LETTER FROM HAVANA, resembles a Jail. Instead of windows COUNTY GULUNGS. j they lwve burs of iron beginning at J : the roof and running right down to j Breezy Items Picked up Here qmmmm fro- mi weh. jpmtf some ot these are, and There about the Ooun- davs ot Snisl misnde on this art jql,;te fa,ltastiil and ipaoai large I ty and Noted tor Tour of" tiie world. Mono loomed tip ienogii between to poke out your Enlightenment high and frowning above "s, Hiatingl neu, There are no buildings, ex- the Spanish rag to the breeaa. 8-Upt fomUAj an occasional hotel or. Uym want r h du tin, Is paced the high walla, looking Government building, ovwone story slll)St.ri,M, forthe 1ost morelikepipMtbananyUuaglae,lu The tuing used on toe roota " , " tjuanliiH' vigilantlv the -till posses-' ru,. art. for the OWet part siini- M. L. kreeger, who went to sLmsofthccnuucrc-l cuntry. ,,-; lar to those used bv the Chinese. ; Michigan to visit. her mother, is ill nn-StP Morro was another fort wick- .rv fimnv luokini indeed. Nearly with .neumonia, lut is not in udan- r. . i ii x i . . i miTTi nnn t mnrrrn i ira H . 1 H I If I nn I KHD I nT U BI N Til UIIT U tin Tiiunmui lmuii u nu pui a mj m ed in appearance and capable of Jc every house is painted light blue geroua condition at present. 1 I . . - M ing much damage to the enemy, urn an,i whitc, a aort of light brown and John 8. Bine has purchaaed the fort seemed to be occupied by oor brick red or a dirty yellow, these McKeea Half Falls Hotel and farm own boya in blue. The chaiuielhre colon prevail throughout the city which was in the poaseaaion of Col. I is very narrow Indeed ami less tlian!anj brick and frame housce are to Philip Hilbish, for the put twenty a stout 's throw across from land to be seen uowherea. The streets arc five vears. a - . ill. land. A very ahort uwtance rromj oobble stones and Belgian oioeae, the mouth of the harbor still anoth-l-oej enough lr the Wth Century ... .i l.l i . i i er verv uirire ion aw iruv inu.uni-. carts used on meui. iuihihswh . . 1 - , . . ii . , , , , It ii the nniu'iiwl court omci'rs, signed a lls,, was t 'iibanass. An old witll w, ee s about tel. feet ,., dian.e- J ancient pileol masonry as antique ur , mH as wide again as ours, j the candidacy of Judge 11. W. asanvimns i mm . ..... ,rn.auiiL' massif i p -v " a .i,;i...i,i ,.r,i. i ...,....... 1 , , , - -' , - , i i ( 4iiimiNiii oi lilt j Jti- i .i t 1 1 1 1 1 1, i i i i The individual memUrs jSnvder couutv Har, together r the with liar- i' 1 I " I. i ......... . , ,n- I . .l . . I . ....i,,, , oap'.UiK nl (H)Hl'niHM iMiaiii.i-. I Uim.l.l. 1 Vf IUU1C wiui ouuuau " " f a iM- 111 1111 s I . I U II I. H'l II IC V Ulll fg III V '1 II III I IJII wo were in the harbor and all about DeBg etc. on him to almost cover the , , . . , , l III 1 IKK UU it w as tlie shipping, tin everv side. Passing on our course to our anchoring place we had the wreck of the poor unfortunate Maine on our port side close at hand. It looked exactly as pictured in the dai ly Northern papers, but the actual silit of thia daatardy work brought a spirit of reveuge lu your heart. We were not tar distant from the Brooklyn, Cincinnati and another American man oi war when we threw . .11 I ... an had oasscHi out Justice Williams. nut . .1 A I ... : 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 up so mill you nave i gum Ml liin idcntitv. Quadv triminiiiL's cover the poor In'ast together with a I The Kami Journal is 22 yean old, large aasortment of Bleigh Is-lls at- prints 40 tons of p iper a month and Inched to a yoke arranged around ! is out of debt; it is out to fit every his neck. Here you have the means progressive farmer and villager, of locomot ion chiefly used in Havana 1 Don't you want thisfinelittle paper? for hauling purposes. Two of these ! Very well, pay a'l arrearsandayear can just pass each other in these nar- ahead for the Post and we will have row streets and no more. Kverv the Farm Journal sent to your ad- . . " J H 1 ... $11 ... . store is a curiositv .