The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 16, 1899, Image 8

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Mr. K.llv t
Siiiilnirv was in
town Monday.
...N. . Catheriuan spent Sunday
with hi- parent.
1. II. MsGami of '
hurr was i" town.
...Mrs. I.- Kreeger went to Miller
bare on Saturday.
...Geo. S.Sehnoh visited friends in
Millershurg over Sutuluy.
T. ftohbaoh was in Plitlarlel
phia Thursday and Friday.
... .; -. !!. H. S I !' daiigh
tor spent Saturday iu Snnbury.
...Mr. Amnion ."Sob wjh of Blooms
b in- - MM iMiinu few ! iys 'm town.
C. Spungler fpenl las!
week in rtendimj an I Philadelphia.
...Misses Smith, Otf ami Kremer
of Milton spent Sunday with I . NV.
...Mrs. Stroup, widow of W in.
Sd-o ilee'.l. died ii Sunday
V1it. Oppeiihciinerandson Benj.
ar' visiting relatives in Philadelphia
anl New York.
...Prof. Milton Musselmanof Weal
Milton -pent a day with his sister,
Mr-. K. Taylor.
...Editor Lumbal (1 and wife
Sunday with their daughter
Fran! Bausman, at MifHintown.
...H. J. Duek who hnsbeen work
inn i" the Gov't printing office for
several months has returned to his
. . A. W. Potter, Esq., and sons
John and Robertareiu Washington,
D. C, the squire having a case in
...A daughter of Dr. Fred Hil
bish, dee'd, of Ohio, and her husband
arc visiting her grandmother, Mrs.
Col. Hilbish and family.
...The University Glee and Man-
dolin and GuitarClub gave concerts
nt liveriMMil and Mitlersbnrgto full
nouses, i ne
nppreei ttive.
imliences were very
TheV have several
urrui d, 111110111 them
otic r tri
Altoon i,
tm) Snnbury.
f ! ..
-i a i
town was
-kin;; her
of this
III to
,,ar. n! . Perrv A-irand
pl.lee a! present.
...Mrs. Henry Wetzel id ueat ivas visiting friends al this
p!".t e over Sunday.
; , Penne and two sons ol
I lime ii u were the guests of d-
liain Aurand's last Friday.
...I..r-i Tuesday D. O. Snyder and
wife piturted housekeeping in the old
lloini -lead near llolie Mills.
i.-vear-oId danghterof Beuj-
amiii Pontius tell Iroin a lofl in the
ham one dav lasl week and broke
her he, near the thigh.
...The .-ales of Geo. Aurand last
W ed' .- lay and I Ian i-oii Bickle
last " Imrsdav were w ell attended
and the things in general brought
good prices.
. . fast Tliuredav evening William
A. I lummel and Miss Ida Field of
this place were united in the holy
bonds of wedlock by llcv. Geo. A.
finable of Salem. The w riter joins
their many friends in wishing them
n smooth sail down the stream ol life.
. . ( 'has. Michael
Sunday in ton u.
...Mrs. Ed. W'olt
it Snnbury spent
ol Lewisnui
visiting lur parents.
...Chas. Milliner resigned Ins iw
tion at the Port Treverton Housi
.Dr. .1. E. liogar made a profes-
Hion i I in .Nortliiuiiiierlaud last
Eric lav.
( 'armel i
Flora B. Klii t' Mt.
s i-itinir the tamilv of Rev.
.Dr. .1. O. Nipple had anew roof
put on hi house occupied by Rev.
...Hal. Boycr, tlie genial grocery
drummer, was seen oil our streets
last week.
. . Rev. W esley Kclley of
kin nreached in the lT. B
church '
Sit unlay evening.
...Mrs. Harvey Btahlnecker . of
Ulddleborg after a visit to
friends returned home.
...N. T. I liindorc's side l auscd our
1 1... o.-..... A.,x-
pouoemen when needed
I.1 , , , ' i
Rev. W. E. Brillhardt will remain i
. 1 .1 ...i,:,,!, ..-ii
With us another year, which 11
be pMMtOt news to his many friends.
...Geo. NVit, wife, Ralph,
of Sunbury visited fiw :i tew days at
the pleasant honteol Dr. .1. O. Nip
ple. knv. W. C. HmjIi "t new;
Ml . uaid a brief vi-it t..
his many
friends and admirers during the past
..,.!;, . i.. ! who pi ' in
Harrisburg by the Peuna. . C. as
night watchman, is here with hw
...Ad. Aucker's sale, last Thurs
day, iittracted a large crowd ol people
ami the Dons showed up in great
shape, ami Linnie at the riblxilis.
