The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 09, 1899, Image 1
E0. W. WAQENSELLEB, Editor and Proprietor. Interesting Items. News Told in Brief Paragraphs Our Readers for or I.- Promlii-n. 15 photographs for l.V at Boa hon Gallery, Sunhury. :t. Horse blankets can now lie bought I sti.ltlW- ; COSl ai V H'llll-Mlll I ........ irrove. :;-2-:;t. The peusioa of Thomas Kathfoii L,)innk'te line ot goods for thecloth- nf Paxtonville lias keen increased Ljir,,, 0f H. Oppenheiraer, Solins Jrom 8 to ; grove. Miss Laura Kunkte has gone to I ). k. Haas and I). K. Knorr Northumberland to visit her sistr, I Mrs. Dr. Allison. I Frank D Hieirle has moved lo j Winfield, Union county, where he will engage in farming. Wanted. A girl to do general: llOtise work. Address, Box 4(1, Swineford, Snyder Co., Pa. tf. " , , .1 ut l)-adm r-Miviter, one oi iiic.n.M-.-i .....JZ ..ctu ..;.,. hn. i,,,,, unite III IGCIIO M' V ........ hiring the ast winter. M Minnie Wertz, of Batth Creek, Michigan, is spending a week xvith W II. Binka and lamtlv. Mrs. I. II. Bowersox was visiting j her husband and other friends at State College, Centre Centre county. A child ol Ira E. i'Wi and wife uf'Mtllersbutgdied las! week and was Imried in the Middleburg cemetery. 'I'lie house and lot ol the late Mrs. Boleuder was sold eu Saturday I,, Newt. C. Bachman for $1001.00. Postmaster leo. '. Waffeneeller mi .viuisgro'-e ias a Mldalebiu'gli visitor on Friday afternoon ol last week. Meiser, the daughter Miss Man uf the baker, has been very seriously iil with pneumonia during the past week. i From the court proceedings pub- I lished in this issue, it will beobserv- that the "new road fever'' is quite prevalent. Miss Nettie Gemberling of Salem has been the guest of Miss Dora Bickhart for several days during the past week. The Spring Telephone Company has applied lor permission to erect telephone oles in the borough of Middleburg. W. F. Dagle, the confectionery dealer of Northumberland, was a Middleburg visitor on Wednesday of last week. Lawrence Stetler, who has been for the past month or two at Akron, Ohio, has returned home well pleas- 1 ed with ins trip. N. T. Manbeck,wifc and children of Washington township were the guests of Attorney II. U. Grimm's on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Edwin BoWtf of Reuovo and Miss Annie Harrison of Mount Union visited at Mrs. Catherine Bower's during the past week. Reuben AnmiUer of Selinagrova has U'cii elevated to a much higher pUUM of citizenship since last week. Beuben is writing another jiapa to his name Jacob (iilbert and family, on Washington's birthday, called in their friends and neighbors to assist theio in devouring a seventcen K)tind turkey. If you do not want to pay for car fare to Suubury. send your photo graph and get 1 5 photographs for 15 cents at Kos'ion's tiallery. Add 2 cents for postage. 3t. The Lutheran Y. P. 8. C. E. of Middleburg will hold a chestnut social on Thursday evening in the lecture room. All members of the society are invited to be present MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., THURSDAY, A l'ul! tint of the latest style) spring hats at Opjienhcimer's, Se-j linsgrove. 8-23t. Mrs. (Jet). M. Shindcl and Mm. INV. H. Heaver are visiting friends ! : in Shumokin Miss Kate A. Wagenseller ol Se- linsgrove, one of the milliners of that place, was a guest of her brotll ! cr, the editor of the Post, for Bev- ; era I days during the past week. Ben. Oppenhnlmer of BeUnsgrove . is going to New York and Philudel- , nhiH this week to ourchasea lull ami JKIV0 j,,st returned from the with a select lot ol horses. are good judges of horses and West They hence lot ol have selected a very desirabh animals. Rev, 1. E. MoLaiu is interesting very large audiences with Ilia scries of illustrated sermons ou Bunyan's Pihrrini's ProarosB. The fourth of a . 