-Hop to me. ureao ir nve yeura aim u win gei Chas. Dicken'8 Curiosity not in it with these. Every Tlis islc plqco lGie eevy oqc coirjes o btj t-t I I l-v XI III I Lv M it one is invited away froiii dome t - -a. --- v J v. .,..., , t.i . !..... i. .......... i. ... ........ .... ......... v ... .,... i. ..ii. ii.. i""y but other aurroundlngs. What a contrast betwren the nictlioils (f tl li I1 1 1 I'll it 'I ii 4tiila-k -in. I tlwictt i ' 4 . w . . ... ...... i in v i ' ' i vi i in rni 111 Ii. .it is.tov if von arc alive, anvwherc on USUtil ttirillturfi stxi'i:ilisr Hma- hiiii. nill ; !,;.. io fl... .. il ,.K it. .. . , . . i . , -. . . . . , . . , , n . j nvi wiui iiuvniuu LUfl our aix iior, ami nan ihisbou uu not in u Willi inese. rjverywiiiiii io uau we unura i soil It : is our irrc;ir,(!St, nrn i am Wo am utter nnifli il... . . " i I . . . it . n K ' - "in, ii n I- .i .. fcj : i . t t..,,.i t . . i ... t i .... . i . r t 1 1 ik . i ,.... i . . . i , i vwt ... . ' - lirer anomer onaniBii iniim nn i ......v- s i-.iuen "in uim vu . ... . . U(, ., .. ,...-,,.., trom.d in 11 " cuuii"ii, utir wo un (liltorotit v. i; trv to miilrM mnn ing ready to put out to sea with Spanish soldiery. It was like a fu neral procession going into the har bor. Not a Bingle sign of welcome was .riven us except occasionally by a group of American soldiers lining the una vs. These wore the Provost guards of Havana. Peopleall along the shore looked upon our arrival with indifference, or perhaps with a worse feeling, buf dared not express it. I II M m i ii mi ar.ru . . I i.. .. . ... ni . . . 1 " - .-iuv I you nav rannij ner- p. u,,,,. u roi.t reVerton, on Sat-; uine oi iHisiness, where others figure 00 l;ir;e protite rrmii a small volume of trade Id 1000 vears behind the aTfay, ,jm s:lvs (mt tlt. sticking are selling just now nii.re furniture everv (lav than ant store iu oar count V has ever a sllires'iil feelins that ed 0 WOf tinn Some one in the party that we buy hats more suitable to the climate than the campaign hate of the army which we had been wear ing, so a search for n "Somblareio" (the Snanish name for a hat store). (.Till i ., .int met nntu o it i t ... I I . i- . . . . . , V 00.10 H.!.. I...1 II.. 1.. , i t . . . . . . . . . " ' v . I r i ' UI uu,a,y oeoatwe we cnoronguiy DeuevetttoDe so, and that pried like tl 11 ...ill I rill i i-, iiiui lie i n niiri.i tur ...... ... . ... ...44 i . i ...4. v I n. ..... ... ii. ll.ll.ll.il ill .1 : prices askci himself anil I hey desire to our I iope this cm lie foi I in 1 1 1 1 1 1; partners, an torily Boinii lots, for (Oil 1 1 4 1 1 . vna-e anil huilil. arranged aatisfac- eavtmr tierniion. Mr. uid his nartners will be sac- cinir from five to seven thousand Oak Koekcrs, worth 92.75, reduced to 91.98. Extension Tables, worth 96.00, reduced to 1.-J!. W like Enameled Beds, worth 7, reduced to 94.67. In l I .l O. J.I . . . . .......... ...... nun ii.-, iiwiui i , i i'ii. lieu lAj 01 '..l. ... I ci : .L.e- i i. . ' . .......... ..... . .. 1 Antique Oak Suits, wm th 920, reduced to 915.78. which we shortly found. Panama and Mueinaw straw seemed to he in greater demand than other styles, dollars, and they should be given peiiu anoiiiei nigni mwl ns thpir width of run and 1 1 ltI 1 1 every auvintaire here that is possible Panama with Havana i weght , .,(,. them the proper thing to do. Iribune. th. arrangements we . . . . ..i i.. the ill Aecoruini' to were obliired to on liourd the ntrhl at hand. I ermissioii to so on n shore was refused by the Command ing ( leueral bo wepassed tin evening walking around the deck taking iu the eitv lights, passing baits, ferric.