The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 23, 1899, Image 7

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    rZmra TCOU HAVANA.
tBH -
I lAMMafruut u.liruil-
zL a (id some of the combinations
Ribad and American colors riiade
beautiful eflecU-the pale UlM of
- i . -- i ka imw 111 I of AlTUT-
. nu I ...... lilt.'. . 1 1 . . . ...a.,...
jn, the brighter red H against onr I
ndark stripes. The el low aria"
E hats rtf .Simiu wera oouffpkiuoual
I their absence, and with ll ex-1
wirti of Um one flag Hying from ;
llirtro Castle I seen no Others, Bat
on ana lane in inner
.i i .i
iv p " ,
i.... . .I..,,. Iliivmm lietort- i hirMICSS I
. rn i IV.:.., '
..vrtook Its. there IS till' I Mir
. ii C O..I... ...,.,il,.,c r..
Larl nillkman Ol LllOU ailOllier re-
Binder oi the l?tli Century. Ot all
the i)lices one would wish to find in
' 1 - a,L aa
Havana a dairy is certainly the ear-
Kmi lo the newcomer, l on see the
iVWs manohing their feed ut the very : early, in the fact the moon was high
MntlCC of these places, and if you j in the heavens when we turned out,
lite unable to see, your sense of and day light was still a long way
tell would direct you aright to a ott. Fire was made in front of our
!av where milk is sold fresh from j tents to cook what we could gather
Sjeoow. There is decided objeo-l together lor breakfast. We tared
dons to having the stable so close to , better than we expected. Suite hard
ibe living apartmanta, place of bual- tank biscuits were found together
ntv-S etc. yet the chances for the I with a piece of silt baoou and all
dishonest milkman are greatly di-1 hands prepared to do full justice to
mini-he1. Next door to the Dairy this bounteous repast. It was good
1 refer to in this instance was a I enough for us hungry Americans
botcher shop, and it seemed to me j and I am sure I never relished any
Afr HTM a well selected location but thing better than a nice browned
I would prefer to have my butcher piece of bacon cooked over n hot
Jum dry fronds store, etc. a mile wood fire on the end of a pointed
.,tt-i Wniburneved on feasting on
the luxuriant gardens winch sur
mind some of the cases along the
win, the tall oooounut trees, palms fire. We fished it out again and
ami hananu trees lined the route, tried it over and I assure you
fpecia1lv as we neared the city Um- it lost none of the flavor bv the opera
its. Reaching a small suberb, eall-ltion. Some water was found ncarh
tdPunta Grande, I think, we seen barreled up for use of the camp, but
by the street lights that we were op- as warm as the milk served at the
nroachinir mi eating house ol some
(lescrhtion. We were all nearly
i:.misluHl and lost no time tumbling I
out and in to this way-side hostelry, (
which must have resembled the old
time inns which many years ago lin- ,
ed the Lancaster turnpike and old
Cones togo scad.
II required a good appetite to eat
'i ' i . i ill l Ills i. ace in miii inner
i . i i . . i . : 1 1 ......
constitution to digest it, we were lighted with our surroundings. Lhe
aided in the latter by the roughness situation of Camp Columbia is on
of the ride before us'. All thebread f the highest ground in Havana Pro
(pahn) I have seen in thisconntry is vince 1 believe and overlooks the
abominable and iapossibly u mixture , eity of Havana from most onyquort-
ut triiin anthic ami unroiieii
and unrolled flour,
You can tear it apart much better
than cut it with a knife. I asked
tor a glass of milk inthiscafe, look
imr forward to a nice cool drink
such as can be obtained at any eat-
ing house in the United Stati
iuit !
I was diMiiiied to
riianiMviintmntir I
' " "l'r v "
urain. A mug resembling a snavin
cup as nearly as anything 1 have
sirn was placed before me and a
tailing liquid poured therein Irom
at) ancient looking pitcher of stone.
It was milk all right but hot enough
tn boil eggs.
