The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 23, 1899, Image 4

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    The Middleburgh Post.
Published every Thursday.
Geo W Wagenseller.
tditor and Proprietor
Subscription 1.50 per year.
widen mutt ii" paid in advance wnen sent out-
nde Hie county.)
mi transient Hdcr(lr-m.'ntH not otherwise
.u.niracii-,1 lor will be charted t the nw. 1
rents per llni'dionparlel measure) for first inser
tion sad looenuperUneror erwrj iudshuwh
1 1 ertlon.
-)-t , MUmpMUkttMti obituary pom n,
Ir&utrt rf.(jt. c. tA' Mtd a
Thursday, Feb. 23, 189i.
u writing up theCriBsingermur
. r trial, tin' editor of the Milton
Standard puts it thus: "The trial ol
Cdward Crissinger lor the murder
of Daisy Smith which has occupied
the attention of the court lurinir the
past week came to a close on Satur
day evening, when the jury after an
hour's deliberation returned a "erdict
of murder in the first degree. This
is the first conviction for murder
ttince McManus was convicted hack
in the seventies. Before noon Ex
Distriet Attorney P.AMallOD made
the closiii.' skkv1i for the prosecu
tion. Judge Savidge delivered his
charge ami at two o clock the case
Went to the jury. It Mas the gen
eral belief that no other verdict than
murder in the first degree could 1h
reached. The jury returned a verdict
of guilty ol murder in the first de
gree about four o'clock.
The defendant's attorneys, it is
understood, will make an application
for a new trial. ( )ne of the reasons
assigned for it is that the jury was
illegally drawn. If this is the case,
why is it'.' The jury commissioners
4-ost the county four or five times as
much as they honestly earned last
year and the juries were drawn right
under the nose of the court. The
people are getting sick and tired of
tins kind of rot. I nssinger is a
iirutc who had a fair impartial trial,
and if he don't stretch hemp it will
Ik- leeause there is no justice in the
Northumberland county our t
There have licen within liltecn years
aeventy-two killings in this county
and not a single hanging."
Why is it that we get no manu
factories in our town'.' We have
men of means here and several of
our townsmen have offered $1,000
to any conern that would come
to Middleburg and locate at this
place and give employment to 24
hands, This is a good and healthy
location; good schools and low taxes.
Any company or corporation wish
ing to start any manufacturing busi
ness will do well to come to our
mi i i .i f.
i ne anove we nave micen ironi
the Middleburg letter in the Adams
burg Herald last week. We have
been in Middleburg for 5 years and
have not vet heard ofsucll men obli
gating themselves for even (1,000.
They can and should, but will they?
I) five, eight, ten or mort men
agree togivef 1000 each toan indus
try or if any number of men will raise
95000, 98000, $10,000 or more
money, the editor of the POST pro
mises to get the industry, as large
as the proportion of the money rais
ed will warrant.
We mean exactly what we say.
The industries will come as soon as
those who are aide will give the en
couragement they should. Those who
would like to, cannot and those who
can, have not yet done so. We
would ask the Herald correspond
ent to hand to us the list of these
men with their obligations attached
and we will bring an industry to
their attention that must Ix'ar close
investigation before their obligation
becomes operative.
To establish a State income tax is
the purpose ot a dill introduced m
the Senate by Mr. Qibson, of Erie,
who makes its provisions such that
it would draw from everybody en
joyingflOOO a year or more in sal
ary or from business or investment,
except the State and Government
IkiikIs, says the Lewisburg Journal.
It would compel the rich to pay
more in proportion to their circum
stances than persons in tnoderatecir
eomstaneea, the rate of levy being
gradually increased as the amount
of income advances.
The bill is to tax gains, profits or
incomes derived from any kind of
property, rents, interests, dividend
or salary, or Irom any profession,
trade, employment or vocation car -
JUA M ; Mm Ktnti It fixes a tax
riel ou in this stale, it un
j 1 mm nontiim on nil
Ol QUnSMU yfi 1 I
sums between f 1000 and SoUlHJ ;
two-tenth of 1 per centum on sums
between 000 and $10,000; thrcc
tenthn of 1 ftt centum on all sums
between 920,000 and $30,000 ; five
tenths of 1 per centum on all sums
between 930,000 and $r0,000 ; and
one mill of additional taxation shall
Ik- added for every additional 95000
up to 9100,000; 3 per centum on
all sums alxive $100,000.
