The Middleburgh Post.' Published every Thursday. fro W. Waaenseller, tditorand Proprietor Subscription $150 ler .vear- y iii n inuat tw Pld a? wtien sent out- Ma 'he eoaaty.) rates or OVf RTISINO. u .irtftTttr-m.'nta not ot&erwltv ,r..ii tor wiuwrlmivliit tenleot J ITS nBS SSS' 1 f.p nr tlnn i .s.-rtlun Dath mUm puhluhM fm I obituary potv, friW tl IIMlrt rfc. 0"-" '"' " Ttiursday, March D, 1899. A JOB WANTED. The Editor ol the snyaer i oudij . . ( 1 1 A... Irihum was living in mid-air and listing among the floating feathers when he attempted in last week's issue to endorse the support ol Quay !)V our representative ami senator. These i i have done their duty to Senator Quay ifthey personally ow u 1 anything to him, iind it is now time to leave him. No one in Sny der County will attempt to prove even for his own satisfaction that the vote on the U. 8. Senatorial ques tion in January, 1898 was an en dorsement lor Senator Quay. The primary was hurried through so it would be impossible to raise any iiiinasition to appear against Quay and such a voti lest. Even the I ... is anyiniiis uw . i . i . . i a representative dur ing the campaign was unwilling to : knowledge that the vole in Janu iirv 1898 was a test, because he ienly announced I Was No. Man's iall.'' The large majority ot Mr. Rotll e meliu Union County last Saturday in not be any panacea tor a Quay ..ifinial nln.ii Mr. (iilltcr tines tlOt ilony that he did uot vote the full republican ticket last fall. The republicans have no reason to elect to party positions men who are willing to admit they are not straighl nt republicans and hence the vote in not be safely taken as a criterion like the vote hist fall. In his issue last week the Kilitnr of the Zrtoune says : "Senator Hum tuel always told US he was as good a Qimy Manas Ins opponent. tins umII' mtikfi interestintr readine for the Hummel supporters who got tin advice "Down with all rings in cluding Quay, Lumbard and Wag- .uscllcv." 'Tis stianiro that hditor I .iimlttiril will lie down now and : ul hi.- eurlv lockBagainsI the wolf ! ,. :.. " will a stricken and dy iur divr i" . the hand ol a man WI10 lew hi:n '.' The Country Newspaper. Tim l o inii v newBDaner is an un- - . ii iiortant ageliey in the cultivation ol . .. .. .. i it mi i Ii.. -Hint, am however numuie n iw.w st em beside the metropolitan daily it has a place in popular edu irution which is too little regarded. While the editor is not often above the rank ol a practical printer there arc man; persons in most ot the su burban towns clergymen, lawyers, touchers ai d others who have the leisure and ability to use the paper 08 the vehicle of influence over their fellow citizens. 'fhe country newspaper is usually local in its news, and the very peo ple who might make it fresh ami tiiicrcestive arc those who complain most loudly ot its meagre character. Short articles pertaining to local in terests are always welcomed in its columns, and the nun and women who most de-ire to make homo life in tin untry rich and influential can best do so by contributing freely to its columns of what they have in mind. In some places this has been done, and the result in tile quickened lite ol the community has been grat ifying. Boston II raid. Chamberlain'! Cash Kerned jr. This remegy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping coii(,'h and influenza. It has become famous for its cures of these diseas es, over a large purl of the civilized tVAPll 1 The most Hutterinc testi monials have beau received, Kivinp) accounts of it good works, of the lUTKraviitimr and ncrsistent eougns it iiaH cured; of severe colds that have viclded promptly to its soothing ef fects, and of the dat. serous attacks of croup it has cured, often savinc the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whoojring COUgh has shown that it robs that disease from all dangerous consequences, For sale by all DruKRists. WANTED I V Reliable man for Manager of Branch Oflice which 1 wish to open mi this vicinity. If your record is O. K here is a good opening. Kindly mention the Post when writing. A. T. MOK1US, Cincinnati, O. Illustrated catalogue t eta. postage. 