1 was obliged to order
what 1 wished to oat according t o
my limited knowledge ot Spanish so
vou can readily appreciate I had very
little variety. It was quite dark now
and we were still two ojglhree miles
Iruiii our destination JKlt was no
trouble to keep on the right road as crican arms,
we had but to follow the wagon Tropical vegetation in all its rich
trains of the army which used this neas covers this part of the island as
road continually. When we first I suppose it does wherever you go.
aught sight of camp fires we made j However, whenever yon look there
ft halt and inquired for directions to I are unmistakable signs ol neglect
First Division Headquarters, which and ravage. What have been the
we had anticipated would be estab- richest of plantations at one time
lished before we reached camp. We j now show waste and decay. Llldioa-
were greatly disappointed to find I tions point plainly to the force ol
that no arrangements had been made the insurgent arms even in Havana
tor our accommodation for the night, ; Province as it surely must have
and that we would have to take it 1 been the case that planting was sus-
in true Holdier tuMluon. Without
lights of any kind it was no easy
mutter to locute our eanip equipage
but eaeli and every one of us tOOOr
eil the grounds for tents and tent
fixtures. We found two large boa
pital tents plenty large enough to
shelter the party. We were all
novices at putting up tents and the
darkness added greatly to our dis
comfiture, Init we were full of de
termination to paasour first night on
Cohan soil in true soldier fashion.
With the tents tin another very ini
K)rtant question stared us in the
liiee. Where were we to find cots
OT blankets' ? These had lieen sent
out during the day, hut had ban
covered up with other stull in sueh
a manner that it was some time he
fore we located them. In tact, we
only succeeded in finding the wits
and at the time felt satisfied to leave
die blankets go. . We turned into
our ituprovided quarters feeling as
high spirited as possible, hut tired
out completely. By using our over
coats for cover we managed to catch
"oine sleep, but flie early morning
hours were sufficiently cool to make
is all shiver and wish for good old
blankets. Everybody had an in-
F .... .
'nation tne next morning to get up
A Cure for Constipation.
I have been troubled with ODMtl pattern tor
Team. It mi ruining my health, my com
fort and my complexion, and I am glad to say
that C'alarv Klnir hu restored all three, and
thle after trylnft many other medicine thut
Weremippol to be good, hut which were of
no value whatever. I would like to tell every
mang woman whnt Celery Kin has done
for ma Nellie Gould. Medina. Ohio.
Celery KIdk cure Conatlpatlon and all dla
eaaea of the Nerve, Stomach, Mver and Kid
neys. Sold by druggUU. 25c and 50c 8
stick. The trouble was the em
the stick would sometime
burn oil
into the
and away went our bacon
way-side restaurant. It tasted good
though when no better wan
be fund. As daylight mad
for some distance distinguishable nil
eyes were centered on our location
as we all wanted to see how we were
going to like our new abode. It was
a grand picture we had before us.
ucports ot the place had not been
exaggerated, and we were all do-
er. Deauinui green uius aim vm-
levs lie between us and Havana,
dotted thickly with small villages,
th" summer homes ot Hovana's
wealth. Not more than three miles
distant on one side of camp is the
broad Atlantic with a fishing ham lei
here and there in oiain view irom
. i
our headquarters. .Many ol tne
much talked uboul block-houses
which had been erected by the Span
ish army for the protection ot Ha
vana could be seen, and nil every
hill top Inr miles around forts large
and small were in plain sight. 1
believe is much as fifteen of thesi forts
can be seen plainly with the naked
eve from any part of camp. Maim
ed bv an American army Havana
could never be taken and it would
have 1 n a costly victors to Am-
pended for some time past in this
section. Gradually tins state ol af
fairs will disappear IS American en
terprise and good government takes
hold of the island. The very rich
ness of thesoilisapparentata glance
and under proper cultivation there
are no richer lands in the whole world
dare say. It is hard to say from
one's own observation at present
what have been the staple products
in this section, but doubtless truck
farming, tobacco growing, the cul
tivation of tropical fruits, etc., would
be best adapted to the said here
abouts, Havana affording a ready
market for all these products. I
have taken frequent strolls across
the country to loam the mode of
farming practiced by the Cubans,
and it is almost beyond belief that
people of this ad vaooed age should
be so ignorant or unprovided with
modern firming utensils. Every
thing that I have seeu used in till
ing the soil has been thrown aside in
our own country a hundred y"ars
ago. I have seeu illustrations of the
first plow used in America and I
have now seen the actual implement
used as a cultivator by Cuban peas
antry. Oxen ot very small stature
take the place of horses pretty gen-
erally throughout the island and do !
not draw their loads by means of the!
