The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 02, 1899, Image 3

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    "paint and paihtiko.
luting damp wood xuprisuua uic
fJLii a sanitary point, of view painted
. - .lis.
i.nI i one It1 or mi jruuiwi
1,0,1 malingaay atam.
It I llllfr aim iiiij. sKim . -
jp( io til? nmmimmuvf wi j
rptj(y can be kept soft by covering
jgi uater, or, stiii newer, wtiu im-
UiL nJ' 60CK1 PU"J w'" uanien uu
E be remwDbeml that the eolor will
t appear qtSM tne Mime m a puuij
(kenctl room.
M lisfht limn are inure or iri -
by Hie application oi etear wir-
over them. It is tiet'er to mix a
i , .., : . .
tttlc of tne coior in m wbimi
If vour brush won not cleaned at tn
DiTcr time. and lias become nam, pui
' .. t -11 -m.J h.Bl t V, ,,M until
tin inseeu Oil MM II-.iv w,r
e Ariel paint is loosened.
burn umber mixed in trtUCgMI
Itrt a (food walnut stain, ns does alsc
i - t .j , ; . ,, w.jl ,,,ivj,I in
tnc poll Ml Oi orj- .vu ......
pc quart of turpentine and one pint oi
. Li'ii.. r i.. : h
To teat tiie ouraui.iiv vi i-j;u,
liat apnlv a coat to strips or iiiiok pa
r ami nail them on the wall, expose!
Hit strongest possible llgnt. '"ei
Lnlf of the aample or samples oi
Icr, fasten heavy paper, excluding an
liriit. Alter a iew wetin rcmuir
ftantn Hchoal Unu in taa iBiaraa
llooal Series for March B,
IMMMa John Hilii. M-MV
(Specially Arranged from reloubet'e Note, i
GOLDKN TEXT.-U the Son therefore
ahall make you free, ye shall be free In
deed. John 8:26
THE SECTION Includes the whole chap
TIME October 11. A. D 23. ai the Feast
of Tabernacles; the day after the last lea
son The eighth day. a special, solemc
assembly, kept like a sabbath, after the
cor.clustnn of the 'east (I-ev 23.Jt); tha
tompie would then be thronged with wor
shipers flace. In the temple at Jerusalem, first :
In the court of the women when were thi j
treasure boxes (v 201. and later In the court
Of the Gentiles, where only would they CaSI
(tones at him
L Christ Like the Tiliarof Tire in the
Wilderness, guiding His followers safe
ly through the wilderness uf life, and
the church through the unknown fu
ture to the perfect Kingdom of Heaven.
. 12. "Then spake Jesusaguiu. ' The
day before Jesus had used the splendid
ceremonial of the water in the golden
jotcber, drawn from the pool of Slloara
and carried in festival procession, with
songs of joy, waving of branches, danc
ing uud music, to the temple, as n sym
bol of the fact and a means of proclaim
ing the fact thai lie brought to ail men
the water of life. Now He uses another
ceremonial to symbolize and proclaim
that He is the "light of the world."
Jesus was at tills time (v. 20) in the
court of the women, ("lose beside Illm
were two gigantic candelabra, 50 cubits
(7 feet) high and sumptuously glided
"What's the matter with Freddie?"
asked the boy's father.
"ne's worried over his studies. 3e
has an example that ays if he has 110
and pays ,r,0 cents for or.u potatoes and
7.1 cents for a stenk nnd various sums
for other things, how nucli will he hare
"Well, tell him not to lother. I'm
r.ot going to have the c:ireleys lnno
etnee of childhood disturbed by any
such useless trouble. It'll be time
enough for him to face the awful prob
lems of life when he grows up and hn
grocery bills of his own."- Cleveland
Plain ikviler.
Ike Choa slavery.
Ethel 1 have the choice of being an
eld man's darling; or a young man's 1
slave, end I've decided to be a young
ltinn's slave.
Clara My dear, I think you are fool
ish, but I wish you happiness.
Clara (a few years later) What le
cnirie of that meerschaum pipe brother
John gave your husband Christmas?