...Clara Bingaman, Alice ttoth-
Dollie Hoover, Li. b. Kingnis,
Tom Bogar, W. M. Charles, has
Milliner, C. Lenig, Vie. Bogar and
Pert. Neitz attended an cnterlaiu
ment, by Ibe Susquehanna Umver
sitv music organisations, at McKees
Saturday evening.
...People who visited ouf of tow li
during the week wiv: Clio. Neitz,
Prank Arnold, J no. Hoover and Ed.
Klock in Suubun : M. P. Arnold,
Wesley Flanders, Galen Neitz,
( larence Lenig, Tuck Mullner in
Helinsgrovc; Adam Reif and wife in
Juniata, Perry Co.; J. P". Bogar
and Ed. Neitz in Fremont; Clarence
Lenig in New Berlin; P. J. Sham
hnnli in Middlchunr: Mr. Sehliee,
wife and two daughters and II. H.
Shrawder in Freeburg.
M l'. l'l.l'.ASANT Mil.
...J. P. Wendt bought two gray
horses one day last week.
...Mrs. Frank Spotts is spending
a few months at Alleutown.
...Geo. Dreese and JacobPagewill
erect new houses this summer.
...The schools of our township
will close uboul the latter part of
. .A. F. Sohnee and Elmer I roup
made a business trip to Freeburg on
...The St. John Sunday school
will open a new library on Sunday,
March r.ith.
.Reno. Troiiu will workforMua-
. 1 ., . i
rice Mengel at wonnumoeriano
this summer.
...('. . Brosilis intend.- attending
Puekiiell University at Lcwisburg
us soon as his school v oses.
. . Miss Minnie Wert of Battle
Creek, Michigan, spent a few weeks
at this place visiting friends.
...ll. .'v. Ilei-crol Shadel andOscar
I.oiieaere of this piace led on Mon
day tor the state ol New York.
...SolllC of olll' people attended the
public sales ol N. T. Dundore and
Christian Knoiisc lasl Saturday.
. . Flmer Troup sold one of his
liors's on Saturday to Win. II. Neitz
ofCabol, Nortliiimbcrland eotinty.
..The auditor- ( Perry township
met Monday al the house ol J. I.
Verger to audit the financies for the
vear 1898.
Km ma Specht
iiek list.
is on
...Judge 8necht
liur- on Monday.
was to Middle-
..A. M. Bowersox was to Middle-
burg over Sunday. I
...J.R. VTanHorn went to Bast
Sale... on Monday.
...A few of our folks have had
dandelion thisspring.
1 B
...Miss Alice II. Coleman went to I
sunbury lasl week expecting to work
in a silk mill.
... Lawrence Middles warth is going
to move on Joseph Middleswurth's
farm till spring. I
..Peter Bobb. farmerof this i.laee.
Iwueht the property owned by S. E.
Sneehtand moved to town
i LwtMiiii 'si.miJ anil A isortfin Unoni.
'.;,. ... h. AB.
houses furnished with water.
.The memlMTs of the Evangelical 1
. I L.. 1. 1 1 - .1 i 1
Lutheran cnurc.i 11:111 aoonai.0.1 lor
their pastor on Friday evening.
...Win. A. Bickle was out hunting
up trade on Sat un lav and returned
home with the promise of a few)
Duggieaio repur. e U.UM y
lie Mil- Olll KVW WV
1 b
..... .......1 mnvlf
. . , .
1 . 141 l
after you have concluded that you ,
ought not to drink coffee. It a not ,
a metlicme oui oonon oraer o
cau,9e ,t9. hea,uL.VIl.?
mid linnet izinu. It ia made from ture
grains and Las that rich seal brown
color and tastea like the finest grade
of coffee and costs about I as much. ,
Children like it and thrive on it be-
uiuuu. 1
cause it is the genuine food drink
'containing notning ouinounsnmeot.
Ask your erocer for Grain-O, the
new (qq drink. 15 and 26c.
How is Your Grip ?
Not jri'tti'iijj ulong in weil us yon
expected? That is the way grip aata
when it is not taken m liatnl and
driven out of thesrstcn atoiwe. The
iMiisons left In theirriu verms keep
tht .hi
lestroving the vitality
it ml
i, orntttiiue n.
.1... i i i, v
I i. i:
vottr anuetite ibr iin and .
ll ut
. 1 1
ile von eat eliis to 110 no KOud.
Your nerves are unstrung, yon le
eoliie weak and exhausted and Anally
yoll are overpowered hv soineelnonie !
disorder which takes you to un Uu-
timeiy grave.
