The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 09, 1899, Image 4

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    , u, . i i .1 px
The Middleburgn rott.
Published everv Thursday.
Geo AT. Waqenseller,
hditor and Proprietor
Sabucriptioii 1.50 per yw.
advance 'MB item out-
lil. lliUAl I I (111 III
suit i UP I'tn.ui j J
aii transient tdverUrvnonM not otherwise
nti toted tor will be oliai-Rfd at tH
eono per iin.' (noupartei :tsure tor Bra uaer-
tion end 10 cents per Hue tor srerj nMeqwnl
! rh ne(iM i.kWW'iIA . I Mnl I"
,'. t. r'irn-L .fc. (ATM trnf a lul.
" Thursday, Feb. 9, 189i.
Last week's Selinsgrove
have : "A
man with money ana po-
litical influence would never receive
just punishment in court for wrong
doing, with the McCarrel Jury liill
in .-licet. We hone Benater Hum-
mi l will vott
1 A iLiau
in reirara to wunuicon -
U; .,) L !a
m secure to uummssu
what thev deserve,
'i . 1 A ...I . 11,1.1 tnatinn
i he next .lay alter the pul lie. ti on
of the above weobservedin thedaily
papers that Senator Hummel voted
in favor of this bill. How is this
that the privileged editor ofthe Junta
did not find out sooner that Seuator
I In:. mud desired to vote for th. hill V
Circumstances sometimes ehangeand
we would advise Bro. l.esher toeon
iiei his office with the Senate chain
is a long distance telephone SO
any sudden change of opinion
not put before the public such
yard relations.
1 'epresentative Smith ofthis coun
ty lias introduced a hill in the leu
islnt ure to appropriate the sum 01 j
tl'iOO.OO lor the purchase of Uen-
drick's Fort near Kreamer and i
tir it in a orood state lor preserve-
i o
atton. 1 Ins is Snyder t ounty s oniy
relic left of colonial times, and it is
as important in state history as the
nilt-. the slate has already marked
and what she proposes to mark not even life to Bwainp-Koot and Hums
exeeotina Port Auirustaat8unbury, more can be made well who to-
which, too. needs some attention
from the present body ol ieigSlators.
We congratulate Dr. Smith upon
tins move and trust he w ill not re
linquish the fight until the appn -priation
is put through. The tort
is rapidly decaying anil mv
prompt action is taken the elements
will rob us of an irreparable loss.
( )nc. thing more should re
the attention ol our representative
along this same line of work. Dr.
Egle in his last report of the State
library, made the recommendation
that this session td the legislature
should pass a law authorizing Coun
ty Commissioners to appropriate a
sum not to exceed lS00 annual I
to the well established County His
torical Societies, which through their
members make certain contributions
torthe purpose o I gathering material
for the preservation ol the County's
history. Every paper published in
this county should be preserved and
hound : much local historical material
should be collected and preserved
and the entire county should assist
in defraying such an expense. With
out this help, much local history
will be lost, and we hope to find our
representative and our senatorwork
iug for the passage of suchameasure.
It your boy's tastes are not
scholarly you may make him miser-
alilc trying to force a love lor learn j
iug," writes Mrs. Lew Wallace in
the February Ladies' Hone Journal.
"He will go through the books, and
the books will go through him;
there is no assimilation. After all, I
what arc our children being educated
Ibr? The boys are to be brc'id-win-iii
rs. They must hurry through j
it . I i 1 , n.l t
and mhishc tor a nvmg. inegiri
let us believe it are the future
home-makers. The word helpmeet
is obsolete left behind with the wo
man who made Eden Paradise. Con
stantly the questipuis heingbroughf
'Shall this and
lullic public
that be added to
' lt.,
ill I
who a.-Ks, 'Ian uie scnoiars endure
any more?' They have no protests
nor petition; they must, stand like
human vessels ready to lc filled to
(he brim with mixture of facts. I
I I I I 1 I It t a
i , , . i ii i
IV e
id lor a Clilianood ot the sou I as
as i! ti e IhmIv, tor the free
the blessed sunshine, the moderate
task ended at toe Bchoolbouse, I hi
ni hi voting heads are leaning a-
gainst their mothers, lired as no
v."intr llnnirs should ever be. mn it
is a sorrowful sound to hear a child
waking from what might Ik; the
liny slumber of a light heart beat
to healthful
trouble voice, 'Do
music to
vou think
ask in ;
l can
M Mid
and they would like it twice as WW
if there were half m much to lento.
