V. SttINDEL5 , tn twp. to Jemima Beiah of Cen i tie twp. MARRIAGES. ! J" 20, G. W. VaiMirniertoMa- iiuda Bobb, Iwth of West Beaver. August 17, David A. Snyder to jjt of tlu Loutlt Ji:wl bifltw. : Margaret Foster, both ot Millers- T y. ShiiuM, ., 1S,:1-18S8. , town, Perry Co. j August 22, David A. Snook of Little Valley, Mifflin Co., to Aman da Jane Goss of Went Beaver, Snv- 1850. June 1 !, John W. .Shatter and .,erC(, m Ware, both 01 Union l u. Sent. :. .Tdliu H. Arnold to Bar- jnc- 19, Harrison Mover to He- Mm Moatz, both of Middlelmrg. ftfoMM lxth ot Beavertown. Qet. i7- ienrv Aunmd to Ixflh lnlvol, Dr. 1. M. liruitaKer " IS. llasstnirer, both ol Heaver iwp. inline Bibighnus, Is.tli til Middle- . i7) Henry Middleswarth to rjr. I Amanda Bingeman, loth ot BlOHOr s aiuruftt 4, Samuel Ziclierof West Valley. ILver toCarulioe Potlrf Little: Nov. 14, Isaac Middleswartli and Vall'v- Mary Spaoht, lioth of Heaver twp. An. nist 21. A. J. Kattermun to j Nov. 2(1, Henrv Wagner toCaro- lirv Aim Yeisley, lxtli of lwis Hue Spigelmyer, both of Wt-.H Ben i r. . ...... Bent. 2o, Theodore Umiler and: )ee. N, Duviu otoek to .Margaret Sinili L. Snyder, both ot I'lanklin Irutl, both Ol C entre twp. twi). Dec. 24, Joaiah H. Ookeroi Sny- Oct 1, Joseph Middleswarth to der Co. to Sarah A.M. Ha vice ot Lrah Aern. b-.th of Beaver twp. Mifflin Co. Oct. 27, George Bowersox and J Deo. 26, Philip Honts to Harriet ;i Herman, lwth ol Centre twp. Fuhnnan, both of Mo.-ser's Vallcv. Nov. S, William F. Ocker to Sarah Dec 2(5, Isaac Bertehol Krceburg lVtten.lf, botiiofMoaier'syal-1 to Carrie Hotitz of Ceotreville. ley. 1862. Dec. 21, Uria'i Mover to Lucy Jmi. 14. George Gerhartto tiliaa Ann Musser, both of Mosser's Val-! i.t, Kramer, Loth of Beaver twp. lev. Feb. 2, Henry W. Matt.s to Em- Dee. 27, J. M. Kiiiers.ni oflude- ,., Bolender, both of Middlebunr. pendenoe, Ohio, to Catherine Bwig ,,VI) 1S) Samuel Kuhna of Cen tre twp. to Rebecca Stuck ol Mos scr's Valley. Feb. 20, EliasHammel to Susan na Bolender, both of Franklin twp. April Michael Smith to Susan Middleswartli, both of Mosscr's Val- Susanna Money, notn "i rrunauo May 29, John Moyer ol wunnn Ian. 22, Archibald Middleswartli " ' .nary t. inue ui wubki Louisa Kinney, both of Beaver Valley. Aug. 14, Jacob Heaver to roily Archibald Mover and Pontius, both of Heasler'a. Elizabeth Stoudt, both of Heaver Oct. 12, Reuben Zeohman to K- Selinsgrove. I860. Jan. 19, Henry btearick to Mar tha Middleswarth, both of Beavei twn. an J"2, I'hiiip Wittenmyer and i. tW u t twp. .March 25, George Kuhn to Bar bara Kearich, both of Centre twp. March 29, saacShaber to Polly Sanders, both of Centre twp. April 22, Jacob Wain to Adda Wittes, both of Franklin twp. May 31, Paul Haines of Beaver twp. to Emeliue Howell of Franklin June '', Andrew Bowersox of Centre to Harriet Yelsley of'Frank li ii twp". July L, Nathan Kuauer to Har riet Hilbish, botli