29 6t COUNTY GULLINGS. Breezy Items Picked up Here and There about the Coun ty and Noted tor Tour Enlightenment. N.O. Kow of Globe Mills .... far Nebraska as he 188 in- H''. , v v . . - - - r . i i tended to as olio ol nis cinnircu m i I 1 .. 8eriouBlJ' 111 iMM'umoma- C. W. Fisher - Sm, tlie enter prising merchani and custom mill era at Lowell, are having their mill remodeled with the latest improved machinery, thug enabling them to htmiakthMF oustomera with flour t.x l K- 1 by nunc The Selinsgrove Imn says iti.i.r.. M.'i'iiuv rtririruanded tin lawyers at court last week tor not' having their rases prepared fortrial, thus .lelavintr the proceedings tor almost hall a day. It was a jUSi reprimand as every lawyer had ample , tune m which to prepare ineir cas. s. We heard many ol the taxpayers commend the Judge tor Ins action." A Troxclvillc correspondent says: "Rumor has it that we are to have u licensed hotel at this place this spring. I hope the rumor is uu touuded, as there is no necessity for a hotel at this place and the people mf tin. invi n don't want to have it. fthe minor should turn out tone true, there will be a lively fight "' hand tir the fellow who wants to have the license. No stone will lie , left unturned to persuade the court from granting a license tor this place, as the citizens of the town are opposed to a hotel lor this place al most to a man. WEST BEA.VER ...I. W. Treastcr was home over Sunday from Mifflin county. ...Robert Middleswarth took hold ot the McClnre hotel on the JUh. ...It has been reported mat airs. Emanuel Wagner's improvingslow- lv since Dr. Wagcseller's visit. 11 niu. i. b - . . i .i it . . Fred Gundrum has been hauling timber to the ax factory at Lewis town, to 1m- used in making hammer handles. ...The McClnre string hand visit ed Crossgrove last Saturday evening and treated Merchant Long with some choice music. . ,T. F. Swineford is now at Cold - ivntor. Mirhiean. visitius his mother and sister, the latter being danger Olislv ill with the consumption. ...C. W. Fisher & Son are putting :il ..t ,.t mllora nf I I I 11 I II I I I .1 IV . 'i .v...,..- the latest improved pattern. George says they will ke p it up to times it it takes the last button oil his breeches. . .The magic lantern and the man ihat swallowed the rat, amused quite a crowd at the Ivit'.ge school house oi: Friday evening. Prof. L. C. Wagner was appointed stage mana ger. Prof. Walborn, candidate for county superintendent, was also pres ent ami delivered an address. EaRRELS OF SAMPLES. Over Two Hundred Thousand Trial Bot tles Sent Free by Mail. By special arrangement with the manufsi turers of thai justly famous Kidney Medicine, Dr. David Kenne dy's Favorite Remedy, the rentiers of the POST are enabled to obtain a trial bottle and pamphlet of valuable med ical advice absolutely free, by send ing their full name and address to the DR. DAVID KKNNKDV 0ORPO KM ION, Rondout, N. Y., and men tion this paper. Of course this involves enormous expense to the iiianufacturer.but thev have received so many grateful let ters from those who have been bene litted and cured of the various dis eases of the Kidney, Liver Bladder ami Blood, RlienmatUin, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation, and all weaknesses peculiar to women, that they willingly send trial bottles to all sufferer. I'doii Investigation it was found tbatQl percent, of those who bad UHctl the trial hottle had received such benefit from it that they pur-1 chaHctl larifi) siztnl bottles of their i drufKistc It matters not how itck you are or how many physicians have failed to