Mum- children haw I known, but
)ot one v)u loved study tor its own
sake. ('omi:iinonliiis what lures
Uj, ogteud ot wandering up and
own the wilderness OJ wintry
fans let them loiter a while among
the dear illusions. TheHapp) VaU
e if Childhood is but narrow,
wliere the golden water babbles to
the talking lird and tlie singing tree,
where the sun always nhinesand the
years are summers. They who ad
just the load that presses so heavily
00 the Sirinrs ot life have much to
account for."
Daw Col fcgree with Yon?
If not. drink flmio-O-miide frnn.
pure ernins. A lady writea : "Toe
find tiim I mnku drain O I lul rot
like it but after using it for one week
nothing would induce me tojro oaea
I f l f V. . i I '
It noun-dies mm r.-ec
1 "
The children enn drink
it freelv with great benefit. It is the
strengthening substance of pure
Prams. (Jet B pachH.e loila.v IrOUi
follow the directions ii
iinkiiiir itanil won will a delici
oils and healthful tiible beverage for
old and young. 15c. and 25cr
Free to Millions of Sufferers.
Almost everybody who reads the
Post is sure to know of Swamp I i m t .
It is the great medical triumph ot
the nineteenth century : discovered
after years of untiring research by
the eminent kidney and bladder spec
ialist, Dr. Kilmer, and has trul
wonderful powers in curing kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid diseases
Kidney trouble ia responsible fin
more sickness and sudden death
than tiny other disease, and is so de
ceptive that thousands have it with
out knowing it.
Your kidneys filter your blood
and keep it pure, that's what they
are there for. Von are well when
your kidneys are well.
Thousands owe their health
av think themselves hcvnutl help ii
thev will bike Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
By special arrangement with the
Post and to prove for yoursell the
wonderful and prompt curative kiw
ers of this great discovery every
reader will be sent by mail, prepaid,
a free sample buttle and with it a
book tolling more about Swamp-Ron1
and containing someof the thousands
upon thousands ol testimonial letters
received Irom suflerers cured.
Please mention that yon read this
generous oiler in the Middleburgh,
Pa. POST and send your address to
Dr. Kilmer A' Co., Minghamton, N. Y
If you arc already convinced that
Swamp-Root is what you need, you
can get the regular fifty cent an
one dollar sizes at the drug store 01
of medicine dealers. Make a nol
of the name SWAMP-ROOT, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and remem
ber it is prepared only by Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
A New Popular Song.
"To-night I lis Face Is Missing
in the Old Home'' is the title of a
j new song that is finding great favor
! with the song loving public. The
j words and melody are line. To in
troduce it, the publishers will mail
a copy of this great song and their
music roll containing IS paSes ot
popular music arranged for piano
and organ on receipt of 'Jo cents.
Address: Poi'l i.AU Ml'SlC Co., In
dianapolis, hid.
Another Fine Volume.
Standard books are ever welcome
when they come to us in tonus and
bindings representing all the cmU'l
lishments of the art of book-making.
Such a Iwink is Gladstone pub
lished by The Dominion Company,
Chicago, a copy of which has just
come to our desk. The contents arc
well arranged the illustrations are
fine, the print is clear and neat
and i
,i i . i: i rri tv
ne DiDuiug- is super... i ne uomm-.
ion t oinnanv is lorirmir aliead as tlie i
leadins western Diiblishinoj bouse
making a Sptcialty of fine subscrip
tion books. Having salespeople In
nearly every nook of the country,
the company enjoys a large and
irrowin trade. i ins company has
a known reputation for libenlity
towards itsairents and fair treatment
of them, an agency in this commu-
nity for the above book, or
,,thcr nob is nil hv Mill
would be ti source of considerable
profit to the one fortiiiiateenough to
secure it. I nt rested readers should
write the company for full partieu-
make the puss grade? It is
Ltii. ooi.