Kthel I burned it up. X. Y. Weekly. I
Muter Painter.
Lrve the rich and great.
: nn.i nut the difference in the
loosed and unexposed portions. The on the summit of which nightly, during
Painter. the Feast of Tabernacles, lamps wcr?
lighted which shed their soft light over
II the city. "He that followeth Me
ahall not wnlk in darkness:" These
a r.,. vi,.t,.t.' ohioi amps, and the ceremonies connected
Th salary of Queen ictorla cniei i
1D ""'' .7 ... , p. with them, according to Prof. Dods,
mtVr who Iooks aner ine wine. - . ,
aIST m-mmm n xnm m tnnrn I Inn Of the t) ST
SOOa.year of fire that led their fathers in the track
The waging of the clothes for th fnm
m roy.1 household cost, more oromised land.
Us 3,000 per annum. V,r. a.C. - r..i., v ti
Mrs Oliver H. P. Relmont prefers
Mrs. uuvbi- a. "14,. -Then said Jesus." or better, as R. V.,
ittservauivoi uwuuu inwi-win.... . . . . .
c" , . i. Jesus therefore said, because many had
cr new iooiiuau i uuu. , ,. , , ....mi. i
. . . lit f'Vfll (111 I11II1 ill t lua mil a . ivii
Jgh aid otherwise in .proportion. - " .
Forty serranta is the average num- ...... M . - ,h, obi,c.
r employed by the Astors, Vender- " . Du... ... :lriv
At. and other multimillionaires, with ; , ? " 7 ,
naverage pay roll of f 1.000a month. fff w,M(d tbat 1Ie
Tbe Rockefeller serranta are on duty u cont,nU(. , My
rta.n hours, wnn certain no,r,u, ... U).je ,n H?f un(ler tbe in.
hemselves, and they remain indefi-..... then
Itdr, non. ever leaving of his own make hfm U gM( of tffc
ccord. Very many marry, and their Mr .li.oinles indeed:" A
ft Bag S "
i disciple is a learner, one who accepts
another as teacher and master, one wno
accepts His teachings and follows His
example. Tlence a true disciple of
Christ is a true Christian.
III. The Glorious Liberty of tbeChit
dren of God. Vs. 32-36. 32. "And ye
shall know the truth:" This is closely
connected with the previous verse. Dy
continuing in His word they should
ki.ow the truth: that would be the re
sult of their training; and this would
bring to them both individually and as
a nation the boon they were all li nging
nnA .triirTfrllnfr fnr lihertv. "And the
rychamberlaJns, 130 supernumerary : . It,wollM
himberleins, 30 offlcera of the nobU ; from boDda
tttrd, 80 guardsmen. 14 ofneera of the , Rnhvinn o.nturies be-
Mu puard and police guard. 7 hon- ' . . . bondairt
Ihndren, too, remain as part or
tily below stairs.
There are 1,800 people upon the Ger
nan emperor'e llet of employes, includ-
tg 850 women servants, who are en-
agtd in looking after the Ti royal
alocea and caatlea that belong to tne
. ,. rt'L -
irown. Their wages are smiu. ins
kornen receive not more than $12 n
onto, and the men servants from $1S
i $25 a month.
The court of Pope Leo XPII. eom-
tIhs 1.000 persons. There are 2
alets, 120 prelates, 170 privy chamber-
Un, (t chamberlains, 3O0 extra hon-
Irarv chaplains, 20 private secretaries
Itewaroa end masters- of the horse
lr.! CO doorkeepers.
London has, 45 theaters.
Emma lames takes great care of hei
loice, and saya ahe "live by the ther-
tometer aa most people do by the
"There is only one thing I enjoy
Bore than singing, said Jean u
Itszke the other day. "That ono thing
' bicycling."
Frank Hunter Potter, a nephew ol
Ihe Episcopal bishop of New York, is a
Tind opera tenor, whose stage name
Sip. Flllpe.
! fore, it would save them from bondage
i to the Komans.