of Lewis twp., Union Co. August m. William Stuck and snail Hummel, both of Middlecreek twp. August 2ii, Frederick B. Bolig to Ann Maria Bauch, both of Mid dlecreek twp. August 28, Harrison Kline and Hannah Shawber, both of Mosscr's Valley. lizabeth Wittenmyer, both of Mid dlecreek twp. Nov. 16, W illiam Bowersox to Margarel Beachler,both of Franklin twp. Dec. 25, W illiam Hummel to E lizabeth Aitrler, both ot Beaver Uvp. Do Miol K. Schoeh to Sallie r.icklc, both oj Mlddlecreeh twp. ' J t868. March 17, David Walter to Jane Hagenberg, both of Franklin twp, March 22rJesse Mover to '.illier ine Hartnian, both ol Franklin twp. June 7, Lewis E. Pawling to A manda D. Schoch, both ol Middle craek twp. juiy i s, Jienry leiHieyoii' ranit lin to Amelia C. Swineford ol Mid dleburg. Aug. 2, John Shinkel to Mary Showers, loth of Centrcville. Sept. 8, William Benfer (widower) to Mrs. Susan Hagenberg, nee Bow- How to Find Out. i I Oct. 20. Jackson Bowersox to ii i :i e f.eai.. ! iwjoea- uiiniuv, .Win ui lu.m.u v. m m boUp Qr eom(uo wwtef Oct 20, Henry B. Glase ofChai-1 with your water nud kt itMtudtwpu man twp. to Fiannah S,H4,t of Mid-1 SSi dlecreek twp. the kMueya; if it taiu your liuen it i Nov. I, Joseph Sheffley of Mlf- 15 fe. flinburg to Agnes H. Hiekle of Bea- j tbe back Ih 1mo h oouvinointc roof ' ver two 1 tha the kidney mid ttlndder are out ' j of order. Nov. 3, Hcliert Hatatoger ol Bea-1 what hi no. ver twp. to Hetty Herman of Centre , There i cuiufurt in toe knowledge t o often expreed. tlmt. Dr. Kilmer Vf I j 8wHiup Rot, the grent kliluey remedy Nov. 24, Xoah H. Bomig to toMBle every wlrb lo aurloir rhUMi-l RllaaWh MaltiMtn OIHl bulb i tlwu. i" in the back, kidneyN liver, KltlaMtll MftllDaa Uim, liotli " ( bladder and every part of the urinary Heaver twp. pannage. It oorreotit iitabllity to hold ; v... "T f I... .Kn;..l r'tll 1 water and MaJdlng pain iu paning it, NOV. It, John Gabriel UUI or bad effeotit following uh of liquo-, Sanih Blatt, both ot ! ranklin twp. wine or beer, and overcome that Deo. IK James F. Keller to Susan ! 4, Smith, Ixtth of Heaver twp. and to get up many time during the . oar night. The mild and the extraoritl ! lOOO. narv effect of Swamp Root i oon March 2, .Jacob Minium of Perry realfoed. It Ktand the highest for it . , , . t, .. . t. . . 1 wonderful cure of the iuot ditre 1 twp. to C atharine BottCiger ol BMl- ,Bg 0dH- If vou Ur,.(, tl mwielne dlebiirj;. you should have the best. At drag-1 . , ,, . I n gist tlfry cente or one dollar. March 9. David (joss tt liabecca : You may have a MIO pie bottle and Knepp, both of West Heaver. n book that tell more about it, both , .... nt.iii i, i . ... i I Meiit abolutelv free bv mail, if vou March 2., PbiirpKoush otWash- MJd yOKr t0 )r. Kilmer logtOfl twp. to Mary Ann Frevman Co., Ulnghamton, N. Y. When writ nf Midilleereek twn 'Ingle sure ami mention tliat you 01 .MKhtltuiLk twp. rfM tbi generous offer iu TllK POST. March 2S, Conrad Ibniven to Adeline Decker, both of Beaver Fur nace. June 8, Henry H. Laub to Lou- isa Short, both of West Beaver, June 18, Alfred Smith to Mary Ann Freed, both of Hcavertown. . I une 2", Benjamin F. Heimbach to Alda Howell, both of Franklin twp. July , Francis Emmons to Kliz abeth Erb, both of Beaver Furnace. Aug. 