The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 23, 1899, Image 4

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    Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powdm are the greatest
mcnaccn to health of the present day.
The Middleburgh Post.
rmhliahed vnrv Thursday.
Geo W. Wagons jlicr.
editor arH Proprietor
SulKcrij)tiMi tfl.r0 jut year.
waion muatbepaldinadTanoe "n ""M
ride tlx' county.)
Ul trauMenl advert s:u..-nt- , 7;
wotracted tor wlllbecbMatUierjrto is
d-ni per lineftionparlel measure) for arsl Inser
tion and 10 cents per line for wry .uhoeaoeut
t Dmlh iioliw piiMwAwl w ; obituary futr,
rrftutM vttmtttrl. Ihrtf BMIfl I""
Thursday, March 28, 1M.
Republican Standing Committee-
II. Ilrnimn. .Ier-nilli BowertOl
,ni. m. Kline. Charles Spnoht
le J. peoee,Oba A Watnw
II. B, Wagner, R, B. Erdley
in. II. KeritUer,G a,Troalnwu
v. n. (iift. H. 8 Ronnlnset
Qoo. A. Broaso, J. B. IfenrTok
Al I'U-Uii. N. A. Howes
8. S. Todor, Tlieodore Row
A. It. Touna, l P. Hitler
Fmiilt Miller, lloword How
J, N, Brorins, lr- M. Roth rook
Ooo Slrwer. .lolin Noll
N. S. Fislirr. !'. H Smith
P, F. RoImI, Oeo- 8. LsslW
0. t. Hi' e. II. J. Slroii
llenrv Brown, .lolin Miller
Hen ver W.,
etMpmaa, 1
Fra iklin.
l'erry W..
The Selinsgrove 7tmes can curse
Quay with one breath and in the
next lick the hand ot one of His sup
porters. The battle between Profs. Bower
sox and Walborn for the county su
perintendency is now on in full force.
Speeches at publicmeetingsare quite
a prominent feature of the canvass.
A vole made with a lie by B jwli
tician after office in considered a
cheaper vote than the one purchased
with a five-dojlar bill. The only
difference is, the polltitioian pays for
the latter while some one else pays
for the oilier.
The Selinsgrove lima charges us
with being one of the men who in
dsted that Senator Hummel should
Ixi a candidate tor Congress against
Malion. We have also learned quite
recently that Senator Hummel in
ilia last campaign had concocted that
story and used it to gain votes. He
I old it wherever he thought it would
help him. It did him no goo! and
it served him right as it was a false
hood of the first water. Senator
Hummel needed no encouragement
to be a candidate for Congress. At
the opening of the last oompaignj
Senator Ilu el called at the Post
printing office two or three times a
week trying to get us to consent to
support him, which we refused to do
as Senator Hummel well knows. It
is now time for Editor Lesher to lo
sure before he makes a charge ol
that character.
The Election of Quay's Successor.
The election w hich most interests
the politicians of this State at pres
ent is as to the manner in which a
successor to Senator Quay is to be
chosen if the Legislature adjourns
without effecting an election. One
view of it that is frequently taken is
that Governor Stone will appoint the
man to fill the vacancy that has ex
isted since March 4th, but this is
OOm batted by some able constitution
al lawyersand apparently with sound
The Constitution of the United
States provides that "if vacancies
in the Senate happen by resigna-
turn or otherwise .luring the recess ,
. . , . i . ,
ot tl.e legislature ot any Mate, the
Executive thereof may inaketcmpor-
ary appointments until the next
meeting of the Legislature, which
shall then fill such vacancies."
The Constitution ofthis State pro
sides that "in case of a vacancy in
the office ot United States Senator
from this Common wealth in a rc-
cess between spinas, the Governor BARRELS OF SAMPLE ,
shall couvene the two houses by j
proclamation, ou notice not exceed- Qver Two Hundred Thousand Tr al Bpt
Sag sixty days, to fill the same." tej Sent Free by Mail. ;
I. I... I,jtI th:it l)Oth the; n rranireiuent with thel
j Constitution of the VggfigV.i&
' and that ot this Commonwealth are Fvorlte Reu,dv. the renders of !
silent as to the manner of selecting the post are enabled to obtalu a trial j
Lmm in rill the vacancy oceurr-
" - ' . . 1 Ca ail vice imomnij irwt "j .mm -
I inir during a session ot the Lcgisln- j , thejr fn naiue and address
tan as in the case inthe present in- ! the DR. DAVID KENNKDY CORPO
lure, as m ini i. m. f RAIION, Rondont, N. Y aud uien-
stance, ami this has led to the dit- thi8 pap,.r.