33. "They answered Him: hKin-deep
discipleship took offense at a promise in
which it detected a view of its prcs
I ent condition which it resented. "We
be Abraham's seed:" "The dignity of
a free man. as Godet says, shone on the
brow of everyone who bore the name of
child of Abraham."
"And were never in bondage to any
man:" They did not consider their re
lations to the Roman empire as slavery.
They enjoyed individual freedom.
"How sayest thou." etc.: Because the
promise of freedom implied that they
vere slaves. The most slavish of slaves
are those that do not know or realize
that they are slaves, who love their
chains, who imagine that they are do-
, j . . .
inir tneir own win, anu are DHma w
Sara Bernhardt in 1872 earned $40 a
bonth. During the last five years her I . ,d,., , wHlincIv vield to the
verage earnings have been $100,000 8 . domination of evil desdre.
34. "Whosoever committeth sin:"
The singing of certain masses hai I Tbe verb ;s in the continuous present.
Iten forbidden in the Roman Catholic j
urches of Cincinnati because they j
i closely resemMe operatic music.
The manager of a London music hall
announces that ans'one who purchases
fti the servant." the slave, the bond
servant, "of aln:" lie Das a tree win.
without which he can be neither a slave
nor a freeman; but be himself is in
bondage, as long as he commits sin.
ticket tor the performance may have jj this in three ways: (1) Tie sinner
li.or her teeth extracted for nothing. js fettered and restrained from doing
The climax in a new English melo- right freely.
Ira-ma is a marriare ceremorvv ner- "Ami the servant." bond servant.
prmed in a church by a burglar, who, "abideth not in the house for ever:"
"ig Interrupted In stealing the silver The reference is probably, according to
pmmunion utensils, puts on the rec- stier and Bengel. to Ishmael, a son of
Abraham by his bond servant Hagar,
who did not abide in tbe house, and
who was not the heir of the promises,
while Isaac was the son and heir (See
Oal. 4:22-31.) "But the Son sbidetk
ever:" Those who are sinners, tnough
they profess to be In the kingdom, can
not remain there. Hut true disciples
abide there forever.
30. "If the Son:" Tbe Son of Ood,
kf robe and reads the service.
IKUsIng a woman's lips Is a gross in-
P't m Finland.
The Singalese, afler extracting the
fney from the bee, chew up the insect
The Chineee tael is a eoin which has
r existed. It ia aimply a unit used : who always remains, and has the pow-
ft convenience. er to make His servants free. "Shall
Fashionable JaDanesc vounir ladie make vou free, ye shall be free indeed:"
Iben they desire to look attractive. Really free. They would have true free-
uu their lips. dom as sons of God, and all the pnv-
A Swiss village is to be constructed at ileges of that freedom, abiding forever.
Eris for the exposition, at a cost of TLeir nation would remain, themselves
u.000. would De a pan or ine xnnguuiu oi uuu.
The revenue of Denmark is 40.000,000
rns, one-half of which sum ia ab-
pbed by military expenditures.
I Waiter girls in some of the large
onich cafes receive no wages, because
F(y get aa much aa three or four dol-
n a day in fees.
ISince 1870 more than 3.000 houses
pve been detennnted and closed in
ublin on account of their unsanitary
Jesus Christ, by the truth, makes us
free from sin and the love of sin; arid
when we are free from sin, the chains of
sin are broken, and the slavery of sin
has ended.
Jesus Christ, by the truth of His
friendship, of tibe fatherly love of God,
of the promise that all things shall
work ta"pt her for pood, and bv bring-
IWhen a dog barks at night in Japan ing us into the truth of friendship with
owner is arrested and sentenced to God, and obedience to nis-Laws, delivers
rk for a year for the neighbors us from the galling bondage of anxiety,
slumbers may hare been dis- and fear, and care.
' it.
Mubel is
She Wnn Thlttkil8
Mrs. Kherson Oh. Mr.-. D.
1 henr that vour daughter
engaged to Krcd Wadding '.on.
Mrs. Downsleigli Yes; they expect
to be married some time during the
winter. Why, what make I ou look
so funny? Do you kuow anything
r. bout him?
