CORRESPONDENCE. PMEBBURO- ...Persons who will lenveus will l oticed hereafter. ..Miss Videtla Mitinan was here k! itnrjy attending t business. Hiei ' "':! uuml i' ol web . in our locality und " !l doctors an Kent (iniic'iii-v . I 4 k Don't Experiment. . ... ' When crip utUu-kc ti iiersnn ot Philin Rons 1 was at the oouotV r i . ...l biujj uuui nervous telnpefluneut there is usual- sii uu Sunday. ,y B ,tiprtwsioI, llt u,e ...A.D. Kremer was in Selins-1 patient is plunged in despair, and no grove last Friday. ' amount of argument or raillery has v lnre number of our citizens any effect on his misery r attended court last week. V,... . .... . : i.i L IlU The mini or woman whose nerves In-come so -, iter.": dial ii is a loiiuro to re- i ... in - 1 ... i..,.: ....,1 i. niirht is liaMMj was in town on Saturday evening. L ( u H I acksoti Miller and Family oi sleep is on the down grade to nervous Mr. Kanffinan,our watchmaker, Paxinos were visiting relatives in town over Sunday. ...Frank Mitchell, who is clerking for A. C. Smitirat Paxtonville, was home over Sunday. ( lordon and wile are the is kepi quite busy. 1' w Brwawd by Mr. (lamer of Uniui township. ... were clad ti see the smiling mutiten in I Major John S.Diera- Vru- hn r illed to see some ol In friends at Freehnrc. ...We regret t" lose I.' viG.Walk tt, who will move lo York early in April. ! le is u Ihristian gentleman and ;i faithful woi ker in the jrood eonse. I ur auditor nil! meet Monday ...i hamw uarents of a fine baby girl, anuv i whieh was horn last Sunday., in this lirii hra room in internum m the hi d. wihiMil huihlinc t" audit house thereon. the account " the siiicrviors nm overseers of the poor, . . t Mir school directors held : in.mililv nuvtlli"' laal (SUlllMaV the'i' room i" ike new higli sol I huil line in Freelmrg. Every tlis triel should have i central high school. Prof. WnlboMi made a sat feiactory report to the Iwaril. ..The Lutheran and Reformed Sunday school will have special ser vices Easter Sunday at 1:30 P. M. 11 ... v h id nn interesting nractice lasl ' I I ...I. TI proSiranOUj insanity auuueaui. t obtv is no time than to experiment with new and untried remedies. Neglect or delay in this respect may prove a fatal mistake. Dr. Miles' Nervine is the lest of all medicines (or the nervous, tired out ami sleepless victim of die crip, lust as it is the U'st remedy lor all other weaknesses anddisorders ofthe nervous system. It attacksthe initi- from Thump. Hilbisbotaeiinsgrove ,lto germs ol impurity clustered in at th" ea t end ol the town with the the blood and thoroughly routs them building :t dwelling I out of every hidden corner ot the ' body. r m.lp n mistake in mv last "I was extremely nervous and al- week's items when stated that Rev. I though I doctored with several phy a Simon Aiiraml -.reached a sermon Bicians I could notgain strength. My in in the church. He was unable to nerves become so completely i.n- ... I .1 II -A. 1 think, on iicenuntolsiekncss. irunc that I eon hi scarcely sleep ai Moth er and lbv are getting along nicely. .1 .1. Mitchell nurchased a lot - imnn nrn? imnc-m tit nn mn nrrv nnniTrnrnnTi i pj ; v Tiis is ALINE. all di. piqee wlGife or,vy ,nr conc p-Tti FURNITURE. ,,,,,;;,:.";: nan a week I was w' iiHwimii I J ...Lots ot ram and mtuluv roai are th,j c".i"st "w. . . . March came in like a will cn out the reverse. . . Ahe NVeidenmyer is th iiviied :ivav from inline ilmy intioipatfl not only pfeasutitcoin. tliev surroaiidinirs. amli and hi lies-wee Ehindny using the True Lighl iss I fathei by die Lutheran Publication Hoard, Philadelphia. Ai! the special holi days should he observed by our Sunday schools. ..Harvey W. Kant, atlornev-at-law ol Bristol, I 'id . arrived here at tiie iioti i hi- mother, M rs. S. It. Kantz. I le is one ol the collateral tppy A. trip if a little girl baby. . Hornberger made a biisi to jewisburc one day last .i i.i i ..i.i i . . ami I tiioiicn' ' snoiira sure 1 began taki 1 I I 11 I Mill 1 1,. i iii' . 1 1 1 i hi ii--" -.. " t . , . . feeling very much better. Aftertak- U4m444UH4iUU4UUU44444i l.V but ing six bottles I was completely re- Wliat a contrast betwren the meftitidt t thin Puruitimi Store -n i those of the stored health.' usual forniture specialist. Hnr inucli will it bring 1 is thu all ubjorbiii question them i' n 1 1 1 i."i r i. in' . i. ii ...i .... ..... i " , ' ., , iou.4? can we aiioni to Mil it: is onr greatest problem. We are alter nrofii that'.l i I iMinbfiirii ,.i I )r Ml i. 1:1. a , . . . ... ... . . v 1 I f """I : ,ini eiHiitcii, hut vi plan (liltort'iitlv. W c trv ta make a stnuli tiiiirein on II Urire vol voPite trealmelit lor the rtll. roll- i . . .... . T " n, X,;. , v,":'. i),. u,nt"M oneuieaa, wnere otuere ngnro on large pronrs iroin a sniall volume of trade. We I-t 1 1 t"I' Ol I 'I. .M 1 H S I I'll , 1 'I . i . , - ' . Mil,-7 Ncrveand Liver Fills, will 'ilf5 ",1"S Jiwt now furnitnre every day tli hi any store iii ottroouuty has eversold, Mil, .Mill that prlees like iliis The protracted meeting at hureh is sill. the hein Dr. A. J. Kantz who died recently at ! lerrysburg, I lauphin !o. Be is now al Berrysburg attending to iiis iucii ill the estate, and rc presentiiic oilier heir- by a power ol sttoruey. VF.K pro- welcome last Sat- Lo vina to Mil Wilson to Mc- w ...The w: lor; now is roller mill hat'XIct 'lure ...Mrs. Levi D. not able tu :il tend I work. ...Man Ii eaiue hi we can expeel it itself. ...Mrs. William buried .it the liidci i ir ollt iiinmer, is still door to anu suit Kcrstetter was St. Thomn ' cress. ...Albert Stroup was a cdh r at Nicholas Trevitz's urday night. i ...Peter Watts and Mrs. I lornberger intend to mov ton this sprinc- , ,H. ! Hornberger and Forrv made a flying trip Kees .'. Falls on Saturday. ...The sale of II. i. liornberger wa- verv largely attended and tin things brought reasonable prices. . . We are pleased to say that Mrs. Prank Hornberger is able to he and around agaiu. She had a vere sin'llol sickness. PORT TREVEBrON. i .... ..... 1 1 ' . . . , . . ..... ll n vir t hi.' I . t . .- . . . I ... I 4. he-em alwohltely live to any pel-son .....u , bmuiMiKiii; it . i ii sending name and address on a postal "t,u " me uonouioi u : Oak Rockers, worth 75, reduced to $1.98. I Antique Oak Sideboards, worth $12. reduced ti bxtension rabies, worth .Sii., reduced to $4.29. VelourCouehes,54springs)worth$l5,R'duceilt)$U.'2H into enameled beds, worth f7, reduced to 94.07. Antique Oak Suits, worth $20, reduced to $li t .1 I card, requesting me sampiea uuu men) ioniug the name of the 'Pi st. Address, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana. SKLINSOROVE. up