The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 09, 1899, Image 7

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IfW ol the Couple omul ly to
' . . .t r. tout row
18 43.
L.iir. 12, Blijd ta M:,riu
.,,,!. iH.tll 01 DBBVW.
Ci-24, Dvkl Bowwwxto Lncy
forgot, botoni uwiw wp.
L. -jr., Joel WUel t.. Keijcoca
i,.,-. both ot Hewer.
sw. Jacob Boyer P Eliaa-
l Yewley, b:th ofCeatra twp.
1 1 Samuel Gweeahoo to
Jii Emrle, Ullh louver.
).. ;t Juiiii Kuau to Elisabeth
Dot. 12, Itcnlieii Aigler to Mary
Lnhsuer. lotli ofBttver.
Kt. 15, Samuel Bnter of New
lin to Harriet Bowewox of Mid-
hot 26, Levi Ifirdley w CiHwoein
I . .i e 1.1......1.
ijtes, i toin oi
hut, 2M, Nathaniel Comfort to
Catherine Kulp, hoth of Lew
Ivt. Charles Oliver Pern
r i i. i
IinseV lo Amelia nuiinciiKB, "'i"
Wmi Ikuver.
fowls, Daniel Herner to Molly
Iter, iKith ol Hesalcra,
fat. 25. Beniamin Walter to
fnnafa Gels, both of Hessler's.
s, v. 26, John I'lrieli to Eve
liter, both of Header's.
hkr. 2, Samuel Kilter to Cuth-
ne Gill, both of West Beaver.
Vr, S), Nathan Beaver to El mi
ll Walter, both ol Headers.
Dee. 16, Martin Foirle to Mary
hrtxlener, both ol Beaver.
ldc. lti, John Kalcv nf Beaver
Susan Rearieh of Centre twp.
H)ec. 18, Jacob Bobb of Beaver to
fhael Shilling ol West Beaver.
Dee. is, Noah Aigler to Susanna
liniiii, both of Beaver.
Ve. Jacob Daniels of Belle-
lie to Elizuleth Brion of Middle-
k twp.
Dec. 25, Samuel liitter to Leah
Llist. 1 k tt ! of Peun twp.
is Id.
lliin. 1:!, David fjomison ofSchu-
Lill nit v to ( 'aniline Yonnirman
Beaver two.
Ian. 'Jo. (Jennie Wierner. fwidow-
. ... p.
of West beaver to Mary Philips,
! ), of Big V illey.
D'cli. 12. Henrv Grubb to Naucv
lingler, both of Hessler's.
v!.. lit. John Beaver to Amanda
nr,both of Beaver.
Feb. "J'-', Peter Go9ato Catherine
all Gross, both of West Beaver.
IVii. 22, Joseph Haines to Harriet
Inch, both of Beaver.
WvU. 22. Zeno Feese to Loviun
It, both of Beaver.
Feb, 24, Jacob Lenleyto Beebecca
U, both of Beaver.
March 6, SatnueLCharles to Mar-
Smith, both of Laurelton.
March 1 it. Simon Sassninaii :im1
In Hassioger, both of Centre twp.
lurch 24, Abraham Kmttle to
'lia Mover, both of Mosser's
lareh 26. John JaciJMattern to
BJ Jane Stall, both of WestRca-
Ipril 21, Henrv Kalv to Sarah
He, Imtli of Beaver.
Nay 14, Jacob Reichley loElita-
rrederiuk, both of Mifflinburg.
my 18, Iteohea G uss to Leah
Hi, both of West Beaver.
ply 21, Michael W. Beaver to
SI. I." .1 I .1 t T f l
w i isiier, ooin oi union r).
Prt. 'I, John Klingler to Llioy
uitzei, both of Hesslers.
8, John Bowersox of Centre
' Mary Frederick of Hartley
K 3, D aniel Iloll'iiian to Surah
ft, both of Decatur,) Mifflin Co.
'il'. 1.1. .in in Mnvi.r hi MBtHih
, both t Beaver twp.
17. John K at tern Kin to Susan
PHIS, both of Hartley twp.
24, Isaac Boney to Sarah
p'ler, both of Centre twp.
'-'It, John Bowersox to Elizu
fOots, both of MilHin Co.
Jn. 5, Michael Behrto Elizabeth
Mmyer, both of West Beaver.
;' 9, Isaac Wagner toElizalieth
pngi Iwth of West Beaver.
I''1- 11, John Kratzer to Susan
per, both of Peon twp.
wch 11. John Kline to Leah
plf, both of Mosser's Valley.