'i, Joeiah Bingeman toElora Middleswartli both ofMosser's Val ley. Aug. 1 I, Benjamiu F. Steiuilc to Amanda Musser, both of Franklin twp. Sept. :i, Paul Ettinger of Beaver twp. to Matilda Keister ol Hartley twp., 1 Fuion Co. Sept 24, Elias Eiassingei of Hea ver twp. to Catharine Brunner of (Vjiitre twp. Sept. 'js, John F. 5artmau to Sarah A. Heiter, both of Union Co. Oct. 26, John H. Brower of Mif flin ( lo. to Mollv E. Shirey of Sny der Co. Oct. 5, Frederick Shrader to Mu-j lia Elizabeth Fcttcrolf, bothofMos- ser's Valley. Nov. 2. Henrv Stciui Hirer to Ma r The Mifflinburg Steam La'uiy . . Is lilted out with the liitest aad wi y beii machinery. The pure mountain water from the ut w borougl. plant is ow in use. H vou were pleased with the wora. letter give ihe laundry a trial now, and note bow clean and white your shirt i a d collars have become. All Work Guaranteed To be First-Class. RlPAMS TABULES arc intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now he had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for i ne dolla r. A ny druggist will get them if you insist, and the)' may al ways be obtained by remitting the price to aiiiK 7 V' I Company , NO. lO SPRUCE $T "if r - W . - Will call for laundry au at your door witho it a chargeH. (. j us i trial deliver j v extra Weslcij Klc tHil it, Proprietor, i. A. tiutelius, Agt, Mlddleburph, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA HAILROAO. Sanbury & Lewlatowu Division In effect Nov. 20, 188. il.. 1 VHaknoun ir 'r r . jim 4-POUND CATALOGUE FREE THIS 110 CATALOOUE CONTAINS 1 120 PAGES I OOttWUM ver iw.txw ii' mi -. iu,uuO lllut,ntti 'CHICAOOILLUST 'JxlJi'J iiichi'M In hi r. nioUillimr. lo.uuu 1 hieii atfun.i. tho lurhfi 't. tiiu uMttauMl IowmI urtoM ntubinia mr nubll tht i . mamfs thv 10WCST WHOLESALE CHICAHO PRICES ON (VEftYTHINQ, lodudlntf fVl'OUllllK l urorTle Pro ft, Ii,. UooiU, V tl, ,, ( lot hii-.e, t 1. ' . Drrkiea, Hoola and Hhor., WlUfcw, Jrw'lrj, Poohe, Hanlnnrc, ItoYM, iRrlrulloral iMtpkMriiU, furnllurr, lUrneta, haridlee, llnfitflra Sr. Mathlnea, trarkerv, Orfani, I'lanot, Unvlcal latmt nl, KurnUhinf 0w iK, tiout, Keroltcn, ll.hlnK TnrLle, lilrvrlra, l'hototrra)(hlr Uoodl, rlr. '!..' jut wimtytMir itorakMper ut b i u1 nturt pay lortvwithlng ha : i ml will iif-ent ht;n fr-'tii ovtfttbMYlns you on AnrUng you bu ; f?XlHlliit Jn-'t hoW (t oplrr. 