ference ot opinion on the sub)ect. ; of course this involves enormous
m - L.-MM, ... M. l() expense to the inanufacturer.but tiiev
There seems, how cm r, to Ik 1 ' Pe received g0 umliy grttteful 1-t-
power delegated to tneliovernor titers from those wno have been iene
appoint a .uticeaaor to Senator Quay, otted and . th 'SSL,
nil , . l. ease, of the Kidney. Liver Wa.HW
1 The Constitution ot tin 1 I in to 1 jj- Bood BUewoatlMn. Dyspasia
'States does not provide that he shall aml ('hronic Cou.tii-atton. end all
stances sncn as exist iir,
the Suite Constitution. In addition,
there is Dreoedent for declaring that
his appointment would be vdueleiS.
The United States Senate has decid- '
ed in a number of eases that a claim-
ant who came to it with
iirii...l hw the (i.ivernoroi his Dtale I
,s his appointee could not have, seat ,
n that body. So that it is hardly
n -v . . . .
likely that Governor atone ynw ap-
point a Senator OT that his selection
1 ,. i ., ., ,,,.,. Sen-it.
could gain admission to the senate.
There is no express command of
i n it no
the Constitution that there shall be
an extra session of the Legislature
to cb.Kise some one to fill the vacancy
to onoOM Some out im
in this States representation in tut
Senate, but there is an implied direo-
. . .1 " . .,. such
tion to the Governor to mil sm n
sesaion, and it may be that Governor
Stose Will Observe it. The views of
... . ,i ,.
eminent constitutional lawyirs sup-
port this solution of the matter and
i : . .
ber unless thus chosen, and I no ..the. I
way seems open to our Chic a,x -
ecntive than to let the Legislature (
make an etlort n it mill W rcacn a.. ,
nt i ffffi a I .... .
election before the adjournment oi j
.1 f m. . . . ...,.,, r In tail I
-(Jiumbrriburg (im-
ill is session. -ten.
('namberlaln'iii foincli Remedy.
This remegy is intended espocially
for coughs, colds, croup, whoopinp
cough and influenza. It has become
famous for its cures of these diseas
es, over a large part of the civilized
world. The most flattering testi
monials have bean received, giving
accounts of it good works, of t he
aggravating and persistent cougns it
has cured; of severe colds that have
violded promptly to its soothing ef
fects, and of the dangerous attacks
of croup it has cured, often saving
the life of the child. The extensive
uso of it for whooying cough has
shown that it robs that disease from
all dangerous consequences. For sale
by all Druggists.
(Too Into tor Ihm Issue.)
Bruce H. Crouse ofMiddleburg
spent Sunday at this place Mrs.
Win. Klose is seriously ill with an
attack of the grip Phares Bach-
man and wife ol ira were guests
of Mrs. Chaa. Arbogast last week
W. P. Keller of C. P.C spent
several days at home Miss Car
rie Middleswarth entertained about
fifty of her friends at a party last
Monday evening Mrs. James
Keller was visiting in Middleburgh
last week Miss Nellie Smith left
for Lewistown on Thursday where
she is learning the muimery art
Geo. Schoch of Selinsgrove made
a business visit to thib place
Hiram Siegfried of Selinsgrove call
ed on friends on Monday evening...
Win. Kearns of Beavertown yjis
entertained by his brother John on
Sunday Win. Roush ot Boston,
Mass., is visiting his sister, Carrie
Ralph, son of Jacob Felker,
while playing with a pencil, fell and
ran it in his throat, severely injur
ing him Miss Cora RaUght of
Sieglcrville is visiting her parents
Communion services will Ik1
held in the Lutheran church on
Easter morning, April 2.
The mission band composed ofC.
H. Haas, M. H. Fisher, C. B. Her
man, H. Hoover and Wm. Derr
from Susquehanna University, held
iiuvtiiigs in the Lutheran church on
Saturday and Sunday. The meet
ings were all attended by large and
appreciative audiences. We trust
that the good sect! which have been
sown may bring forth practical
fruits Jesse Ewig, who has been
very ill with appendicitis, is slowly
recovering under the excellent care
f I)r Q q Smith Me8Km
Homig a!Kl Felker s)ent Sunday in
McCTure Ammon Smith moved
on Jacob Kiegle's farm J. B.