well established yoke around their
necks, but by menus of a rectangular
block ot wood placed one across the
forehead of the beast directly le
neat h the horns and a wood arrange
ment behind the horns, the two be
ing fastened together bv means of
thongs and then rojied or chained to
the tongue of the cart. You will
see by this that the 'xmr leasts are
unable to turn their heads in any
direction and to make matters worse
a shifting of the load on the cart to
the rear almost lifts the poor animals
ott their fore feet. 1 consider this a
most cruel manner of providing
means of locomotion and a custom
that ought to be Abolished at the'
earliest opportunity. Ponderous
carts, small mules and oxen, prevail
here. I feel safe in saying that our
four muleescort wagons in the army
ser ice draw smaller loads than Boise
of these solitary animals inulc or
ox. The district of Havana is still
the rendevois of several thousand
Cuban soldiers who have not yet, to
my knowledge, been requested to re
sume civil life. 1 have heard of no
tin pleasantries when' these soldiers
come in contact with our own, and
they seem to respect the hoys in blue
to the tuilestextent What the ne
cessity is for keeping these men in
arms in a province containing per
haps 25,000 American soldiers, I
have not fathomed as yet. A camp
of five thousand Cubans are about
three mill's from our headquarters,
and much nearer than that to some
the regimental camps ol the 2nd
division. It is scry evident that
good discipline prevails mi both
Miles. Put 1 am wandering from the
channel I had drilled in at (he out
set and wished to follow osclosely as
possible thai I might confine my let
ter to current events, and not de
scriptions of what I saw. Orders
came mi Saturday morning to break
camp and move to another site close
by but more accessable and in a
good main ways more desirable for
camping purposes. It was ghorf
work lo get our equipment together
and established in our new garters,
and with our experience ol tenl
building the night before, wc all
felt confident that we could put them
up again without the assistant I n
detail. This we did to all appear
ances as good as professionals, ex
cept that we drove less pins for the
stay ropes than was afterwards found
to be sufficient. When everything
was gotten into ship-shape it was
nearly dark and another day In
( 'amp ( 'olitmbia gone. At sun-down
a few clouds began to appear here
and there ucconiiiauied with a rigid
art I in
which which o men no
! ii
good for ii-. Our tents begun to
writhe and twist and the fly continu
ally striking against the top canvass
made enough noise to imagine we
were experiencing the tail end of a
VVesI Indian hurricane. Tired men
are glad enough to accept such
shelter as is offered them and wc
paid little attention to the threaten
ing torm ouside, but turned into our
little cots lor the nightaiid wen soon
fast asleep. Heavy squalls with a
deluge of water Iroiu time to time
awakened us to our sensee, but not
for long. About 3:30 in the morn
ing a terrible squall struck us, tear
ing up tent pins, overthrowing cots,
liaggage, etc. and completely demo
lishing our canvass home. The five
sleepers on the windward side of the
tent came to their senses in the open
air partially coveered up with de-
jbris, under a downfall of rain in inky
darkness. I was oneot tnese unfor
tunates. The other live were miss
ing for a tune, but had fared better
than we had, their only inconveni
ence being the amount of debris pil
ed upon them which was sufficient to
protect them from the rain and wind.
To brrontlmiMl nnl '..
We offer On Hundred Dollars
Reward for any cane of Catarrh that
Cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & 00., Proprietors,
Toledo, 0,
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions, and fin-1
unci ally able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
Wkbt A Tbdax, Wholesale Drug
gists. Toledo, 0. Waldino, Kin.nan
and Marvin, Whole Druggists, Tole-
do, o.
Hall's Catarrh -ure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Hold by
all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
What Shall We Do.
A serious aud dauerou disease
prevails in this country, dangerous
beoauit so deceptive. It comes on so
slowly yet surely that it is often seat
ed before we are aware of it.
The name of this disease which may
he ilivided into three distinct xtairei.
i, Firf, Kidney trouble, lumbago,
frequtuit desires to urinate, often with
h burning sensation, the flow of urine
belnic copious or .-ciiut with strong
If allowed to ndvHiice, this reaches
the second staire, or Klndder trouble,
with heavy palu in the abdomen, low
down between the navel aud water
msMge, increasing desire to urinate,
with sOaldlOK sensation ill passing,
small qiMUISitlN being passed with
ilillloiilty, sometiitiesnecessary todraw
with instrviiients. If uric 'acid or
gravel lias formed, it will prove dan
gerous if neglected.