Scrsnton. Pa.. Feb. . The RlgHt
Rev. William O'Hara. the venerable
bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese
of Scranton, died last night after a
lingering; Illness. He was 82 years old;
Lebanon,, Pa., Feb. . Dr. Samuel
Weiss, the anti-Quay candidate for the
eat in the senate vacated by General
Gobln. has received a majority of from
1.200 to 1.500 ever Dr. D. P. Oerberlch.
the Quay candidate. In a total vote of
about 5,000.
Johnstown. Pa., Feb. 7. It was an
nounced yesterday that a general ad
vance In wages had been ordered for
the employes at the Cambria Iron com
pany's works. The increase amounts
to 10 per cent, and took effect Feb. 1.
It Is a voluntary advance, and benefits
every one of the 5,000 men employed at
the works.
Pittsburg. Feb. 4. A two horse wa
gon loaded with furniture, and on
which six persons, Ave men and a
j young woman, were riding, was struck
. yesterday by a fast Baltimore and Ohio
freight train at the crossing at River
I ton Station, Just above McKeesport.
L-,,,.,- nf lha man were Willed nntriihl
and tne other man and the young wo-
man wrrf BO badly Injured that they
diol a few hours later. The dead art
Hudson Elder, Vest Wilson. Georga
Dawson. Sylvester Wilson and Mra.
Richard Shaughnessy. The sixth vic
tim Is a one legged man, whose name
Is unknown.
Philadelphia. Feb. 4. The moat dis
astrous Are that has occurred In this
city nince Jan. 26, 1897, when t2.000.000
worth of property was destroyed in the
block bounded by Market, Juniper, Fil
bert. Thirteenth street, broke out yes
terday at the northwest corner of
Thirteenth and Hamilton streets, and
spread north, south and west until two
thirds of the block bounded by Button
wood, Thirteenth, Broad, and Noble
streets was a smoking expanse of ruins.
When, after a four hours' battle, the
Are was under control, it was esti
mated that the losses would reach not
less than 1750,000.
Pittsburg, Feb. 4. A terrible gas ex
plosion occurred on Sycamore Btreet,
Etna, yesterday, completely demolish
ing the brick residence of Joseph
Ackerman. There Is nothing left of the
building, which was blown to atoms.
One woman was killed and Ave per
sona injured. The dead woman Is Mrs.
Weaver. The Injured are: Joseph
Ackerman. probably both legs broken;
Mrs. Joseph Ackerman, injured intet
nally and bruised; two young women,
daughters of the Ackermans, so badly
crushed that one may die. The ex
plosion was caused by a gas leak In
the collar. Ackehman was called from
his saloon across the street to Inves
tigate. He went Into the cellar, lighted
a match, and the explosion followed.
Philadelphia. Feb. 4. Mayor War
wick yesterday signed the ordinance
authorizing a temporary loan of $200,
000 for the erection of buildings for the
Philadelphia Museum's exposition of
manufactured goods of tha United
Ft.ufH, to be held In this city next fall.
This will enable the exposition man
agement to comply with the conditions
attached to the congressional appro
priation, sanctioning and aiding th
exposition. The congressional appro
priation provides that the 1300,000 ap
propriated shall not be available until
an equal sum shall have been raised
for the purposes of the exposition from
other sources. This Is now practically
secured. The state of Pennsylvania
has given $00,000 und the halanct- is be
ing rulsed by subscriptions.
Harrlsburg. Feb. 4. The managers
f Senator Quay's canvass for re-election
last night gave out an affidavit
signed by W. K. I.eininger, a Philadel
phia detective, charging certain per
sons Interested in the candidacy of Dr.
Welsi. the anti-Quay candidate for
senator in Lebanon county, with fur
nishing money and whiskey to voters.
I hunger alleges that he was paid i a
Ity George Woower, of Lebanon, with
the instructions to use the money
among the voters, and that Woomer
admitted to the affiant that he had
furnished money and whisky to po
litical workers to influence voters In
favor of Dr. Weiss. The Quay man
agers also furnished an affidavit from
James Graham, of Lebanon, who al
leges that B. Strauss, of Philadelphia,
offered him $150 to use his Influence for
Dr. Weiss.
Neerro Unfonteil White Candidate.