April 1.1, l'Mlip Herioltr to Ma- JI How t Find Out.
nnaa Kline, oocn oi centre iwp. Fill bottln or ooaiuon waUr kIhus
A pril 1 3, Samuel YetU'r to Mary ' ?rit.h I' wmter It xatod tweu.
r-.r ' , .. W . ,, ' ;ty four hourx: a nediiuent or nettlitiK
Ann lonngman, both of West Bea-!iodloatnn unhealthy oondltiou ..f
ver. , ' kidney; If it stain your linen it
t n i u ! i .. ! ' 'Vldeqce of kidney trouble ; loo
GriO TalfX Ibe CllT 1 ltB Irtffl BraSD- Alnl i0 1M,el ley P frequut deire to Vh It or pain in
mif lOttu IU6 0I1J IB 116 HUB U1M1 L EiijBlbi;th Uh),, ot Mittiiuburg. the back In alHO a oouvincinK proof
4 -i ov t n a w ji tMHf ,,,,! kidneys and hlmlder are out
GovernnientlMachinery Almost at a April 30, Isaac IUntz t Lvdia of order.
Standstill-Enormous Percent- Kloss, both of Centre twp. what to do.
ae of Employes Stricken May , Lewi f King of New Col- Lg; -.ftXSK
With LaGrippe Capital unilaa to Lvdia Hubisb ot Middle- Swamp Uoot, thenut kidney remedy
at tbo Mercy of the Iborg. folMIs vmf whh In oriaa; rheuum
PIH0.1.P ..... , . . l'-"u " uacK. Kiuueyx. over.
The Grip epidemic is raging in
fl... i ftffl utnl IlllK (iMr-
v.,iiiii..i V'., j .... ..... " ver
third ! the government employees
May 1(5, Adam Herbster to IX--, hladder nod every part of the urinary
m. I .... i.'.: . . i .1 ( w . u uii awl o- nmoH luno i v r no (I
a Ann r riese, of est Bea- , ,lter BU(, wMing mia , .,,,,, ,
or bad effects following use of llquo",
wine or beer, aud OVereotUM thai
unpieiuiaui necessity of DelnK 0OIU
. r 7. , .i r l -av ., He
..... . ,..1- .... . ii l..-iii.r fiMtil flli i fH'l
... ii c Hannah Kratzer, both id Hesslers. pelled to ko often dnrlna tlie day
1 It ill n il K lingler and
dis(ase. Violent headache, fever
nml ohillu. sniwinir nnd rilllllitli? at
the eyes and nose together with the Sophia Smith, both ofHartley twp.
bone-raoki'ig aches and pains and a June S, Noah Bineman to Mary
geneml exhaustion are the rulerath-, Uith of Beaver.
er than the dxception. The best way I June 11, Daniel Freese to Kliza
to fight the (Jrip is to strengthen heth Baker, Iwitb ot West Beaver
M.v i . i nun iii p'i ii i iiiituy nines lini ng iiim
ay ..(), Jacob Braucher to Mrs. Dlrht The inlW ahd the extraordl-,
imrv effect of Hwuuip Hoot is soon
kenllsadi It taudx the hiahest for its
wonderful cures of the most distress- ;
inn oases. If you need u lUediolne
yon should have the best. Atdrug
Kists tlfty cents or one dollar
: You may have a sample bottle ami !
the nerves and buil.l up the resU- Aug. ;.,.,,,,,, uM KlilH. , :;-rt::M.i'ifbvo!:
Ive powers so as to throw on " both of Beavertown. I send yoar adarew to Dr, Kilmer &
ead v disease trenns and nothino . ., . vo., Jilngbattlion, N. Y. When writ i
o. . . .... Aiiir ., Iieiiriru k iiii' In Smivi i !...... u
I - B " p ihm .n piiic anil iiieillllill l 1 1 ll i von
rend this cem-rinis olfer in THK Post. :
will do this so quickly as Dr. Miles ' .
Z, , ' ,, ... . Boutins, both of Beavertown.
Nervine. It has restored health to '
thousands of Clip sulferers after AK- Franklin Ktzlerto Molly
everv other remedy had tailed. 1 iaman, " entre iwp.