Why should yon let the grip run
until i gets such a hold on yon when
a few Inittles of Dr. Miles' Nervine
would lis von up all right? It isthe
greatest nerve medicine and health
restorer ever known and tnousanus
of grip's victims are finding in it a
sate and sure means ol regainiug lost
RtreUgtll and vitality.
"I found myself with n very weal;
stomach, and every time 1 tried to
eat I would become nauseated, some
times belching wind and frequently
finding relief only after vometing.
Mv nerves became affected and I was
almost blind for several months. Fi
nally I began using Dr. Miles' Ner
vine; and w hen I had used one bot
tle I was greatly improved. After
taking two more bottles my stomach
trouble was entirely gone and 1 have
had no return of the symptoms in
over three years."
Mits. L L. Winters,
Gwynneville, nd.
A trial package of Dr. Miles' fa
vorite treatment for the grip, eon-
ninti ncr nf Dr. Mih s' Nervine. Dr.
Miles' Nerveand Liver Pills, will
. i i . i i a
ncseni ansoiuteiy nee lonnypentou
Bending name and address on a postal
caru, requesting ine samples aim
mentioning the name of the Post.
Address,' Dr. Miles Medical Co.,
Elkhart, Indiana.
...P. C. Mailman and L. A. Mertz
were lo Mifflinburg on Sunday.
). Bowersox moved from the
t i t ,
irer tarm in'o ins nouse i.a-t
...I. S. Sehoch of New Berlin
passed through town oil Sunday
...Cal. Badger and Parker Soles of
MihHinburg were in town one dav
lasi week.
. . .Theodore Bingaman is the proud
father of a daughter, and Edward
Moliu of a s hi.
...II H. fierhstcr and wife s p.-ut
Siloi- I
iv ami Miiuli; v will: w un .in.'
i . i .i
t's mother;
...Mrs. A. F
icea il
Musaer, who has
for some lime, is
slowly improving.
...Dr. I . It. Rothrook and family
of New Berlintookdiuner with Val.
Waller's mi Sunday.
. . A. L. Spangler and Ira Hen
drieksoi Middlebnrg were in town
on Sunday afternoon.
. .Mrs. It. F.Chambers ol White
nnrinra vialtcd lloimai SainoseH's
I r - r
on Saturday and Sunday.
. .John Mohn and sons, II. F. and
Edward, and 8. . Bingnmail were
to Mifflinburg on Saturday,
. .('. F. Berger and family were
eK!,f8b! of Bepneville Walter's
1,1 U UlW HpruigsjawSunday.
, . .. . . r .. j
March o, at the Lutheran parson-
age, by Rev. 1). E. MoLein, Elmer
Crissman and Kate Heimbach, both
;0f Beavertown.
Feb.27by Thomas Page, Esq.,
Levi Mover and Eaiira E. Leach,
both of (tiapman.
Mi'r',' '.v M- !- Arnold,.!. P.,
I K- witmw and Dollie Hen
dricks, lioth of Dundore.
March 8, by Wells 0. Holmes,:
.T. P., Arlington Row and LuUe Bo-
h& bo,h ot Scll,lsKrovi'-
March V, by Key. a. u. snabie,
Win. A. HnmmelandldaM. Field,
. ltll nf K ..,.,
n ,)y H(i. Wm H
CP) Milton S. Heiser of Beavertown
to Hattie ('. Speeht of Middleburgh.
March 14. by Geo. M. Shindel,
CJlerkO. C. Thomas Hornbenrer to
I Ellen Snyder, both of Aline.
II 1. 1 1 I iL T I.
HUirvu 1 i, oy hw name, .josiau
- . ,
An .ii wuwwiwm ywu. ui
p .
March 1 J , near Aline, liv lit v. t h
G. Romig, Levi G. Knonie and
iss Cassa M. Wagner.
7c 1 i" t
Marcli 14, At the home ot the
, ., , , . . . o ... 1
wrwfa grant parenu, ... owineion ,
by Rev. Zweier of Beavertown, Al
len H. Moyer of Middlebnrg to Jen -
nie V. Matter of Swineford.
the EMEs? m .?fl pi mo
UP I T 1X XT 2 r J A 1
What u contrast bor.ivr :i Miu uittiio l
tisitiil furniture specialist. Iln.v iiiucii ):
How long ran mc ufforj tu sail it.' i.
true enough, huf wo ;1ii.i tlifferentlv
dine of business, where others lijruv o i
are selling just now more furniture uvurj day than any
We say this boldly 1. cans
;"t HOtllin
else arc .it the
q.i. j
worth $2.75, reduced
ion lao,'
lua si; III! .,!
Beds, worth 7.
E. S.
o, db end 37 South
;a--a. at is .-z: -a.
M 1 t s I n
y I lla 'W ua
Lflwisi M Prte.
