before them returning. The day, ! iuo :.K cUm. I belure men r LETTER FROM HAVANA, talk ojnmm " r 7, " n' however, could not l.ave be,., pltf , - , with' anter ;.,ul the veryt davs exrn- sti ucuin 10 i j previous t, feundav gave wuy Ot.rMi.iath.uwu. iud,l flutes-1 of the jwlatial residem ot 'Vin . liallv t.lomlv II. I i ll Illll'lll I H, ''II i - .,i There we were irroiHnu arouiwian wnwni T 8 , 1 .1:. i.Wll..Wn fin- our ner- Mdered from an exterior view - i t,'nn"nn ' ....... t I ...f It Wflfl ll i 1 I I in. it lit fill ! 1 1 to a mxxi many mat no noun aoud effects all 1 bwn wrwitnineno.ut. oi. ; ; were to be-en in thepamda wi in the wreck. We found article. EwsuUve at W aslnng on. lut i .,,,. ofour A::u.r. 1, .. ihere l which we were ol 2! l-LuVn- I i L ! I lot" officials cannot ho qUtuttoited as -1, :ni-l lined iin Uaste iQ wniw raw o p.. ... .. 1 r-nn I m:irlv all vou sec in Havana .." it for .... &ftnre the mark of time ami its situation is 1 . . .i i . .1 ... . ....... ..n.i.' . . t i . ... ....... i 1 1. unit iii mural i Kind "I wwirer w wiuwunwuui . H.n -.,'1 In I'm. n the t ItV. AD0U1 IWU ""., ii .i in. - , , irtiaraea me en TI Gil? PLACE 1 BI FIPIE! sun I s in i 'i 11 li ii 1 rlieltt Before Hettiug nlace. 1 mi Ml ooul'i find, we in out our i -il hut sonic who were covered U tlw. mnsi answered rather weakly Wn learned that no one itiiuri'il so we roail .I.- i if v i ii: short til"1 tcred rain man, arriving mere shivering and bespat il i ii in I. I here was criniili Spanish vocabulary in the whole outfit to state our case to the t'lihui. proprietor of the gro cery we had stopped at, and l i"R suspicion ut ii-. left iih t" decrieotir late until break of day. )ur woes were manifold. Poor ( !uhn had t s, ,! the h'unl of our feelings that morning. It wa u poor lcginning oven iv will admit and one thai justified n lew exclamations not to this. Bodies of Cuban officers , I came after the parade and received great applause while it should not be overlooked that General Lee, former consul a' Havana, fairly won the day. He is so well known in Havana that his presence was quick ly detected and the crowd surged out of bounds to grasp his hand and kiss it as was repeated! y done. Nodis- rull t v i. ..... ...... nfKnAnitih Intantrv lm-,,,!.,.!, -rr-"-' i ; . .1 ...M.,,;:,. to the raiace, much up iii ' " while on the other three sides ol the had Im-ci. open court facing the nay weresev- ,rck. ...t for thcmu.l eral companies 01 me m i iveB.u ... i-.i I IT C 1.1 ., , I. III ill uc'M.iar i . . " i , i,;.i regulation blue A reg mental band u'"c' " n -reguianon Diue. r rode through the streets, a remark- oceunied a Dosition in me centre oi t o I 1 . ,,.. , able thing when vou consider the this , square facing the ala u . - thrown together rendered patriotic airs at . uurt g intervals. .i uuum als Brooke and Wade, with staff of ficers, etc. rode up to the Palaoennd dismounted. This was a signal for prolonged applause and appropriate ly recognized by th Spanish soldiery by the order l present arms and bugle call adopted by that nation tiir i . W .. I,... I ii. .1 l.iuir t,i Mien occasions. a , (.,,.,.: .u,h..r ( ln.l,.,. 