help you. send for a trial bottle of this great medicine, tt eosts you but a postal card, hd.1 benefit and cure will most certainly be the Put some urine in n el&ss tumbler ami let it stand 24 hour-; if it hits a Sediment or if it is pale or discolored, milky or cloudy, stringy or ropy.your Kidneys or Kladder are in a bad con dition. Dr. David Kennedy's' Favor ite Remedy speedily cures snoh dan ;eroiifl symptoms as pain in the back, inability to hold urine, a burning scalding pain in passing it, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, the staininii of linen by your urine and all the unpleasentand dangerous effects ou the system produced by the use of whiskey, wine or beer, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy in sold at all dtug stores at (1.00 for a large bottle ; six Domes lor no,w Z mm iH ST01 EMPORIUM. Brief Fum Ha wsa Barrick. From UrMiiontrOaz-tit', LKVEU KkrNEL HARDER. Noach cm grossa Buppor ona Hen dapetsersbin oh un der Mike in del shtoop mi unser pita aw g'shtecked. Demo hen mere iwer ohlte teida gablowdered. ch hob gli ousg'fun na os der Mike wide Inn g'satislied is un daid garn widder tsuriolc on der Ha wsa Barrick tsccga, awversi rrawarlawbts net. ch hob erne psawd soshae we are idles doh het Ret are net groom In, awer arc hut g'sawd : "Gottlieb, tin farshtaesht dc iccha ,., 0j ,. bcrrick-knobber gaM)ril ur m lODg os ch y. (r;iw js e1 iSO(.,lwity' bell, m won S(1 IK( ,,.,, ws js calls mauoha don shoriiu't se nf der shtrose room . ... - geld somla far woliche blankets kawfa tar de hida in Mrikaw wo dc BOOtl i so haes is os se em de hore ob Bengt, Se is de hellt tzeit net dahaine. Kar- rich, bade-shtoond, missionary meat- grawd forna on mere g'hu ikoJ hut ing, Woman's Aid Society, Epworth mit ma hoot full teddera m gagouk League, Christian Endeavor, Wo- ed hut we en po-hawna won are der mon's Christian Temperance Union schwant uff schtelt. ch h.b se un derdihenker wase net tsu wos s- 'g'trogt eb se net so good si wet un net kared. oh greek so mrhoftieh daid era band-wauga fum kup ncm- ..I I.U .... imitu nrnnh tie fan h.. . , ..,...., ,,. , mi i i. run muss na v.. - - Ich so ooht gevvaflsieh net tlooeh I won se me (articled waega oil den- . ! na socna os leu my ess;i net, mijttyu con sell l Won mere el lilies tsucssa hen awer we will se ebtjtes richta won se de g.n- tzeit nil shtrose room lioniinele ! '.' Ich shunt ufl mwoonered ! der tsu Outt'fl tun em frogt os mer si gon lacva tsu hringa muss on so socha shnrinom un si fomilia farlonDausht jfar derHimmelcooma. Ich winch Li. nkmnifa r.ih urawrtrivvii nm RiIaI Kup, htnnich cm Hawsa Barrick, so Ich line!: uslit amohl sot tlooelia kent. Awerdohdarf ch's net do. WMinli i (votnil mnirn f'ir an '' .... ........ eeinsessadon gait olles no nice hare os cs mere larlacd. Ich d.irt net loudlocha. Un essa ! Well? Da- hame hov oh olsenshtiokebbel-boy in tie hond g'numma un en koftroua gabissa ween shtiffel-tseeger. Now muss Ich boy essa mit der govvel un in rechta glaene shticklin on eel-1 Icm. Awver Ich bin willins anieher wake tsu essa won ustll ebbes nil em di.-h is, far won tie mbany fardt is muss Ich 'lea.ens' fressa far en gonse woeh, un tie menslit tzeit shtane Ich om shonk far sell do. Der onner daug is era porra cooma far by uns essa un we se mich oin tlish hut g'hot hut se eme ons galaiked we Bchlecht os Ich ware. Are hut mere g'sawd Ich daid lavendieh inde hell gae. Ich hob eme g'sawtl es thud mere ken unnershit maucha wile's doh obout so base is os der divel's maucha hent Are is shier Itmecht- ich WOlTa un tic fraw hut eiieh aw gagnoked os won fo. en btitcher-mes-. ii. i i. ..i i scrim mow lai. .vwer es nui tit bisniss g'settled un tie oltlt hut net tsu mere g seliwct.ctl las tlere lute cooma sint, un wondere widder gaetl ... i i . . don long ch's. Wos denksht du tun so grishdadoom, Qottlieb?" tU7ll i, "Ich dower did, tun