KinRHton. Jam.. Feb. ". vt the bye
election on Thursday for a legislative
representative for St. Elizabeth a full
blooded negro was elected over a white
candidate. This is causing much
trouble, owing to race prejudices. Al
ready the principal white and colored
mtiKlst rates and members of the pa
rticlilal board have resigned as a pro
test against the vote .and further com
plications are feared, which mar
spread over the island. The police were
called upon to take active measures ta
suppress disorder, and they have beta
fuirly successful in doing so.
Cnr Miiniinieturors Combine.
Detroit. Feb. 7. The Tribune says:
"It is positively known that cluht big
car companies scattered over the Uni
ted States have been combined under
the name tf the American Car and
Foundry company. The new company
is incorporated under the laws if Now
Jersey, with a capital of J60.00tl.O0O."
Preparing for n Candy Trust.
Chicago, Feb. 7. Negotiations are In
progress In this city fur the formation
of a candy trust composed of about 40
of the leading manufacturers ol staple
, confections in the I nlled States. While
the projected corporation Is as yet In
an embryonic state, its ultimate forma.
ton C(nslderPd a rertalhtv.
"r l.'i Or' ,
Thomas Wsirfl -M & Co., 2 Wa
bssi .v. i . ,i ii :. at . One f
Chi. k 's nl ! I r .i H(peVuorit t
drags! t-,r oitin e f-bSB'l) 1 it's
Coagn H ;i p ; f . -p s it
..t e- it i i oil),
p'ete re'ief Ii t s1 -t, : iuw i
'ii iee
npjt to
I soli
.11 III,
A I.
Bra: .
in tl
K. h'
I' -'!',IIL' I
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Ui l -COI'l
' " ff, K
itv tf
I I'lUH'i
H P 11
l-dt .It.
, H f,
AT,. Klifl BksssV am
9t yaasMssllissssslijBHssllaW
Opposite County
FOR 1899.
Gov 1 nvoit n o o s 1 v 4: I. T'S
Tin: koi rail iuiii hn- hi
hi8iriti sirlni).
and ail It's til lit r
war uiIUiik.
IMIH K KT 1 .0 1' I N M'K V t: M I . "M
LBTTIM i"i'v-r t. fore M hllsligd),
edited by StDNBY COLVIN.
stories and special articles.
VAX lllki I I.I.I HI A I,
Wllk'li: and until) oilers:
Hiioit BtorTra,
( l oitt.r w 1 tin PH N W
serial site' Ol N Ollirll-, ' Tile
Br.tomoluglt'i " lliusiraitd bj bar
ter. MEN Tll llo.tll'K it 1 1
niti.w s s
- IllU.tlialell.
new e.-iiffi inn ut tiiii 1 he
(JhronlelHS 01 Attm Mln-n'V .:ie''
( SSIIOItl M Itl A I
stars" ctv.t
p m
KOIIKTT UKA.Vr St'art'li -Light
l.etlem--(''iiiriiiiii-ense Essays.
NIDXKY I.AMI.ich Musical lm
pre It lOOB,
' I). ilHSO The seven Ages or
American Woman and Dthef iint
uble Alt Feature! by ulht-r artists.
The full. Illustrated prospect
us, (Minding descriptions of
the above, sent free to any
The Mau'szine is $3.00 a year;
2"c. a number. Charles Scrib
ner's Sons, 1S:1-107 Fifth Av
enne. New York.
The Mifflinburg
Steam Laundry . . .
Ih fitted out with the Infest and
very best machinery. The pure
mountain water from the nw
borouch dant is iow in use. If
you were pleased with the work,
better give the laundry a trial
and not" how clean ana
white your shirt i
and collars I
have become.
All Work Guaranteed
To be First-Class,
Will call for laundry an deliver
at your door witho it v extra
charges. Give us a trial.
Wc$lcy Klc tf,
G. A. Uutelius, Agt.,
Middleburph, Pa.
Mrnn'.VH'iK, PA.
VII business entrusted to bis care
'will receive prompt attention:
Every Stove that
carries with it our
it must: give satisfaction Be
fore a Cent is paid. Call
and see the
Ever Seen
Carpets : Carpets!! Carpets!!!
The whole low
lower tloor of my ston- is taken up with Cnrpeta, Hnirs
X, Curtains, Window SIiihIos, Ciirtain Poles, Hassocks'
v, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, fcc, Ac.