1 I. ill anil v .i .. . ' In that dav. hard to believe that Havana knew any Lord's day. Everything isw ide open, except the churches. It did not strike in.' that Havana contained as many churches as there ought to be. It is a great field for missionary work. W'c left the city late in the afleruoou campward, stopping at Tljis islG plqCR U(M(c vi m f i vj 1 1 1 (ound in the Amen. -an ilictioiiui'ies. We wen) back to camp as soon a the rain was over and assisted the I,.v to . rawl oil! of their crowded quartets. They seemed toenjoythe .. ..nrinnin I tetter than wc had, but thev had drv skins besides daylight w,,t'" to work with. The next time any liiii raisinir was to be done, we in tended tu liHik on, whlc We ill not be responsil nexl accidenf of this naturt vou. Sunday was to l' dav an i ii.icl - -which time w i we did. for the I assure i i Ic great . i. .i h in American iiibioij never erase. An wait nihil t I" I'al I 4.1 1 1 m ruili' i.'i and disuiounUlig Leu mingling and hand-shaking with their fellow American uiiicers. i er- hniia Inn iiiiiiulcs clan-, d befor. niitirn mirtv filed into thi ,!i qner arms ndepe idence Hay is celebrated fy all true Americans, so will Sunday, Jan. I, IS9U be the greatest day in ( luhan history. ur colonel had gen-: en ;v ,,r.,v'i.le 1 for the use of his clerks' n four male Dougherty Wa gon with driver to convey us Into ili. . ii v Sunday morning t witness the events. We made our departure al t eight o'clock passing several riM intent of our soldier hove ttndg JngfJtl to Havana." The Blgllf of these b ys marching to our dear i Id .', i . rienii music, on foreign s il, con- il by the strcngwi 'i our own . entering u conquered city as victors, aroused the deepest feelings in tit breast of every patriot ofe .. ud -'iiie America Forcer was the thought uppermost in the tnhi I of every one of those brave marching as to victory. But we . re not the only ones who fell thi pride of spirit. Along tin - route a ooiuiiiuouH uumi , i . . . Iiovs in Uiue oy nniive i Spaniard "vive la A- ' i la t !uba v. as heard on every side, ihe crv holding U. f i !lrv iii one ha...' ami Hell 1 1 UL ..i ,i...;,. ; nl i ... the other, i ri 1 1 '...'ii ' - - - uniphal arches had been erected by ( 'iilwns alone the Iii I march, beautifully tropical plants, the mill ( !uba side 1'V were profusely decorated the Amer ican Hug always present The prin cipal event in our minds was to see the Sa: i-li lllg come dow n from Morro Castle and old Glory take its place. By getting an elevated tosition close to the Governor Gen oral's palace we would be enabled ,,, witness not .coy this part ..I the ceremony bid all that took place at the I'uluce formerly occupied by Weyler (the Butcher) and Conser vative (?) Blanco whose pride would ,...t nlt.iw him in remain in Havana 1 1 oMithn last of Snanisl. ru strong coition of guards had been placed a couple ..I squares in all direction- Iron, the Governor General's l'alacc with strict orders to allow no one to pass. This promised to ! a anv hit. it disannointtnent to us as the he I'alaee . i i - i ic turning over tlie Kej s u the Island and City wastotaKe place promptly at o'clock. Thi part ut the event we were una ble to see but there was no regret on thisaccount when from tlie outside one of the mosl inspiring Bcenesever witnessed was to take place in a few short minutes. All eyes were now turned toward Mono, abanas and the tall flag stall over the Palace it .M' IV.i ni.tlv at I'' o'clock a Hut- .1 .1 . ' I I A hel.cve, til.' most ecniele. V I ever saw. We reached camp after dark and fell into o:ir hunks ex hausted. When I w rite again I w ill try and give some descriptions t the manners and habits of the ( luban, sketches of camp life, the advantage of locating in this oouutry, etc. A. W. W. HAT 11- 1M FIT T J h '"' lnvit! l,Wtt.v ,v,),n ,,unM' they A UJaIM 1 xv Jv. naturally anticipate not only pleasant coin- 444444444444414444444444444444444444444 y wmmndinfi, Wbat a contrast botwren tlio tuethods of thin Fiiruitnro store ami those of the usual furnitarc specialist, ilo.v miicli will il briug'i is rln? all abiorbinii uaestion