The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 16, 1899, Image 5

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l V
Settled by an Agreement Between
the Three Treaty Powers.
jtit Matter Will Be Adjusted When
liub of the rowers Hare Had Op- !
portunlty to Secnre Full Informa- ;
tlon Samoana Will lie Consulted.
Washington. March 14. After numer- i
ous conferences am! the exchange of
Boten between Secretary liny, the Hrit
jgh ar.bassador and the German ambus-i
taJor, a satisfactory understanding has
beeu reached between the three powers
Interested in Samoa as to the conditions
there. This seeks to oien a new ac-
tount to the affnirs of Samoa, and to
obliterate the troubles anion: ollhials
which have recently occurred there. To
this end Dr. Wilhelm Solf, who hat i
Ueeu nominated by Uermany as iresi- ,
ileut of the municipal council at Apia, to j
lueceed Dr. Haffel, will be reeogninod by j
the British and ITnitcd Slates author!- ;
ties. Already this recognition is as
nured, but it remains for the consull a:
Apia to carry it into formal effect, in
accordance witn tile leiter or ine ircniy
of Berlin. In order that this limy pave
the way to an agreeable and harmonious
adjustment Dr. Solf will go to London
ami make hiniNclf acquainted with the
authorities there and afterwards come
to Washington ami become acquainted
with our officials, so that there may lie
mutual understandings. Dr. Solf will
teach Washington the latter part of thi
month. He will (hen proceed to Samoa,
reaching there in May. His assumption
of the municipal presidency, with 1 1 a - up
proral Of the three powers, is expected to
smooth out matters among the offlciala
am) go a long way towanl adjusting the
eutire matter.
The officials of the three powers have
decided not to attempt a settlement of
the Romoon kingship for the present.
That is left open for adjustment when
each of the three powers have had ap
opportunity to secure full information. In
the meantime the statu quo is to lie
maintained. The last advices indicated
that Mntiiafa was exercising de facto
kingship, while Malietoa was on board
the British ship Porpotae and had the
support of the British and American au
thorities. According to the understand
ing reached there will lie no move to per
niaiiontly establish one or the other of
thesi claimants on the throne. The
liest wishes of tile Samoan people will
Is' consulted, and with a more ngr ible
feeling among the officials of the three
powers the kingship will be settled by a
full conference as soon as all the in
formation on the subject is outlined.
In the conferences leading up to the
present understanding it developed that
Dr. Haffel was recalled from his post
at Samoa last November, but he per
sisted in stnying after his recall, and his
presence appears to have had much to
do in precipitating the trouble. Dr. Solf,
who'succceds him as president, is de
scribed as an accomplished diplomat,
with service in Calcutta, and more re
cently as district judge of the German
colony of Dar-a-Snnm. in South Africa.
It is a post similar to that of .Judge
'hambcrs' in Samoa.
I'lwtir. (iaudnloupe, Hon Nlcolo mid
Patcros Captured by Our Troops.
Manila, March 14. General Wheaton
attacked and captured the city of l'asig,
east of Manila, yesterday afternoon. The
enemy made a stand for an hour, but at
the end of that time were forced to re
treat. The loss of the Filipinos was ,'t(l
killed and 10 prisoners. Of the United
States forces one man wns killed and
eight wounded.
Supported by the Oregon volunteers,
the advance force of cavalry opened
a heavy fire on the rebels. The response
waa feeble and desultory, apparently
coming from a handful of meu in every
covert. Whjle the right column was
swinging towards the town of l'asig.
the left advanced, pouring volleys into
the bush. A small body of rebels made a
determined stand at (iuada loupe church,
hut the enemy was unable to withstand
the assault.
Orudunlly our troops advanced, in
flicting heavy losses on the rebels. First
the villages of Guadaloupe, San Nicolo
and Pateros were captured one nfter the
other. At Pasig the insurgents made
u stand for nn hour, but Scott's battery
shelled the town vigorously and at the
end of that time they retreated again,
and l'asig fell' into the hands of the
Anxiety For Overdue Transport.
Savannah, Ga., March 14. Some anx
iety is felt by the quartermaster's depart
ment or the suiety of the army trans
port Kitrick, formerly the Michigan,
from Cuba with troops. She left Ha- i
vana on March 0, having on board the
Maine volunteer artillery, about MH)
men. The Kitrick was due here on Sat- !
urday. but nothing bus yet been heard I
from her.
Motrlmoulal Accent Snes a Prince.
Vienna, March 14. A matrimonial
agent is suitig Prince Sehoenburg-Wald-enbttrg
before the Klagenfurth courts
for the recovery of commissions which,
he alleges, the prince promised him for
negotiating Ids marriage with the daugh
ter of Don Carlos, and which, after the
manias, the prince refused to pay.
