... a- 'i fuil'nu rn N Clothes Pins, le per dozen. 7 Banner Lve, 10c per can. Flour Sulphur, 3c per lb. THESE PRICES ARE GOOD ONLY UNTIL APRIL FIRST - Which day this store will change hands. If you do not want to I buy come and seemy pricesanoV E be convinced, as this is net to r run old shoes out tomakeroom F for new stock, but it is a genu- h ine sale. Do not come too late, r Welcome to all whether you f- A buy or not. k 1 Respectfully Yours. j. SELLING AT COST The Greatest Place to Buy Furniture ! Tlis is plejce eery- oqe cons o bqj H J rV rV I A " Pny but other1 um.uudiW. ' What a contrast botwren the methods ol this Furniture Store and those of the usual furniture specialist. Hour much will it brin ? i8 the nil abioi-bintf quest iop there How long can we afford to sell Itf is our greatest problem. We are after profit that's true enough, but we plan differently. We try to make a small margin un a large vol' uuie of business, where others figure on large profits irom u small volume of trade We are soii,,,. just ll()w more furniture evesyday than any store in our county has oversold We say this boldly because we thoroughly believe it to be so, and that prices like this and nothing else are at the bottom of it: Oak Rockers, worth $2.7"), reduced to 1.98. Extension Tables, worth $6.00, reduced to $4.29. White Enameled Beds, worth 7, reduced to 1.(17. E. S. FURNITURE j 36c.nd ?1 South i m si I Ti. ri I ST HE E OR H . . A. I Call Before Yon Order Elsewhere. m i m: :s n ! a "& x HI ' y I '?. . . . . - Onejof the best Wheels on the Market ONLY $40.00. IDEAL . . . A wheel of unparalleled q.nali,y for only $20.00. Fine Bicycle Kepairing Successful ly done. Some good second-hand Wheels now on hand. N. P. HUMMKL, KRKAMEU, 1'KXXA. March 4, in New lierlin, Daniel Maurer, aged 72 years, 8 mouths and 24 days. March 10, in Limestone township, Union Co., Henry Daulierman, aged 78 years, 1 1 months and 20 days. March 13, at Selinsgrove, Mrs. Mary Straub, aged 84 years, o months aud 2 days. I have been afflicted with rheuma tism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. I as able to be around all the time, but con stantly suffering. I had tried every thing I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Palm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured. I am happy to say that it has. not since returned. Josh. Edoab, Ger man towon, Oak For sale by all druggists. HEFFELFINGER m TTT 1 l r 1 J . FiUIhiiKiliJilldUliaiiliAlU,, I W lt s invited away from home t1 y V J V natiirallv :intii WEIMER&CO.. DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, PoUPtl) St.. ftlSltl hrtirV Dotttiii nPPFNHFIMPfi'Q Tiff;; BARGAIN 8T08K . , Everyi hinj jjiete i n the LATEST STYLE uasjunt l km n received, Y u Gl f mm i n p b -J) imi a-J Von make from us rich deal I .v I. in ill, . it? We are prepared f rock bottom prices they nso you right. H. OPPENHEIMER, Market St., Selinsgrove Liberal Adjustments REMEMBER- H. HRRVEY SCH0CH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, uniy tne uiuest, strongest Uaali Companies Tire, Lite, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium gotes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,055,513 88 44 ome 44 ' 44 1853 9,853,628.54 American " 1810 " 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited MARRIED. March 10, at Mt. Pleasant Mills, by Rev. E. Gilbert, Jonathan Bottieger ot Richfield and Catherine Miller of Oriental. Rev. E. Edward, pastor of the English Baptist Church at Miners ville, Pa., when suffering with rheu matism, was advised to try Chamber lain's Pain Palm. He says : " A few applications of the liniment proved of great service to me. It subdued the inflammation and re lieved the pain. Should any sufferer profit by mving Pain Palm a trh.1 it will please me." For sale by all druggists. in:t tint iknlv ,.i..o....4 :icv Antique Oak Sideboards, worth minced to 8.78. Vclourt ouches, "it springs, worth 15, reduced to $11.29 Antique Oak Suits, worth $20, reduced to $16.78. T i E New ;.-u icl Corn Liiie of lilt? SPRQ jhii h life if honi'Kt jiriccs m U.4 bMt M no We uiiatnku alwhvc mi :i vi bajpiug yon n . iri re OH KlllfS ill At the did stand Prompt Payments ORUANS- COUKT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Ky virtue of an order iwued out of the Or pbna' Court of Snyder CouDtv the undenin- S1."u,,r ' tbe wil1 8n t4tment of I cter ThoBM. late of Adama townablp, Snyder County, Bfc, deceud, will on Tuesday, April 4th, 1899, expose to public Mle, tbe following describe real estate, to wit : All that certain tract of land situate In the townablp, county and state aforesaid, bounded on the north by land of Harrison Mover, east by land of George Norman and Barbara Deo Wer. south by land of Daniel W. Piss and west by land of D. A. Kern, containing ninety (K acres more or lass, with the appurtenances. About 0 acres of this tract are in good whit oak timber. ? Said sals to be held on the premises and I commence st 10 o'clock A.M. whsn tarsal will be made known by Hwntr H. TKosua, sTaeselot, ii;,- Jf