The third stau'e is Hright's Disease.
There is comfort in knowing that
Hr. Kilmer, the great kidney aud
Id-older specialist, has discovered a
Remedy famous for its marrelous
cures of the limit rltsttMSlns oases
and known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
It i- sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues
of thi- great discovery. Swamp ltoot,
a sample Lottie and book of valuable
liifoi mat Ion will be sent absolutely
free by mail nu application to Dr.
Or, K' Inter & Co., Hinghaiuton, N. Y. ,
When writing kindly mention that
on read tins liheralnfferiuTht' Post.
The Mifflinburg
Steam Lany . . ,
Is fitted out with the 1 test and
very best machinery. The pure
mountain water from the new
borough plant is iow in use. If
vou were pleased with the work,
better give the 1 tundry a trial
in"', mid note how clean and
'Into your shirt i ar.d collars
have become,
All Work Guaranteed
To be First-Class,
Will call for laundry an deliver
ut. your door witho it a iv extra
charges. Give usi trial,
Wesley KlcHii a
( i. A. ruteliiis, Agt.,
Mid.llebur.'h. Pa.
iiX A tWECIAlJYondaryorfS
BHK !..rr H..-i !' 'SO permanently
Hli ! il In MM. i ! n 'i "IM'.iii t,.-l r,' m l '
it, ' " - , . . ' ::":" - .
tr. Ityouprcfi rtooomeboro irewlllcim.
tnrttnii wrallro.n: rii'. ii.iiOinii ihin., .
iiofhort,if wo fin i" .ro. I; fort bars UkM nirr
Kury, Iodide DOtMh, ;:;id null liavo m-hr iiii
piinn, Mneotu PatowMrn montb, Sore Tbroal
' I'ii)itr ol, i. ,1 sp: in, Plcvri 0U
any putOfUn buly, l! Eyebrowp fuliliv
uur, ii to is .-vcmm.irv l.l..;i'v ' Ol-O',
e marMtee to cure. W u PulivlttboCort oil .'i-
imto ciihck tnd ctisUeomi tho world for ;
.i' n-ocanii.ii, mir, 'I iim ill rum I,.: uliraf
iHiHla tln'loU of thoraoAl oi:iin mt phyaV
vnom. .(.(i,i,n. cuMlal !n ! unl our i.:. i h jmamuty. AbeolutODroofaiioDtiioaliiunn
pgllonUon. Addraaa ciiou KICiUUUV ' O.
toi Maaoola Xebtptoi VSUi) AM, ALL.
rhru for ' Tne Slory ot'lio Piillllplia'" bj i
Rural llnli odd, I'litiiinliwluneil bj u- (inverii
iin'ntiuomi!lal H'slorluli hi tho Wei D'tmrl.
Wi ni. TIIO bOOll w;is wrllti-ii In iinny 0 i,lir- .il
s 01 Praueltoo, . tho ProiDc mi I i 'noml M- -i
ii i in t be hoipltHls ni llitnoluin, in Uon 'i n ,
In in? AinorlcNn trenolieii i Mxrilla, in tbc in I
.iir "ii c imps wiib AKUlHtdi), oo ilwli iirl
Mi Olympla wltb Dowoy, and in Mm roerot bat.
i If ni ilif tall ni Manila, Uonnnxii for mfnt.
DiimlulnT orlilnal plcmrw inkon by ip'Vfriu.
nent photoeraphori on tan spot. I.'irgo Imolt. I
fjow prlPOK, Bljt promt. Krelsrlit pnld. Crr.ll'
i . n Drop all irailiy uiiunictnl war bnnkH.
o H ni in-. Adilrom. F. T. Hakukii. SfoiWiirv. I
Mar inNiuaoce BIdir.. Chicago, 3-10-IBt,
A Reliable mnn for Maneger ol
Braocli Office wliinb I wish to open
in tliii vicinity. It' your record is ()
K. bereina rood opening. Kindly
mention tin Pobt when writiug,
A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati, 1 1
IlliiBtrated uatulottue I ete. poatage.
2 9 6t..
I keep constantly on llndi&Url man
factors to order all kinds of
Marble and G an e
juiu nuu himuui
Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired
I have one of the best Marble Cut-
ti-rn in the State ami oooMqoen(l
turn out rood work.