Ie?!enHauirb and Rurkc Disbarred.
Cleveland, March 14 The forma! art I
of disbarring ,ludge Frank K. Dcllen
baugh and Benator Vernon H. Burke, !
who were recently found guilty of un-
professional conduct, was performed by
the circuit court yesterday. Dcllen
baugh and Burke are now disbarred 1
from practicing in the courts of Ohio.
The Khalifa Stricken With Leprosy.
Loudon, March 13. The Cairo cor- i
respondent of The Dnily Telegraph says ,
he learns that Khalifa Abullah, the
Dervish ruler of the Soudan, is suffering
from leprosy, which he contracted a few
years ago through taking unto himself
the wife of a black emir, who has since
died of leprosy.
Carrying tho Cash to Cuba.
Newport News, Vu., March 14. The
cruiser Chicago ami the transport
Meade, which is conveying 3,000,0Oi)
to Havana to pay off the Cuban troops,
sailed for Hampton Roads simultaneous
ly yesterday afternoon.
Rbould They Defuse to Accept Onr
Uoveruiueaf 98,000,000 Offer.
Havana. March 14. A public mani
festation upon the part of the different
patriotic clubs, in which the general
public assisted, was held at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. The people who
took part in the demonstration marched
with music and banners to Qoidta,
where they expressed to t Ieneral GotSe
their adherence to himsel:' and their dis
approval of the action of the Cuban
assembly in removing him from the of
fice of general iu chief of the Cuban
ana) .
The police bad lievu ordered to prevent
the demonstration, lint they were power
less. Finally the crowds began to at
tack the police, and the Twentieth re.,
ulars were sent to disperse them, which
was accomplished without injury to H
single person.
While the people were cheering Gomel
and crying "Down with the assembly"
that body was iu session, and uiauy fiery
speeches were made. A v t" of expul
sion was passed on Setter 4 5 ,:a io.-: !
Quesiula for being "a traitor to the a
xctnbly and ati accomplice of Gomea."
Should a portion of the Cuban army
support the military assembly iu re
jecting the (fomez-Porter agreement
and iu refusing to disband without a
larger sum than K8,000,O00, forcible dis
armament, iii the opinion of Americana
well qualified to judge, WOUld follow.
This is the only grave fact in an other
wise entertaining sequence of incidents.
The United States is completely com
mitted to the arrangement made by
Robert 1'. Porter, President McKlulcy'a
special representative, with General
Gomes, mid the details of the plan of
distribution are already far advanced.
The opinion of Cuban civilians is thai
a considerable portion of the army,
probably the larger pnrt, upholds Gen
eral' Gomei in his contract with th"
United Suites, and therefore the Amer
ican military administration sees m
oilier COUraC open than tile forcible (lis-
irnting of any faction of the Cuban
oops which, after being duly warned,
should persist in keeping the field.
Heinuev Acquitted of Murder,
Media. Pa., March 14. The jury in
the case of Minns Delaney, charged with
the murder of Mrs. Ann Leonard, of
Chester, yesterday returned a verdict of
acquittal. The jury bad been out sinc e
Saturday evening. Mrs. Leonard was
murdered and her husband terribly
beaten by two colored men on Sept. 'J I
1808. Joseph Brown and Minus De
laney were subsequently arrested.
( hinged w ith the crime, and each blamed
the other for the murder. The husband,
after lying at the point of death formally
months, was able to appear in court last
week and testify. Ho said that Brown
had struck him ami that Delaney had
struck ami killed his wife. Brown was
convicted of manslaughter,
Sampson's lleiiuest to Seeritni-y Long
Washington, March 14. Secretary
Long has received a letter from Bear
Admiral Sampson in which the admiral,
uffer referring to the allegation! thai
the list of ofBcera recommended for pro
motion for gallantry off Santiago hud
failed of confirmation because it includ
ed his name, asked the sccreary to im
mediately reappoint these Officers, omit
ting his own name. Secretary Long will
not accept the suggestion made by Ad
miral Sampson. The matter will be al
lowed to remain just as it stands until
the next congress meets, and then all of
the nominations will be sent in precisely
us they stood at the end f the last ses
sion. Volunteers COItiltKg Home From Cuba.
Washington, March 14. The war de
partment has determined to muster out
nnd bring home all the volunteers now iu
Cuba with the exception of the volun
teer engineers and Immunes, The neces
sity for immediate action has been
brought to the attention of the war de
partment on account of the quarantine
regulations against Cuba, which go into
effect about the 1st of May, ami which
are especially strict at all southern ports.
When the troops nre brought to this
country they must, under the law, be
mustered out in the United States camps,
ami they no doubt will be brought to
camps nearest their homes.
Health Otlleluls Indicted.