'low inili ( In frelrht, rijirf ia vr mall 11 twnnirmttiteftoyourlowo, THE llu BOOK COSTS US HURL! 31. QkELEBBB offer,, 23 fflrtKSSRSSLiii i i t.i i to belp pay the surmra poautaaiul tin- iuk Book win be i. nD to y. .ii i ! i k i oil MitptM, ami If vti dt n t 9J t la worth 0 tUneo tbo Id eonti 70Q tend, Mi koytotha lowoit wholoao priori Of fvt'l thin:, My IOMd f "111 Immfdlalelv return nir II rcnli. WHAT THE PRESS CAYS ABOUT THIS CATALOGUES1 "It If a imuiuiiiuiit uC IiuniiHbi liifornmtiuii." Iuuiich j (Ulnn.) Trthnnt. "A wonderful plooi of wort M Wuhliurion KfttlonaJ Tribune. The rntnlo(fiu in wonder." Munrheater t N. II.) Union. "MOT Rotoaok A Co. tl 0110 of i ... largest houara ot its klnJ ia l. U" K IIK'fIKO 1I1UT H'Cflll. Wau l W A :r V . I VAffTV KI "Theblii catalogue f nn-. oiu of tho flucst abopplug DitKJluma that could pos.dbly bvarnt Into a dlatrl -r.M Boyrv'a l-iit hv ('hlcatro. "ThHr eataloiriiH in a vaat dtpnrttnnt atore boflivl clown." Allnnta -' " tit titlnn. "ThiM-atalotftu la oertalnly ft mere hnnilbn etiivHowlia." I'hUao pwortb lltrftld. A law Hhoiifil lo - .d .. ,1 Vmpi'llhiir tiitHiM'r t hlratahitf mln all puhllrat-btiola." -The Hon. 0, A. Soutbt .m. WacnDld(uoU tbouaandaoraiaillarattrarta. 8K?IU I I'r.XTH AT OM K and jou will rtttifi the l-lii. buuk bj r-iunm.alL Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK St CO.ilnc.),CHICACO,ILL.,U.S. A. Mucin p in . in 1.3a 12.01 iso 12.0s 148 H.OO I l.i 11.51 1.01 ni.w Boweraox, lpotli.r.li.lil!elui-. ,J'V Nov. -2, G. VV. Benfer to Elvina ;g !;v; MlddleBwarth, both ot'Weal Beaver. 1 . :' JJ v.... c 1 1. v....i.....( 1.. 1 ...i.iu.i -W9 Hieter, Ixith of'Mosaer'H Valley. I f jg Nov. 10, Irfvi QUI to Catharine Um iasa ohraucr. with ot ftKuwra aiiey. tm io.it I .' 2S 10 'II 1 " ... . 1 V .....I 1 I.'l...,. ti. .ti. .. ..mi...!.- i. u 1 a j 1 i! 1 11 ..1 1 . otn iuuwn auu erto both of Franklin twp. bliaa Binzamao, both oi lieaver . , , . , . " Oct. ss, Jacob Bickle to Amanda ' , . , , llellricli, both of Beaver twp. Sept. 13. Bobert Smith to Mu- x. ,, ' .r .. , . .. 1, . Aov. 1, r.nos Hcnnaii to .Murea- Imda dross, both 01 Ilea ver two. i , rri, ' .... , ,P , L. : ret Kline, both Ol .Mosscr's Valley. Sept. "27, Henry Freed to Sabine S(;) Feese, both of Bcavertown. .1:111. 1 1, .101111 . iMiueio bun Oct. 25, Joseph N. Haines and j Marv Jane Shout, both of West Bea- , ' lev beth Leepley, both of Mosscr's Val var. T.... ) I A II T I I...... ... t!.. N, T . 11 -w null I, AJUWi ll.Mili Ml OU" ov. 1, levi JIassinirer to livdui . ,, , ., , ur l i 4i e u " i san Dunkelborire!, both ot Middle W eiandt, both of lieaver twp. . . 