Interest on bonds or securities of
lUla Win t anA ni the United States
are exempt from taxation. The word
income 88 used in the act shall be
taken to mean gross profit. The tax
is to be collected by the present tax
collection system ami all persona ll-
able under the act must make a
sworn statement of a complete ami
full return of their gains, profits and
...Dr. (J. ('. Mohn of Lanrelton
was in town last week.
...('. E. Sampsell and wife were to
Selinsgrove last Saturday.
. . Fnmk Walter of Sunbury visit-
ed friends here last week.
..Ci. W. Sheary eXKets to move !
into his new house this week.
...H. F. Mohn transacted business
ai Lewisburg last Saturday.
...Nelson Spangler Is the proud
father of a brand new daughter.
...Mrs. P.O. Hartman visited her
parents at Middleburg on Sunday.
. . . Dr. J. W. Bampsell was confined
to the house - ith a bad cold last
...Miss Rebecca Stover visited
friends at Laurelton during the past
...15. F. Sechrist of
was the guest of his parents several
days last week.
. .J. C. Sehoch and .1.1 1. Willis of
Middleburg were in town on Thurs
day of last week.
...Dave Gutelius and Miss Annie
Stine of Mifliinburg wen1 the guests
of George Stine's on Sunday.
...Mrs. Alex. Bowersox and chil
dren were the guests of Serenus
Howersox's on BUnday afternoon.
Ralph (Jift, of Paxtonv.lle, was
allinir on friends in town last Sun
. . . Win. Biokel,ofPaxinos, was vis
iting at Paul Hummers last Satur-
...Quite a number ofourcitieensat-
tended the horse wile in Middleburg;
on Mondav.
...Adam Gordon and family of Se-J
linsgrove were visiting the former's I
parents over Sunday.
Wm.Gemberlingand wife ofSa-l
lem were the guests of J. F. Walter
and family over Sunday.
...Mrs. Geo. W. Wagenseller, of!
Middleburg, was the guest of Miss
Frma Magee last Wednesday.
. . . A sled load of merry makers from j Toa r ' imh.)
this place spent last Friday evening. The unwelcome weather, the grip,
very pleasantly at Paxtonville. lis mingling among friends here at
...The sale of H. A .Walter's per-! this writing Chas. H. Sechrist
sonal property last Wednesday was
well attended and goods brought a
good price.
...The noble-hearted hunters in this
vicinity have been catching all the
quail possible during the recent cold
spell to feed them and keep them
over the winter.
...LastSundav nightthefi-year-oldlf ,V. T , or.inegr?
child of Ellsworth Aurand left this! ast -k...... I he following dehn.-
life for that beyond. He
fr l,.t. hovnnd Hp . 1,P. I
ied yesterday. We join in mourning
the loss of the bereft family.
R. 8. Heintzelman, who was a
member of the 21st U. S. Infentoy
during he recent war with Spain,;
receivea an nonoraoie discharge and i
is visiting his parents at this place.
We are glad to sec him back again
...The grip suflerers are all im
proving at this end.
...Jos. M. Wagner is making pre
parations to put up a new barn.
...The Ijowell merchant claims his
potatoes froze twenty-one inches from
a red hot stove last week.
...Since the recent cold spell, E
mannel Wagner took ice from his
fish jK)iul fifteen inches thick.
...After J. J. Steely travels 350
miles more bis term of teaching will
come to a close for this winter.
...Our roller mill at Lowell had
been at a stand-still for the past week
on account of the cold weather.