sc- -peiit Sunday with his chureli 0:1 W 1 i- oi lasi wen;. . . . i uo'tiewl in a westei u j.a ggs W 1I..1I with hut the lor re selling lor hU cents per ttv'it 11 Hi rvansas 1 ny, .wo. ...llarrv Jackson and family ol Ltwi l vvn were in attendance at the (uncial ol Mrs. Kersletter. ...Kimnoii Swanger movetl on W. i. agiier's I nn last week. Km nioii is n welcome neighlsir in West Beuver. . . iii!iiii" oarties are ph ut v v o 1 uil'err are not pleased weather as ii has lieen ten diem to attend. ..Mrs. Aaron Mover returned louie lasl week ahVr spending a few neck- in Mifflin county, visiting Iririnls and relatives. V. II. Kuepp says he nppreci ited the kindness of the good folks of Middleburg while attendingcourt, rspeeiidly Jiiinbi at the Washington House. ..Dr. Wuceiiseller, Jr. ol Selins crove, a- called here last week to ire Mr-. Kmanuel Wagner, who has been uuito ill for the past lew weeks. Site is no better at this writing. ...J. J. Steely says for lour two aent siamps he will luruish his fel low leacheri with a recipe that will prevent their scholars from penning in a Nin- ... I r. J. C Bogar investo brand new buggy last week. . . .Mrs. ( i. Ilarence Fausl n bury is visiting her parents. ... Mut tie Stepp is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Ed. Wolfe in Lewisburg. . W, Aueker and daughter, Finnic were in Selinsgrove Saturday. ....)u-t where every person moves to this spring is nol known to any per- Sl III. ...Win. Schrawder of the Central Hotel, Freeburg, spent Sunday in town. ...Rev. Francis is conducting a series of revival meetings in the U. 15. church. ...Snipe Neitz and Mainey Arnold intend going t near lutlire. ..Mrs. F. Krceger returned home from her western trip. ...Mrs. Erwine ol Berwick is the guest ot Mrs. Lottie Ueoson. ...('. I!. North and wife ale taking a tiipthn ugh the coal regions, ...Mrs. Hettrickand Mrs. Remain were at Harrisbutg on Tuesday. ..Prof, Win. Noel line of Blooms- burg Normal family. ...The Mis Boenl Beveral t i lends. .. .Editor Mover of the Freebura Cbuvirr passed through our town on is Mondav. s ...Hiram Singer died very Buda denl v 011 Monday noon while -i;iin 1 1 in a rocking cnair, ... iss Sal lie Heek of'Northiimber land was pleasantly entertained bv th. E. S. WEIMER&CO.. FURNITURE DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 54, 36 and 37 boat!) Fourth it., Sunfoury, PennaJ Puiily of Bunbury ivs i:. town amonc -IK :3 '" Ii a'IK vv'J m. r I SicLINSGH!)V:, PA. S; IEFFELFBGER P ENHEIK GliEH i rv r 1 i i 1 1 r I hml Ml Pite LIVUUUl UUUU I 1 1UUU' lew .-tncl Coi n- plete in tine Line of the LATEST STYLE SPRING HATS . r.... 1... i' 1. . i uu -"in uoBuroui uonesi irices,! Gall Before Yon Order Elsewhere- a ' ::r-!t;. ;i t T i:i SHAMOKIN DAM. ti. J lias jual been received ib I'ShoEs.' Shoes! Sobs! make Akron, ( )hio, in the Misses Kistner, ...'