-, etc. Music and singing would oecn sionullv float out over the water to our ears, givinir ti tn understand thai wlial has been said of Havana ia true, thai she is a gay, had town. Home fear was felt by us thai we might he anchored in proximity t. in. i oft hose infernal machines that hi i w nti the Maine. In.: it made no difference in our sleeping just the sum i . The great heat, however, caused some restlessness. We had truly come to a hoi country as all will verily that night. A tier break fusl Friday morning we were towed by an American lug to the Depot (uarteruiaster's l.ie!; and tlteru we discharged oil cargo, li was a relief to once mire vet ;i tool on terra firtnn, even in this M.! hole of a city. Naturally those who had never seen Havana were restless pillow, to lake an excursion "uptown," and wards I a party ol u- struck oiil on tins ex pedition. Well, 1 don't know who were the most curious, our crowd or the inhabitants. It wasa plain ease otgnp, gap, gap on both sides. It was little wonder oil our side as we had never seen anything to compare with the streets uf Havana iu our lives, and it ImfHes my description to say what I did see. We readily accus tomed ourselves to oursurroundings, however, and w ent ahead as business like as anybody, barring our ability t" walk on the narrow strips they call pavement'. Most of the streets encountered thi trip are barely wide for camp life, we supplied our wants in this fashion. I Inlike other hat stores I have been in hats are sold III the rough, a8 it were, without inside hand, lining, etc. However, each store has Imvs employed to do this work and do the work in a surpris ingly shorl time. As our time was limited sight-seeing had lo be cul vhiirt ami we retraced our way liack pn lari for our ride ol the poverty to camp. Some idti ofthe lower classes of Cubans was given us ;i we wended our way through the narrow, filthy streets near the (piays. There was one in- -lai.ee ill .hi- tHp thai I shall lleve: never forgcl although it is doubtless a common occurrence in tin- City, Lying prone upon the sidewalk, rag ged and filthy, the glaring sun lull upon him, infested with llies and starvation, his only companion was a man. Some charitable person (?) had been kind enough to piece a cobble -time under his head for a I Io died there as we al'ter irned, homeless and alone, perhaps from starvation a rceon centrado without a doubt. Thus did Spain care lor her subjects, for Spain was even vet iii control of Cuba. Everywhere children were to Ik1 seen almost nude, lvinj; in doorsteps, on the narrow pavements, any place that afforded them shelter from the intense rays of the sun. It is said that labor is about the scarcest thing tn he fiimid iu Havana because (live lln- .'Iiiliiri'ii a lirli.k called Gruin-0. I: is delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by nil grocers nti d liked by all who nave used it because when properly pre pared it tastes like the finest coffee lui r is free from nil its injurious properties. Grain O nids diiru"tion am) streiigtheus ihi nerves. It is not a stiuinlant hut a hi allta builder, and children, as vf II us adults, can drink it '.villi ureal benefit. Ousts about i as much ns cnllee. E S. WEIMER & CO.. FURiN JTLIRE DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ,S1 Sit snn , Xnh ?A..nlk n. C . a . i, uwu u v. uutii i uui in jt., suniijiiry. Jrcnn EntJtd Her Ninetieth Year. Mrs. ( 'alherinn I atcs, w idow the late John Dtitesman, entered up-' pontile ninetieth y;;;r oi her ngel lu t Tuesday, at her home In Weal Milton, Four generation! together to grecf ihc old I the occasion. A.wong those present were: Mr. and Mr.. Adam Weid- .f i gathered ady upon OPPENHEIMER'S GREAT BARGAIN STOCK .... plete in tlie Line of tlie rfOTICE Is banty ;lvcn thftl an nppllrall'Mi wlt midfl to tin' Governor of ftmiMfaubLon rrMwr, lUrrhMjIflM, Uy Iterberl ! iHtinett, Svimihh r, HardU,A. M. Si