"When the (Jiip left me I was a Aug. 10, Jacob Bohb toEHsabeth
broken down wreck, In-th mental and j KI,,!iS. l,,tl' lf twl'
physical.' My nerves were com- Aug. 31, William Bingeman and
pletely unstrung, my appetite failed, Elitabeth Hufnagle, both of Beaver,
could not sleep and became so de- Sept. 5, Samuel Breinlngor of
spondcut that
1 despaired ot ever Mosser
Valley to Sarah Zartman
getting well. 1 iR'ijan to improve ot New Berlin.
With the first Bottle ot Dr. -Miles
Nervine and when I had taken sev
en bottles 1 was completely cured.
Have Been strung and well ever
since and weigh more than I ever
did before."
Samuel F. I'm. son, Staunton, Va.
All druggists ureauthorized tosell
Dr. Miles' Nervine on a guarantee
that first bottle benefits or money re
funded. Booklet on heart and nerves
sent free. Address
Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
March 14, Henrv Geise to Susan
Brause, both of Hessler's.
March 21, Isaac Schnuck to So
phia Schwanger, both of Beaver,
March -I:), Peter Biggleol Centre
to Matilda Middleswarth of Beaver.
March 28, Henry Mitchell to
Barbara Berger, both ol Middle-
Sept. 10, J. Penrose Hetterich to
Mary Shannon of Middleburg.
Oct. "J'.i, Simmon Berger to Rosan
nn Courtney, both oi Middlucresk
Oct. 30, John Emerick ol Centie
county to MnryC. Huggins of Mid
dleburg. Nov. 1 I, Andrew 1 futnmel and
Barbara Mover, hothof Middlecreek
Nov. 28, William Long to Polly It
Hartmnn. both oft 'entreville,
Nov. 30, George Stetler to Ma
linda Kalv. both ol Beaver.
Dec. ", l bert Badger ol Har -!
lev twp. to Elizabetli Derr ol Ccn-
May 22, Matthias Daubermun, I
Jr., to Hannah Krdlcv, both ol Mid-:
dlecreek two.
May 22, Levi K.Sohochto Cath-I
erine Yerger, both of Hartley twp.
May. 27, James A vers to Lydia
Mitchell, both of' Beaver Furnace, i
.Inner), Benjamin Bine to Susan-!
nail Hiiinmel, both ol Washington I
June 12, John Itiggel of Mitllin
Co, lo Susan Keller of Beavertwp.
.1 line ''ii, Joseph Louder ol I .i tix
stouc twp. to Margaret Badger ol
Hartley twp.
July I, John Fertig to Eve Her
man, l"itll of I Iessler's.
Aug. 2, Jacob Rearich of Beaver I
to Catherine Aon Walter ol Centn I
hearty meal 1 often wondered why 1 should have no much dvs,new I tSS
have what I call VHtorhrash somctinies four or five Um aXVwtwmTSS
water that seemed hot would run out of my moutt I ami Wija aSettS
terrible for a minute, or else I would have paiaa at times i mvTtomaS2
would fair v doable me up or peine i my ihouJdtn and len nnd all o rn mMM
KwS-.'fe, WOttW
in in WOUUI 8.1) : 'Well what la the matter now?" The beatwavto desi rihe
ehTVSJj V MV "" vervthinK was the matter with me an, II Mt hid
,! V"nk 'TV' who 1S tfonWed with their atomaoh oujrh t w
fi7tytyeIS "'"y know how Taluabto "r" Xw!
Aug. 19, David Ktitz to Leal
Kiester, both of Hartley twp.
Aii". 19. Sub, linn Walter am
Mary Ann Derr, hoth ofCentretwp.
Aug. 23, Samuel Boob to Sarah
tre twp. j Kloss, both oi Centre twp.