Mrs. Kherson Oh. no; nothing
much. I was only thinking. Once
when he was u boy 1 beard our minis
ter snf he expected him to conic to a
bad end. Chicago Daily News.
Tin- Word and tbe Urrd.
Mrs. Uptown This ll strange. Here's
a letter from the hired girl I dis
charged the other day for refusing to
do things the way I wanted thm done,
asking me to lend her trunk.
Mr. uptown There's nothing strange
iu that.
Mrs. I'ptown Yes; but she signs it
"Your obedient servant." N. Y. Even
ing Journal.
" said the
An Indistinct Iropremilon.
"I dunno'l 1 exactly agree wlf dal
rpenkuh," remarked Mr. Krnstus Pink
ley, as be was walking home from the
lecture with Miss Miami Brown.
"At what point doeayohcotnprehen-
siveness get stalled'.'"
"Well, cf lie says he favors de policy
of expansion I dunno's 1 un'itan's'lm.
But ef he favors de expansion o' policy,
Pi right wif 'ini." Washington Star.
Ilia Rich Trail.
"Dawson's an awfully extravagant
"Yes, he is."
"Has he got much money back of
"I'm afraid he lias more, i i fact,
than he has ahead of biiu." Il .rpei's
Too Weighty ninth
"What was tins row about
"it nil came about." the father-in-law
explained, "by some of those cheeky
boyi throwing allocs ut the br'de."
"Well," snid the policeman
customary ."
"Yes; hut not horseshoes
and Kmls.
IM I "w aw rA
1 ' TA
A Woman's Aim.
Bride If you ever flirt with any oth- j
er woman. Hurry, I will shoot you!
Harry What! Could you aim a gun
at your own husband?
Ilride Y'es, 1 could and would.
Harry (relieved) Well, then, 1
should be perfectly sufc Uarleui
The Wlnd-t'p.
Mrs. Hayricks - What makes you so
sure there won't be no more',
Mr. Hayricks Hain't ihe board of
strategy down to ihe grocery store
disbanded? If that don't settle tin
hull business, gosh hung it, what will,
I'd like to know! Chicago Dalky
The Law of Approximation.
Blinks Do you suppose it's ever pos
sible to come anywhere near the size
of a man's income?
Jinks Y'es; just take the figure he
gives to the assessor, add it to the fig
ure he tells his frieuuK and then divide
the result by two, and you'll have it
near enough. Town Topics.
How to be Healthy
in Winter.
Winter is a. tryintf
time for delicate people.
Coughs, colds and pneumonia,
find them easy victims
Do you c&tch cold
easily? It 4hovs that yoyr
fcystem ib not in a, condition to
resist You will be
fortunate if you escape pneu
Tionia .
Nature is always fightintf
jfa.inst disease. The right kind
of medicine is the Kind that
helps Nature by toning up the
system and enabling; it to resist
disease. Such & tonic is found in
Dr.Wmi&m&, Pink Pills
For PaJe PeopU.
Cy building; up the blood and
strengthening the nerves these
pills reach the root ef nttny
serious diseases, such &s sciatica, neuralgia, rheum
atism and all forms of weakness, either in men cr wencn.
Miss Pearl Wood, a popular voang imlv if Arlington, ind.. inys "I had
fairly k'mM lirnllli until two y-ars ago.whffl racial nriirniptD dc lc id.1 lie
aatn was fearful, I'recueotlyl wouTdnavt severe attacks dwriug lt:i 'lit,
miking it Impossible to ever art n nihti rrt t auflered w
this diM-Hur for iiiiiny weeks, tur phstctan 'k utialilr t. h '
we trird another doctor, but with ihr name result. 1 nurd dl!T
dies, tint with no 1 rn'lit. Ilappeollll to mid in tlie newspaper .
the merits of Dr. Williams' Pial fills I concluded to try the pil
l lininiil th second hos i waa iK-ttpr. l was never more hup- .
Hi. m over the faci that l waa retting wrll After using the Inl
palu left me, nuil hi a 1 had ntttshed the fifth box I -n well.