New Orleans, March 14. President
Edmund BoUChon, of the state board of
health, and Dr. Quitman Rohnke, f
the city board, have been indicted for
manslaughter in Fast Felinlda for hav
ing caused a deuth in that parish
through the introduction of yellow fever
from New Orleans. The Indictment is
the result of a charge by Dr. Mackowan.
who claimed that the two doctors had
held that yellow fever was not as in
fectious as typhoid and not quiirniitin
abfei and that they declined to notify
the county parishes of the existence of
alleged fever here.
Steamer Cnstlllan Doomed.
Yarmouth, N. S., March 14. The mag
nificent Allan line steamer Cnstilian,
ashore on (iannett Bock Ledge, will
assuredly be a total loss, and the chance
of ISVing the cargo is now regarded ns
slim. Captain Barrett and the first ami
second officers still remain on her. All
the rest of the Officers and crew are now
in Yarmouth. The steamers which
came up yesterday brought cabin fit
tings and such ware us could be got ut.
Most of the stock was still living, but
nre now without attendance, and it is
feared cannot be saved.
Congressional Librarian I'litmim.
Washington, March 14. The president
has appointed Herbert Putnam, of Bos
ton, to be librarian of congress. Mr.
Putnam is a son of lleorge Putnam,
founder of the publishing house of
(Jeorge Putnam & Sons, and is a
native of New York. He is a grad
uate of Harvard and of Columbia law
school. He organized the Minneapolis
public library, and it at present librarian
of Boston's public library.
Alleged Abductor Held Kor Trial.
New York. March 14. Malcolm Dick
erson, the electrician of this city who
was arrested on the charge of abducting
15-year-ohl Nwru ravillo from her home
in Northampton, I'a.. was yesterday
held in !?2,ltOJ bail. The girl was hand
ed over to the (Jerry society. Dickerson
is 31 years old, and married.
A No Quorum Senntorlnl Rnllot.
Harrishurg, Ma rub 14. Tho joint us
acuihly did business yesterday without
a quorum. The usuul preliminaries
were dispensed with, except prayer by
Chaplain Dimmick, and the vote was
taken, with the following result. Quay,
10; Jenks, 7; Irvtn, 1.
v to
u mm sad p
V :-.' !W SV-'.tOli E.cnT'TC.1
Ufo tVo of ::A2tbna::?cr.
z.,zi:.r. , : AO Ttr flz:::
(.- nc-el Wood one! Other Print laco Of
l.e ft'.s l-.i :ilel Nl 'utile the Hone
a- TbotHs oi' tve rrtlc i- Comiiisiidliij
the gphnlah Torpedo I loot Destroyer
Santiago de Cl ! a, March 1 I. On Sou
day Geueral eoiiard vVo i, milltar)
governor r the uepurinn ul ' Bautiagti
iu isv presence of the i IJuttnt genera
of the department, Colon 0 ileacou . ..
Captain Ulluiore, Cuptat.i !:cott, cap
tain of the poit, anil uthv 01 el . pol
tively identified the reuutttu thi
Spanish Officer discovered i few days
ago among tin- ruii.s m the l ire ttbi
lour miles west of Fi M i ro is thins
i f Admiral VlUumil, who commanded the
Spanish torpedo boat ucsti ye - in the
naval battle which rosultv I i:i the de
atruetlou of Admiral'a squadron.
Accompanied by the ott) -ers named,
and by others. General Wood went in
tug to Investigate personally as to the
truth of the report thai the body of a
Spanish officer bad been found, tied iu
un armchair, at the point designated.
The report proved well founded. Nearly
opposite the point where the wrecked
torpedo boat destroyer Plutoa lu-s Gen
eral Wood found an arm hair, with
ropes around it. a skuHi bo.iea on the
ground ami the rugged remnants of the
uniform of a captuiu in the Spanish
navy, il was evident thai the buy.xard
had stripK'd the boucs of flc.di.
Il is understood here thoilj ii as t.i this
there is no certainly thai Adniirn
Viilumil was taken ashore friuu tin
Pluton in a dying condition, tied in an
armchair, and the supposition is that he
died immediately on reaching the shore.
the body being left abandoned among the
rocks, where it remained undiscovered
until a few days ago.
Admiral Yillnmil, it is known, was
WOqnded in the rihf arm and the left I
leg. General Wood put the bones to
gether, showing the unmistakable marks
of wounds in these places. The identi
fication was in every respect complete.
In the pocket of rhe coat was found the
fleet countersign for June 211, signed by
the late Captain Ovldeo y Buatatnente,
then Admiral Cervera's chief of stuff.
Colonel BeaCOlU and Captain Qilmon
carried the armchair, the tattered unl-
form ami the bones, tied together by a j
handkerchief of the dead officer and one I
of Colonel Beaoom, to the tug, which
lay about four miles off.