them How loin; can wc AUAMSBUUO. Iwi tfford to sell it? is mir grontest problem. We sre alter profit, that'i true enough, but we plan differently. Wetryto make a muall margin una large vol. ameof business, where others Ii ;ni on Isre profits iroin n small volume of trade. We are Helling just now furniture cvokv day any store in our county lias ever sold. We say this boldly btcauso we tlioi'onlily believe it to 1)h so, and thai prices like this and nothing else are at the bottom of it : a 'it .in pp and son, ! Itoswell oi Lewistown accoutamea by Miss Eva Kothroak of Middle burg, were visitors in tow a on Mon dav. ..Miss Gertie Knepp is spend ing thi' cell in I a wistown Oak Uookcrs, worth $2.75, reduced t.. .si.'.is. Extension Tables, worth 0.00, reduced to $4.20. White ICnamehil Beds, worth $7, reduced to l.i7. Antique ..k Sideboards, worth 1 "J, reduced to $8.' Velourf 'ouches, fi 1 springs, worth $15, reduced toSl 1 Antique Oak Suits, worth .S-U, reduced to $15.78. i- i ii l't : i i:.. tcr OS 01 some inn. Btriviug i" ii j.or-. . n. iviobu ii on uiu oii ubi lease itself from bondage was notice- .... Miss arric Middleswnrth has able across the Bay at the lii"t of returned home front Bunhury where the flag -sta fl on Morro thi- wasold Uhe had been employed in the silk n I nrv aim Uimr lu rscll loose before mill Miss Marv Dreese spent her ascent skyward to proclaim lib- Sunday it. IJanuerviHo. .. .Messrs. crty over this land. Simultaneously Cn.usenn'1 Englfl of Middleburg tin. erv went un see she rise-and t he snellt m vera I davs last week at this i noise that followed was deafening, place Miss Mamie Me. It was a signal for prolonged cheer- irniic tu llarrisburg, where .1... !.. -l.-i. I ..v.i . I I I ... 1 1 !r CJIllIlOU oil l.ll- III V") ' L-IIIIJHITIiretl. I.I E. S. WEIMER & CO.. FURNITURE DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 34. 36 and 3? South Fourth St., Stinbtiry, Penna. lll'MM KL'S !IA tin given onr Cuban nml inerii-ann"- tin Inklreti joincil in .... .1. .... i... .. . ii, oe i inn in w i . .,,,.1 'I i adorned with lm s ol A menca side. Houses ( lincinnati, etc. thundered onl their weh Morro answered with her heavy batteries joined by old ( 'uba nas and the battle of peace and lib ertv was on. Where was the grand ..1.1 Liberty Bell, the priceless treas ure ol our own country? highl she not to have taken apart in this grand proclamation? Me thinks 1 heard hor ring aliove the din of cai n, the tumultous cheering and 1. low ing of whistles. If not the sense of liberty was m ar to me us it must have been in the days of 1 7 7 when uur forefathers witnessed just such event. Gradually the noise subsid wl and the l'alacc was again the cen ter of attraction. We had nol long to w ait lor other event- were to fol low in quick succession. At a pre concerted moment the Spanish Infan try, who had been standing like images of stone throughout all this excitement with hearts doubtless as cold toward all Americans, rapidly fell into columns of tour ami niarcl ed to the landing where transport awaited their coming to carry the last remnants ( Spanish soldiery Iron, the fair Island, closely follow ing in the wake of the Infantry un der escort ol American officers came the Ex-Governor General, Castella ueous, his hoily guanl, suite, re- Rtrainers. etc. while marching in rnnr were our own hravi blue. It was a touching seem . . . ..Mrs. week in ' 1 . cjmii ! Inrrisburg. . d wifi' wen On Motiduv evening of two sleighing panics pas place oi. then Lewistown and MllCInru recently... ('has. McElrath is emplojed by the Peiinsvlauia liuilroadas brakeuuin. r;:s I Hi.s I LLe i . M. Showers