Imrtza. Du , -rt, aged 7-1 years a..Ui .lays. In husht evva en kots im sock Rtlkaw- teMWntat St. James, Kcv. wcier iel Won net em oldta Sammy Sen- idanetzersi reteherboo tr'west waersht , 1 , . ,st i ir i don bet se d ich net em Hawsa Bar- rick nil' g's.MK-ht," un iwer dem sin ' de weipsleit ni cooma un es gablow- III. 1 llllL 11 BMIUUIHN .1... ...f l.t.......l Der naixt dawg waur StMindawg, un mere sin ell in de karrich. Dei Mike hut en sitz os ene en bunnert-un-l(M)hzicb dawler es yohr Itusht, i.n fmtm luuit on ulmi.tif.r sit7. iriins x - iym. lorua ini ueiucii looici. iai mnu hut en lKK)inerawIisbe goode bred dich iradoo waega cm Grisbtuflel Oolambni we are niieli em hininiel ' g'fora is uff em firieha wuugu, un ''.,,- , ., I llllt BUM irleHlcr derilO OUSgalailietl 1 i J .1 we nc g'senked warra won se net der reel it glauva hetta un daida eme rccbtsboffa geld in de ribba sheeva. I Teh hob ene owcr de be it tzeit net , wiena kenna wile en weinsmenshch Opposite County Ilia. aWcf sc hilt OUCH He' 8W II tl(r- !LJ 1 . I :.. I , I.. . , ; Hawsa Barnek kernel, s olles by . ... choir gadoo ,, I., , In . i in ir hliritfl toll 1 11 IICO. 1 -s I i iiih ii l;..i uvi wiui: i "" - r- , . scllein oldta l.aUoiila leetler, "KM is Gawisslioh pn Per Tseit,' un "Ein der i Feshter I5er is Unser Gutt. We hobtde breddich fnrby wore un tier iorc lieb shtayer g'shtart mit em glingle- scckiv, tion inn en weipsruunscii es ! arharmlieht awtongfl uig board-karriok m du in il a nil der inic lacva s g'soongii del Bt)ek- g'hart husht. Se hutebbi waea da doolahawna in moold Yalh y. Sc is oil reuhl dor- rich le arslli lineco ma, awer we se on d tswet ma is liov Ich tar lioflich tra-'Hawbed sc t-wet cootnn is Se hut g hooshed un glnelieled we cn hounse won ore eii lt'iuicIiu g'shlooked hut. bs wore cubes we des: MThey toii not toil, toil, toil not ; 'foil, toil, toil not. Thev toil not, they toil, toil not A---thcr do the spin. They -pin, they spin, they SI in, T-H-E-Y S-l'-I-.N ! ! I'n we fardich wore hov ich tier Polly ins ore gii-pisbperitl, "(Jut si dunk- -se is dote !" Ola Widder, ( rOTTLIEB BOOKASTIKL. f ) i ' I Feb. 36, Mrs. William K.-- 'e-'.' agel7'2 years, 9 months and 21 duy Interment st St. Jobn'sohurch. March 1, Mrs. fjamue Lawver, aged 63 years, 11 mouths ami 'l davs. ntermentat Lawver's church. Feb. 2, atMoClure, Mrs. Rebecca l I Kline, acred SO years. :! months ami . l.r) davs. Interment at St. John s. Feb. 8, in Spring township, Leah Bickel, agetl 82 years. 1 month ami 1 day. ntennent at St. Janus'. Feb. -J7, at Port Ann, Ilenrv QU- "''iiumg. March 1, near UneniSI, JOCOO Lewis Bitting, aged -22 years, 5 months and " .lavs. Fimciil was held on the 7th inst, at Harm r's Kolormi'i e mire i. uev. j. y , Etomig officiated. March 8, Dear Richfield, Susanna, wile of liov. David L Swarlz, agel 7ti vears and ' months. Funeral was behl on ths 1 1th inst., at Nei- mono' a tweiorroea church. Be VS. Lyter, Win. Gravbill and 0. G. """Kr omciaiwi. .!.! i 1 - - Sill FOR 10c MLVKH or 12c ST A MI'S, I wlllseniln haiids'itne FOI N'TAIX 1-E..-S. nOUU Oill. I.IIII.IH I.' ..." .'. ous seller. Atruits wanted. Adures8 at imee, Bos 13, tiuyandoldt, W. Va. 3-l 8m. L! - ii t j J who can tutA Wanted-An Idea I WdlllBU-RII lUBd SSSSS whS'Mhm wfubEBBOMTi 6b. S um x two kwtnd'tatMiuoH waSSr TUP l1T n ra XJUOXXVXiOO WAS IJATTQVTt BY THELAEGE NUMBEBOpB KRS AMB RANGES SOLD AND TOffi PLACING OF m m maces. Every carries with it our POSI TIVE GUARANTEE that 'A. A ' . . it must give satisfaction Be C y- a m - iure a cem is paid. Call and see the Tab Larffest Stock- of Stoves Ever Seen SCHOCH & STAHLNECKEB, Jail. Carpets ! Carpe CARPETS ! MATTINGS! The whole lower floor of .ny store is taken uji with Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain J'tdcs, Hassocks Rug Fringe, Floor, Stair ami Table Oil Cloths, &C., Ac., We can show you the largest antl best