Tho identification caused a sensation
among the Spaniards here, as Admiral
Villamil wns one of the best known
strategist! In the Spanish navy ami a
man held in high esteem by his country ,
General Wood, through the war de
partment, will notify the secretary of I
state of the finding of the remains, so ,
that these can be removed to Spain, if
the Spanish government so desires
Pending final disposition they will lie
kept at the arsenal here. The tattered
uniform win also be held subject to 1
Spain's wishes. The armchair is ut
present In (barge of Captain Scott.
A llllllllet of Millionaire-.
New York, March 14. The bank of
the Manila i tan company, which cele
brates its centennial on Arril 8, sent
invitations yesterday to the 64 presidents
of the banks which are members of the
Clearing House and to the presidents
of the savings banks ami the trust coin
panics to a dinner to be given ut Sherry's
on the evening of the day named. Invi
tations have also been extended to Gov
ernor Roosevelt, the state treasurer.
controller and the superintendent of the
banking department. About 1"I guests
are expected. This gathering will prob
ably represent the largest aggregation
of capital that has ever been seen in this
cily around a hunquct table. A careful
estimate of the money interests to be
represented puts the tot u I ut i,7S0,
(KHl.tKK). Border Methods In Now York stote.
Wnverly, N. Y March 14. A holdup
I in true western bnndil style occurred
j here about 3 0 'clock in the morning. At
that hour 11 masked nnd armed men
entered the power house of the Wnverly,
Sayre and Athens Traction company.
! bound the three employes securely nnd
I placed I hem in nn empty car. where the
I workmen were secured by ros-s around
their necks atfnclied to the handle bars
I above them. Then, leaving one man to
1 guard them, the robbers blew open the
three safes in the office and secured $17."
' in cash. Nothing but money was taken
I Two hours later one of the laen succeed
ed in freeing his hands and all were
nuickly cut loose. There is no clew.
To Kleet Now B. A. It. Commander.
Cincinnati, March 14. W. C. John
OB) senior vice comma nder-in-chief of !
the Grand Army of the Uepnblie, yes-
terday issued n cull for the executive
1 committee of the natiional board of ad-1
' ministrntion of the llraml Army to meet
at the Continental hotel, iu Philadel- .
phia, on Wednesday. April 12, to select
a comniander-iu-cliief to succeed the bite
(ieneral James A. Sexton. Senior Vice
! Commander .bjlanson will be a candidate,
as will (ieneral Black, of Illinois.
Baltimore's Ke Postmaster.
Washington. Murch 1i. S. Davies
Warlield has been commissioned ks t -master
i.t Baltimore, Mil., and Ktigene
P. NtttS has been appointed Doited
States marshal for the district of New
i Philippine lslftAda.
v ig gmtssv' y
'.v- iln"s.Ja. i, e t
te To. !s i.. the ' lo i ;-. aft i
i t.i.'i 's are reeadlnc,
Th ar. y v.iut- r bo ,s): . . " in i
(5r . was ;e:!cd for pit; ! ,.
' he i-r. li .-ft hrs apjtoir.i 1 " ' .
lie. .'. !K' p t:o . iter at '. ." N ';
5TJ(i HntlrS ere' er lal' .-'. ' -.t J' "
Yo:'. with i..o Iwu'Jr of the Lite 1. I
Rt ra !u 11
Pi cs ' -i t MeViv' v Ins dcetiHI t
ta!:" a short reit rt t'ie f'-tn of Beaator
li. !i?ii, ar Thorn- (VillO, (la.
Paymaster Gei - -il Carer, P; s. A.
today drew 8,0CO.IsiJ0 in tain from iii
New Fork sub-tr ..:.!:;;, to pug the Cu
ban soh'.iets.
'I :, senatorial deadlock hi Nebra u
was ended by the c ction of M, I.. Uu.)
ward, Republican, to smvi 1 W. .
Allen, Popullsjt.
", bursdny, March I'.
Oreat liri. in'a navy will cost the gov
rnment nearly 28,000,000 this year.
Latest np its from Honolulu Indicate
the probahl 1 leath of Princess Kalulani.
Tb" husband of Mrs. Botkin, the Sa.i
Fionc'sco pni nor, baa applied for a
The tag .lames Bowen was sin k o
the Virginia capes ami 12 peraoas
ISxploding nltro-giycerlce near I'a'
kersburg, '.''. Va., killed George Fre a
and M. Mle'iaels,
Geuercl Ludlow, inllltnr) govern r of
Havana, appeals for assistnuce for t :
starving poor of that city.
In Pnrla Mme, Bianchinl waa co-ivid
ed of attempting to poison he husband.
the noted scenic artist, and aeiltel. d tt
five years' Imprisonment,
Friday, Mroh f.