Spangler took the inventory of the
stock of T elker and Herbster in
MeClure last week. .. .Mrs. John
Lloyd has gone to Philadelphia to
one of the hospitals, to receive
treatment for her eyes Mrs. J.
bottle aim pa.upu.e ,
l l)nn investigation it was found
tb.fOl per cent or those who had
(rial bott e hud received
J fifi,, that they n..r
0i,ased large sized bottles of tlu ir;
tSfi to
i vAti uiand for n trial bottle of
"".i'' . ..
jgg &
2it certainly be the result.
put mum nrlu In a alaw tombier
I and let it stand 84 hours; If tt Iih i
sediment or if it is pale or discolored,
, JJ or c,olu,yjBtrini,y or ropy.ynnr j
Kldueya or Bladder are in a.bMoorH
dition Dr. David Kennedy's Favor-
" ..edy speedily cures such dan-;
geroas aympwms as pain In the bejek.
! inability to hold urine a burmi. j
aoaldlng pain in paaslog It, freguent
:()e(1rw to urinHte, especially a: uirht,
the staining of linen by your urine;
d all the unpleaser-tand dai.Kerons
, ou j-ytfn prodrMMj by thp
M 0f whiskey, wine or beer, Dr.
: David Kennedy's Favorite j majfy In
sold at all dlUg stores at fl.OO tors'
)ftrje hott)e . ejx l(0ttles for ,00.
j .
- "ZJ
nr manv iriemis in una viviuivi
wfUianw prmohed hUhtrwrelll
in tla, MetluHlist cburafa on
suogmith made a busi-
. j.. . tramt., , nii, wtH.U
- . of Mi(Ilin,)tirg lllove(i
into C. B. Witmer's house and John
Getc from Amnion Bashoar's house
. . .1 l 1... f T Un.r.
into wi one vwuw r . .
Stats ok Ohio, City of Toleiio, M
Fbask J. Chkciy makes oath thst be Isths
senior partner ul the firm of K. J. Chksby Co ,
doInK h-islness In tlie City ot Toledo. County and
State aforesalrl, and tbatsald firm will pay toe
sum of ONE IUINDRK0 DOLLARS for eacuund
every case nt Cataubu Miat cannot be cured by
Hie use of Hall's Catabbh Ctmn ..,
Sworn lo liefore me and subscribed In rny pres
ence, tins fitb da' of December. A. D. IBM
a , A. W. OLKASON,
Jl Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure If taken Internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the sstcm. Send Mr tajUmODtalf. free.
F. .! CHENBY Jt CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold bv Druggists, 75c.
llall's'Kainlly Fills are the best.
AN OHIHMM i:. Orantlntt permission lo
I ho spring Telephone Company tf erect and
mulntaln Hs Telephone Line In the KorouRh ot
Mlddleburtf. Snyder County, Pennsylvania.
Mertl.n 1. He It ordained by the Town Coun
cil of t lie Uorouah of MlddleburK, loTown OOOD
ell assembled, and II Is bersbv enacted and or-
dallied b) auiliorltyof tliesame, that permission i
he and the same Is herehy granted to the Spring '
Telephone Company to erect poles ana run wire.-,
on the same over or under any ol the Alleys or
Lanes of this Borough, for the purpose of trans
acting a general Telephone business, arid the
same iron time to lime alter, renew anu repuir.
Seel ion a. Poles can not bo placed upon any
or the sireeta of the said Borough, except where
i here ure no Alleys to approach the Town, or
w hen impossible to cross the Town by Alley or
Section s. Said poles shall bo straight and
bai ki d. and shall be painted at least tlfteen feet
from the ground up, wFh not less than two coat
of palot, such as the Street Committee ol said
Borough mav direct. The location of the line and
poles shall be under the supervision ot the said
Street Committee, and should it become neces
sary at any time In the Judgment ot said Qom
inltiee to change the location of any of the poles,
the said Spring Telephone Company shall Imme
diately upon notice from said Comuilttee make
the desired change or changes at tbe cost and
expense of the said Spring Telephone company.
section 4. The said Telephone Company,
before entering upon any of the Street.. Alleys
or Lanes of said Borough, for the purpose of
constructing or erecting poles to said Telephone
Line, shall enter Into bond In tbe Bum of One
Thousand (11,000) Dollars to the said Borough,
to n-j approved ny ine Town uouncn, couuiiiuu-
..A Mr .,.'. or nil rtumuen neCAaloned liv
the const ruction ot saia l eiepuone i.uie, anu
also conditioned that tbe streets, alleys and
lanes be left In as good condition as they were
before entering upon tne same for tne purpose
ot constructing said Telephone Line,
Section ff. Members of Council shall bave
the tree use of said Telephone Line, for sending
and receiving messages over the game for all
munie pal purposes, as long as said line anall be
Kenton e. Tbe provfslon8 of this ordinance
shall be formally accepted by said Company, and
In default ot such acceptance the same nball be
null and void.