, g
The Pout has made special J
arrangements with the Farm s
Journal by which we areena- 8
bled to offer a five-year sub- S
script ion to that paper to every
new subscrilier who pays One
Dollar for the Middi.ehitroh b
SA Para one year in advance, and k
the same offer is made to every 2
old subscrilxT who pays his ar- 3
i? reaniL'cs to oaic ano one ooiiar ?
extra for the Post one year in J
advance and the Farm Journal JJi
five years i'j advance. '
II thatin order to set this premium ?
II of five vears subscription to the
- t?
Farm Journal, it is necessary M
to attend to this matter prompt-
ly as we have only a limited
number to oiler. Address
Tin: MlDDLEBUBGH 1'osr,
Middleburgh, Pa.
...Robert Middleswarth of Beaver
Springs was seen on our streets last
week. Hob. will be a welcome neigh
bor in West Beaver. What Springs
looses W. B. gains.
...The poor directors here should
see that Fd. Komig should not be
allowed to run through the country
at all hours of the night and disturb
those who wish to sleep.
...The late fighting in the Philip
pines caused .John and .Joseph to en
gage ina deadly conflict. Now, lxys,
you know your little hands were not
made to scratch out each ot horsey tv.
...Samuel Phillips has lieen muk
ing snow plows and snow shovels for
his fumilv to use should there lieuu-
)ther blizzjird the same as the one
we had. He claims the drifts were
j too numerous to mention aud too
j high measure.
...News is getting vrry scarw at
...The people are taking advantage
of the snow while it lasts.
. . The people are walking across
the river on the ice at present.
. . John Wilt, who is working at
Jersey Shore, was a visitor in our
' town recent I v.
' OvrusShine. Misses Minn.. Kiss
and Jennie Shipe were out for a
sleigh ride Friday.
. .jure. i. j. oteuer presented ner
husband with a bouncing baby lov
ii ni .I,
as a valentine gift,
..Geo. A. Hettriek attended a
party at Sunbury last week and re
ported a g(xxl time. He claims he
did the talking.
..The people of this place have
organized a literature society. The
following are the officers: Pres.,
T. A. Stetler; Secretary, Miss An
nie Fissj Treasurer, W. S. Kuhn.
secured employment in
i i
kill last Week J, B. Stailffer duir '
...... - 9 I
a web in his house last week, has a
cream separator in his barn, and
when they want to milch the cows,
they return with the cream only
and chum their butter with wind
power Uur watchmaker, A. h.
I A 1 1 . I n .1
"." outoian oiu uieuon-
ary mai were in use wnen we were
young: Love is a disease that some
times keeps a man sick a long time
after he trets well: whiskev has a
afW ets it down 8
w ,
Trying to jump on a Reading
coal train at ShamoUn, Ralph Ship,
aged fifteen years, fell under the
wheels and Sustained fatal injuries,
from which he died and was interred
on Sunday.
Feb. 21, at Centreville, Mary J
Sampsel, aged 58 years, 6 months
and 12 days.
Feb. 12, at Centreville, Esther
A., wife of Joseph Roods, aged 55
years and 14 days.
Feb. 15, in Jackson township,
Ella, wife of Luther ' Yoder, aged
22 years, 5 months and 10 days.
Feb. 17, in East Buffalo township,
Union Co., Hetiry Brown, aged 78
yerrs, 4 months anh 22 days.
! S
opposite uounty
Feb. 9th, by Rev. James B. Stein
ofSunbury, Samuel H. Kirkpatrlck
of Bhamokiu Dam to Catherine 1.
Hitter of Middleburg.
Feb. 2nd, by J. E. Shinkle.J. P.
of Ceotreville, I. A. W. Marklev to!
j Matilda Breon, both ofGentreville.
Jan. 9th, by J. K. Sl.inkel, I. P.,
Henry (). Bowersox and Amanda S.
Walter, both of Ceotreville.
Feb. 19th,' in New Berlin, by
Rev. 8. Sidney Kohler, William Ira
Seebold of Jackson township and
Jane L. Bowersoxoi Franklin town
..n.lll-O Urine lUHrf
to the coffee drinker. Ooffc- drink
1 intr is a habit that is univerallv in
i dulged in and almost us univeisidlv
1 .mm iuuk. nHer'ui i neo iraoi r
1 1 i ' i r .