C'oint Baterhnay predicts thai Crptihi
Dreyfus will receive a full pan! ci.
Cititena of Tacoma, Wash., have o -ganistd
a vigilance committee a, el . 1
drive out auspicious characters.
General Milter, commander of onr
forces at lailo, Philippines, retires f.,:
Bge Murch 'J7. Colonel T. M. Andersi n
succeeds him.
F. F. Bogort, posttuuster it! Wilkes
barre, I'a., was nrrestt-il on a charge ol
tampering with the mails, lie i liar '
u political conspiracy.
Itev. T. De Wltl Talmnge has re
aigned the pastorate of the First Pres
byterian church, Washington, and will
devote himself to literature,
Hurry Kentxer, a prosperous farmer
near NVomclsdorf, Pa., eloped with Mi-s
Beldler, a nelghbor'a daughter. Mrs.
Kllltier, the deserted wife, committed
Before the Pennsylvania legislative in
vestigators ex-Senator John J. Coyle, of
Bchnylklll county, ex i: presentatlvc
Thou, as Movie-, of S illo-sbarrc, and
present nieti.l"T BpatS!, of Berks, were
charged With attempts : I bribery. Thcj
deny the charges.
Mil tieday. Unroll 1 1 .
Bradstreet'a rcvios resrts wage ad
vances to 175,000 workers.
The Utah legislature adjourned with
out electing a United States senator.
General Henry, al Ban Juan de Porto
Rico, declares he needs more troops to
control the discordant elements.
Judge Gregory; at Albany, N. V.. sus
pended sentence on Mrs. Cody, convicted
of attempting to blackmail the Goulds.
Donaldson, the professional diver, in
jured while diving at Madison Square
Garden, New York, died from his in
juries. The report that Admiral Dewey has
aaked to be relieved, and will be suc
ceeded by Bear Admiral Schley, is with
out foundation;
Mrs. Porler and her alleged lover,
Samuel Paralow, were hanged at St.
Bcholnatique, Que., for killing the wo
man's husband, The woman died
bravely, the man like a craven.
Al Bristol, Tentt.i i: Congressman
Walker, of Virginia, shot W. S. Hamil
ton, attorney for Judge Rhea, whose
seat in congress Walker is contesting,
Walker w as then shot by !. H. I i vis.
Rbea'i secretary. Walker will recover,
but Hamilton may die,
Mondavi , March 18,
Onr growing coal trade with Europe
is alarming English coal merchants.
A plan is on fool to make San Juan
hill. Santiago de Uuba, n public park.
Mrs. Keifer, wife of General J, War
ren Keifer, died at her home in Spring
field. O.
The Cuban assembly on Saturday de
posed General Gomes from the command
of the Cuban forces.
Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke, of New
York, declines the offer of a Princeton
college professorship.
Major BreVnberg, with our troops in
the PhillppapPS, declares 10 per cent of
the Volunteers wish to settle there.
Allan line steamer oaatilian went
aground iu a fog near Yarmouth, N. S..
and will be a total loss. All hands res
cued. JutOra Komura, Japanese minister ,lt
Washington, says there is no truth in
a report that Japan would adopt Chris
tianity as a state religion. Japan has
no state religion.
An Keflec-led by Dealluirs In I'll 1 1 a. lei -pliln
and Baltimore.
Philadelphia, March It, Flour slow;
winter superfine, BlWtlift: Pennsylvania
roller, clear. AQSOLB; city mills, extra.
$3.75)1.1. Bye (lour uuiet and steady at
$3."o per barrel for choice Pennsylvania.
Wheat strong; No. 3 red, March, 74V"
70c. Corn firm; No. 3 mixed, March.
ajflsnvc. ; No. 3 yellow, for local trade.
gSVWfaO. Oats dull; No. 3 white, HHc.;
No. 3 white, clipped. Me. Hay steady;
choice timothy. fll'ull.aU for large bales.
Best steudy; beef hams. $1S.MWi 1'J. Pork
steady; family. $13'n 13.50. I.ard steady;
western steamed, $5.1. liutter steady;
western creamery, 154130c.; do. factory.
13iil4'4c ; Klglns. 30c; Imitation creamery.
l".il7tyc; New York dairy. WiWic; do.
creamery, V0gt) fancy Pennsylvania
prints Jobbing at 33'u:.'k-. : do. wholesale,
31c. Cheese steady; large, white, 13c;
small do., 12H-C : large, colored. 13c;
small do,, 12Vattl3c-: bght skims. hU
tV.; part skims, 740PVic ; full skims,
4i5e. Kgg stVady: New York and Penn
sylvania, 14c: western, fresh, 14c; south
ern. 12He.