If Call Mm Yon 01' toli8re. J
St .fflfifc.-1B.-3ff Z 0 SS W :. .
Oneot llic best Wheels
on the Market
ONLY . - $40.00.
IDEAL . . .
A wheel of unparalleled
quuli v for only $20.00.
Fine Bicyole Repairing Successful
ly done. Some pnid seeond-hai:;!
VVheals now on hand.
Something New in Music.
what is said to be one of
; most original and fa.scinati.ijr pieces
01 mnsic for piano, entitled "rfiht
of the Butterflies," by Bud. Knaner
. , . . W!J,1 l.vtl... P....
Msic rtanapolH tud.
Its great beauty lies iu its simplicity
and capdvaticg melody. Sent on
' receipt of 25 cents.
nopMConro A(jrce With Yon?
Tf . J.nL. (lmmlm-f im.H. Imm
xt UUUi ... i.i.v vimiu-v utuviv .......
pure Bim -- isuy writes : aiio
, t tme 1 make q.q 1 did not
... . .::.,-. nnn wnt
; noti,ing would induce me to go back
! to coffee." it nourishes and feeds
...... . U . . . u ...... ... ... BV w ..w
&e system ine purarra cau an t
1 it freely with great benefit. It is the
BtrenatheninK substance of pure
.- n-L - 1 ,.....
; . ?nlV7h nB in
! 0U8 an(j healthful table beverage for
j old and young. 15c. and 25c.
n 4 and vnil will linva A. (lialir.
h i! v is in
iX IV.
u..l i ill v nt
pant litit "tli
lis P irnif
'. I ir
ii-iiii ? is tin
ir 4.V itost problem
W'c try to mukii n siioi
t in
usighly boiievo it to bn
bottom of it
to 81.08.
,. . I I., a I
eiourt oucnes, . t spring
A ntiqiiu )ak Suits, worth
reduced to 34.67.
roupth 5t..
Everything New and Com
plete in the Line of the
bas just been received, STou 3ati be sure of lionest prices,
Shoes! 0hoai3
Von make
from ns.
Gome and Sse
Market St., Selinsrove Pa.
Liberal Adjustments
Only the Oldest, Strongest Casli Coinpanies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Ncs.
The Aetna Founded A.
u Home 1
M Auierican M 44
f he Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Si li cited
A Wonderful Success
The Buffalo National Acetylene
Gas Company of Buffalo, N. Y., are
placing ou the market 011 30 days'
trial, a machine for the manufacture
of Acetylene Gas which is bound to
take the place of al 1 other i 1 1 u minanta.
This machine is the latest improved,
and is recommended by all standard
insurance companies. We light
churches, stores, factories, residences
and country homes; also put in plants
for lighting towns. We want good
representatives. 3-9-21.
3 buy
i i
viicd tv iv from
i ..c
icipatti tn
r siirrou
only uleasnntciiiii
ill ..tit, n. tl... . . j
- .i !
ibiorhiug question there
i lll'l :.ttoi' in.tlit ll....'
lutinrin on ii Ihrtfn Mil
" """'i i H'll
:;;t!l Volltmn nftrndn. V,
tovo in our county bus ever sold
ho, a id ; h it pri-cs Ii
i i
i . t.
Antique (a!; Sideboards, worth S J L'. reduced to S8 7S
. worth 8 1 0 reduced ti
820, reduced to 815.
81 1.20
Sunbury, Penha.
t i i
:n mistake
We alwnvs
it buying
Lii ve you a
We tire prepared togiveou suits at
rock bottom prices. At the old stand
they use you right;
Prompt Payments.
D., 1819 Assets $11,055,51.188
u 1853 " 9,853,628.54
" 1810 2,409,584.53
mun rn.-HT Hrit rtv vamtaM.K
lli rli-Oun.f .1... I A ,,f ttin
id iifleutiir n( ths lut wf'l iinH tMtumt'lit
viuiiii 1 nuii ii oiivuer nuuii- nit; iiiimi h.
rmintv 'n Hnnnal will nn
Tuesday, April 4th, 1899,
....1.1 ; .1. m .Imrrt
rtiL fHtAtv In wit
on ine nortn hy land 01 Ilftrrtiton moyci,
by landof George Norman and Barbara
hl(f anilth ltv land if TWnll W Plflfl And '
I... In.. .1 T A t.' n niiiDlV I
Aural mr.rii n amm with n i M ft nil 11 It'S.
auvui mv avres ui win intv atrv ivv - -
oak timber.
Saldaaletobe held on the Dremiiiea nd
commence at JO o clock A 11, when (ern
ha mast lftuitvn hv
Hi Ii ifl