6 ' iw a a ,, creek twp.' i . . if, ouiiiuci x . jmvei ao. auu RKaabeth Swineford, both of Mid (Heburg. Dec. 13, (ieorge Edward Weaver to Catherine Hagenberg, both of Mosscr's Valley. Dec. 20, John Shawber to Eve Auna Erb, lxith of Mo&ser's Valley. March ti, Henry (ieis of Union Co. to Julian Hoch ot Hesslcr's. April 11. William Boganrief of Union Co. to Eliza Jane Moyer of Mosser s V alley. May 1, Jacob Bowenox to Esther Xapj), both of Centre twp. IV. -. t ':.!!1C 1. Iillo.lOS Mary A. Swineford, both of Middle burg. 1866. Jan. 11, Enoch W-o'ter to Susan Goss, both of West Beaver. Jan. 26, Henry Wittenmyer to Abby K. Yerger, both of Middle creek twp. Im'Ii. 1"), Je&ae Decker to Julia Kline, both ofMosser's Valley. Feb. 22, James Kline to Mary Ann Romig, both of West Beaver. Feb. 25, Jacob Hartman to Cath arine Kline, both ol Centrcville. li it 17 ID 3, SO It S1 ; 3J 43 4I f.i A. 1. LowUtoiin I . :I t m Strtet I.UWU'ljWIl MftltlKOd Paini it HUntlla War tir UeOlttro Btab'i Ailr. m"lurc Baavortown llnnti'r UMdltbargl .c.i.or ina'iior pawling atllMRfova MdIIdk'ot rianimrv r.so M '.Id :.6I 1. 11 5.10 B.'J.'l n.:il H. to R 411 S At H M : .( Ot t.lt l.ut il.lll I i.n 3.2H 1.81 3 J. IS I 8.81 ' 8,18 i i I 1 .14 4 - I.M 4 ia 4 :l 4 IS 4 ! II f.-', k: Mi i, i kVMima i la oughly uusbt BY HAIL or peraonulljr. Our Rystem ol tmtobing glvos actual daily expeiiooca in every brsnob of bitfitnoM including Banking, Merobandlslng, Commlsilon, Insurance tlon, etc. Preparatory Depnrtnent for backward i train fof Practical worknnu nlwayn secure iltuatlom tor woatby grwraivie or our suaincM una snorinana uounes. sunn him rni"i any ii ,y No vacations Expcnnea moderate r.n t lb row nwny timniT'lmnn.". puimr lo I. mporary Bchoola when It will coal you l. ss to attend ibe BKST Wo altvuyn i n number ! ntudema who have li ft Incompetent tencberaln dlHgust Sucb pooplu o: loll u.s I bat BUI montbl hett III qual tu a yiur ia auy otbir ftc&ool. ;c Tranaporia (3 i atudenti We mm . Cfaiq leaves Sunbnry 5 25 o in, ar- rives at Spiinagrovo 5 13 t w r?nuia leave Lewlrttown Junotiou i t a in, 10 18 in 1 1 , m.S ; m.J :T 1 1 H 11 (or Aluna, PltUbttn! and tbe Wait, Kbr Baltimore ami Waalilnaton vssani J"S i .19 188 1 9ii in Kor Phllatlelphla and rerktSASSna m, 1 01 1 sa 4 88 and 11 10 pm iro Mamibari n M u iu and 1 80 u in Philadelphia & Eric R !l Divisior. AM) NO ITHBHN I'XKTItAL. BAILWAV Cntna leave Snobnry dall) exeeid Sunday : i n a in tor Bi lo i"i I tanandalgna 5 10 .. t-i lor Bellolonte Brla anfOanandalitua I it a in ror Look Haven, Tyrone an I the weai. l ii) i in lorltellelbnta Kane Oaaandalgua 3 18 p a. tor kaanvnand Klmlra i aj i io ;r WlUlamapoli Sunday B lo i m rot i i. and Oanandalgun 848am tor book Haven au i 888 pm t". l tlamxpoft i in lor Wllkea- 3 ;r '."" n TJffi io nnv one fw Brat Information ota vacnntpoilt IbtfTnnW lor o Bookkeeper, stenographer. Teacher, I ler! VjAj ij.jy I , . u operator which e uccessfully fill. Bumncio bouica supplied t competent nmt itanta wlihoul charge Rpfer lopmmlnenl patrnnaln every part ol tho we The next bei I UilnKin attending lb" MObTCEtiK.UKAVEDHU.SINliSS SCIIOOr. In .'