Neetlon 7. If the said Telephone Line Is not
In lull operation within one year from date of
the passage otlhls ordinance, the some shall be
mil hind void.
Passed at a special meeting of tbe Town Coun
cil March lath, boa,
Secretary. president.
March 1Mb. 199, the above ordlndnce bavtng
been passed by Town Council and tbe same hav
ing been duly presented to me for my approval
or disapproval, I hereby approve the same.
J. K. RE1TZ,
Chief Burgess.
In tbe Estate of 1 la the Orohan's Court
Nathan Arbogast, deed ( oi Snyder Co., Pa.
Notice la hereby given that the undersigned
Auditor appointed by saia Court to make distri
bution of tbe balance appearing In tl.e account
bled, to and among tbo parties legally entitled,
will sit for that purpose at the Washington Ho
tel at Mlddleburg. Pa., on Tuesday, April is.
18W. at 11 o'clock A. M , where all parties In In
terest are requested lo present their claims le-
f-ally authenticated and In crnsonance with tbe
tules of court, or be forever debarred from par
tlclpaUng In said fund.
March 22. loo, Auditor.
A Reliable man for Manager of
Branch Office which I wish to open
in this vicinity, if your record is O.
K. here is a good opening. Kindly
mention the Post when writing.
A. T. MORRIS. Cincinnati, O.
Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. postage.
stove mmm
Opposite County
Wliat Mother Wanted
iU. ai i :
A smiill boy entere
A-ith a pot in his han
pot on. the coun.tej the following dia
logue too.U place:
j Small Boy Will you let. my mother
j hav a P0'1110 of tieacla, and ehefU pay
yu m Saturday?
I Assisl.-uitTell vm.r mnt V,,.-r .ln-l
give credit.
Small Boy Shdoesn'twantcredit
a wonta a pound of treacle. Tit-Hits.
PomitlYelr M,trry.
Mrs. Crimsonbeak Did you mail that
letter I gave you yesterday morning,
Mr. Crunsonbeok Well, to bell th
truth, I didn't mall It in the morning,
because I couHri't find a letter-box; but
I mailed it on my way home night.
I don t see how you could find a box
then, John." Valuers' Statesman.
Kvreddr's Bloader.
He hurriedly dressed and went downtown
Wearing a gorgeous teck.
But he saw as he glanced in a looking
glass That In his haste he had put alas!
A cuff around his neck!
Chicago Tribune.
The Egyptian horseman in loaking
far the Turk. Con you And him?
Heitere Welt.
Best She Conld Do.
ha .iw.v hart aaM h wai. cnfnir t mA
MO Said SO WSS going t. Wl
A man who had "rocks" to spare,
But I wasn't surprised when she compre
mlaed On a fellow with sandy hair.
L. A. W. Bulletin.
An Ideal ( mtoiarr.
"When 1 goes a-shopping," .ay. an
old lady, "I alien asks for what I want.,
and if they have it and it is cheap, and
it', suitable, and I feel inclined to take
it, and It can't be pot. at anv nlac. for
less, Imustallerstakeitwithoutchf -
,.;.. il .,o ..,.. . .1.. .1.. " it-!.
e.uiij an uaj u. iiinui. jjnijiir uu. iir
Naturally Nervona.
"What's the trouble with the. tele
phone operator?" naked the visitor at
the exchange. "She seems terribly ag-i-Uted."
"You can't blame her," answered the
superintendent. "She ha. just con-
Ti.'i'te,? hrfl firmr rifBee.ft Wuhlnff.
ton Star.
oi v I For ioc silver or Ite stamps,
Ofl I . I will send a hamlsom" FOUNTAIN
PEN. Solid gold. Nothing beats It. Tremend-
mis ,-eiiei . Ag, nts m ,ii:t iii. Address at once,
Boe 1S5, (iuyandoldt, W. Va. 3-l6-3m.
! Elkhart Normal School
and Business In-stiute.
Tbe Elkhart Normal Shool and
Business Inatitue oflers thorough
courses, methods, and instructions
in Pedagogy, Book-keening, Steno
graphy, Penmanship, Darwing, El
j ocution and Oratory, and Physical
Culture, and at tbe lowest rates for
tuition and board. Students can
enter at any time. Circular, blotter,
and a copy Educational News for
for an application, address. Dr. H.