SlCoiue anil see my worktt price?.
Tlinnlfiil for past favor 1 most re
spent full, ask a con tin mi in of sntue,
Diamond fall Cent
Is used for Plastering Houses.
It Is a new discvery
Guaranteed to last longer
tlian any other plaster. It
is preferred to Adamant.
For jiarticiilars call on or address
1 relt better from the very first one I took. I hail taken them for about a
month, and was feeling so much better that I had torKol,Tll Zut
ings I used to kave. The doctors called my trouble dyspe, I had it fTabuut
even years and had never in all my life been able to eat rich food or a ir
hearty meal I often wondered why 1 should have ho much dymnSa I w2
have what I call waterbrash sometimes four or five ti.nos I STwhenTSa
water that seemed hot would run out of my mouth and 11," was 72h U Z
nr,e r 0,80 I.would he Pin M I""- m mvTtomTh that
WOUM fair v doable me upW pains in my slioul.lers and legs and all over in "so
hat I would wish I was dead. I would semi for the doctor, and when he c
n he would Bay: ''Well what is the matter now?" The oeatWto Lcrtbe
everv Jh rWiU,lJ:,,Ht "8 W- the matter with me a,.d I f TtC
trv I i Tnl ., reb.,Trh0 'H ?UW?d Wi,h th"ir H,,"ui"'h ght to just
tn Iiiulg Tabules and they will soon know how valuable thev are Mv UM k
lilt y-one years.
"" wuiuiur ure. on.. k-l reltof. Kgt
"The biff catalogue ronnn una of tile Uueat ahopplliff mealuma that cou 111 poaalbly be aent Into a iliitrlot."
lloyi-e a Monthly, ehlraffo.
'Thi-lr cataloffiie In a ant department etore holliil ilown." Atlanta ronntltutlon.
"Theeataloffue la eertalnlT a nierelianillne noyolopadla, Chicago r-nwnrth lleralil
"A law hIioiiIiI he ik - - I eompel Unit the une of thll OAtalotfOa In all luililleni-hoola." -The It on. A. RoutbloajB.
Wteoalil iioflla Ifaoatand. nf llireilr.rlt. SI Mil. ft: STB AT Oal'K anil job will rrr.I.e tkt 4lb. Iiook Ii, . . m. m .11.
Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.dnc , CHIC ACO, ILL., U. S. A.
'..H'-wiV CoattUoeinnB.
vi i,
j mi Hal c i a a
i JJi i ,. UQ a o oushly
or puiiuually o :r nyitem ol teaobing
d. lly i ni i -rifiuT iii orory 1. ranch
.". Men l..ii'.ilt;i:nu-. Conniiiiisiuii, I;n
tlOD, eto. Preparatory Department tor bi
tr.i i u f . ir I'rni work and nlwayx Bi'i
rr.iiln..i -a i; our UUFtnosi nod Shoriliainl
oatei any day Novnculloni Bxponitea moderate Con'i throw iwny time and tnonoy by
going to temporary whoola when it will cost you Ii to attend tin BEST Wo alwai - have
ii numnor ! aindonta who have it ft incompetent teacbera In disgust Sucbpoopiuoltua
ten ut. thai isis montbti ti n i t-iiuai to a year In any other school
vr r,'nn - -. r-v to any one for first Information of a vacant position
vjk; '1 KCWAKL for a Bookkecpor. StcnoRraphcr. Toachor C rkor
Tele rapb oporator wbteb we successfully 011, Business bouses supplied with
eomi eronl assistants wlthoul charge Refer to prominent patrons in every nrt ..f ib world.
The ti 'XI best thin mending the MOST CEbKBKATED BUSINESS SCHOOL I An it i v
1 1 tn bike mir INSTRUCTION BY MAIL It you are unemployed and willing to study
send t'n two-eon' "lamps fur Bve easy lessons in Bbortband, Beautiful tatai ir"t.
Addrcbs twcnfion (hit p'iir CLEMENT C.Gaines. President. Pcucmkeepsil. Ns i Yohk.
TH 1 T. f m WESgSXggSsi
iimi reliable market reports, able editorials, interesting short lorw,
scientifie and mechanical information, illustrated fashion uriu'les, hu
morons pictures, iitnl is instnetive and entertaining to tvnj lueniber of
evert fsmilv.
crlvna vnn nil tin. locul
IN in close touch with vour neighbors and frirnd. on Ure
,ul fnrni im.l in the villiiee. informs vou its to tin- local prices
for farm products, tbe condition
and is a bright, newsy, welcome
your home and tin side.