KushvtUf iuti
-. i nd
V V -I
iv IT
at all rtriidnists or sent direct bv the DrViiHif,ns
Medicine Co, Schenectady, N.Y., 5optr box, 6 boxes,??-0
A llaae Slandrr,
"It is claimed by the complainant
that you assaulted him," said the
"lie lias, your Worship. 1 never
touched him. liobsou and TitflM
picked him up and carried him to the
pump. All I did was to work the pump
handle." Tit-Hits.
Wouldn't Take t'linncea.
Smith- One can't always judge a
man': patriotism bv his conversation.
Jonas No, I suppose not.
Smith Take Brown, for instance:
would you cnll him a coward'.'
Jones Well, cr 1 might if I was
sure ho wouldn't fipht. Unltimore
HI. Stain.
Book Apent What kind of a ma:: is
your neighbor, Mr. I'ufledup?
Farmer Hombeak Wa-al, I cacker
late he Imagines that there won't be
any more wet weather this season un
less he withdraws his objection.
Hot Sorh a Ular Foal.
Emily I am so unhappy. I begin to
see that Arthur married me for my
Her IKaiest Friend Well, you have
the comfort of knowing that he is not
no simple us he looks. Tit-Hits.
Rive tllui a Chance.
Tramp Could yer give a poor man
a pie or cake, ma'am?
Lady Why, you have a big lunch
there now, air.
Tramp I know, but de doctor sez I
must spend an hour at my meals,
ma'am. N. Y. World.
t ioiiiooi.ith aawnM e
l in: a i IV ONE lur
Tnke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
itrugglsis ri-ftinn nionev ll it mil- In cure,
The genuine i,us I B.().on each latitat
In the niaj Rare,
The race Is not In every eaaa
Unto the swift, they say.
Ar.d by that self-aume token h
That lead the fastest Mfe may ba
I'uip ! hy the man who "pegs away.'
djhleago Dally News.
on. Tin: mn t,iii:m k.
THE delights of an evening spent around a well-lighted read
ing table are not half understood. An illustrated magazine
with its wealth of illustrations, its stories of adventure and
love, its descriptions of travel which carry you to the remotest
ends of the earth, and its instructive articles for young and old these
are the first requisites for your own enjoyment and the entertainment
and proper education of your children. 4
To secure for you the best and most interesting of the great illus
trated magazines at the lowest possible price has been the aim of the
editor of this journal. That we have succeeded we leave our readers
to judge. A special contract recently entered into with The Cosmo
politan, which seeks to become better known in this neighborhood, has
enabled us to offer you a year's subscription to the greatest of the illus
trated magazines together with a year's subscription to this journal,
Both TogetherOneYearforOnlyS 2.00
"What a wretchedly dark hole this
ia, now!"
"Do you think so? Before we were
married, you always said It was the
most delightful in Brighton so fc-w
lamps." Ally Sloper.
A Scriwonatte.
Whiate'er betide, O murmur not
Waste no Rood breath upon your lot;
Ix! while you grumble, flleth time,
Which, well put In, might earn a dime.
Detroit Free Press.
Poetry and Reality.
He I'd go through fire and water for
you, dear.
She Xever mind that. Would, you
ngree to go through the operation of
making fire for me? Yonkers States
man. Often Uone.
"What is an investigation. Uncle Kod
ny" "Investigation? Why, it's hunting
np a lot of blame and putting it on
some body else." Puck.
The War In Vain.
"I do wish the United States would
get possession of the Canary Islands."
"Recause it would make good singers
chetip, wouldn't it?" X. V. Truth.
A Libel on Collesjlana.
Mrs. Henham I wonder why our boy
hasn't written lately.
Henham lie's probably having good
luck at poker. Town Topics.
A CI uli ot One.
"How do you keep so young, Mrs.
"Well, I never worry about my age."
Detroit Free Press.
Gaen Again.
Clerk What kind of gloves, madam
walking gloves?