.). E. Kremcr of the Philauel nhin custom house wa - home on a visit to iclatives and friends. ...Mrs. E. B. Kll linger of Trenton, N..I., who Biieut a month among friends has returned home. ...Mrs. J. H. Ulsh who has hen to Bethlehem and Philadelphia vis iting friends returned home on Sat urday last. ...Mrs. Nettie Snyder and daugh ter and Mrs. Annie Kistner spent Yon from us. rich ileal. no mistake We alwajR Ml UUVlllg give von a nc iple of this a new Sunday i .aturdav with Mrs. i oin.irat lliun- ...Mrs. Henry Charles is visitiug I meps Wharf, her son, Prof. W. E. ( hiirles in Tbe resignation of Eev. Barb Middleburg. , was accented with regreta at a recent ...Dolhe Hoover ami Alice Uotii-: congregational meeting, ennel were Ilcrndoii visitors last Lutheran church. . . The youn nave organized anew isunany sl'ihx in 'Squire Qaugler's carpeutershop, ...Mrs. Sallie Dutry had a quilt; ing party Tuesday evening ol lost week. ... It is polite lo remove when you talk to a lady. never necessary when VOU t hrough the 'phone. . . To keen VOUr 111 ad level, the "Post." ...Harry and George had a little side show in the barber shop one eveninfi last week. Admission was t free. youi hat but it is lalk nad Came and Bee Clothing We are prepared togivftUou suifs at rocft bottom prices. At flie old stand they use you riirlit. H. OPPEM1EIMER, Market St. Liberal Adjustments Selinsrove I Prompt Payments.! them mil on stumps to be F;it Cake Day. -cut in advance. The BEAVERTOM .N Mrs. Wm Keller i list. ....'Soiiiro W etzel i s brand new daughter. ...Mrs. Sue Cooper oi Lewistown is visiting her mother, Mi- Freed. ...James Freed got a job on thi Trinitv ' ...Mrs. Cora W ilt who was visit . ........ ii ...Application will 1h made by log Mrs. saute tteon sunciay , nau a some ol our . itizens for a- charter jW1 and was littleinjured. to put in an electric plant tor the ' ...Mrs. C. II. Mattel was in 8un purpose of lie;litine; the town. bury on husiness. . . 11. D. Sohnnre and wile enter- i . . If you want to have a hand along tained the employees at tlw mill j next Sunday, brjngyour pack along. with a dinner on I hursdny ot last , ...... 1.. I In..- -in nl Sintifl.i, 4 .7in.ii. ... ....... ... .. .. r , .. . . '. Wrnln.O llrln Kellff v oiicc nun men sou, . i . . A irene ral committee from the to the coffee drinker. Coffee j nnk- ,, , , . ., . ll) IS il lllillll lllllL in uui.rinniij iu- ditterent .um lav schools ot the ,ii, ; nriil allltout 1IH 11 III Vt't'SJl I I V T 'I'll 1 '-"a3- IM mo S. S. Neitz is linprovinir his al- hnroiitrh arc makim? Mamtwaoents Ininrions. Have you tried Grain-O? ready beautiful home by erecting a for the holding of theoooatv Sun- i Ifc iB almost like coffeebut the eftecta dav school convention to lx held tho ,.r.mni, rinH Uu dipeHtinn. III' .-ii 1 1 1 i n i i , . - - - ri ------ y ..Our young artist whose pseu- herein Mav next. effects the heart and disturbs tun donvm'is .liinniv hus some lieuutifiil ...The streams have been unite whole nervous system Saturday. ...A pontoon bridge or a raft would he verv convenient at some ot our street crossings, ...Miss Carrie K. Jackson of Juni ata, is visiting Frank Keif and fam ily ot the lower end. ...Harvey S. Bogar, 1900 ol C. P. j C, New Berlin, visited parents and friends here last week. n the sick mw chicken and coal house. the father whole nervous system. Giain-0 - i m -.. i . i i i j .ii. . i' i . lonen uu tuw iuuujat;ij niup wavuuii scenes on exhibition in his studio. high during the latter jiart ot last ani, uirAni...,1H ti nprven There ...P. K. Blngaman, after an ex-1 week and Sunday oftbis weekowing is nothing but nourishment inGrain- Sabinc tended tour to Western states, re-1 tO the rains and SHOW. Ha damage JJ. n