1849. Aug. 23, Aaron Hummel toSiruh
Jan. I, Simon Hummel to Cath- June Beaver, both of Hessler's,
erine Allspaoh ol Schuylkill Co. ug. 30, David Ruble to Aiige-I
Jan.'.', Samuel Stumpll t Ua-jline Sehoeh, both of Middlecrck
THIS HQ CATALOGUE CONTAINS 1 1 20 PflDf S is ttil.v: in a, i
coBMUPiovw iiw.uuoquouttiuue, lu.two Qfiuwat Ium. t ho lrttent, moti
I'Ven tiling 10 lrerii, Irrufra, Urj tuoU, ".... tlriitlnt Mttfeti
MMM Blt and Hlio, Walehn, J twain, iMkt, Hird .t , i.tntet,
As-rlrullnral Inpleaienla, rornlture, n. Naddlif tl., fi..,, nnf
.laehlnea, t'rnfkrr, )rs;aaa. Piano, " . i o. , FwmUlllng0reJi,
nRfl, m.i - . .. Phlilag Taciie. ittytltti tHuiulfraftik OmUi ii 'ifiin
just wtutyouriturcki epsral hum tnti it pay forurer rthlnu heuuyi
mi win piertnt blru from over Imnctnir you ni anjrihlair mi buyi
eiplalnijuit now to orOr,ow mti utTio rrthrtr. tin ir mil will
tasssAtsiSi ni s:' ar3K cogts 11 -mw
OUR FPPC OFFER iK lw! dmtuwmMil
Mlai V. -f-. KlXiagj; ind ) mil mi Ih ireeltlB
'taint t ihrlppay theHtats tMMtnond'lt IU . : mHU ml
to V' 'i PhII br .... i: piHimM. nnU Ii you tlon t caj H iiO
tinu'H thvIA ctntfjrou Mntl. m Ucy in rtia liwei v . t . Iom
nf vtrytulDg, wytOtaad win Immi l rvtara jut 1 1 m
it ii n btonaineitt of I .. i loi rawtlou. '-..,.:..., tli
(Minn. ) TDbtllM
"A wondtrfnl pleoa or rprli " tVtuhlnirton NMI Trlbiino
Tln'oattlotfui' H u urnler l'ihirn'i' r il ) i i-inn.
".seor-. RotDUOk ft Co. Is on oi bt lam it boiiMM luhl iq
111.'.,, J IllKIUnlhlllPlllluLII
MTin biff atlAlofui rornu onr vt tbo Oawt looppbig inoOtuius tout could povtbly boec&t la J irlcfc
Beyoa'i Honthly,Uhloffo
Their 'tl(ue Ii a vast (li'pitrtment ct'iro bolltd do D,M- Atlanta CODStitOtlon.
"rhecautiiffiiii licrUlnly a men-lmndl-e en'viu'(iai" Chicago I jiwnrth I lei nld.
4,a Uwahouhi Im iaca .(mi'iiintiMMiiiH.( thUcatalojrueinall pubfloti booit." i be Uon.C I i nlit -un.
Iftttnld aaoU thauikadi riinllirMinrn, MMl I. t MTI AT Olt Kami vnuulll i.t Mir lUe . bo .i rilMramll
Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc. ), CHICAGO, ILL., U. 3. .
lieriiart am
f '.. VI
I chad Bowersox, both of We
Jan. '.
Polly Brunni
.!.:iv ..,.i - r . . i i i Glueok, both ol Mosser's Vullev.
.iiii .1, tmiau ..iiiii hi .ii.ii 1
Ann Setter, both of Went Beaver. Jan. 23, Isaac Fisher to Lovina
May 13, Aaron Stetler to Mary KrotaWi both ot Selinsgrove.
Walter, Iwth of uear Middlebnrg. J""- 30, Isaac Walter to Luclnda
May 20, lleubenBobbtoLucinda Reunin8ep' "M Vn,,v twl'
Feb. Joseiili Stetise to Scab
Eugcl, both of Beaver.
May 25, Levi L'aulding to Mar
garet C. Weaver, both of Peuu.
May ''7, Lewis Ii. Hummel to
Eliza Hummel, both of Penu.
June 22, Benjamin Gill to Eliza
beth Spigelmyer, both of West Beaver.
Sept. 1, Jackfon Binueman
3, Joseph Smith to Matilda sail Hook, both of Beaver.
Sip!. J0, John Waller ol Vutiv
twp. to Amelia Rearich of llcavei
t wp.
Sept. 20, Jonas Fry '! ' 'entn; I 'o.
in 'atherine Smith of Laurelton.
( let. ! I, Henrv E. WotzeltoEliza
dall) w
La .H:cr:. iU h
of tcac!
inch ol ii
; r..
tltiff iflvtn
,ulnow ia
,H u ii V
iiH7 Ou. 15 A-:n
;pcl ware in 7pi.v i.m
iMBdlaibK, CXuimmsion, ttuurenco Traiwiwfi
tlon. cto, Prepn'ators Oepnriairnt lor bockworit siudrutn Wj
irain for fraoiii .ii uorh una nlway.i mi irn biiiiucoiih lor wo uiiv
gntdwtif ! our BuMnrni .i:ji Sborlhund Conrwa simi:ii:i
any i...v tin vacation! Exppnwn modfmir Coi i Ibriiw nwi"
on wbun .i win coil you Ii ks d- h i.i r t i -1
.mi uiivc irn. ini'nDUH'ini irnrniT! 1 i:. .u.t V"t
i ne : any Oaf
f.yv.v in n :. nm
t tliimli r i :
lull iu ihai sis i
Nn vara
iry ach
u U
1 1
.tbo! West
Jane Mcnsch,
March 20, George Kereliner
Ferry inanity to Mrs. Mary A. Kun
kle of Juniata county.