; It is Hliu08t hk ooffVp .jUt tllfJ efte6ti
are just tLfl opposite. Coffee upnets
tne stomach, ruins the dmestion,
! effectH the heart and disturbs did
whole nervous system Grain 0
tones up the stomiicb, tods digestion
i and (-treiiBthens the nerves, There
is DOtbina but nourishment inOrain
I O. It (Mli't be otherw ise. Uc mid
' 25o per package.
Public Sales
; notices of sai.-s win be InHrrted free tindrrtiiW
! heading when UtaMUl re primed at ililb nfttw).
I When the bills are not pi luied at this office SO
ems will be charged. Persons espeeUBg to
! liaTe Hale slmuldheleet adute and have ll insert
ed In i his column.
I SATURDAY, Feb. U, One-fourth mile north of
MlddlehurK, Theodore Krdlei will sell 2 hors.
e, i mules, ) raws, 9 head J hhhk i-utlle ami
fui mini: Implemnnte,
I TIH'ltSDAY, March 2. At Tort Ann. In A'lamg
I Iwp., between OSBtrevllla and Trxei villi.
I Daniel Kubna will sell 4 horsea, 1 cow and
j calf and farming linplementa.
I FRIDAY, March 3. Half way betWKB MM
I dleburg and New Herlln, Mrs. Frederick
I lA'ltzel win sell horees. cows, furmlnu 1m-
TUF-SDAY, March?. One mile west of llcffer
Wm II l.,KiltlA. t. lll ....II t a .
i'lemeuia aim uouseuoiu guisis
Wm. 11. KersUtter will sell 1 horse
Jack and farming linplumentH.
WKONRSDAY. March 8. One mile north o
Smith Urove. (leorge Aurand will sell live
slock aim farming implement.
SATUKDAY, March 11, Two miles north-west of
Meiservllle, Christian Knouse win sell two
horses. Ave mules, two cows, young cattle
uuu mi iiiuiK iiujaemeutH.
SATURDAY, March 11, At Dundore. In Union
Twp N. T. Dundore will sell B horses.
ow.n head young cattle, 2 sows, 1 boar, 'JO
aiiuuia luiu luiujiug nupiemenis.
TUESDAY, Mar. 14, Two miles east of Troxel
vllle on the Cooper farm, Oeo. I. Kllue will
sell 4 horses, 'j mules, scows ana larmlng
luiyiciurui n.
THURSDAY, Mar. Id, Threemlles north of Midi
dleburt;, Levi Young wli: sell 4 horses, cows
ana larmiug implements.
SATURDAY, March is. In the Horo. of Mid
dleburg, Josepbat Walter will sell 2 horses, y
cows, 1 heifer, farming Implements and
household goods.
Corrected weekly by our merchants.
Butter 18
Ekrs 16
Onions 00
Lard tl
Tallow 4
Chickens per lb 7
Turkeys 10
Side 7
Shoulder 9
Ham 12
flew Wheat 70
Potatoes i 50
Old Corn 38
New Oats 30
Bran per 100 lbs 75
Middlings " 85
Chop " 90
Flour per bbl 4.40
All business entrusted to his ears
will receive prompt attention:
XI r A AV1
r i . ta i u ij
" 18 sold
carries with it our PfKi
uiust give satisfaction Be.
fore a Cent Is paid. Call
ttiiu see
iJ-ver Seen
Carpets : Carpets 1 1 Carpets ! !
! A
MATTINGS ! Aiier8,
JThe whole lower floor of .ny store is taken up with Carpets 1W
Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, ErMsocE
Bug Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &c., &c.,
We can how you the largest and lest section of the abve wdi
ever shown in Iwistown. K
Brussell Carpet as low as 50c. and
4 11 ir . ... ..
n wool uarpet ouc.
Half Wool Carpet" 35c.
-CAnnn and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Seleci Fronts
Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the
phlC to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are the low
est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods
5L W. ft. FELIX. Lewist()W, p
FOR 1899.