transacted business at Middleburg lust Saturday even-; ing Rev. IVi r of the Q. E. j church i- attending conference al I Lewis'oiirg this week L. A. Eessler and Emanuel llucUenburg purchased horses at the Middleburg horse sale last w eek . . . .0. W . Hc- ichly of ( '. P. '. was ai home o . Sunday Miss Hettie Shinkel i- visiting friends at Miffiinburg V. l' Sanders made atrip to Sha mokitl and oilier olaces last week... A. A. Loss of Hartleton visited sick father lust Saturday.... L. A. Siiue and I'. '. Hart. nan made n triu to Sunburv last Thursday... I r . " o F. -). Boyer, who is working on a sawmill in the vest end oi Union Co., was at home over Sunday . . . John Molm and son II. F. and II. II. Wagner were to Lcwisburg on business last Saturday. Iltley ha she' ha .ue a- iiini - US v:ltr o1, tj.r w sjient las'. ).,, t,, utteud a da nc .. .Hurley Young atid Daniel 8a visitors in i xu.,.(. Middlebumh ai week I .Mine n uiunucr citizens attended the !iuse Selinsgrove on Thurs lay Bailey came mar losing hi one evening last wee!;. 'I In "o! hi- hiiul fin t over the ISt w ei U .I through Shamokin lames email, dr. jurors this if our aly "' .Pelef horse horse halter OPPENHEIMER'S GREAT BARGAIN STOCK , . . , id Cor E v e ry thing Ne plete in. tlie Line of the STYLE SPRING HATS litis jnsf hoeu vcri'ivci!, Vi t h un a id Mr. i i ,.s oven toe horse. il Shoes jii-i hi lime to save On Tumdnv evening a party from NorthumUulaud spenl a :leasanti eveuing at Levi Dressler's. Mr. Dressier cut a severe gash in his arm . w hile breaking flic ice for the cream. On the 2'2ud of February the 1 runty . insirrove rlOBB )U iiiii; froiti us. rich dent. an he Hnru of hoTieH .rices; . .-;t. ; . . ;L i no V7e mistake always n I i vi Imying vou II Come end Sse Clothing lady Bible Class ..I thi Lutheran church of St spenl the day with Mrs. JohnSchoch, ...The schoolteacher. Brian Teats, I .' j' j and his father spenl ;. lew days in I Philadelphia last week Hiram I j Stephen, w ho has iieen farming ior i'. M. Teats for the las! two years, intends to move on A. W. Potter's j form near Verdilla. The people oi this nelgllbornooa arc sorry io sec them move away as they arc kind neighbors George A. Foltz and wife last Wednesday attended the sale of Mrs. Bilger, deceased, near vt e un' pvepured to giw you suits at rock bottom prices At the old stand they ust; yon right. H. OPPENHEIME Market St. Seli nscrove V,.v,- R Iin Mr Poter Boilev. isrluk UKlM I . . . . ,. . ,'. ..fl.. vi. huv,. ..onrlmteil that vou i who had been on the sick list, lsal.le ini.'ht not to drink coffee. It is not i to be about airain niiiion Trutt Imys in a medicine but doetora order it h I feefa highly elated because a little I., cause 11 IS l.eilll.i.ui, luiiiuiamui - - .. . '.,,.l.:.r 1,1 "i .o,i.... it i.,.iefroDoure son cameto his house on Washmg- , j look upon notwithstandiug all were Kraius iim i,lls that rich seal brown 1 ton's Birthday. 1 he Ii1k' will be A ! . . .i i.i o .:..l. I-.i i ......... io.. ...... Cir.uuf iTi'mlu I ii i, ir i m.u BTlaa 10 SCe Uie iasi oimuwii wnw ooiur aua hww uguga ueonn! t asil.ntrioi. iron. p"ypfta, rTteSSWt5't i i , The succeeding hour or so wastaKen M0H it is tllt genuine food drink j Horse blankets can nowbebougnt i bv ditlereiit city departments eontainmB notbing butnoaramnmt. a4 ,.ost ;it OpDenbeimers, Selins grove. 8-2-ot. up .i i ' waiting on the new uovernoi ueu eral, General Brooks, prominent in dividuals, rcpre Ask your srrocer for arain-u, tue new food drink. 15 and "Jfie. sentatives ol foreign .