Baltimore, March 11. Flour dull; west
ern superfine. $3.3.V,.i3.fiO; do. extra, $3.0011)
3; do. family, $3.35ft!l.(a; winter wheat,
patent, $3,7544; spring do., S3:90$j 4. 1& ;
spring wheat, straight, $3.65.'l.s5. Wheat
steadier; spot and month, 743i)74',c;
southern, by sample, 70'u 7.V jc. ; do. on
prude, 711i75c. ( 'osji dull; spot and month,
;;;-'i374c.; April. 37&38c; May, HfcO
I'S'ic : steamer mixed, 36!4c ; southern,
white. 37'ii38Kc: do. yellow, 37038c. Oats
easier; No. 2 white. 3&b3bc.; No. 2 mixed.
$2H'(f33c. Rye dull; No. 1 nearby, ts!-u
CUc; Nn. $ western, (2c
u Ond the i r?ro;..ruu,'?,,:
r. i v ,
ivu iu i . ax
TIio t :. - 'e ' jgicl vtnw Fails tc
I oct a Geuator.
Three Detnoi'rr.ts Aronae ndlgnsitton
fiy Voting; l'oe Addlcks, nnd Are
nottttdtj Mlaard The N-xt l.efsla
Inru win Elei t Two Heuators.
D( ver. Del., March 1-1.- After one of
the most exciting scenes that has ever
been witnessed iii the general assembly
Of the stale, the session of 1889 ended
ut 3.IHI o'clock yesterday afternoon with
out electing a United Stutes senator w
anccee I Hon. George Gray. It is the
t if ne iu the history of the stale that
there in an unquestioned senatorial vn
cam , and owing to the established pre
cedei t of the upper house u( congress lit
refui ng to seat guberuationial np
potnfccN after the legislature of a state
has had an opportunity to elect, the sei I
of Mr, Gray will remain vacant until
the gei -ral assembly of liOl shall
ih lose iiis successor. At the same t.a.c
th lor a id Richard U. Kenncy will nls.i
expire, and ll "ill therefore devolve upon
the nt'xl legislature to elect two aeuators
Th final ballot, the 14th of the day,
and the 113th during the session, wa
ns follows: John Edward Addick
(Un.on Itepubllvau), 21; Colonel Hen .
A. Dupoul lUepubllcan), Hi John li,;
(Democrati, '; exCougressmun ! It
Inv Haudy (Democrut), 5; ex-Senal
; o;.e Gray iUemocrat), -l; Wilhi
fanlsbtiry itteroocratl, ex-8cna
Anthony Higgina (Uepublica i),
The time decided npo.i Cor ;:'! : l
ireuf sine die was I', p, m. a id we i
the Wth ballol was com,'! ted it lac' I
1 niiuuteh o1 tail hour the '
clock, which w : si:, mintitea slow. Thi
DeniocrutH then udpoieu hliiuistciu:
tin tics iii eurucst, u It hough they l'
longed the bmloting during the nftemoti .
by moving, after each ballot, that lit
houses sc'Mttutc, ami up;i which m
I tions aye il lid liaj votes were uhYU'l
nee,- at' . the l..ibujt.'rinj; was led by
' Kepiescntut've D. C, Uoi-e, a Demo
I eral, and it i d lor its purpose the con
umptiou of t; in order to prevent i n
I election, Th s heme was success!. .
am! with lU'se Ihe floor uiakiug an
I address in i'.c disorder iu th.' roo;u aatl
on other preteti'lel I '.fines, the pre IJIng
olflcer, Ptewluent 1 ro Ten;. Clinrb's !'..
Salmon. D-m,, ret. i f Ihe seimt lire", H
down his gnvel it it resonnuiug whan
I as th" voM jHiiated to the hour ol li.
The chamber was iu a nproar in au in
stant, and ii was some fi n,- before iiulel
was restored, Dwiioeratlc ineaibers and
ngular Uepuldici icmbers who are ,.
posed to Addicks cheered loiiuty. many
Of tin' legislators jumping OB their desliS
iiinl waving their hats while cheeritix.
The scene will long he remembered by
those w ho saw it.
The final session was productive of
surprises, intense excitement and all
other elements thai go to make up i
gathering Of such importance. The sur
prises were the action of Senator E, li.
V. 1'urlow nnd Representatives J. 1!.
Chirk and W. V. King, Democrats, iu
going over to Addicks. Elirlow and
King, who were looked upon as
steadfast Democrats, bolted on the
fust ballot yesterda) and Clark tul-
lowetl "Il the next one. Pre s ire wns
brought to bear by ex-Congressman
Handy and other lending Democrats
upon llie three bolter", bul Ihey were
dttrnte and would n'ii "return to tie
fold." This made Addlck's vote 21, or
live short of election, the joint conven
tion I ring composed of 50 meailM-ra.