April 1. .1 oti ii Bartlev to Sonhia
Bostwiek. bmh of Middlebure.
urause, ootii ot Laurelton.
April 3, Jonathan Valentine
Centre to Mrs. Susan Scluiee ol
, i ..I
.Mlllllll ci,t .
Api'il '), I'hilip Kratzer lo K
beth Ki
June 2 1, leorge I loffnmn of 1 lart
ley to Hannah Sabilla Fctterolf of
Mussel's Valley.
June 24, John Hollenbach and
Catherine Kline, both ol Hessler's.
July 8, John Kike to Leah Dreese,
both of Beaver.
July 29, Andrew Benf er of Un
ion twp. to Catherine Krause of
Middlecreek twn.
I . ' . I i i b
Aug. 8, Joseph Ulsh of West owatiger, ootn oi jseaver.
Beaver to Christina Mover ot MoS-j April 15, Reuben Sbawber to Ue
ser's Vallev. becca Olt, both of West Beaver.
Aug. 31, Moses Brunner to Path- -m"'' 29, James Buffingtoii of
erine I Jilbert hnth nt Contra tu n ! Middleblirtr to Marv 1 laubel lliail of
Sept. 5. Adam Braek to Maria
( let. IS, Aaron Lehr to Lueettn
ol limit, both nf West Bnivcr.
j ( let. 25, Charles W. ( Ihilds ol
I lanvilleto Marv Super nf I Iessler's.
Oct. 25, Benjamin Loss to Fliza-i
I n 'tb Shamliach. hoth til ( 'cut re I wii. I
Nov. 12, Aaron Kline to ;iiii
erine Biniremun, botli of Mosser's
L Valley.
i Nov. 15. Beuben Kloss to Susan
i Kersimcr, imiu oi tiessiers, ivi;.. i...,i, ..c it.....
II (III, , lll'lll 1,1 ... ,,,,.
April 10, Jacob Kreider to Maria vv t..,.: B..nev ,,, rA.,i:n
Beachler, both of Centre twp.
April 12, John F. Kidder to Jane X()V 29, Isaac Ulsh of West Bea
Shannon, both ol Middleburg. j V(,r t() cin-it i u:i Ti oxell of Mosser's
April 15, Joseph Mowrer to Ame- N'allev.
Dec. ti, Harrison Manbeck to Ke-
. r. ka
."WARD tZu,
Ual lo a yi m- ii. .my Olbtr lltUOOl.
ii anv ono far ItMt Inforaation ol n n mi
wkkeopor, Btonogranui r. Tfacbi .
npb operator which we sucoeufully fill Dusinr&a bousi i iuri
ennpftnt onlatnnt' without ettarn Rffpr to prominent patron in prcry nnr' of i!
The nt vi bent IhinK lo nltcndina M 1ST CELF.UIlATKllHI INKSS .VCHOiiU in
t-i to lake our INSTRUCTION iiy MAIL Ii you ar uncmptuyi'il undu llli
iml inn two-cnni ilnmiw fr liv,- miiy Irsaonn in ahorthnnc. Itoaiitilu! i itn
AdarostmiofAip'ii.ri CLi.MENT C.GAINSS. Pbeoiuet. Pcucmki Nu
P', nion
Cirrti of
i leu with
I nn
Steffy, both of Mifflin eounty.
Sept. 1!, Perry Hare to Marv
Jane Courtncv, ltntli of Middlecreek
Sent. 21, John 8. Ileinibacb and
Lucy AnnRockey, liotli of Mifflin-h" l':-l, Ih.iIi of Centre twj
burj. May 17, Joel Bobb I
Middlecreek twp.
May 1, Beuben Smith to
Ann Mattern, both of West Beaver
May 1, Henrv Treastor to Sophia
Goes, both of West Beaver.
Jlny 13, llouben Beachler to Ame-
n Marv
beeea Qoss, lioth of West Heaver.
W offer Ono Hundred Dollars
Iti'Wiiril true on v cjihii nf ('.'itiirrli t)it
Mary Cannot be cured br Hull's OntArrh
Oct 6, Abrabam Shipman and Catherine Ulrich, Iwth of Set ins-
Mary Cherry, botli of Hartley twp, 'K)ve.