8 w'" be preached next Sun day eveiunji Register A' Recorder John H. Willis went toSelinsgrove onSatur- nnv mnrninif to nrouate a will two miles north of that place. The par lies interested were sick and could not come to the court house. Lewis W. llousli, two miles west of Freeburg, who does the butcher ing in his neighborhood, dressed I I . hogs last fall, 75 ot which averaged 360 pounds and 17 beeves, and was always through with his work long before sunset. V. V. Hat- ot Lcwisl-irg, vho made a narrow escape with bis life on the Kulo road, wasa visitor in 'this place (he latter part ot laf week the guesl ol'his fitting. He exjKcts lo quit the railroad business and opeii a brick rd at Lewisburi P A smooth, eiwv shave, ccnteei air cut, or other tousorial work, is nl- wavs obtained at Soli's BarlHir hhoo, j Vittenmyer's building, opposite Host office. ( ro to Boles to buy new razors or t xehangy for old ones. Razors honed and guaranteed to givt satisfaction. A E. SOLES. We are i lea-cd to learn that the interesting daughter of M. Millner and wife of Kant, who had been rick, is able to be out again. It had been reported that the child was afflicted with diphtheria. This re port is incorrect and in justice to Mr. Millner we w ish to correct it. The town council met attheoffice of Calvin Stetler on Monday and organized by electing D. T. Rhoads, President; Calvin Stetler, Secretary !...-,. rn II II W. L Carman, Treasurer; II. H. (irinim, Attorney; II. R. Tobias, Street Commissioner. The usual committees have not liecn appointed. "The New Crusade" for March oK'iis with an article from Eliza M. Masher, M. 1 ., Dean of the Woman's Department of the University of Michigan, on "Wrong Postures as a Cause of Physical Defects." Dr. Mosher is an authority ou this sub ject, and parents will do well to read her article. Among our financial callers last week were John Mohn, Ed. Wlc gard, Henry Wittes, Dilla S. Bick hart, Lizzie K. Reiehenbach, Sam uel Bickhart, Jacob Bollinger, Wm. H. Boyer, Edward Bickhart, I). J. Witmer, John G. Sehafler, N. T. Dundnre. Henry Laudenslager, John Dreese, J. W. Riegel, George Aurand, Harrison Miller, Wm. Good, Wm. Kcrstetter, Daniel Sny der, D. F. Seip, Frank Beaver, J. W. Stiever, B. G. Stahl, Irwin Laudeuslager, Samuel Bollinger, W. F. Dagle, W. H. Knepp, G. C. Carman. Josephat Walter, J. P. Buck, Perry O. Bowersox, P. S. Benfer and Isabella Brocious. COURT HOUSE CHIPS Ilwli I'.i.K-rell lor It. rural. ft. Frank t inns.' in Marv K. si.,,1,1. ..i.r in the huroiiirh Selins..mvc for $4800. Dri CD. Hottensteiu and wile to E. ii. Hottcnsteiu, lots Nos. 1,2, 3 am ! -1 in Block No. 6, Hottenstein'f addition, Shainokin lam, lor $ 100. Same to Isaac Lewis Hottenstein, lots Nus. 7 and 8 in Block No. 1, Shamokin Dam, for (200. Battie' to Hiram r. Hottenstein, lot N.i. 10 in Block No. 1, Shaino kin Dam, lor $100. Same to Win No. ! in Block .1. Hottenatein, lot Nn. 1, Sliamokin Dam. for 100. Jacob and Lincoln Zielicr, execu tors of Daniel Zither, deceased, to F. Lincoln Zieber, 80 acres in Spring township for $800. Same to. I. W. Riegel, 8J acres of timber land in Spring township, for $164.50. Israel Spigelmyer and wile, E. E. Ulsli and wife, Amandus J. Qlsh and husband. A. H. Qlsh and wife I to A. A. Ulsh, IT perchesin Spring i township for $300. J. (i. Mover and wife and A. M. Smith and wife to A. H. Bowersox, ")'. acres in Heaver twp. lor $500. Lawrence II. Middleswurth and wife in A. I !. Bowersox, acre in Beaver township for $125. ( ico. F. Brosious and win Marv C. Brosius and husband, acres in Perry township lor $ and 100 1150. Will Probated. The lasi will and testament of David E. Leitzel, late of West lVny township, was probated Feb. 28th. Sii rn 1. Hermld is nn ned J(lt executor.. 