.iii-'i lo to toko our IMSTRUCTtON BY MAIL. If yak are unemployed and will ttoeti "tnl lea two-con' alamiM for liw . -. v lisoiti In .l..i: i 1 i. .mtil I IV: i i- f Addrcos tm;rii"i ;uuv C;'.r.v;:Ni' C. Gaines. P THE If YORK WEEKLY TBIBI THE OHEAT j .. ... it U .. ... -t ! .1 ii.l a a . t - , . I l OHFB III, H V t in . txr ...... March -, nainuei jsinatiiati to .. .i iiii.uiton n i ... .... . .. ... . . 1 r . . ... i... 1, D8 mi IV warn, a ui p wi r Siis.in Bobb, I totli ol Franklin twp. April Robert M. Kline to Eliz abeth Dreeae, Ixith of Mosscr's Val ley. April S, Jacob Sieber to Adeline li. Margeritz, both of'McAlistcrville, Juniata Co. May SI, Sinnuel Snyder of Mid- ion in.. i Mount Parmel S.'.ndav 9 M n ui lot Wllke'barr.- I Praim leuvo BaUaoirovo JnacUoe lOOtam.waekdayi i.rrlviiiir ut rbll'dalpbla iui pm Hew York s 88 p m Baltlmor 1 11 p m Wiifiiinatnu 4 iu pm 534 p mdiulv nrrulnicat. PliiUdi'lpliln .0 20 p m Now York 3 88 a in, HaliiinoTo 8 15 p n VTaatUBgafn lost p in. 8piu- well days arrlvli.n at Philadelphia t aou ui Now v ork fl8 a m Tra'na almi leavn Sunhury : m a io dally arrlvlnif at Phlladohlhla 0 88 a m lUltlmoroOai ft m Winhlnaton 7 4'. am Now Xff.... 1 K UI D I 4 Deo. 25, Cant. Lewis Miller of I J,''.""T. '"""T S 7 Freeburg to Sarah Stahlneckcr of -"u "ua ,vuul' nvmvM Middleburg. I Va,,c- r on n ... , u ,1 May lf, Jeremiah WolHy to Ma Dec. 60, Daniel Moyer to Hannah i ... , A. ' , ,, cUL-l rt. ie i ru ii i .i tilda Mianer, both ot Centre twp. King, (formerly of Hartley), Ixith of ' r Middleburg. u'y "li Job" S. Kline to Barbara Kline, both of Mosser'a Valley. July 23, John Preese ol Centre Jan. 31, Joseph Deeese to Amelia j twp. to Sarah llowersox of Mosser's Freed, both of Beavertown. Valley. Feb. 26, John H. Martin of Un-1 Aug. 14, Daniel Higgle of Snyder ion Co. to Hannah Schoch of Sny- i Co. to Caroline Houtz of Union Co. (,erCo- Aug. 27, Jacob Brua to Eliza- April XL Franklin Bobb to Har- beth Shirey, both of Adamsburg. riet Dnnkelberger, both of Middle- Auc 30. Ner B. Middleswarth ot creek twp. April 21; Jacob Middleswarth to Matilda Fahl, both of Beaver twp. May 26, Daniel Bingeman, (wid ower), toSuaan Kaley, (widow), both of Franklin twp. June 2, Daniel Kleckner and Agnes Hilbish, both of Union Co. Jane 9, Peter Lenig of Washing- West Beaver to Amelia Dreese of Adamsburg. Sept. 8, Isaac I. Manbeck to Lo vina Dreese, both of Adamsburg. Sept. 18, Alexander A. Komigto Lucy Ann Nerhoot, both of West Beaver. Oct. 6, Jesse Moyer to Leah Kline, both of Mosser's Valley. ,1!, ......... I- t,.... i,, I I.. I, ,.;..(., Si IliMi,,.,! I Vn.ii ui9 iii Wrpk-divs. M :!H am Sunday. of Jackson twp. . u at a m. n.