i'iovit. i:. . IUnMM7 Mid It. Hw ter. uinltT tln lii'iitral t ut ponittuii Act uf 1 .s74 .lidttl iiptleiiietiti. For t1i ' luirit-r nf mi Intended rorporit Hon to be culled Tin' Amertran Mlttrlcl Telfirri j Ii OonipMijf if Ponnnylviitiliii wiildi 1 fbrmotl fr ilia nur)ioM of conitruetlttg, umlntslnloM '! hanIiik loot of tfl6frjntrii ior tttfl pi Ivnts Mm of htdlvldiwK Hi his, corf mini lonn, tunnletpiil iumI othtrwtoot tr getieinl buvlnitM) ind Pur Mi)lreflividHrm, orm s ii 'liimin '-s, Mtd for tin1 tnUMMMton in oonue Hon th -i ". I ili of :. (fOlini nl tnOMeogCf itml d IIVQry Mr fli'H, Iii the rotmtte of Adams, Allegheur, A rut in u, itonver, Itedford, Berki, BtaTr, llradfortl, Biirki, Hutler, Cambria, Cameron Carbon, Cottier, liiMter, Clarion. ClonrfleM.CIIntoo, Columbia, Cnw r. i i. Ctimberlttiid, Oattnbln. Mfiuware. KU, Rrit, Fayeitte, Konwt. Kratikltn, Pulton, Green, Itnntlttff doit, Indiana, Jefferaoo, JnnMktAj Lai'kawaona i.au clutter, lawrenco, Lobanon. i.phiii, Ltuomo. l.y nomltia;. HcKoAll, Mi'irrr.Mlfilln. Honrna, Hontffom erjT, Mniit.'iir.N'irf hamptini.KitrlliiiniN'rlaiiil. I'rn v, IMduulplnhla, I 'lie, Potter, Schuylkill, Snyder, 8om- ci set, ti!!ivafi,SiiniiPhniiu,Tiiira. I'tilmi. nant:, War run, VHhlni;t"ii, Wayne, WcatitinreUuiil, Wyo tnlnjf, and York, fttld foftUMM Mtrpoart, tf havn, iM.sscss and enjoy all t1i rlglits, lMnef1ti ami privi leges uf Bald Art of a HM- in My and Iu supplomcuu. enhamt'r of Watamitown. J. B. U.rd ' " afc r nbL n I U and wile of Suuhnrv, Mrs. HiluurL lias iimt haan haaIJ v.... i. , , '. . , , ,' ,". "vvii . vwi t uu , a..ii. aii lie nun; in UUIIVBI I'l H Mrs. ( . ,. p lylui ami ' 1 Mr. tint sou ill MiKon, Datesmati of ' Hartrai I and wife V. v. and Milton. i ind !.; , l.iK.a r .1 VVilliuinsport. Mr-. K. ( Iharlea fuller Shnes! Shoes! Shoes! i or l.ii OrlpiM. j Thomas Waittield .V Co., 240 Wa I hnsh Ave , cor, JackHou t., one of 1 Chieaito'n oldecl uud nest prominent i nruaatBtrecomnieun c uamberlain b CouKh Remedy for In vrippe. an it not only Kivea a prompt and com plete relief, but also counteracts any leudanov of I., grippe to result iu pneumonia For Kale by all Drug You niuke from us. rich deal. no We mistake in boyii always tjivo vou Prompt Payments. Liberal Adjustments REMEMBER H. HRRVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSdRANCE AGENCY, BBLINSGROTBe FA the war killed off the great-! Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, cr number of the poorer classes and' Wxxe, Life, Accident and Tornado. . I I 4111 . I . t No Assessments No Premium Notes. Come and Sbb Clothing. We are prepared to give you suits i. aa .... I.. mm .1 iioiiiMii an im .vi ine oiu stn they use you right. H. OPPENHEIMER, Market St. Selinsgrove" Pa those who still live are too weak to .stand hard work. I overheard a Spanish dealer in Woodand Lumber enough to allow two vehicles to pass I tell a Quartermaster oi the Army and the sidewalk: well, they were I who was trvingto contract for some In. in six inches in sonic places to two hauling to In-done that he was afraid Icet wide. 1 he people put down he would be unable to secure BUffio- two feel sidewalk.-. I imigtbh felt a lient laborers to consummate the work, little higher up in the Walks of lite yet one would think in passing than the others. We walked duck through the city that one-half the fashion, single file, had to do it or population was idle. It may Ik-, i lake the street for it. We gave the however, that tin feeling is SO Strong senoratifl the riht of way in every between Cuban and Spaniard that instance. !omiog to the "Salon de one refuses to employ the other, and Barberia" we undertook to jret i would sooner sacrifice business in I shave and slim' shine. We made . terests on this account. Well, We out all right too, although they use are again at the dock and find OUT the dullest