'I'he last will and testament "I Matilda ranuiin, late ol Pcnil town ship, was probated ou Saturday. Mrs. Utica Jarrett, her daughter, is named a 'lie sole heir and W. 1 . Jarrett is named as executor. arln!rc lileenam. I Jonathan Bottigcr, I I latherine Miller, i rn E. Witmer, Dollie Hendricks, ( Lewis E. Kinney, Bichfieldj ( Irienta! 1 hnulore, .. Selinsirrove. I Sallie A. Hassinger, Kratzerville. Hotel Changes in this County This spring thei number ol chances will ne quite a in the various hotels of this county. will leave the McKeC arles Forry Hotel and OCCUDV the 1 Intel at K reamer, Mr. Thomas retiring. . H. Kcrstet ter will move Into the MoKees Hotel. W. H. Stahlneckerof this place will embark in the Hotel at Adamsburg, Mr. Smith retiring. Robert Middlswartb will begin busi ness in the McClure Hotel. Geo. Fenstermaoher of BeUnsgrove will succeed J. B. Fockler tit that place. It is reported that changes will he made at Mciservillc and Kratzer ville. Class Social. On Monday evening Mrs. John M. Stein inger held a sxxrial for her Sunday School class. The evening was pleasantly spent. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stciningcr, Mrs. W. E. Custer and daughter Grace, Misses Maine Beaver, Bertha Crotise, Marion Sehoch, ClaireGray bill, Lizzie Ripka, Minnie Wertz, Eva Wetzel, and Messrs. Nevin W. Engle, John Stahlnccker, Bruce H. Crowe, Charles Stetler, Ijiiwreucc Stetler and William Shelley. Blacksmith Shop. I wil! again lngin blacksmithing April 1st with a new set of tools at the old stand. A wagon shop will lie placed alongside of my shop. , 1 will be prepared to do all kinds of work. Amandus Ihameach. 3-2-5. HIS NAME ON THE TICKET Gmter W ns His Claim to a Place Among the Party Candidates. Lewisburg, March . Judge Simonton to-day handed down an opinion directing tliat the name of William M. Oiuter he placed upon ... . . . .In. I ... 1 1, a I.,. ...,t.l ( i it,.. !.., mi. in .iiiuiii fi i tin. il lam, I.' IJV ! held next Saturday. Heisau anti I Quay man. Several weeks ago Mr. j Glitter announced himself as a can didate for ieleimte to the State eon- veiitieii on the ground tiiat it is alleged he voted fur Swallow, and that he signed nominatou papers, plac'ig F. 10. Brown, a Doinocratii' candidates the Legislature upon the Prohibition ticket. Mr. (linter appealed from the de cision of the county chairman, and the appeal took the form of an ap plication for a mandamus, which was p ranted by .Indue Met 'lure. The ease was heard by Judge Sim oiito'l, Thursday ot last week, in the ahsenc" of Judge Met 'lure, who was holding court in Snyder County. N. Y TRIBUNE. This ireck the subscribers ol (In "Pott" will eaeii receive a copy o the New York khi 'Irilmw You are invite:! in examine i' care i.i. L rm i . tllllV. 1 lie stllisiM'Iptlo'l price is iM.i'O per vinr, lull those who will send us SI.'J5 before April 1st. l . .I.. .. i i Will rntlVe O' i ' i 1 i i is i allil I lie 'rilmii one iinic year. This ollci lr- gcMXl lor new sllllSCI llier ones whifcpav up their s ami old orrea rages ami se, I e.i.-ii with the order. D a4fh of Mrs. Amelia Kremer. Mrs. Amelia Kretner widow of t he late S. ( Kven Evnns, Kvans, county, of Thompsontown, Juniata died Tuesday, February 21sl iged Su years, he is siir I ved l)V two sons, A. Bradford and George K., ami her sister, Mrs. Catherine Bow er of this place. Mr-. Kvans was a daughter of Hon. George Kremer, ! .. i ! c i i. witu who .i iiiuiiiu. i 'i . . . . i , ii.'