cn toe ...c anu I . i . i i j J .1 L I u (.ir ..u it-.. ...,nld laaM lina nmiim. -,,c "er paCKBge. luriied lo nis noinc uuriug toe wcck. ' . . .Alter a briei visit to friends and ! ,,K' ot t,,e ico- Af A T? RTF.D Lewistown & Bunbury Division as relatives, Philip Arnold and wife! UUe ,,. JTwUb a umm btakeman. returned to their home in Shamokin. Ij, (rain.0. It delicious, .p-l r; J Shi"1' ...Eev. Zimmerman's protractiil ...The Evangelical conference has pstking, nourishinu food drink to j Clerk (). ., Jx-wis fc,. Kinney oloe Biceting end.Hl last week; the result again stationed Rev. .1. H. Fenster- take the placeof coffee. Sold by all Hnsgrove to Sallie A. Ilassinger of am .i h . .i n . rr . grocers and liked by all ho have irrat .r..ji., was li Oonverted. maueher on the Port rreverton cir- :U8euiti,eCttU8e when properly pre- KratztrullL- The Christian Kndeavor Society euit for another year. j pared it tastes like the finest coflee, March 2, at the residence ofthe of the Lutheran church now consists . . Mrs. Housworth of Buchanan, ' jSpJrtST OraTn O aids Ktion bride'8 mot,u'r' Mrs" J' P' m?T in tt between 50 and 75 meiabers. ' Mich., Miss Maggie Kelley of Wil-ttnd streuethens the nerves. It is , New Berlin, by Rev. S. Sidney . . . .! . . . A , 1 I.L L..!IJ. t I . T -.I .1 ...The scholars of this place are I lianisixirt, Miss Gertie Thursby and ei joying their few school days left , Miss Duttery of Shamokin are in for this term being only 11 days. town. A Wonderful Success The Buffalo National Acetylene Gas Company of Buffalo, N. Y., are placing on the market on 30 days' trial, a machine for the manufacture of Acetylene Gas which is bound to take the placeof all otherilluminants. This machine is the latest improved, asd is recommended by all standard insurance companies. We light churches, stores, factories, residences tint, n wl i run hi ti t. hilt nhefJlh hmlder. , l.' !....rr Ii-v-in (Hi.wilfT nf Ijind eountrv homes: also nut in olants and children as well ab adults can 1 j j'j York Co., Pa., and I for lighting towns. Wc want good drink it with great benefit. Costs -,,', I ZJuJL aQ9r ' I VIM VJllMlfci .Oi " v REMEMBER H. HBRVEYSCHOCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Only the Oldest, strongest Cash CoinpanieH, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Nc The Aetnii Founded A. )., 1819 Assets 1,066,513 u Home 14 1 1853 " 9,853,li2S M Aniericati 1810 " 2,409,5X4.3 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Si licited about i as much as coffee. Mary Ella Miller. O KHANS' COL'HT SALE OF VAI.f REAL ESTATJ Uv virtue of an or Jit ImiimI nut of plians1 Court of Snyder CouotV tbe tindrnl eil exi'cutor ol the lnt will and ii-tarn"" l'eter I lioiraa. late ot Adamtowiifliip. s" County, fa., deceaad, will on Tuesday, April 4tli, 189 expose to public nale, tbe followinK d real estate, to wit : All t bat certain tract of land situate town hin. county and state aforesaid, to on tbe north by 'land of Harrison Mover. by land of Oeorge Norman and Rarhw J hler. south lv land of W Ki.mmM by land of I). A. Kern, containitur "'"fJ acres more or less, with tbe appuriensn" About x0 acres of this tract are In good oak timber. Said sale to be held on the pre mi" 1 commence alio o clock A. M, wncn hM mill, tnnwn hv UimiT H. Thomas. Kir ..':