Some of the special daily features include
A SPORTING i'AOE. contribute t. h. , .... u.
V STATK I'AOE. in which the
place In PenUMylvania. New Jersev.
upt-cial dispatches from our own correspondents.
i i T r ' "
ery feminine interest are cleverly
A CABLE PAGE, where the doings of our foreign cousins are renro
duced iu special cable dispatches. "
ALL TLE NEWS, from everywhere, by the full Associated Press ser
vice and special dispatches.
,k I"c'ud, The Sunday luquirer each week is a colored section, with
he best of pictures of well known artists in brilliant color and softest half
other plier n f The SUDday Iu1u,rer is aot equaled by MJ
The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
is contributed to by the very best writers, such asConan Doyle. Rudysnl
S2&iA,r' A,Jthon aDd Ian MacLaren Besidetb.
brightest short stories acd serials, there are many articles bv eminent au
thorities on subjects religious, mechanical, literary and scientific Theu
too. there are puzzles with oash prizes amounting to $500.00 I vou nt
to make your wits profitable iret the next Sunday Inqdlrer. "
fix It for yon111 P8ition in Ph,ladelPhl. n INQUIRER WANT AD will
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER is Pennsylvania's leading newsna
per in influence, enterprise and ciroularion. Feb 3 3
P m. m m m mm BKiqg
ZWholesale Prices:
How we sell (foods to everybody at whole-
Mia mmum ia 8ntwn in
i A book Of nearly nni t lunnainl pages. Bl. S
I li'CIl HlOUsaDd llhistnitlnt's mil ilt rhnn..
mm x . .uv vii i m j, ,i juj ro. .hum
use and wear.
1 1 costs 72 cents a copy to print and send It,
WO U'ini . ' i . 1 1 rt ....... ., i . r
arid ih'MT htrtnii ,t ti,.. t,i. , ....
W partly pay postage or exprewiage and we'll
a bend you a copy all charges prepaid. m
111-120 Mich. Are.. Cor. HadiMB Ht.M
Originators of Mall order Business. 2-9-ist.
THE GREAT ttttott t, .M
1 Al X II
i x n rwri w
EES AND EANftI" onin VL.??A
m m mm
in Snyder County
or a.
All Kinds.
llag Carjiet as low as 20c. and
Velvet Carpet " 75c
" t"0 ue" spewing
everv Imniwnin,. i . i
DeWarS x, " '" TT 1
J ...v.. ...uK nn micoi insulODS aUU T"
dealt with In profusely illustrated ar
Court PiDcJaraatiaii,
WSE?l:A'.tn9 Hon- Harold M. McCltn
1 rcaldent Judge ol the Judicial OUtrlrt,
oompond of tne countlet ol Snyder. tM
Onion and Alfred Specht and Z. T. (Jem
Derllng , lqt., Aaauclata Judgei In and forSnj
der county, have laiued their precept, hearlnf
Srif..' I4.1? !V 01 Dr A. II., 1I9S. to3
directed far the holding of an Orphans' Court,
court ol Common Plea, court of Oyer and Ttr
miner and Qeneral Court ofQuartarSeialnniot
ihePeace, at Mlddleburgh, lor the county ol
Snyder on the 4tb Monday, (being tin 2Jtl
day.) Feb 18W). and to continue on. we.
Notice la therefore hereby given to the Coroo
er,.l atlces of the Peace and Constable Id and
for the county of Snyder, to appear In then
proper peraon wlih their roll!, records, Inqultl
Hon examinations and other remembrance!
todothoee thlnga which of tnelr ofllceo andU
their behalf paruin to be done and wltneM
and person! prosecuting in behalf of the L'obi
monwealth acalnit any person or person are re
quired to be then and there attending and a
partlna- without leave at. tholr peril? Justlew
are requested to be punctual In their attendtnoi
at the appointed time agreeably to notice.
aiven under my hand .nH ggalat the Sheriff
offloe In Mlddieturgh, the 87th day ol J.
A. V., one thousand o'ht hundred and nlnetj
nlne P. S.BITTEB. Sheriff.
Pass. "On cent