-. .i countries, etc. Nunc one suggcsicci that we make haste to get a position near the I light Torre Hotel and see the review of the American troops w hich w e com idled with at once and it looked as if we were to becul out of seeing what our hearts craved for. Facing the Palace to the right of the Plazo is a large Convent which it wc could enter into details would afford the grandest view oi me pro- , ,.wneI8hiu , the town ceedings obtainable. Under escort mon iay demonstrated as we ol theGuard we marched to one ol M J roodvedby thesol- the entrances and asked that we dte aiong the lloeof inarch, mightoccupy one ie The review was novel to the Hav- lacing the Plaai. he kind Sifters (I(,ul) had the effect of irladlv accrded usthisprivilegi'iuid , ,,,sl.t an(1 reVer- s of a lucky , ., , .,; Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. RENlEIV.BEFi H. HARVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSaRANGE AGENCY, wc were SOOn lucky sons eiu e to the flag than otherwise might country placed in a position io sir , thecase jt SWIm.a as if all that transpired ... the tranateroi imuv hail ulcen the Maud to the U. B. ! 1Iavana ll(lriilg from the length of; could give a real picture of the scene t, and tjlcBe iWyB deserve; that presented itself to our eager eyes r for undurance when nJ from the balcony of this t on vent. ,;t tlioy liacl marched will try to give it simply and without : mm distance to Onlv the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments. No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. 1)., 1819 Assets $11,055,513.88 " Home 44 " 44 1853 44 9,853,628.54 American u 44 44 18 W z,4uy,oo4.oo The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co." The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.) I Your Patronage S incited. HIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical. ml r Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illusti By JACOB Illustrated. BIGQLE No. 1-BIO.QLE HORSE BOOK A.labout Horses Coratnon-Stnir Treat ide. with over 74 illustration , a standard work. Price, 50 Cents. No. 2 BIGQLE BERRY BOOK All about prowiuK Small Fruits read and team bow : contains 4 colored lile-.lke reproductionsol amending; varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, jo Cents. No. 3 BIQQLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ; No. 4-BIOQLE COW BOOK tells everything ; 111133 colored life-like reproduction ol all theprintiai orei-as; wim 101 otner luunraiiuu. rice, 50 una. All about Cows and the Dairy Duslnes ; having great sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ofeach oreca, witn 13a otner illustrations, race, 50 icm No. 5 B1Q0LB SWINE BOOK Jut out. All bout Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Butch ery, Dteeojes, etc. Contains over So beautiful half tone and other engravings. Price, 50 Cent. TheBIQOLE BOOKS are unique.orlginal.useful von never baw anything like them so practical, so sensible They ore having an enormous sale East. West, North and South. Every one who keep a Hone, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruit, ought to send right way for the BKJOLIi BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It Is r years old; it lathe great boiled-down, hit -the-nall-on-the-head, quit-after-you-have-said-it, Farm and Household paper in the world the binest paper of its sise in the United State of America having over a million and a -half regular reader. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL sj V BAR( rgmnderof igoo. lBbJ 1 '9 and 9l) will be sent by nail 'sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOLE BOOKS free, wrucx ATKrrarw. Address. FARM JOURNAL CKU. r. JBMKIM. FBtLAPSLrBIA j .iiiiiiiniiiiniiiniiii.ii.u sssssaa)ssasp