Miss Wayback Mercy sakes, not I
don't wear glorea on my feet. Judge.
in ladies' shops is a plen8nl
voyage afoot, For the pleas
ure it gives, there s no sail
like our sale. Crowds are
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, eoolest'aud best fit
ting Summer shoes now man
utaetured, at Driees which
travels llnd ir a pleasure to
pay. Foi house or street
wear, pleasure or every-day
practical purposes, walking,
riding, or driving, we supply
(he ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims yoar hands,
by all means surrender your
feet to these shoes.
a, $. Pottiese,
veterinary surgeon.
All professional business entrusted to mj cure
will receive prompt and careful attention.
ilury BLOOO POISON permanently
cured In I6U186 dava. Vnnnnn hAtmnt.f .,
humo foraame prlcennuer aamefuarsa
ty. If Tounrt'fY'rto come hero wnwiiiivin.
tracttODayrallmadfflrt'BndtintAihiH. ...h
art. If we fall tocure. If yon have taken mar
, Iodide Dotaah. and still have aches am
, M uenna Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
raarsnteetoenre. We solicit thou.,). tolmti
nan cuhb uu vnaiicnae cue world for 0
tiae wo cannot. euro. This disease li.-.s alwav
baffled the skill of the moat ,n 1 , ,,1,1.1
clans. 600,000 capital behind our uncondl
tlonnliroarautr. Absotutenroofssentaealcd o:
application. Addreaa COOK REMEDY CO.
301 aUuonto Temple, CUICAHO, lx
In this way you secure your own home paper and an illustrated
magazine at a price that is only about a fourth of what some of the
illustrated magazines sell for. For three years The Cosmopolitan has
undisputed! claimed that it reached ihe largest clientele possessed by
any periodical, daily, weekly or monthly, in the world. It was The
Cosmopolitan which sent Julian Hawthorne to India to let the world
know the real horrors of famine and plague. It was The Cosmopol
itan which established at its own cost a great Free Correspondence
University which now has over 20,000 students on its rolls. It was
The Cosmopolitan which offered a prize of $3,000 for the best horse
less carriage and prizes for best plans for public baths, and best arrange
ment of sewer and pipe systems for cities. It was The Cosmopolitan
which 'et the presidents of great schools and universities seriously
discussing v the defects of existing educational systems. It is The
Cosmopolitan whose enterprise is always in the lead in advancing the
world's civilization.
We have also succeeded in arranging for two adciitio:.:!
connection with this journal and The Cosmopolitan.
After placing on your book -table the best of the illustrated rmti.r.
in connection with your home paper, probably the mo t import; t
thing in a household for every household, in fuct i - the p , .;
keeping of accounts. I he only thorough system of Self-iustri c n
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but with it, neatly put up in a box, go sales-book, cash-book, ion; il,
ledger, bill-heads, statements, bank-book, bills payable and bills re
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beginning and carrying on the business of the farm, the shop, tfie
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Farmers and mechanics, husbands and wives, students and pr fes
sional men, young and old, rich and poor, all need some knowledg" of
accounting. By the "Ellis System" this is easily acquired through
home study.
The cheapest price at which this is sold at retail is $ 1.75 (express
torn Michigan unpaid), but The Cosmopolitan has purchased many
thousands of sets so that it mav otTer them ii taken in connection
with this paper and The Cosmopolitan m
S BoathnVTMleB ffi Uso Mj I TrnQQ I D
B In time. Pold v rtrucglt. tg I I I k 1 1. 1 . IllLl.''
- 1 1 a a BBBBBnaeXtaV' -' .-
All Three Together for kk $ ! !
One other opportunity we offer you. You wish to keep in (oucli
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mm iMrtiwvHW, - , ..... j -
Thrice-a-Week World of New York is the uivalentof adaih and
is a marvellous fund oi Knowitage coucei
day. Each issue contains :-ix to eight pagt
over eight thousand c-'lun.! reading
days this would have CO t joti obablj
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home paper and The O tan M.:-. . i
hanneninrrs i i
r r o-
. lit columns e
a year, in i
; as f.6.00 a
nnection witn
goes over to
fnr ralrfnl
next term of the court reaching an agreement