A. Mnmaw, Sec'y, Elkhart. Ind.
3-23 2m.
THE! OPl?flT TTTTontrn .
"J" -
BY TOE t. a
m iff FfflACS
uaines witli it our POGi
it must give satisfaction Be
fore a Cent is paid. Call
ana see tne
Ever Seen
Carpets ! Carpets I ! Carpets 1 1 '
, I
The whole lower floor of my store is taken up with Carpets, Rum
Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles HaaaocS
Rug Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &o
We can show you the largest
ever shown in Lewistown.
Brussell Cnrjietas low as 50c. and
All Wool Carpet " 50c.
Half Wool Carpet
Ohina and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Seleci From
Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the
place to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are the low
est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods.
Respectfally, W f. FFI IY
! VY. n. TDLIA. Lewistown, Pon!a
Public Sales.
Notices of sales will be Inserted free under this
heading when the bills lire printed at this office
When the bills are not printed uf, this onice 50
cents will be charged. Persons expecting to
have sale should select a date and have It insert
ed In this column.
SATURDAY. March 2(5. Three miles north of
Middleburgh, Perry o. Bowcrsox will sella
horses, 8 cows and farming Implements.
TI ESDAY. March 2S, one mile north of Melser
vllle, Mrs. Isabella Rroclus will sell a cows
4 head of young cattle and larmlng Imple
ments. WEDNESDAY. Marw.atcentrevllle.o.c. Mau
rer, Executor of Mary J. Sampsell, deceased
will sell household goods, etc.
WEDNESDAY. M arch !, Two miles north-west
of oriental, Harrison Miller, Administrator
C. T. A. of Samuel c. Miller, deceased, will
sell l home, snows and farming implements
Also a farm of 206 acres, ion of which is
TI'ESDAY, April 4, In Adams twp., Henry B.
riiomas, Executor of the estate of Peter
Thomas, will sell o acres of land of the suld
A Present of$ 2.5C J
The PtxsT has made snecial V,
g arrangements with the Farm
I Journal by which w areena-
l bled to offer a five-vear sub- li
' . .. . J S
scription to that pajier to every
Snew subscriber who pays One k
j'onar ior tne MIDDLEBURGH g
h Post one year in advance, and g
I the same offer is made to every S
g old subscriber who nays his ar- J
rearages to date and one dollar r
extra for the Post one year in S
S advance and the Farm Journal
g five years in advance.
ivi ,.,i r,.ti i.i jit ,;
3 thatin order to get this premium S
p( of five years subscription to the a
Farm Journal, it is necessary Ij
to attend to this matter prompt-
ly as we have only a limited
number to offer. Address fa
ja The Middleruroh Post,
, Middleburgh, Pa. S
'v v .x vw:v ;aS
f'onBiiH iwimmnnli
consult or communicate with tbe Editor
oftlila paper, who win give all needed r&for-nauop
fil II 11. I f M fl
pot vttt JrnS
wiuvtj Lnac is sold
uuiKAJ 1EE that
in Snyder County
Middleburgh, Pa.
All Kinds.
All Qualities.
AH Prices.
and best selection of the above
Rag Carpet as low as 20c. and mi
" x ,, .. 1 1
'-uwii v-zarjajl " ZZC. " "
Velvet Carpet 75c. '
Minn i, nut i;e, pa. I
All business entrusted tohiscarel
win receive prompt attention.
Middleburgh Market.
Corrected weekly by our merchants.
Hutter is I
Eggs lfil
Unions 00
Lard 6
Tallow 4
Chickens per lb 7
Turkey. 101
Shoulder l
Ham Ill
New Wheat 70l
Byo til
Potatoes 90l
Old Corn
New Oat. 301
Bran per 100 lbs "'I
Middling. "
Chop "
Flonrperbbl il
perfect our newt
Lantern which we
now offer as some-.
thinir extraordi-
. " .. . .I. j
1 nary tn the Lantem line, it nas wm i
V t?nilnJ rAo). mummtd aaamflM
U tion joined to the tubular system, ana j
ine result xs a spienaia iigni-ivi"x i
wear and abuse resister. t We will, )
if desired, mail our special Circular
of the Vesta" Lantern; or, upo
receipt of $1.00, we will send youi
(freight prepaid ) the very best Lan
tern for general service you ever saw.
Why not" tee it" on those terms t ,
' 60 Lalrht 5t.. New Yora-
I A 1 1 Ull 11 M MM. " 1
01 good Untenu art namptd " DIET!'
NEURALGIA cured by Dr.