-w York a is p in, Baltumra 1154 June 10, Samuel I'ontiusto Mary fttiu"w2S,'dayIi 'sSivina at : Phiiudeipiiia zs ' , f 08Bat, Nnw fork 88 pm, BaltimortOOupm Ann I ourtiiev, both ot Middlecreek 1 Washington f i p , " Ci7ii Nnnbnrv at 0 90 a m and 8 88 twp. and 8?. pin, lor llurrlaburg, Philadelphia and June 10, William Bollinger of Paltlmore 1. u. WOOD, Qen'l Pane Agjont J.B. HtlTClIINSO.N (Iod'I MaimKer Din oi fall Gen Middlecreek twp. to Lydia Hartley of I'enn iwp. June 19, David Mitchel of Union Co. to Emma Walter of Jackson twn. June 19, Joseph A. Lombard of Is used for Plastering Houses. Middleburg to Sarah Scharf of Se- 43 q new dlsCVCTy linsgrove. , . , July 29, A. M. Carpenter to Sar-1 Guaranteed to .Hit longer ah Ellen Feese, Ixith ot Beavertown. than any other plaster. Tt Aug. 5, Jacob F. Specht to A- js preferred to Adamant, manda Dcrr, both of Middleburg. p)r JMlPticuIar8 m or address Ti!' D.A.ERH MIDDLEBOBGH. II Aug. 30, Aaron Bickel of Bea ver twp. to Maranda Mattern of West Beaver twp. A4TIVK SOLICITORS WANTED KVKKV where lor "Tne story of the Pbiillplncs" ny Burnt Haltad, rommliwloned by tbo Oovern ment an OBldal Illatorlan to the War Depart ment, Tbe book was written In army calllps at Sun Pranclaco, on tbe Pacinc and Oeneral Mi r- rltl In the hospitals at Honolulu, in uong nuiii', THE POST v r National My MP? for mwm BOTH ONE fM VILLAGFR-tN Ami Vonr l inorllf 35'in.r t'uper. YEAR FOR $1.75 ftDd reliable market reports, able editorials. intcffMtinfr short, stortoa, Hcioutiric and meclianicai information, illustrutetl fashion ariicles, lm- iiioroua pictures, and ia iustrvctive and entertamiuR to every member of every family. I gives you all the local newB, political antisocial, keeps vou in close touch with your neighbors and friends, on tlrp t mm.A J., ll,o villarra infnmiH VOU ILS to till' local unci's mi 111 auu 111 un , ...-ri - L . , ' ? for farm products, the condition of crops and prospects for the y eat, and is a bright, newsy, welcome and indispensable weekly visitor at your home and fireside. Send all subscriptions to THE POST, Middleburgh, Pa. ,.,. , . in tna American trencbea at Manila. In the In B'XSUSZSZZSS a.CZ iunrent W with Atru.aldo, on the deck or tate ol Mary J. Sampftell, late ot Centre twp., Snyder county. Pa., deceased bar been leaned Id due form of law to the undersigned, to whom all Indebted to said estate should make Imme diate payment and tboae having claims against It aboula present them duly authenticated lor settlement. O. C MAl'KKR, New Berlin, Pa. Fab. 27, Executor. tbe Olympla with Dewey, and In the roar of bat- tie ut me tan or manna, nun1.n7.11 mr hk-iii. Brltnrulor original pictures taken by govern. ment photoKrapbera on tbe spot. Large tiook. Lxrw prices. Bur promt . Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war bonks. Outatfm. Address, P. T. Uarskk, Secietary, Star Inaojance Bldg., Cblcayo, 3-18-lSt. HENCH A DROMGOLD'S I SAWMIUMD ENGINE.. a wonderful Improvement In Friction Feeaw and Ola- Hack. Back motion ot Csrrlsp- .1 tlaaeaas I s as sny other In the market, frtrllou lalrh Pref, causing aU the fe1 gesrtns to stand still while b... !i tni; great aavlasi la power aad Wfft. Cat locue and pnees free. Also Hpriaa llarrav.-., t altlvatora, t ern Flaawra, naeiiera, c UKNCU V DB09IGOLO, Mfra., Yerk, Pa.