razors I ever had on my Dougherty awaiting us with seven tace. This ptoved beyond a doubt miles, all up-hill and for the greater I that the Spanish will torture you ev-: prt of the way through the heart cry chance they get. 1 am sorry I j ot the City of Havana before us. i didn't get tin- whiskers singcll oft, ' We stalt and as there is still two it would have liecn less painfnl am hours ofday-light ahead of ns, en-j sure. They shave a little different j aiding us to see more of the City and I from their American brothers. In-j the superbs by moon-light. Pre sfead of washing the lather off VOW paratiotil for the coming historical' (ace after through shaving, they take j events (it is historical now) were lie-! a sprinkling can, or something on ' ing made on every side. It seemed that order and turn the hose on you, that every house floated the Stars tMB dry it up with powder. The j and Stripes together with the Cuban ! prices arc the same as ours. Every flag and coat of arms. Old Glory house in Havana that I have seen caiiaai lasid p. 1 The Aetna Founded A. 1)., 1819 Assets f 11,055,513.88 Home " - " 1853 " 9,853,628.54 M American " " " 1810 " 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association-! ' Your PatronaneSilicited. 4? m ' M 1 Driving Lamp IT Is the only perfect one IT looks like locomotive headlight. IT throws all the light straight ahead irom aoo to 300 ic IT Elves a clear white light fW IT burns kerosene (Coal Oil) . Im - ... . . . . it will not oiow nor iar out SPECIAL OFFER. CUT THIS aovertisement out and send It to us and we will tend book describing our lamp, and will agree tosend youone single lampor a pair at our wholesale price (very much less than the ictail price). R. E. DIETZ COMPANY. 60 Ulght St., New York. BsriausaiD inn. Par the Latest News Read the Miiddleburg Post. BIGGIE BOOKS I A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Corarrehensl' i: Hand somely Printed and Beautifully lllubiruicd. By JACOB BIGGLE No. l-BIQOLE HORSU ROOK All about Horses a Cniiiion-S; oseTrrntie,tvithorer 74 illustrations ; a nauu..;.i work. 1 rite, 50 Ccnu No. 2 BIGGLE BERRY BOOK All about growing Small Fruits rend and lenra how . contains 43 colored lite-like reproductions ol nil lecaing varieties and 100 other illustrations. Trice, 50 Cents. No. 3 BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the beat Poultry Book in existence 1 tells everything ; with 33 colored life-like reproductions of all the principal breeds; with 103 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIGGLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great Oltl contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ot each breed, with 133 other illustrations. Price, 30 Cents No. 5 BIGGLB SWINE BOOK Just out. AU about Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Butch cry, Diseases, etc. Contains over So beoutilul half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. The HIGGLE BOOKS are unique.original.useful you never saw anything like them tu practical, ho sensible. They are having an enormous sale East West, North and South. Every one who keeps a Horse Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIOOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL I?70fr ffr' nuMie "I you and not a misfit. It is n years ohl.: "U boiled-down, hlt-the-nail-on-the-head,-quit-aner-you-have-said-it, Farm and Household paper In the world-the biggest paper of its size in the United States 01 america-naving over a million and a-hslfregular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLB BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL to'STouSklf1' 1901 "nd wm ta "nt by maU Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BtOOLB BOOKS free. WILMEU ATKINSOIC. cuas. r. jsa BUSTS. Address, JOl'RNAl, ruiLAOELPBia
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