... Union County beforeSnydcrCounty was separated from ii ; and a grand daughter of Capt. Frederick Kvans, proiiiiucnt in tins section in In The remains ol the deceased intcired in tiic Episcopal day. were lurch yard m ar Thompsontown. Ev'ry Month. The most valuable feature of "Ev'ry Month," is the new and pop ular music, and in this number ap pear "The Old Elaine Flickers and I Wonder Why," bv Paul Dresser (whose "Banks of the Wabash" have made him known throughout the lengihand breadth of the country, "The Feast ol Lanterns" March and Two Step, a piano piece with Chinese motif, and "The tirl Who's Si Dear to My Heart," an rsih ballad with a melody and pathos which will make other than Irish eves water. (EV'RY MONTH, NEW YORK, 10 cents.) mm I Los Ange'es and the Pacific Coast and Return. Special Excursion from points in Pennsylvania, Maryland, District ot Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, New York and New Jersey, on the occasion of the National Ed ucational Association meeting atlos Angeles, Cal., in July, LSI)!), at re duced rates. For full particulars, address John R. Pott, District Pas senger Agent, C, M. & St. Paul Railway, 486 William St., Wil liamsport, Pa. 2-9-!it. Henry H. Thomas, of near Trox ville, was among our callers on Sat day. He ordered bills for the selling of a tract of land in Adams township. MARCH 9, 1899. Court Proceedings. Reported by J. 0. la-otise. Court convened Monday, Feb. A. I). 1899, at 11 o'clock A. Present, Honorable H. M. McClure, President Judge; Hon. Z. T. Gera berling and Hon. Alfred Specht, Associate Judges. Amos C. Gera berling, C. ('. Siianirler. William aiter ana ueorgt Appointed tipstaves. l r i . i Lenlev were OOUBT OP QUARTER SESSIONS. Report ot ih immissioncrs de signating the line between I i and Snyder counties was confirmed nisi. In the ease of the f 'oniuionwealt vs. Sylvester Trostlc, a nolh qui was cntei'ed, M. y ..II pros The opinion ol the ourt was filed in tin Franklin township road im-i which set aside LllU prou iliugal tin costs of the petitioners. In the ease of the CoininonweU n vs. Martin L. Haas, plead iruilty to the the defendant charge ol for nicatioil and bastardy and receivei the usual sentence. In the case of the ( 'ointnonweiiltl v . 'harlcs 1 leimbach, tin fcntlailt plead guilty to the same charge and received tlx same sentence. n the wise ol same v. W, Adams, a nolle prosequi was entered in the oases ol same vs. W. llicgle and Ambrose Ling, the grand jurv iguuretl bills. 'Libia-. i. licit z was appointed suH.'rvisor oi rerry township, In the case ol the lommoiiwenltli vs. Heiuy Brugger, the defendant was convicted oi assault ami battery ao'l was aajntanciM t $10.(X) for the use Snyder and costs ot Reports ol the i iv a f tfw pro oad count ) ectition. viewers III i ranuiin. : err iiuui iitipiiiuu iowii- 1.1!. II , i It . .... ips wet otilirmed nisi J. M. Buyer, F. M. Montelius and .lames Lnterliiie were appointed to view bridge over the Mohaiitougo In Chapman and Perry townships. E. 1. H. Waller, Henry Aurand and John liartniiiu were appointed to view public road in Centri town ship. Wm. Mover, W. A Keeier and ... . ueorire Spaid wercappoinledto view . 1 . . 11 .. puMie road iu .Monroe toWUSIllj II. E. Riehter, H. D. Burns and Daniel ManeVllI were appointed to view public road in I uion township. W. 1 avis ( lilt, . F. L iudcnslag erand Win. Mai tin were appointed to review public road in Monroe town ship. lames Middleswarth, Irvin Gray bill and William Heater were ap pointed to view public road in Bea ver and Spring township-. B.C. Fiss, John Diemerand John 8. Wolf were appointed to view bridge in Washington township. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. P. S. Bitter, sheriff, acknowledged deeds to Morris Lang, Uriah Berg er, Eli I 'oil .line, John Dcrk and Charles Kratzer. In the case of W. L. Helfenstein vs. Frank and LeviC. Reiehenbach, the opinion ot the court was filed disolving the injunction. In the ease of Hannah Boyer, a legatee of David Knouse, dee'd, vs. Jacob Knouse, executor of said de cedent, the verdict was in favor ol die plaintiff for the sum of S.VJLOO. In the Base ol Susannah Hummel (Boleuder) VS. Daniel Boleuder, the verdict was in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of 1694.38. In the case of Mrs. Foster L. Smith vs. W. F. Hummel, adminis trator, etc, the verdict was for the plaintiff in the sum oi $108.73. ORPHANS OOUBT. 4 ..1 i-J A- 11 Spangler, executrix of Leah Weirick, has the reputation of always kcep dee'd, to show cava diy an attach-! ing the best. Don't forget the sale iv ruic wus irruiiicu io runny ment should not be issued. VOL. 36. NO. 10. . x , J A PreseBt of $2.50.1 The Host has made speoial a arrangements with the Farm ' Journal by which ww are ena- bled to offer a live-year sub- Bcription to that paper toevery new subscriber w ho pays (m- Dollar I'm the MlODLBBURQH POST one year in advance, and the same offei is made to every old subscriber who pays his ar rearages to date and one dollar ( xtra for the POST one year in advance ami the harm Journal live years in advance. UEMEMBEK that in order to get this premium of live years subscription to the Farm Jolunal, il is necessary toatieml to thismattcr nromut- ly as we have only a limited number to oiler. Address I The Mippi.eduroh Post, z Middleburgh, Pa. V H. (J. Hornberger was appointed B hwub nomuerger, u . i: i v .. : ii i minor ciniii ot r.iicn Hornberger, dee'd. Daniel W. Fi guardiau of I!.' LMiomas. minor ( m was appointed ssie and ( i er ti e children of Peter Thomas, dee'd. Jacob D. Siiatler was appointed guardian of Katie, Nora ami Ida '. Miller, in the estates .-t Riley and SaUlllcl Miller, dee'd. Si:::on J. Siudcr was aiiooiuled guardian of' Minnie M. Gordon, It minor grandchild of Rohjc Stuck, dec I.. Orders of sale wa re granted ill the estates of' llcurt App, dee'd, Albeit ri, .... ...! I.i 1 1.. Vr.ll ' "ll , ' .i ..... . ....... ....... ., I I vt. 1 1 mi; is, .lee d, and i i.'iijaiiii:i .I i Krailicr, dee'd, (enlarged). liet in ns to orders of sale were confirmed iu the estates of Henry Grubb, dee'd, and Reuben Cramer, dee'd. Return to writ of iuqiicsl wit confirmed iu the estate of William I lol lenbach, dee'd, Return to order to mortgage th ' M .11 . Sl.lil- .11' l .vii. I-..., , ,, .. , , ,i I dec d, wus confirmed bv the court. i ......... ..i v.. 1 1 ;..t i .. t ,.r..l r I pon the petition of A. ( i. Bow crsox, a sou of Samuel Bowersox, dee'd, A. .1. Hassinger and Rolxa'l Dreese were appointed his trustees. Reports oi auditors were confirm ed in the e-iateoi peter Hostermau, nice d, and John a. I lassingci , dee u. j The administrator, executor and guardian accounts and tin widows appraisements were allcouliamed as i advertised. j Thursday, March 2, 1899, com-. adjourned toThurday, March, 9 at 1 1 o'clock A. M. Sleeps with an Overcoat. The school teacher at Locustgrove school in Chapman tow nship, this county, iias discovered a new way of sleeping at night. He always puts his overcoat on at night so he can sleep better. The other night he dreamed that he was fast so he got up and took otl his ovcroat. For further information call on George Haines. W. II. K. LIVE STOCK SALE LarguL Bale oj the Season. The largest sale of live stock and taming implements in Snyder Co. will take place at Dundorc, in I'u ion township, on Saturday, .March 11, 1899. There will be at least I six extra good horses, an excellent lot of milch cows, a lot of healthy young cattle, about 20 (boats and farming implements. The stock is the proportv of N. T. Dundorc, who ! on Saturday of next week. 2t