Art Squares
Llug FriDge.
yon the largest
1 LewistowiL
ever shown
Hrnssell Car)eta.s low as 50c. and
All Wool Carpet " " 50c. "
Half Wm)1 Carpet" " 35c.
.-Cllill:! Mil l .luniln "T ,1 4f 1 -
... ....v. .iitiiiiu ivonfs u neieci, xroin--
Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the
ploe to buy at. The goods arc first-class, prices are the low-
cm, our rooms arc clean and
W. ft,
Philadelphi a
Some of the special daffy features include
A SPORTING PAGE, contributed to by a staff of the best sporting
authorities. 1
A 8TATK PAGE, in which the every happening of interest in every
place in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland is told hy
special dispatches from our own correspondents.
A WOMAN'S PAGE, wliere every morning the latest fashions and ev
ery feiuiuiue interest Hre cleverly dealt with In profusely illustrated ar
A CAKLE PAGE, where the doings of our foreign cousins are repro
duced in special cable dispatches,
ALE THE NEWS, from everywhere, by the full Associated Press ser
vice and special dispatches.
Included in The Sunday inquirer each week is a colored section, with
the best of pictures of well known artists in brilliant color and softest half
tone. Tbe colored section of The Sunday Inquirer is not equaled by any
other paper,
The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
is contributed to by tlie very best writers, suoli asConan Doyle, Itudyard
Kipling, Hubert burr, Anthouv Hope aud Ian MacLaren. Besides the
brightest short Rtoriee and serials, there are many articles by eminent au
thorities on subjects religious, mechanical, literary and scientific. Then
too, there are puzzles with fish prizes aitionntiog to $500.00. I you want
to make your wits profltable get the next Sunday Inquirer.
If you want a position in Philadelphia, an INQUIRER WANT AD will
Hx it for you.
, per In edluence, enterprise ami circularion.
p; in in in ia a: a: m m m.
lA'tinlnool'i Dnnnnl
How we sell kooiIs to everj'rKKly at whole- H
B sale prices Is shown in
I A twxik of nearly one thoiisaml paces. hi.
H teen I'tou-jind Illustrations and slxtthous-
S nnarteseilpllona ot tilings jou eat ami
S use and wear. B
1 II crisis Ti eents n copy to print mid send It.
We want you to liavubne. Send 15 cents tofi
"partly pay H)sl(reorexpress;ije and we'll"
m send mi a copy all cbartrvs prepaid.
lll-l" Mich. Ave., for, Madlsnn St.-
. 9TIM IHi ' 'I n Ui n -i yj1 'i niwami - . i ) . -
i ii m m ii mmm
bbb if mm
is sold
in Snyder County
Middleburgh, Pa.
All Kinds.
All Qualities.
All Prices.
ami best selection of the above good '
liag Carjxjt as low as 20c, and irp
Cotton Carpet " 22c. " "
Vulvct CarjH.'t " 75c. " "
inn IJ -.1 1 .. j.- Cl.l wn
no trouble to show goods,
FELIX, Lewistown, Vernnh
is Pennsylvania's leading newspa-
Feh. a 3t.
Made a
la Ita.
Well Man
. ,
of Me.
1 1C GREAT 30th :
raillMM the above resalU In 30 days. It 1 '
powerfully and .iiii.-kljr. Curet when all ottacn (all
muii will regain their loit manhood, tad old
nun will rurnvor their youthful visor by uilas
ItKVIVO. It iui-kljr and nuirly rmtorea Srvtu
lees. Lukt Vitality, Impoteacy, Nightly KraiMion.
xjt Power. RalUag Memory, Wasting Oiaeuei. and
til effveta ot telf-abusa or excess and lndUKKtion.
It it-It unfit, .no for a'udy. bnaineia or maxriwe. '
tot only curea by startinc at the seat of dlteate. but
i asreat neres tunic and blood builder, briiif
log back the pink Blow to pals cheeks and ra
iding the lire of youth. It wards off nmnltr
ad Consumption. Insist on hiving
tlier. It can be carried In vett pocket. By mail.
I .t)0 per package, or six for ss.ou, wUb posl
vo written guarantee to cora or refund
-he money. Circular free. Address
tOYAL KESICIIE CO.. 271 Waiasl lu, HL
d m rrs aw aan
m r mm. aav