Selection ot the abdyti gcodl ever shown in Lewistown. Bmssell Carpet as low as 60a and up All Wts.l CarjK't " gOo. " " Half Wool Carpet" " 36a " " 0hina and Japan Matting SEE T'ELID'TZ OOOD8 ! Compare quality ami prices, yon will find that our Store is the place tti buy ut. The goods are lir-t-t lass, prices are the low est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods. Rnanrint.flnllv. A XI cm IV ! ii Y. ii. i Public Sales. N.itii-cs ut mmI. will lie ihstTtetl fn'C under llili bnadiuR when u. iiiiis an- prtolad ftt nils nfflco. ' liii I In- lill Is lire not printed nt this (inice M "i ts will Im- UDArged. PanOOl cxpertlnit lo bava smIi. slimilil select udut.) mill huve It Insert eit In I Ills enliimii. TH0UBOAT, Mar. It, Three miles nnrth nf Ml II dlenurt, Levi Younif wlK sell 4 horses, cows .in. i Uu mUitf lmpleuientH. SATURDAY. March is, m the Horo. of Mhl (llelmrn, Josephat Walter will sell - horses, :( cows, l heifer, farming Implements and household (foods. MONDAY. March a), two mlli-s west of Middle- nuiv, i.. u. Helmbaon will sen household iroodii. SATUBDAY, March 25. Three miles north of 1 Htddlebnrgb, ferry o. Bowemox will sell s norm, 3 cowb and funning Implements. TUESDAY, March is. one mile north t Melser vllle, Mrs. Isahella Broclus will sell lOOWn, 1 bead of young cnttlu und lormlng Iniple menu. WBUNBSBAY. MarOT.ateentrciillf.U.c Mnu rw, IC.xee iliir of Mary J. Hatnpsell, deceased III M II household goods, etc. WEDNESDAY, M arch HlTw00lUM nonh west of orieuttil, Harrison Miller, Adinlnlstmior C. T. A. of Samuel 0, Miller, deceasec. wtll sell l horse, .'I cows and larmlng Implements. Also a larm ot am acres, 10a oi w hich ; clvated, TI'KSDA V. April 4, In Adams twp , Henry' B. Tnouins, Executor of the esluie of 1'eter Thomar, will sell N acres of land of the said decedent. I I n rA t n e llHANflflt At III I III The PtisT has made special irrangetnenta with the Fa km Ioi hxai, by which we areena- bletl to offer a live-year siiIh r scription to that paper to every new subserdier who jmys Oue Dollar Cor the MlJJDLKBUBQB POOT one year in advance, and "y the same offer is made to every g old subsenlier who pays Ins ar rearages to dote and one dollar extra for the Post one year in advance and the Farm Journal live vears in advance. UKMKMItKK I that in order to get this premium of live vears suhscriplion to the FUM Joi'K.NA i., it is necessary ' to attend to this matter prompt- Sf ly as we have only a limited number to otter. Address ' rr. . r T1 V A 1I1K flllDlll.Klll UlilU lM, ! if i ii i i n 13 M Middleburcl xaiaaieuurgn, ra. I VJBMrjmrJmJXJm?Jm?j&Mrjm'Ar4afo m TTir nm. wivca.x ay a l ha AT Ottd Stove that is sold in Snyder County Midciieburgh, Pa. arneta I .A. w AM Kinds. All Qualities. AH Prices. tag CarM'i as low as 20c. andupl oiion i. arpet " Tlv. e vet Caruet " 1 oc. 100 Rolls to Seleci FromJ l.lia, Lewistt.wn, PamiM J AS U l'SK, A I . OHAKY AT LAW, MlDt);.,KH,.i'!9, Vk Mirn-et 1'ntrusteJ to his cars I Hive i rotupt attentioii. fv.l3DLEBUR6H MARKET. Uni i ee.i ' Hurler kly by our luerchantfij KltVM .IKOUS UhI Tsu low Uhirkens per lb Turkeys Mil- HlMMibl i- H .w vs I.. i,i H".. Potatoes OljOorn New Oata Mm ii per 100 IbS atlddllnipi " Cboi " .... Flour pHr iibl THE DIETZ DRIVING LAMP Is about as near perfection as 50 yean of Lamp-Making can attain to. It burns kerosene, and gives powerful clear, white light, and will neither Mo nor Jar out. When out driving with it the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest he'rse. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had. ask your dealer lor the " Dletz. We Issue a special Catalogue of tMj Lamp, and. if you ever prowl around after night-fall, II will Interest yes. Tis mailed tree. R.B. DIETS CO 6o Ialght 8t, New York. tttatrUtiTl la 1B40. NEUBALGIA cored by Dr. MUes Pius. "One ami a tamr At all dr V drows oni JBMmtmVk"