Oct. 21, John Swinehart to Bar
bara Beach ner, both of Beaver.
Oct. Ml, George Herbster to So
phia Mechtly, Ixjth of Beaver.
Nov. 18, Iaaao Aurand to Caro
line Robinson, Ixjtli of Beaver.
Nov. 23, Joseph Steiningcr and
Salomy Knepp, both of West Bea-,
Dee. 21, Andrew Kratzer and
Catherine Brause, liotli ot Hessler's. 1
Jan. G, Daniel Bbrhart to llcbecca
Stock, both of Middlecreek twp.
v" vi J J J
TIT mm 'Tl
sal m
MHMMk i. in I 1 u.ui : ;v v u
flWBga fop urn m
Ami Tour Fnvorlt llam Paper,
pit i'a
j i- :uut' i it c, i u,
F.J. CHENEY co. Proprietors,
Toledo, O,
We. flit) uoderaigued, bava known
P.J. Cheney for th lust 15 years,
nml b lieve bitn perfectly houorabie
:.. il i : ,
in no iiiisincHH iriitisBciiiuis, unit nn- i
uncittlly able to curry out any oblige
t ion made by their tiriu.
Wkht & Truax, Wiiolesale Drut;
i;iHts, Toledo, (J.; Waldino, KlNMAM
nnd Kaavnr, Whole DrusniHts, Tole
do, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
teiunllr, actint! directly upon the
; blood utnl inueons surfaces of the
i sj stctn. Testimonials free.
j Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
I all druggist.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Til N. Y. f WH7 MH&ggSftsg
III I UJHllt ol tin-
riant L6WS ot
omm eb'-nuive
and reliable market reports, able editorials, infteresUog short atorier,
scientific nml mechanical information, illustrated fashion articles, hu
morous picture, and is instructive and eutertaiuiug lo evt vy member ef
every family.
1 TTT 11 n
n wau wd
Is used for Plastering Houses.
It is a new discvery
Guaranteed to last longer
What is Celery King?
It liar berb drink, and in a positive curs
Xf I. OQ ' . for conatlpatlon beadacbe, nervoui disorders, ,
March J..i, LmVint Arbogast and ! ,bumatism iumWrn hiu-. th. v.,T! than unv otlinr it aster Tf
Elizabetli Dock, both of WaafaJUff- I on trouble arising rrom a disordered stom- . , , . ,
tou twp " i acb and torpid liver. It lsamost agreeable IS preferred to AdanitlUt.
' I medicine, and la recommended by physicians! ,-. ., , . ,,
March 30, Samuel Brause and generally Remember, it cure, constipation. 1 or jtarticulare call on or address
Hanna Weaver, both ot Hewer's. 12'! D. A. KEEN
eivAH vou nil t he local news, political nnd social, keeps you
in close touch witii vour DeiKUOora an t irieuas, on Hie
f n-iii nnd in the villuec, informs you us lo ibeloenl pi ices
for farm products, the condition of crops and prospects for the year,
and is a Itricht, new sy, welcome and indispensable weekly visitor at
your home and fin side.
Send nil subscriptions to THE POST, Middleburgh, Pa.
A remarkable: scientific aud Wj
gA"H, the world-renowned Kfrjptiui Aftriorer, wbo hai been ereatinfr f :
tADiahtaunt tborvojrboai Kuroi fur tta tut five trt, will rife m tmtlilul. a.
lluet boroooepe delineavtion of joar life, lie will give jour ponoutvl apperaaoe. du I
pociUOD, ctireur, auintT, una, prooue iragu oi i tie. aautiif kociaenu, advice ami
UQMWHM MTI aUUI, Barfltt, r-feOtU, eueune. apMUlsUlUU, LuuBiwiaatUi'l, 1C.
Toa can inform rouratlf tbemnghlr on
ikit aid on anj other juefctiou of jour I
put, preoeat and nturt U.
Sail 10 m.u nd fin uatt data of With u4 I will iaswduUlr Mora j a
InufUl knasi nadlaM ru '. ana pro" hhmui "" r jaaiaaii. mm
tkto afar as a taai trial, all awauaaaiaatwoa itncllj eoafiaaaiial. A4draM
. ZARAHthm A8TROLOQER, look Box 403, MUlattmlpMa, Pa. '
rSJJIT Tll ll'l ' Tn ' .-. ma aaodaffal praalcllaaa a uau fa tatai
Pncea tor Una year.