These Democrats were hissed by the
speetafors every lime they Toted for
Addlcks, end as they lefl the capitol they
wen- loudb' jeered.
The balloting for senator begnn on
Jan. 17, and if has continued daily lincc
then, with the exception of Sunduys, A
no time was the vote of on) candidate
over -I.
The defeat of Addlcks at the session
ji si ended minks his second unsuccessful
effort to reach the senatorsbip in lliis
State, In I "'.'", after failing in an
election, four of his followers held out
to the last, and thus prevented the lib
solute election of Col 1 Henry A, un-
pout, who was subsequently refused ad
mission by the United Slates senate.
Now Thorouttbly IrsrantassS, Tliey "iv 1 1 1
Demand tile t'nlon Scale,
hlladelphla, March II. The execu
tive board of the (ilass Bottle Blowers'
association, which has hud under consid
eration for the past few days the labor
situation among the uon union glass
blowers of south New Jersey, yesterday
practically ((included its work with the
announcement that the glass blowers of
that section nre thoroughly organized,
and will present their demands to the
manufacturers within u few days for
paymenl at the union scale of wages.
President D. A. Hayes, of the Bottle
Blowera' association, in confirming tie
above said; "We do not anticipate a
i strike, but the question of such a con
i tJngency depends entirely upon the rec
ognition by the manufacturers of their
workmen's organisation and their accept
' ance of the union scale of wages, in the
event of a strike the glass blowers of
south New Jersey will be supported by
I the Dottle Blowers' association."
At the session of the board it was
Stated that the New Jersey workmen
I now receive from -i to SO per cent Dsn
j wages than elsewhere iu the country, and
are further burdened to a gnat extent
by the prevalence of company .lores.
I The abolishment of the latter, it is said.
will also be demanded.
Italy Presented No Ultimatum.
Bome, March It. The Tribuna us
serfs that Italy has not delivered nn ul
timatum to China. On the contrary, the
Italian government has disavowed the
; action of Signor Mnrtino regarding the
I San Mini bay affair and has recalled
him, confiding Italy's interests to the
ltritish minister nt PeJdn, Sir Claud"
Macdonald, until the successor of Sigtior
Mart i no arrives there.
The President OfT Kor OsOTgfats
Washington. March Id. -President and
Mrs. McKinley and a party of friends
! left the city at ti:t0 o'clock lust night for
a vacation of ten days or two weeks at
I Thomasville, Co.. where the train is
, scheduled to arrive nt 4 o'clock this nf
ternoon. The president occupied the
magnificent private 1 unman observation
ear lolunthe ut the rear of the special
2 whits,
1 ha Mfavra,! , U ,.
oaaovertothr t.
I for rslrioL
Harrishurg March 14. A bill apt ri
printing JlO.tajt) for the erection In the
capitol grounds at Harrisburg oi' .i i - n
nmcnt to the memory Of the ol !!.
the Tenth regiment, Peanaylvario rnl
OnteerS, who lost their lives ia thi see
vice of their country in the Phi
wi s Introduced in. the In use in- u
Inn by Mr. Deyi ton, of Pavettr.
Boaditip, Pi .. Ma eh ia Hn -ry : .r
ar:-. a p : .r tier, i ed ' .. I s
Bviri : i or ' ' rf. th s u ity.i ! p
ed '.'i J d tghl " i
neigh! e ' . ' ul . lit. : ' : !e!
w!. nn' i s . ttVnown. V. '; . rw
Kmtaer, r. i' ;t l wife, learn ' '
the eloo.' " . : die took a dose n( jris
green and diei within a few miutil
Altoona, lu., March 14. Harry
ley, the telegraph operator who R a
white block to the passenger train
sfterwards run into a freight train, -iug
the death of Engineer John
ami Fireman George Kern, la
day. turned np al the Inquesl ye i
The jury rendered a Verdict hold!
criminally responsible of the accidi
Sewicklcy. Pa.. .March 18. Dr. C It ct
I'. Murray, son of 1 r. It. J. Ma
of the best known and highly r. .1
residents of Bewlekley, last oight
and instantly killed John .1
negro, his father's butler. Mnrni
about a week has been acting Btru
and it is thought his mind has I
fected by drink. It is not kh"e I'inl
there has been any trouble Iwtwci
men. Murray was arrested toiln;
Pittsburg, March I I. i ne stril the
Si boon Pressed Steel works was ! '. night, ami the plant is in full i era
lion today. The result is u pnrtinl vie
tory for the strikers, the firm h ring
conceded nn advance of IS cents u day
to oil employes in nil departments, 24
hour shutdown on Sunday, and In 1 use
of accident permission for the i i In ''tl
department to Mop w ork until the in inred
or dead are removed from the scene,
Harrishurg, March 11. t'lis ia
John H. I'ow, of the legislative unt
mlttee to Investigate tbe charges of al
leged hrinery in connection with the
consideration of the McCarrell jury lii'i
in the house, tiled a prcllnilnar- -c port
yesterday iu the house. The re; rt de
dares that "it will be impossible to con
elude their labors by March III, th 1 time
fixed by resolution. They therefore ask
that the time be extended to March '7."