Send all subscriptions to
totiebmcut Uioroufhoui
pUMi boroMOfw dslineaUoD
pogitiom. cl trvUr, ability,
raf agiioeu an Lot atfairm,
B 10 mbU sad fiva
trntaral boroaaoe nuii(
UIj Mmr m a tatS trial.
, fnm WiS lk It. Moum U wflHj Wilt.On Hi II. EU ,.Hrftil rniiimu uttmuin Umt I
u,. unl li l l-A N-s .m IE ,i.,k.,i TZTS. '"-IZ
conUUiriirr IOU,uu)iuiUtlii, lO.uoO Ulual mklotll, t lit luii It.mtwj
eonpltMaDdlowMtprloed ctteloirut r pubUabori. HAV.IS TNE
cw i s i nltik' III Urucirlr, I'm , rj , Nuiluve, r . . ( i take,
Dreeen, Boole and Nums, Htrhev, Jewrlrj, litidie, llerdnjtrr, Htutn,
Altrlrullarel I -a ;.!. m.-m ., Vnicn , linn.cb. Sad Jim, H Heetlaig
Marking, CrMktPT Orane, I'lauoe. RubImI tnitnimf t. PamUklaf Vm4
tun, Hrtohfre, nabUlg T-iralr, Illrteleo, I'httovrnpMc nadt, ele. lella
jiint wnAtyour itoraltMpvr at horue mutt py forararrthtnir. hi buji
ami will ptflTtnt blrn from owrrliar Ins you p anytblna you iit :
Mplalniluit bow t- ordor, bow much i b rrvlcbl aiprtti or mu will
ti'..iianvliunk'to.Hiri..vu1. jut BlC HOOK CCSTS US HEAIL1 SI.
Cat thiH adTortUMntant nut
ulul bpihI to u I a II 1 1 I Ii r.nU til
Htatnim in help pay tba an pastata andtboBUt Book will !'' !.
loyou riiiK i, nnii i ..ii. iimi if ynu don t ,nv it in worlb 1U0
tune, eh.' A etnta yii aand, aaa key to tba loweat wholaaala prioua
ut avarytalagi nay ao,aad wa -in Iaaual urir rnum , car i . r.ti.
"It In a munuim-ut uf hliainajl Information." UiuueniulUj
(lin: 'I'rlliuiie.
"A womlerful plt'oii of work " WuHhlnirton National Trlliuno.
-'Ttn'ciitaloituiOMa arondar "MaaeliMier(N. H.) Ualoa.
"Seam, Roooaok l'o. U olio of tlio .ii,.' lioutii'a ot um klml la
GhlaajfO.M - l 'hli'niro Inter Oi-enn.
icaohlttg glTca actual - KkM ' oy
lotbubtneaa including 9j fl I J 1 ' ..'(5
Inaurnnce Tronsportu '; V y . .' r-
laokward uttidenla V H gL'' 0 - '
o Bltuatlooa tor wotvtUy C "
Cotirsi - H. Siiali nia
n v
National Family Hnnwr
Ami Vonr rirlte Homr PHer,
news, ooliticitl and Sticilll. keens VOU
of crops and prospects for Iho vi uf,
and indispensable weekly Visitor at
THE POST, Middleburgh, Pa.
"jsntAR ntmnnv
j r. p.
tkt world -renownr J Kgrptian Aftrolfrr( who hu been crMtinj rnrh u- I
rop lor um put iie jekre. win fiv mimim. .. uri,
of jomr lift. II will fir jrour Mnoail rrpurfto, di- i
tutm. probable lenrtti of life, poaaibl a-ridem. adviac aod
maxria, ftwMt, enemis, ipwulMioii, butaan malUra, He.
You n inform yoaraalf tharamrhlr ea
tkil aud on nr other quaauuiifl of your I
tjftv prtMM aaa ratar in.
aiaat date of kirth and I will immediately return yoo a
ei 7 nn, ana pmrf iiuin nu true j jDurvsn
AU o a a tea 1 1 nil etnetl y eoabsaaUal. Add nu
Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa. 1