On motion the lime of Hllng the report
was extended,
Philadelphia, March IS, John Will
iains, aged -N years, and his w'fe Mar
garet, aged -3, were asphyxinteil hy il
luininntlnv gas yesterday ul their bome.
''"nT Wnverly street. It is lielieved ie
have been dec to on incident. Mr, Will
iams was a barber, ami usually returned
lioine after midnight on Saturdays. Th
stopper oil the gas jet is very close to
another controlling the flow nf -as i .
radiator. In turning off the former b
ia thought he accidentally turned on til"
latter, The couple had been married
eight mouths.
Cliambersbnrg, Pn March 11. An un
successful attempt was made to blow up
the grammar school at Scotland yestat
day. The school was in session, nnd a
panic ensued. Fortunately no one was
liurt. A bomb, pieces of which hive
been found and are in possession of the
authorities, had been placed under the
floor of the building. The shock a
great enough to shake other buildings In
the vicinity, and a big Stove was br kua
from its fastenings. Investigation e w
ed that the fastenings on the i! i o(
the basement had been broken off.
Hnrrisburg, March 13. Governor
Stone received n letter yesterday from
David T. Watson, of Pittsburg, dated
March 11, thanking him for the hnnoi
conferred In tendering him the appoint
ment of supreme court judge to fill the
vacancy created by t-he death of Judge
Henry Williams, of Wcllsboro. Mr
Watson soya that after the b i eon
(deration he Is able to give the matter
he finds himself unable to accept the
appointment. The governor dec nes to
make public the full contents of Mr.
Watson's letter for personal reasons,
Sharon. Pa.. March I". Mr-.. Moggie
Smith, wife of Homer Smith, aged 'Xi
years, was found dead at Imt residence
with two wounds on her head nnd her
clothes burned from her body. Her hus
band claims he was n wakened by on
explosion and found his wife w ithing
in Dnraes on the floor, with portions of
the lamp lying around. He uthered
the flames, Imt she was burned terribly
about the body, Builth was arrested,
and at the coroner's Inquest told a very
disconnected story. He was remanded
to jflil to await tb result of a poa)
mortem examlnoth n,
Bcranton, Pn Man fa Tliv m$
ping of a wire somewhere ImM-v ii ihi
ciiy and Nov.- Ynrli eit last P. cost
the Hiol room ii i this i and
Wllkesbarre u'.oi". The races were lib
erally played in both cities, and there
were many surprises when it was an
nounced that ltaratirn, it 4 to 1. Knar
John at BtO 1 and Nemo at SO to 1, were
the winners of the big races. The (lis
covery that the wires had been tapped
was not made until too late, and now
the bettors on the winning horses will
have their claims satisfied nt a farther
loss to the pool room men.
Pittsburg. March 11. The scale com
mittces of the coal operators and min
ers' organizations of the Pittsburg li
trict held several meetings yesterday,
but adjourned at 4 o'clock until toduj
without having accomplished anything.
According to statements mode hy mem
hers of the committee no conclusion was
arrived at beyond the fact that the min
ers issued their ultimatum, which is in
accordance with the resolutions adopted
at the last district convention. It was
further stated that the only question
that came np for consideration was ma
chine mining. Both sides were firm la
their stand.
Milford. Pa.. March 14.-A wind
atorm of unusual velocity swept over a
large section of Pike county Buudaj
night, causing considerable damage to
properly and injuring a number of i I I
sons. At Deep Hollow, about 18 miles
from here, lightning struck the home of
Elijah Vandermark, sheriff of th on
ty. Mrs. Vandermark, her si cn chil
dren and Maurice Young, a relative; es
caped from the house safely. I If W0IT
thrown to the ground. Joseph, one of
the children, aged 11 years. WOS hudly
injured and will die. Young reoaivM
severe COBCUSSlon of the brain. Kvery
building on the farm was destroyed, and
three COWS were killed.
( on-ul nt St. John-tea V. l-
W.tshin-!"ti. March 11. Marlin J.
Carter, of Pennsylvania, hns been ap
Miiutcd consul ,, the l uited States at
St. Jehn'a, N. I?'.
4 t . "- vwss , uuUb,'
;tr:-r.- "7'lu lne,r m,ncrB. hop
T !fcu,n " agrcemenf on ml